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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1907)
\ THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL , , , , , NORFOLK NISUHAS1CA iVltlDAY MAY 17 11)07 ) BONESTEEL VISITOR INVENTED RAPID-FIRE GUN. DECORATED BY THE MIKADO Orlan Clyde Cullen , In Bonesteel on Private Mission , Conceived Siege Gun Which Helped to Lay Low Port Arthur In Recent War. Bonestcol , S. D. , May 1C. Special to The News : Today Bonesteol Is honored with the presence of n very distinguished gentleman In the person of Orlau Clyde Cullen , LU M. , of "Washington. C. D. , and Montreal , Can ada. Mr. Cnllon Is traveling manager and diplomatic agent of the Russian Republican Military association , and n life member of the Imperial Marine Society of Japan , besides being n law yer with a largo practice In the su preme court of the United States. During the Russian-Japanese war Mr. Cullen was In the service of Japan , and It was while In that service that ho Invented a quick-firing siege gun that was found of Immense value In the reduction of Port Arthur , for which service he was decorated by the Japanese emperor. He Is In Bonosteel on private busi I J ness with A. E. Knll , secretary of the Bonesteel Chamber of Commerce , at whose home he Is a guest. He has talked very Interestingly while hereof of his travels to those with whom he has become acquainted. Funeral of Michael Manthei. Hoshlns , Neb. , May 10. Special to The News : The funeral of Michael Manthei , an aged and respected citi zen of this vicinity , took place here yesterday. Services conducted by Rev. George Gruther were held In the Ger man Lutheran church and the remains were laid to rest In the Hosklns ceme tery. The deceased was a pioneer of this section and was a little over eigh ty-six years of age. He had resided here since 1872. Prepare For G. A. R. Ainsworth , Neb. , May 1C. Special to The News : The G A. R. reunion of this district , composed of the coun ties of Rock , Brown , Cherry and Keya Palm , will be held at Woodlake July 2 , 3 and 4 and a great reunion is ex pected. BURKE WILLJLEAD GUILTY Murderer of Copples Says He Will Confess Crime When Arraigned. Omaha , May 1C. "I am going to plead guilty. They can do whatever they want to with me. There is no uae for me to fight the case. I don't know why I did it. I never had any trouble with Copple. Wo wore al ways good friends. They say I shot six times , but I can only remember three. He was coming from the barn when I went out. I shot him twice nnd then Mrs. Copple came out. I suppose she heard the shots. I shot her once. Then I went into the house and went to sleep. " Thib , in substance , was the state- mcent of Fred Burke , or Louis Ray Hlggins , the murderer of W. L. Cop ple and wife of Pender , at tl e county jail. He discussed the case coolly and without any reserve. DEAN CATCHESA "MASHER" _ Omaha Offender Is Run Down After a Long Chase. Omaha , May 10. While walking down Capitol avenue , near the cathe * drnl , Dean Beecher met a young wom an , one of his parishioners , who told him a strange young man had approached preached her with an Insulting re mark. "There he goes , " she exclaimed , pointing to a well dressed man a block nway. The dean took up the chase and captured the "masher" after a run of six blocks. The young man gave his name as Mrnest Prince. Ho was released after * severe lecture. Diamond Thief Sentenced. Lincoln , May 1C. William Hender- wn , the colored trusty who stole two diamond rings belonging to Luroe Beemer , daughter of Warden Baemer of the penitentiary , while he was serving a sentence last year for hav leg received stolen goods In Chadron pleaded guilty to the theft in the district court and was sentenced by Judge Frost to three yoara In the penitentiary. Nebraska Workmen Elect Officers. Omaha , May 1C. The A. O. U. grand lodge elected the following officers : Grand master workman , W A. Walling , David City ; grand guide 1 ? . R. Brway , Chadron ; grand watch H. M. Miller , Central City. Tha n x meeting of tin grand lodge will b held In Lincoln. Senator Burkott de hvercd an eloquent eulogy on th L.1 Grand Master Workman O. J. Vaa dyke. Russians Guests of Bryan. Uncoln , May 1C. Two Dlstln cmlshed Russians , Alexis Allndln am Nicholas Tchaykovsky , were th ciiests of W. J. Bryan in Lincoln. Dot ! delivered three addresses. In thtol speeches they dwelt largely on wha they declared to be the unbearable I Bolltlcal conditions ID Russia. RAISE LICENSE AT BONESTEEL aloon License Will bo $1,000 Instead of $800 Hereafter. Bonesteel , S. D. , May 1G. Special > The News : At the meeting of the Hy council here the cost of saloon censes was advanced from $800 to l.oot ) . This was done partly on no- ount of the now law in this state hlch goes Into effect on July 1 and hlch provides that no town can have lore than three saloons for each lousand of Inhabitants. At present lonesteel has seven saloons , but af- er July 1 under the now law have ot more than four. Stanton Affairs. Stanton , Neb. , May 1C. Special to ho News : The city council of this Ity held a meeting at which the fol- ) wlng business was transacted : Imll J. Nouman was elected presl- ent of the council ; William Prawlt ! as re-appointed chief of police , wa- cr commissioner and city engineer nd his bond was duly approved. The following committees were ap- olnted by the mayor : On ways and leans , Louis Dern and C. C. Mayer ; Idcwnlks , public grounds and build- igs , Louis Dern and Peter Davidson ; treets nnd alleys , C. C. Mayer and ll J. Neiiman. Dr. W. L. Bowman vas appointed city physician , John Shocker assistant chief of police and verbeer of streets. Sheldon Hands Out Plums. Lincoln , May 10. Governor Shel don made the following appointments : rivato secretary , M. W. Dlmory ; oil nspector , A. B. Allen of Tecumsoh- deputy oil Inspector for Third dlntrlct , Otto Xuelow of Schuyler ; deputy for 'Ifth ' district , Win. Wheeler , Fairfleld.n CLUB WOMEN III CONVENTION Several Hundred in Attendance al Iowa State Federation Meeting. OsKaloosa la. , May 10. Oskaloosa is thionged with club women , icady to enjoy the seventh biennial. Head quarters , me at the Hotel Lacey. Ac commodations for men are at a dls count with several hundred women already in possession of the hotel Mrs. J. J. Seerley of Burlington , presi dent of the state federation , and every officer are present. The council mooting was held in the Methodist Episcopal church , where elaborate dec orations had transformed the and I torlum. Mrs. Seerloy presided. In formal discussion was held on topics suggested hy district presidents. IS HER HUSBANDJIO , 7 OR N0.8 ? lowan , In Doubt as to Wife's Marital Record , Wants Status Established. Waterloo , la. , May 1C. William Henry Sharp has appealeTT to the dis trict court to ascertain whether he is William VII or William VIII. He al leges that his wife , who is suing him for divorce , had six or seven hus bands before accepting him. In his answer resisting the Issuance of a dl vorce decree he submits a list of ques tions designed to bring out In full Ills wife's marital record. He also wants to know whether the former husband ? have died or been divorced. Mia Sharp Is thirty-five. DRAW COLOR LINE AT SEATTLE. White and Negro Delegates Will Not Be Quartered at Same Hotels. Seattle , May 10. The entertain ment committee of the Christian En deavor societies of Seattle , having in charge the preparations for the na < tional Christian Endeavor convention to be held here In July , after conald erable debate , voted that colored del egates to the convention should not be housed in the same hotels with whites. Mother-ln-Law Outwitted. Des Moines , May 10. Mrs. I. Hall , the mother-in-law who was enjoined from going to the homo of her son-in- law , was outwitted. She thoughlless ly went down town. The Injunction did not order