The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    PIIW TJnillnTir WRMKT.Y Krc\VS..iniilttfAfi ! ItMMHAY MAY ' . ' 1. 11)07 )
Two-Base Hits Were Frequent Fea
tures of the Play and the Contest
Was a Snappy One Throughout.
Gate Receipts Were Ample.
The Norfolk Business college nine
rounded out nnothor victory In their
baseball seaqon yesterday afternoon ,
winning from Ncllgh In a snappy game
of ball at the Norfolk driving park
diamond. Thi- college boys brought
In eight scores during the nlno Inn
ings , the visitors half as many. Er
rors were less than hi previous con
tests of the season.
Alstott of Nellgh walked six men ,
lilt one and struck out eight of his
college opponents. Hank , the business
college ball twlrlcr , let two Nellgh
men walk to first base and struck out
six. Landers pounded out a three
bagger for Norfolk , while the locals
were credited with three two-base hits
squarely earned. Nellgh was credited
with one two-base hit so earned. Hoff
man throwing to Johnson brought a
double piny Into action. The gate re
ceipts more than covered expenses.
The line-up :
Nellgh Norfolk
Alstott p Hnak
Cole c Landers
llyan ss Hoffman
Fischer lb Johnson
Cokcr 2b Larklns
Plckrel 3b Bryant
Miller If Oxnam
Harrlman cf Clark
Bnllali rf Hartford
The score :
Neligh 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4
Norfolk 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 0 8
Nethaway Still Holds the Lead In
The weekly shoot of the Norfolk
gun club , held yesterday afternoon at
the Norfolk driving park , resulted In
the following scores out of a possible
fifty :
Nethaway 40 , Leonard 43 , Beveridge
43. Anderson 41 , Simmons 39 , Marks
CO , Derby 27.
Yesterday's scores represented some
good shooting. The match contest be i-
tween two teams of local gun men
will be held In the near future.
' .
V. B. Nethaway , Lon' Gutzmer and
G. H. Burton of Norfolk participated
In a Columbus shooting tournament
Thursday. Mr. Nethaway was pres
ent In Columbus during the three days
of the tournament and wound up with
n good score. The championship cup
and prize gun went to W. H. Illian of
Advertisements For Bids Will be Plac
ed In Norfolk News , Omaha Bee.
Bids for the construction of the new
Norfolk high school building will be
received by the Norfolk board of edu
cation at 8 p. m. Monday evening ,
June 10. The bids submitted by the
competing contractors are to bo filed
with the secretary and to be accom
panied by a certified check for $500.
Complete specifications and draw
ings for the new high school building
were received in Norfolk Monday
morning from Architect John Laten-
ber of Omaha. A meeting of the
board of education was held during
the afternoon at President Vlele's of
fice. It was voted to advertise at once
for sealed bids.
A meeting of the board will be held
Wednesday evening at the Lincoln
building for the purpose of approving
the specifications or of making altera
tions in the same. The call for bids
for the construction of Norfolk's new
high school building will be advertised
In the Norfolk Daily News and In the
Omaha Bee.
Pierce , Neb. , May 1C. Special to
The News : One of the most fashion
able weddings that has taken place In
Pierce was solemnized here at the
home of William Stark nt 7:30 : p. 1Cn.
when Frank Drebert was united in
the holy bonds of matrimony with
Miss Josie Stark. The wedding ceremony
mony was performed by the Rev.
Chas II. Dalns of the Congregational
church of Pierce. The groom is a
trusted employe of the Upton grain
elevator company , while the bride is
one of the most suave young ladles In
northeast Nebranka. She Is a most
estimable person and' all wish her
and her's unbounded Joy through life's
voyage. The groom Is a nephew of
H. A. Drebert of Norfolk and has
planned a two weeks' wedding trip
for himself and wife which will include
clude sight seeing In a few largo
cities. The bridal gown was a rich
creation of cream silk crepe do cheno.
Nebraska Episcopal Bishop Returns
$4,800 to Church.
