The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 12, 1907, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NKUllASKA FRIDAY JULY 12 11107. | f RAILROAD COMMISSION WILL TACKLE JOB JULY 23. I INDEPENDENT OF SIBLEY ACT Express Companies of Nebraska Dis regarded Slbley Act , Cutting Rates 25 Percent , and Are Asked to be Present at This Meeting. Lincoln , Nob. , July 11. Special to The News : The railway commission today decided to fix n schedule of ex press rates July 23. All of the companies were notified to bo present and Interpose objec tions , should they desire. The commission decided to net In dependent of the Slbley law , which went Into effect July C but which was disregarded by the express companies. The Slbley net arbitrarily reduced ex press rates twenty-live percent WAR STORIES MOSTLY FAKE. I One Small Jap Has % Been Responsible for Much of the Talk. Washington , July 11. It Is about time American people should under stand the character and extent of the political propaganda which Is In prog ress In this country for the overthrow of the ministry In power in Japan. The avowed object of this propaganda is to secure hotter treatment for Jap anese In the United States. Its real object is the establishment by the people of Japan of a new government , made up of members of the progres sive party , with Count Okuma as pre mier. The man who claims to bo taking care of the Interests of the progressive party in Washington is Dr. Masujl Ml- yakawa , a clever Japanese , who holds a number of degrees received from American colleges and who alleges that he is a graduate of various high schools in his native country where , he says , he has lectured on Interna tional law before the naval cadets of Japan. Makes "Tame" Stories "Newsy. " It Is true he has degrees. His home career is not so well authenticated. He has been in the United States off and on for eight years , though ho spent some time In Russia getting In formation for the Japanese army and served as was correspondent In China during the boxer revolL He speaks English well and knows Low to make newsy translations of ' dispatches taken from old Japanese papers. This Is what he did a few days ago when he gave to the press the sub stance of an alleged official conflden tial memorandum said to have been issued by Foreign Minister Hayashl and describing the attitude of the Jap anese government on the question o : the limitation of immigration. Not In Touch With Facts. The authenticity of this memoran dum Is denied In well-Informed circles and an Investigation discloses the fact that Dr. Mlyakawa read the memoran dum which he disseminated In an op position newspaper of Toklo. Miyakawa claims to be the owner of a paper In San Francisco called the Japan Tribune , a sheet of no standing according to reports here. Its profits must be 'small , for Mlyakawa's supply of cash , according to what Is known Is limited. He Is In constant telegraphic cor respondence with disgruntled Japanese on the Pacific coast. If he receives Any cablegrams , as he claims , they arc few and far between. Imagined Aoki's Recall. He alleged recently he had been ad vised from Toklo that Ambassador Aokl was to be recalled , and the pub llcatlon of this Information gave rise to a great deal of comment in this country and caused officials to declare if the ambassador were withdrawn the action could only be regarded as an indication that Japan proposed to adopt the "mailed-fist" policy , am would necessitate preparations by this government. It has since developed that there was absolutely no foundation for. the report of Viscount Aoki's recall. The ambassador Is to remain Indefinitely in the United States , and possesses the full confidence of his government which includes the emperor as wel as the ministry. Could Stop Trouble. Mlyakawa said a few days ago tha he could stop the agitation In Japan in a moment If he chose to do so. Ho also could stop the agitation In the United States by falling to give to In nocent newspapers and reporters some of the information ho extracts from Japanese papers. It Is the knowledge of Miynkawa's doings that Is respon slble , In a great mdasure , for the re fusal of the state department to ex press concern over the Japanese sltua tlon. tlon.At At the same time It is apparent thn the representative of the progressive party is doing his political work well but the officials say that If ho wore really patrlctic ho would not bo seek ing to embioil his country and the United States , oven though thereby ho might secure the domination of his friends in the Japanese government APPEAL TO FEDERAL COURTS Express Companies