HIE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-J011URNAT , : FRIDAY JULY. ,9. 1907. ft EX-MAYOR JOHN FRIDAY PROVES It * ITS ADVANCEMENT. IS RIGHT UP TO 5,000 , MARK Fifty Homes Have Been Added to Norfolk Since the Last Official Cen sus and All Are Occupied Prac tically 5,000 Within City Limits Now Ex-Mayor John Friday IB not ono who thinks that there are less people in Norfolk today than there were two years ago when n special census of the city was taken at the Instance of the city council during the first year of his administration. Norfolk's population has Increased since that lost census was taken , Nor folk's former mayor declares , and to day In hid opinion the city Is close upon the 5,000 mark. During the first term of Mayor Fri day when Norfolk was making plans ' , * for public Improvements , It was de sired to glvo the city the rights and privileges In the way of city legisla tion that the state law reposes In Ne braska cities having more than 5,000 people. To ascertain Norfolk's posi tion a special census was ordered by the council. When the names of Nor folk's people had been gathered In It was found that from the list of names collected the city was still a few bun dred people below the desired mark. "As near as I can recall , " said Mr. Friday to The News , "Wo had some where around 4,300 people as enu merated In that special census. No report not official can convince mo that we do not have more people t& day. Fifty New Homes. "This Is not a matter of sentiment but of reason. During the last two years new residences have been built In all sections of Norfolk and fifty new houses Is a very low estimate of the new homes added to the city in those two years. Today even with these additional houses It Is practlC' ally Impossible to find a vacant house in Norfolk. "Every new hoTiso represents on an nvorago five additional people , would say that 4,700 would be a close estimate of the people residing within the actual city limits. A good slzei part of the resident section of Nor folk has never been brought wlthlr the city limits. Norfolk Is an actua : iclty as distinct from the incorporated town is easily a city of considerably more than 5,000 people. " Norfolk Is practically a unit In agreeing with John Friday , who last May stepped out of the mayor's office after serving two terms. Norfolk Is gaining new citizens and she knows it. She also knows that if needed there are adjacent to the corporate limits of the city actual residence sec tions of Norfolk which could be Incor porated If necessary to the city ad vancement and whose people would easily supply the few hundred that might possibly be needed to make a .city . of 5,000 people. CONDUCTORS MAY ARREST. ( i i Boys Who Persist In Climbing enTrains Trains May Land in Jail. Norfolk boys who persist In climb ing on moving trains may find themselves - selves one of these days spending not less than five days In jail for the of fense. One of the new laws which went into effect In this state July 5 gives to railroad conductors authority to arrest any such persons. Follow ing Is the text of the law : Section 1. Every person who shall climb upon , hold or attach himself In any manner to any locomotive engine , railroad train or trains of any charac ter , while the same are In motion or stationary , or who may ride or at tempt to ride upon any locomotive en gine , railroad train or trains of any character , or any part thereof , for the purpose and with the intent of stealIng - Ing a ride thereon within this state shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2. Authority Is hereby giv en to and conferred upon railroad con ductors of railroad trains to Immedi ately arrest any person or persons who shall be found by him violating section 1 of this act , without warrant or other process , and upon such arrest to deliver the offender over to any of ficer of the law ; and to call upon any bystander or others for assistance whenever the same may become nec essary to enable him to make such ar rest. Section 3. Every person who shall bo convinced of a violation of any of the offenses mentioned In section 1 of this act shall bo punished by Impris onment in the county jail for a period of not less than five days and fined not less than five dollars , and not more than ? 