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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1907)
HH BHI BlHHHBHBBiBHHBHHHHBlBiWH B HKHlBJiB B B M BB H J HI HHBBB J MIBH V HiViHbXHHHiH MHMHii Mni& HHHMMiHMI HI MHi M BHHmiHI THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , I'MUDVY ' , SMI'TKiMBMR (5. ( 11)07. ) TWO-YEAR-OLD SON OF MRS. OIL- LIAN THE VICTIM. LITTLE QIRL ALSO INJURED Woman Living Near Hosklns Got Out of Buggy to Unfasten Gate , Leaving Three Children In Buggy Team Be came Frightened , Death the Result. Hosklns , Nob. , Sept. 5. Special to Tlio News : A two-yoar-old was killed , his older sister hurt and a brother unscratched - scratched lu a runaway accident eight ihlles north of hero after dark. Of three children In the buggy , the young est a two-yoar-old son ol Mrs. Gil lian lost his life. The mother nnd three children wore < lrlvlng home from a day at the home of her mother. When , she readM 'or own farm It was necessary to , ' gate In order to drive In. Mrs. U. , got out of the buggy and unfastens , the gate. She left the three children' In the carriage. Suddenly the team became frightened , presumably at cat tle near by , and lurched away In a mad flight. I Tlio buggy was overturned and the youngest child killed , Instantly , It Is said. The oldest child was badly hurt and another unscratched. ! MILE AN HOURJOR TRA'NS ' Davenport Council Plans to Punish Railroad for Killings. Davenport , la. , Sept. 5. Uock Island passenger trains -may have to creep through Davenport at the rate of one mile an hour during the next few months. Frank Glasgow was killed and John Kunkel seriously Injured by striking the overhead girders while trying to board a train moving out of the Uock Island passenger station. Glasgow's death Is the sixth due to the girders , which the railroad com pany has been ordered to remove. Alderman Dearmand states that he will ask the city council to adopt an ordinance limiting all Rock Island trains to a speed of one mile an hour through this city until the girders are removed. Officials of the road say it will be several months before the filrders can be removed. DRINK GURESARE TOO FEW _ Board Not Satisfied With Result * Se cured at Inebriate Asylum. Den Molnes , Sept 5. Chairman John Hamilton of the state board of control is not satisfied with the num ber of cures from the Inebriate asy lum and declares that institutions got institutionalized and go to grinding away as though it was so much rou tine work to be done as speedily aa possible. "Modicino is not an exact science , " said Chairman Hamilton , "and every case should be treated by itself. There should be special Inquiry Into causes and conditions and environ ment. Wo are not getting the results that we should get. Not a large nough per cent of the cases ar cured. We must have a superintend ent at the Institution who will accom plish results. " EXPLOSION WRECKS BUILDING Store and Stock of Dealer In Palnte at Chicago Damaged Mysteriously. Chicago , Sept 5. An explosion In the store of Stanley B. Graham , dealer in paints and wall paper , 149 North State street , at 3 o'clock a. m. , wrecked the building and threw out of bed several persons asleep on the second end floor , but Injured no one. The detonation was heard a mile away end the guests at the Virginia hotel , nearby , were awakened und all were for a time excited and a few people ran Into the streets. The explosion Is believed to have been gunpowder. All the windows in the building were broken and the contents of the store . / wore demolished. The explosion Is at tributed to the "dynamiters , " who have been believed by the police to bo trying to revenge themselves upon Chicago gamblers. Why Mr. Graham should have been selected as a victim of their vengcaanco is unknown. FIVE FIREMENARE INJURED _ Explosion of Tank of Gasoline at Brooklyn Causes Loss of Life. Now York , Sept , B. An exploding tank of gasoline in the collar of a burning building on Havemoyar street , Brooklyn , seriously injured five flre- men. Two of the firemen , John Ken nedy and James Smith , probably will die of their Injuries. The flro broke out In a tenement house cellar , where there was stored a quantity of paint and oils. The firemen , who had flood ed the collar with water , wore rolling out a tank of gasoline when it ex ploded. Kennedy and Smith were knocked down by the explosion and the burning