The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1907, Page 7, Image 7
F THR NOTlVnTiTC Wir.RICY ! NliUVS..mil1MAl , . I.MMHAV AI.VVO.I inn ? EFFORTS TOWARD THAT END ARE GIVEN UP. PHILIP AVENUE A DARRIER The Northwestern Railroad Announces That It Is Now Too Late to Reopen Negotiations on the Union Depot Even Though It Were Possible , Apparently Norfolk's clmnco of BO- curing a union depot liavo gone. The Commercial club has abandoned nogo tliitlons looking to that end. The Northwestern railroad announces tlia It Is now too Into to further consldci any proposition regarding a union eta tlou and General Superintendent lira don says that ho believes that railroad company unquestionably let the con tract yesterday hi Chicago for build lug u now independent passenger sta tion In Norfolk. Work , ho says , will begin as soon as material can bo as scmblcd. Chairman A. J. Durland of the Com merclal club union depot committee who had done everything within his power and all that any'jody ' could have done looking toward th'i gaining of a handsome union passenger station foi Norfolk , announced Thursday morn ing that any further efforts In behalf of the project were useless and that there was no further hope of securing the desired end for the city. Mr. Durland's determination to drop the depot negotiations was caused by the result of a conference held be tween the city council , acting In an Informal and unofficial capacity , and a number of citizens who had origin ally objected to the closing of Philip avenue for a Northwestern Indepen dent station and who took the same stand with regard to vacating the av enue for a union depot. While some of them announced that they would not stand In the way of a compromise a few of the original remonstrators remained firm in their attitude that Philip avenue must not be closed for a depot , declined" to accept the com promise offered by which their past expense in the matter should bo reim bursed and said that they were un willing to withdraw active opposition to the proposed street vacation. They said that the best interests of the city demanded that Philip avenue be kept open and that future generations would' thank them for resisting efforts to vacate the thoroughfare. Informed that legal delays would arise In securing the street vacation for the union depot , Mr. Durland declared - clared that it was useless to make further effort looking toward a union depot for Norfolk , since the railroads liad explicit'specified that ( if the union station were built in Norfolk , the proposition closing Philip avenue from Eighth street to the Northwest- em's right of way , closing Seventh street from Madison to Park avenues and giving assurance that adjoining property needed for the depot could be bought reasonably , must come quickly. With the chance gone of making any immediate offer of these provisions to the railroads , in return for the construction of a creditable union depot costing at least $40,000 and the removal of switching from Norfolk avenue , Mr. Durland and oth ers interested in securing the depot gave up the attempt when word came from the Northwestern that any ac tion which might be taken hereafter would be too late to reopen union de pot negotiations. Regret in Norfolk. There is a deep and unconcealed regret in Norfolk over the apparent fact that the city has lost the only chance it ever has had and perhaps the only chance it ever will have , to secure a creditable union passenger station. Many consider the failure to gain the station , when it was so nearly - ly within the city's grasp , as nothing short of a public calamity. The chance for the union station came upon the city suddenly and at a moment when it was hardly expect ed. It flew In at the open window when the directorate of the Commer cial club was not unanimously of the opinion that It was worth ta king ; U fluttered about for an Instant before any organized method of seizing It had been developed and then , while plans were still being discussed , it flew out of the window and away , never to return. City Was Solid on One Point. During the three days during which Norfolk discussed the project senti ment in favor of a union depot like that which was In sight , grow rapidly. Toward the last the city was prac tically solid upon the point that a union station of the dimensions pro posed was Inestimably to be preferred over two separate stations. Not a man could be found In Norfolk at the end who did not believe that a fairly handsome and creditable union sta tion was not to be mentioned In the same breath with two smaller Inde pendent stations. The final difference of opinion lay In advisability of giv ing up Philip avenue. Probably at least ninety percent of the people wore In favor of vacating Philip av enue because they considered that the only means of securing the desired union station ; those who opposed It argued that they were as much In fa vor of a union depot as any of thrs who were bringing pressure to bear upon them In the street closing mat ter , and perhaps more than some ; while they were anxious for a union station , they could not see In such a structure enough of value to war rant them In withdrawing their oppo sition to the closing of Philip avenue. The claim was made that there ought to Imvo been fiomox other loca tlon feasible for a union depot beside that Involving the vacation of a streu which , having already been the sub ject for legal controversy , had sllgh chance of being vacated In any oven without nctlvo remonstrance and de lay In thi ) court * . Those- opposed to the street closing argued that the proposition under which a union depot pot was promised was unfair in tha It put upon thorn the responsibility o preventing a union depot when In fac they wore , at the outset , more enthu slastlc In regard to the deslrablllt } of a union depot than a number o other citizens. In reply to this argument camewort from the Union Pacific that anothei location seemed unacceptable ant from the Northwestern that /the ofll clals of that railroad had determine. ! to proceed Immediately with their own Independent station. Proposed New Northwestern Depot. The new Northwestern depot to bo built In Norfolk will bo constructed on the same plans which were drawn for the Northwestern station nt Fort Atkinson.V,1 . The bulldlnir Is n long , low structure of much the saint dimensions as that at West Point though a better building , built of stone and brick , with waiting rooms and apartments for men and women. The plans show a tiled lloor. Fort Atkin son Is a town of about 'Norfolk's size , having at the last census ; i,0ii. ; The depot will bo located on the east side of the N6rthwcstern tracks between Madison and Philip avenues. LARGE NUMBER OF TRANSFERS HAVE BEEN MADE. OWING TO MANY WITHDRAWALS There Are Still Five Vacancies In the Norfolk Teaching Corps President Vlele Announces School Board Com mittees. Teachers elected to positions In the Norfolk schools have been assigned to positions for the coming year by the board of education. As a result of the large number of withdrawals from the teaching force , more than the us ual numbers of transfers were made by the board. The Instructors already elected will teach in the following rooms during the coming year : High school building : Miss Amy L. Paine , principal ; Miss Adda Gulh- cry , Latin ; A. G. Kennedy , English ; Miss Margaret Lambart , science and German ; Miss Belle Thorngate , math ematics ; Miss Mary O'Connor , eighth grade ; Miss Pearl McCormlck , eighth ; Miss Nettie Cowan , seventh. Grant building : Miss Anna O'Con- ior , third grade ; Miss Mae Olney , second end ; Miss Maude Boyd , first and second end preliminary ; Miss Rose' Shonka , irst preliminary. Lincoln building : Miss Ethel Long , sixth grade ; Miss Lena Mills , fourth ; Miss Clara Brueggeman , third ; Miss Carrie Brush , second ; Miss Clara Ru- dat , first ; Miss Laura Durland , second jrellmlnary ; Miss lone Chappell , first jrellralnary. Washington school : Miss Eunice Richardson , second , third and fourth grades , Jefferson school : Miss Anna John- sou. Still Five Vacancies. Five vacancies in the Norfolk teach- ng force still to be filled are : one of he seventh grades at the high school , he combined sixth and fifth grades and the fourth grade at the Grant chool , the fifth grade at the Lincoln chool , the combined preliminary and first grade at the Washington school. President Vlele has announced the appointment of the following ioard committees for the coining year : On grounds , buildings and supplies , S. G. Dean , chairman , Dr. P. H. Salter and A. Degner. On discipline , course of study , text jooks and teachers , A. Degner , chair man , T. Shively and A. H. Vlele. On finance , claims and salaries , H. C. Matrau , chairman , S. G. Dean and \ Shlveley. GOT STAGE FRIGHT WHEN IT CAME TO WEDDING. SHE MARRIES LEADING MAN Vliss Carrie Edna Graham and William Walter Russel of "Wizard of Wall Street" Company , Are Wedded Se cretly at Albion. Albion , Neb. , May 1C. Special to The News : Carrie Edna Graham and William Walter Russel of Chicago , eatllng singers in the opera company > resentlng "The Wizard of Wall Street , " wore married here while the show company was passing through. They had planned that the ceremony should be performed during the per formance , but the brldo got stage fright and the ceremony was per formed by the county judge. The young people had been traveling to gether for some time In this company and their acquaintance grew into a love match. Tetter , Salt Rheum and Eczema. These arc diseases for which Cham berlain's Salve Is especially valuable. It quickly allays the Itching and smart Ing and soon effects a cure. Price , ' 25 cents. For sale by Leonard the drug gist PROMINENT FORMER CITIZEN DRINKS ACID. HE HAD BECOME DISSATISFIED Dead In Bed for Several Hours , th Fact Was Not Discovered Until Las Evening Mr. Roberts Planned to Re-engage In Business Here. [ From FrMay'H Daily. ] W. W. Roberts , for many yearn a prominent Insurance man In Norfolk ended his life yesterday by ilrlnUInt , carbolic acid. Ills body was found li his room In thu Marshall houseat 7 o'clock last evening. Roberts hlul re tired to his bed to die and when fount had been dead for several hours. Thu first thorough examlnatlot made by the physician called to the rooming house near Philip avenue ant Fourth street showed traces of carbol Ic acid poisoning. This morning crys tals from the poison were found li an upturned tumbler In a closet open Ing from Roberts' room. Dr. Kindred coroner of Madison county , was callet to Norfolk early this morning frou Meadow Grove. The evidence ho found to point so conclusively to sul cldo that ho did not deem an inquest necessary. Regretted Leaving Norfolk. Mr. Roberts loft Norfolk over a yeai ago for Oklahoma City after conduct ing a successful business In this cltj for many years. In business at Okla- lionia City for a tlmo ho left last December - comber for Mnltoon , 111. Mr. Roberts was not satisfied with his business changes and regretted that ho had left his business In Norfolk , llrood Ing over private troubles ho look bin life In this city yesterday. Mr. Roberts had been In Norfolk foi some two weeks nast. Ho secured a room at Mrs. Marshall's home on Phil ip avenue and announced his prohaulc Intention of re-engaging In the Insur ance business here. Yesterday morn ing about 10 o'clock he returned to his room , apparently destroyed the bottle containing the poison , drank the acid from a tumbler and , having previous ly disrobed , retired to his bed to die. He had been heard In the hall about this time. Several hours passed before the loath became known. It was 7 o'clock .n the evening when two women room- ng at the house becoming alarmed at the silence In the room occupied by Mr. Roberts asked that his condition jo investigated. The man had not re sponded to the anxious knocks on ils t oor because ho had lain dead through the hours of the afternoon. Dr. W. II. Pllger was summoned at once and announced that Mr. Roberts lad been dead for some hours. An examination of the loom disclosed no etter or final note left behind explan atory of his death. Apparently a desire sireto conceal his act had governed. Was in Business Here. William W. Roberts entered Into the nsurance business in Norfolk four- een years ago. At that time he was state agent for the Home Fire Insur ance company. Some six years ago le established a local insurance bust- less In this city. This business was built up to satisfactory dimensions and was disposed of two years ago to D. Mathewson & Co. At the time of his sudden death Mr. loberts was carrying on negotiations ooklng to the purchase of the real state business of S. W. Garvln. Mr. Roberts had also conferred with D. lathcwson & Co. in regard to secur- ng a release from them that would icrmit him to again enter the insur- nce field In Norfolk. He was ap- arently of a mind to carry out these ew business plans up to within a cry short time before his death. At the time of his death Mr. Rob- rts was fifty-seven years old. Born t Bloomlngton , Ind. , on January 20 , 850 , his early life was spent on a arm. " Later for five years he was hief of police at Carthage , 111. Ho s also said to have served a term as horiff of Buffalo countv. Nebraska. n 1891 he started Into the Insurance uslncss In Grand Island. Fifteen years ago on the day of his jirthday , Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Ella Scott were married at the Jailer's lome In Crelghlon. Mrs. Roberls has icon In Norfolk for a week past , mak- ng her home with Mrs. Josephine Hull t 1000 Norfolk avenue. A son , John V. Roberts , thirteen years old , Is vlth relatives at Mattoon , 111. Mr. loberts also leaves a daughter by an arller marriage , Mrs. Minnie B. Kel- o. - Was Enthusiastic Baseball Fan. Mr. Roberts was a baseball enthu- last. In the old days when Norfolk enjoyed the luxury of a professional jaseball team , he was invariably among the leaders to organize and iclp the nine along In a financial way. lo knew by heart the records of pret- y nearly all the baseball players In ho country and could give the batting average , the fielding average and the general characteristics , with the past careers of them all. With him the mtlonal game was a passion and some of his happiest moments were those spent at various baseball parks that Norfolk has owned. Funeral services will be held at 2IJO : o'clock Montlay afternoon at the Methodist church. Mr. Roberts had affiliated with the Methodist church earlier In his life. West