The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 09, 1907, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEW&JOURNAL , , , , , NORFOLK NEBRASKA I'MUDAY ' AlKUJST ! ) 1)07 ( ) MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ELLIOTT DOTH PERISH. CAUGHT IN WALL OF WATER LITTLE EIGHT-YEAR-OLD DAUGH TER SAVES SELF. SHE CLIMBS TO TOP OF TREE Driving Home the Little Family Went Off a Bridge Into Deep Cut and Were Overwhelmed by Wave of Wa- ter Seven Feet High. Creightou , Neb. , Aug. S. Special to The News : The tragic dual drowning of a man and his wife , and the very narrow escape of their lltllo daughler , paid sad tribute to last night's heavy rainstorm near Center , county seat of Knox county. The dead : WILLIAM ELLIOTT , aged about 35 , brother of Editor-Postmaster J. C. El liott of West oPint. MRS. WILLIAM ELLIOTT , aged about 25. Narrowly escaped : Little Nina Elliott , aged about 8 ; her condition is serious as a result of her terrific struggle and exposure to the flood. Drove Into Wash-Out. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and their lltlle child were driving home from Cenle. afler the terrific rainstorm at about 8 o'clock last night. About a mile from Certer they diovo across a suiall bridge aiul then pirns .1 dvu in1 D a deep out 01 I1 jle that had been was -ed out by the null of water. Jr as their learn had t'-oppod lo Iho bottom of tills hole a wall of water seven 01 eig it feef hi sh , which had warlr J down U'om tl < e hills , ishee into the cut and < ver te t i t , lag" The ui-ge \ i.irnr-i nnd washed fpr do\ > tuo AvvlnThe man and hie wife we'e carried pwaj in the water's floodcurre t and ui until 10 o' lock thi i n-oraln'j tlu bodies had rot been f. a .id. Little Daugh . G.-sps T-ee. The little e'gluj p. lo' daugh er , Nina Elliott , was washed again't a tree lln-b and had rreserca ff mind enough to clutch it. By lemarkable strength she climbed up into the tree and saved herself , though her condi tion is consldeied somewhat serious as a result of the exposure. The little glil , surviving both drown ed parents , .houted for help and her shouts were hea.d by raighboiT Im mediately efforts began tcwaid rescu ing the man and woman who had per ished , but up until a Mevv t < ( ' -y all efforts had been in vain. Many people drove to C-nter today from Creighton to at 1st in the sea * Lived There Two Yerrs. Mr. ard Mrs. E11U tt ' ded ) near Center for abort t.vo yaaiS. He bought the Groney farm ab nt mile and a luuf li'om Cente. J. C. Elliott of West Print , postmas ter and editor of the Republican al that place , his been rctiili-d , as w'l us utuiy -3t < v s in PC"j Mil" West In Gloom. WeU Point , Neb , A.g. S-Special to The N .vs : West Pclnt ws s''ock ed today nt no a ? of the . d dv .1 drowning at Center. Mr. Elliott , broth er of J. C. Elliott , was a former resl dent at West Point. Mrs. Elliott was" related to Mrs. Tom Franse of this city. SNAKE BITE CURES CANCER. New York Woman , Bitten by Rattle snake , Is Restoied to Health. Port Jarvis , N. Y. , Aug. 8. A re markable cure of cancer has been ef footed on Mrs. Wilhelmlna Lodwig , a farmer's wife. Mrs. Lodwig has suffered from a cancer on the left leg just above the knee for a long time. While out picking huckleberries two weeks ago she was bitten on the ankle , by rattlesnakes. Her nephew Karl Lodwig , came to her assistance and killed three rattlesnakes. The woman's leg had swelled to an enormous size , but the swelling did not go above the cancer. The cancer , which had always had the appearance of ink , fringed witl red , turned into a running sore. It remained in this condition fo four days. On the fourth day the dls charge stopped and proud flesh began J\to make its appearance. The snak 'poison had worked all through th cancer , the swelling disappeared , an the heretofore ugly looking cancer be gan to heal and turned to a health flesh color. ' Last Thursday the wound began t heal and yesterday Mrs. Lodwig wa in town , almost cured. SOLD TO HIS PARTNER. Chas. A , Anderson Rwtlies . ' . itm Busi ness at Nfwmrri Grove. New iran Grove , Neb. , Am. C. Spe cial to The News : Clmilca A. Ardor- son , of the firm of Anderson & Hal- grcn , who linvo boon dclng business In Newman Giovo f r soun years , has Hold his lrt < vcct in the business to his partner , 10. W. Halgix.u. Mr. Anderson has net lot decided what ho will do. Go to State Enrpmpment's ' Newman Grove. Nol. , Avg. 8. Upe- clal to The News : lluco young men from hero will go to the state mllltla encampment to bo lit Id near Lincoln next week. DAUGHTER OF MR.AND MRS. SCHU- KEY AT NEWMAN GROVE. 