The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 19, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Dy Getting Excellent Values for Mon
ey Expended , Madison County Hns
Improved and nt the Same Time Has
Kept Gout to Taxpayers Down.
County Treasurer Chris. Bchavlaiid
him called In all wamuitH outstanding
ngalutit Miutlfloii comity. Thu ability
( o call In and pay all outstanding war-
rantn at this time of tlio year , seldom
If over before lias c'Oino to MadlHon
county , and tlio nourishing condition
of tlio trcnsurj wl'l hi > a wourco of
Biill faotlon to i'vt ry tax-pajer within
Tlio cleaning up of all warnuitH will
Htop tlio out How of Interest on thcKo
doblfl , thus making a Having for tlio
county IIH well an putting Its lltmnccH
In tip-top condition.
Ono of tlio chief ri'iiRotifl why MntH-
lion county finances aiu In such excel-
lunl Hliapo at tlilH time IH tlio fact that
tlio couiity'B linnluoHB affairs have been
given itiiummlly capalilo attention for
Homo I line past.
Ono singular feature of tlio Hltua-
( Ion Is found In the fact that tlio
county IH seldom , If ever , nhlo to call
In all nutHtiiiidlng warrants at this
tlmo of the year. There has boon at
tlio muuo tlmo a very great deal of
olllclent work and material linptove-
inunt out through the county. Such
n condition could only como about
thiough the fact that In Its present
hanils the county has received excel
lent values for all moneys expended.
During the past year a very grout
deal of const met I vo work was done In
Improving the roads , building bridges ,
etc. All of these things were accom
plished by getting good values for ex-
poudltnios and as a result the county
lias uono forward and at tlio same
tlmo warrants are called In.
The present Bit mil Ion demonstrates
the fact that a county , well managed ,
can gain excellent Improvements and
at the sumo tlmo keep down the cost
to taxpayers.
Much of the road work of late has
been done by the yard and as a result
the county Is said to linvo received
about twice as much work for Its mon
ey as under the old pay by day sys
Under the now piece work rule ap
plied In Madison county , the contract
ors are also faring bettor than under
the old system , as they nro accom
plishing enough moro work to pay
them better than In the day system.
Under the old plan , when a man
worked a portion of n day and was
stopped by rain , he was paid for a full
day. Under the present system ho Is
paid for just what ho does , and the
prospcious condition of Madison coun
ty argues that the new plan pays.
Battle Creek.
Henry Helf was hero or. the Fourth
from Florence , near Omaha , visiting
his parents.
A little daughter made her appear-
mice at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Shel
by Moffott Friday.
Henry Maasman returned Wednes
day from a three weeks' visit at the
home of his daughter , Mrs. Henry Cut-
kowskl , at Nlcolet , Minn.
Frank Flnnlgan was hero on busi
ness Tuesday from Lindsay.
W. A. Witzlgman was hero Friday
on business from Norfolk.
Mrs. Frey of Plntt Center Is hereon
on an extended visit with her sister ,
Mrs. Moffott.
Mr. and Mrs. Lndwlg Korbol and
two children and Herman Euckor of
Spencer were visiting relatives hero
the latter part of last week.
Mrs. August Steffen and son , Mas
ter Simon , departed Friday for Iowa
for an extended visit with relatives.
Dave Little of IMalnvlew , nn old Bat
tle Creek boy , was visiting hero last
week with relatives and friends.
Mrs. M. Warnko and grandson , Leo.
Werner , went to Pierce Saturday fern
n visit with Henry Hllgen and family.
Martin Walsh was hero Saturday
from Tlldcn.
Prof. M. O. Doerlng was visiting at
Norfolk Sunday.
J. W. Hlsk has bis dwelling treated
to n new coat of paint this week.
Mrs. A n. Willbergcr of Anoka was
visiting hero the first of the week with
her mother. Mrs. 1" ) . B. Simmons , and
other relatives.
Miss Minnie Miller of Atkinson Is
here on an extended visit at the homo
of her brother , Howard Miller.
C. S. Hayes was here on business
Monday from Norfolk.
Mrs. John Jest has been seriously
111 for about a week , but Is slowly Im
proving now.
Miss Llzxlo Hall arrived hero Mon
day from Verdigro for an extended
visit with relatives.
Chas. Weltz of Madison was hero
last week trying to sell his "farm. "
Ho has a deed for a three-acre tract
four miles south of the D. J. Drajo
quarter section.
