The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 30, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    NOKKOMC WMMKI.Y NKWH-iniiltlSTAI , ! KMMIIAY Aiunlsj'pnn
J. D , Sturgeon Presented to the Com
mercial Club Directors His Views on
a Plan to Establish n Regular Mar
ket Day In Norfolk.
J. 1) . Sturgeon In advocating tlio es
tablishment of u regular "exchange
Any" hi Norfolk , n Any on which farm
ers having anything to buy , Hull or
oxohango could cotno ( o Norfolk and
deal ut mutunl advantage. Tlio bono-
flt of "oxchnngo tiny" would not bo
limited to farmers , for Norfoll jicoplo ,
It la believed , would llnd profit In tliu
regular sale established.
Tlio details of ( ho plan nro fillll to
ho worked out. Hut ( ho Hchemo of
having u regular market place and n
regular market day for tlio Halo and
barter of odds and ends from tlio farm
and house IIIIB many apparent advant
Tlio "oxchnngo day" plnn of Mr.
Sturgeon will ho luvostlgnted by n
joint commitco ( from tlio Trndo Pro
moters' association and ( ho Commer
cial club. Wednesday ( ho latter orga
nization named A. DegnorV. . A. Wit-
Klginan and C. C. ( low to represent
( ho club In the matter.
Mr. Sturgeon's plan was formally
broached at thu morning mooting of
tlio commercial chili. It mot with tlio
apparent approval of tlio directors
present and Secretary C. C. Row will
enter Into corroHpondenco with cltloH
where something of the same plan has
been worked out.
In appearing before tlio Commercial
club dlrcctora Mr. Stnrgeon inndo this (
report :
Something like a month ago my
opinion was asked aw to what I thought
of Inaugurating a'"tnulo day" for Nor
folk , a special day for farmers and
In fact for anyone having anything to
noli or anyone In the market to pur
After giving this matter consider
able ntndy and attention , In connec
tion with the opinions expressed by
farmers , I concluded to bring the mat
ter before the Trade Promoters asso
ciation and the Commercial club , with
the Idea of establishing such a day.
I llnd that the farmers are unani
mously In favor of such a move , as
the following expressions would Indi
. ) . H. Host , living west of town , says :
"Tho plan Is certainly a good one and
1 would like to sen It put Into prac
tice. It would help everybody. "
Peter llnssy , living northwest of
( own , says : "A capital Idea ; have
Keen just such a plan In Wisconsin.
Am loud In praise for something of
the kind In Norfolk. At ono tlmo about
llfteen years ago thought of Inaugu
rating just such a scheme. "
Win. Doorlng. living west of town ,
says : " 1 think It a very good Idea ;
have seen It carried on In aiaynorvlllo ,
Wisconsin , where 1 used to live , under
the name of "Exchange day. "
Frank Dnese , living west of town ,
says : " 1 think the plan could be
worked up alright ; would llko to sco
such a day in Norfolk. "
ai. U. Cox , living east of ( own , says :
"The Idea ii > certainly a good one and
I think H would help farmers to dis
pose of a great many things they have
to sell and would be a great advantage
to people wanting to buy. "
Burr Taft , county commissioner ,
says : "If the plan Is managed right
It would no doubt bo a benelH , and
could be made profitable for every
body , as well as convenient. "
Dr. A. U. Tashjeau says : "I think
the plan a good one ; would like to see
It In operation. "
I am heartily In favor of this move
ment , and think it advisable for the
Commercial club or the Trndo Promot
ers' association to take the matter up
nnd adopt ways and means for estab
lishing such n day.
However , I llnd In talking with ono
of our well known auctioneers , Mr.
Joseph Trulock , that the ono great
obstacle Is the license the city charges
for a public sale , it costing as much
to sell ono horse as It would twenty ,
and I for ono nm In favor of going be
fore the city council and making an
effort to have the ordinance governing
license fees for public sales abolished.
I cannot see any reason why a man
who pays an auctioneer for selling his
property should be required to pay for
the privilege of doing It.
