The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Secretary C. C. Gow of the commer
cial Club Addressed a Letter to Mer
chants of the City Stating Purpose
of the Meeting.
[ From v incsdny's Dally. ]
Norfolk merchants will nicot In the
city hall tonight In response to a call
from the Norfolk Commercial club.
"How to Increase Norfolk's trailo"
will ho the subject for discussion and
a plan to further the trade Interests
of the city will probably bo formulat
ed. Today the following letter was
addressed to Norfolk merchants by the
special committee appointed by the
club for the purpose of presenting to
the merchants a plan for increasing
Norfolk's retail trade :
"There will bo a meeting of the
merchants of Norfolk on Wednesday
evening , May 22 , at the city hall at
S. o'clock for the purpose of discuss
ing the organization of the business
men to encourage and stimulate the
trade of outside towns.
"Wo have a territory GO to 200
miles to the north and west and a
certain distance to the cast and south
of us that is distinctively our own ,
and by proper Inducements this trade
can be kept and increased for Nor
"Free transportation to shoppers has
proven a great success in Minneapolis ,
Sioux City and other cities , and ought
to prove a good thing in Norfolk.
"Will you not be present yourself
and encourage others to como who
may bo interested ?
"Yours very truly ,
"W. R. Hoffman ,
"C. C. Gow ,
"Committee. "
Judge A. A. Welch of Wayne passed
through Norfolk Wednesday morning
on his way to Madison to hold a brief
session of the district court prelim
inary to the jury work next week. At
Norfolk Judge Welch was joined by
County Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln and
Attorneys H. F. Barnhart , M. C. Ha-
zen , Burt Mapes and M. D. Tyler. The
district court jury has been called to
meet at Madison on Monday.
General Manager Walters of Omaha
arrived In Norfolk Wednesday noon
from an Inspection trip over the Deadwood -
wood Ifne , leaving on the noon train
for a trip over the Bonesteel branch
accompanied by General Superlnten
dent S. M. Braden and Superintendent
C. H. Reynolds from this city. The
visit to Bonesteel was merely for In
spection purposes , It was stated.
H. E. Close of Hoskins is In Norfolk
John Anderson of Wayne is in the
city today.
E. B. Sherman was up from Colum
bus yesterday.
Gust Gartner of Belden was In Nor
folk over night.
J. D. Sturgeon was in Wlnslde and
Carroll yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Talbert went to
Fremont yesterday.
Morton L. Adams of Niobrara spent
yesterday in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. West of Grand
Island are In the city today.
Hon. George L. Loomls of Fremont
was In Norfolk this morning.
M. F. Wolfe of Spencer was In Nor
folk between trains yesterday.
Charles Huddln of Gregory was a
South Dakota visitor in Norfolk yes
Miss Lucile Watson of York Is in
Norfolk the guest of her cousin , Mrs
E. O. Meunt.
Mrs. John H. Hulff and daughter
Miss Gretchen , spent yesterday after
noon In Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Durland drove
to Wlnside this morning.
Dave Huston , a Ewlng real estate
man , was in the city yesterday.
C. J. Deupree and G. R. Seller re
turned yesterday from a business trip
to Nellgh.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Myers and Mr
and Mrs. Hart were Norfolk visitors
In Battle Creek yesterday.
E. P. Weatherby leaves this evening
ing for O'Neill In his capacity as com
mlssloner in bankruptcy proceedings
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Setzer of Neligl
stopped in Norfolk yesterday. Mr
Setzer is proprietor of the Atlantic
hotel in Neligh.
Father Thomas Wajsh was In
Bloomfield today. Bishop Scannell o
Omaha administers the sacrament o
confirmation in Bloomfield today.