Ask Removal ol Rate Cases to Another Jurisdiction. Lincoln , July 11. While the Judgei of the Nebraska supreme court were deliberating on Issuing n restraining onior to compel the express coinpaulci to obey the Slbloy law , attorneys lei the companies filed a motion to take the case to the federal courf This was denied. The attorneys for the express companies then demanded i transcript and appealed to the fedora. court , where they will challenge thu Jurisdiction of the Nebraska courts Attorney General Thompson sought i icstralnlng order when the companlui refused to cut rates 1C per cent t conform to the Slbley statute , which became effective July C. The Missouri Pacific railway chal lenged the authority of the Nebraska railway commission to adjust , deter | mine or fix oil rates. The Marshall Oil company several weeks ago com plained that the Nebraska freight rate schedules discriminated against the Inilop- lent company and In favoi of the ST * ' / ' "d Oil company , allowing Uio lateV * 6 'llBtrlbuto from county scat poln tf > ajiswer the Missouri Pacific ass . at the Interstate commerce - morco com , ° n has solo jurisdic tion. _ ' # _ IOWA HARD HIT Nine Inches of i > Four Days nnd Damage frorf * < md and Hall. Fort Dodge , la. , July 11. The rain fall In tha central and northern part of Iowa has been almost unprecedent ed. In four days It bos amounted to nine Inches. Early oats Is lodged and all small grain badly flattened Wind , rain and hall have beaten and stripped many cornfields. Consldera bio stock has been killed by lightning and flood. Lowlands are all Inundated and In many places whole fields stand under water. It Is estimated that loss up to date on the corn crop will Amount to $5 npr ncrf _ Papal Secretary Buyo Auto. Rome , July 11. Great surprise has been caused in vatlcnn circles by thn fact that the papal secretary of state , Cardinal Merry del Val , has bought n powerful automobile. It was general ly supposed that the pope would not countenance the cardinals riding in motor cars. Glldden Tourists at Toledo. Toledo , O. , July 11. The Glldden tourists reached Toledo from Cleve land two hours ahead of time. The plot and the confetti oar reached the Boody house at noon , closely followed by the seventy-four touring and run abouts , carrying' about 300 people. The contestants started at 7 o'clock this morning for South Bend , a dis lance of 166 miles , for which they are allowed nine hours. Salvadorean Mission to Guatemala. Guatemala City , July 11. A specln diplomatic mission from Salvador has arrived here. GLASS TRIAUN PROGRESS Assistant District Attorney Heney Makes Opening Statement to Jury San Francisco , July 11. The trial of Louis Glass , vice president of the Pa clflc States Telephone company , In dieted for bribery of supervisors , began gan before Jud-ge Lawler. Very little was accomplished. Assistant Dlstrlc Attorney Heney made to the Jury the opening statement for the prosecu tion , In which ho outlined the steps by which the state expects lo prove that the vice president of the Pacific States Telephone company paid Su pervlsor Charles Boxton now the tern porary mayor of San Francisco a $6,000 bribe to vote against the Home Telephone company's application for a rival franchise. Then Mr. Boxton was called to the stand. Though he Is to be the star witness for the people his inquisition was so skillfully and frequently Interuupted by Attornej Delmas of the defense tha ] : when shortly before the noon recess , ho gave way temporarily to Clerk Ryan of th hoard of supervisors nothing of vita Importance bad been elicited. MADRID , IIA , , REGAINS COUNCIL City that Lost Local Government Now Has New Body Appointed Boone , In. , July 11. The situation in Madrid regarding a city counci has been solved. After a month o waiting without a council and afte consulting legal lights of the county and state and bringing Governor Cum mlns Into the case , Madrid again has a full council. Alderman Wilson , the remaining councilman , acting on th advice of Attorney General Byers , has appointed S. A. Bengston , S. A. Dll lander , F. H. Graves , J. Q. Lucas and J. H. Hll'ls ' to transact the business of the city. All but one of the forme councllmen resigned and refused to lorvo. BASEBALLRESULTS _ American League Cleveland , 0-2 ; Boston , 6-0. Detroit. D ; Now York , 4 Chicago , 1 ; Philadelphia , 2. National League Boston , 6 ; Cincln natl , 4 (11 ( innings ) . Brooklyn , l Chicago , 0. Now York , 7 ; St. Louis , 1. Philadelphia , 2 ; Pittsburg ; , 3. ' American Association Minneapolis 11 ; Louis. 