0 THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOttURNAL : FRIDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1907 , ' I THURSDAY PHODUCED MOST EF FECTIVE HEAT OF SEASON. OUT IT WAS NOT HOTTEST DAY Thermometer Only Went to 97 , While on the Fourth of July It Was 100. Humidity In the Air Made It Seem Worst of the Season. Thursday was not Iho hottest tiny of the season bill It would bo dl 111 cult to convince anyone of that fact who had not scon the olllclal figures given by the government thermometer. Tlio Fourth of .Inly liolilH the record thtm far for 1U07 , on which dny the tlinr- inoinctor roglsiprnd 100 In the shailo , while Thursday It only went to ! )7. ) The liont of yoRti'rdny wa felt inoro Intonnoly , however , by the fact that the night bi'foro tlioro linil been a heavy storm and the nlinonplioro Hllll remained heavy with humidity. To add to' ether distressing features of tlio day thcro wan llltlo or no wind , male- \\\K \ \ \ It Boom ono of the hottest days ever experienced In thin country. Kvon through the night following the heat continued Intense until toward morning , whou It had dropped until the atmosphere was cool and refresh ing , the tiiormonioter going down to C8. C8.A A day llko Thursday IB decidedly tin- usual In this locality. It IH Boldom that the mercury mounts toward the 100 mark that tlioro IB not a good broczo to fun the heated brow , or that there Is not a light atmosphere through which the broiling rnya of the sun do not penetrate with such force ns they did upon that steaming mois ture In the nlr. It Is the difference between being baked or boiled , and ono begins to realize what the punish- inont meant to that poor victim of the mikado's wrath when ho wns con demned to bo "boiled In oil. " While humanity sweltered nnd struggled to got through the day with out coming to blows with Its neigh bors , yet the heat was a great thing for the corn nnd Corn IB king Just now nnd humanity must gracefully nccopt that which Is good for the king. FRIDAY FACTS. Joe McCnll of Nollgh spent yester day In the city. D. 0. Wilson of Hloomflcld Is visit ing friends here. E. A. MathoHon of Pllgor Is In the city on business , S. F. Ersklno wont to Omaha this morning on business. R. T. Rohrko of Meadow Grove was n city visitor yesterday. W. P. McFarland of Stnnton Is visit ing relatives In Norfolk. Miss Sullivan of Meadow Grove Is visiting frlonds In this city. S. B. Starrott , jr. , of Central City Is visiting friends In the city. Henry Uasgman of Ponder Is n business visitor In the city. Chns. Jarchow and Win. Sherman of Dutto arc city visitors today. Cnrl Fallc and wife of Hosklnsworo shopping In the city yesterday. Jack Slnuter of Hurko , S. D. , wns In the city on business yesterday. Mrs. J. Hamilton of Stnnton was shopping In the city yesterday. Mrs. 11. P. Schiller loft yesterday for an extended visit in Toronto , Can. Robert Dlngwall and C. S. Dingwnll of Ponder arc visiting relatives in Norfolk. J. H. Faolln came up from Madison Inst evening to spend n few days in Norfolk. M. G. Thompson nnd W. R. Cordoll of Red Cloud nro visiting rolntlves in the city. Mrs. S. P. Ersklno returned this evening from n short visit with rel atives in Columbus nnd St Pnul , Neb. Woods Cones of Plorco passed through the city today on his way home from Tllden , where ho hns been attending the rnces. Don E. Cameron , formerly of this city but now a leading business man of Gregory , S. D. , was greeting his friends hero this morning. Miss Julln Martin of St Joseph , Mo. , nnd Miss Inn Martin of Mumsey , Ind. , arrived In the city today for n short visit with their sister , Mrs. P. E. Dnv enport. Chns , Rico Is In Stanton on busi ness. ness.E. E. M. Zlescho Is In Pierce on busi ness. Otto Zuelow of Schuyler Is visiting in the city. F. G. Aurlnger of Nellgh Is a city visitor today. W. W. Watson of Inmnn Is n city visitor today. P. M. Dnrrott is attending the Til- den rnces today. W. A. Wlt/.lgmnn Is attending the Tllden rnces today. Chns. M. Young of Gregory Is In the city on business. W. O. Smith nnd wlfo of Fnlrfnx nro shopping In the city today. George Gibson hns returned from a trip through the Pacific states. Mrs. II. A. Drebert nnd daughter , Ol- He , are visiting relatives In West Point. Mrs. George Davenport of Madison is visiting relatives In this city. Mrs. J. L. Vnllow nnd children left this noon for a short visit In Blair. Mrs. W. F. Hnll has returned from n short visit with relatives In Colum bus. bus.