r ; ATT PTIE NOHFOLK WKKlChY NKWS-JOKUHNAk KIM DAY ,1UIY , 2 , 1907 , BUSINESS TELEPHONES IN NOR FOLK DECOME CHEAPER. CUT APPLIES TO TWO CLASSES Three Dollars Per Year Is Lopped Off Individual Business Telephones and Two Party Line Business Phones , Beginning July 1. The Nebraska Telephone company today announces a reduction In rates applying to business telephones. A cut of twenty-live cents per month or ? 3 per year on two * classes of business telephones Is made , the new reduced rate having gone Into effect July 1. The reduction was taken before the state railway commission and was approved by that body. Hereafter every individual business telephone In Norfolk belonging to the Nebraska telephone company will bo $3 per month Instead of $3.25 ns for merly. Two party line business telephones will be $2.50 per month hereafter In stead of $2.75. FRIDAY FACTS. D. F. O'Brien was In Nellgla yester day. day.R. R. E. Williams was In Omaha yes terday. A. Yates has gone to Lincoln on business. J. D. Sturgeon left Wednesday noon for Nellgli. Miss Dorothy Rudat went to West Point yesterday. Lester Weaver was In West Point over Thursday. Arthur Schwertfeger was in Neligh over the Fourth. Mrs. P. J. Barnes left yesterday for a visit at Osmond. Miss Sabina Deen of Emerson was In Norfolk Wednesday. W. W. Weaver visited with friends at Meadow Grove yesterday. Miss Edith Herrmann spent the Fourth with friends at Neligh. E. H. Brewer and family celebrated the Fourth at Meadow Grove. Tom Johnson and family spent the Fourth with friends in Tilden. S. D. Robertson and J. T. Wolfklel spent the Fourth in Sioux City. Albert Degner and family visited relatives in Winslde yesterday. Miss Jennie Benniug visited In Gregory , S. D. , over the Fourth. The family of Ira M. Hamilton spent the Fourth , at the Yellowbanks. Miss Gertrude Baisch of Madison was a .Norfolk visitor this morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cheney of Crelgli- tou were Norfolk visitors Wednesday. Mrs. A. H. Viele returned at noon from a month's visit in the Black Hills A. A. Corkle , bookkeeper at the Faucett-Carney Candy company's of fice , spent the Fourth at his home In Tilden. Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Baker of Madi son were in the city between trains Wednesday. Woods Cone's , president of the Pierce county bank , was in Norfolk Wednesday. Rudolph Edens left Wednesday. to spend the Fourth with his parents at Battle Creek. Ed Samnelson of Wayne passed through Norfolk Wednesday on his his to Plalnvlew. Superintendent J. A * Doremns of Madison was in Norfolk Wednesday returning home for junior normal work. " * .Mrs. U. E. Ililke of Atkinson , who has been in Norfolk on a visit with Miss Nona O'Brien , returned home yesterday. Judge G. T. Kelley of Pierce' was in Norfolk yesterday on his way to visit his daughter at Humphrey. Miss Ethel Wicherd of Leigh has returned home after a week's visit in Norfolk , the guest of Mrs. J. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baugh were called to Hastings Wednesday mornIng - Ing by the Illness of Mr. Baugh's brother. John R. Hays left at noon for Oma ' ha. Miss Elsie Marquardt is visiting In Bazlllo Mills. D. Mathewson left on the noon train for Gregory , S. D. G. "W. Stalcop left at noon on a business trip to Neligh. Mrs. W. Fox left yesterday for a short visit at Columbus. C. E. Burnham returned yesterday afternoon from Omaha. Sheriff J. J. Clements was up from Madison Friday on business. Mrs. R. B. Inglls and Miss Minnie Maas were in Pierce Friday afternoon. Rudolph Llnderman of Center was In Norfolk between trains Wednesday. F. E. Beeler was In Omaha over the Fourth , the guest of Rev. . J. F. Poucher. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Blue spent the Fourth at their former homo In Wahoo Miss Matilda Herrmann Is spending the week with a camping party at No- llgh. llgh.Rev. Rev. J. J. Parker of Genoa was In Norfolk Wednesday , returning from Plainvlew , where ho officiated last week at the Bernard-Durlnnd wedding Mrs. R. E. Williams went to Stanton Wednesday morning , to spend the Fourth at the homo of her sister , Mrs. J. J. Lelk. ' James Peters and Paul Lyndo and Misses Clara lAnderson and Mablo Dick wore Norfolk visitors In Neligh over the Fourth. Mrs. E. L. Loucks and son , Edward Loucks , left today to spend the Fourth In Schuylor. Mr. Loucks leaves In the morning for Schuyler. Mrs. Ed Flynn and little daughter passed through Norfolk Wednesday evening on her way from DCS Molnes ( o Join Mr. Flynn at their now homo | In Valentino. Mr. Flynn Is In the drug business at Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grant of Madison were In Norfolk today on their way home to Madison. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Uullock left at noon on a Hlx weeks vlslt'ln New York and Pennsylvania. Miss Myrtle Solomon went to Mead ow Grove to celebrate the Fourth and visit for a few days. Joseph KoepoU of Lindsay was In Norfolk Wednesday evening on his way to Meadow Grove. Miss Kdnn Stone of Sioux Falls. S. D. , arrived In Norfolk for a visit with her aunt , Mrs. W. N. Huso. Miss Mary Adams of Sterling , 111. , Is visiting nt the homo of J. C. Adams. Miss Adams is a teacher In the Ster ling schools. Dr. G. A. Young , superintendent at the Insane hospital , has returned from a business trip to Lincoln In connec- Ion with the Institution. Arthur Sims , Frank Union , P. Paterson - erson and Will Pickerd and Misses Ollle Redman , Elsie Case , Lulu Cronk uul Anna Miller were In Battle Creek resterday. Miss Blanche Reeves and Miss Maud Osborno of Schoolcraft precinct were 'ucsts of Mrs. W. M. Darlington on : he Fourth , while enroute to their homes from a visit at Wayne. Misses Laura and Fnnnle Brome of Butte , Mont. , left Norfolk Friday morn Ing for Omaha after a week's visit In the city. The Misses Brome will spend the summer In New York and will be accompanied east by Harry Brome of Omaha , who Is gojng to visit France on a business trip. W. II. Johnson of Denver Is In Nor folk on n short visit in the city , having arrived in Norfolk yesterday. Mr. Johnson , besides greeting Norfolk friends , will assist In invoicing the Johnson Dry Goods stock before It Is turned over to Mr. Kllllan. SOLDIER FEVER IS AGAIN LAYING HOLD OF NORFOLK. WILL BE READY BY THIS FALL Already Forty Names Have Been Placed on the List of Those Desiring to Become Members of the New Militia Company Here. From present plans likely to ma terlallze Norfolk stands to have a mllltla company formed In Uils city By fall It Is thought that there wil be some three score of young men en gaged In weekly drill as a company in the organization of the state guard. The plans for the company have been so far carried out 'that ' an en rollment list of about forty names has been secured. Fifty-eight names are necessary before the state will recog nizc'a company and provide guns aud equipment. When the local lists liave been signed up they will be forwardoc to Lincoln and the governor and ad Jutant will be asked to place1 the Nor folk company In commission. A new company formed In the state Is organized for a time as an lude pendent company and as such an or ganization stands In Hue to fill the .first vacancy in the regular list o companies in the two regiments o the state. Other surrounding towns whlcl maintain companies of the state ml iitla are Columbus , Stanton and Mad ison. These .companies are all of the First Nebraska regiment It is sometime since Norfolk has heard the uniform tramp of the so ] dier boys or seen the brown suits o a local company of the state troops For some years a militia company was maintained here , but indifference in the ranks led to giving up .Its commls sion. Company L , Second regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry , was or ganized a dozen years ago with E. H Tracy as the first captain. The com pany served during the Spanlsh-Amer lean war , being stationed at Chatta nooga during the conflict. Many o the old members are still residents o the city. After Captain Tracy had been promoted to the rank of major Frank Beels and Alfred N. Gerecke were made , in turn , captains of com pany