3. St. Paul , 4 ; Toledo , 6 Kansas City , 5 ; Columbus , 2. Mllwau koe , 6 ; Indianapolis , 8. Western League Lincoln , 4 ; Oma ha , 6. Sioux City. 1-0 ; Denver. 2-1. SIOUX INDIANS DO WELL UNDER NEW SYSTEM. ARE LEARNING HOW TO WORK Deputy Marshal John Bcldlng Tells of Rapid Progress of Indians on the Two Big Reservations In South Da kota. Sioux Falls , S. D. . July 11. Those vho have not visited the great Sioux ndlan reservations of South Dakota luring the past few years can hnvo nly a slight conception of the ni'eat ulvaiicomont these once \\aillko In- Inns havu made toward civilization , The ghost duncu trouble of the wln-i or of 1S90-1 , which culminated In tho1 loody battle of Wounded JCnoo creek , narked the turning of the tide In the ondltton of the 120,000 Indians who ompose the great Sioux nation , nnd rom that time their advancement Inia' jeen quite rapid , and especially during ho past few years , or since a change' vas made by the United Stales gov-1 eminent In the method of treating the ndlaiiH , cutting off the rations of the iblebodled Indians and mnk'ng ' them ) ecomo self supporting. Ono of the men who has had an ex cellent opportunity to cloHclv observe lie great progress of the Sioux Indians luring recent years Is John Holding , iloneer Black Illller , one of. the piln- 'Ipal deputies of Capt. Seth Bullock , United States marshal for South Da- cota , nnd who for ten years or more ins had assigned to him the Pine illdge and Rosebud reservations , noon' which reside more than half of the entire membership of the great Sioux mtlon. Deputy Marshal Holding's offi cial duties take him frequently to nil lortions of these two Immense reserva tions , and he has had the best of op- ) ortunltles to watch the progress the Indians are making toward civilization and self support. Good Points in Sioux Character. "There are many good points about : ho Sioux Indian character that the man who does not know them cannot appreciate , " said Deputy Marshal Bolding - ing during an interesting conversation In reference to what he had observed while making his official trips to nil parts of the Pine Ridge and Rostbud reservations. "Of course , " he added , "they are stolid they do not show their feelings , but that does not mean that they are unfeeling. "I have never seen more demonstra tion of affection between parents nnd children than In the homcb of the In dians on the two reservations. They are kind and careful with their little ones and never strike them , and , strange to say , the children are obedi ent and they seldom have any trouble with them. An Indian surrounds him self with a crust of reserve until he knows you and trusts you , rnd after that he Is quite open. "Now , In our cases against criminal Indians In the United States court there are some Interesting develop ments. The Indian witnesses for the government will give their testimony against their best friends , and some times against their relatives , and give It truthfully. Perjury Is nlnicst un known In our cases. They have a very stern sense of duty nnd are quite willing to admit that the defendant ought to be sent to the penitentiary. "But here Is the odd part of It. Af ter the trial Is over and the prisoner sentenced many of the strongest wit nesses against him , the very men whose evidence has convicted him , will get their witness fees , go over to the Jail and sometimes give him the whole amount. The convicted Indian never harbors any resentment against the other Indians who have sworn away his liberty. They take It as a matter of course. I would sooner trust an Indian on the witness stand than lots of white men. Marriage Held Sacred. "The prevalent Idea that the Indian regards his marriage ties lightly is all wrong. He Is not a greater sinner In this respect than the white man. Why , even In the savage days It Is a well known fact that although women of bad character accompanied the wan dering bands of Indians they were not allowed to camp with the regular band and would bo stoned to death If they were found in the camp. "The Sioux Indians are making won derful progress. Best of all , they are learning to work. Some time ago the government decided to abandon the free ration system and announced that Instead the men would be given work building ditches and excavating dams for Irrigation purposes. I had such a poor opinion of the new plan that I prophesied that It would never bo a success. But It Is. The Sioux have a natural love for horses , and It Is only a short time until they lenrn to handle a scraper or plow. "They have constructed , under the direction of white men , some very good dams on the two reservations , where the water Is retained for stock