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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1907)
lllUl NEVVS-JOllURNAL : FRIDAY JUNE , 28 , 1907. CHARGED WITH 8TADDINQ WHICH PROVED FATAL. CHARLES MEYERS WAS VICTIM Circuit Court of Gregory County , S. D. , Will Convene nt Fnlrfnx Next Week. The Cnne of Doc Wilson Mny Take Two Weeks. Fairfax , H. D. , Juno 22. Specliil to The Nuws : Cliclut court for art-gory r.ounly convenes next Titomlny. .ImlKO 13. ( VSn\lth \ of YiuiUton , who conduct ed the fiuhoiiH Kiiiifiiiiuin nuinlor caHO nt Kluntli can \lila week , will i > renldo. Thuro are about Hovonly-llvo cimm on the docUot rind anioni ; thorn tire aovornl fltnto IUIHCH. "Doc" Wlloon To De Tried. The inoHl liniioitnnt cnao to como up In that of "Doc" Wilson who will lie tried for the atixhhliiK of Oharloa Mey ers , formerly from West Point , Nob. , Bovornl months I KO at Sturdier. Mey ers died In nn Oiimlia hospital after the BtnhhliiR. It Is thought this caao will talco two 1 weeks. SATURDAY 8IFTINQ8. H. Gllmlnrf of Lawionco was In Norfolk - folk yoHterday. Paul Lymlo loft this morning for his homo In Beatrice. A. .1. Hooper of llonestcel was In Norfolk yesterday. Nols .lorKOiiHon of Craig spent yes terday In Norfolk. 1) . M. Maxwell of Alnsworth Is n Norfolk visitor today. Dr. ll. T. Holden went to IlosUlns on the morning train. H. 10. IJowtlon Is homo from a visit with friends at O'Neill. Walter Vail loft yesterday on n visit with relatives at Wayne. W. 12. Llddlo of Carroll was In Nor folk between trains yesterday. Mrs. Evans of CrolBhton was In Nor folk today on his way to Wnyno. E. D. Kauffmnn and Mlllard Green wore In Madison yesterday on busi ness. August Aw Schumacher and Otto Schublo of Pllgcr visited Norfolk friends yesterday. Attorneys M. C. Hazon and Jack Koonlgstoln were In Madison Satur day afternoon. A. N. Anthcs returned last night from n business trip to Chicago uiul Fort Madison , Iowa. Dr. Ilonmu Wnlkor returned to Oma ha today , nftor visiting his parents In Norfolk for several days past. Mr. nml Mrs. P. Currau loft yester day for a visit with relatives In York and Lincoln. Lntor Mrs. Curran will go to Mantlus , 111. , to visit her parents. Fred Pllgor , Jr. , who has been a student at the Norfolk business college - logo , has returned to his homo In Plalnvlow for the summer. Ho will return to school In the fall. Miss Nora Jungo returned to her homo In Osmond Saturday morning nfter several days' visit with friends In Norfolk. Miss Jungo was seriously 111 for n short time during her stay In the city. Dr. C. S. Parker and J. S. Mathow- son with their families will begin ten days of camp llfo Monday on the Elk- horn. The camp selected Is seven miles west of Norfolk and Is south of the John Hay farm. The camp was being arranged for today. Misses Florence and Bornlco Bar rett returned last evening from n visit nt Lincoln. General Superintendent S. M. Braden - don will not return from his Black Hills Inspection trip before the mid dle of the week. Mrs. Florence McWllllnms of Car roll arrived In Norfolk last evening on n visit with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilde. Mrs. Anna Howe and sons , Harry and Merland , of Randolph , are In Nor folk on a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wll- Ham Law. Lyman M. Paine , nn attorney ol Chicago , is stopping over Sunday with his cousin , D. Mathowson. Mr , Paine Is going further west on busl ness. ness.Mrs. Mrs. L. C. Taylor returned last evening from York , where she attend' ' ed the commencement exercises ol Ursaline academy. Her son Dale who has been attending this school returned with her to spend his vaca tlon. tlon.Mrs. Mrs. M. D. Cameron of Omaha , whc was formerly Miss Viola Jennings ol Norfolk and who graduated from the Norfolk high school with the class o 1S94 , Is In Norfolk attending the liomi missionary convention. Mrs. Camoroi Is recording secretary of the convon tlon and has had a prominent part ii the program