Omaha , Neb. , May 21. After drawIng -
Ing from the Episcopal diocese a salary
ary of ? COO dollars a year for nearly :
eight years nt. Rev. Dr. George WorthIngton -
Ington , bishop of Nebraska , Just ap
pointed to the bishopric of the Amer
ican churches of Europe , has announc
ed that ho will return to the church
the money thus paid him , amounting
in all to about $4,800.
Tho. announcement came as a sur
prise to the members of the diocese
when It was read to the annual coun
cil which Is being held at Trinity ca-j
Ellil ; yi-ars ago Bishop Worthington -
ton asked that there bo appointed a
coadjutor bishop of the Nebraska dltt-
cesi1 , to have direct charge of the
affairs of the church , because of his
falling health. Rev. A. L. Williams
was elected to the place and has been
the netlvo head of the church In Ne
braska since that time.
Bishop Worthlngton reserved $000
a year from the salary paid the bish
op , and that amount has boon paid
to him slnco that lime , although ho
has lived In Now York and has In no
manner identified himself with the
affairs of the diocese except aa ox-
olliclo bishop. Ho has drawn a salary
of $000 a year , however , and this has
brought a storm of protest from many
prominent clergymen not only in Ne
braska , but throughout the country.
This opposition has been lead by Rev.
T. J. Mackay , rector of All Saints'
church , of Omaha , who has caused the
publication of considerable criticism
in the Episcopal Journal and other
periodicals. Dr. Mackay Insisted that
If ho was unable to perform the duties
of bishop he should relinquish the tl <
tlo and resign his position as head of
an Episcopalian church diocese. The
matter has been brought to the attentl
church , and in some quarters it was
stated that body would take action.
Bishop Worthlngton has given as
little attention to the criticism of his
action as possible and has declined to
dignify the charges made against him
until recently. He made the state
ment some time ago that the Nebras
lea altitude would not permit him to
reside In this state , but that ho had
been elected bishop for life and was
bound iiiyler the canons of the churcl
to accept and fulfill the mission. No' '
being able to actively perform the
work , ho believed It to be properl >
within his province to request the ad
pointment of a coadjutor to assume
these duties.
Rev. Dr. Williams , who now prac
tlcally becomes bishop of the diocese
explains that Bishop Worthlngton has
never had any Intention of retaining
the money paid him as salary. He
declared tonight that Bishop Worth
lugton had made a reservation of $ CO
a year from the salary paid the coad
jutor in accordance with the canons
of the church , which , Dr. Williams
says , lie was fully empowered to do.
Tills custom Is recognized as perfect
ly proper by the canons of the church ,
he says , and Bishop Worthlngton sim
ply carried out a precedent set long
The letter from Bishop Worthing-
ton was addressed to the secretary of
the diocese , Dr. W. II. Moor , and cre
ated a sensation when it was read at
the conference. Bishop Williams did
not know such a communication had
been received , although he has under
stood It was the Intention of the bishop -
op to return the money to the dioceao.
"It was a handsome thing for Bish
op Worthlngton to do on the eve of
ills appointment to the European mis
sion , " said the coadjutor bishop. sl
have known all along that It was his
Intention , but had not anticipated he
would do so at this time. The money
will be turned into the diocesan fund. "
Former Norfolk Music Teacher and
Daughter , Who Was Clever Song'
and Dance Artist Here , Appear In
"The Wizard of Wall Street"
Olive Oretta Dayo and her daugh-
ter , Phillis Daye , formerly of Norfolk
and well remembered in this city , will
be seen In "Tho Wizard of Wall
Street , " a musical comedy that comes
to the Auditorium on the night of
May 30.
Olive Oretta Dayo was known In
Norfolk several years ago as Mrs.
Ralph Henry Daye. Mr. Dayo was s.a
commercial traveler out of Norfolk and
the family lived at the Pacific hotel.
At ono time Mrs. Dayo superintended
a homo talent play that was given in
a tent on the lawn of the McClary
home on Norfolk avenue. Mrs. Daye
also taught music.
Ltttlo Phyllis Dayo Is remembered
by scores of Norfolk children as well
ns by grown people , because of her
clever singing and dancing specialties
while In this city.
