The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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ThB Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
The News. KutnblUhml. 1881.
nn Journal.
IV. N. Hum : N. A.
llvory Krlitny. " _
" 1-iiitoroil nl'tTitf pom ntHco 11 t Nor7olU ,
Telephone" ! Killtorlnl UoimrtgionL
No. 82. lliiitliioiM Olllco niut Job Hoomn ,
No. II18.
The Kansas republican contrnl com-
inlttco linn promised to deliver the
ntnto republican party to Taft.
Whether the few men who comprlBO
Uio Btnto conunlttoo will lie nblo to
"deliver" the voters remains to bo
BOOH. It IB announced from Ohio tlmt
other states will bo driven Into line
If the Tatt organization can swing
As ono moaiifl of romovliiB a < Hf" '
cult barrier from the Tnft boom , nn
effort IB going to bo inailo U > oust
Dlclc and the Imlanco of the repub
lican contrnl committee of Ohio. Af
ter the punishment la inflicted upon
Fornkor's friends In Ohio because
they oppose Tnft there , friends of the
secretary of war say that ho will have
easier sledding In other states.
Another Htntcment from Washing
ton , telling UH that Arch M. Hughes ,
ousted postmaster at Columbia , Tenn. ,
is malicious liar , Is not beyond the
limits of possibilities. Mr. Hughes
has Invited trouble by Issuing n strong
attack upon First Assistant Postmas
ter General Hitchcock , Because of
the strong charges made by Mr.
HughcH , a reply will probably bo
looked for by the country at largo.
Col. Arch M. Hughes says that
Hitchcock ousted him because ho Is
not In favor of n third term for Presi
dent RooBOVolt. Ho declares that no
word of misconduct or wrong doing
or incfllcluncy has over reached him ,
but that after live years of faithful
Borylco ho has been removed because
ho took Roosevelt at his word In be
lieving the president will not take
another nomination. Col. Hughes ac
CUBOB Hitchcock of making trips
through the south at the government's
expense for the purpose of hunting
people to boom a third term for Roose-
volt. Ho says that ho was removed
when a lot of down-and-out republic
tins of Tennessee told Hitchcock that
ho was not for Roosevelt for n third
term. Hughes Is reported to have told
Hitchcock this and Hitchcock Is Haiti 11
to Imvo replied , "Hut these fellows 1
control tlto organl/atlon. "
The statement that ho has been re
moved for not wanting the president
for a third term Is a strong one. Per
haps Mr. Htlchcock will talk.
The great practical value of the un
derground water investigation of Uio
United States geological survey has
recently received another dcmonstra-
tlon-r-thts tlmo in central South Da
kota. In this region the western ex
tension of the Northwestern railroad
system from Plorro to Rapid City has
built up the valley of Dad river , and '
tlio company has sunk three wells to
supply water for locomotives and oth
er uses. In sinking the welts the com
pany was guided entirely by a map
published In a report on the geology
and underground water resources of
the central great plains , of which
South Dakota forms a part , published
by the survey as professional paper ,
No. 32. This map , prepared by N. II.
Darton , the author of the report , in
dicated In a general way the areas in
which artesian Hews might bo found
and showed Uio probable depths at
which the great water-bearing forma
tion of the great plains , known to
geologists as the Dakota sandstone ,
would bo reached. The predictions
tnado by Mr. Dnr' jn on thlw map were
very closely verified by the railroad
company's wells. At Capa , where the
top of the Dakota sandstone was
shown by the map to bo at a depth
of about 1510 feet , it was found at
1500 feet. At Nowlin , farther up the
valley , the depth predicted was be
tween 1500 and 2000 feet , or approx
imately 1750 feet , and the water bear
ing Dakota sandstone was entered at
17CO feet. At Wendte , twenty miles
west of Pierre , a similar verification
of prediction was made.
This la but ono Instance of many
that might be cited In which the water
investigations of the survey have re
sulted in the successful locution of
artesian wells.
Testimony In the now noted Browns-
ville affair , In which negro soldiers
formerly stationed at Fort Nlobrarn
were charged with "shooting up" the
town , Is not nil ono sided. For a num
ber of months things have seemed to
bo favoring the discharged troops , so
far as the senate investigation at
Washington is concerned , but new ev
idence just introduced tends to very
strongly bear out the president's opin
ion that the Twenty-fifth was guilty
of the outrageoim raid upon the town
in which n number of white citizens
were shot and killed.