Henry Koettor of Orange , Cal. . Is
hero on an extended visit with rela
tives and friends. Ho state that all
people out there from this vicinity are
well pleased and doing well.
Humell Barnes , a well known Battle
Creek boy , died suddenly last week
on his farm near Cody , In Cherry
Fred Werner was down from Mead
ow Grove Saturday.
O. H. Maaa transacted business at
Norfolk Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fuerst and baby
of Primrose , Boone county , wore visit-
Ing hero the fore part ot the week
with relatlvoH.
8 T. Nappor nhlppcd cloven carloads -
loads of flue homos to South Dakota
Monday. Thin Is only n Hinall portion
of stock which he contracted for the
Harvey KtihrtH was visiting Satur
day and Sunday with rolatlveH and
friends at Tlldon and Nellgh.
Mr. and Mm. Day Curas , Miss Klleen
TuraH. Miss May Willis , 10. 10. Cartney ,
( I. C. llennliig and others of thlx place
and .John Schelly of Norfolk are camp
ing this week at the Yellow Diuikii.
Henry Carmody of Meadow Grove
IH shaving the people here thin week
n the absence of Doy Curas.
A little daughter was welcomed at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hod
man , north of town , Monday.
Mr . A. L Knln and mm 12verett
mid daughter Miss Marie , of Unlversl
ly I'laco , Neb. , cnino hero Wednesday
morning to spend a day with her HOUH ,
Ralph and Itoy.
Mlko Wiener came over from Hum
phroy Wednesday for a visit at the
homo of his daughter , Mrs. Win. Dltt
Mrs. Jack Barnes of Body , Cherry
county , IH hero on nn extended visit
with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Kent , and other relatives.
Al Williams was hero Wednesday
on business from Meadow Grove.
Chirk Catron of Tlldon was visiting
friends hero Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs , F. .1. Halo of Atkinson
were visiting hero the middle of this
Mrs. Troy Halo arrived hero
Wednesday from Loup City for a visit
with relatives and old acquaintances.
John Rogers was hero the middle of
the week on business from Bonesteel.
The City Got $2 for Allowing the
Bears to Dance on a Side Street But
the Men and Bears Came Onto Norfolk -
folk Avenue and Were Arrested.
Three bears and four Frenchmen
were arrested last evening on Nor
folk avenue. Bears and men , they
were nil gathered In by Chief of Police -
lice John Flynn.
Down to the city Jail the chief went
with his menagerie , the bears and the
Frenchmen. The whole outllt was
thrown Into the city Jail Indiscrimin
ately. Men and bears rolled up to
gether In the common Jail and slept
In the old truce that prevailed before
dissension entered Into the first gar
The three bears walked Into Norfolk
yesterday from Madison. They are
peaceful and Industrious animals and
by diligent labor have succeeded in
earning an honest living for themselves
solves and their four human friends.
It was Friday morning when the
boars started to dance on Norfolk nv
enue that they first ran up against the
chief. Chief Flynn hold that they had
no license to dance In Norfolk and It
was only when two dollars were put
Into Norfolk's treasury from the com
mon fund of the bears and the French
men that the chief relented.
The final clash came In the evening
ivhen the bears violated the Instruc-
Ions of the chief to limit their per
formance to side streets. When they
trooped onto Norfolk avenue Chief
! < "lynn arrested both bears and men.
That Jail full of bears and French-
nen worried the chief in his sleep last
evening and brought trouble to his
ilreams. Before 5 o'clock ho was out
nud down to the city jail. The bears
ro not brought Into police court but
following the Instructions of the chief
the whole party shook the dust of
Norfolk from their feet , heading to
wards the Junction.
Outside of the boar party there were
no arrests made Friday evening. Nor
folk youth , which Is sometime way
ward , thought of the jail and the three
bears and took pains not to become 11
able to arresL
The Race Has Been Hurried Across
South Dakota.
The completion of the Hapld City-
Pierre line which ended this week ,
has been hurried. It began last sea
son and much work was done last fall
and winter , although the severe win
ter in the north made It necessary to
stop work for two months.
A building race has been on be
tween the Milwaukee and the North
western. Both roads have been build
ing from their Hues on the Missouri
river to Rapid City. Sometime ago
.mother road , the Crouch system , con
structed a line between Rapid City
and Mystic on the Burlington and this
line Is operated with a close traffic
arrangement with the Burlington.
