The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 19, 1907, Image 1

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. . . .
But He Has Consented to Give a Sub'
tantlal Dowry Wedding , After All ,
May Not Take Place In May , as Had
Been Announced.
Washington , April 18. The dopar- .
turo of Theodora P. Shouts , former.
chairman of the Pnnnnia canal coinj
mission , with his two daughters for
Now York , where ho Is now head of I
the Metropolitan traction Interests , has
again revived tnllc concerning the en-
r pngement of Miss Shouts to the Due
Do Clmnlnes.
Engagement Is Off.
If there ever was an engagement It'
Is now off , as Washington society has
the story , and the reason for this failure -
uro of another international alliance
is said to be the refusal of Mr. Shouts
to grant tne ducal demand for a settle
It is accepted here as the correct
eralon of the departure of the duke
; 'ithout a bride that Mr. Shonts stood
firmly for the American Idea of ihar-
riago settlements. Ho Is reported to
have told De Chaulnes that he would' '
give his daughter a stylish wedding ,
provide her with a trousseau fit for a
princess and a substantial wedding al
lowance that would keep her in pin I
money for a long time , but to enter'
Into any agreement to settle an income'8 ' ,
on her for life before marriage , this
he would not do.
Duke is Short on Cash.
Personally the head of the Shonts
household wants to see his daughter
happily married , and , if ho hud any
objections to the French nobleman he
was willing to put them aside if Miss
Shonts was patlsfled with the duke.
So , according to some of he wise ones ,
the match will never come off , as the
duke Is reported to "need the money , " , |
for , while ho Is long on lineage and
incumbered estates , ho Is short on
* cash.
May be a Love Match.
To nil appearances the two young
people are really In love. "But what
can a duke and duchess do without
sufficient ments to keep up their end
of the social game ? " asks Washington
society. Still , some believe the young
people may yet decide to marry with
out the settlement and take their
chances on papa's determination not
rehabilitate the De Chaulnes
J. A. Stevenson is Chosen as Principal
For the Ensuing Year.
Neligh , Neb. , April 18. Special to
The News : At a meeting of the school
board of this city held yesterday , the
following teachers were elected for the
ensuing year : Principal , J. A. Ste-
vfaiBon ; high school teachers , Miss
Hand and Miss Fields ; fourth room ,
Miss Richardson ; primary , Miss Ber-
lew ; supply room , Miss Warner.
Teachers for1 the second , third and
grammar rooms are still to be elected
'by the board. Work on beautifying
the high school grounds has begun In
earnest Over one hundred ash trees
have been set out this spring.
Death at Lindsay.
Lindsay , Neb. , April 18. Special to
The News : Mrs. Godfrey Samuolson i
was buried from the Swedish Lutheran
church yesterday. The funeral was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Hendrlckson of
Newman Grove. The deceased had for
some years been suffering from consumption -
sumption and about eight weeks ago
cancer developed. She died Sunday.
Lindsay Appointments.
Lindsay , Neb. , April 18. Special to
The News : The village board met
last night and appointed William Bro-
aovsky and Martin Megan to fill the
vacancy caused by failure of F. J.
Smith and A. P. Carlson to qualify for
ofllce. Joe Davey was again reappointed -
ed marshal and H. J. Finch clerk.
State Must Start New Action to Recover -
cover Money Claimed from Railroad.
Springfield , III. , April IS. The su
pro me couit dismissed the suit of the
state ot Illinois against the Illinois
Central tailroad for uu accounting am
recovery of the share claimed by the
mate ot the gioss receipts of the rail
In dismissing the suit the cour
gave leave to the attorney to withdraw
the suit and begin the proceedlut's
fcitlier here or In Chicago.
Second Assistant Secretary of Stat
Xdeo has started for Europe with tha
. . Intention of making a 2,000-rallo bl
iVcle tour of France
' A number of the cafe waiters o
Paris went on a strike Most of the
establishments remained open with
the assistance of extra hands , hastily
summoned from outside.
Harvey B. Hutchlnson , formerly
money order clerk at the Peorla posi
office , convicted of embezzlement , wa
sentenced by Judge- Otis Humphrey t
two yearn' imprisonment at Loavjn
Warren E. Given Takes Options on
6,400 Acres of Colorado Land.
Denver , April 18. A colony of news
paper nun is to Ue established In the
Little biiuKe river valley , In Houtt
county , Coioiudo , where the state ol
Coioindo will thiow open for settle
ment this summer , under the Care ;
act , 50 , 00 acres of land. This laud
Is under the Little Snake river canal
system The plan Is to make this
colony an up-to-date farming commu
nity , wheio each man will own hla
own faun and Improvement ! ! , the only
connection In which the community
idea j ( will prevail , if ut all , boinu In
icgard , to labor.
It ( Is Said a Statement Will be Made
Upon Secretary Taft's Return , De
claring That He Is Not President's
Favorite Candidate.
Washington. D. C. , April 18. Anoth-
or sensatlrIf. the game of prelimi
nary ! presU & politics is expected
to develop b " , ' * or the arrival of
secretary ' Taft . . e orto Rico. Like
'other startling de " icnts the now
story Is to emanat fn the white
house after a confere. * ween the
president and Secretary 'cj , T Taft.
Not Personally BaC * * J.