25. DEATH OF R. E. BOWDEN. Pioneer of Holt County and Old Sol- dler Succumbs Here. Richard E. Bowden , whoso death occurred In Norfolk Friday evening and whoso remains were taken to Agree In Holt county Saturday evening for burial , was ono of the pioneer sur veyors in Holt county. Nearly thirty years ago Bowden took out a home stead In Holt county. There ho spent the greater part of the last thirty years. Eight months ago Mr. Bowden came to Norfolk. The fact that ho was n practical surveyor and a veteran of the civil war led to the suggestion of his nomination for city engineer -nt the spring election. Mr. Bowdon's name was brought forward after the city conventions Imd boon hold but the republican city central committee voted to add the name of the Holt county veteran to the city ticket. Mr. Dowden entered the city cam paign In the same spirit In which ho narched to the war with a Wisconsin glment back in the sixties. Sudden- In the midst of the campaign It . as found on the appearance of : io election ballots In the city clerk's Illco that Bowden's name had boon milled from the ballot on account of technicality. Hero the old man bowed his mettle. Dropping his own mbltlons he went on with the cam- algn , working even harder for the uccess of the rest of the republican cket than ho had worked for himself i the first days of the campaign. Al- lough Dowden's name never went on 10 election tickets several score of ' ( Hers showed their appreciation of 10 old man's spirit by writing his anu > on their ballots for the position f city engineer. For three weeks Mr. Bowden's ealth had been falling but ho gather- d strength the first of the menthe o attend the minion at Nellgh , wing- ng there for the last time with his 'omrndos ' of the war. The Immediate cause of Mi. Dow- en's death was blood poison.ng re- lilting from a carbuncle on the back f the neck. lie was sixty-eight years Id. Id.Ho Ho Is survived by a wife and four ons. Two of the sons , Free and joorgo , are Holt county farmers. Both vero called to Norfolk by the news f their father's fatal Illness. iEORGE A. MILES OF O'NEILL IS CHARGED WITH LIBEL. BY SUPREME JUDGE BARNES Criminal Proceedings Against the Ed itor of the O'Neill Independent Are Begun In Justice Elscley's Court in Norfolk. [ From Monday's Daily.1 Criminal action against George A Miles , editor and publisher of the O'Neill Independent , was brought Mon day morning In Norfolk by Supreme Judge John B. Barnes , the crlmlna complaint against Miles being based on an article published In the Indepen dent on July G , 1907. The complain upon which Miles will be prosecuted was filed In the justice court of C. F Elseley by Attorney Burt Mapes. Upon the filing of the charges In the justice court ft warrant for Miles arrest was at once Issued. The war rant , It was announced , would bo turned over to Sheriff J. J. Clement of Madison county , who had agreed t come to Norfolk on the noon trnln , The charges against Miles Set ill ) that he , George A. Miles , "unlawfully maliciously and feloniously did com pose , write and publish and cause to be composed , written and published In a certain newspaper called 'The Independent pendent/ said newspaper having a general circulation and being publish ed and circulated In Holt county , Rock county , Madison county and various other counties In the state of Nebras ka , a certain false , scandalous , mali cious and defamatory libel , " the libel being directed against Judge Barnes. The petition recites the article which has brought a suit for criminal libel upon the editor of the Indepen dent. The penalty for criminal libel Is from one to three years Imprisonment In the state penitentiary. Procedure In the case of criminal libel action follows the general proce dure of all criminal cases. Miles will be arraigned in justice court , where the opportunity for a preliminary hear ing Is afforded to determine whether or not the prisoner should be bound 1 over to the district court for trial. Criminal libel admits of ball. The warrant for the arrest of Ed itor George A. Miles of the O'Neill In dependent on the criminal libel charge filed In Norfolk was placed In the hands of Sheriff J. J. Clements late