This arrangement gives Rapid City
two lines of the Northwestern , reach
ing many points in the hills , one be
ing a north and south line from the
Nebraska system touching Hot
Springs , Buffalo Gap , Dendwood , Lead
and Belle Fourche , and the other con
necting the hills with the eastern part
of the state ; access to the Burlington
with its big Black Hills system and
line from Nebraska , and the Milwau
kee with Its system in the eastern
part of the state.
It is with this now line of railroad
stretching across from Pierre to Rap
id City that It Is expected the Norfolk-
Dallas branch of the Northwestern
will some day be extended. Various
points have been reported as probable
junction points on the line.
Mr. Brewer Is Sixty-seven Years Old ,
More Than Six Feet Tall and Weighs
Over 200 Pounds , But the Weight
Didn't Bother the Bull.
Madison , Neb. , July 12. Special to
The News : David Brewer , one of the
old HottlorH of Madison county , was
attacked by u vicious bull at his farm
near here last night , and tossed over
the fence. Ho was struck In the
stomach by the bull and , despite his
more than six feet In height and his
weight of over 200 pounds , was lifted
up and bulled over the fence on the
hull's head without apparent effort
for the bull. Mr. Brewer Is sixty-sev
en years old but despite his age It Is
believed that ho will ho all right with
in a few days. Ho was unconscious
for an hour after having been struck
by the animal , but no flesh was torn
Mr. Brewer went Into the barnyard
at ( ! o'clock to do his chores. The
bull broke out and charged upon Its
owner , lunging with terrific force Into
Mr. Browors' stomach. The victim
recovered consciousness an hour af
terward but oven then did not recog-
nl/.e his family for some time.
Mr. Brewer was one of the first
settlers in this community. Ho lives
In Schoolcraft precinct.
C. C. Firkins was In Battle Creek
during the day.
Dr. 11. C. Simmons left Friday for a
short visit to Lincoln.
Mrs. M. A. Kendall left at noon for
a visit at Clarence , Iowa.
General Manager F. Walters of Oma
ha , accompanied by Engineer of Main
tenance A. A. Schenck , passed through
Norfolk at noon returning to Omaha
from Chadron.
Mrs. Hugh Dick went to Stuart Fri
J. D. Sturgeon was In Wayne yester
M. J. Wagner of Crolghton Is In
F. Koestor was In from Battle Creek
B. E. Smith of Lynch was In Norfolk
L. Greenwood returned to Sioux City
I. Burnham of Wlsnor was In Nor
folk yesterday.
H. J. Hoenlg of Center was In Nor
folk yesterday.
F. A. Blakeman returned last evenIng -
Ing from Omaha.
G. Gartner of Colerldgo spent yes
terday in the city.
Mrs. W. W. Weaver and children are
visiting In Tlldon.
Miss Mable Brcchlcr of Battle
Creek Is in Norfolk.
Mrs. V. A. Nenow was In Pierce
yesterday afternoon.
C. A. Smith was a Newport visitor
in Norfolk yesterday.
Frank Benser of Hosklns was a. Fri
; lay visitor in Norfolk.
W. H. Johnson and J. S. Mathewson
eft Friday for O'Neill.
C. II. Mohr of Plalnvlew was in Nor
folk yesterday between trains.
Miss Helen Marquardt arrived home
ast evening from an Omaha visit.
George F , Thels , a general merchant
nt Altona , was in Norfolk Friday.
Leroy Wilson of Bloomfleld was in
Norfolk yesterday for a few hours.
O. E. Engler , the Plalnvlew real es
tate man , was In Norfolk yesterday.
Miss Mary Odlorno has returned
from an extended visit in Sioux City.
Miss Helen Wetzel arrived home
last evening from a visit in St. Jo
Miss Edith Parker of Genoa is a
guest nt the home of her brother , Dr.
C. S. Parker.
Miss Kathleen Boas is expected
homo from a visit in Sioux City , Sat
urday evening.
Misses Maude Clark and Ixjonora
Dlxon left this morning for a short
visit in Omaha.
Will F. and R. B. Hall will return
this evening from a visit to Kansas
City and St. Joseph.
Miss May Johnson has returned to
Omaha to complete her course in
Boyle's business college.
Mrs. L. Woods and Mrs. L. Pierce
of Bonesteel have been In Norfolk on
a visit with Mrs. Joseph Schwartz ,
Frank Puls of northeast of Norfolk
Is home from South Ohiaha , where ho
placed a carload of cattle on the mar
H. C. Matrau Is expected homo Sun
day from his eastern visit. This week
Mr. Matrau has been visiting relatives
at Benton Harbor , Mich.