L. Celebration at Alnsworth. Ainsworth , July 5. Special to The News : It was hot here the Fourth 100 In the shade , but there was a gooc breeze and the people did not suffer so much. There was a good attendance anco at the celebration. The oration was by Prof. John M. Grayblel , prln clpal of our schools and the declara tlon of independence was read by Arthur Slsson. There were many games for the en tertainment of the public. The Ainsworth high school team played the Long Pine high schoo team. The score was 27 to 8 In favor 'of ' Ainsworth. The big afternoon game was between Ainsworth and Gordon Ainsworth winning by a score of { to 3. 3.Tho The Ainsworth ladies' basket bal team played the Long Pine ball team the score resulting In 13 to 8. It was a very successful celebration of the nation's birthday. Timber Lands. Wo are experienced timber cruisers and have many valuable claims ready for file. Write for particulars. Me Gary & Co. , box 5CO , Pendleton , Ore Hunt's Perfect baking powder stands highest test. Never dlssappolnts. An thCB & Smith , agents. 'ILGER ' MAN IS IN JAIL FOR SAFE KEEPING. HE WAS BADLY BEATEN UP Ed Glllesplc , Recently Discharged From the Eighteenth Infantry , Is Charged With Attempted Assault Upon Two Tiny Girls of Pllger. Pllgor , Neb. , July ( i. Special to The \ews : 12d aillesplo of 1'llgcr , recent- y discharged from the Eighteenth In fantry U. S. A. , narrowly averted a ytiehlng hore. Ho was badlv beaten ip by a mob and Is now In jail at West Point for sufe keeping , llo has on bound over to district court on i charge of attempting to criminally issnnll two llttlo girls at West Point > n the Fourth. Cecil Wells , eight-year-old daughter of W. II. Wells , and the nine-year old laughter of V. R. Tlft , all of Pllgcr , were the victims of Glllesple's alleged crime. Glllesplc treated the two llttlo girls to ice cream at West Point and IB said have attempted to assault them. They told thcjr stories to parents on the train that night , enrouto home. Glllesple was badly beaten up by a mob and but for cooler heads would have been hanged. There Is thought to bo strong evi dence against the man. He was held to district court In the sum of $1,200. Stuart Celebrates. Stuart , Neb. , July 0. Special to The News : Stuart observed the Fourth In the good old fashioned way and the celebration was pronounced a success by those who attended. This being the only railroad town In either Holt or Rock counties that celebrated , there were many visitors from neigh boring towns. The exercises were held in the opera house , the orator of the day being Hon. A. II. Tingle of Butte. A matched game of baseball and basket ball was played between Sin- art and Newport. Newport girls won the basket ball game and Stuart boys the baseball game. Most excellenl music was furnished by the Stnnrt concert band , a musical organization of much merit composed mostly of boys ranging In age from ten to eighteen years. It was organizer but a little over a year ago and has been under the Instruction of Rev. S Light. Considering the ages of the players and length of service , It Is safe to say it has not an equal In the state. Articles of Incorporation. Know All Men by These Presents : That we , A. L. Kllllan , n resident of Saunders county , Nebraska , A. T Ilutchlnson , a resident of Douglas county , Nebraska , and James Killian a resident of Sannders county , Ne braska , do associate ourselves togethei in order to form and become a corpo ration for the purposes horeinaltei stated under and pursuant to the laws of the suite of Nebraska. 1. The name of this corporatloi shall be A. L. Killian Co. 2. The principal ofllce of said cor poralirm shall be in the city of Nor folk , in Madison county , state of Ne braska , but the board of directors nmj establish and maintain branch alllces at other places in said state , at sucl points ns they may deem necessarj for the proper carrying on of the bus ! ness of said corporation. The principal place of business shal be in the city of Norfolk , in Miidlsoi county , state of Nebraska , but brand business places may be established a other places in said .state by the bean of directors. 