her away from Ihe home- but enjoined her from going there When she left the son-in-law was quick to seize advantage of the situ ation and the police kept her from returning She Is now staying at the home of a neighbor awaiting the ad Justincnt of the family troubles. Woodmen of World Elect Officers. Norfolk. Va. , May 10 The sever elgn camp , Woodmen of the World In biennial convention here , eiacteil the following officers for the nexi two years- Commander , J. C. Root of Omaha , adviser , W. W Fraser of Dal las , banker , Moirls Shepparcl of Tex aikana ; clerk , John T Yates of Oma ha. watchman , W. B. Jewell of Man Chester Iu. ; sentry , D. E. Bradshaw of Little Rock. Dog's Monument Costs $1,600. Grundy Center , la. , May 1C. His love for the dog that saved the life of his child has caused Jacob Sllfcr living near tbls city , to erect a niouu Dient costing $1,500 to his memory The handsome marble Is surmounted by a statue of the dog chiseled from granite and weighing GOO pounds. Negro Fatally Shot ; Officer Wounded Des Moines , May 1C. A. J. Barker negro , was fatally shot and Police Do tectlve Johnston was wounded abou the head in an attempt to c'aptur Barker. The negro had stabbed a negro woman and was caught south o this city by the police. DENIES APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HADEAS CORPUS. MUST ANSWER PERJURY CHARGE Oil Magnate Given Into Hands of Texas Authorities , but Appeals to Supieme Court and Is Released on $20,000 Bond. St. Louis , May 10 , Judge Adams de nied the application of 11. Clay Pleice , chaiiman ol the board ol the Waters- Pleteo Oil company , tor a writ ol hab eas counts and ordeted that the po- tltlonei be lemanded to the custody ot the chief of police to be deltveied to Sherlft George S. Matthews of Travis county , Texas , for extradition. Pierce Is wanted in Texas to answer to an Indictment chaiglng perjuiy in an alllduvlt made by him In Mn > , 1000 , to the effect that the Wuteis-Plorco Oil company was not a party to any pool , trust , coufedeiutlon or combina tion In restraint at trade. Attoiney Pi lest gave notice of ap peal , both to the UnlUd States cir cuit court ol appeals and to the Unit ed Slates supieme com I. Judge Adams llxed bond at $20.000 on each appeal. . The following telegiam was sent by Mr. Pleice to Attotnoy J. D. John son of St. Louis , who is now In Aus tin , Tex.1 "Please announce through the press that although I have appealed fiom Judge Adams' decision , I will , as soon as I can arrange my business affairs n New York , go to Texas to have tlm ndlclmcnl against me and the ques tions Invllved tested by the Texas com ts. " TRAIN BRINGING HOME DEAD Special Shrlners' Funeral Train Will Reach Buffalo by Sunday Noon. San Francisco , May 10. The special : raln coin-lining the bodies of twenty- eight of the SKrlneis and others killed In the Sonthem Paclllc wieck at Honda last Satuiday leached the Oakland pier. Aftei a change of en glnes it immediately left lor Buffalo and Pennsylvania points It will run on special time and reach Buffalo Sun day noon , where a committee of Read ing ( Pa. ) S-iirlncrs of Rajah temple will meet the funcinl paity. The train consists of a baggage car , containing the Iwontv eight bodies , a composite car , a diner and one Pull man The tialn It'll Sauln Barbara with nineteen bodleb and took on ulna moio on reaching San Luis Obibpo. EMPERlfillNALLY YIELDS Grants Sanction to Marriage of Grand Duke to Divorced Princess. St. Petersburg , May 10. An imperial - rial order was Issued ci eating the Princess Anastasin of Montenegro , I who was mauled May 12 at Yalta to the Grand DuKe Nicholas Nlcholale- vltch , a grand duchesb and announcing - ing the emperor's sanction of the union. No lonner recognizance had I been taken of the marriage owing to the attitude of the orthodox church toward the remarriage of divorced 1 persons , the grand duchess having been divorced from her first husband , Prince