of the sessions. Shi will sing at the Sunday evening ses slon. George B. Chrlstoph returned las evening from Seward , whore ho hai been in attendance at the state drug gists convention and the meeting o the state board of pharmacy. Thli year the druggists attempted to enjo ; n camping outing In connection wltl their state convention. The beautlfu natural park near Seward was flttci up as a camp but the continual rail and the cool weather sent the visltlui druggists clamoring for the hotels o Omaha , where the convention go& next year. Mrs. Chrlstoph , who ac companlcd her husband to Seward , 1 visiting n sister at Alliance. A man who sought to sell cutler ; about the city without n peddler's II cense was fined ? 5 and costs In pollc * court yesterday. The Modern Brotherhood of Amei \ \ \ ca are planning n Norfolk plcnto for luly Fourth. Judge A. A. Welch will hold nnhort equity session of the district court ut Mtullson next week , court convening loxt Tuesday. The First street hrldgo over the Clkhorn lias been closed for repaint , ho recent rains having left the brldgo n a dnngoroiiH condition. II. II. Miller has lioon acting ns special police olllcer nt the Junction lending Olllcer LIvlngHtono'H recov ery from the effects of a severe fall. The Baptist chapel car In charge of Messrs. Whlto nml DavleH will bo In Albion after Juno 110. The car was nt rildon after leaving Norfolk. Yesterday the Black Hills train ran lirough Norfolk on schedule tlmo , In- Heating that the Northwestern has again restored KB western train nor- Ict to schedule tlmo following the ecunt dlmistioiiH rains nml Hoods in ho Black Hills country. Hov. H. II. Foskett of Fremont will speak Sunday evening at the Baptist church. The subject for the evening's iddress will bo "Tho Making of n Man. " Miss Melllo Brldgo was suddenly sol/cd last evening with a slight nt- nek of nppeiitllcltlH. The cnso Is not bought to bo serious and It Is hoped hat the patient will bo up and about shortly. Arthur Stevens of Boone , lown , has irrlved In Norfolk to become stonog- aphor In the otllco of the general an- ) orintendont In the local Northwest ern olllces. Mr. Stevens succeeds mil Lyndo. The base ball gnmo between Pllgor and the Brownies , prevented ycster- lay by the rain , has boon postponed 'or two or three weeks. On the Fourth .ho Brownies encounter the Nellgh JunlorH at Nellgh. Martin Haasch , who graduates this car from the Northwestern unlversl- y nt Milwaukee , has accepted n call o the Lutheran church at Leaven- worth , Wash. Ho will bo In Norfolk icxt week for a visit homo. A meeting of the library board will > o hold next week to discuss plans for ho now $10,000 Cnrnoglo library vhlch Is to bo built In Norfolk. The city must furnish the lot for the 11- irary building and the books to go nto It Rev. J. P. Mueller , pastor of Christ jUtheran church , Is In Carroll. Dur- ng his absence from Norfolk tomor row services nt the church will bo conducted by Paul Gutknocht , n stu- lent nt the Lutheran college In St. jOUls. Dr. A. Bear and N. A. Rnlnbolthavo llscovercd n delightful fishing pool ioar Norfolk. The location of their 'avorlto fishing place they refuse to llvulgo but say that It yields forth strings of fish of satisfactory length to fishermen of proper experience and iiolso of mind. Edmund Winter , the son of Herman Winter of this city , graduates next Tuesday from Dr. Martin Luther college - lego In New Ulm , Minn. Mr. Winter lias boon preparing for the Lutheran ministry and has received a call from Owassa , Mich , lie will arrive In the city next week for n visit nt homo. Summer band concerts for Norfolk : iavo not been given up. During the next few days W. R. Hoffman and C. T. Reed , appointed by the Commercial club , will solicit subscriptions to a fund that Is being raised to to hire Lho Norfolk band during the next three months to give ono concert n week. During the six months beginning Inly 1 mall handled at the Norfolk postolllco will bo weighed