Concerning Mrs. Dayo and her
daughter , both of whoso photographs
are reproduced on posters issued by
the company , the "Wizard of Wall
Street" literature says :
"Specially engaged from the famous
Spooner Dramatic company , Phyllis
Daye and Olive Oretta Daye , which
adds to our cyclone of singing and
dancing. " Phyllis Is booked for "Bus ;
ter Brown and Mary Jane , " a quick
change act ; for Chinese song and
dance and for buck and wing dancing.
This Is the company In which two
members were recently married at
Albion. It had been planned that the
marriage ceremony should take place
on the stage during the opera but here
bride got stage fright and the cere
mony was performed in the office roof
the county Judge.
Popular prices will prevail for this
attraction , which Is said to bo clover
and funny. Seats will not go on sale
until the day before the show , .
Did you buy an advertised "bargain \
yesterday ? There are moro of them
advertised today.
Speaking of the New Independent Up
town Station to bo Built by His Road ,
General Manager Says It Will be a
Handsome Structure.
The Northwestern will expend about
2r > ,000 In building tholr uptown Indo-
londent station In Norfolk according
o General Manager Walters , stopping
n Norfolk for the noon hour. It will ,
10 savs , he a larger and bettor station
than Iho Northwestern depot at Fort
Atkinson , WIs. , which was outlined to
the Commercial club as the model for
the proposed Norfolk station.
Questioned ns to the present state
ofM union depot negotiations In Omaha ,
Mr. Walters replied that the contract
fo the now Northwestern depot had
il been let by the Chicago ofllco
of the company and that the new stn
lion ( In Norfolk would ho built with
ns llttlo delay us possible.
" \Ve nro going to build Norfolk a
fine station , " the general manager
said , "It will bo a larger and a better
station than the depot at Fort Atkln
son , WIs. , the general outline and
architectural design of which will ho
followed in the new Norfolk station
As to the comparative size , the wait
ing room in your depot for oxnmplo
will probably bo about a third larger
than the Fort Atkinson station. The
now depot will bo built of pressed
brick and stone.
Finish Befere Winter.
"Work on the now depot will start
ns soon as material can bo placed on
the ground. Delay In getting material
would of course delay the building of
the depot. Wo will , however , bo dis
appointed If wo are not In the now
station by cold weather. "
General Manager Walters arrived
In Norfolk at noon from Omaha In his
private car bound on an inspection
trip as fur west ns Deadwood. Mr.
Walters was accompanied by A. A.
Schenck , engineer of maintenance.
II. C. Mason Is up from Fremont.
Burt Mnpcs left at noon for Plorco.
E. Roberts of Allen stopped in Nor
folk today.
O. S. Hlxson of Gibbon Is in Nor
folk today.
C. T. Ilagcdorn of Brunswick is in
the city today.
Supreme Judge J. B. Barnes Is In
Lincoln this week.
F. J. Hale of Atkinson Is in Norfolk
on business today.
E. P. Weatherby spent the day In
Spencer on business.
Mrs. Kienow 'of ' WInnetoon ils a
Norfolk visitor today. t
P. Riley , a Bridgeport business man ,
was in the city yesterday.
J. G. Beste , a Ilartlngton druggist ,
stopped In Norfolk yciiterday.
Miss Schwlchtenberg of Pierce was
a visitor in Norfolk yesterday.
L. Schnikel of Foster was In Nor
folk for a few hours yesterday.
A. R. Davis of Wayne was In Nor
folk between trains yesterday.
Mrs. P. J. Barnes arrived homo last
evening from a visit at Osmond.
C. D. Jones of Herrlck was a South '
Dakota visitor in Norfolk yesterday.
J. S. Mathewson Is expected homo
this evening from a visit to Walthlll.
Louis Sommor , proprietor of the
Randolph ] marble works , was In Nor
folk * yesterday.
I ' Misses Carrie and Hattle Stoecker
! of Schuyler were in Norfolk this morn-
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Perks of Albion
arrived in Norfolk last evening on a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klentz ,
Judge Welch of Wayne Is expected
in Norfolk tomorrow morning on his
way to Madison to open court In the
Frank T. Flynn left this morning
for Gregory , S. D. , to appear In Iga
homestead contest in which he Is In
Elmer Howell of Clearwater , Neb. ,
editor of the Clearwater Record , was
in Sioux City yesterday buying a new
printing press.