George Romanowski , duke of Leuchtenbeig. The newly married couple are still at Yalta. I . MUST STAND TRIAL IN NEW YORK Life Insurance Men Charged With Larceny and Forgery. I New York , May 1C. Frederick A. Burnham , president of the Mutual Reserve - serve Life Insurance company , and I George Di Eldridge , also an officer of the company , who are under Indictment , i ment on charges of grand larceny and I forgery , must stand trial in New York county. An application for a change of venue , made by their counsel BQV- era ! days ago , was denied by Justice Dowling. The trial of Burnham la , scheduled to begin Monday. j | Guernsey Cow Breaks Milk Record. ' New York , May iC. The world's record milk production for a year by a single cow has been broken by the j Guernsey , Dolly Bloom , according to the report of Secretary Caldwell , at , the annual meeting of the Guernsey ( Cattle club here. Dolly Bloom's rec-i ! ord for the year was 17,297 pounds ' , | ' j or about 2,023 gallons. She Is owned by F. A. Ames of Boston. Drought Causes Wave of Suicides. Merldla , Yucatan , May 1C. The un precedented drought , which baa parched this dlstricl , entailing enor | mous losses in all branches of busi ' ness and agriculture , is held respon ) sible for a wave of suicides among the wealthy. In three weeks theru ' , have been seven suicides. News w&e ' received that Lorenzo Rlcalde , a mil lionaire plalnter , shot himself on his estate ; Juan Maldonado , a commission merchant , whose business had suffered fi fered , killed himself "here , letting him - self down Into a well and there blowIng - Ing his brains out ; Ramon Molina , a merchant and land owner , killed him self in his home. Sticks to Drumhead Court. St. Petersburg. May 1C. The uppei house of parliament rejected the bill ' which was passed April 30 by the low-1 er house abolishing trials by drumhead - ' head courts-martial. WHEAT SEEDING IS SLOW Dalrymple Tolls of Crop Condition ! MI North Dakota , St. Paul Mu > 10. Olivet Dalryiupln of this city , gieatost of the hoiiiumt wheat Illinois In North Dakota HO far ns acioiige KOCH , said that wl.eal Heed ing Is getting along ' 'mlUity slow" In Noith DitKotn. "An uHtlnniio of 40 per cent de crease In North Dakota's wheat aieii this > enr Is a little high , " mild he , "but U will bu decidedly short. Faun- ers Intended even hofoie the lutu spring to put In larger metis of flax and bailey , and now tlieie will he a still laiget turning to diversified tann ing. The southern pott of North Da kota has a Hiuitll act cage , and tint noithem two Hers ot counties havu done vct.v little seeding. Snow Is on the ground ( here and has put a qul > otus on vvorK now , and I think thin week the limit for seeding with any chance of a ciop. It | OO | < H' as U the United States would he 100- 000,000 husholH shcut on aggtogatu ciop and Hinnpo aliout the s'litno 11 that N it iic < , picRcnl pi Ices do not look too GOT STAGE FRIGHT WHEN IT CAME TO WEDDING. SHE MARRIES LEADING MAN Miss Carrie Edna Graham and William Walter Russel of "Wizard of Wall Street" Company , Are Wedded Secretly - cretly at Albion. Albion , Nob. , May 10 Special to The News : Carrie Edna Graham and William Walter Rusnel of Chicago , leading singers In the opera company presenting "The Wl/ard of Wall Stieet , " were married hero while the show company was passing thiough. Tlioj had planned that the ceremony should be performed dining the per formance , but the bride got stage flight and the ceioniony was per formed by the county judge. The young people had been traveling to gether for some time In tills company and their acquaintance glow Into a lov'e match. Drebert-Stark. Pleice , Neb. , May Hi Special to The News : One of the most fashion able weddings that has ( alien place in Plcicc- was solemni/.ed heio at the home of William Stark at 7:110 : p. in. when. Fggjik Drebeit was united in ( lie liolj liondH of matiimony with Miss .lohle StaiK. Tlie