purposes. Down the line of the North western railroad they are being large ly employed as section men , nnd railroad - road men tell mo that they are well adapted for the work. At first , If they got homesick , they would without warning , throw down their tools , take to the woods nnd walk home , but they are getting over that , and the railroad company now is Inducing them to hi Ing their families with them and camp along the line during the mini- mer. Engor for Education. "On Rome of the other roHorvntlonn of the country the government iichool authorities have a iood deal of trou ble getting the parents to send their children to school , but not nmoni ; the Sioux Indians. The Sioux are only lee auxloiiH to huvo their children go to school. "Tho old men , ofcourso , are the greatest obstncloH to progress. They Inivo a Kood deal of Inlluenco nnd openly sneer at any new move of the. Km eminent , and sipeml their time In lamenting the good old days , but they are dying off. ) | i "Tho young Indians who can talk ' English , and most of whom can read ICiiKllHh , nro boglnnliiK to reall/o that Uncle Sam really denlreH to glvo thorn j a fair show and IH trying to help them I make men of thoniRolvou. " I ' , COOLEY HEADS NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL - ' CATIONAL ASSOCIATION. NEW CHARTPR ' " ADOPTED 'MSB Shirley Makes Bitter Speech In Opposition , but Is Outvoted In Con vention Cleveland Has Clear Field for Next Convention. I.os Angeles , July 11. The National Educational association concluded the | important executive work of Its ues- J Blons by electing Ed win U. Cooley , su ' perintendent of the Chicago city schools , president of the association , together with other officers , and adopt cd by a unanimous vote the now char ter and bylaws provided by net of con Kress. Miss Elizabeth Shirley , a teacher In Los Angeles schools and lormorly ol Omaha , made a spirited speech before the convention In opiwsltlon to the proposed charter. Miss Shirley's Ian guage was bitter In reference to some of the lenders of the association , whom she did not name , and whom she charged Incidentally with col luslon with the school book trust. MlHs Shirley , however , was completely out voted In the convention. Cleveland IB tbo only city mentioned for the next convention. That nearly all of the 8,000 mem bers of Uio association who are in tha city were associate members instead of active was shown In the drat biibl ndss session , which was for activa members only , and which was attend ed by less than 300 members. An at tempt was made by C. G. Pearsc , su perlntcndent of the Milwaukee schools , to Increase Uio number of the national council from sixty to 120 but the effort failed because of a con stltuttonal provision. The association also voted to appoint a committee o throe members to work for a natlona university , to be established and main talned by the federal government a Washington. Congress will be po tltloned to establish such an Instltu tion. . * - At the Auditorium , 13. O. Cooley , the newly elected president , epoke on th wbjjoct : "Shall Toachore' Salaries B Graded on Merit or by the Clock ? " George W. Nash , president of th Etato normal and Industrial school a Aberdeen S. D. , spoke upon "Othe Forms of Compensation for Teachers. KING EDWARDJN IRELAND City of Dublin Gives British Ruler a Royal Reception. Dublin , July 11. The first day o the visit to Ireland of King Edwar and Queen Alexandra was a great sue cess. The weather was flno and th city gave the so .elgn a royal ro- ception. Both wore the national cole of Ireland" the king a green neckU and" the queen a moss green an mauve toque , / AC * His majesty delivered brief speeches at the various functions of the day , In which he expressed his grateful thanks for the warm reception accord- himself and the queen and congrat- r * [ tne country upon the progrosi and prosperity indicated In the exhi bition. A The king and queen , after visiting the exhibition , passed in procession through the streets of Dublin to the the vice roeal lodge , and everywhere dense crowds of pcoplo accorded Uie King and queen a moat beany recep tion. tion.A A rumor is current hero to the ef fect that the portion oT the state re galia , valued at $260.000. which was stolen from Dublin castle recently and for the return of which the gov ernment has offered a reward of ? 