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gottlieb Meyer ol Stnnton spent the dny in the city yes- terdny. Mrs. A. Benr nnd daughter , Robin- ette , left today for Richmond , Va. Dr , 'llenr and HOD , Alex , accompanied them IIH far IIH Omaha. Horn , to Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Con- nul , a mm. MIHHOH Ethel and Stella Wllhorgor ) f Anoka vlHlted friends la the oily m their way lo Mndluon. Mrs. .1. 8. Cenllovoro , who has been visiting Mrs. John Lynilo , has returned ( i her homo In Plerco today. A girl baby linn como to the homo of Julius Koll , living In Edgowntor. Lightning struck on the Cnrl Win er farm north of the city Wednesday availing , breaking down four trcoa. A party composed of Misses Carbor- ry , Mnblo nnd Edith Estabrook , Elinor and Joe Hlght and Don IJechtol nro picnicking today at the Craig lake. Herman Krugo , who IH employed on the hlih ; school building , wns pros trated by the heat yesterday. Hownn able to bo nt work ngiiln this morning. The Eastern Stnr hold an Initiation ast evening , after which n social BOB- iilon was hold. Dainty refreshments were served nnd a very enjoyable evening spent. Five cows wcro killed by lightning on the farm of Ernest Wlckman dur ing the electrical storm that passed over this section of the country Wednesday evening. When Superintendent Brnden reached - ed Omaha the ether dny to tnko the plnco of General Manager Walters of the Northwestern , while the latter wont on his vacation , ho found that Mr. Wallers' llltlo son wns quite sick nnd the vacation had boon Indefinitely postponed , The Northwestern railroad bridge ncroBB the Missouri at Pierre , upon which all work was stopped for more than a month on account of high water will bo completed If possible by Oct ober 1 , ready for the crossing of trains running over the line recently com pleted from Pierre to Rapid City. A state bank has just been incor porated at Dallas , S. D. , under the name of the Merchants nnd Funnera Stnto bank , with n capital of $0,000. It is controlled by the Guonthor fam ily , the IncorporatorB being Mathlas Guonther of Brldgowator , Chrlstot Guonthor of Freeman and E. A. Gucn- ther of Dallas. Great preparations are being made by the committees in charge for the annual picnic of Gormanla lodge , No. 1 , Sons of Hermann , which will beheld held in Hlllo's grove north of the city on Sunday. There will bo music , re freshments nnd games. Busses will cnrry pnssongorB to and from the grounds nt n 10-cont fnro. Suporlntundent Bodwoll announces that every parson who expects to teach In Norfolk during the next school year , who does not hold either a state or county certificate , must ap pear for examination nt the Lincoln school building Friday and Saturday , August lli nnd 17 , nt which tlmo and plnco county examinations will be hold by County Superintendent Perdue. Senator LoFollotto relates an expe rience ho had while delivering an ad dress In a tent In an Arkansas town , which may prove of value to others during this extreme weather : "I was talking along and suddenly felt mysoll growing faint. I lost the thread ol my talk , but managed to regain my self by placing a piece of Ice on the back of my neck , " the senator snld. The Madison county teachers' asso elation will bo held In this city during the week beginning Monday , August ID , when n largo number of tcnchen from nil over the county will bo pros out. Places must bo provided foi these teachers to board during the 3 week , nnd anyone who will take then : will confer a favor by notifying Su perintendent Bodwcll how many cnn bo accommodated. Charles Verges Is laying n gutter nul curbing in front of his residence n the northern part of town. The gutter Is similar to those used on Main Urcot down town nnd ho Is building hem to prevent the constant damage o his property by water during itorms. Ho hns sought relief from his cause at the hands of the city council until ho hns become disgusted , nnd llnnlly concluded the only way to secure protection for his property was o do It himself. Yesterday afternoon while the sun was blazing down nt n terrific rnte , making humanity swelter and corn , iumn , Geo. Berry telephoned In from : its ranch west of town and asked how liot It wns. At thnt tlmo It wns about 95 In the shade , and Mr. Berry replied that It must bo a cold day down hero , as his thermometer had been reglster- ng 128 a considerable pnrt of the af ternoon. As a rebuke to the thing for getting so hot ho gave It a cold bath , and immediately afterward it shook the water from Its sides and gleefully rushed up to 12C. Statistics from Sioux Falls say that Gregory county , S. D. , has made n wonderful growth in its assessed val uation during the pnst seven years , In 1900 the assessed valuation of the county wns JS.G02. In 1900 It had In creased to jl.S9C.051 , while tlio fig ures for 1907 show the assessed valua tion of the county to bo J2.92C.031 , Thus the Increase In the pnst seven years has been ? 