Wesley Roberts has Joined his moth
er In Norfolk , having been called from
Mattoon , 111. , by the death of his fa
ther , the late W. W. Roberts.
E. G. Barnum and A. S. Warner of
Butte were In Norfolk this morning.
Mr. Barnum is a real estate man
Butte , Mr. Warner a druggist.
Mrs. Thomas Hook of an
was In Norfolk to attend the al
of her brother-in-law , W. W. Rooerts ,
and to bo with her sister , Mrs. Rob
Mrs. Culver , who has been visiting
her sister , Mrs. S. M. Braden , for some
time , left at noon for her home In
Chicago , She was accompanied as
far as Missouri Valley by Mrs. Bra
don. raS.
County Superintendent Frank S.
Perdue arrived In Norfolk this mornIng -
Ing from Madison. Mr. Perdue was
in Norfolk for the purpose of condilct-
Ing the annual eighth grade oxamlna <
tlon In this city. The examination
was held In the Lincoln building.
Wm. Lewis moved his family to
Blair yesterday.
Charley Darnell has moved his fam
ily from Second street to First street.
A little daughter arrived at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Will Dean yes
Mrs , Charley Baker , who has been
In Lincoln visiting with her parents ,
returned home last night.
1'ito O HUM of Newman Grove for
iiurly of Norfolk , \\IIH hrro vl.illlni ;
\\llh old ncquiilnliinccH yi'Htordny
MrVlllliim llock rduruod homo
'roni Nollsh yontcidiiy , where HIO ! IIIIM
icon vlHltlng with her purontH , Mr
mil Mrs. Will Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hchukoy Inivo
moved from Second , nvonuo to Charley
Tnlboil'H IIOIIHO on Second Hired ,
which ( hey liuvo puiclinsod.
Harry JohiiHon , In piiHHlng by an on
glno mi ( lie turn table , WIIH Htniclt In
tin head by a plcoo of nluto which
Wli thrown out of Iho gangway by
tin fireman. It cut qulto n pluco In
hh head and knocked him Into the
turn table pit , Hklnnlng the Hide of his
face , No bonoH were broken and Mr.
Johnson 1 will bo able to bo nt work
] again , In a couple of days.
W. T. Uccroft , a Northwestern train
dispatcher , Is Hick.
W. J. HOIIHO , rural carrier on rnuto
No , fi , bus scoured a now mall wagon.
A llttlo son of Gun Sollln foil over
a wlro Sunday evening , cutting a gash
In bin tongue that required six stitch
es. The llttlo follow Is nine years old.
Judge A. A. Welch will conveiio
court at MndlHon tomorrow. The din-
trlot ciiurt Jury , however , bus not been
culled to meet until next Monday , Mny
A social was hold at the MolhodlHl
church last evening for the benelltof
the Brotherhood of St. Paul , a IUCII'H
orgiinl/.atlon recently formed In the
The board of education at tholr Mon
day mooting voted to draw $25 from
the school treasury to meet In part
the expense of the graduating class In
securing commencement Invitations.
G. W. Evans , secrotary-troiisiiror of
the recently organized Norfolk 1'lcklo
and \Mnogar company , has started out
this week to contract with local farm-
era for the raising of cucumbers for
the factory that It Is proposed to erect
in Norfolk this Hummer. The com
pany furnishes the cucumber seeds
and the term of the contracts provide
that the cucumbers are not to bo
planted before June 10. After ( but tlu
growth of the cucumbers Is considered
safe from hostile bugs. Juno 11 Is
the planting date fixed by the Helii ?
The funeral of the Into W. W. Rob
erts was hold yesterday afternoon
from the Methodist Episcopal church.
Rev. J. L. Vullow conducted the ser-
vices. Following the services Inter-
inent was miido In Prospect Hill com-
etery. The pallbearers were : A.
Hiiehholz , C. B. Din-land , F. A. Heeler ,
W. J. Gow , S. W. Garvin and John
The Norfolk Pickle and Vinegar
company recently received a letter
from the Lincoln Commercial club sug
gesting Lincoln OH a possible location
for the new factory. The letter was
not seriously considered by the local
company but It .serves to Indicate the
activity of the Lincoln orgnnl/.nlloii In
placing itself in touch with possible
new Industries for Lincoln.