F. F. Miller and family , who were
called to Norfolk to attend the funera
of the late Mrs. Tabor of Omaha , re
turned yesterday to their homo in
Rev. ' J. P. Mueller of thp Chris
Lutheran church of Norfolk and Rev
M. Schelps of Pierce left yesterday
to attend a Lutheran conference a
Miss Katherlne Witzlgmun of Dyers
vllle , Iowa , and Miss Katherlno Wit
zlgman of Norfolk wont to Battle
Creek today to attend the Battle Creel
high school commencement exercise
this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hulff and
daughter , Miss Gretchen , are plannlni
to leave Norfolk during June for Call
fornla , probably to make their homo
In Los Angeles. Miss Gretchen Hulff
is a member of this year's graduating
class from the Norfolk high school.
Miss Verena Nenow has roslgnet
her position in the Johnson Dry Good
tore to accept a position with the
Norfolk Shoo store.
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Will Dean , a
The Hadar Concordla band will give
concert In the fladar grove next
Mrs. Uallanlyno will entertain the
Aid society of the Presbyto-
Ian church tomorrow afternoon at
The Pioneer Hook and Ladder com-
> any will hold a special meeting at
ho city hall nt 7:80 : this evening for
ho purpose of considering a plan to
attach a swinging harness to the hook
nd ladder wagon for special night
Campbell Bros , circus will arrlvo In
Norfolk early Friday morning to pitch
heir tents for two performances , af-
orison and evening.
Charles Klrchhoff Is building a ten
ant house at G03 South Sixth struct ,
ust south of his own home. The
louse Is constructed of artificial stone.
A representative of an Ohio steel
culvert company has been In Norfolk
nqulrlng into the facilities that this
city would offer as a distributing point
for this territory.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Boas very pleasantly -
antly entertained a small company of
friends at 0:30 : o'clock dinner last
evening in their beautiful homo on
Madison avenue.
The marriage of Miss Jessie Waugh ,
.ho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norton
Waugh of Omaha but formerly rcsl-
lents of Norfolk , and Mr. Walter
Moycr of Crawford , Nob. , occurred today -
day at the homo of the bride's parents
In Omaha.
The Norfolk board of education will
meet this evening in the Lincoln build
ing for the purpose of passing final
ipproval on the plans and speclfica
Ions submitted by Architect John Lat-
ensor of Omaha for the new high
scltool building.
Prices for "Tho Wizard of Wall
Street , " a musical comedy that comes
o the Norfolk Auditorium May 30 ,
vlll be 2Cc , 3Gc and COc. This is the
company in which Mrsl Daye and
laughter , Phyllis , formerly of Nor-
'oik , will be seen.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Ralnbolt , Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Butterfield and Mr. and
Mrs. D. Mathewson left at noon for
Omaha where they go as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Bucholz at a house
rnrty. They will return the latter part
of the week. During their visit the
Norfolk guests will see Maude Adams
n "Peter Pan. "
For the first time In Verdlgre's his
tory that town had a tight lid last Sunday -
day when Attorney Frank Lundak of
Niobrara , on behalf of a number of
Verdlgre women , filed papers forbid
at Verdigre. The matter is said to
have been kept very quiet but on Mon
day it Is said one of the Verdlgre baleen -
loon men went to Niobrara and prom
Ised Lundak an egging.
Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Chicago ar
rived In Norfolk at noon for a visit
with General Superintendent and Mrs
S. M. Braden. Mr. and Mrs. Stone
were met at Missouri Valley by Mr.
and Mrs. Braden. Mr. Stone Is man
ager of the mechanical portion of the
Chicago Dally News and is the in
ventor of remarkable improvements
In printing presses. He is recognized
as one of the most advanced press ex
ports in the country.
The officers of the new Red Men
lodge in Norfolk were installed In of
fice last night , the final steps in the
organization of the new lodge being
completed ta last evening's meeting.
The new Red Men tribe in Norfolk
has 'a ' list of thirty-two charter mem-
hers. Col. J. G. Albright , the national
representative of the order who orga
nlzed the local tribe , left at noon for
Lincoln to' organize a fourth tribe of
the Red Men in that city.