2,917-129. During the pnst year the increase in the assessed valuation has been | 1,029,980. These figures do not Include the assessed valuation of the railroad , telephone and telegraph lines In Gregory county which in 190C was $43,913. Entertained Friends. Chas. Hoollch entertained a numboi of his young friends last evening Dainty refreshments wcro served. A want nd. will probably rent thos < rooms within twenty-four hours fron now. THRILLING EXPERIENCE OF TWO HOMESTEAD SEEKERS. NARROWLY ESCAPED DEATH For More Than Thirty-Six Houro They Wandered In the Locality Known as "Hell , With the Fires Durned Out. " Finally Found Narrow Path , A report from PrcHho , S. D. , says hat two Iowa men , E. T. Bradshnw , aged CO , and John Turpln , ngod GC , mil a thrilling ndvcnturo in the famous lad Lands region of western South Jukota , and narrowly escaped death > y hunger and exposure. They were searching for homesteads uid Hot out on foot from the llttlo frontier town of Kadoka with the In- eiitlon of walking through to Dakota City , another llttlo frontier settlement ind locating there. During the after noon of the day they sot out the sky became overcast with clouds. They were unable to see the sun and lost tholr way. In attempting to guide themselves by some bad land mounds they wan- .lered Into the bad lands proper and were unable to find tholr way out of that strange region , which years ago was referred to by Gen. Alfred Sully , the veteran Indian fighter , as "hell , with the fires burned out. " The two weary nnd alarmed men finally reached a deserted and par- tlnlly demolished cnbln , where they took refuge. There they remained throughout the night , the following day nnd the next night , with nothing to eat but ono small bird they suc ceeded in shooting. They saw some range cattle grazing in the vicinity , and in the effort to escape dentil by starvation they endeavored to Bhoot ono of the animals. But Uio wild range cattle were so akery" that It was found Impossible to got near enough to any of thorn to shoot and kill thorn. Had they been mounted it would have been an easy matter to have approached the nni mals , which are accustomed to seeing cowboys on horseback , but readily take alarm when approached by nny ono on foot On the third day of their Involunta ry Imprisonment the two old men again made an effort to find their way out of the bad lands , and this time they succeeded In finding a nar row path which is the only means of exit from that part of the bad lands. Had they not discovered the path by the merest chance they would have perished. After a weary Journey they finally reached civilization once more , moro dead than alive , but thankful to have escaped with their lives. LAKES TO THE GULF. Ship Canal From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. It Is announced that the surveys for the proposed canal from Lake Erie to the Ohio river have been completed. Land for the right of way Is now be ing rapidly acquired , and active dig ging on the waterway will , It Is stat ed , begin early next spring. When the big undertaking Is complete It will bo possible for lake vessels to cnrry iron ore direct from Lake Su > orlor to furnaces In the Plttsburg district and to send coal from the vestern Pennsylvania mines to uppoi ako ports. It will require about six years to complete the task and an expenditure of no less than $75,000,000. The pro- ) osed canal will bo 133 miles In cngth , 177 feet in width and 13 feet loop. A special line of boats will bo constructed for this traffic. The cana vlll follow the natural water way as icarly as possible. It will conned with Lake Erie at a point a few miles west of Ashtabula , run southward through Creek valley , the Mnhonlng Ivor nnd Beaver creek nnd join the Ohio river at Beaver , Pn. , about thlrtj nlles southwest of Plttsburg. The cana will pass through Youngstown , Ohio New Castle , Beaver Pa. , and by means of the Ohio and Monongahela rivers will touch scores of furnaces and other ndustrlnl plnnts nnd conl fields along : ho route for a distance of over 175 miles from the starting point RANK DISCRIMINATION. But Nebraska Paper Finds Justlflca tion for Railway's Act. The Stamford , Nob. , Post has caugh the Burlington In discriminating be tween passengers , but It finds Justi ficatlon for the act This is the storj of the Post : "The passenger train stopped at tlio crossing a mlle west of town yester day morning to allow Miss Alma Wei denhammer , of McCook , to alight This Is a rather unusual occurrence oven on the branch and It caused som comment A politician who was I town telling the boys how to saveth country , evidently thought It Indicate n moro liberal policy to the Burling ton , nnd ho nt once prepnred to tnk ndvnntago of the now order of things Ho asked that the evening train sto at a farm house between hero and O leans long enough for him to kiss th baby and whisper a few confidentla words to the farmer's ear , and who the soulless corporation refused his re quest ho began to howl In a wlord , dls mnl way. Ho snld the Jlm-dnsted ral road was depriving him of his Inallei able right of llfo , liberty nnd the pu suit of happiness. Ho said It wa rank discrimination nnd It was. Bu honestly now , would you have an > ling to do with a railroad that wouldn't discriminate between a pretty young woman and a chronic politician with n glass eye and a auspicious breath ? " 'roper Treatment for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. The great mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea IH due to a lack of prop er treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy Is a reliable and effective medicine , and when giv en In reasonable tlmo will prevent any dangerous consequences. It has been In use for many years and has always mot with unvarying success. For sale by I/eoimnl the druggist. JIM RODLEY PASSES THROUGH NORFOLK IN CUSTODY. HERIFF MALCHOW IN CHARGE The Sheriff Takes His Prisoner Through the City on the Evening Train and Has Him In the Cumlng County Jail Before Mronlng. [ From Friday's IJnlly. ] Sheriff Malchow of Cumlng county assed through the city last night hav- ng In charge James Robloy , wanted i Beenier for a crime committed pen the person of a llttlo girl near hat town. The sheriff brought his rlsonor from Wayne- the evening rain and took him directly through Norfolk , riding on the freight from Norfolk Junction to West Point , where lie man was lodged In Jail. Robloy ppcars to bo a man of fifty years of go and Is said to have a wlfo and amlly. The charge against him is hat of outraging a girl twelve years Id , the daughter of Mrs. Z. Gardner , ivlng a short distance from Boomer. Robloy was a farm hand employed on ho Gardner farm and last Saturday fternoon ho enticed the little girl to ho barn nnd committed the crime , lo immediately made his escape on oot , with no coat or vest , and was aptured "Wednesday evening by the herlff of Wayne county. There was a good deal of excitement n Wayne when It was known for what rlmo Robloy had been arrested and t would not have taken much to have lad him summarily dealt with before 10 left Wayno. The coolness of the Vayno sheriff , however , prevented rouble and the prisoner was safely aken away yesterday afternoon. NEW RAILROAD RULING CAUSES SMALLER ONES TO QUIT. PASSES ARE NOT OBTAINABLE Former Competition for Theatrical Business and Free Passes Has Ceas ed Big Factor In Non-Employment of Show People. Failure to secure n certain percent- nge of free rnllrond transportation Is , say those Interested , the biggest fac tor In the non-employment of so many show people of different classes. Hun- Ireds of the smaller show companies mve been forced off the road. Was Heavy Item. For years it hns been customary for the railroads , in their competition ! or theatrical business , to deal very Iberally with owners and managers ol companies and the different booking and producing syndicates. Before Jan uary 1 , last , all advance agents were furnished passes , and It was not un usual to give the big companies from : hreo to five free tickets. Of course : ho smaller roads were the heaviest .llsponsers of passes , but the theatric al business being such a heavy Item t often forced the larger transporta tion systems to meet their smaller rl vals In the way of free passes. Question of Cleverness. The Item of furnishing a certain number of passes to advance agents mnnngers nnd others wns nlwnys fig uretl In with the earnings and expens- so of show companies , and other routes of the entertainers were Influencei by free transportation. It was merely a question of the cleverest showman to secure the most free transportation and the retention of positions by ad vance representatives have frequently depended on