Point Club. West Point , Neb. , May 18. Special to The Nt\\s : The West Point Wo man's club met this week at the homo of Mrs. M. McLaughlln. The roll cnl required a statement from each 1110111 bor an to "fnvorltn houHohold duties , The following papers worn read ! "Olt and Present Tlmo Hospitality , " h Mrn , J. F. Losch. "Domestic Triilnlu of Children , " Mrs. Julhm Llngonfe dor ; "How Can Wo Simplify Our Llv Ing" was the tltlo of u paper proparot by Mrs. H. L. Keofo , stale and which WIIH read In her absence b > Mrs. Jessie Krause ; the hint paper o the ovonliiR wan "Tho Humor of Low ell , " by Mm. Jesslo Krauso. Social Events nt Ncllgh , Ntllgh. Neb. . May IS' . Special tt The NOWH : The sophomores of the public school gave a reception to the seniors last Thursday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. ( ! . A. Sellory The evening was pleasantly passed litho the playjng of progressive bid euchre Miss Vera Clouvor having the larges number of miirltH to her credit , was awarded the llrst prize. A dainty three-oourso lunch was served , aftoi which a program of vocal and Inslru mental music was listened to and nisi a whistling solo , by Harry Hnlinur A very Intcrcsllng address wan dellv orotl by the society president , Orlando Cokor. The celebration of the third aim ! vorsary of the Reviewers club of tlilo city was hold Friday afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. Dr. Tegardoii , which was beautifully decorated with whlto carnations and smllax. The club con slsts of twenty members and all were lirosent. The afternoon was pleasant ly passe.d In the playing of games after which a throe-courso luncheon was served. The members of the Lo BOH club of Nollgli were the guests of lionor The entertainment committal was Mrs. Togarden , Mrs lloattlo , Miss Emma Hall and Mrs. M. J. lioiulg. THE WHOLE TOWN HAS TALKED OF UNION DEPOT. HAVE BEEN INFORMAL AFFAIRS There Has Been Nothing of an Extra ordinary Nature During the Past Week , But a Number of Pleasures For All of That. There'vo been muslcalcs and Infor- mi ! affairs and a union depot to com- iiand attention from social Norfolk luring the past week. The union do- iot furnished a topic of Interest be cause femininity wanted to know whether Its friends were going to see i handsome station when they came o town to visit In the distant future , t has been a week without oxtraordl- uiry events but with a number of smaller pleasures Ihrown In lo help nake life enjoyable to the town. Pleasures of the Week. One of the plcasantest events of ho week took the form of a surprise jlrlhday party which was planned and executed by Mrs. W. H. Buttorlleld vlth her daughter , Mrs. P. H. Salter , as the surprised guest of honor. The jlrlhday and surprise party came on Thursday noon In the borne of Mrs. Julterlleld. A number of mirthful ilrthday gifts were brought for the guest of honor and a unique feature vas found in ( he fact that many ar- Icles of food which went to Mrs. Sal- or contained hidden coins. The first ourso brought her a penny , the next a dime and so on up until in the last ilece of cake she struck a $5 gold ilono IJMvo liiinilroilvnu onlnvnil ilnr. ng the afternoon. Mrs. C. H. Roy- olds won the first prize and Mrs. Cul- er received the guest's gift , a dainty rass candlestick. A pleasant informal dancing party vas given at the Insane hospital Vednesday evening by officers and mployes of the Institution and a few Jorfolk friends participated In the oc- aslon to their great enjoyment. Miss Mnnraret Blthell entertained er Jailor league class at .T o'clock aturday afternoon at her home at 204 Philip avenue. The boys of the J. S. C. club were ntcrtalned Thursday evening by Har- Id- Lucas at the home of J. D. Slur- eon. Hymenlal. On Wednesday a prelly home wed- Ing look place In the residence of Ir. and Mrs. Fred Linerode when heir daughter , Miss Hattlo Llnerodo , vas married to Mr. Harry Owen of his city , son of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Owen. The ceremopy was performed > y Rev. W. J. Turner. After the cor- mony , which was wilnessed by elgh- een friends and relallves , a delicious veddlng breakfast was served In the loino of Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Light , The bride ami groom left for Wyom- ng. The bride was prctllly gowned n a brown golng-away suit Coming Events. Mr. C. S. Bridge and Miss Helen Bridge will entertain at dinner parties jn Thursday anil Friday evenings of he coming week. Notice. To those having rags to bo woven nto rag carpels : That I have pur chased recently one of the latesl fly Hliuttlo looms that Is made for this work , and the machine will bo hero next week. Those bringing In their rags will have their orders put on the liook , and will have their carpets mndo In their turn. Work guaranteed. Queen City Rug Works , Opposite P. O. building , J. M. Co