Naper Tourney.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Aug. 2S. Special
to The News : The Bonesteel baud
left today for a three days' engage
ment at' the tournament at Naper ,
Neb. An interesting program has been
prepared and a large crowd will bo In
Ranchman's Son Sick ,
nonestecl , S. D. , Aug. 28. Special
to The News : Louis Homm , son of a
prominent ranchman of this county ,
has been seriously 111 hero for the past
week with appendicitis. Ho was taken
to Sioux City yesterday to have an
operation performed.
New Business Concern In Which W.
M. Ralnbolt Is Interested.
Practically all preliminary arrange
ments nro completed for the begin
Ing of business by the newly organ *
Ized Peters Trust company , succeed
Jng R. C. Peters & Co. , September 1.
Says the Omaha World Herald speak
ing of the organization of the now
trust company of which W. M. Rain
bolt of Norfolk Is to bo secretary.
Though at first the company will bo
forced to rotnln the present quarters
of. n. C. Peters & Co. In the I3eo build
ing , the new quarters on the ground
lloor of the Now York Ufa building ,
thoHc formerly occupied by the Omaha
Klectrle Light and Power company ,
Fnrnnm street front , are being put In
line condition for tlio company , The
otllcei'H expect to bo In ready to welcome -
come friends there by the ( line that
I ho Nebraska association
meets September 18-111.
These will bo the olllcuru of the com
pany :
U. C. Peters , president.
M. I ) . Cameron , vice president and
\V. M. Haliibolt , Hcc.rotary.
ICd OlHln , assistant secretary.
W. II. Bucliliol/ , Edwin Ilanoy , n.
S. Hall , II. .1. Abrahams , H. C. Peters ,
M. I ) . Cameron and Foster C. Hcnnlon
of Hoboken , N. J , , dliectoni.
Of tills staff , Mr. PeterH , as owner
of n controlling Interest In the H. C.
PetorH & Co. , retains It In the now
company , Into which all of the busin
ess of H. C. Peters & Co. la merged.
Mr. Cameron as the owner of the balance -
anco of the stock In the old partner
ship , becomes the next heaviest stock
holder In the now trust company. Each
of the other directors take blocks of
stock of good size each.
The now company has $200,000 paid
mi capital , and all of the stock offered
for sale was at ICO cents on the dollar ,
uid then It was Impossible 10 meet the
demand for It. The fact that U. C.
Peters & Co. has a farm loan busin
ess of 17,000,000 already established ,
In addition to thriving real estate and
Insurance departments , has counted
much In putting the now company on
a sound basis from the very beginning.
The personnel of olllclals Is strengthened
oned by the coming of W. M. Halnbolt
as secretary. Ho la the son of N. A.
Halnbolt , a prominent capitalist of
Norfolk. Mr. Halnbolt Is u graduate
of Phillips academy , and of the liter
ary and law departments of Harvard ,
and comes hero from the position of
assistant cashier of the Norfolk Nat-
mini liniilr nf Mm-follf.
Ed Glsln , the assistant secretary , Is
the present cashier.
One Morning Mercury There Dropped
to 38 Not Enough Rain.
Lincoln , Neb. , Aug. 27. The weekly
crop report Issued today says : The
week was dry , with an excess of sun
shine , light wind , and about normal
The dally mean temperature av
eraged about the normal. The first
three days of the week were cool.
Tuesday morning a minimum temper
ature of 118 ° occurred at Valentino.
The last three days were warm , with
maximum temperatures quite- gener
ally above 90 ° .
The rainfall was below normal , ex
cept In small areas In a few northern
counties , where heavy thunderstorms
occurred , with rainfalls exceeding an
Inch. In most of the rest of the state
the rainfall was less than one-tenth of
an Inch and in large areas no meas
urable amount foil during the week.
The rainfall from April 1 to date Is
about normal at a few stations , but
ill most of the state It Is between two-
thirds to throe-fourths of the normal
With the impressive ceremony of
the Lutheran church and with the
bride's father , Kev. J. P. Mueller , offi
ciating , Mr. William Elsnsser of Chey
enne , Wyo. , and Miss Elizabeth Muel
ler of Norfolk were married at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening In Christ
Lutheran church. Only relatives of
the young people were present at the
ceremony , a quiet wedding bolng ar
ranged on account of the recent death
of the groom's mother.