Monday morning on the arrival of that olllclal from Madison. Sheriff Clem ents at the time the warrant was giv en him could not say when the arrest of the O'Neill editor would be made. Sheriff Clements was brought to Norfolk this morning by a summons from Tllden to convey a man sup posed to be Insane before the insanity board at Madison. If arrangements could bo made at Tllden to have the man taken to Madison by other offi cers Sheriff Clements will take this evening's train to O'Neill. Otherwise he must return to Norfolk with his man and postpone the trip to O'Neill for the Independent editor until to morrow. Attorney Burt Mapes of Norfolk will act as special counsel In the criminal libel action against Editor Miles. County Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln will assist Attorney Mapes In the prosecution. CONCERTS ON WEDNESDAYS. Day For Norfolk Band Concerts Is Shifted From Friday. Wednesday evening Is the now date for the weekly band concerts to be given during the next few months by hto Norfolk band. The open air con certs had been announced for Friday evenings but It was decided that by holding the weekly concerts on Wednesdays the former evenings could bo utilized In case of a Wednesday evening rain. T WAS CELEBRATED THIRTY-SIX YEARS AGO. TOWN WAS ONLY HAMLET THEN There Were Some Ten Families In the Norfolk Which Celebrated the First Fourth of July There Was a Little Speaking , a Little Dancing. Thirty-six years ago u week from list Thursday Norfolk celebrated her Irst Fourth of July. The city was hen a little hamlet In all the prlml- Ivo simplicity of the early seventies n north Nebraska. The program at Norfolk's first col- 'hratlon ' was not extensive and the est did not exceed $10 but Norfolk's ild timers will recall few celebrations n later years more heartily enjoyed , 'ho band from Hock Crook In Cumlng ounty furnished the music and "a Ittlo speaking , a little dancing and a ; eneral good time was the order of the lay. " The ground on which the celebration vas held has long slnco washed away. MIC grounds were near thr > north end jf the place whore the roller mills liter placed the mill dam. Covered vlth trees the spot furnished an Ideal ilace for that early celebration. The stream was then forty feet wide and . temporary foot bridge was cent - t meted across the river by sinking ) onches similar to carpenters' horses n the water and laying planks upon hem. The town that celebrated that first Fourth In Norfolk was merely a little settlement of not more than ton fnm lies clustered about Col. Muthewson's mill. Col. Mathewson resided In the ; ramo house on Norfolk avenue which later became known as the Daniels property and which last month nar rowly escaped destruction by fire. Col. Mathewson and his two sons , Charles P. and Joseph Mathewson , ran the mill and also a saw mill. Fred Hardy had charge of the saw mill while Ernest Schwortfegcr and Char lie Magulro were millers. J. E. Olney ran the mill store. W. A. Moldonhaiicr's shoo store was then on the "edge" of the village. F. Wegoner , when Norfolk went to her first Fourth , hud Just erected the Nor folk Houne. a "new. commodious and stylish hotel" a little south of where W. II , Wldanmn's residence was latci erected. Alvln Marsh at that date ran the old "Stove-pipe hotel" on Braasch avenue and hoped In van that Braasch avenue would bo the principal business street of the , future city. . Henry Fish and .1 , 8. McCIary ran a small general store. Near by stood George S. Hurford's residence. Fred Degner rnn a blacksmith shop. Brooks Rogers ran another shop and his dlallKo for exertion was a. town JoKe In the little village. ' , Herman Gerecko , Lou Taylor , Jed Martin , George Baker , Mr. McCoy Brooks Flannlken , Owen Carrablne Mr. McClurg , Charles Leavltt , James Kyner , George Berry and Al Blgelow were other residents In that early Nor- folk. - * DOCTORS WILL MEET. Program For Mid-Summer Session of Medical Association. Programs have been received by Norfolk physicians for the midsummer mer meeting of the Elkhorn Valley Medical society , which will bo held In the Eagles' lodge room In Norfolk Tuesday , July 23 , afternoon and even ing. ing.The The following papers will be read : "Malignancy of Bone Tumors" Rob