3. The objects for which this cor poration is formed are : To transact a general merchandise business , both wholesale and retail , to buy and sell all kinds of mcrchan dlse ; to liny , erect , maintain , and owi and lease such buildings and strnc tures as may be deemed necessary for the carrying on of the business ol salt corporation ; to purchase and owi such tracts of real estate as mav be necessary to bo used by said corpora tlon. In conducting the business there of , for sites for such buildings am structures as are necessary tO'beusei by said corporation In conducting sail business ; and to buy and own all nee essary machinery , furniture , fixtures and apparatus to properly carry 01 the business of said corporation. 1. The amount of authorized cap Ital stock of this corporation shall be twenty-five thousand dollars , ( $25,000) ) divided Into fifty shares of five him dred dollars ( $500.00) ) each , to bo 'sub ' scribed and fully paid up. 5. The existence of this corporation shall commence on ( ho twenty-sc'cow day of July , A. D. 1907 , and continue for the period of 99 years. 0. The affairs of this corporatloi shall be managed , controlled , and con ducted by a board of three directors which number may be hereafter In creased to five by the board of ill rectors. The first board of directors shall be elected by the stockholders , as soon as said capital stock Is sub scribed , and they shall hold their of flco until their successors are electee : and qualified ; and thereafter the board of directors shall bo elected by the stockholders of said corporation In the manner and form , and at the time and place , as shall bo prescrlbet by the by-laws of this corporation. 7. The officers of this corporation shaU bo a president , vice-president treasurer and secretary who shall b ( chosen by the board of directors , am shall hold their office for a period o 0110 year , and until their m urc elected and qualified. Said board nt dlrcctoni shall aim ) have the power to provide for the ap pointment of such minor olllcors and agontH , IIH Ihoy may doom iiot'csunry for I the proper carrying on of the busi ness of Hiilil corporation. S. The highest amount of Indebted- IIOHS to which said corporaIon ) shall at any tlmo subject ttm < lf Khali not ox- rood the amount of sixteen thousand dollarH ( $1(1.000.00. ( ) ! ) . The board of dlrcctoni of thin corporation nhnll have power ( o make from llmo lo tlmo , mirh by-lawn gov erning the mooting of llto HtookholdorH , the election of ollloorn of wild corpora tion , and for the government of mild corporation , and all the ollleors and igonlH thereof , an they miiy doom iropor mid nooissnry , and to amend mil revise the su.uo. In witness whereof , wo have hero- into set our hands on ( Ills 2lut day of liliio , A. D. 11107. In the proHoneo of Jesse M. Galloway , Louis J. Kudrnn. A. L. Kllllun , A. T. HutchliiBon , JamoM Kllllan. SALOON AT THAT PLACE WILL BE CLOSED UP TIGHT. HOT WAR BETWEEN TWO BANDS County Attorney J. A. Van Wagencn of Pierce Announces That the Ban Will be Placed on Sunday Picnics at Hadar as Well as Drinks. . [ From SnUinlny'n Dally. ] No more Sunday booze at Iluilnr ! Thirsty tin oats whoso lives havi been saved at Hadar for a number o Suildays past , and despondent ones who drove to llndnr each succeeding Sabbath for ( ho purpose of drowning remembrance , will get no relief at UK llttlo town five miles northwest o Norfolk on Sundays to come. The doors of the Hadnr saloon , beginning forthwith , will be burred tighter thai a drumhead from midnight Saturdaj night until early Monday morning , am there will bo nothing doing In the lln of leverage. Bitter War Between Bands. The announcement that llndar's sa loon will no more dispense llijuh cbeer on Sundays was made In Nor folk last night by County Attorney J A. Van Wagenoir of Pierce. The Hi will be locked down upon Hadar be cause of a row that has been klckei up between the two bands of the town County Attorney Van Wagenen an Sheriff E. A. Dwyer drove down U Norfolk