The bride was attended by her sis
ters , Misses Emma and Eleanor Muel
ler as bridesmaids. The groom was
attended by his brothers , Edward El-
sasser of Cheyenne and Otto Elsasser
of Delmont , S. D.
Following the ceremony n wedding
supper was served at the Mueller home
In honor of the bride and groom. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Elsasser leave Norfolk over
the Union Paclllc for the future home
In Cheyenne.
The bride , Miss Elizabeth Mueller ,
has for three years past taught the
second classes In the Christ Lutheran
school. She has many friends In Nor
folk to extend best wishes to her and
her husband. Mr. Elsasser Is connect
ed with the Union Paclllc machine
shops at Cheyenne.
Junction Notes.
John Hlnze is in Omaha visiting.
Harry Alexander is In Oakdale visit
ing with his parents , Mr. and Airs.
Six engine crews went to Missouri
Valley this morning to bring back en
Miss Esther Moollck Is quite sick.
Mr. Levljohn of Lindsay was In the
city on business yesterday and visit
ing his daughter , Mrs. C. Kampmnn.
Miss Maggie Oawson , who has bectt
visiting nt the home of her uncle ,
Pearl Barrett , returned home to Pierce
Miss Mnrgaret Potras returned yes
terday from Stanton where she at
tended Stnnton county teachers' Insti
Nathan Smothers went to Pierce
yesterday for a visit with his parents.
Just Before Noon It Was Said the Ball
Game Would Take Place.
Just before noon word was received
from Pierce stating that the Stanton
and Pierce ball teams would play ball
there during the afternoon , and about
100 Norfolk people left on the noon
train to see the sport. It was too mud
dy for the races.
Mrs. R. M. Duke of Milton , Pa. , Ar
rived to Visit Her Father , G. F. Oil-
gcr , Whom She Never Remembers
to Have Seen.
O. F. IJIIgor of Norfolk Is today en
tertaining his daughter , whom ho had
not seen Rlnco she was n little one-
month old babe thirty-one years ngo.
Mrs. H. M , Duke , the daughter , arrived
with her little four-year-old son from
Milton , Pa. , for a six weeks' visit.
During the thirty-one years Inter
vening between the time when ho last
saw her , father nnd child have main
tained an acquaintance by mall. Mr.
Ullgor had never received n. photo
graph of the daughter but for nil that
ho seemed Instinctively to recognize
her when the train drew Into Norfolk.
At the carstop ho found the little
grandson , whom ho picked upon Im
mediately as his daughter's child. In
the car , though there were a half
dozen women , ho Instantly selected
his own child. Just how , ho does not
Motherless the little child was left
In the care of grandparents while the
father sought the west. In all those
thirty-one years ho hnd never been
buck to Pennsylvania to sco the daugh
ter , now grown up nnd married , and
until now she has never ventured
Will Ilainhold was In from Pllgor
M. K. Elllo of Bloomflcld was in the
city yesterday.
II. J. McKenna of O'Neill was In the
city yesterday.
Oscar Worloy of Tlldon was In Nor
folk yesterday.
C. E. Smith of Tllden was a Norfolk
visitor yesterday.
Ed Qraham was a JJassett visitor hi
Norfolk yesterday.
F. J. Hawkes of Ncllgh stopped In
Norfolk yesterday.
J. D. Sturgeon spent yesterday after
noon In Crelghton. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Authes went to
Omaha yesterday.
Louis Sommor of Randolph was in
Norfolk yesterday.
G. W. Chambers of Nlobrnra spent
yesterday in Norfolk.
I. D. Mallory of Meadow Orovo was
In the city yesterday.
E. I. Parker , a Spencer merchant ,
was In Norfolk yesterday.
Miss Vina Buckmnstor of Crcighton
was in Norfolk yesterday.
Dr. Landon of Omaha was In Nor
folk yesterday afternoon.
Rosa and Leo Forbes of Plnluvirw
were In Noifolk yestoulny.
Jlr. nnd rMs. Willis Bunncll of P'ain- '
vlow are In Norfolk today.