The Nebraska Newspaper Folding
machine , of which C. S. Evans of Nor
folk is the inventor and patentee , is
now being manufactured at a printIng -
Ing press factory at Adel , Iowa. A
company was organized in Norfolk
two or three years ago , of which Mr ,
Evans Is president , to nut the machine
on the market and an attempt was
made to have the machines built here
The machines that are being built at
Adel are said to be first class and are
giving excellent satisfaction. They
are being-put on the market in Iowa
near the point of manufacture , ant
as soon as those orders can be fillet
a few of them will be brought to Nor
folk for distribution around this pan
of the country. The machine is salt
to be of the simplest construction pos
slble and just the thing for countrj
olllces wlicro professional pressmen
can not bo employed. Mr. Evans says
he regrets that it was Impossible to
establish a plant in Norfolk to bulk
the machines , as It Is , he says , bount
to grow into a good sized and sub
stantlal Industry.
J. H. Van Wagonen of Pierce , coun
ty attorney of Pierce county , has suc
ceeded in organizing an extensive
theater booking circuit over several
states which promises much for this
portion of the west. It is known as
the Van-Short theater booking circuit
and through Its New York and Chicago
cage agencies it will bo able to offer
strong Inducements to the best com
panies to come Into this part of the
country. The Norfolk Auditorium ,
among others , Is Included In the cir
cuit and will prove a strong factor
In maintaining the prestige of the cir
cuit. Norfolk will bo the headquar
ters for the circuit In this section ,
though Mr. Van Wagenen at Pierce
will manage the bookings from Pierce.
The now circuit will bo able to secure
a better class of attractions for this
territory than in the past and to protect -
tect theaters included in the circuit.
Mr. Van Wagenen will have charge
of the territory of Nebraska and South
Dakota west of , the Missouri river. *
Alfred J , Fleming , For Some Time
Pnst Consul at Aden In Southern
Arabia , Is Visiting His Daughter ,
Mrs. W. R. Jones of This City.
Alfred J. Fleming , American consul
at Yarmouth In Novo Scotia , accompa <
iled by his wife is in Norfolk on a
visit . with their daughter , Mrs. W. R.
loiies. Mr. and Mrs , Fleming nrajust
ionic to America after a year's stay
n the American consulate nt Aden
,11 , southern Arabia. Mr. Fleming's
.rnnsfer to Yarmouth was only re
cently announced by the state depart
ment and ho has not yet visited his
now post.
Better Streets Than Here.
. Coming from a land where the trop
ical ' sun beats down on the earth and
. where the temperature never drops
below 72 degrees and shootn skyward
" mill the thermometers break In de
spair . , Mr. Fleming was in n ] x > sltlon
to ' appreciate Norfolk's climate. But
Norfolk does not outshine the Arabian
city In all points. Aden , under the
energetic influence1 of British rule , has
bettor ' streets than Norfolk !
Food Comes In Caravans.
Aden is a city of moro than 00,000
people ' on the Gulf of Aden. Planted
on a narrow strip of land between the
mountains and the sea In the sphere
of British Inlluonco in southern Ara
bia , Aden exists largely as a sea
port. Here ships sailing through the
Rod sea stop to take on coal , Ice or
fresh Is manufactured.
Two plants also manufacture the wa
ter supply , converting salt water Into
the fresh article , which has a high
commercial value In Aden. Food Is
brought to Aden by the ships from
over the seas and liy the caravans of
camels from the Interior.
Rain Almost Unknown.
In Aden Mr. and Mrs. Fleming were
the only Americans In a white colony
of some 300 Europeans. American
manufacturers are pushing their pro
ducts Into Arabia but they are repre
sented . by men from Europe who seem
to stand the cllmnto better. On ac
count of the precautions generally
taken . the climate is healthy. In the
Intense heat of the day the whlto people
ple do not leave their offices and
dwellings. When they do go about
It IB In carriages of which there are
some 500 of American manufacture.
Tradition in Aden recounts a rain
which fell some ten years ago.
Transferred to Canada.