gasoline spread over the water in the cellar and engulfed the other firemen. All five of the firemen wore finally rescued from the flames. H. H. Tucker Out of Jail. Lonvrnworth , Sept. 5. H H. Tuck er , Jr. , former secretary-treasurer of tlio Uncle Sam Oil company , was re leased hero from the county jail after serving a three months' sentence for contempt Imposed by Federal Judge Hook. Tucker was sentenced to Jail for reflecting upon Federal Judges Pol lock , Phillips and McPhorson. The allegations were made In a petition affecting the receivership filed before Judge Hook. GOVERNOR RECEIVES A LETTER FROM MERRICK COUNTY. MAY ORDER BODY EXHUMED A Letter Has Come to Governor Shel don From 121 Irate Citizens of Mer- rick County Charging That a Murder Was Covered Up. Lincoln , Neb. , Sept. 5. Special to The News : Governor Sheldon has a from 121 citizens of Chapman the sheriff , county attorney i * . A tiift.of Morrlck county of covering ering- ° colurder of James McGlrr , - , , > * / In July , v.y McGlrr's body was found on a rail road track after being mistreated by reek laborers. The governor may order the body exhumed and an Inquest held. HORSE INTO WIRE FENCE. Vincent Burke Was Uninjured , Horse Killed by the Wire. Fairfax , S. D. , Sept. 5. Special to The News : Vincent Burke , a young man living twelve miles northeast of liere , narrowly averted serious Injury In a runaway. His horse went through a three-barb wire fence and was so Imdly cut that It died a few hours af terward but Burke was only slightly bruised about the head and shoulders. Vincent had gone to visit a neighbor. When he mounted the horse to return liome , the animal made a lunge and ran into and through the fence. EASTERN 8TARAT MILWAUKEE _ Revision of Constitution Most Import ant Work to Be Done. Milwaukee , Sept. 6. The twelfth triennial convention of the general grand chapter of the Order of thu Eastern Star opened a three days meeting In the Masonic temple. Over 300 delegates , representing every state In the union with the exception ol Delaware , are present. In addition , delegates are here from Canada , Ha waii and the Philippines. Most Worthj Grand Matron Mrs. Madeline B. ConK- ling ; of Oklahoma City and the most worthy grand patron , Dr. William F. Kuhn of St. Joseph , Mo. , delivered ad- drestos and presented their reports at the opening session. The revision of the constitution Is one of the most Important matters tc be considered. Mrs. Ella S. Wash- burn of Racine , Wls. , Is In line for the highest office and will be elected tomorrow. MULAI HAFIGSENDS TERMS _ French Cabinet Said to Be Consider ing His Ultimatum. Paris , Sept. 5. The Libre Parole de clares that the cabinet has considered a proposition made to General Drude , commanding the French forces at Cas ablanca , by Mulal Hafig , that If the signatories of the Algeclras conven tion recognize Mulal Hafig as sultan he will undertake to restore order Ho asks , as a pledge of good faith , that the powers permit him to have the arms and ammunition which are detained at Mogador , and says If his proposition is not accepted , he will preach a holy war. The cabinet , the Libre Parole adds , has resolved tc place the matter before the powers but at the same time It was decldod to send General Drude further rein forcements of artillery and colonial troops from Senegal. TEDDY BEARSTUFFERS QUIT _ Strike of One Branch of Workers Be cause of Reduction In Wages. Now York , Sept. 5. The first strike in the Teddy boar trade has oc curred In this city. A strike of Teddy bear makers took place In the factory of the Bruin Manufacturing company Only the Bluffers quit work , the leg , arm , trunk and head artists refusing to strike In sympathy. The strike was against a reduction of prices paid tc the stuffers for piece work. The manufacturers say there Is no danger of a Toddy bear famine. Kills Man Who Eloped With Wife. Dayton O. , Sept. 5. Fire Chief B. H. Miller of Franklin , 0. , shot and In stantly killed J. H. Little , who recently eloped with his wife t.nd was returned to Franklin for trial. Miller entered the police station and goln ? dlrr-ctly to Little's cell , fired two shots \vhlol > lodged In the victim's breast. Mill * Is now a raving maniac and Is nnd.