While negro soVdiers had testified
& 1I along , and with remarkable unan
imity , that thuy were Innocent and
knew nothing of the shooting , Drowns *
vlllo people are tending to prove that
the colored soldiers were guilty and
did , after all , do the shooting with
which they wore charged.
Four Drownsvlllo people testified
that they saw the negro soldiers shoot *
Ing , and that thcro could bo no mlH-
take In Identity.
The Urowusvlllo Investigation has
dragged on to such a length that there
In little Interest left In It excepting
when a bit. of genuinely now testimony
Is brought out. Among other effects ,
however , there has been ono which
Ni'brnslm experienced during the past
week. Senator Hen Tlllman of South
Carolina delivered a lecture In South
Omaha to .1,000 people and at times
his remarks were enthusiastically
cheered. His remarks and their re
ception show , Just as do many articles
in current magazine , that the Browns-
vlllo Incident has served , If nothing
more , to bring to attention the race
problem which sooner or later must
bo met In the south.
Rov. John L. Clark , pastor of the
Brunswick Avenue Congregational
church of Brooklyn , who married Cor
ey and Miss Oilman , ban repented.
Immediately after the ceremony ho
guvo out a statement In which ho de
clared that ho had done a righteous
act and that If ministers all refused
to marry divorced people , there would
bo a deal of Immorality In the world
charged up to them. Now he says ho
is sorry and asks forgiveness from
the church directors. Incidentally ho
says the fee ho received did not
amount to $1,000.
Whether the llov. Mr. Clark did
right or wrong In performing the cer
emony that united the divorced stool
king and the former footllght beauty
In wedlock , the country has formed
u pretty nearly unanimous verdict as
to the action of the groom. Corey and
thin actress were married * In a glided
suite at a prominent and luxurious ho
tel In Now York. The ceremony oc
curred at 1 o'clock In the morning and
the appointments were tremendously
costly. Everywhere was the tone of
lavish expenditure of wealth. But af
ter all there was something lacking
In the atmosphere of the place. More
dollars failed to charge the air with
that Hlncorlty , that truth of sentiment
which all the world loves to see. And
the world couldn't help thinking ol
the woman whom Corey had desertet
and cast off , for the sake of claiming
this painted creature for Ills bride
Years ago Corey selected a bride who
was willing to cast her lot with his
and take chances on fortune's favor
She was willing to take him for wha
ho was , for better or for worse. , Bu
Corey prospered. Money turned his
head. With wealth came luxury ant
with luxury came destruction of the
wholesome spirit that had existed In
Corey , the youth. Homo lost its at >
traction and n pretty chorus girl 1
caught his eye. Ills own long-faithful ,
wife , who had remained loyal through
ups and downs , was cast off In a di [
vorce court and in her place the new
Corey , his true nature destroyed by
his dollars , took this doll from the
stage because for a moment she ap
peared to strike his fancy.
It was a wedding that the world
looked upon because of the lavishness
of Its costly trimmings ; but ono with
which the world nt large the world
that loves a lover was entirely out
of sympathy , and ought to be.
There has been 'a striking revolution
among newspapers of northern Ne
braska and southern South Dakota
during the past few years. This re
markable territory , stretching out for
several hundred miles around Norfolli
as its hub , has shown a rapid develop
ment in many lines of business am !
It is just getting at the edge of stil
greater oxpansloit * But among oil
branches of industry , none has shown
greater progress than the northwest
A few years ago a country news
paper was a sheet whose chief object
In life was to get In print names of
local residents. Today the newspa
pers of this great territory stand out
as institutions which do a mighty portion
tion of the work of this country's prog
ress. Today they are being read for'
the genuine news that Is In them , and
their inllucnco at homo and abroad in.
bringing the good features of their
communities to the attention of the
public , .is a powerful factor in the up
building of those communities.