Mr. Fleming found many pleasant
features in the life in Arabia and was
prepared to return after the lapse of
his leave of absence but was notified
on his arrival In Washington of his
transfer to Yarmouth as consul in
that Canadian city. Mr. Fleming was
a newspaper man previous to his en
try into the consular service three
years ago. He was in Omaha for sev
eral years during the exposition pe
riod as a special writer on the World-
Herald and at tht time of his appoint
ment ' owned the Braymer , Mo. , Comet ,
which is now conducted by his son.
Mr. Fleming's first service as consul
was in Canada.
Mr. Fleming will remain in Norfolk
for ( about a week , leaving the city di
rect for Yarmouth. Mrs. Fleming will
remain ' in Norfolk for an extended
visit with her daughter.
Copple's Brothers Arrived at Pender
and Said They Did Not Believe In
Lynch Law No Complaint Is Yet
Sworn Out Against Burke.
Pender , Neb. , May 21. J. O. Copple ,
W. H. Copple , Elmer E. Copplo and
W. W. Reed , the three former brothers
of the late Walter Copple , who was
murdered last werek , and the latter a
brother-in-law , came to Pender and
made application for letters of admin
Istratlon for their brother's estate and
guardianship of papers for the chil
J. O. Copple , formerly a county com
missioner of this county , will be ap
pointed to both positions. The cstl
mated value of the estate is $10,000
with | 5,000 life insurance in favor o :
the murdered wife and four older chll
During their stay In Pender the
brothers stated to a number of parties
that they were opposed to lynch law
ind wanted Burke , alias HIgglns , to
be tried and receive his Just deserts
In the regular way. There is llttlo erne
no excitement hero now. and It Is
hardly probable that any effort wll
be made to lynch the murderer when
he Is brought to Pender for a'hearing
No complaint has as yet been flle <
here , and It Is possible that nothing
will bo done for several days yet.
Omaha Youth Will Have Growths Cu
From Head to Cure Wickedness.
Omaha , Neb. , May 22. Eight yea
old Davy Markovltz , the hey who aim
ply cannot be good , is to have a sur
Aeon's knife Inserted Into his head to
take the badness out of him. ThI
vlll bo the first 1 1 mo thu Oiiiiiha jn-
oiillo court has ordered a Hiirglntl up-
ration to euro the dlHcnHo of tlolln-
Davy has been before the court a
lumber of times and has ben forgiven
in his promise to bo good. When It
unit ) to keeping the promise , how-
vor , Davy always fnllud.
Then physicians ( Uncovered that ad-
nolil growths were pressing upward
rom the nock and back of the IIOHO ,
nd , pushing against the brain , con-
trlctliiK Its growth. The removal of
IICHO Is not a dangerous operation ,
nd , It Is believed , will remove the
IUIHO of the boy's wickedness ,
One of the Bums Who Responded tea
a Toast Was Ordered to Sit Down
Because He "Works and Ain't Re
spectable" Unique Assembly.
Chicago , May 22. The hobos' ban-
liiot , given by the Brotherhood Wei-
are association at the Wludsor-Cllf-
on hotel was a huge success dosplto
ovenil llttlo drawbacks , such an the
lonattendaiico of Washington Flat , the
oastniaslor , who was driven out of
own early In the afternoon by the
tollce , and the departure of Phlludol-
> hln Jack and the Dancing Kid for
San Francisco before the beer WIIH
erved. They explained that they had
0 catrli the 11:15 : "CJ" freight.
Dr. Hen L. Rcltman and his aids in
ho new organization has searched the
ilghw.'ijH and byways of the city for
1 rcpri"u > ntatlvu gathering of hobos
ind liiniiK and beggars and they found
Speaker Found Under the Table.
Several Incidents marred the occa
sion , but no one minded. Krcd the
linn , who was down for a speech on
'Why 1 Hang Around Harrel Houses , "
ricked up too many drinks before ho
came to the banquet and was found
mder the table when his nanio was
called. "Shoestring Chase , " a pan-
landlcr , scandalized his fellows when
10 was found improving the golden
iccaslon by passing bis hat among
he hotel guests during a lull In the
A No , One , known as the Absent
Member ( "and never blamed the
looze , hoys" ) , whoso name Is written
on every water tank between New
York and Boston , and Yoken-Whltney ,
mother professional hobo , threatened
to depart at one stage of the. speechmaking -
making because the speakers were
'not representative. "
"Why , they dont' know the dlff be
tween a hobo and a bum , " said A No.