In accord ance with n special net of congress. Norfolk Is ono of n number of repre sentative postolllces in which the mail will bo weighed. The extra work of weighing the malls will bo handled by the present force. An Important partition sale of Madi son county land takes place this af ternoon In Madison , when C40 acres of farm land near Madison belonging to the Kertson estate will be sold at auction. The land will be sold by M. C. Hazeu and Jack Kocnlgsteln of Norfolk and II. Hnldorson of Newman Grove as referees. Friday was the last day of school for the school children of Christ Lutheran oran church and Sunday afternoon the closing of school will bo celebrated by the annual picnic at Pasowalk grove near the church. The Norfolk baml has been engaged for the afternoon and program and games for the cull dren will bo arranged. "Bang ! " It was the revolver ol Chief of Police Flynn. It was n dot that fell dead. And It was In Soutl Fourth street , In front of the fedora building , that the cantno slaughtoi took place. Then the dead dog wni dragged away up the street. The In cldent furnished early morning excite ment In the neighborhood. Season tickets for the Norfolk race meeting and street carnival , to h < held July SI and August 1 and 2 , nr now on sale at a number of buslnes places In Norfolk. The tickets adml to the three days' racing and havi other attractive features. They can b < had for fifty cents and upon their ad vance sale depends much of the largi success hoped for at this year's rac < meeting. Pierce Leader : Miss Benker , roprc scntatlve of the Congregational Mia slonary society , was a guest In th < Donaldson homo the first of the week Misses Blanche and Generva Donald son and Miss Benker were schoolmate in Norfolk. The missionary soclot ; Is establishing Sunday schools In th rural districts of the state and Mis Benker gave nn interesting talk Sur day evening at the Congrogntlonn church In the Interest of the work. So many people consider a wish m ambition. THE SUMMER SEASON HAS NOT MARRED ACTIVITY. WAS A WEEK OF MISCELLANY There > Was n Little of This and a Little of That , and All In All It Made a Busy Week for Social Folk of Nor folk. The fact that summer has formally icon launched , according to the cnl- ndar , seems to have IOHS effect than muni upon social activities In Norfolk. crimps the lateness of the season mid ho continued cool wcnther up until io\v has served ns nn ngcnt In thus ) rolonglng things which are generally given over to the cold months of win- er and which n n rule como to n and- Ion nml abrupt end when the sun's ays got burning. The pnst week has jcen ono of miscellany In n social way , little of this and a llttlo of that male- ng up the schedule. On the whole it IIIR been n most delightful week , hough mostly an Informal ono , In cooping with the season. A protnl- lent feature of the week was the liar- ) or-Walkor wedding. Pleasures of the Week. On Monday evening the West Sldo Whist club closed Its season with n llnnor party at the homo of Mr. and \\TB. \ 3 , Batim on Madison avcnuo and jlovonth street. The dinner , which vns prettily served In courses , was n lollclous repnat In keeping with the ormal bringing to nn end of the sea son's playing. Tables wore cleared ater for whist , at the end of which prizes for both the season and the evening were nwnrtlcd. For the sea son Mrs. J. S. Mathowson and Mr. F. Davenport wore winners of high est scores nnd each was presented with beautiful water color , the work of , Irs. Wcathorby. These prizes were iwnrdod by Mrs. Wnrrlck. In the evening's playing , Mrs. Bens and Mr. lurnham won high scores , Mrs. N. A. Ralnholt nnd Mr. E. A. Bullock second ilghcst , and Mrs. D. Bnum nnd Mr. D. Baum booby prizes. Mrs. Boas re ceived n pretty silver Jewel box , Mrs. Rnlnbolt n pinto and Mrs. Bnum n 'eathor duster ; Mr. Burnham was pre sented with n silver ash tray , Mr. Bui- ock with n pack of playing cards and Mr. Bnum with n toy cart. The sea son through