1e > j , INTO A FARM YARD TANKed , . ° -ed Her Mother to the Yard / ' art % Back to the House. MothtJi. ' < S 0 > Qjy Nor Body a Few Min utes LatcP.jtlng In the Tank. Newman Grove , Neb. , Avg. 8. Spc- ial to The Now * . : A 'veiy sad peel- ent occurred tort evening "bout 5 Vlock pt the homo of Mr. and Miv. Xugust Schuiuy. living soi'thwest of his city , when their little daught r , ged sixteen months , "ell into a tank f water and was drowned. Mrs. Es'iu- ' toy went out to fc J the hc s and ho child folk wed hci , bi't becptre Tightened mid stiuied toward Mie louse. Mrs. Schu ! 3y , pass'ng < M ank a few m'nut ' ° s later , found me iody of the child floating on the , & er. " TWO DIE IN AUTO RACE. Machine Wrecked In Road Run From Milwaukee. Milwaukee , WIs. , Aug. 8. A lace jotween two big automobiles from Mil vatikce to Okauchee , a dLtanco cl ibout twenty ttvj miles , with a siiipei uid prl/o of $25 as the stakes , ended n a frightful accident to one cf ihc cars which resulted in the den ( I two of its occupants and pn'-iTul ' thoih not fatal , Injmies to t\\o oth ers. The machine collld d with r ridge which spapq Elm creek HOPI Brookfleld Junction , al > out ten ni'ies west of Milwaukee. The wicked CPI s owned by John Koeuif' " while Frank Mullcbrn owns the othe nachlne , which icac'-ed ' its Jestiim Jon in safety. The drad : Joseph Kuschbeert , former n'dcr ' man. Goor&a Poss , chauffeur. Severely Injured : Hoi ace Greely Sloan of Milwaukee , son of a former Milwaukee judge. "Paddy" Dorrell , flgl-t promoter and saloonkeeper. The injured weie taken to the eir gency hospital. KENTUCKY EDITOR RETREATS. Blundering Hotel Clerk Assigns Him to Bed With Corpse. Junction City Ky. , Aug. 8. Maj. James Morton , editor of the Hard i- man Free Press , unwittingly went to jed with a corpse in Junction City ast night. Ho had missed his train nnd going into the hotel asked for a room. The clerk said the hcuse was crowded , but osslt ed tha editor to a room with another man. By mistake the oleik sent him into the Wicnj room and the editor qjletly disrobed and got into bed. Soon a ycung man and a woman came in and took seats near an open window. The major thought the pro cediire strange , but said nothing. Lis tening to what they said , he heard a remark about sitting up with the dead. Then ho remembered that his bedmate - mate had not moved and reaching over touched his hand. With a yell the major jumped up with a sheet over him and rushed out of the room. Believing that the corpse had come to life the two watchers broke open another door and all met in the office of the hotel for explana tions. SURE OF SUCCESS THIS TIME. Peary Confident of Getting View of the North Pole. New York , Aug. 8. "Unless old Mother Nature plays a now trump card this time , " said Commander Robert E. Peary in his quarters at the Grand Union hotel today , "I will cer tainly reach the polo this time , assum ing I retain my strength and health. My equipment will bo the same as on the last trip , but I will profit by the lessons of that last trip. "Last timq we would have reached the pole but for the easterly Ice drifts , This time wo shall go farther west bj land , leaving it nt Capo Columbua , and Instead of heading directly north we will head northwest , thus getting the benefit of the eastern drift of the ice of which nothing was known until oui last expedition. "Another change Is that I will havt a stronger advance party than on the last trip , so that when wo got readj for the final dash there will be sledges and supplies enough. Last time then was not enough to load five sledges. ' MAN WANTED VERY MUCH AT BEEMER IS ARRESTED. CHARGED WITH ATROCIOUS CRIME Will be Taken Back to Ciimlng County on Charge of Assault Upon n Little Girl , Who IB Nearly Dead nt Her Home on Farm Near Beemer. Wayne , Neb. , Aug. 8. Special