One. "I wouldn't associate with a
snide that carries the banner. Why
donjt they let a smart man talk ? "
Works ; Ain't Respectable.
Fred the Bum was called on , but
could not respond , so his cliuni , the
Rocky Mountain Lemon , got up to re
spond. He started off nobly , saying :
"They do not love who do not show
their love , " but A No. One yelled :
"Sit down. You're no hobo. You
work. You ain't respectable. " So
the Lemon sat down.
Newport News.
Newport , Neb. , May 20. Special to
The News : The city fathers have
served legal notice on the saloons and
others not to sell or give vinous or
splrltous liquors to certain parties
who have fully developed appetites for
that class of goods ,
Al Wlllerllng says that he pur
chased COO fine horses on a recent trip
wes * . The horses were raised by the
late .Marcus Daly , the millionaire min
er , and they come of good sires. They
will be shipped to this place during
the coming year.
Rev. T. J. Peacock and family made
an extended visit with relatives at
Gregory , S. D.
R. H. McKeown of Honey Creek ,
Iowa , who purchased the Wells hay
farm , Is here to place a man on the
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Rog
ers , a daughter.
All Wlllerllng purchased the Myers'
feed store of Casper Sol son , who re
cently bought It of Mr. Myers.
A fierce wind storm , accompanied
by hall , passed north of this point Fri
day evening at 5 o'clock.
Tine first game of basket ball for
the > season was played by the young
ladles recently.
Business College Baseball Club An-
j nexes Another Victory.
The Norfolk business college nine
annexed another victory at Nellgh yes
terday , winning from the Gates Acad
emy nine. The final score stood 12
to S. Norfolk shut out Nellgh In the
first three Innings but wild throwing
let the score run up. The Norfolk bat
tery was Haak and Landers. The
business college nine was credited
with three fast doubles during the
game. The Norfolk players returned
from Nellgh on the morning train.
Norfolk Man Suffering From Tubercu
losls In Colorado.
A telegram was received by Mrs
William Killen Tuesday morning
announcing the very serious condl
tlon of her husband , who Is ut
I-nnmr , Col. Ho has been suffering
with tuberculosis. Mrs. Killen Is , her
self , quite 111 and was unable to leave
for the bedside of her husband.
Congressman J .F. Boytl of Nellgh
Would Like the Nnmes of Any
Young Men Ambltlotm for the Ap
pointment to Annapolis.
IK there a young man In the Third
congressional district of Nebraska
who wiiulH to bo appointed a midship
man and take the government course
of Instruction at the Annapolis naval
academy ?
This IH a question which CongroHii-
man J. F. lloyd of Nellgh , who WIIH
In Norfolk yesterday nftomoon , would
like to have answered , For If there
IH a young man owning such an am
bition , and living in the Third con
gressional district , Congressman lloyd
Is going to give him the chance to
"make good. "
First of all , though , the young man
must be able to PIIHH an e.Minilnatlon
In a number of common brunches of
study. The examination IH mild to be
not dllllcult , but It must be. paused.
The appointment will go to Homo
young man over sllxoon yearn of ago
and under twenty-one ; ho must IUIHH
an examination In reading , writing ,
spelling , punctuation , capitalization ,
grammar , googruphy , United States
history , history of the world , arith
metic , algebra , geometry. lOxninlna-
HOIIH are graded on a scale from 0 to
I and a standing less than 2.5 In any
branch gives sufficient reason for re
jecting the applicant.
The candidate f'toiii this district
must notify Congressman lloyd at No-
Ugh Immediately In order to get In
under ( he wire , Hluco the appointee
iniiHl report at Annapolis June 18.