William Bruce of Bassett was In
Norfolk for a few hours yesterday.
Miss Edith and Mablc Estabrook
loft yesterday afternoon for n visit at
John Rasmussen returned to New
man Grove today after a short visit
in Norfolk with Mi. and airs. E. E.
R. B. Weller of Nebraska City but
fonnerly of Norfolk , was In the city
over night.
air. nnd rMs. Carl Wilde returned
last evening from n short visit In Bn-
zllo Mills.
ailss Iris Wnro of Spencer and Miss
Delia Reynolds of Wlnuetoon were In
Norfolk yesterday.
air. nnd airs. Ludwlg Koenlgsteln
entertained a few friends nt dinner
last evening for Miss Ina aiartln , who
Is the guest of her sister , airs. F. E.
George F. Bayha of Nlobrara passed
through Norfolk at noon enroute to
Dakota City , where ho went to attend
the old settlers' picnic , air. Bayha Is
a prominent business man and pioneer
of Nlobrara.
Peter Mlchnelson , connected with
the Independent telephone company at
Tllden. was in Norfolk Wednesday on
business touching the long distance
connections which will bo established
between the Norfolk and Tilden Inde
pendent exchanges.
Rev. Paul Gutknecht , who has been
in Norfolk a guest at the home of W.
L. Lehman , has gone to Wisner , where
he will preach at the Lutheran church
at Wisner next Sunday. This year
Mr. Gutknecht will complete his col-
legt work nt Concordla college In
Springfield , 111.
Frank Peterson , wlioh as been at
the head of the Creiguton schools , was
in Norfolk Wednesday noon enronto |
from Lincoln to Nlobrara to attend the
Knox county teachers' Institute , air.
Peterson will give up his school work
this year to enter the law department
of the state university.
Miss Fredla Korth will clerk In
Bceler Brothers' dry goods store.
L. P. Pnsewalk Is confined to his
bed with nn attack of Indigestion.
Despite the cloudy skies last even
ing the weekly band concert by the
Norfolk band was given.
Baseball enthusiasm at '
Friday's am
ateur game will bo stimulated by the
presence of the Norfolk band on the
ailss Inez Vlelo yesterday entertain
ed a half dozen girl friends at n
"beforo school" party nt the homo of
her parents , Mr. and airs. A , II. Vlelo.
The Modern Brotherhood of America
lodge will hold a basket picnic at the
farm of Fred Krnntz on Sunday and
all members , together with their fam
ilies , are Invited by the lodge to at
tend ,
Rev. .1. L. Vnllow olllclnlcd yester
day afternoon at the funeral services
ot the late James Romlno held In the
First aiothodlst church. The funeral
was conducted by the grand army post ,
the reimilns being placed In the sol-
dlors' lot In Prospect Hill cemetery.
W. J. Stadelman Wednesday after
noon consented to umpire the big ball
game Hut for Friday afternoon be
tween the trade promoters nnd the
lawyers , real estate and Insurance
Fred Cnntwell , chopping wood with
a newly sharponc'd ax this week , In-
Illctcd n deep wound In his leg from
n glancing blow of the ax. aiedlcal
attention has prevented nny serious
results from the Injury.
The sent problem Is rising up to
frighten the Norfolk school authorities
us school day approaches nnd the seats
to ho used In the temporary high
school In ( ho Olncy building nro not
received. The sents have been shipped
from Chicago and n tracer will bo sent
out ( o locate them.
A meeting of the men clerks In Nor
folk avenue stores has been called to
meet at the city hnll nt 8 o'clock this
evening. The presence of every male
clerk In Norfolk has been requested.
Matters of mutual Interest will bo dis
cussed and It Is possible that the ques
tion of organization may be brought
Another rain foil upon Norfolk dur
ing the night , adding almost another
Inch to the moisture that has fallen In
this section during the past few days.
The rain between 8 o'clock Wednesday
morning and S o'clock Thursday mornIng -
Ing amounted to .91 of an Inch. The
rain of the night before amounted to
An Important baseuall game Is being
scheduled at Tlldon for next Thursday ,
when it is expected to pull off n gnmc
between Newmnn Grove , victorious
over Petersburg In the recent 17-ln-
nlng game , and the O "Nolll nine which
has won ten out of fourteen games
played. O'Neill is said to have agreed
to the game for which Tilden is rais
ing n purse.