to The News : Jim Robloy , wanted at Boomer on charge of assault commit ted against a twelve-year-old girl , was taken Into custody at this place late last night. Sheriff Malchow of West Point has been notified of the capture of his man and ho will bo hero after him today. Sheriff Malchow was in the city Tuesday evening hunting Robley and hunted for him at two hotels , nnd when ho left yesterday morning ho was convinced that his man was not in Wayne , although ho had him traced to this place. But the man was here , and last evening he was seen sluncl * hit , coal In the tallrcad jaids by Mr. Gaston of the Boyd hotel , who knew ( and recognized him. Shortly after- iwnid he was taken into custody by i Wayne olllcials and held to wait the coming of the sheriff of Cumins coun ty. Robloy had been stay In 7 at a ho tel south of the lallroad tiacks. The crime for which Roblry is want ed is said to be an rtrcclous one. The young girl , who Is the victim of his assault , Is said to be r early dead j.'om the effects cf his attfck. She is the jdaughter of Mrs. Gaidner , who lives near Bccmcr. lUbley U' about ft rty- live yeais old and has a wife ard fam ily. He is a firm hand and had been wo.klug a the Gml'-or farm. TRAFFIC MEN. j Manufacturing Representatives ! SSMJ Statement. New York , Aug. 8. Traffic manag ers representing a largo niimbci of important manulacturlng nnd jobbing concerns controlling annually freight shipments rggr gating millions of tons , nftei scvcinl meetings hcie , is- sii. d the following statement regard ing their discussions : "Matters pertaining to Inlertiito commerce law and rulings of the com- i mission , as affecting shippers , were | discussed. The questions consider' 1 are of great importance to shippers generally , and , after discussion the meeting was adjourned to a fute 'e da' 3 , subject to call. There was a disposition evinced to bring about a closer association of shipping interests with the carriers and to determine what suggestion might be offered to bettor conditions and facilitate the handling of traffic. " The traffic managers object princ'- ' pally , it is understood , to the ruling having to do with the routing of freight , claiming that the latest change does not cure the evil , inas much as a railway company under the authority which the ruling gives , wnild lossrve the right to route , thus confiscating from the owner of the pr < perty the right to gc t out of his freight tint which benefits him. MOVE FOR NEGROES. ; Blackc of Pinar Del Rio Are Organ ! ing for Purpose of Improvement. Havana , Aug. 8. The negroes in th > piovince of Pinar del Rio are art , mix ing an Independent party , with the pa , pose of uplifting the black ir .n and placing him on a ( 'ano ' wh 4e he may receive greater r cognition and j public offices. The best of feelings do 'not ' at present exist between whites and blacks , and the gcvcrnmant offi cials fear that \ylth the negroes orga nized they may perhaps become a menace to peace. The negro politician , Batrell Ovoido , is a prime mover in the agitation. Ho has sent broadcast a memorial setting forth whPt the negro has done for the island and what a small meed of pa tronage has been given them. Copies of the memorial l o been sent to President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft and to the diplomatic corps. DARROW IS DISCHARGED. Leading Counsel for Haywood is Re tired. Denver , Aug. 8. Clarence S. Dar- row , leading counsel for William D. Haywood in the trial at Boise which resulted in his acquittal , has been dis missed from the service of the West ern Federation of Minors. He will not appear in behalf of Pet- tibone , whoso trial Is sot for October 1 , nor will he act for Meyer if the latter Is ever brought to trial. Succeeding Mr. Darrow as leading counsel will be the law flrm of Rich ardson & Hawkins , composed of E. F. Richardson , Mr. Darrow's associate in the recent trial , and II. N. Hawkins , who is rated as ono of the shrewdest criminal lawyers in the Rocky moun' tain region. The cause of Mr. Darrow's summary dismissal has not been made known but ho and Mr. Richardson disagreed violently several times during the Haywood trial. Dies of Wounda , Dayton , o. , Aug. 