yesterday afternoon and whll In the city announced to 'hie New that the cover would be nailed .dowi tight at llndirr from now -on. County Attorney Van Wagoner sal that complaints reaching Ills office a Pierce from the Union band of Hada resulted in the Investigation whlc will malto Titular dry on Sundays. The Pierce county attorney snh that owing to local controversies an ( a bitter "war between the Union bam and the Concordia band , local dissen slon had attained such a pitch of Intel slty Unit the county officials wer forced to take a hand and legnl step will be taken to stop all violations o the Sabbath at Hador. Ban on Sunday Picnics , Too. Not only will there bo n ban on th Sunday liquor sale , Init ropes of th law will also be Uofl around any nt tempts at Sunday picnics on the par of any band or other organization 1 Hadnr during the Incumbency of th present county officials. For some weeks all roads on Sun day have led to Hadnr. With Hada as the oasis In the Sabbath deser paths loading Hadai-way have bee marked of a Sunday with rlbbpns o dust several limes In Jength. Now that the lid Is on , the probloi arises 'as to which roails next will be come dusty ones. . , i i CASUALTIES OF THE FOURTH. No Serious Results Have Yet Deve oped in Norfolk. No serious results luno as yet oc ctirrcd from Norfolk's Fourth of Jul accidents. Little Allen Landers is still su ferlng from n painful bum , the rostr of the explosion of a bunch of flr crackers In the pocket of his blouse o the evening of the Fourth. The fire crackers were ignited from a roma candle spark. In extinguishing th flames , the lad's father , C. W. Landers uurned his hands. Little Allen' chest was burned for several inches. At the state hospital Thursday a giant fire cracker exploded In the hand of George A. Egnn , employed as a plumber nt the hospital. The big cracker caught from the ashes of , n cigar that Engan was smoking. The man's hand was painfully lacerated. Robert Klentz , standing near , was burned about the neck by the explo sion of the same cracker. FINE RAIN IN NORFORLK. Rainfall Amounted to .Four-Fifths of an Inch Here. A flno rain fell over Norfolk and vi cinity during the night. The total rainfall amounted to .80 of an inch and was of benefit to growing things. The rain began at ten minutes before 3 a. m. and continued until about G o'clock. The shower was accompanied by lightning. The weather forecast Is for showers and fair weather Sunday. MAN WANTED AT EMERSON AP PREHENDED IN NORFOLK. ' LODGED IN CITY JAIL HEHE ellow Wanted on Charge of Tapping n Till at a Snloon In Emerson 8ov. oral Dnyn Ago Is Caught by Marshal Flynn. Albert lliibo , mipposod ( o bo con- looted with n miloon lobbory nl FJm-1 rtiou , was nrroHlod In Norfolk about moil by Chief of Police John F. Klynn. 'ho nnoHt was made at the advice of lie marshal at Kiuornon. Hnbo wns ilacod In the city Jail lo bo In ken to Oincrsoii Sunday. Earlier In the wool ; Chief Flynn wna nformod Unit a saloon till nl"Kinornon ind boon touched to the extent of 77.IIO on the preceding Sunday. The irrost of Albeit Hnbo , who had head- d for Norfolk , was requested. Satur- lay Hnbo , who Is a young ( ionium , ieavy set and walking with a limp , vns arrested In a local saloon. Rnbo's nnmo was put on a local coming house's register last Monday. \t the express office nn old mill case was received In Habe's nnmo. The nan did not call for the suit case and when first placed under arrest denied : hat It was his properly. Chief Flynn believed Saturday that Habo was a young crook with possibly something of a record behind him. Habo , however , does not seem en- lowed with nu imuminl amount of shrewdness. ' He claims to bo a cook. Italic would not discuss his affairs lit ICiiicrson beyond declining that bo wns In no trouble there. The saloon robbed at Emerson was conducted by F. H. Miiellor. Entrance was effected by picking the lock to the cellar door. Expected Disagreement. Fairfax Advertiser : In the case of the Stale of South Dakota vs. Joseph 13. Wilson , the charge of murder was changed to assault with a dangerous