ert R. Holllstcr. Omaha. "Tho Necessity of an Early Diag nosis in Diphtheria , More Especially During Malignant Epidemics. " A. B. Tashjean , Norfolk. "Glaucoma ; Report of a Case of Ah- solute Glaucoma. " A. G. Lueschen , Columbus. "Demonstration of Dressing for Fracture of the Neck of the Femur. " J. P. Lord , Omaha. "Alkaloids and Galenical Prepara tions. " A. L. Mulrhead , Omaha. "The Therapeutic Value of Rest In Bed. " W. F. Mllroy , Omaha. "Some Points of Diagnosis In Ab dominal and Pelvic Surgery. " R. D. Mason , Omaha. "Floating Kidney and When to Op- crate. " A. C. Stokes , Omaha. "Headache. " A. D. Dunn , Omaha. "Types of the Insane" J. H. Mac- hay , Norfolk. "Tho Duties of the General Physi cian In Relation to Insanity. " H. Douglas Singer , Norfolk. Officers of the society are : Dr. Be- attie , Nellgh , president ; Dr. Rhoden of Fremont and Dr. A. S. Campbell of Tllden , vice presidents ; Dr. Peters , Stanton , secretary ; Dr. Hagoy , Norfolk - folk , treasurer. HUGHES SORE AT HOSPITALS. Three Operations Have Made Him Ready to Quit the Business. M. J. Hughes of West Point , a mem ber of the Norfolk lodge of Elks , who has undergone three surgical opera tions as the result of having his leg run over by a train In Iowa , has writ ten the following letter to Editor El liott of the West Point Republican : "Friend Jim : Kindly ship your next consignment of profound thought to me via C. & N. W. R. R. to Her Grand hotel , Omaha , Instead of Omaha Gen. hospital , as formerly. After three months' experience have decided to permanently quit the hospital busi ness. There Is nothing It It , Jim , and It's such n strenuous life , especially for a short man. Were I as long an MeLaughlln or Fred Hunker I might last < iuto ! n while , but this thing of those doctors Hawing off iinywhoro from two to four Inches from n llttlo fellow any time they got him down don't go with mo any more. Then , that's not all. They call every morn ing at your room and do something or other to you to hurt you HOIUO more. For Instance , the third morning after I hey relieved mo of two Inchon of bono and nlnow Dr. Condon , who , by the way , IH a very pleasant gentleman and line surgeon , smilingly Informed mo that , at the tlmo ho performed the amputation ho Inadvertently had Hewed up In the end of my limb a little silver discharge plpo about three Inches In length which ho wnnlod. I did not remember of bringing any corkm'row Him pod silver plpo to the hospital with im\ when I came down hero. HO told him If It wan hlH. ho might have It. With ntiothor bliind smile ho said to get Itould IIOCOHH- ! Into IIH | cutting 0110 or two nlHelios out , but that would hurl only a nilii- ulo. I didn't Just llko that , for I know the stltohos belonged to mo ami 1 would hiivo thorn to Bottle for when I paid my bill. Ilowovor , I reluctantly consented to lose the stitches , for I was not In a position to kick , anyhow. lie cut the threads and pulled thorn 'lit. luit when ho took bold of that ilttlo plpo with his pluohors. miy nils- IIT , 1 got Interested ! That Illllo three Inch plpo , whllo ho was pulling on It , fi'omod longer to mo than ono of Tom i-Vaiise's llfih polos. Tills Is only ono instance of many that occur to n fol low In n hospital , HO I quit Am now comfortably quartered at the I lor , where I would enjoy seeing you or miy others of my West Point Irlemls ulio may visit the city. Yourn truly , "Mike Hughes. " BONESTEEL HIT BY STORM. Gregory County Fair Buildings Were Wrecked by the Wind. Gregory County News : Wednesday night about 7:110 : o'clock a heavy wind and rain storm R truck this place and for fully one-half hour It gave prom Ise of doing great damage to life and property. The nilu poured down In snob torrents that It was Impossible for one to see across the street. With the wind and rain was ROIIIO hall , but there was not enough of the latter to cause any great damage. Numerous buildings wore wrecked by the wind ami others * | | ghlly dam aged. The heaviest loss was sus tained by the Gregory County Fair as sociation. At their grounds nearly every building was completely wreck- t'd. The Iftrgo grand stand building \MS overturned and greatly damaged. The largo exhibiting stable was pulled to pieces and