In newspapers from all of this ter
ritory , from Norfolk to Dallas , from
hero to Chadron , northeast into the
Emerson country , southeast to Colum
bus , east to West Point , and on the
Albion branch , there is noticeable a
gratifying stride along with the pro
cession. The papers are well printed ,
neatly made up and forcefully edited.
Headlines that show life and energy ,
and arranged with no small degree of
effort and art , stand out and give to
readers the gist of important news
features. The editorials are carefully
done In most instances and have a
genuine significance. Advertisements ,
keeping pace with the news columns ,
are fresh and sparkling. They are
lied with real argumontu for various
irtlcles offered for sale and it is safe
o say that they nro producing results.
With the Increased development of
ho west and the Inauguration of more
clentlllc methods of doing business ,
nude necessary by Increased compotl-
Ion from the larger cities , country
owns are no longer looking upon their
lowBpnpors AS "charitable" instltu-
Ions , but are coming to recognize the
eal value of publicity and the potency
of printer's ink.
No other section of the west shows
lewspnperu which , as a whole , can
compete in general excellence with
ho newspapers of northern Nebraska
ind southern South Dakota of today.
And many of the newspaper friends
back east" might come Into this tor-
Itory and pick up u number of val-
table IcsiiouB ,
It Is fit and proper that the Norfolk
city council should appropriate a sum
with which to help defray expenses
of the forthcoming Memorial day ser
vices in this city. As n matter of
fact the people of every city , and not
: ho veteran soldiers who fought the
mttles In ' 01 , ought to bear the ex
[ ) cnse and do It gladly that is in
Burred In the proper observance of
Ms annual funereal day.
In years gone by Norfolk , like other
allies of America , has allowed the old
soldiers to take full charge , with all
) f the trouble and burden and worry
that accompanies such supervision , of
: ho annual Memorial day services.
The old soldiers have been allowed
to march out to the cemetery , prnc-
tlcally alone , to decorate the graves
of the soldier dead with ( lowers that
bespeak the tribute of honor and es
teem in which those departed veter
ans arc held. The balance of the
population has treated the occasion
with a degree of Indifference , appar
ently entirely willing that the work
and energy of the day should bo expended -
ponded by the remaining veterans
many of whom nro feeble , instead of
by the younger and growing genera
Memorial day ought to bo perpet
uated. The war In which these heroes
risked their lives and In which they
suffered all manner of privation , preserved
served this union and the stars and
stripes. It was a bloody conflict but
a necessary one. In no way can this
nation over repay to those bravo mer
the service which was performed. Al !
that wo can do is to honor them for
their memories as the years roll by
Hut unless the younger generation o
men and women , boys and girls , who
know only through stories handed
down to them from their ancestors of
the battles that were fought , will ex
ert themselves each Memorial day in
honoring those who fought that fight ,
then the day must lose its significance
as the old soldiers , one by one , an-
swer the roll call of Father Time.
There remain but a comparative
handful of the soldiers who went
through the civil war. They have
done praiseworthy work In maintainIng -
Ing the spirit of Memorial day as well
as they have. But they are growing
old and feeble , many of them , and it
becomes the duty of their children
and the children of other men who
did not go to war but whose Interests
were protected by union blood , to take
up the spirit of this day and keep the
flame of patriotism burning brightly.
The decoration of graves on this
Memorial day should not be left to
old soldiers and the Woman's Relief
Corps alone. Children in the schools
and men and women everywhere
should assume a responsibility in the
matter and do their share. It is a
duty that every man and every woman
owes to his country and to those who
preserved its union. And If the men
and women of the future are to do
their duty In this regard , the children
of the present must bo Inspired with
the meaning and the patriotism ol
the occasion.
A Bonesteel paper of last week , in
speaking of a social function held nt
that place which was particularly ex
cellent , said that potted plants and
" 'cut flowers from Norfolk florists"
were used in decorating.