5- 000 , was removed by an important offi cial of the Order of SL Patrick , who has disappeared. SMALL TO REMAIN IN 'FRISCO ' Will Discuss Strike Situation With Commissioner Nell ) , San Francisco , July 11. President S. J. Small of the Commercial Te legraphers' union has determined to remain In the city and go over the San Francisco situation with United States Commissioner of Labor Nolll. who Is expected to reach this city to morrow. Mr. Small said : "My change of mind does not in any way Interfere with our future moves in defense of tin position we have taken. " NEW CONCRETE STRUCTURE COL LAPSES IN PHILADELPHIA. 30 CARRIED DOWN IN DEDRI9 : lvo Labororu Arc Missing and Arc Do' llcvcd to Do Durlcd Under Heavy M.TBB of Concrete Nineteen Othori Injured , Ono Fatally , Philadelphia , July It * Three men uro known to havu been killed , ona \viit \ ! | atally hurt and eighteen otheia > vere Injuied in thu collaptio of a now concrete building at the plant of thu Drldgman CrothcrH company , miiiui facturers' of BluamlUtoru' mippllos , ul Fifteenth struct and Wauhlnglon ave nue. nue.Tho The building WUH Just being put un < der roof when a section about thirty fuel In width and extending the en tire depth of thu utruoluro collaimod About thirty men wcro ut work on the uldo which gave way , and they wore carried down In thu debrlH. The body of Marshall Hopkins and tin bodies of two unldcntlllod colored men havu been taken from the ruins It IB bolloved there uro otheiH burled under the heavy IIIIIKH of concrete , the police and contractOPH huv not boon able to locate two Italian ! and throe colored lahoieru who wer on the building when the accident oo curred. The building collapsed hocnuBO tin shorlngH were taken away from the concrete before It had properly set Jacob Smith , ono workman , win burled under a maus of conctflSi ) and crushed so that he cannot live. Ills back was broken. Hut for a dispute between the brick layers' helpers and the contractors aa to wages an additional number ol workmen would have been on tha building when the section collapsed. Those men nnlt work and when tin bricklayers reported they found theli helpers had not reported for duty. The bricklayers wore forced to remain I ( Mo , and this fact probably saved tholi lives. OHIO BANKEJMS INDICTED E. C. Fox Charged With Attempting to Bribe Prosecuting Attorney. Pomeroy , O. , July 11. A special grand Jury returned an Indictment against Danker B : C. Fox of Middle * I/ort , charging him wlUi attornpting to bribe Profaecuting Attorney Albert P. Miller. Fox was Immediately arrested end brought Into court , where ho was placed under bonds. The Indictment grows out of the wrecking of the Mlddlcport bank lasi September , at which time $115,000 In deposits disappeared. Fox was in dieted at the time , but has not been brought to trial. Miller claims that In March Fox approached him with n proposition to nolle the indlctmen against him In consideration of $2,000 to be paid Miller. Miller had two witnesses secreted behind curtains to near Fox's proposition. . Oalton's Arm May Be Saved. Topoka. July 11. At a local hoe pltal Einmctt Dal ton , the bandit who recently was paroled by Governor Hoch , underwent an operation on hi arm , Injured in the famous C.pffeyvilla raid fifteen years ago. He won through the ordeal well and the physl clans later eaid that while another operation oration may be necessary they wore confident the arm would be naved. , -1" Charged With Murder of Two Miners Belleville , 111. , July 11. A warran was Issued charging Joseph Genettl with the murder of his cousin , Augns Genettl , and Louis Cologna , two ml ners killed several days * co by the explosion of an Infernal machine in dine No , 17. near Colllnuvllli * . When too minors opened a tool ehest two cans of giant powder wore ignited , ex plodlne and killing both , . ENDEAVORERS IN SESSION International Convention Begins In Big Tent at Seattle. Seattle , Wash. , July 11. The Inter national Christian Endeavor conven tion began in the big Christian En deavor tent with an address of wel come by Governor A. K. Mead of Washington. Reports wore read by President Francis E. Clark of the In ternational Christian End < uvor and General Secretary Shaw. The convention win cover a period of five days. Bosldo the regu'nr rou- tlno matter and Interchange ol i' as and methods of conducting the mo-lol Christian Endeavor society , It Ih Fa.d that several commercial and polliicni questions will bo considered. A d oided stand will bo taken for bot" r governmental conditions , In accord ance with a recommendation from President Roosevelt. The city is elaborately decorated In rd and white , the society colors , and green and white , the colors of too state of Wash in ( ton. H. W. Tyler Kills Himself. Sheridan , Wyo. , Ji ly 11. Herbert W. Tyler , a prominent citizen and sec retary of the chamber of commerce , committed suicide