wedding cere mony was peitoimed by the Uev. Chns II. Dalns of the Congiegational cliurcli of Pleice. The gioom Is a dusted emploje of the Upton gialn elevator company , while the hilde is one : of the most suave young ladles In northcttht NelnasKa. She is a most estimable peison and all wish her and her's unbounded joy tlnoiigh life's voyage. The groom Is a nephew of II A. Diobeit ot Noifolk and has planned i a two weeks' wedding tilp for f himself and wife which will In- elude bight seeing in a few large cities. The biidal gown was a rich cication of cream silk ciepe de chene TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD General S. B. M. Young , retired , has been j appointed superintendent of Yel lowstone ] parl , , lo succeed Major John Pitcher. At the meeting of Hie American Bapllst I Missionary union at Washing ton ' , the annual ropoit of lh ireosur cr ' showed thai the ro.celpls , aggregul- ed ' $970,072. Appioprlullons tor the jear were $900.110 The Cainegle hero fund commission announced < twenty one awards. Acls of ' bravery Incident to the Cornell tint- verslty fire and the steamer Latch mont : disaster In Block Island sound are : in the inajoriiy. Commisslonei Ballinger of the gen oral land office has designated July I as Hit ) dale lor opening the Chip pewa Indian reservation In Minne sola , when 229,297 acres will he opened , under the homestead laws. The case of Albert Bergfeldt vs the state of Washington was docKotci 'In thu supreme court of the United Slates. The tnso Involves the constl tutionality oi the WflRlrlngton stale law prohibiting barberlng on Sunday Oklahoma Republicans will appea to Attorney General Bonaparte to in terpret the election ordinance of the new state constitution as a last hopt of finding some legnl way of calling ran election foi August or September The Hiibmarlnes Lake and Octopm IIwore submerged near the naval coal ing station at Bradford , R. I. , fo their twenty-four hours' submergoc habltablllty test. There are nine men on board the Lake and ilxtoea on the Octopus , BASEBALL RESULTS American League St. Louis , 5 Philadelphia , 8. National League Philadelphia , 2 Chicago , 4. Brooklyn , 3 ; St. Louis , 4 Boston , 2 ; Plttsburg , 1. New York 4 ; Cincinnati , 3. American Association Kansas City 10 ; Toledo , 9. Minneapolis , 3 ; Indian apolls , 1. QWestern League Pueblo , 0 ; Oma ha , 3. Denver , 3 ; Des Moines , 0. TALESMEN AT BOISE PREJUDICED AGAINST HARRY ORCHARD. DORAH TAKES HAND IN QUIZ Questions Candidates aa to Whether They Would Give Same Credence to Prisoner's Testimony That They Would to Other Witnesses. IlolHo , Ida. . May 10. The unoxpoct < M | uncovetlng of a vein of ptojiidlca against Ilnny Oichard and his testl mony dutlng the luilher oMimliiarlon of lalosmen In the Steunenhetg miir- i , der ( case led to the llt-Hl shatp wrangle j i belwecn couiiMol and Involved tin ' ntuno of PioHldcnt Roosevelt In an , ' , icilmonloiiH discussion The day and he Incident hegan with Samuel Win gate. Hie eleventh tnloHiinm , In tha lands of the dclcnHo lor exiiinliuillon n chief. QuoHtloiiIng had ptocoedeil a shot ) distance wlien It developed hat Mt Wlngato was lihtsed agiiltiHl Oichaid and unwilling to accept Hia | testimony which It Is expected ho will give against tin * prlsonei. The do 'onso mutually tried al once to nluni that Wltigato'H slate of mind on the subject was not such as would war rant his lemovnl fiom the box When Hie talesman icpasHi'd to thu hnndu of the Ht'ite ' , Senator lloinli qnlcUb I row ft otii him the flat fooled stnto ment Hint he could not nnilei any cir cumslnncc'S glvo ctodonco to Of cluird'H teHtimony. Wlngale was upon this excused , tin * defense excepting tc lite couit's tilling and from thence fop ward the state was paitlcular to teal all talesmen on thin point. TaleHinnn A P. Bums , who llnnllj succeeded to Wlngale's scat , said tin der oath that he was not piepaiod Ic give the same ciedctice to