7. Abe Cohnn , who was phot whlhi accompaiiyliiH Anna MuiKowIu , who was choUutl ta death by a criminal nHtmllaut , li dead. Owing to hln ilollrlomi coiuU tlou , thu Information lie gave concern IIIR the tragedy IB conutdori'd by the authorities to bo of llttlu valuo. TRIBAL CHIEF OF ALL THAT RE MAINS OF SIOUX NATION. LIES IN HIS OAK TREE TEPEE His Dying Statement Dictated to His Grandson , In Which He Outlines His Career as Related to the Gov ernment. Bonesteel , S. D. , Aug. S. Special to The News : Old Chief Good Voice , chief of all that remains of the Sioux nation , IH dying In his tepee on Oak creek , In Meyer county , near the llore- bud agency. Good Voice has always been a peaceable Indian , and had his councils been given duo weight ninny of tlio fierce buttles of the punt with the red men would have been averted. He li now 811 joars old , and eellng the. t'pproaeh of death , he last Si'tur- day dictated the following statement to his grandson , Moses Cond Vole , who Is a etenograpber and took the words In short-hand. After giving tlio statement Good Voiea r-nu . icd that It be published as his last word to his people and to the government at Washington : I always ohejad the rules of the goveinment. When the go\ornmeiit ashed us to give tvr chlldien to the s'-l-ori i w'ns the llrst one to send ir'ue. ' In ordoi to keep our chili'nn ' on tbe roseiva- lion I asked the government to ksep the rclu o's ' on rur res rvatlon. I alwaj. * looked to the good govern ment , and ther. 'ore 1 asked for a chinch. I have no grudge against tlio people of the United States. That Is ono ica- sen I wart the goveinniMit to hear fit m me. By our disobedience the government veil io lii've war with the i.ul'ms. ' But I nlv ys look tlio government'1 pint and lipo'd them. What I mean by helping the goveinmuut Is : When Gene.i'l Sherman had a fight with the ClRjjiines Chcyonno sh t a rso line" T Shermpii , nnd \ i > iif duty 1 l-illed.Hie Cheyenne. The euiiunnt nskcd the Indlam to consider whether they will help tlio go\'eipni3P * hf nctii" as - : t ati , which I wttb the fl.'st member , holding lh < office as sergeant. The ( ,3veri > ment asked mo to bo , oed belli to tlio Indians and whl JH , which the govcrnmeit know that 1 had well . .ilfiUed. In about 1S7U a-i Indian killed a white man and the army oi flcc.s > jiic | ted the Indians to turn the Indian ovai to Iho artho , lllcs Bat the Indians were afraid to ar. _ st him , so I wept and arrested him and took him to the authorities. la the 'nme > ear C'av.y Horse , one of cm chief \\ufiicir was ai rested in our camp and I WPO ordered to taUa him to the fort , which I did and that s"me day he was killed by the soldiers. Arcther tlrr- two white men who were r-iirylng mril irom camp She- dan to L'lnok Hll's got into a tr , , ible wh'ch ' rcLi'lts in the killing of ope an- othei. Chief Shotted Tail was notified to rne the other \\hlto man arrcs3d and I wasoidcicd to rrrcst him , which I did and turn him ovjr to authoilties , whl'h afterwi.'s he was 1'tirtr for ] > 's crime Tl'rie is times when the govern ment killed my relatives and take my . , rnd agpin the Indians killed my relatives and take my hor. is. But I gtcd for peace. I in'i'it ' ' express that I was defeated on tn th sides. General Hprney killed t.venty-two rel- at'ves of ir-lnc and took my horses. The govoinmsnt sent Red B ad , who WPS my uncle to make peace with the Indians. But the Indians found out that Red Beat was on the govern- menl's side , overpowered him , and his party were badly slaughtered. Theee Indians were composed of tribss from Cheyennes , Ogalallas and Rose bud Sioux. I have been to Washington several times as delegate , and on these occa sions I have fully represented my people on good government. I have always looked for good government , therefore I asked the government to hear from mo once more. I shako hands with our agent , the officials at Washington , also my friend Right Rev. Wm. Hare , Bishop of South Dakola. Last evening as I lay in my tepee I saw the sun go down and in a few minutes after all was darkness. I knew it would rise again and its gold en rays would light the earth once more and I thought that tonight my life light would go out but I