vert , Prop. II. p. VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER MOHLER CAME. TO VIEW DEPOT SITUATION Mr. Mohler Said He Would 800 Gen cral Mnnngor Walters of Northwent cm Tomorrow to Discuss the Matter With Him. l-'iltliiy'H Dully ] . li. Molilor , vli'o president mil general manager of thu Union I'aelllt railroad , Hpunt the noon hour In Nor- lolk. Accompanied by other olllclalH , Mr. Muhlor arrived In Norfolk on a special train at noon and h'l'l ntulioul 1 o'clock , lie mild ho had como to Investigate lhu union depot situation In Norfolk , Incidentally Inspecting the track , llo said that ho would neo Mr. Wallers , general manager of the Northwestern urnd west of the Mln- Hourl river , with regard to the Nor folk depot situation , tomorrow. Mr. Mohter'H train left Norfolk for Omaha over the Northwestern. Depot Apparently Dcnd. Whether or not Mr. Mohlor's trip to Norfolk had any slgnlllcunco that might mean further hopu UH to a union depot after all , In view of his statement that ho would confer with thu Northwestern general manager to morrow regarding lliu depot situation , was not apparent. Not having seen Mr. Walters since ( ho conference last Saturday , Mr. Mohler was unpropaiod to ilellnllely say either that the union depot project was dead and burled or I hat It had been burled allvo and might lie rug up 1'iom Its grave and re vived to life. Those who talked with ilin , though , seemed rather of the iplnhm that the union dupol was dead ind that Mr. Muliler'u conference to morrow with Mr. Wallers would sim ply be ono to diagnose the casu and sign the death curllllcale. Looks Over the Debated Ground. Mr. Mohler and the accompanying otllclals were met at the Union Pacific station by a number of Norfolk cltl- /ens who had been advised that the special train would arrive. Immodl- itely the railroad men were escorted to the block between Madison and . 'hlllp avenues , which had been dis cussed as the silo for a union depot. Mr. Mohler pointed out that the vaca tion of Madison avenue would not lermit a union station because of the allroad Intersection there , destroying , 10 said , thu value of the place for a lepot building site. Why Philip Avenue Is Needed. Asked In regard to the need of va cating Philip avunuo lor a union Bta lon. MiMoliler mild : "Them Is ilenty of room in the triangle to build i depot. The long trains are what naku the street necessary. Norfolk s situated on the mainline of the Northwestern railway and the lime vlll cpnio when that toad's trains will jo twelve and fourteen cars long , Just IB are our overland trains. Would Mean Sure Trouble Ahead. "If the depot were built without closing Philip avenue , trains would ( and across the stieet. It would be jut a short time before people pass- ng along the Htreet and as the city ; rows the tralllc will Increase would jegln to complain and criticise be- ause Mains were blocking the load. Ve KM'O been through the mill over and over again and there Is no use rylng to dodge the thing. You might IB well prepare for that trouble be- ore you begin. For it would surely ome. It's just like making a pur- hase. When you buy an article you < now you'll have to pay for it or at east you ought to. And wo know here would be trouble about trains cross the street if the avenue were ot closed , I know the situation In hat regard as well as I know the ten ommandments and better , I pre- 11 me. Would Need Commodious Grounds. "If we built a union depot In Nor- oik It ought to be ono large enough o comfortably handle the tralllc for ears to come. There should be at- ractlvo grounds and ample drive- vays. But you gentlemen will admit , believe , that you must have room n which to lay out those things. " Would Have Spent Over $40,000. The railroads would have been wili ng to put at least $10,000 Into a union lepot In Norfolk , according to Mr. Mohler. "Was our proijoslllon , aside from acklng the closing of Philip avenue a satisfactory one ? " asked A. J. Dur- and , who has so ably engineered the depot matter as chairman of the Com- ncrclal club union depot committee. 'Was the requirement that the build- ng cost at least $40,000 satisfactory ? " "Oh , I think so , " said Mr. Mohler , apparently of the opinion that at least hat much would have been necessary for the station that was contemplated. As to Location North of Avenue. Asked as to why a union depot could not bo placed north of Norfolk avenue on the forty acres of vacant and owned there by tljo Union Pa clflc , Mr. Mohler said the location would not be convenient to Norfolk [ jeople. And before the point could jc thoroughly discussed the railroad ofllclals were summoned to lunch In their dining car. Accompanying Mr. Mohler were Su perintendent Wehr , Superintendent of Trallic Cayhill and Chief Engineer Hu nt ley. Battle Creek. City treasurer Win. Hengstlor stopped onto a nail last