Bret and Perry McCnllough arrived
lu Norfolk last evening from a visit
to their homo in Omaha. Perry Me-
Cullough leaves the first of the week
for Montana.
County Superintendent F. C. Mar
shall of Knox county arrived in Nor
folk last evening from Wayne , where
he has been connected with the facul
ty of the summer school at the Wayne
normal. Mr. Marshall left at noon for
Sam Ersklno will entertain a few
friends this evening.
The Tannohlll school district seven
miles south of Norfolk is putting up
a now school building.
Though Gregory county corn Is back
ward , D. Mathowson , who has just
returned from the South Dakota
county , states that the small grain in
Gregory Is the finest that ho lias seen
anywhere this summer.
W. H. Bridge has written to Norfolk
friends that slnco his arrival In Spo
kane ho has purchased 1GO acres of
hay land and a fruit farm near the
city. Mr. Bridge with his family were
making their homo In the city and
had not decided on the details of their
plans for the future.
A meeting of the Norfolk Driving
aNROclatlon will bo held at tlio Oxnard
hotel this evening at 8 o'clock to make
final arrangements for the street car
nival and race meeting which are to
bo held In Norfolk July 31 and August
1 and 2.
Bassett Leader : Brantlev E. Stur-
dov'ant was appointed register of the
O'Neill land ofllce Saturday by Presl-
lent Roosevelt to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of S. J.
WeekoH and will take charge as soon
his commission arrives.
The call lor entry blanks for the
Norfolk races Is such as to Indicate
that men with speedy horses are ta
Ing a healthy Interest In Norfolk's'part
of the north Nebraska speed program
this summer. Entries In the Norfolk
harness races close July 21.
Plerco Call : Henry Peterson cir
culated a subscription paper Tuesday
for the erection of a public bath house
near the swimming place above the
mill dam. He met with a liberal re
sponse and bathers will soon enjoy
the convenience of a nlco bath house.
The Madison county Sunday school
association Is looking for a secretary.
Miss Grace Rummans , secretary of
the association , has resigned her otllce
as she Is to leave Madison this month
to take a training course In an Omaha
hospital. Mrs. J. C. Myers of Norfolk
has resigned as assistant secretary of
the association.
Dr. Peters of Stanton was In Nor
folk yesterday making arrangements
for tlio semi-annual meeting of the
Elkhorn Vaflley Medical association
to bo held In Norfolk on July 23. The
sessions will be held In Eagle hall.
A number of Important papers will
be read before the association meet
The Norfolk"Brownies" will meet
the Hosklns ball nine on the Hosklns
diamond Sunday. The local team will
bo accompanied by a Norfolk delega
tion leaving on the noon Sioux City
train and returning to Norfolk on the
evening passenger. On the Tuesday
following the Brownies will play the
Battle Creek boys In Norfolk.
Cornelius Haskell , the son of Joint
D. Haskell of Wakefield Is spending
the summer In Gregory In the em
ploy of the Northwestern on the ex
tension that the road Is building from
Gregory on to Dallas. Mr Haskell ,
Is a student at Yale and has chosen to
spend the summer In Gregory rather
than In Europe , where his father and
mother are spending the summer.
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Splerlng are
visiting in Norfolk for three or four
weeks. Mr. Sploring , who grew to
manhood In Norfolk , has accepted a
call to the pastorate of the Lutheran
church on rural route No. 1 out of
Hoskins. Until the parsonage Is com
pleted , Mr. and Mrs. Splerlng will re
main in Norfolk. Mrs. Splerlng was
formerly Miss Louise Loosener of this
Mrs. G. A. Young and Mrs. H. Doug
las Singer were hostesses yesterday
afternoon In the officers' apartments
at the hospital , to a number of Nor
folk ladles. Five hundred was en
joyed until evening , when a most de-
Iclous dinner was served. After din
ner Dr. Singer consented to render a
lumber of piano and vocal selections ,
which were very much appreciated by
A merry-go-round of up-to-date de
sign Is the latest carnival feature to
bo engaged by the Norfolk driving
club for their three days carnival and
race meet in Norfolk on July 31 and
August 1 and 2. No carnival Is a real
carnival without a merry-go-round and
as the three race days In Norfolk are
to be red letter days In the summer
program the driving association had
to have a swing.