the lumber carried for many rods In various directions. The oilier buildings wore all more or less . damaged. The damage to the associ ation will be In the neighborhood oj $1,000. , The barn of C. J. Alexander , who lives In the west part of town , was completely wrecked. Miraculously his , horses which wore In the barn at the , time , escaped with only slight bruises The barn belonging to Frank Mace was moved off Its foundation and - quite badly wrecked. The barn at the Whiting property which Is occupied by Irving Dlcksoii was considerably damaged. The office building of W. B. Backus was badly damaged and the front blown off of It. The office building of the Nyo- Schneider-Fowler company was slight ly damaged. Windows In the old McCurdy build ing , the Pilot office , the Congregational - al church , the Haakinson store build ing and numerous other buildings about the town were broken by the force of the wind. Numerous outbuildings wore over turned and damaged to some extent. The farmers In the vicinity of the town also suffered some small losses as a result of the work of the wind. Fortunately the crops are not seri ously damaged and the damage that was done will be repaired in a few days by the splendid growing weather we are now experiencing. Christian F. Schroth. Christian F. Schroth , elghty-ono years old , died at 9:30 : o'clock yester day , morning at the homo of his step son , Oscar Uhle , on Norfolk avenue. Death was brought on by old ago. Mr. Schroth has made his homo In Norfolk with Oscar Uhlo since 1902. His previous homo had boon In Oma- h. Mr. Schroth came to America from Germany In 1881. The following children survive : Fred Schroth of Norfolk , Emll Schroth of Colorado , Mrs. Pauline Schneider- wind of Omaha , Mrs. Mary NIssen of Chicago. One son , Bruno Schroth , has not boon hea'rd from since he marched away with a Kansas regiment ordered to the Philippines. Funeral services will bo hold Tues day afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. Johannes church. The body will bo laid to rest beside the wife who was burled five years ago In the now Luth , eran cemetery. Interesting Lecture. An Interesting lecture was delivered last evening nt the Congregational church under auspices of the Men's club , by Dr. S. Willis McFadden , pastor - tor of the First Presbyterian church of Sioux City. The audience would have been larger but for the rain storm which came up nt the appointed hour. To Entertain W. C. T. U. Mrs. Thomas will entertain the W. C. T. U. Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A full attendance Is desired , MORFOLK PEOPLE ENJOY A GEN UINE TREAT , CONCERT EVERY FRIDAY NOW 'ho Norfolk tin ml Durlna the Pant Few Months Han Been Brought to a High Deureo of Proficiency M. B. Avery Circulated Petition. fl''nun riiitutiluv'M Piillv.1 The open air oonoorl given by the S'orfolk band IIIH ! ovonlug watt ( ho rst of a tiorloH of woi-Uly oonoorlit to 0 given by that organization during ho Hunmior and fall. A suhsrrlpllnii apor circulated among Norfolk oil I- OIIH IIIIH boon HO rocolvod thnl weekly oneoilfl for the romtiliulor of Iho iloanant out of-dnoi'H period are an- urod. lluiidrodfi of Norfolk people enjoyed ho first of the weekly oouoorlH last ivonlug. The baud phiyod al the cor- i"r of Fifth and Norfolk avotiuo ami ho oonoort plnooH during the next i w wookH will bo bold at various Nor- elk uvoiuio ntroot IntorHoollotiH. The HubHcrlptlon paper to OIIHIIIO mud concorlM In Norfolk al IOIIH ! once 1 week wan circulated by M I ) . Avory. I'bo weekly conoorlH will bo given hroiinbout the next four months or mill cold woatbor renders ( ho npnn ilr concerts iindonlniblo. Friday ovonlug the second of the rlos will bo bold at Second Htrool mil Noifolk avoniio. The hour at which the program will bogln IIIIH not icon determined. The Norfolk baud since Director A. : ' . Vnidi'iibiirg look control of the or gaii I/.all on hint October has roaohod a ilgh degree of proficiency. The wook- y conoorts will add an atlraotlvo fen * lure to Norfolk'n mttnmor program. MONDAY MENTION. I'M ' Fisher , who has boon 111 South Plnlto working , IIIIH roliirnod homo. Mr. and MM. Alvln Parker are the happy parents of a llttlo baby boy. The thrco llttlo children of Mr. am