-i guard. GINGERY BASEBALL GAME WAS A FEATURE. PLAINVIEW SCALPED PIERCE But Crelghton Has Arrived With the Intention of Taking Plalnvlew's Lau rels Crelghton Won Hoae Race and Water Fight. Plalnvlow , Nob. , Sopt. C. Special to The News : A gingery ball game featured - turod the Plalnvlow street fair and car nival yesterday afternoon , Plalnvlow defeating Plorco , 3 to 2. Thou there was a hub and hub hose cart race , a water light , excitement ou the streets nnd a promise of moro for this after noon , Crelghton having como down to day to take Plulnviow's baseball scalp. In yesterday's game Dunawny and Jcwltt acted as the battery for Plaln vlow and Schlndlc and Roblnowltz for Plorco. Free was substituted for Rob- Inowltz In the sixth Inning. Crelghton Took Race. Crolghton won the hub nnd hub hose cart race from Plorco by a margin of six feet in 100 yards. Crolghton also won the water fight from Plalnvlew. Albion 3 , Petersburg 0. Petersburg , Nob. , Sopt. 5. Special to The News : The Albion team defeated the Petersburg team by a score of 3 to 0. Ono of the three scores was made during the first inning on an error by the Petersburg third base man , one was made on a sacrifice hit and one was nn earned run. Peters burg was weak at the bat but had sev en hits during the game. Battery from Vail , Iowa , for Albion , Bolcsard and Lewis ; Petersburg , Car- nahan and Connor. Conner struck out 10 , Lewis C. F. M. Arts , umpire. Good Game at Nellgh. Nellgh , Nob. , Sopt. G. Special to The News : The best game of baseball played on the local diamond this sea son was witnessed yesterday after noon at Riverside park when Atkinson and the homo team were the contest ants. ants.Nellgh Nellgh started off with Alstott at the bat , who met the first ball thrown by Pitcher Miller , which resulted In a home run and score ono in the first Inning for the locals. Excellent plays were made by both teams , although honors went to the shortstop , Bennett of Nellgh , who made several sensation al plays during the game. Following Is the score by innings : Atkinson 00100000 0 1 Nellgh 10110020 x 5 Batteries Atkinson , Miller , Kirkland - land and Price ; Neligh , Asltott nnd Mellck. Struck out by Mlllor 2 ; Al stott 3. Hits , Atkinson 3 , Nellgh 8. Time 1:25. : Umpire , Owen Housh. BASEBALLJESULTS American League Chicago , 2 ; St. Louis , 1. Cleveland , C ; Detroit , 6 Philadelphia , 4 ; New York , 2. National League St. Louis , 2 ; Chicago cage , 8. New York , 4-3 ; Brooklyn. 1-4. Plttsburg. 2-5 ; Cincinnati. 0-2 American" Association Indianapolis 3 ; Columbus. 6. Toledo , 7 ; Louisville , 8. Kansas City. 10 ; St Paul , 9 Western League Denver , 6 ; Oma ha , 6. Pueblo. 4 ; Des Molnea , 1. Struck by Train and Fatally Hurt. Sioux City , Sept. 5. Ella Rico , aged twenty-one , was struck on a crossing by an Illinois Central train and ter ribly mangled. She was taken ui 11 < . hospital alive , but will die. The acci dent occurred on a sharp curve wh.l the girl was going home to suppor. HYMENIAL Johnson-Collett. Valentine , Neb. , Sept. 5. Special to The News : Miss Clara Collott of this city and Theodore Johnson of Scrlb- ner were married yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. Mr. Connell of the Meth odist church performed the ceremony. The bride wore a gown of white net over white taffeta. The groom was dressed In the conventional black. Six teen Invited guests attended the func tion at which a four-course dinner was served. The bride Is well known here , being employed as central girl for a number of years. The groom Is assist ant cashier of the Merchants State bank at Scrlbner. They left for Fremont where they will spend their honeymoon before re turning to their future homo at Scrlb ner. Klncald-Myers. Nellgh , Neb. , Sept. 5. Special to The News : Newton Kincald was mar ried lost evening to MSB Alllo V. My ers at the home of the bride's father In this city at 8 o'clock by Rev. V. F. Clark of the Congregational church. The bride Is the third daughter of Geo. W. Myerq , who was born and reared In Nellsh. She Is a graduate of the 'it ; fcnrj of this city. The groom h formerly a resident of Norfolk , tu J Is I- In the employ of the west m-t 'nrkpt. The young couple ' ' "r " linmo In Nnllch Receiver for Iron Company. Now York , Sopt. r > . A receiver was appointed for thn Union Iron and Steal company , a Now York corpora' tlon , by Juilno Skoon of the fodural court , Bitting In Brlntol , Vn. h. u Potlt IB named an rocolvor. The com pany Is capitalized at 12,000,000 and owns furnace * nnd manufacturing