weapon. Defendant was arraigned , a Jury selected and the trial wns con eluded last evening. As wo go to press ( Wednesday noon ) the Jury Is still out , no verdict having beei reached. A disagreement Is lookei for. REMAINS OF RAY O. GROOMS DROWNED AT NELIGH. THREE MILES BELOW POINT Tb-s Badly Decomposed Remains of th Young Man Drowned at Neligh Coul Not be Viewed , Even by the Fathc of the Victim. Neligh , Neb. , July 0. Special lo Th News : The body of Hay O. Grooms who drowned in the Elkborn hero on week ago tnduy , was found this morn Lng three mlkm below the spot \vhcr the young man wont down. The body .wiis so badly decomposei that the undertaker retimed to nllo\ anyone , not even Hie luther , lo vlc\ the remains. It wns nt first * thought burial wonlc bo here this afternoon , but later i was decided , with consent of tlie cor oner and undertaker , to take the re mains to Iowa for burial. Some of the real estale advcrllsoi In these columns today will have new owners tomorrow. SMITH'S ASSAILANT ESCAPED. Former Norfolk Colored Man Wa Slabbed Near the Heart. The Omnhu World-Herald contnlnei the following regarding Emory Smill now a policeman In Omaha but for merly a Norfolk drayman and prlz fighter : Emory Smith , colored , a patrolmni on 'the police force , was stabbed i the left breast , just above the heart by n colored man. who made Ms escape capo and whose identity Jias not beei learned , on a Ijoavenworth car , nea Forty-second street late last evening The car was loaded with picnickers returning from Hibler park , and th cutting resulted from n quarrel be Iweon the two men as a result o Smith's threatening to arrest Ihe olh er for making an Insulting remark t a white woman , who was sitting ncn by. The car was moving slowly a thr tlmo and Iho man made his es ipe. Officer Smith was taken to th lollco station , where he was attendee by the police surgeons. Although th gash was a deep one , It will not prov fatal. Smith states that he does not kno\\ the nnmo of his assailant , but Is posl tlvo that ho could Identify him. H says that ho Is an Omaha man am has often been seen doing'porter ' worl in n saloon In the tenderloin district Detectives and officers of the police force are making a careful search fo him. Notice of Administrator's Sale. In the district court of Madison county , Nebraska. In the matter of the application o Charles B. Manwlller , administrate of the estate of Cora B. Manwlller deceased , for leave to soil real estate Notice is hereby given that in pur sunnco of an order of the Honorable A. A. Welch , judge of the dlstrlc court of Madison county , made on the 15th day of April , 1907 , for the sal of iho rent oHlnto horlnnfler dr-Mcriiici/ , there will ho mild at publlo vondiio lethe the highest bldd ( < r for c.iiRli nl Hut front door of Iho court house in the city of MmllHOii. In said comity , on the I'.Hi dn > nt July , 11107. nl the hour of : i o'clock , p. in. , Iho folhnvlni ; iln Morlhed i real OKI tile , In Madison conn ty , and Hlnto of NobniHkn. lowli | | > KlnniiiK nl Iho HniilheiiHt conioi . .r . lot I wo (2) ( ) In block three ( I ! ) . Mn < h Dinner's addition lo Norfolk , iiml uu'n tiring Ihenoo lo the CIIH ! line of tin noithwoHl quarter of Iho noi.inu . i ( iti'irtor of Hoctiiin twenty-six Udi in township 21 nviKo I , wont , of the dih I' . M. , 280 feel morn or IOSM , fnun IholU'n HOllth to llio ROlllheasI mi DM of ' Hiild south wont quarter , of the nuiiii > vest qimrlor nnd IDT'/i foot mure nt lews to Iho pl-ipp of boKlnnlim , MII < | onntnlnlnR U.07 acroH more or lo-i , and being a part ol' Iho imiiliui ii quarter of Iho norlhwosl qnnrh'i f section L'0 , township Ul , rnnio I , w < i of Iho Dili I' . M , III ( ho prninlj of M.nl Ison and slnlo of Nebraska. Itoglmitng nt a point lSf ! ] feel we l. ml ; ii : feel norlh of the southeast iriier of Ihe northwest quarter of Iho orthwest qnnrlor of section UO , lo\vn- hlji lit , range 1 , west of the Dili p. I. , nnd measuring thence west HO 77 el Ilienco north MS'/i- ' fool , ( hoiioo nsl 50.77 feet , Ilienco south M8V6 feel i ( he plnco of