Oiehniii that he would exlcnd lo other wit nciiH"s. but his attitude was nol deemed milllclent lo wnrianl his to moval. Senator IloirJi pnl the cmes lion to Talesman William MtGuMln who Kucc-oedod Talesman Horny tc scat No. ( i , alter the hilter had been evicted tor Implied bias on the tc-stl mony ol R. 7 . Lovohic'e the llrsl wllness called In the case who swoifl that Henry had told him thai Hay wood , Mojer and Petlllione would nol have heen btonghl heie If "they had not been mixed up In the case. " Darrow Objects to Question. Clatence S. Duriow of I he iluforrrx ohjecled to II.e ciiesllon | , and Senator Bornli shin ply leplled : "After the IrnmoiiHO latlludo thai the ( It-tonne has taken In regard tc McPartlancl , Taft and Roosevelt. I dc nol think they would stick on any technicality al this late diij. " "We did nol ask as to the effecl ol McParHand's testimony , " said Darrow and RIchardHon together. "If Roosevelt ID lo be hroughl here to teslify we mlghl have somelhlns maie to say , " wenl on Mr. lilc-liard son. "Roosevelt can take care of lilmuull wheiever lie is , " tulotled Boiah. "Well , 1 don'l know about Ihat , ' said Mr. Danow. Judge Wtiod direclod counaol to proceed with the case , bill Mr. Dur rou , who was stunillng , took loinial exceitlon | lo the uunurka ol Mr " 1 will he glad lo ollinlnate Reese veil , If > ou will. " replied Boiah. "Hi was hioughl Into the cane b > the de lenso. " "He came In himself , " said Mr RichiiidHon. "He is 2,000 miles awu } and he wtltes lettcis. " , "He was hiought in by his own but- ting-in , " added Mr. Uariow. The Judge overruled the ohjectlor , to Hie question , the talesman biijlnw that lie did nol have an > bias 01 opln Ion In the mallei , the defense noting uu exception , and the incident closed Jury Box Final ! Filled. The juty box was finally filled wltli twelve talesmen , subjected to exanil nation and tempointilj passed h > both sides , and Ihu court announced lliut II ! It was In ordei for both sides to exer-i i else poioiiitor | ) > challenge's CoiuiHol ) lor haywood anKed tot a lew minutes' ' deki ) , and for live minutes they gathered , ored around Ihu chair ol the prisoner and engaged In oainest consultation as to their coitiscon the men occupy ing the Juty box. The stale exercised Us right first and excused William Van Orsdale , u grocer , who has occu pied stmt No. 2 since lha opening da > of the trial. George F. Maw. a yourifi farmer with sttong opinions ns tc the acts of certain elements In Ihflj labor unions of the country , was then called to the \acant place. The state passed him and ho was still in lh bunds of the defotiHO when adjourn ment hour was reached. Grants Demands of Strikers. San Francisco , May 16. The Geary street road has granted the demands of the slrlklng carmen and will re sinne oporallonu on a basis of $3 far an eight-hour day. The hoard of HU pervtsers notified the officials of this line Monday that unless the company starled Its cars the city wouM take over the road and operate It. i Pickpocket Sendi Pack $100. Des Moines. May 16. Mrs. S. S. ' Gillette , 1030 * Twenty-second street , re-1 n' celTC-cl from Vlsby , Sweden , J100' ) which was taken from her by pickpockets - pockets In Bridgeport , Conn. , two years ago. Who the thief was she hai no Idea. Tilt CONDITIONJF THE WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Conditions of ( ho weather as record * cd for the twenty-four hours ending at H a , in today : Maximum , 01 Minimum . . . . 