hna been n very enjoyable ono for the club. Ono of the most unique and alto gether delightful events of the season was given to a number of friends last evening by Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hnys. The guests enjoyed n charming pro- _ rara of song and reading rendered by tllss Conklln nnd Miss Hnmllng 6f Omnhn. Miss Hnmllng , n cousin of Mrs. Hays , has a wonderfully superior voice and her singing was very great- y appreciated by the Norfolk audl- 3iico. Miss Conklln Is a render who was engaged from Omaha for the evening. She gnvo nn Interesting and very capably done sketch of "Madame Butterfly , " telling the pathetic story with unusual force. After the treat of song and story , the guests enjoyed a delicious lunch eon. eon.Miss Miss Hnmllng lenves next year for Germany where she will study voice culture nt Lelpslk nnd Berlin. Her friends hope that she mny become a pupil under the fnmous Martini. Ow- ng to the fact that she sings In nn Omaha church , Miss Hnmllng was compelled to return to Omaha today. She was accompanied by Miss Conk- In. Ono of the most enjoyable events of the week was the llttlo speech made at the Junction depot Tuesday after- loon by Secretary of War William Howard Taft. Secretary Taft's ad- .Iress was In fact , one of the most charming orations ever listened to by Norfolk womankind. It was more than n political speech. It was n profound nppreclntlon of what real good looks are. The secretary said the women of Norfolk hnd the handsomest , happiest , Wealthiest , and so farthest faces that lie had ever laid eyes on , nnd It's no wonder he made a hit. The secretary Is considered quite n ladles' man any' way , they say. Norfolk Eagles are feeling Justly elated over the election of P. M. Bar rett of Sugar City aorlo to the presl dency of the state aerie at Llncolr during the past week. The delegates returned Wednesday , reporting n fln < time. Those who attended wore : P M. Barrett , M. R. Green , C. H. Groes beck , Frank Carrlck , E. B , Kauffman Martin Slawter and J. H. Conley. Mr Groesbeck was accompanied by Mrs Groesbcck and little son. On Monday afternoon Mrs. W. M Rnlnbolt entertained a number o friends Informally at 1 o'clock lunch eon for Mrs. W. H. Bucholz of Omaha Yellow predominated In the decora tlons , yellow roses and yellow rlbboni as place cards being used effectively At five hundred , which was enjoyet during the afternoon , Mrs. George D Buttorflold was successful In attalnlnt the highest score. A pretty kerchle was her prize. Mrs. E. Mlttolstadt's slxty-elghtl birthday was observed by a family re union In the homo of her son , Mr. L C. Mlttolstadt , Koonlgsteln nvenui and Twelfth street , Monday. A ver ; pleasant day was enjoyed. Mrs. John n. Hnys entertained i number of ladles at a pleasant : o'clock luncheon Thursday afternoon. After the luncheon hour , cards were onjoycd during the afternoon. At euchre Mrs. IJurt Mnpcs had high score nnd received n dnlnty silver pa per cutter. Sam Ersklno on Saturday evening entertained n pnrty of friends nt n dinner party In honor of John Brldgo , who loft during the week for his now homo nt Spoknnc , Wash. The guests of the evening In addition to Mr. Bridge were Oliver Utter , Archie Qow , Chnrlca Landers , Elmer Hardy , Ralph Lulkart nnd Boyd Blnlccmnn. A fnrowell surprise pnrty wns given In the homo of Judge nnd Mrs. I. Pow ers Tucsdny evening for Mrs. W. H. Brldgo , who loft Norfolk Thursdny with her sons for their now homo In Spokane. Two beautiful sets of forks were presented to Mr. nnd Mrs. Brldgo by the friends who gathered at the Powers homo. A number of Norfolk girls onjoycd a house pnrty nt Madlaon during the pnst week. They were : Miss Doro thy Snlter , Miss Merle Blakoman , Miss Fannie Frldny , Miss Mabel Odlorno. The young ladles were guests of Miss Margaret Long for the week-end. Mrs. T. M. Hull was hostess Mon day nfternoon nt n blrthdny party given 'or her mother , Mrs. Force , who wns ; lghty-two on that