plants In several southurn states aud In Michigan and Now Jursoy. MRS. EARLE SAILS TO QET DI VORCE IN FRANCE. NOT THE LEAST BIT JEALOUS Artist Ferdinand Earle Finds New "Affinity and Helpmeet Leavet Country So That All Parties May Live Happily No Quarrel. New York , Sopt. 5. A scene more suggestive of an iip-to-duto play than of real life was onuclud on board thu steamer Hyiidan , when Mrs. Kordlnand Earlo of Monroe , N. Y. , sailed for her native homo In Franco to obtain u di vorce In order that her husbitnd , an artist and socialist , may marry an other woman , whom ho declares hu has found to bo his alllnlty. Mrs. Kurlu acquiesced In the plan by which HKJ renounced her husband to another woman , If bho did not voluntarily offer - for to glve htm his freedom , and shu faced u group of reporters and curi ous portions on the ateiunor with a smile which gavu no hint of any regret grot at nor part In the strange do mestic drama In which she wau uu- acting the lending role. Mr. and Mrs. Earlo left their homu in Monroe together and driving past curious groups of townspeople board ed the train for-Woehuwkon. There wad a lltlo hissing ns they boarded the train. Mrs. Eurlo with bur little son , Harold , who will share her oxllo reached the steamer In advance of Mr Earlo and went at once to her state- toom. Mr. Earlo arrived soon after ward and together they appeared on deck to meet the roportura. They posed together for a picture. Mrs Eurlo declined to make any statement but her husband , who seemed highly pleased with the attention ho was re ceiving , said : "Mrs. Earlo Is bearing up X-avuly under the ordeal. This no torloty IB worth live years' work to me. We part with a full understand ing and Mrs. Earlc Is as much agreed to It as I am. I bollovo It Is the right thing to do. " Mr. and Mrs. Earlo then wont tc her stateroom and bade each other goodbye. Victor M.Earlo of this clty.thc brother of the artist , and Mrs. Victor Earlc were on board the steamer tc bid farewells. Victor Earlo said that while ho and his relatives did not hold the same opinions as his brother he would not criticise his conduct. Mr Enrlo said that the young woman hit brother IB to marry had left the Earle homo In Monroe. SLAIN THIEF ISSECOND HOCH _ police Trace Murder of Two Women to Burglar Killed at Work. Now York , Svpt. 5. A second Jo- hann Iloch , the police believe , has been discovered lu Henry Hoffmann , the burglar who was killed while at tempting to rob Charles Verroll's flat The police declared that Hoffmann was the murderer of Sophia Heckloy , a servant girl found dead Aug. 3 , and they announce the belief that Hoff mann also murdered Miss Lena Schum , who was killed In Brooklyn Aug. 20. Hoffmann's method , 1.1 kt that of Hoch , the police say , was to make the acquaintance of women of his own nationality and by pretending a desire to marry them , secure the op portunity of robbing , and if necessary kill them. PRELATE'S ' IMPOSING BURIAL Solemn Ceremonies Attend Funeral ol Archbishop Williams. Boston , Sept. 5. Honored by a prince of the church , the cardinal archbishop of Baltimore , his Intimate friend for upward of half a century , by a host of prelates and priests , by the commonwealth of Massachusetts and city of Boston , where he was born , the body of the Most Rev. John Jo seph Williams , archbishop of Boston and dean of the Roman Catholic hierarchy In the United States , was placed In the crypt beneath the high altar of the cathedral of the Holy Cross , which stands as a monument to bis labors. BRYAN TO TOUR NEW YORK. Nebraska's Democratic Leader Will Assist League With Speeches. New York , Sept. 6. Announcement was made that William J. Bryan will begin a tour of ipoochmaklng In Now York state In October under the auspices of the Now York Progressive Democratic league. Mr. Bryan Is scheduled to rnako an address at the unveiling of the Bennett statue In Now Haven on Oct. 20 , and following that will coma to New York. Postofflce Safe Robbed. Fort Lararale , Wyo. , Sept. 6. The postofflco at Wlncott , Wyo. . Just east of here , was robbed and $54 and &on > stamps were taken from a drawer. CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD GOVERNMENT. ACCORDED A SEPARATE TRIAL True Dill Returned Last April AfjnlriBt Idaho Senator and Other Prominent Men for Timber Land Frauds It Served on Defendants , o , Ida. , Sept , 5. The Indlctinunt returned lust April by the leiloia : Brand jury against Senator William 1C Borah and other prominent men , chargl-iK conitplracy to dufrnud thu Unltod Blatoa government , was served ou the defendants. Ik-sides Borah , the Indictment In cludes Frank Martin , attorney general - oral of Idaho under Governor SUninun- borg'u administration ; J. T. llurbui and Simmer ( } . Moon , millionaire ttockholders of the Harbor Lumber company , residing In WIseoiiHln ; J. I. \\olls , P. H. Downs , John Klnkiild , L. M. Prltcliard , U'lllluin Sweet , Albert M. Palmer and II. S. Hand. The Indictment chargca that these1 persons entered Into unlawful conspir acy In September. 