feel sure that soon I would see light again in the presence of the Great Spirit the Father of us all. As quietly as the twilight deepens into the darkness of night , so quietly and certain will my life light go out , for I'm old and my time has come. Shake hands , Indians and whiles , Good Voice hears the Great Spirit say come. I'm going I'm not afraid. Morning has come good-bye , good-bye ! NINE SQUARE MILES OF CROPS ARE DESTROYED. BARNS AND MILLS ARE DOWN I A Patch Three Miles Long and Three Mlleo Wldo Waa Ucntcn Down by Wind , Rain nnd Hall nnd Every Particle " " " " ticle of Crops Demolished , Creighton , Neb. , Aug. 8. Special to The News : A small tornado utruck' a Hlrlp of country east of Center last night and totally demolished all crops lu n path three miles long and Ihreu miles wide. The hall was terrific and barns and windmills were blown down. Among the farmers who suffered losses were : Andrew Olemm , A. Sleu- lien ( barn and windmill destroyed ) , Nick Oberly , Olaf Larson. Hard Rain nt Vordlgrc. Venllgro , Nub. , Aug. 8. Special to Tlio News : There was a soveio rain hero last night. Lightning Hlruclc twice , but did no damage. Once It Hlruclc near the depol , once at Do/- balm's store. There was no Iraco of storm in the western part of Knox comity. A local plijTlclan was called irom hero this morning In consultation over tlio condition of llttlo Nina Elliott , who suffered fiom cxposui < to t'-s Hood. Battle Creek. Tlie theme for morning service In one of out chiirchov. last Sunday was : "Whnt Bhrll ws do with tlio nesro ? " We have only one heio , and ho Jiliies up the Best livery barn ov.'iy morn ing so it locks like a HIIOW bull. Sat urday afternoon a "dinky" stopped oil' hote. lieUy-en tialns and ho read Ih above mei HOIK d words written on tlio sidewalk and shouted : "What ) h have 1 done ? " Mis. M. C. Wilde of Bazlllo Mills was vl king heio the latter pint > f HID week with her me'iier , MM. ' nee Si\ora. Prof. Robert Xohner is hero from ltnl. on , lown , spending the balanc of his summer vacation v th his mother and other rol. . llvet- . Mlrfs Emma Bjer , head clek at M. L Thorn I'B gene. .1 filer toolc a \\D wc.'hs' vacation and v vllli relatives and lrl > uin mi loire IP 1'eii-y ' 0' .ity , Mo. Mr. a id Mrs. ftiartln Kramer and l\\ i 'illdruii ' arrived hero Thuibday 'rom Ch halls , Wash. , jr a visit with H.B. Kiam ' ' 's sister , Mrs. R. S Mof felt -ml fa nlly They left A' Midav for 'latte C ' .er for a visit with other elalives. Mr. and Mrs. W. 10. Thorpe of Cole- Idjo we. . visiting hero from Satiir- lay till Monday rt the homo of II'r laughter , M 's. H. O. M inson , Mrs. Geo. C .rtney and daughter , Miss Eva of Tilden , and son E-ul E. Cartnoy of this pi. ' e , returned Satiu- Ir-y from a two weeks' virlt 'o ' Denver , Colo. , and Cheyenne \\jo. Edgar , the t.vocatold son of M. * . and Mp. . R. C. Iledman , died last riniiSii'iy of cholera Infantum. The 'IIPO. ' ' ' wrs held Friday afternoon 'rom the L.Hheran church , Rev. J. Hoffip'in officiating Th 3 reim..ns were 1 Id to rest in the Lutheran com- eteiy soi'th of (3 ( > vii. Battle C ek has on i business rnn who hue no com.litlon . , and continently inently has no occasion to growl. Ev ery c'ay ' he Is working hard , but Just the same he Is the happiest old in the ccir'i'urlHe * is John G. " " ist the tailor. Mrs. Fiank Ulrlch and two little laughters wen * to Bassett Satur lay fcr a Ublt with -.c'ntlvcs. Ilerry Mleynok vv3Pt to Omaha on business Monday. Mr. and M.-s. John Huddle returned Friday fiom a visit to South Dakota. Mr. Huddle has taken a position al L. B. Baker's lumber yards and has occunlcd the latler's house on First sticct. Leonard Brown was note on busi ness Saturday from Meadow Grove. Mike Rlnkel of Valley precinct has the contract for laying brick and plas- lei Ing for Ihe new Lutheran branch school. Contraclor Chas. Werner is going to do the carpenter work. Mrs. Frank Osborn , Mrs. Druty Os- born and daughter , Mrs. Joe Osborn and Ihree chlldten and Conley Halsey departed Thursday for an oxlended visit with relallves in Grayson county , Virginia. Miss Gertrude Rlpp of Platlo Cen- ler was visiting here from Friday till Monday at the homo of her sister , Mrs. Shelby