Naturally enough , as the vast ter
ritory to the north and west ofthis
' city spreads out and develops , its
i many towns , and many more that are
! to be born , will turn to Norfolk , the
gateway to the new northwest the
hub of this great fertile wheel for
"cut flowers. "
There Is not enough demand for cut
flowers In any small town to support
n greenhouse. Yet there is enough ;
demand In the aggregate from all ol
the small towns of this vast territory
to make a greenhouse in Norfolk prac
tlcablo and worth while. Its existence
hero helps Norfolk and is , slmulta
neously , a convenience to all of the
territory tributary to Norfolk se
from here their orders can bo ed
In twenty-four hours' less time that
from Sioux City or Omaha , and be
cause if a trip is necessary to NorfoU
in looking after the purchase , a goo (
sized bit of railroad fare , time am
hotel bills are saved as compared will
the trip to Omaha or Sioux City.
And "cut flowers , " in the sense hen
used by The News , means nil of those
commodities and luxuries ) for which
there Is occasional demand from every
small town but which are Impractic
able for handling excepting In distrib
uting centers. The territory around
Norfolk Is coming to look to this city
for Its "cut flowers" In all lines of
commerce. The fact that Bonesteel
sends to Norfolk for Its roses only
means that Bonostccl and a hundred
other communities In Norfolk's terri
tories will came more and more to
look to Norfolk for every desired ar-
tlclo that can not bo found In the
smaller places. Instead of Omaha and
Sioux City , Norfolk must come to bo
the market place of the now north
west which shall supply , In a whole
sale and retail way , all things unob
tainable and impracticable for hand
ling in the smaller towns.
In order to supply this demand for
a market place within n day's roach
from nil this country , Norfolk is stockIng -
Ing up , moro and more , with Indus
trie's and Institutions to take advant
age of the opportunity offered. With
in the past year a number of valuable
and substantial institutions have been
located hero and moro are to come.
With this opportunity knocking
harder and harder on Norfolk's door ,
with the call from out of Norfolk's
vast tributary territory growing louder
and louder in insisting that this is the
place that ought to supply the "cut
flowers" of life to all of these neigh
boring towns , because of the mutual
benefit In building up the new north
west and a creditable city at its gate
way , it might bo no bad plan for the
Commercial club to adopt some active
campaign for developing the posslbil
Hies offered. It would bo no bad plan
to launch nil advertising campaign , In
forming all parts of the nation of the
fact that the now northwest wants to
get its "cut flowers" in Norfolk , and
giving a list of the various industries
which , in order to supply the wants
of Norfolk's neighbors who are natur
ally looking more .and more to Norfolk
to supply them with all things that
can not practicably bo handled at
home , ought to be able to live and
grow right here.
A look at the map shows that Nor
folk has a remarkably advantageous
location as the distributing gateway
to a magnificent and fertile territory
running more than a half thousand
miles west and moro than a hundred
northwest. Chicago's only assett is
its location.
But an opportunity undeveloped
brings no benefit. After a little while
new lines of railroad will be bull
through and across the vast trac
northwest of here , bringing that terrl
tory into closer relation with Slouj
City and Omaha. In fact plans for f
such railroad building are already r
completed. From Sioux City the Oma
ha road will build to Niobrara and
thus get close to the Rosebud and
Tripp counties , as well as Knox and
Boyd. From Omaha or Lincoln a line
will no doubt be built to Sprlngvlew
throwing interest from that territorj
into southern parts of the state.
Today Norfolk has an exclusive , vlr-
gin territory that ought to be wooed
and won for all time to come. It can
not be expected that this territory wll.
do the courting. And unless activ
plans are developed and executed in
a thorough manner , other cities wll 1
do the courting and win the hand.
The opportunity is now ripe fo :
Norfolk to go a-courtlng and to we
the new northwest as the husband who
shall send "cut flowers" in all lines of
Industry and trade out through all this
territory for all time to come ; and
the opportunity for this romance , un L.
less organized activity and an aggres i-
sive campaign is adopted by the busi |
ness Interests ns a unit , will one day
fade away.
A summons has gone out from the
First street Improvement committee
asking for aid in the work of building
a permanent highway along that thor
oughfare from the business section of >
the city to the Junction. Norfolk ap [
preciates the value of the projected
Improvement and will unquestionably
respond generously in order to make :
the roadway a substantial and per
manent one.
, . , A solid , permanent roadway be
tween the Junction and the uptown
portion of Norfolk has been greatly
needed for years. Norfolk merchants
are losing dollars every day because
of the lack of a good highway for such
travel. And Norfolk , ns n city , Is los
ing mightily each day In impressions
given to visitors.