The course js one of four years In
college work and two years In naval
service. The iiililHhlpiiian gels $500
per year right at the beginning.
Congressman lloyd says that he con
siders this nn excellent chance for
some young man who has not the
means for a college education , to se
cure a first class education and at the
same lime acquire efficiency In a line
hat will mean permanent life work.
Stanton Painter Steps Off Ladder With
Dlsastrods Results.
Stanton , Neb. , May 22' . Special to
The News : When Gus Wagner , one
if Slanton's painters , stepped off a
step ladder his foot turned and broke
lioth bones of his left leg. One was
n'oken In two places.
Long Pine , Neb. , May 22. Special
io The News. : At the home of the
Bride's grandmother , Mrs , 0. W. Dwl-
loll , occurred the wedding of Mr. Win.
ilufflmck and Miss Barbara Owlnnll.
lev. Dillon performed the ceremony
md only the family and a few friends
, vere present. The newly married
couple went west on the 5:30 : train
for a few days' trip.
Will Make a Trip Down the Mississip
pi River During Coming Autumn.
Washington , May 20. President
Roosevelt Is to make a trip down the
Mississippi river. He has accepted
provisionally an Invitation from the
governors of sixteen states to make
the voyage , for the purpose of seeing
the river and harbor work In progress
on that stream. The Journey prob
ably will be taken early In October ,
for Mr. Roosevelt goes to Canton , O. ,
September 30 to speak at the dedica
tion of the McKInley monument. He
will go from there to St. Louis or some
other point on the father of waters
nnd thence down to Memphis , where
he will attend the deep waterways
convention. It Is believed he will
make an address before this conven
tion , although this has not been defi
nitely determined yet. The trip will
take about six days and will be made
on one of the government steamers.
This decision of the president has
brought joy to the hearts of the lakes-
to-the-gulf advocates , who undoubted'
ly will make the most of their oppor
tunity in Impressing upon the presi
dent the necessity for establishing this
great ship canal. The president's In
tereKt In the question of waterways
development is well known , and he
Is a hearty admirer of the National
Rivers and Harbors congress , which ,
composed of business men , shippers
and communities throughout the Unit
ed States , IB seeking to have congress
appropriate not less than $50,000,000
a year for the prosecution of this form
of internal development. The journey
of the chief executive undoubtedly
will glvo a strong stimulus to the work
of this organization , which now Is en
deavoring to Increase even further Us
membership , to the end that the Amer
ican people may express unitedly to
congress their desire that this dovol
opmcnt bo continued.
Illinois gave way to West Virginia
Inst year In the matter of coal produc
tion. According to statistics complied
by the geological survey , West Vir
ginia supplanted the sucker state and
took position as the second coal pro
ducing stnto of the union. During
190G It had a total output of 45,270.485
shore tons , while the production of
Illinois was 41,470,435 short tons. The
loss of place by Illinois was duo to
the almost complete suspension of
mining operations In that state In
April and n portion of May because
of labor troubles. According to the
figim-H ( ho total production of coal lii
I ho ( lulled Htnlos last year was 111 , .
030.58I nliort tonn of 2,000 pounds ,
valued at $512,010.711. Compared with
11105 these figureii nhow an Increano
of 5.4 per cent In quantity and of 7,5
In value.
Prisoner Spends Hours In Silence ,
Smoking Cigarettes ,
Omaha , Neb. , May 21. Insanity
doiiblleMH will bo the plea of I/ > IIH | Ray
IHllKliiH , the Hlayor of Fanner Copplo
and his wlfo at Itotmllo , Neb. , hurt ,
week. TlmiiiiiH A. MolllHler ban boon
retained IIH romiHol for Illgulim , but
the attorney declines to make any
Hlnlomonl of what action the defense
will take.
lllKKliw' mother JIIIH not arrived
from Denver , lie him hud a letter
from her , In which she Indicates that
her trip IIIIH been deferred for finnii
rial reasons , She siiyti , however , that
Him will como to Omaha IIH HOOII as
Hhe IH able to provide for the trip.