Dr. J. H. ainckay says that he will
leave Norfolk next month for n trip to
Scotland. lie recently received a letter -
tor from his father urging him to make
a visit to the old home and contain
ing a letter of credit for $500. Dr.
ainckay says that he may accept an
offer that hns been mnde to him by
a Scotch collogc to deliver lectures
on Gaelic literature at $2,800 per
A largo plate glass window filling
half of the east front of Beeler Broth
ers' store was broken last evening dur
ing the band concert. A crowd of boys
were leaning against tlio big glass
when It gave wny. The greater part
of the glass remained in the frame and
no one was injured. The damage
amounted to about $100. No insur
ance was carried on account of a
slight defect in the glass.
The game Friday promises to start
all kinds of local base ball "doings. "
Joe Wiles , as captain of the stnte bos-
pltnl nine , baa challenged the win
ners of Friday's game for a second
contest with the provision that In case
of a hospital victory the proceeds of
the game should go to the hospital
library , otherwise to tlio city library
or trade promoters association , de
pending on the result of the Friday
The comet is still visible In the
morning sky , In Norfolk , but the person - I
son desiring to sec it must look at '
the right time. Father Rlgge at
Creighton university In Omaha , says
that at 4 o'clock a. m. , by looking to
the right and n little below Jupiter ,
the bright star In the morning sky In
the northeast , the comet will be vis
ible. A wnlt until the morning twi
light will mnke the sight of the comet
A cash bond of $25 wns forfeited
Thursday afternoon by the nonappearance
ance of two traveling "art agents" In
police court. Disorderly conduct was
complained of against the men during
the morning and Chief Flynn when he
gathered them In , to strengthen the
case , also arrested them for leaving
their team untied. The men claimed
to be representing the "German Amer
ican Art Academy" and did something
of a nourishing business enlarging pho
Norfolk gunners will have to go to
distant fields this , fall In their search
for the prairie chicken , according to
rural route carriers. It Is said that
there are less of the chickens in this
vicinity than in many years past. "I
have seen scarcely n chicken on my
route , " ' snld Warren Rouse , "and have
seen no young birds at all. Usually
at this season of the year I have found
several coveys on my drive throuch
the country day after dny , but this
year I have not run across a single
bunch. '
Herman Bocho In the custody of
Sheriff J. J. Clements will bo In Nor
folk again Friday while his attorneys
proceed In their latest attempt to se
cure Bocho's release from the con
fines of the county Jail pending his
trial trial for murder next November
or December. The hearing Friday will
bo before Judge Barnes before whom
the application for ball was filed , Judge
Barnes bolng petitioned as n judge of
the supreme bench. Witnesses to the
shooting will be examined Friday but
the testimony will bo taken behind
closed doors. District Judge A. A.
Welch has already passed adversely
on the application for ball made by
Bocho's attorney , Senator Allen.
Dr. C. W. Ray , at present the aieth-
odlst pastor at Alliance , will bo the
next pastor of the First aiethodlst
church , succeeding Rev. J. L. Vallow
who has already been assigned to the
Alliance church. This statement Is
authorized by Dr. D. K. Tlndnll , pre
siding elder of the Norfolk district.
Rov. J. L. Vnllow will prench his Hnnl
sermon In Norfolk on next Sunday
evening. It Is probable that Dr. Ray
will fill the local pulpit on the Sunday
[ following. .Mr. Vallow will leave next
week for his new charge.
Nebraska City Dally News : Nor
folk's enterprising merchants hnve
launched n plan that hns been In pro
cess of formation for a year or more.
It Is to make
Norfolk the market cen
ter of the northwest. Arrangements
have been made whereby the railroad
fare of shoppers will be refunded.
Train schedules nro now put Into ef
fect that will permit people to come to
Norfolk to shop and return to their
homes the same day. Rest rooms nnd
other accommodations arc rapidly be
ing supplied. Nebraska City would do
well to follow suit.