It was not long ago that the repre
sentative of an eastern bond company ,
who had come to Norfolk to investi
- gate the city's sewer bonds , arrived i
on a train that stopped at the Junc
tion and rode up town in a cab over
muddy roads. Ho was unfavorablj
Impressed with the city at the out
set. The poor railroad depot , located
a mile from town , and the- - poor road
way leading to his hotel , gave a bat
start and prejudiced the man against
the city. Fortunately he had pleutj
of tlmo to stay and Investigate and he
learned that the city was one of splen
did promise , substantially built ant
with an enviable territory In whlcl
to grow rapidly. Aa a result ho was
willing to take Uio bonds at $500 less
than ho at first thought possible. This
Incident has been commented upon
before , But It emphasizes the need
of creditable railway stations nnd
good roads.
Not cvory visitor In the city has
tlmo to stay nnd Investigate. Many ,
being driven from station to hotel over
rough and muddy roads , gain such un
favorable Impressions of the city that
they want to tnko the first train out
and never return. The old Idea that
first Impressions nro lasting ones is
by no means n fable , and Norfolk suf
fers on that account in the lack of n
substantial roadway from the Junction
up town
Wo who Hvo in Norfolk know that
good roads are , in a measure , only
skin deep nnd that It is oUicr features ,
underneath , which really give a town
its foundation for growth. But , while
n good road is comparatively only n
little matter , it Is of vast significance
In getting the city into the good grac
es of visitors when they first strike
The same argument will apply to
the paving of Norfolk avenue. The
sama argument will apply to any num
her of other comparatively small de
tails in the city's appearance which
mean so much in turning favor for or
against a city among strangers who
chance to bo spending a brief hour In
While clothes do not always make
the man or the city , it will be found
pretty generally that neat wearing np
parol , either In humans or in comnui
nltics , will give a pretty strong Indi
cation as to character and , just as the
well dressed man will be given pref
erence over n carelessly garbed per
son , other things being equal , so the
city which has pride enough and con
fldence enough In itself to pay atten
tion to the little things which count
so vitally in appearance , will win out
in the end against another of equal
rank , but which is willing to drift
along untidily.
Norfolk has an opportunity for a
tremendous future. No better terri
tory surrrounds any city. It is grow
ing in nn industrial way. Its prestige
is increasing. And if its opportunities
are to be taken advantage of , energy
and money must be expended in civic
improvements , both for comfort nnd
A permanent road between the busl
ness portion of the city and the June
tion would not alone add to comfori
and appearance. It would mean dollars
lars and cents. Dozens of shoppers
who now go to Omaha from the June
tlon would be only too'glad of an op
portnnity to come up town if a.smootl
road made the trip an easier one.
While it will perhaps be some time
before a street car service will be
available for this route , it was estab
llshed by The News last summer tha
an automobile carrying a dozen per
sons could easily be secured to make
regular trips between the Junction
and the business portion of the city
thus bringing the residents of tha
portion of the town much closer to th
grading district.
Norfolk owes to the people of the
Junction as well as to itself , for the
impression it would create with visit
ors and for the comfort added to Nor
folk's rides , a substantial and wel
built permanent roadway. Much ef
fort and money has already been ex
pended on the First street road nn
the work ought to he completed. Nor
folk ought to make its completion pos
slble. That done , the great value o
good roads over bad ones will be s
firmly established that other street.
between the Junction and up town
iwill be converted into permanent ones
for use In rainy weather as well a
dry. And once the value of a goo
road In town is fixed , rapid improve
ment of country roads will become
Killing frosts don't seem to hur
the green bugs.
It's useless to ask the weather to
change. It changes too often now.
The new northwest is dressing up
and has added a now train to her
When Price's Jewels * win a ball
game , Price considers them priceless
The tennis season will end before
it begins.
Wouldn't It be fierce if last winter
should merge Into next winter and give
us a double dose ?
, Apparently the north polo has begun
looking for Peary.
It is said that a good sized crowd
of Norfolk people visit Hadar each
Sunday nowadays. Norfolk Is dry on
Sundays but Hadar is an oasis.
- .