by blowing the top of hlo head off with a shotgun. Finan cial troubles are given as the cause of the deed THt CONDITIONJF THE WEATHER Tempornturo for Twenty-four Hours. Forec.itit for Nelrankn. ( 'onilltlniiH of the wnni'ior IIH record ed for dm twenty-four hours ending at 8 a in. today : Maxliniitii 815 Minimum r > 7 AvnniKn 70 llaroini'tor , , ,29.1)1 ) Rainfall trneo chlniKo , .Inly II. Tim bulletin IH- mied liy Ilio ChlciiHO utiitloii of Mio United SlaleB wcallior bureau glvt'H the foreciiHl for NobniHlui mi followrt : Kalr tonight and Friday. Wanner Ooy Stolen by Ncfjro. Colo. , .Inly 11. Special to Tlu > NOWH : A boy niiHworlni ; to Ilio luinin of [ ' 'rankle CanoiiHO and In company wllli a Irnvollng negro faltli * mined YYatkln , IH wanted by a wld- iwcd motlior at Danvor. The boy wan Htolen by Watlcln .Inly , having been engaged by him to as- bit In a allow lie claims to run. llo iiimind through JuleHlmrg on lliu 'onrlh and WHH picked up by Danlol lower and wife , who took him Into lKHprlni ; . Neb. , wliero the negro lalmed him. Mower learned from ho boy , who IH about tun years old , hat he ciuno Irom Denver , lint an- iwered all iincHlloiiH reluctantly aa 1C ii fear. DccoinliiK suspicions of the .clloiiH , Mr. Hewer repoited the elr- imiHlanccH to the Denver police , and 'eHlenlay ' received word that a boy inworliiK hlH ileHcrlpllon WHB mluH- UKHe wore , when Heen by Mr. Dow- r , white emivati HIOOH | , red Blockings , i white bloiiHo Hull , decorated with all coloru , and n white cap with a colored around It. Ho Is doubtless In JebniHka , headed cant. ASK TOBACCO JRUST'S ' END BvKt Filed Under Sherman Law to Dis solve Corporation. Now York , July 11. The govern ment tiled In the United Stutca court In tills city a puiltlon agalntt thu American Tobacco company , the Im ponul Tobacco company , the Amur- lean Snuff company , the American Cigar company , Uio United Stores company , the United Sto lo company , iho MacAndrowu & For boo company , the Cunley Foil coinpiuo and fifty-six other corpoialiens and twenty-nine In- dtvldualb connected with the mimed companies. These corp > ruUons and IndlvldualB constitute what IB gen erally known as the "tobacco trust , " and the petition directed against the in eels , foitb thu purpoHe ot the govern ment to iMssolvo this trust by breakIng - Ing up the agreements under which the consolidated concerns are work ing. In allowing the growth of the "trUDt" Biuco its organization In 1890 the conclusion Is reached that at an early day , unless prevented , It would completely monopolize the entire to bacco industry. James C. McRoynolds , the special assistant attorney general who filed the complaint In the tobacco cases , sold that criminal prosecution of some of the defendants named In the coso WQB highly probable ; that the Sher man law , under * ] jhlch the action is brought , makes a consriracy In re straint of trade a criminal offense. BARKER TELLS. Cvea Circumstance Hie CrTmp n < Explalno Mental Irresponsibility. | { | ait lfc July 11. A Belf-C00f le < ! murdefarcm the stand explaining M own emotional In sanity and rorl vluf tie own feelings whim rdyf JfiS- Si - 9. gistfffiTT Wiled his Urother and Tui tort Iw'l wlfo two years ago In We-oatST ooui ty. was called to the wltnem stand &ai made to tell the story of hfe ( trim * . GOVERNMENT'S CROP RBPOFW Condition of Corn Reported While Wheat Averted Up Washington , July 11.Tn deitar * ravnt of aericulturo reports eoodlUonj of crops on July l as follow i Corn , acreage , 98,09B,000 | , TELEGRAMS JERSELY TOLD > Mayor Kelly of Buckingham , Que. , fearing a riot on July 12 , has Issued a proclamation forbidding the Orange men to meet. The department of commerce and labor has ruled that there shall be no more gambling boats allowad to run on any of the great lakes. W. W. Ralpe , charged with being Im plicated In government land frauds In Colorado , was arrested at Atlanta , Ga , oy the Urlted States authorities. It is' understood that Russia and China have arrived at an understand ing regarding the customs in north ern Manchuria , and It is expected that custom houses will shortly bo opened there. Eastern railroads decided to grant reduced rates for merchants' meetings to be held In Chicago , New York , St. Ix > us ! and Cleveland. The rate will be ono and one-third fores for th round trip on the basis of 3 cents a mile. Seventeen miles of Colorado a/I / Southern railroad track In Clear creek canyon , Colorado , was washed away as R result of a cloudburst , and rallroat communication with Central City , Georgetown and other mountain towns ' will be Interrupted for eoreral days.