Mrs. Mole are very nick with the moiislos. Charley Darnell has bought the oil Holt place on Second stn-ot and IH moving bin family In. Harry Rrlggs. , who 1ms boon work Ing In the roundhouse , IIIIH quit am Elmer Sanr Is now taking IIH ! place. Mrs , WalllH and two children o Moiulamln , Iowa , who has boon lion visiting with her sister. Mrs. Join Williams , returned homo yesterday. Will Stafford Bpcnt Sunday Ii Omaha. George Dudley , sr. , was ] \ \ Tllden Monday. Roadmnstcr P. J , fjttHToid has gone W. A. Wltzlgmnu spent Sunday In Meadow Grove. Mrs. William Stokes left at noon for a vlHlt at Omaha. II. B. Allen was up from Madison yesterday. , H. H. Mohr of Pierce was In Nor folk Saturday. Ed Rothorham of Lindsay was la Norfolk Sunday. , . , Chris Rope of Battle Creek was In , Norfolk Sunday. J. C. Lebolt of AInsworth was In Norfolk yesterday. W. R. Schneider of Wayne was In - Norfolk Saturday. A. A. Corklo spent Sunday with re latives In Tllden. Burt Mapes left on the morning train for Madison. T. J. Sesbnry of Wolbach stopped In Norfolk Saturday. R. V. West of Osmond was a Nor folk visitor Saturday. J. W. Ransom went to Madison Mon day morning on business. J. M. Bay of Madison was In the city Saturday on business. A. K. Barnes Is homo from Wahoo on a vacation visit In Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hooper of Bone- steel were In Norfolk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Roberts have returned from their visit to their sons at Sterling. Chris Anderson arrived home Satur day from a trip made In the Interests of the Springfield Flro and Marino In surance company for which ho has re cently been appointed special agent. Misses Joslo Richardson of Madison and Lottie Robertson of Wayne were In Norfolk Sunday. Misses Lizzie Schram and Edith Barrett , who arc attending the Fre mont normal , wore homo over Sunday. Fred Hofman , of Omaha , who has been In Norfolk the guest of his friend Harold Gow , returned home Saturday. George R. Hodson of Lynch , secre tary-treasurer of the Norfolk Pickle and Vinegar company , Is in Norfolk today. Miss Belle Temple , who has been In Norfolk on n visit with her sister , Mrs. C. C. Gow , returned Saturday to her homo in Omaha. Marshal Kennedy of Madison was In Norfolk Monday , accompanying his wife and children this far on their way for a visit to St. Paul , Minn. Dr. J. C. Myers returned from Hos- kins Sunday and left this morning for Anoka and Brlstow on work connected with the state veterinarian's ofllco. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hardy , accom panied by Arthur Clark of Boston , left Monday morning for a summer visit to Yellowstone park. They will bo away about four weeks. Ray Hartford spent Sunday with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hartford in Norfolk , returning to Stanton on the early train. Ho Is In charge of n crow of telephone men at that place , Mrs. W. B. Golden of Fremont was n Norfolk over Sunday , the gueflt of lBH Harriet Allhory. MfH. Howard Sochrlut of Boomer , vlio WIIH In Norfolk ever Sunday thu ; uciit of Mm. O. R. Morodlth , roliirnod loino at noon. H. C. Matiitu arrived homo ycsto.r- lay noon from a monlli'ii vlHlt In thu ast which Included a short trip to the amostown exposition. Mrs. L. M. KOOIIO of Fremont , who an boon In Norfolk on a short visit vllli her parontH , Mr. and Mm. J , S. IcClary , returned homo at noon. Judge A. A. Welch of Wayne was n Norfolk Monday noon on bin way o I'lorco was Joined In Norfolk by \ltornoyn M. C. Ilii/.on and H. F. lliirn- art. art.Or. Or. G , A. Young , miporlntondont at ho hoHpllal for the IIIHIUIO , IIIIH ro- uniod from Lincoln , whom ho was ullod an an Itmaully ovport In HIM larkor iimrdor trial. The Jury ells- greed and ! ho OIIHO will como up gain September < ) . ProHldi'iit OrooHbock and Secretary larrotl of tbu Norfolk driving olub ell at noon on an ndvorllHlng trip In bo InloroHlH of the big Norfolk race noot. Wind of Iho Norfolk racing layH , July III and August I and 2 , will 10 taken IIH far west nit O'Neill. .1. II. Wells of Itoono , Iowa , one of lie pioneer Northwestern onulnoorH In ho wi'Hl , vbdlod with Norfolk train- lieu during the noon hour. Mr. WollH loooiiipauled by lila wlfo was returning 