The Epworth League at this week's
meeting in the Methodist church elect
ed the following officers for the com
ing year : Ed Redmond , president ;
Miss Anna Fair , first vlco president ;
Mrs. E. Redmond , second vice presi
dent ; Will Darlington , third vlco pres
ident : Miss Georgia Austin , fourth vice
president ; Miss Vlllle Adams , secre
tary ; Miss Margaret Austin , treasurer ;
Miss Pearle Reese , organist.
H. M. Roberts writes from Sterling ,
Col. , where he and Mrs. Roberts are
visiting their sons , Fred and Sam ,
stating that he Is much pleased with
that town. Both of the sons are em
ployed in the Sterling beet sugar fac
tory and have good positions. Mr.
Roberts also met there Ilarlcy Wlda-
man , son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.VId -
nman of Norfolk , who Is also employed
In the sugar factory at that place.
Increasing Officer W. II. Living
ston's salary has been advocated be
fore the city council. Mr. Livingston
is the Junction officer and has served
faithfully at the Junction for several
years. It Isirged that his salary
should be placed on a par with the
salary of the up-town night watch.
The increase would amount to $10 n
month and would bring the salary of
the Junction officer up to $50 a month.
Grounds at the Nebraska state In
sane hospital here are being con
stantly Improved and are taking on
something of their ante-fire beauty.
While workmen for the grounds are
not nt all times available , slnco the
farm and crops must bo given consid
eration , substantial progress Is being
made each week on the parking. The
farm at the hospital Is said to bo doIng -
Ing splendidly this year , the corn out
look being exceptionally fine. The po
tatoes , however , proved to bo not so
successful as usual. The site upon
which the hospital stands is one of the
most attractive In the state and when
the mammoth tract Is completely
parked with blue grass , the place will
present an Ideal appearance.
It Is probable that the funeral of
Albert J. Roedl , who died Thursday
morning at the William Boehmer farm
adjacent to Hosklns , will bo held at
2 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the
farm house where ho has been em
ployed as a hired man. Death came
to the young man with little warning.
Wednesday he plowed corn on the
Boehmer farm. About midnight
Wednesday evening he was taken very
111. Calling a son of William Boeh
mer to his bedside , the young man ,
who saw that ho was dying , said a
ast good bye and shook hands. A
Ittlo later the young man died. The
Wayne coroner was called to invest- !
ate the circumstances of death and
placed the cause at heart failure.
Roedl lived In Norfolk several years
ngo and has since worked near IIos-
kins. His father , when last heard
from , was living at Doxey , Okla.
That a young woman cannot escape
payments of debts contracted before
her marriage was established In the
state circuit court at Fairfax. The
plaintiff was Win. M. Beckett , the de
fendant Alice Young Brnnum. The
young woman before her marriage set
tled upon n homestead In the ceded
portion of the Rosebud Indian reser
vation near Herrlck , and after living
upon the land the required time made
final proof. Beckett 'furnished ' the
young woman with $1,300 necessary In
order for her to make final proof , the
understanding being that when she se
cured title to the homestead from the
government she would give Beckett
n mortgage upon the land as security
for the loan. Shortly after she made
final proof she married Mr. Branuni ,
and when Beckett made a demand
upon her for the carrying out of her
part of the program with reference to
the mortgage , she transferred her
homestead to her husband and refused
to give Beckett the mortgage. During
the trial of the case the plaintiff ot-
forcd as evidence letters between him
self and the defendant which bore out
bis claim in reference to the under
standing that ho should bo given n
mortgage on the homestead as secur
ity for the loan. After deliberating
upon the case for about an hour the
jury returned a verdict In favor of the
plaintiff ,
Willie Fosterman Near Verdlgre Was
Drawing in a Three-Pound Fish That
He Had Caught When Mammoth
Catfish Swallowed the Catch.
Verdlgre , Neb. , July 13. Special to
The News : A twenty-three pound
catfish has just been caught near here.
It Is the biggest fish taken from Ver
digris creek in a long time. The mam
moth catfish was caught In a most
extraordinary manner.
Three-Pound Fish Acted as Bait.
Willie Fosterman , three miles down
the creek from town , caught a three-
pound fish yesterday morning. While
ho was drawing the catch in toward
shore , a mammoth twenty-three pound
catfish came along and swallowed the
three-pound fish , together with hook
and line.
Man Waded in After Big Catch.
The boy called for help and his
uncle , .T. T. Houzuicka , who was vis
iting there from Beaver Crossing ,
came to the rescue. He waded In and
landed the fish. The big catfish was
put on the scales and weighed just
twenty-three pounds.