lioglnnlng , coulnluliu ; 11-100 nci'os more or less , being apart f snld northwest iinarter of Ihe north- vent ( | liarter of section 'JO , township I , range 1 , west of Iho Oth P. M. In Indium ! county , Nebraska. And further : Commencing fit u mint three hundred thirty-six and 7'J- 00 feel weal and thlily-lhreo foot lorlh of the northeast corner of Mm lorthwost quarter of the northwest luurter of section M. lowiinhlp 21 , ange ,1 wosl of the Dili 1' .M , and mining thence one hundred and olgh- een and IM-100 feet , thence smith hreo hundred and eighty-six 5 100 eel to the place of beginning. Dated this 271 h day of June , 1007. CharloH II. Manwlller. \dinlnlslrnlor for the estate of Cora M. Mnnwlllcr , deceased. Chamberlain's Colic , Cholcrn and Di arrhoea Remedy. There Is probably no medicine made hat Is relied upon with more implicit onlldenco than Chnmbcrlnln't ) Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Dur ing the more than one-lhlrd of a cen tury In which II has been In use , people ple have learned that it Is the one rem edy that never falls. When reduced with water and sweetened it IB pleas ant to take. For sale by Leonard Iho druggist. Know all men by these presents , that we , Frank S. Manser and MMoa M Fmicoll , do nssoclnlo ourselves lo go ! her for Iho purpose of forming and becoming a corporation In the Htato of Nebraska for the transaction of llio business hereinafter described. Flrsl. The name of the corporation shall be the Denser Fnticetl Co The principal place of transacting Ihe busi ness of said corporation shall he In the city of Norfolk , county of Madison and state of Nebraska. Second. The nature of Iho business to h transacted by said corporation shall he the buying and.selling of pat ent rights , and the buying and selling of the rlghl lo manufacture and seller or use natenled articles on royalties. Third. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be four thou sand dollars In shares of one dollar each , lo be Issued and paid for as re- quliod by the board of directors. Fourth. The existence of this cor poration shall commence on the liitlr day of Juno , 1907 , and continue during the period of twenty-five years. Fifth. The business of said corpo ration shall be conducted by a board of directors not to exceed five In num ber , who shall ho elected by the stock holders ; such election to take place nt such llrno and ho conducted in such mariner ns shall bo prescribed by the by-laws of said corporation. Sixth. The officers of said corpora tion shall bo a president , secretary , and treasurer who shall bo chosen by the board of directors and shall hold their office for the period of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. Provided , that until the first election of officers of said corpo ration , Frank S. Denser shall bo its president and Miles M. Faucett Us sec retary and treasurer and the said Frank S. Denser and Miles M. Faucett shall bo the directors of said corpora tion until Iho first meeting of the stockholders. Seventh. The highest amount of in- deblednoss to which said corporallon shall at any lime subject Itself shall nol be more than two thousand dollars. Eighth. The manner and time of holding the meetings of stockholders , excepting the first , for Ihe elecllon of officers , and the method of conducting the business of the corporation shall bo as provided by the by-laws adopted by the board of directors. In witness whereof , the undersigned have hereunto set their hands , this 15th day of June , 1907. ' Frank S. Denser , Miles M. Faucett. The State of Nebraska , Madison County , ss : On this 15th day of Juno , 1907 , be fore me , M , D. Tyler , a notary public In and for said county , personally ap peared the above named Frank S. Den ser and Miles M. Faucett who are personally - sonally known to mo to be the identic al persons whoso names are affixed to the above articles as parties there to , and they severally acknowledged the Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Witness ray hand and notarial seal the dnto aforesaid. M. D. Tyler , Notary Public.