One month from today the days will
begin to get shorter and the curtain
of darkness will begin to fall a little
earlier each night on summer scenes.
O'Neill Frontier : The Atkinson
Ledger is just as "sassy" as It used
to bo at Stuart ,
Butte Gazette : Butte Is. as usual 1 ,
In the lead. She is offering $250 moro
In purses than any other town in Uio
North Nebraska race circuit. Stand
up for Butto.
Your corn planted ?
Cherry sisters withstood several
years of frost without effect.
Burke is smoking cigarettes in the
Omaha Jail ; he'll probably hang.
We go northwest to find the Rose
bud ; nnd the Rosebud looks to Nor *
folk for its cut flowers.
If Bocho can change "J" to "b" he'll
got ball instead of jail ; otherwise he'll
remain a J. b. ( which means Jail bird. )
It's said there is no hot air about
the now Northwestern depot that is
going np In Nprfolk. It will bo steam
In mentioning the opening which
now exists in the Third congressional
district for nn appointment to Annap
olis , It may not bo policy to mention
the hazing.
For the sake of basing nn argument
upon fact , The News would like to
know how many women let their sup
per dishes go until th'o next morning
and how many insist that their hus
bands shall turn in and help do the
Job at night
Clenrwnter Record : Norfolk has
been trying t6 get a union depot but
the roads have decided not to grant
it. The railroad facilities at that
place are a disgrace and a great in
convenience to all travelers In north
ern Nebraska and it would seem that
a simplification of transfers would bo
desired by all parties concerned.
Wow ! What a howl would go up ,
remarked an experienced editor , if
newspapers were to criticise the indi
viduals as freely as many people crit
icise the newspaper. Every issue of
a live , reputable newspaper is a man
tle of charity , and the matter left out
truth , not gossip would often more
than equal in volume that published.
If an editor would get out a cold fact
edition of his paper some day , and
then get up in a tree and watcli the
results wow ! What a picture it
would be ! Wakefleld Republican.
What a lot of tiresome talk there is
in the world.
The first thing to do In cleaning
house is to find out which of your
neighbors borrowed your step-ladder
You can't tell much by a name ; the
average disease germ requires more
space on its visiting card than a sleepIng -
Ing car , and sleeping cars are not not
ed for brevity.
If your disposition Isn't right it will
become noticeably fretful when you
draw a poor whist partner.
The people of every locality pos
sessed of a creek or a duck pond , be
lieve they would have excellent fishing
if the game law could be enforced.
Occasionally a story strikes you as
funny , and you laugh at it for hours.
This has been amusing to us today :
A Kentucky colonel shot a neighbor
and was taken to the court house.
The Judge asked the colonel why ho
.had shot the man , and the colonel re-
'plied : "Judge , it Is a delicate person
al matter I do not care to make pub
lic , " whereupon the judge admitted
the colonel to bail , and that settled It.
United States Senator E. J. Burkett
Passed Through This City Met
General Manager Walters of North
western Here -For the First Time.
United States Senator E. J. Bur
kett of Lincoln spent the noon hour
in Norfolk. Senator Burkett was on
his way to fill a high school com
mencement engagement at Ewing.
Senator Burkett's life durlnc the
next few weeks will bo one round of
commencement days and nights. "I
expect to help graduate a half thou
sand young men and women of Ne
braska this year , " said the senator in'
Norfolk. There were no new devel
opments In politics , Senator Burkett
said. He was , he said , on a vacation
from politics with his vacation days
one round of smiling young graduates
and commencement audiences.
In Norfolk Senator Burkett was In
troduced to General Manager Walters
of the Northwestern , passing through
the city on a tour of inspection , and
the two had a talk on informal sub
jects during the noon hour.
Senator Burkett's dates are filled
clear up to June 22. During the next
two weeks spring commencements
take him to the following Nebraska
towns : Ewing , May 22 ; Gordon , May
23 ; Alliance , ' May 24 ; Gothenburg ,
May 25 ; Junlata , May 27 ; Arapahoe ,
May 28 ; Superior , May 29 ; Table
Rock , May 30 ; Central City , May 31 ;
Aurora , June 1.
Your "Help Wanted" ad , wll find
the right person If the right person
is looking for work just now.