With school only five dnys nwny the
Norfolk board of education again faces
the future with their list of teachers
complete for the opening of the new
term. The two remaining vacancies
In the teaching force were filled nt a
special meeting of the Norfolk school
board last evening. ailss Salome
Brandt of Atlantic , Iowa , wns elected
to the sixth grade vacancy , ailss Flor
ence Judd of Dnwson to n fourth grade.
Miss Brandt Is an experienced teacher
from the South Omaha schools while
ailss Judd hns had two years experi
ence in Richardson county.
Several hundred copies of The Nor
folk News could have been sold ns
far northwest ns Gregory aiondny
night If the news agent had hnd that
largo n supply , according * to Robert
Utter of this city. As it was , the news
agents on outgoing noon trains car
ried large extra bundles of The News
but the edition , because of the big
scoop on the Bancroft lynching , wns
fnirly enten up before the trains had
gone n dozen miles. At Gregory It
is snld everybody was clamoring for
The Norfolk News. Everybody knew
that the Norfolk paper was the only
one that had the story and copies
would have brought ready money If
the supply had been available with
which to meet the demand.
Construction of the Northwestern
railroad's proposed extension to the
Paclllc coast from Belle Fourcho will
start within a few days , it is believed ,
according to a Deadwood report.
This Is sunnised from the letting by
the road of n contract for $55,000
worth of tics , approximately 100,000
ties , or enough to build thirty miles
of railway , to R. W. Day , of Silver
City , S. D. air. Day announces that
ho will commence at once to cut and
deliver the ties to the company. The
contract is of importance for the
reason that it is the first Instance in
which the Northwestern has pur
chased Black Hills lumber for ties ,
there being an abundance in the Hills.
These tics will come from timber land
along Rapid creek which is in the
control of Mr. Day. j '
The state law requiring school teach
ers to hold second grade certificates
or better is going to be enforced in
Norfolk nnd if any teachers In the
city schools are unprovided with the
necessary certificates their positions
In the Norfolk schools stand to be for
feited. These requirements are being
enforced from the state superinten
dent's office with the result that If a
school board employs teachers with-1 |
jout certlficntes they are not only II-
able to lose their state funds but mny
'even be'held Individually responsible
for the teacher's salary. At the spe
cial meeting of the board last evening
Superintendent Bodwell was Instruct
ed to call on the city teachers to pre
sent certificates nnd where the re
quirements hnd not been met to de-
clnro n vacancy to be filled nt the reg
ular meeting of the board aionday
Poet-Philosopher Will Leave Sunday
for European Trip.
A. L. Blxby , poet-philosopher on the
Lincoln State Journal , passed through
Norfolk at noon enroute to Nlobrara ,
where ho went to deliver a lecture
Wednesday night before the Knox
county teachers' Institute , air. Bixby
Is plnnnlng to leave Lincoln Sunday
night for a two months' trip to Europe ,
traveling at the expense of Tom Auld ,
a wealthy banker of Lincoln.
It was a little newspaper pnragraph
in his quaint "daily drift" column that
won for "Doc" Blxby this Invitation
to take a trip to Europe without cost
to himself. "The day comes when
every man hears the ringing of the
bell that tells him to quit work and
begin dispersing his saved-up money , "
wrote Blxby , "and when that time does
come I'm going to take a trip to Eu
rope and Tom Auld will pay the bills. "
The next morning Tom Auld cnlled
up Blxby on the telephone and asked
If ho really did want to go to Europe.
"I sure do , " said Blx. "Then get
ready and go whenever you like nnd
I'll tnko care of the rest , " said Tom
Auld. So Blxby starts Sunday night
for dear old London.
Most of his two months abroad will
be spent In London. He will see as
many funny things and other things
as ho can , and next summer ho will
lecture nt chnutnuquns on "Six Weeks
In London. " He will spend a dny erse
so In gay Pnrls but not for long Is
Franco for him.
"Doc" Blxby has been writing quaint
verso nnd pnragraphs for the Journal
for fifteen years. Ho hns spoken sev
eral times In Norfolk. Ho will write
stuff for his paper nnd mall It back
from England.