1001 , and vnrlouti other times to st'euru by fraudulent uitry timber hindu In Boise county , Idnho. Senator Borah has been accorded the privilege of a Hoparato trial. The case for the government will bo con ducted by B. M. C. Burdi of Denver and S. It. HtiHh of Omaha. Mr . In npcclul ar.slstant attorney general , rep roeHentlng the dnpartment of jiiHtlre. He has relieved District Attorney Hulck In those cases , llulck will act In an advisory capacity. GLASS "GIVEN JIVE" YEARS Son Francisco Vice President of Tele phone Company Ordered to Prison. Ban Francisco , Sept. 5. l ouls Glass , vice president of the I'uclllc Status Telephone and Tele-graph com pany , convicted of having bribed Su pervisor Ivonergan to vote against grunting a franchise to the Homo Tele phone com puny , wah sentenced by Judge lyiiwler to live years' imprison ment In the state prison at San Quen Un. only a small crowd , made up for the moat part ot lawyers and newspaper men , witnessed the Imposition of sen tence. When the usual preliminary motions had been cleared away , the court Bald : "Has the defendant any other legal cause to "show why judg ment should not bo pronounced upon him ? " Mr. Glass arose In the pow Im mediately back of his counsel and answered in a voice that was clear and steady : "I have no reply , your honor , except that I am entirely guilt- lees of this charge. " Judge Lawler then sentenced Glass to be confined In the state prison at San Quentin for the term of live years. After his attorneys had applied for and been granted a thirty-day arrest ot judgment , within whoso expiration they will apply for ball and begin the prosecution of an appeal , Mr. Glass was removed by the sheriff to the county jail , whore he bus been a prisoner since his conviction last week. THIEF SLAINBY PALS _ Thrown Into River for Not Dividing Fairly. New York , Sept. 5. That Moxie Schonburg , one of the man whom Peter Worth , a bookmaker , accused of having taken .a roll of money amounting to $7,200 from his pocket a short time ago , was thrown from a launch Into the Hudson river by bis confederates and murdered , Is the opinion of Inspector McCafferty. Schtmburg's body came ashore at one of the Edgowator landings. The chief of detectives has a confession from one of the six men who were In the launch. In which the man swears that Schonburg was pitched Into the river after he had been relieved of a big sum of money because he would not divide the spoils of a recent haul to suit his pals. Allegheny politicians Indicted. Plttsburg , Sept. 5. A political sen satlon was caused here when It be came known that the grand jury had Indicted four prominent politicians 01 Allegheny City In connection with al leged tax receipt frauds In that city The men Ind.cted are : Elliott Ridges a state senator ; Samuel Grenot , direct or of the department of safety of Alle gheny ; Will , xm Hegel , a member of the Allegho. y council , and William Lamb , a loaumg Allegheny politician. Exonerated for Killing Black Hand , Blalrsvlllo. Pa. , Sept. 5. Prank Cleplnno , a shoemaker , who last Sat urday night shot and kilted one of the three alleged members of the Black Hand , who attempted to blackmail him. was exonerated by a coroner's Jury on the grounds of self-defense. * Molders Strike for Beer. ' Bvansvllle. Ind. , SepL 5. Over 175 Iron molders went on a strike here be cause of an order Issued at the five stove foundries preventing the drink ing of beer on the promises during the noon hour. Tilt CONDITIONJJF IllhWtAMR Temperature for Twenty.four Hour * . Forecast For Nebraska. Condition ! ! of tlio weather na roconl- oil for tlio twenty-four liourn ending at 8 a , in. today : Maximum 74 Minimum . ( ; t Avcriiir.o fil ) llarnniotor 29.811 ATTORNEY