Moffett. Miss Annie Krlvanek of Meadow Grove was visiting hero ono week vvllh her sister , Mrs. Lambert Kerbel and family. Mrs. W. II. Stocker and liltlo dauglv tor , Miss Florence , departed Thurs day for an extended visit with rola lives and friends at Bethlehem , Pa. A. C. Bredchoeft and Wm. Clase > were business visitors lo Slanlon Sun day. day.Geo. Geo. Rlckenberg and sister , Miss Tilllo , arrived here Saturday for i visit with their aunt , Mrs. John Sccke and family and other relatives aiu friends from Kansas. They move ? THE CONQITIONJJF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecnnt for Ncbrnnka. Conditions of tlio weather IIH record * I'd for tlio twonty-four hours ending nl 8 a. in. today : Maximum RQ Minimum 05 'vernno 70 1 'iromeler 29.84 " "ti-rnll ui uwuy from lioro with lliolr paronlii about HX ! years ago. Holy communion iiorvluoH will beheld hold at tlio Lutheran church Sunday forenoon. In tlio afternoon the LndleB Aid Hoclety of that congregation will hold Itn annual lihthdny plcnlo In ToinliuKcii'ii giovtf oust of town and all , milieu and femnloH , are Invited. Kov. .1. Hoffman 'will deliver an ad- dieHB on tlio occasion. Rev. F. w. Stan-lug of Hume , Wyo. , who IB vldllug hero with IIH ! parcutH , llev. mid Mrs. G. II Starring , occu pied tlio pulpit In the Baptist church Sunday evening. A hall game waa phiyod hero Sun day nfteiiioon between Madison and llaltlo Creek , 7 to 1 In fnvor'of Hattlo Creek. Newton , umpire. It IH under- Htonil that a Norfolk team will try to beat our boyH next Sunday. Wm. Walter of Nellgh was visiting here Sunday with IIH ! parontH , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter. MIHH Agnes Barium returned Satur day from nn extended visit with MrtJ. W. C. Hiiy and family at Albion. While liaulliig In grain to town Mon day ono of JamuH Mink's horses drop ped dead about live mlleii south of hero. hero.A A hrntlior-lu-luw of Frank Sobotkn and family arrived lioro Tuesday from Austria with the Intention oC staying. MIFHPH Itn llarncH , Clall Avery , Jen- nlo Heed , Jorlo Risk and othera re turned homo Saturday fiom the nor mal eollego at Wayne. ( ! eo , Doerlng , who has been clerking Hevernl yearn In the Hainan drug Htore. now ovvned ijy W. II. Stacker , has ( jtill. iilH position and will enter I ho pharmaceutical department of the Or. Itflitoii university ut Omaha next niimlh. llev. 1C. JiiRt of Green Garden was here rui buHlncsM Monday. ONE FRACTURED SKULL , THE OTHER BROKE RIBS. BOTH WERE AFTER FOUL BALL M'DONALD OF LINDSAY AND TIFT OF PILGER , VICTIMS. THEY WERE PLAYING AT TILDEN Fast Time Was Made at the First Day of Tllden's Races and a Good Gal lery Watched the Excitement Acci dent In Basketball. Tilden , Nebi , Aug. 8. Special to The News : A fractured akull for ono baseball player and a. couple of crack ed ribs for another , to say nothing of bovero bruises for them both , resulted from a bad collision between the men when they both ran after the same foul ball lu the game between Nellgh md Emerlck at this place yesterday- , afternoon. The injured : McDonald of Lindsay , skull frac tured and badly bruised. Tift of Pllger , pair of ribs cracked , badly bruised. Both men were playing 011 the Em- crick team and both were after the same ball when they ran into each other with great force. Tift waa tak en to his homo at Pilger at noon today. The ball game resulted in a victory for Nellgh , 4 to 2. Miss Grace Hanlen Hurt. The basketball game between New man Grove and Tilden waa also uiiud by an accident , Miss Grace Han . n of Tilden being injured ia the iilcy. The game was stopped , the score .i .ndlng at that time 11 Co 4 in favor bf . . 'uwman Grove. A spiu.iiild downpour of rain last night coo.t. , the air and laid the dust so that th , ; track was lu excellent con dition today. Firi.t Day's Races. Following > .u-e the llrst day's race results : 2:35 : trot Kind Woodford ( Zulauf ) first ; Elkhorn Boy ( Woods Cones , owner ) second ; Jlmmle ( Cushman ) third. Best time 2I. : 2:27 trot or pace Besslo G , flrst ; Edith F , seconu. Miss Guild third. Best time 2:19& : . Half mile dash Pearl C , flrst ; Lucy Mack second ; Foxy M. third. Time 52 % . The flrst day was greeted by a line crowd.