day. Thirty-five ; uests enjoyed the afternoon. Mrs. Torco wna the recipient of a number of dnlnty tokens of esteem. Harper-Walker. Ono of the prettiest weddings that ins tnkcn place fn Norfolk In a long tlmo was that of Miss Nina E. Walker , daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Wnlker , o Mr. J. Enrlo Hnrper of Clenrwnter nt the First Congregational church In Norfolk Tuesday morning. The church md been beautifully decorated with lowers. The ceremony was performed by Rov. W. J. Turner. Miss Laura Durland was bridesmaid , Miss Nola Walker maid of honor , Mr. : ieman Walker best man. Miss Fan- lie Norton acted as planisto and Mr. Julius Hulff as violinist. Mrs. C. E. reeno of Plalnvlew sang a solo. Miss Mary Hardy was flower girl. Ush ers were Messrs. J. C. Stltt , L. P. Pasewalk , John Brldgo , B. C. Gentle. The bride was gowned In a beautiful white gown trimmed with valenclennes ace. She wore a veil caught up with orange blossoms and carried roses. After the ceremony a reception was icld In the home of the parents of the bride , Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Walker. A lollcjous three-course breakfast was served to forty guests. The bridal couple left on the afternoon train for a honeymoon trip in the southern part of the state. The bride wore a pretty blue going away gown. Mr. and Mrs. Harper , who are among Norfolk's most prominent and popu- ar young folk , will make their homo at Clearwater , where the groom IB engaged In the drug business. On Wednesday nt the homo of rel atives In Bellwood , Miss May R. Lll- He , formerly of Norfolk , and Mr. Charles E. Musgrovc wore married. Miss Llllle was a daughter of the late William W. Llllle , n well known Nor- iblk Commercial traveler , nnd much of her llfo wns spent In Norfolk , whore she linfl" many warm friends. Mr. Musgrove hns been n commercial : rnveler , but Is about to engnge In business In Nebraska. Cards an nouncing the wedding have been re ceived by Norfolk friends. Coming Events. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Durland of Plain- view have issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter , Mary Frances Durland , to Mr. Cress Ideal Bernard next Saturday , June 29 , In the ongregatlonnl church at Plnlnview. The wedding will tnke place nt 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Bad Stomach Trouble Cured. Having been sick for the past two years with n bad stomach trouble , a friend gave me a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They did me so much good that I bought a bottle of them and have used twelve bottles In all. Today I am well of a bad stomach trouble. Mrs. John Lowe , Cooper , Maine. These tablets are for sale by Leonard the druggist. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard , soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses , blood spavins , curbs , splints , sweeney , ring bcne , stifles , sprains , all swollen throats coughs , etc. Save $50 by use of otwa bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful blemish cure over known . Sold by F. F. Ware & Son , druggists. SALOON TAXES. Madison County Saloon Men Will Not Be Assessed on Occupation Taxes. Saloon keepers In Madison county will not bo required to pay taxes on the "occupation tax" which they have already paid into the city and village treasuries. Saloon men have taken the position that the occupation tax levied against them is a "tax" pure and simple and that to list the face value of the occupation tax as assess able property Is to force the saloon men to "pay a tax on a tax. " The county board of equalization meeting In Madison Thursday took the same view of the matter and ordered the saloon occupation tax stricken from the assessors' books as assessable property. Saloons In the county , however , will bo assessed to the full value of their actual license too. Try a want ad. for results . NORFOLK MAN IS RENAMED AS STATE VETERINARIAN. HAS MADE A FINE RECORD Dr. C. A. McKIm , For