The new tribe of the Red Mon or
der In Norfolk was advanced to the
stage of electing olllcers at last night's
meeting of the charter members held
under the direction of Col , J. G. Al
bright , the national representative of
the order who has organized the new
lodge in Norfolk. The organization of
the tribe will be completed tonight
when the charter closes. The first
ofllcers of the lodge , elected last ovcii' '
Ing ' , are : Emll B. Kauffmann , proph
jet ; Edward L. Brush , sachem ; Edgar
'h'S. ' Bley , senior sagamore ; Frank
Ueckormann , junior sagamore ; How
ard M. Beymer , chief of records ; Os-
; ar Uhle , keeper of wampum ; Court
ney Carbaugh , Emil B. Kauffmann ,
John C. Eccles , trustees. Dr. E. L.
Brush was elected the medicine man
: ) f the tribe. E. B. Kanffmann will be
the local delegate to the state council ,
flip new officers will be installed to
The Norfolk school authorities are
letermined that "senior sneak day"
shall not become a recognized and an
nual holiday In the Norfolk high
school. In Lincoln and In other high
schools of the state the annual "sneak
day" has flourished until It has be-
ionic Interwoven with the "traditions"
of the schools. Sneak day In Norfolk ,
iiowever , encountered the hostile
frowns of the superintendent and the
liigh school faculty and the senior
class of the local high school having
"sneaked" last Friday is to pay the
penalty for appropriating an extra
holiday. A rule of the local high
school that pupils standing over "nine
ty" In deportment should bo excused
from the final examinations in studies
in which they averaged over ninety ,
lias been declared Inoperative as far
as the senior class is concerned. The
senior class having "sneaked" with
practical unanimity will run through
the series of final examinations.
ThO teachers of the high school , the
Washington , Jefferson and Lincoln
schools entertained at a G o'clock dliv
ner In the parlors of the First Congre
gational church last evening , compll
mentary to the teachers of the Grant
school and to former teachers once
connected with the city schools. A
two-course dinner was served In the
Christian Endeavor room of the
church , forty plates being placed. The
one long table about which the teach
ers and their guests were seated was
prettily decorated with violet and ap
ple blossoms. Four girls from the
Eighth grade , Misses Mount , Sprecker
Mapes and Johnson , daintily gowned
In white , served. During the evening
Informal toasts were responded to b >
Mr. Kennedy , Miss Watson , Miss Ma
son and Mr. Bodwell. Among the
guests of the evening were ; Mrs
Fain , Miss NInn Walker , Mr. and Mrs
13. J. Bodwell , Mr. and Mrs. U. Solo
mon , Miss Hattle Alberry , Miss Laura
Durland and Jack Barnes.
Tv'jpB iV'w4wjiiM ) | !
lM AmMm :
1 y * * * " f * N u nc n r. ny * t r r T n a rt orANIMM ACfonii m tut fNTMir vvrtMint
Engaged at the Highest Salary ever paid ary/traction : (
_ Creating me Greatest lir.tluisiasm. Producing
' \nd attracting more thousands than any other inuscnicnl riMijrc ever has dun'
II !
fMUADh . 1VIU SI-I-N , cunt.iiiiini ; M"tv drind Ni-xv l-c-ilurc-s. Moiv Horses
Mut ' : lilt-pliants , More Men and Women , More C.ij-c ; . , Ix-iis , r.iMuiux Can
Met \ Bands of Mjblc , Moro Hare Wild Animal * than any other She v
X-iors Oncn at One and Sever P M Performances r.ii'riTre ( Orour / Luf
Bonestecl Country Is Today Brought
Into Closer Touch With Norfolk by
the Additional Train Service That
Has Been Installed.
Norfolk was today brought Into btill
closer connection with the iiuHohud
country and with Nebraska terrlloiv
o the nort1) ) oy the addition of
low passeni- Main ever the North-
vestern belwe- ' 't' ' clt.mid
i > clt.\ How-
stool. Nort'uvjM passenger No.