ability to get the mos out of the railways. THE CANDIDATES. Before the Boyd County Primaries fo Nomination. Spencer Advocate : The persons who have announced themselves ant filed their applications with the coun ty clerk for places on the ticket are as follows : Republicans For treasurer , J. A Snyder ; for clerk , S. A. Richardson for sheriff , N. P. Nelson ; for count ) judge , J. M. McGlnlty , Robt. Ford , O V. Kenaston ; for superintendent o schools , Katherine Llnton , Moyo Brandvlg ; for clerk of district coun J. N. Fuller ; for county assessor , C A. Just , A. B. Thatcher , M. K. Klnport for coroner , J. R. Beatty. Fuslonlsts For treasurer , J. A. Jn cobson ; for clerk , John Borons , Fre McGowon ; for sheriff , Thos. Coleman for county Judge , Lucius Leslie ; fo superintendent schools , Milton Stocl well ; for clerk district court , Ann C. Storm ; for assessor , N. A. Hagen stoln. ENATOR W. V. ALLEN'S OPINION OF THE SITUATION. SO SURE OF HIS ELECTION n His Opinion Mr. Bryan Occupies Much the Same Position That James G. Blalne Once Held Standard Oil Fine Will be Cut. "William J. Bryan , I bollovo , will bo ho nominee of the democratic party or president in 10'08 , " said former onator William V. Allen of Madison- o the Omaha Beo. "I do not see vhoro the democrats cnn got any can- Idato who would stand tlio slightest hnnco of nomination against Mr. Brynn. As to the election of Mr. Dry- n In event of his nomination , that Is natlior matter about which I cannot peak with the same freedom , for I in not certain in my own mind. Mr. Jryan is n great character , ono of the reatest characters and , forces of the go. Ho occupies much the same posl- hat Jnmes G. Blnlno , the 'unplumcd : nlght , ' once held Is not wholly unllko May or Webster In nntlonnl politics nen too great to bo president. Mr. Bryan may have to be content to go own on the pages of history with hcse men. If so , ho will have honor nough. " Fine Will be Scaled Down. Senator Allen , once among the most onsplcuous loaders on the floor of ho United States senate , says ho akes llttlo interest In politics now nd maintains no active relation with t at all , but ho still exorcises a lively oncern In nil public affairs from an ibserver's standpoint. On the matter if Judge Lnndla' fine of the Standard Oil company , the senator said : "Tho flno Imposed by Judge Landls igalnst the Standard Oil Is all right. hit its payment is another question. The Standard OH people will , of course , appeal the case , and then , whatever the result , It will go to the upromo court , and four or five years ivill elapse before It Is finally settled. he fine may then .bo scaled down to 3,000,000 or $4,000,000 , or the case may be reversed. The American people ple are easily forgetful and forgiving. " Senator Allen said ho wanted to icar Senator LaFollotto speak while icre , but could not. Ho pronounces he Wisconsin senator a good fighter vhom he admires. CANDIDATES IN BROWN. Nominations Filed With Clerk for County Positions. Alnsworth , Neb. , Aug. 9. Special to Pho News : The following named par ies have filed for nomination at the primaries to bo held September 3 : For county clerk H. S. Jarvls , re- mbllcan ; C. W. Perkins , democrat For county treasurer W. A. Wright , republican ; Mltchel E. Hughes , ropub- lean ; T. W. DeLong , democrat ; R. 2. Osborn , democrat. For county judge C. W. Potter , democrat. For sheriff Frank Plersall , repub- Ican ; George N. Sheldon , republican ; W. L. Perkins , democrat. For county superintendent Flor ence N. Johnston , republican. For county surveyor John M. Gar diner , republican. For coroner Dr. Emll C. Black , re- nibllcan ; Dr. H. C. Smith , democrat. For assessor J. C. Pettljohn , repub- lean ; W. W. Jacobs , republican. For commissioner , First district Uriah Chester , republican. For commissioner , Third district E. E. Waggener , republican ; John B. Stoll , democrat. CALLS FOR DEAD SONS. Pitiful Incident Marks Present Illness of Pioneer W. C. Braasch. [ From Saturday's Dally.1 William C. Braasch , old-time pioneer resident and business man of Norfolk , s today for the fourteenth day con fined to his bed with serious Illness and his friends continue to feel much apprehension over his condition. At : lmes Mr. Braasch is rational and con verses with those about him , but for the most part he is not Just himself and at these moments , calling as he does much of the tlmo for the sons who have only recently left this earth , his words are deeply pitiful. One moment the old soldier in his day dream will call for "Ralph , " and then ho will summon "Will , " another dead son. son.It It will bo remembered that the fam ily of this veteran of northern Ne braska have all expired in a remark ably short time and his Illness , now that ho Is left all alone In his home , Is all the moro a sad one. It was only a few short years ago that the Bransch homo with Its large family , wns nn Ideal one. There were besides the mother nnd father , a charming daughter and three grown sons o.1l apparently splendid tyr es of physical manhood. Ed Braasch , a banker , was first to go. Tuberculosis fastened upon him and his lifo soon was done. The mother shortly fol lowed , a victim to a surgical oporatloi after gallstone trouble had done Its fatal work. The daughter , Miss Gertrude trudo Braasch , followed her mother to the grave but a few days later , a victim to a broken heart The torrl bio' Brlght's disease claimed Ralpl Braasch just about a year ago and the same Illness , a few months later , took the only surviving son , William R Braasch , who had hurriedly gene to Hot Springs , Ark. , for relief nnd who had , from consideration for his fa hor's great grief , successfully kept silent his own condition. Since thnt tlmo the lonely father and widower , his entlro family gone , ins suffered much. Ho Is being cnred or by Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Wllley , , L Mr. Wllley having for years been n 'rusted and faithful employe in the : enl olllco of Mr. Brnasch. Everything that medicine , friends , neighbors , comrades of a war cnn do s being done for the comfort of this mtlcnt n pntlcnt who hns filled a iromlnont nlcho In the community over Blnco there wna n Norfolk , but tow long ho mny survive is by no iienns n certnlnty. Mr. Branson is veil-to-do , owning , besides a prosper ous conl business , much property in nnd around Norfolk. 0 DECIDES TO ACCEPT NOMINATION FOR COUNTY JUDGE. PETITION FILED IN HIS BEHALF rrlends of Chris Schavland Filed Pe- tltlon Placing His Name on the Pri mary Election Ballot Given Five Days to Decide. Chris Schavland , county treasurer of Madison county , has decided to ac cept the nomination for county Judge on the republican ticket at the prl- nary election , which moans that hell ll be the candidate of the party at he general election In November. Mr. Schavland's name will appear on the prmary ballot under peculiar circum stances. Last Saturday evening , after the fli ngs for nomination had been closed n the ofilco of the county clerk , it was found that a petition was among .ho filings asking that the name of Mr. Schavland be placed on the ballot 'or ' county Judge at the primary elec- lon. The petition had been filed by friends of Mr. Schavland without first consulting him as to whether such action would bo agreeable to him or not. not.Under Under the law Mr. Schavland was allowed five days after the filings to say whether ho would accept the Dam nation or not Ho took the matter under advisement and concluded that f his friends were as enthusiastic as appeared from the effort they had made on his behalf that he was scarce- y In position to refuse , and his name will appear on the ticket Up to the time that the petition was filed for Mr. Schavland no name had been filed by the republicans for the position of county Judge , so that his name is needed to complete the party ticket. Fire Caused by Lightning. West Point , Neb. , Aug. 9. Special to The News : Fire destroyed the slaughter house of the Koudelo Broth ers , In West Point Wednesday night. The fire was caused by a stroke of lightning , occurring during the heavy storm of that night REBTLESPWrESAilERifiHt REISTLES BATES ARE RIGHT FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER PHONCIIU 1420-24 LAWBIKCE DENVDJCOtO DI CUTS PRINT FAIR PRICE O.K. MEREDITH , D.O. OSTEOPATH. Bond for free book "Osteopathlo Advocate. " Oillco , Cotton Block , Norfolk , Nob. Ofllco Phone ABU 511 Homo Phone Ash 542 YoU MUst IM Forget We are constantly improv ing in the art of making Fine Photos. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish , We also carry a Fine Line of Mouldings. I. M. MACY BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MAHKO DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &e. out free. OMosl livelier for rutunuy juiti'nm. I'ntenta tukon through Mmm & Co. receive if tuiil notice , rlthont clmruo , Intlin Scientific Jhnerteem. AlinnilinrnolrllhiMrntril wtPklr. ' nr on. rf dilution nf any MciitlUo jiiurtinl. 1 1-1 HID. ! 1 u : four nioiitlis , fL Sold tyull llrujcu Office. E3 ! V bU Waililuuum. I ) . U