The letter WIIH full of endearing torniH
of a mothor'H love , nnd she writes that
Him can never believe that her boy
WIIH In hhi right mind If ho committed
Hiich a erlmo IIH IH charged.
The prisoner him taken on a mo.
I-OHO ( llHpoHlllon and spends most of
his ( line In a dull mood , Hiuoklng clg-
uioltoH. Ho IIIIH Hoeitrod n supply of
lolmeeo and eluiuelte papers ami
smokcH about fifty "plllH. " IIH ho callH
them , every day. Ho had an Influx of
ourloiiH vlHllnrn Sunday ami did not
lake kindly Io II. Al ono time ho be
came liiHolenl and made HOIIIO remarks
about his calleis ( hat were anything
bill complimentary.
nnrlng the afternoon Mrs. Shlnrock ,
n elly iiilHsioiiiiry , held a religious 801
vice In the "military" cell , and Illgglns
IH mild to have been much Impressed ,
all hough ho refused Io discuss reli
gion. . A liberal supply of religious
Illoraliiro IIIIH been placed In his cell
by church people , but ho IIIIH not tnkoti
kindly to it.
Today HlggliiH rolled a elgnrolloaml
picked up u Sunday school paper. Ho
Interested himself In u Htory about
criminals , and , looking up at the jail
er , asked him wholhor he thought they
would hang him. The prisoner
seemed , for the first time , to take a
Herlons view of his predicament and
made many Inquiries about how his
case would be conducted. lie sent for
and had a conciliation with his at
torney , but refused to talk after that.
Illl'irlllH1 Tiuil lu Imntlnc' olnti-lt *
Hood poisoning developed slightly ,
) iit It was checked before It became
icrloiiH. although the prisoner In still
.innhlo . to IIHO hl.s foot.
The authorities expect to take Jig-
gins to Pender the latter part of the
iroHont week for hl.s preliminary hear-
ng. Ho will , however , bo returned at
Mice to the Douglas county Jail for
'ear of an attempt being made on his
Ife should he be kept at Ponder.
'Unreal real e.stato" IH the kind you
imy real money for but find It hard
io sell for real money. People that
lire not In touch with the real estate
lids , are the usual Investors In unreal
eal estate.
Norfolk Lovers of Fast Horse Flesh
Will Enjoy the First Formal After
noon's Driving at the Local Track
Next Tuesday Afternoon.
A driving matinee at the Norfolk
race track Is definitely announced for
this month. The matinee will be held
the afternoon of Tuesday , May 28.
Three raceH In addition to a quarter
mile pony dash are planned. The first
event will be open to driving horses ,
the owners to drive their own horses.
Two regular races will be offered. A
number of good entries are In pros
pect for these events which will bo
run off In half mile heats. The pro
gram as planned Is considered attrac
tive nnd Is expected to open the racing
season with a pleasing local innova
The driving matinee , it Is said , is
planned merely to give an auspicious
opening to the local racing season and
to furnish an afternoon out of doors
to those to whom an Informal after
noon's racing would furnish a pleas
ant holiday. An admission charge of
twenty-five cents will admit to the
races. There will be no reserved
A good string of speedy horses Is
expected to be listed on the entries
next Tuesday. Several fast horses in
training nt the Norfolk track with
fast ones from other nearby northeast
Nebraska towns of the racing circuit
are counted on.
The racing events of the matinee
will comprise the following classes :
Class A Gentlemen's roadsters ,
owners to drive. Horses to bo entered
by Saturday , May 25.
Class B Trot or pace , two In three ,
three heats to end the race.
Class C Free-for-all , trot or pace ,
two In three.
Pony race , one-fourth mile dash.
The prize for the pony dash will bo
Jockey riding whip. Announcement
will bo made later concerning the priz
es for the several races.
The regular racing season for the
North Nebraska Short Shipment Race
circuit will open with the racing meet
of the Norfolk Driving club , July 31-
August 2.