Oil made Its I'.rst bow to the Nnifol't '
) iilllc ) this , n-i n Mtf at 7 o'clock wi.en
t pulled out of the Junction for the
iptown Btalton.
Fifty-two passengers bo&rdod tlio
lew train on Its finst nil. o'lt of Nor-
'oik. ' Save for three or four men
heso passengers stoppe.l on to the
rain at the uptown fc'atlon. ' Mos < of
hose who left for the north wore trav
eling men starting out. on tliolr1 Mon-
lay trip.
Conductor A. fi. Latiij. Xngireor C.
1. Hlbbon , Fireman T. Wood. UraJii-
nan W. S. Fisher. Mail Agent W. P
Toxword , and Ex-p-css Agent P. H.
nuK'in ' were In cliargn of the new
train on Its maiden trip. These as
signments wore not announced as per-
manent. In view rf the diy't ' run
ilaces on the nc-v train will lie In
lenmiid among the trainmen.
The new train cpn.iist.ud of a ' 'om-
ilnatlon baggage , mail , tfxTosH and
smoking car and two passenger coach-
s. It was pulled out of Norfolk bv
engine No. 1243. leaving Norfolk nt
7JO : the new train arri1 .s In Bono-
stool at 11:50 : a. in. As No. 101 It
eaves Honesteel at 12:3Ii : p. in. and
irrivos In Norfolk at 7:15 : p. in. and
at the Junction ten minutes later. It
is not a Sunday train.
The now service madi effective to
day by the new Northwestern time
card gives Norfolk two traino dally
both ways between this city and Bono-
steel. It was the only chanpn In Nor
folk passenger service intrMuccd by
the now tlnv c.Uil Iwrodiu-od as a
result of the rapidly growing trallic
tlirough Norfolk to the developing
Rosebud country , the new train should
bring Norfolk Into closer touch with
the country to the north. Doubled
servlco In the way of passenger and
mall facilities marks the rapid growth
of the new country contingent to the
Norfolk market.
With the Installation of the now
train , passengers will not be allowed
to ride on the freight trains between
Norfolk and Bonesteel. As one result
of the now train , The News will bo
brought Into closer touch with the
Bonesteel line , so that extraordlnarj
events may bo given to News readers
In that vicinity In early morning ex
tras , . ahead of all other papers.
Kemp's Balsam
Will stop nny coufjli Hint
can be slopped by any
medicine and cure coiilis
lliut cannot be cured byuiiy
other medicine.
It Is always the best
cough cure. You cannot
allord to taUc chances on
any other kind.
couhs , colds , bronchitis ,
flrlp , asthma and consump
tion In llrst staycs.
It docs not contain alco
hol , opium , morphine , or
any other narcotic , poison
ous or harmlul drug.
Neligh Race Program.
Nellgh , Nob. , May 20. Special to
The News : The program of the
North Nebraska Short Shipment race
circuit gives the races for Neligh on
August 21 , 22 and 23. All entries will
close In harness races July 24. The
following are the class and purses of
fered :
Wednesday , August 21.
2:35 : class trotters ? 200
2:20 : class trotters or pacers 200
One-half mile running race for An
telope county horses 50
Thursday , August. 22.
2:27 : class trotters ? 200
2:25 : class trotters or pacers 200
Pony running race ,75
Friday , August 23.
2:50 : class trotters or pacers $200
reo for all 250
' 'reo for all running race 75
A Small Sized Twister Struck Albion ,
Blowing Over Outbuildings Thomp
son Drug Stock Was Damaged to
Some Extent.
Albion. Neb. , May 18. Special to
The New * Albion experienced a
heavy wind accompanied by hall at
5:30 : yestc'day afternoon. A great
deal of damage was done to outbuild
ings and main windows broken. Thereof
roof blew off the high school building
and the Lewis Thompson Drug com
pany's drug stock was slightly dam-
naed. Hain was very acccptlblo In
this vicinity. No serious damage to
crops from hull nt-ulted.
Every day there are "want-ad , hap
penings" in your street and neighbor
hood buyings , sellings , changes , leas-
Ings , employing , finding. Yes some
of these "happenings" should Interest