week , am' ' Win. Newman , ono of Fuerst's tele phone men , stepped Into a telephone pole hole and Hpnilned bin fool. Tlh-ro arc altogether now about flflemi nrnv Invalids here , and moHl of thorn \\aile with a rane. .lames UllloHpIo shipped two cat loads of entile anil one of hogn Tmwlny. Pied Alhreeht was hero Tuesday on iHlnoHH from Plorco. MI-H. Hoberl Hehhick and two chil dren am visiting with lolnflvoH at Oakdalo this week. ( let ) . H. ( terry shipped I III fat Blieop to Hut Omaha market Monday. Mr. and Mm. Itiilnhold Relmora of I'lert'o urn visit Ing hoio thin woolc with relatives and Mends. Rudolph Illatt , I ho Norfolk m > da wa- ler man , wan here on I > IIHIIOHH | Mon day. . .lames Thompson WIIH here Monday on liunliiemi from Norfolk. Mm. UOHO A very and daughter , Mrs. M. Thoiimen and two children , and Mm , I. K. Nlleii departed Woilnomliiy for New York sluto for a visit with relatives and friends. New York la their native state. DONESTEEL VISITOR INVENTED RAPID-FIRE GUN. DECORATED DY THE MIKADO Orlnn Clyde Cullen , In Doncsteel on Private Mlsolon , Conceived Slcjjo Gun Which Helped to Lay Low Port Arthur In Recent War. lloneHleel. S. I ) . . May Hi. Sporlal 0 Tim News : Today HnnoHtool la B lonored with the presence of a very llHllngiilHliod gentleman In the pornon > f Orlnn riytln Cullen , LI , . M. , of Washington , p. p. , and Montreal , Can- ida. Mr. Pillion Is traveling muiiancr mil diplomatic agent of the Russian lopiiblloan Military association , and 1 life member of the Imperial Marino Society of Japan , besides being a law yer with a large practlco In the SU M-OHIO court of the United States , hiring the Russian-Japanese war Mr. Cullen was In the service of Japan , tnd It was while In that sorvlco that 10 Invented n quick-llrliig fdogo gun hat WIIH found of immoiiHo value In ho reduction of Port Arthur , for vhleh service he was decorated by the 'npnuuHO ' emperor. Ho Is In HoncHtcol on private bus- ) less with A. K. Kull , secretary of the loncKtool Chamber of Commerce , at vhose homo he Is a giH'Ht. He has alked very Interestingly while here ) f his travels to those with whom ho ins becomeacquainted. . JARMER SALOON REOPENS Doors Unlocked to Public First Time Since the Shooting. The old Jarmer saloon was opened or business today for the first time luce the May day morning that Her- nan lioche shot Frank Jarmer , the iroprlolor. Henry HaHonplliig , who ecured the Jarmer location , was granted a saloon license by the city ouncll Thursday evening , the Itcenso ( j become effective this morning. To- ay Mr. Hasenplliig paid his license eo and the eleventh saloon was added o Norfolk's list. It Is probable that Norfolk will have he same number of saloons this year s last when twelve retail liquor es- abllshments were conducted In the Ity. W. A. ICoehn has applied for a [ cense at the Peerless bar location and his application will probably be before the city council at their next meeting. The state of Nebraska , Madlt-on county , ss. In the matter of the estate of Wil liam II. Hrnasch , deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all per sons having claims and demands against William H. Uraasch , late of Kflffl MilfllKntl pnnniv flnnnnuml Htnf he time fixed for filing claims against said estate Is twelve months from tha (5th ( day of May , 1907. All such per sons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the coun- y Judge of said county at his office n the city of .Madison , in said Miuli- on county , on or before the 7th day jf May. 1908 , and that all claims so lied will be heard before said Judge on he 7th tiny of May , 1908 , at 1 o'clock ) . m. It is further ordered that notice to all persons Interested In said estate jo given by publishing a copy of this order in the Norfolk Weekly News- Journal , a weekly newspaper printed , Hihlishcd and circulating In said coun ty , for four consecutive weeks prior o said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal this 29th lay of April , A. D. , 1907. [ Seal ] William Bates , County Judge. Legal Notice. Katherlno Dicey , the unknown heirs nnil devisees of Katherlne Dicey , de ceased , defendants , will take notice that on the 18th day of March , 1907 , the plaintiff , Joel H. Dow , filed his petition in the district court of Madi son county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to have his title to the northeast quarter of the north east quarter of section 10 , township 24 , range 4 west of the sixth P. M. In Madison county , Nebraska , quieted and confirmed In him as against the defendants alleging exclusive , notori ous and open possession of said de scribed premises for more than ten years prior to the filing of said peti tion , advise to the defendants , you are required to answer said petition on or before Juno 24 , 1907. Dated this 13th day of May , 1007. Joel R. Dow. plaintiff.