GENERAL DONAPARTH ISSUES STATEMENT. OIM8 FAILED TO ODEY ORDER Department of Justice Not Yet Ad vised as to Character of New Information mation Obtained by District Attor ney , but Ha8 Confidence In Him. Lono.x , MiibH , , Bopt. 5. Attorney Qouoral Uliarlinj J. Uonuiuiriu loaned ihu t olio win | | uintoinunt rcKardlni ; thv Standard uu cuiiu In Uiu llllnolw count "Un Aui ; . l-l Judtju Landls ankod , lu aubbtauco , thiit Uiu duimrUneut ol' jua- Ucti conuldur portions of tlio trunacrlt | of totitiuiony in Uiu uutu ol' llio United Stutuu auunibt tlio atiuiiliu-a Oil coin- puny ol inamiiu in ordur lo dotornilnu whuthur the Chicago and Alton Hull- road company , Its ollleont and urn- ployca wuui entitled to tliu bonulltu ol uu ugruomt'iit asuiirliiL' It and tlioni ol lintnunlly against criminal prouucutlou In connuctloii wttli llio urantliiK of Jjr- inln rebntoa to the Standard OH com pany. Thu department , In compllnucu with tlio duHlru ut Judge Umdla , uxnni- liioj Uiu abovu inuiillonud tucordu and curul'ully InvoBtlKUluil Ihu ontlru sub ject , und n a roimlt of Hiicli Investl- Cation the attorney general on Aug. 21) ) wrolo Edwin W. Blmu , Unltod Status attornuy at Chlcano , Informing him , lu aubftance , that the agreement wan shown to liavu buun miulo In Juno or July , 1UOIJ , by T. U. MorrlHon , Mr. Slum' predecessor In olllco , that Mr. Moi'rlHony notion uppoara to liavu boon duly authorized at thu tlmo by the department , that In the oj > liilon ol the department the arrangement had greatly facilitated the Indlulmunt and conviction of Ihu Standard Oil com pany , and that whllu certain portions of the ovldonco might bo fairly open to unfavorable comment , thu depart- incut regarded the government an bound In good faith , and aluo as o matter of public policy , to give effect to the agreement. Mr. Slum wan lu st run ted to road this 'pttor ' when the grand jury rcconvunod on Sopt. 3 and to take Hiicli further action to thu foregoing as might aeom to thu court nnd to himself appropriate In the premises. The department lourim that Mr. Sims did not comply with those Instructions by reason of hit ) having had called to bin attention very recently certain new nnd , lu his judg ment , material facts which ho thought Bhould bo submitted to the department for Its further coiiKldoratlon before Ha conclusion should bo finally an nounced. For this ho asked and was grcnted by the court a delay of three weeks. The department la not OH yet advised as to what are thu facts thus ascertained by Mr. Sims , but It has great confidence In his sound judgment and dovotlon to duty , and It awaits his reply before taking further action lu the pretnlHos. Inas much , however , as the circumstances of tbo case may be liable to miscon struction , it Is deemed proper to sub mit now the present statement to the public. " Receiver for Big Corporation. Cincinnati , Sept. 5. Because of the mysterious disappearance In New York of Howard Heldel Bach , presi dent of tbo Fabian Manufacturing company In this city , M. E. Moch was Appointed receiver of that concern and placed under a bond of $600.000. Didn't Attend the Show. Crolghton , Neb , , Sept. 6. Special to The News : Evidently some young people of Crelghton slept late yester day morning , at least they were not aware of the fact that Bert Imson's show left on the morning train. A complimentary ticket for a little free advertising put one young gentleman up In the nir. He procured the com pany of a young lady to enjoy East Lynn last evening but his fond hopes were all dashed to pieces when ho I learned the company had pulled stakes and the- last seen of the couple they were driving out of town lu search of some place to go. News From Lnmoureaux. l.inioureaux , S. D. , Sept. 5. Special to Tlio News : Colomb brothers of Trlpp county passed through hero with their three race horses which are en tered In the free for all and relay races at the Gregory , S. D. , carnival and races which are being held this week. Attorney G. O. Van Motor left for Gregory where ho starts his little run ning mare. "Lady Jo of Lamaro" in the free-for-all. Qesslo V Is also entered In the pony raco. The entries In thoraces races are extremely largo and a largo crowd Is expected. A largo party of homeseekors nro staying at Uimoureaux looking over the Indian Inheritance lands and Trlpp county , which Is to bo opened for set tlement next year.