Years a Rest- dent of This City , Has Just Been Reappolnted to His Present Posi tion by Governor Sheldon. Dr. Charles A. McKIm of Norfolk , state veterinarian for the past two years , hns been rcnppolnted by Gov ernor Sheldon. The announcement of the appointment Is made today. The announcement of the appointment Is made today. The snlnry carried by the position Is $1,800. Dr. McKIm wns first nppolnted by Governor Mickey nnd hns made n most excellent record. Ho Is n vet- erlnnrlnn of unquestioned skill nnd his services to the atnto have been srcnt. He left n Inrgo prnctlco hereto to take the position. Dr. McKIm should have had an assistant given Him by the last legislature because of : ho great amount of work falling upon tilm. Dr. McKIm for years lived In Norfolk and Is a son-in-law of H. C. Matrau. PACIFICS WON THE GAME. Whirlwind Finish Was Feature of the Day's Playing. Commercial men stopping In Nor folk for Sunday disregarded the sum mer heat yesterday , pulling off a stren uous game of baseball nt the driving pnrk diamond. The wreaths of victory were gathered In by the Pacifies by a score of C to 5 over the Oxnards. As Tom Price and his cohorts Jour neyed from the Oxnard they annexed to their ranks Haak and one or two other local players of proper scoring ability. These Oxnards closed the game with a whirlwind finish but the Commercial men from the Firth street hotel had already nailed'up enoilgh scores to cinch the game. A largo crowd , composed in part of McPhall of Minneapolis , held up the grand stand's end of the game. Line up : Oxnards Pacifies Haak p Compton Johnson c Rock King Ib Sterling tleynolds 2b Potter Burr 3b Glttlnger Price ss Donald Peters rf Lowery Parish cf Gorman Walt If Meyer Score : Oxnards 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 Pacifies 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 G Dust From the Diamond. Rock's catching was a feature. Meyer stopped a fly that every one applauded. Tom Price was on speaking terms with every position In the field. Potter got over heated. Wait connected with three In the field. field.Compton Compton was the only man to score a second time. Donald with his ten bet steadied things. Lowery was a matinee hero with his field work , Gorman was the goods on second base while Sterling on first was better than a glass arm. Do It Now. Now Is the time to get rid pf your rheumatism. You can do so by apply ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Nine cases out of ten are simply muscular rheumatism duo to cold or chronic rheumatism , and yield to the vigorous application of this liniment Try It You are certain to be delighted with the quick relief which It affords. For sale by Leonard the druggist FIVE DIED IN FLOOD. Several Other Persons Missing Since Storm In Black Hills. Rapid City , S. D. , June 24. Five people are known to have been drown ed In the terrible flood In the Black Hills last week , and It Is greatly feared that others will be found when some of the ranches within a radius of thir ty or forty miles to Rapid City are visited. Word was received here yes terday that Clint Davis and his fam ily have not been seen since the flood , and as the house has been carried down and cannot be found it Is feared that the family were In It The ranch house of Eardly Ham was struck In the night by the flood and the family were compelled to take refuge In an upper story until 6 o'clock the next afternoon , when they were rescued from their perilous position. Another family In this vicinity were forced to abandon their home and spend the night out of doors on a slightly higher place , cither standing or sitting in the water. John E. Murphy , In charge of the government Irrigation dam at Belle Fourche , last night received word from his wife that a child had been drowned and asking him to re turn home. Mr. Murphy , thinking It his own child , was greatly alarmed , and as the railroad track was washed out , secured a team. He rode all Fri day night