'II -If ) Haiomnlor 29.70 Chicago , May 1(1. ( The bulletin In- sued by I bo Chicago iitatlon of the United States weather bureau given the foiccast for Nebraska an follows : Fair tonight and Fildny. Warmer emit and cooler noithwest portion to night. Cooler Friday. ORDINANCE AGAINST BRIDGE Cltlzoni of Mellette , 3. D. , Aroused Over Hold Game Has Upon City. Mellfttu , S. I ) . , May III. Atoum-d ovci the Hptond ( if the bridge whist uiuo among women , the council has t > \ n iinanlmoiiH vote adopted an ordi nance making It M cilmliial ofl'untio to play , cards In the privacy of the homo or olwwhoio fin prices. The ordi nance ptovldcH that anyone convicted of violating Its piovlslons shall hn lined , | not lens I linn $15 ! nor moie thtui and ImpilHoiiod In jail for thirl/ I'he town miiishal , rcmtful of tin vvtath of the women , has resigned. Ills tuiccoHsor , who has been appoint ed b ) the council , declines that hu will piompllv place itndet aricHl any IKMHOII of either Hex whom he may find , | pla > lng c-aids lot pi I/en. The or- dlniince nhio lothldH Hie soiling of chiincos on an.v aitlclo A ehutcli fair , at which chnnc OH wote to he sold , haw been given up on account ol the ordi nance. CIH/eiiH of Mellette atu In- ( cimod ovei thu piiHsngo of thu ordi nance. EVIDENCE AGAINST NEGROES Testimony Connecting Colored Sol diers with Brownsville Riot , Washington , May 10. DlreU tesll- nmnv conneclliig nogio soldiois wltli the ' shooting alfia > al Iliownsvllle , Tex , on I lie night of Aug 111 hist , was given heloie I ho semite coiumltteo on nill'tniv ' nllalis. Tlneo witnesses , Mr. and MIH Gcoigo W. Handnll and JOHO \1aitlntv toHilllod to seeing or hear ing soldletb leaving the post during Hie Khooiing , and Mm linolesllfled that ho Haw the men shooting. On CIOHS examination Senator For- alu r nilsed M > mo doubt as to jtifit when Maitlmv saw tno soldiers , and tills J in iv Hive to he clouted up by ftiithu questions. IIATTEIJ NEAR JOJOBA VICTORY Gets 51 V/otrs in Caucus , Lncklmj Only One to Nominate , MadlHon , WlH. , Ma > Hi. The sena torial contest Is near Its final singe. II was expected that last night wouhl see the end , hut a change of two voUs prevc'iiled Hils oulcomo. Tha autl-SlephoiiHon Republicans decided lo drop ISnch and vole for Htttton , and 53 votes w < te pledged to Hatten , one mute than enough lo elect In caucus. However , one changed to Stopheiison and two rcluped lo vote , leav Ing Hatlon _ _ _ vvllli 51. Aged Iowa Man Drops Dead. Boone , la. , Mn > 1C. I. N. Cross , a promlnenl ( emetery sexton , dropped dead uflor canylrig an armload of wood Into the kitchen PRESBYTERIANS JN SESSION Spirited Contest for Moderator of General oral Assembly. Columbim , O. , Ma > Ifi. A spirited contest for the olllce of moderator promises to bo one of the features ol the 119th annual session of the Pres byterian general assembly , which con vened In this city today. The candi date mentioned are Rev. William Henry Roberts of Philadelphia , wha has been stated clerk of the Presby terian assembly since 1893 ; Dr. Will lam II. Black , president of Missouri Valley college at Marshall. Mo. , and former moderator of the Cumberland Pn-fbyterlan assembly , and Dr. W. O Thompson , president of Ohio State university. Election Results In Austria. Vienna , May 1C. The returns from the elections held throughout Austria , while not ynt complete , show that the most powerful parties In the lower house , which will assemble June 12. vlll be the socialists and the anti- Hf mites. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ -Sheriff Destroys Liquor , ' > nendence , Kan Ma > 1C. The KCI rf of thi county destro > ed $5.000 wov ' i. liquor In the street. The llui .t was Fc-l/ed some time ago from saloor. n the cotut : > The destruc tion w i witnessed by an immense crowd i uoplc Ssy'c anductor Robbed Him. Now \i , May 10 That a coiirnct- or of th Grand stM't ciosstown f-trcet car line turned out the lights of the cor. Knocked him down and robbed him of $980 while he was a passenger on the car was the corn- plaint made to the police hy Antonio Kresule. a hospital aurae. Another Plot to KIH Czar. St. Petersburg , May IS , A terrorist conspiracy directed agateat the lif of Brnperor Nicholas was revealed by the arrest at Tvir&Koe Selo of a sol dier of the guard regiment , who con fessed to accepting a large bribe t * as lt > t in the murder.