The people who ate at T. A. Tlkal-
sky's restaurant last night had a sam
ple of this fish for supper.
Youths of Fifteen Broke Into Carpen
ter Shop There.
Fairfax , S. D. , July 12. Special to
The News : Two young boys , about
fifteen years of age , named Sheets and
Ncnon , were lodged In the couatyjall
hero for twenty days for breaking into
a building in that town and stealing
carpenter tools. .
The lads sold the tools to a second
hand store and then wore caught.
They were taken before Justice Big
gins and their parents thought twen
ty days in Jail would be better for
them than the reform school.
This is said to bo their first offense.
Proper Treatment for Dysentery and
The great mortality from dysentery
and diarrhoea is due to a lack of prop
er treatment at the first stages of the
disease. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable
and effective medicine , and when giv
en in reasonable time will prevent any
dangerous consequences. It has been
in use for many years and has always
met with unvarying success. For sale
by Leonard the druggist.
Take a Vacation.
Now Is the time to take a vacation ,
get out into the woods , fields and
mountains and visit the seashore , but
do not forget to take a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy along with you. U is almost
certain to bo needed and cannot bo
obtained on railroad trains or steam
ships. It is too much of a risk for anyone -
one to leave homo on a journey with
out It. For sale by Leonard the drug
lounty Attorney Jack Koenlgstt1
Raised the Point That Boche Is Now\
Under Control of the District Court
Outside County Board Authority.
Madison , Neb. , July 12. Special to
The News : The Madison county
board of Insanity will not act upon
the petition filed on Tuesday claiming
that Herman Oocho , in Jail hero await
ing trial for murdering Frank Jarmer
at Norfolk May 1 , is insane. The
board in session yesterday afternoon
sustained the protest of County A'
torney Kocnlgsteln on the point thr ]
Bocho Is now in the hands of the d' ' . ,
trlct court and that the Insanity bonj
of Madison county has no jurisdlctr
over the prisoner.
Senator Allen , Dochc's attorney , filed
an allldavlt with the county board on
Tuesday , claiming that Boche had be
come violently insane , and asking that
the prisoner he examined witli a view
to sending him to the Insane hospital
at Norfolk.
County Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln
of Norfolk was hero yesterday and
raised the objection that the board has
no authority to act upon the Docho
case. After considering the matter ,
the board decided not to act.
The filing of a petition with the
county board followed Boche's flvo
efforts at suicide In the jail on Sun
day and Monday , after his unsuccess
ful attempt to slay Sheriff J. J. Clem
ents with a pitchfork.
There Is now a night watch in the
jail to keep an eye upon Boche. Dur
ing the night it is said that Bocho
will sometimes suddenly rise up out
of a sound sleep and begin crawling
around on the floor on all fours.
The prisoner swears vengeance
upon "them" for not allowing him his
Purses Amount In All to $4,500 and
Much Has Been Spent.
Columbus Is arranging for an ex
ceptionally fine race meeting August
C , 7 , S and 9 when the Nebraska Speed
circuit will hold a race series there.
The purses to be offered amount to
? 4,500 and the Columbus Driving club
has expended ? 5,000 in the construc
tion of track and buildings. It is said
that already entries of the fastest
horses In the western country have
been recorded. t , . T"
First Methodist Church of Norfolk
Early Asks Return.
People of the First Methodist Epis
copal church of Norfolk have made
sure of the return of their beloved and
popular pastor , Rev. J. L. Vallow , by
early asking for his return for another
conference year. This action was taken -
en by the fourth quarterly conference
this week.
Boy's Life Saved.
My little boy , four years old , had a
severe attack of dysentery. We had
two physicians ; both of them gave
him up. We then gave him Chamber-
Iain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy which cured him and believe
that saved his life William H. Strol-
ing , Carbon Hill , Ala. There is no
doubt but this remedy saves the lives
of many children each year. Give It
with castor oil according to the plain
printed directions and a cure is cer
tain. For sale by Leonard the drug
Hunt's Perfect baking powder stands
highest test. Never dissappoiuts. An-
thes & Smith , agents.
Send f 3T free book "Oatoopnthio Advocnto. "
Olllco , Cotton niook , Norfolk , Neb.
Olllco Phone Ash 541 Homo Phone Ash 542
fflilst ] M Forget
We are constantly improv
ing in the art of making Fine
Newest Styles in
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