Just as the Sun Sank Below Western
Hills , the Assembled Reds Knelt on
the Prairie In Impressive Prayer
Valentine , Neb. , Aug. 28. Special to
The News : The big Indian convoca
tion which aha been held for the last
five dnys by the Episcopal church on
the Rosebud , closed last evening , nftcr
one of the most remarkable Indian
meetings ever held In the northwest.
After n celebration of the holy com
munion and morning prayer nt 9:30 :
the usual routine of business was gone
through nnd nt sunset a beautiful nnd
Impressive service wns snld , nil kneel
ing upon the open prnirlo and the
memorable convocation closed with
the blessing of Bishop Hare. Ono of
the developments from the convoca
tion Is the strong desire on the part
of the Indians to hnve their own people
ple elected to plnces of honor nnd
trust. As nn illustration of this spirit ,
the Rov. Amos Ross , a native priest ,
was elected dean of the convocation
for this session. The election of other
officers from native clergy and laity
are sure to follow. The next convo
cation will bo held at some mission in
northern South Dakota In 1908.
County Attorney M. McLaughlin of
West Point Will Look Into Affair.
Bnncroft. Neb. . Atnr. 28. Tim nn.
nouncement from West Point , Neb. ,
that County Attorney aicLaughlln of
that city had decided to mnke n close
nnd personal Investigation of the
lynching , caused considerable of a sen
sation In Bancroft.
The action of the county attorney is
said to be due to the position taken by
Gov. Sheldon , who before leaving for
the west bitterly criticised the mob
for smirching the fair nnme of the
After making an investigation the
county attorney will doubtless call for
a special session of the grand jury , at
which the evidence will bo submitted
and If it Is of sufficient strength in
dictments will be returned.
To the friends of the lynchcrs , and
that means everyone in this section ,
the news of this move came like a
Shortly after .the crime there was
little secrecy attempted and it would
not have been difficult to learn the
names of at least half the men who
had been responsible for the untimely
end of Higglns , but today there Is an
entire lack of Information and when
the officials of the state and county
begin an investigation little help will
be gotten from the people of Bancroft.
The body has been shipped to the
mother in Denver.
Comforted by Fact that Cause of Much
of Her Grief Was Gone.
Denver , Colo. , Aug. 28. While her
son , , Loris Higgins , lay n corpse back
in Bancroft , Neb. , and with full knowl
edge , of how he met his fate , airs. Cora
Higglns , the aged mother of the dou
ble murderer , spent a comparatively
peaceful day and night , apparently
comforted by the fact that the cause
of many of her troubles and gray hairs
wns gone.
airs. Higgins hns lived In Denver
for the past twenty years and Is now
acting as a nurse.
After a hysterical outbreak at the
first receipt of the news of the lynch-
liie of her son she ouicklv comnosed
herself and showed remarkable forti
tude the rest of the day and the events
to all appearances caused her little
"Oh , my God , don't tell me my boy
Is dead ! They didn't lynch him ? "
she exclaimed when the news was car
ried to her , and soon after she took
airs. Ashley's baby , which she has
been engaged to nurse , to the park for
an airing. When she returned , not
withstanding the manner In which her
boy's life was ended , airs. Higglns was
sufficiently composed to nurse the
Ashley baby and put It to sleep , and
at 9 o'clock she went to bed.
At one tlmo airs. Higglns had a
comfortable home In Denver and had
all the joys of married life , but of late
years her troubles have been many In
addition to the worries caused by her
wayward son. Her husband , it Is said ,
deserted her nnd married a girl who
had made her homo with the Higglns' .
The husband and father Is still living ,
but where ho Is located Is not known
to Mrs. Higglns or any of her friends
Gregory Carnival.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Aug. 28. Special
to The News : The Gregory carnival
will lake place on September 4 , 5 and
C , and that enterprising town Is of
fering $2,000 In purses for various
sports and has engaged two bands to
furnish music during the event Bone-
steel will send a large delegation to *
that place on this occasion.
farms. Improved and unimproved at
right prices. I employ no agent You
can save money by dealing with me.
Wrlto for list or come and see mo.
Office first door south of postofflco.
John \V. Hays , Faulkton , S. D.