'mm ' Hot Springs. S. n. , and wan en- oulo to Hloiis- City , whore a son and liiugliter reside. From 1807 until a niHhed baud at Missouri Vnlloy put ilm on I bo pension HH ! II vo yonra ago Mr , Wolln was In aollvo norvlco n in engineer ami many Noifolk men ire among bin aciiualnlancoH. Mr. and Mrs. II , C. ( lOiillo , Miss Mat- lo Davenport , Mrs. T. K. Odlorne and Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Greene of Plain- view yoHlorday broke up the camp that they bad cHtahlLshcd on the Ell > - born near the John Kay farm. The Hlorm of Saturday evening was said to have boon much more severe west of the city tluiii In Norfolk and the callipers on the Elklmni had all the pleasures of a young tornado. Several oiitbiilldlngH about the Hay farm worn Injured by the wind that accompanied Saturday evening's downpour of rain. W. H. llnlstond of Octavla , Neb. , la vlHllliig at the homo of his brotlier-ln- law , II. IT. Luko. Mr. Halstoad says that wheat Is half harvested In his part of the stnto and that It will go forty bushels to the aero. Oats will bo a good crop anil corn , though late. Is coming out well. The MadlHou county commissioners adjourned ItiHt week until August 7 , when they wllw \ \ \ \ ( to make the an nual U\.K \ lt7 > iw the county. Frank "Davenport IH moving Into hs | now residence oil Twelfth street and Norfolk avenue. Mr. Dav6npori "iT had the property entirely remodeled B.IIIQQ purchasing It. , . . . - . . - TW The August examinations for teach ers' certificates will be given at both Norfolk and Madison , Friday and Sat urday , August III and 17. The week following Is liiHtltutc week In Norfolk. A few friends enjoyed picnic lunch on the lawn at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. . H. C. Reynolds Saturday evenIng - Ing , the guests having been Invited as n surprise birthday Incident for Mr. Reynolds. \j \ - Charles Hlco last woolt lost and found the diamond setting to his ring. The gem , valued at about $200 , slipped from Us clasps and was found near Mr. Rice's desk where It had fortunate ly fallen. S. T. Nappor yesterday made a second end shipment of horses on his govern ment contract for supplylng iorses and cattle to the South Dakota Indian agency. The trnlnload of horses was sent north over the Northwestern. C. E. Hartford has received word from his son , Harry , that the Norfolk campers In Wisconsin are enjoying a fine outing and are making splendid catches of fish. In the party are Mr. and Mrs. Gay Halversteln and son. They expect to return to Norfolk Fri day of this week. Cloud-filled skies and the rain of the afternoon cut down the attendance at the Sunday picnic of the German Re lief association held In Pasewalk's grovo. Dcsplto the unfavorable weath er the band concert by the Norfolk band was given ns announced and a fair slzod crowd spent the greater part of the afternoon In the grove. The animal firemen's picnic of the Norfolk department will bo held next Sunday In Froythaler's grove. The Norfolk band has been engaged for the occasion , which promises to be one of the big picnics of the year. A special program for the afternoon will bo one of the features of the day. The picnic Is In charge of Max Schmledeberg , Mlllard Green and V. A. Nenow. The fire boys are also considering a street c-iriilval for next fall. M-S. Harriett Hlgglns has Issued ln\cns ! ! to the marriage of her dan ' r , Miss Leila Angelina Hlgglns to Mr Milton Loydlg on Thursday aftermi In Deadwood. A reception at theuo ! of the bride's mother follows t ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Leydlg wl'l ' bo at home In Stanley , S. D. , after \ngust 15. The bride-to- be is a grluato of the Norfolk high school and r Ve her home in this city with her mother for several years. Lincoln News : Frank Pllgor , super intendent of schools for Pierce coun ty , has sent In the first annual report received at the office of State Superin tendent McUr' This shows that Pierce contains seventy-one districts , has a school population of 3.CC2 and school property estimated to be worth ? l01,17.r.50. The amount of money available for the support of the schools last year was ICS.OS5 , of which sum $57,928 was expended , leaving $10,157 on hand at the close of the year.