over the terrible roads , at MCAse , fi\ietoaa , toUe. Ui0 tori- Ill o At c\gW \ , end V.IldP \ tuc - ' - ' 1\\ \ paysUw several places fording the swollen and dangerous streams , and once losing his way so completely that several hours wore spent In getting back upon the road. road.Mr. Mr. Murphy safely reached Whitewood - wood , where ho telephoned to his wife and ascertained that it was his nephew Instead of his son that had been drowned. The child was drown ed in the cloudburst that swept down Stage Barn gulch. A Cure For Lame Back. If you are ever troubled with pains or lameness In the muscles of your back use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and they will quickly disappear. Mr. Al exander Vlollette of Vulcan , Mich. , says It Is the best liniment ho ever used for lame back. For sale by Leon ard the druggist. Legal Notice. C. Carson and Green , first names un known , will take notice that on the 31st day of May , 1907 , George L. Lambert , a Justice of the peace in and for Norfolk precinct in Madison county , Nebraska , issued an order of attachment for the sum of ? 21.GO , In an action pending before him wherein John Krantz is plaintiff and C. Carson and Green first names unknown , are defendants , that property consisting of one feather renovator , one engine , and boiler , a lot of feathers hi ticking , stove pipe and shovel , has been attached un der said order. Said cause was continued to the 26th day of July , 1907 , at 9 o'clock a. m. John Krantz , Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. The State of Nebraska , Madison county , ss. In the matter of the estate of Fer dinand Pasewalk , deceased. Notice is hereby giver to all per sons having claims and demands against Ferdinand Pasewalk , late of said Madison county , deceased , that the tlmo fixed for filing claims against said estate Is six months from the 10th day of June , 1907. All such per sons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the coun ty Judge of said county at his office In the city of Madison , In said Madi son county , on or before the llth day of December , 1907 , and that all claims so filed will be heard before said Judge on the llth day of December , 1907 , at 1 o'clock p. m. It is further ordered that notice to all persons Interested In said estate be given by publishing a copy of this order In the Norfolk Weekly Nows- Journal , a weekly newspaper , printed , published and circulating In said county , for four consecu'tlve weeka prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of June , A. D. 1907. 1907.Wm. Wm. Bates , County Judge. O R. MEREDITH , D.O OSTEOPATH. Office , Cotton block , Ash 541 , resi dence , 109 North Tenth street , 'phone Ash 542. Toil MUst Not Forget We are constantly improv ing in the art of making Fine Photos. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish , We also carry a Fine Line of Mouldings. I. M. MACY BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c Anyone Bending a sketch and description niny quickly Kjrortaln our opinion free wnnilier ml Invention Is probably pale ntnw Communion- Horn strictly conUdentlul. HANDBOOK onl'aieuts cut froo. Oldeiit agency f or vocurliiK patents. Patents taken through Jlunn & Co. receive tptLVtl notice , rlthout cbariro , la tba Scientific tftttericatu A handsomely Illustrated weekly. lamest cir culation of any sclentldo Journal. Terms. 13 a year : four months , ( L Bold by all newsdealer * 0 * New York onion. r F Bt , W slilni r i. T > O. THE COLL-ECE WAYNE , NEBRASKA. , it ulpped ln thB central and bai a tupirb to- fii " ! ? i ' > e l "ful , beautiful auu proiperons ectlon of NehraiUn. We hare racH. Hi HPl" t l ° "for hliiif theb it poiilbla Montal. Moral and PhvaloVl train- Sa ° 5J2V "I l"U enU ° ' DuilMia. Mu.U and ElwllV.mM unexcJ e < uates from Teachers' Coursr recelva it lit certificates * and are admitted tnSn.h of unlvarilty without .lamination 5000 of onKiri Mwn ? * " 0'DCAT'LOOr"1 JM , PILE. PRESIDENT. WAVNr