The latter , It is reported today by
his friends , will make a statement to
the effect that his candidacy for the
presidency Is not personally backed
by President Roosevelt one whit more
than . is the candidacy of Vice Presi
dent Fairbanks , Senator Knox , Secre
tary , Root , Speaker Cannon or any
other man , who aspires to attain to
, .
the chair of chief magistrate. Secre-
, ary . Taft , It is further alleged by his
lose friends , will discuss the Ohio slt-
atlon and make some rather interest-
ng . statements. He will , so runs the
tory ' , show how Senator Foraker , his
ormer friend and political ally , began
fight on the administration , both of
Ir. Roosevelt and himself In congress ;
low he organized a political machine
n Ohio to head off a delegation for
he secretary , and how Mr. Foraker
assumed . the aggressive In the Browns-
'llle Incident. "
In this connection will come the sen-
; atlonal part of the story.
Will Issue Statement.
It Is very strongly intimated that
Secretary Tuft will Issue a statement
egardlng the Brownsville Incident and
he discharge of the colored troops ,
which will concede that it can never
proven who did the actual shooting ,
> ut he will strongly insist that For-
akor's motive , zeal and energies in be-
lalf of the colored troops .were solely
'or political prestige to assist him to
control his machine In Ohio.
Two Hundred and Fifty Men Locked
Up for Carrying Deadly Weapons.
Now York , April 18. While squads
of detectives are scouring the for
eign quarters and arresting all the
armed men they find , the Judicial offi
cers are showing evidence of their In
tention to co-operate with the police
In hi caking up the practice of carryIng -
Ing deadly weapons.
Judge Rosalsky gave a sentence of
three years in Sing Sing to John Keen ,
1 negro , who had been arrested for
disorderly conduct. A pair of brass
knuckles were found on him In all ,
250 men have been locked up.
Maglstrales all o\er the city are
eroufaed to the necessity of taking
drastic measures against the deadly
weapon carriers.
Public and Private Methods Contrast *
ed Organisation vs. Acnregation.
One contiolllng economic icasou for
opposing public ownership N tint C"-
cry Individual in society prospers Just
lu 1 proportion ns Inilii try gets the best
thcie t is in human capability. On fie
other hand , KONOiii'iient control and
rcctlon ncu'r get mid In the natuie nf
things no\er ten tf.'t all thcio Is or the
best there IH In lirman capablllty.
Now the g \ 01 nmen't may compete
with private enterprise in getting ca
pable men , but it lias not thus far
shown , anything of the capacity of a
private eiiterpil.-e to assign the right
man always to the right place. The
agency which In private enterprise
succeeds so generally In eventually
landing In the tight place the right
man la not simply good Intention or
mere Intelligence , but the Intelligence
and Intention which constantly study
the enterprise In hand , which make it
the one affair In life , constantly
thought of mid planned for an Intelli
gence ninl Intention , too , which arc
themselves IH nearly as possible per
manent. That kind of seeking out and
watchfulness few government depart
ments possess. The men In charge of
government departments may bo Intel
ligent and well Inteutloncd , but they
are lu today and out tomorrow. The
thing under them Is not their child.
They never , as a mutter of fact , got
their hands and tholr minds fully Into
the work.
Prof. Haynes , Who Predicted the
Earthquake Which Han Laid Low
Cities in Mexico , Says Next Will
Appear In Colombian U. S.
Washington , April 18. "PIcnso do
not put mo In the class of piophotH , "
said Prof Ohm lea Wlllnrd llnyes of
the United Status geological suivoj ,
who Rome tlmo ago predicted the
earthquake that occui'red In Mexico
yesterday the other day. "But 1 will
not ho sui prised If the next eaithqnako
Hhould occur In the United States of
Colombia. "
"A Wild Prediction. "
"It was a pure guess , " ho said. "It
Is Impossible to pi edict with any ac
curacy : the location and time of the
occurrence of an eatthqiiake , but our
knowledge of the geological structure
of the earth enables us to determine
what : regions aic likely to be shaken.
The course of these dlstiu bailees maybe
beef expected to follow a genoial line
of adjustment of the eaith crust along
the ' west slope of the two American
continents , the line being somewhat
broken In Cential America.
They Go In Cycles.
"After the San Francisco and Valparaiso
raise quakes I merely made a guess
that the next one would occur in Mexico
Ice as it is in the same belt with the
other two cities that were destroyed.
I believe ' the tlmo when earthquakes
can bo predicted with reasonable cer-
talnty Is In the far future. There are
liable to be more disturbances. They
go In cycles. This Is the reason I be-
lleve that the next one will bo In Co
lombia. "
Twelve Men In the Box , Subject to
Fifteen Peremptory Challenges.
Sun Francisco , April IS. After pro
limlnarles , examinations , adjourn'
meats and other delays occupying in
all twenty-two days , a trial Jury panel ,
subject to the exercise of filteeii peremptory -
emptory challenges ten by the de-
and five by the prosecution
was completed in the Ruef case.
When the trial vvas icbiimed , thirty-
five talesmen out of a drawn venire
ot fifty Issued to complete the panel ,
answered their names In court.
Twenty-six of the thirty-five escaped
serving by satisfying Judge Dunne
that their excuses were valid. Out
of the nine remaining , four tentative
jurors were chosen in the course of
the day , thus filling the box.
The time has now arrived for the
peremptory challenges of the jurors
and much speculation is Indulged In as
tcsi whether the entire panel will be
set aside in the exercise of this prlv
liege or whether as many as half of
the twelve will survive the final scru
tiny of Ruef's prosecutors and do
fenders. It is thought likely that at
least another week will be required for
the permanent filling of the panel
after the peremptory challenges have
been exercised.
Members of Family Who Survive
Attack Are in Critical Condition.
Chicago , April IS. Three surviving
members of the Mette family of this
city , two of whoso members recently
died from arsenical poisoning , were
made critically 111 by eating food In
which the police declare arsenic had
been placed.
Frank Metto died last Saturday ;
his wife died April 6. Three other
members of the family were also made
ill i ! and are now In a hospital. Of
those : remaining in the house , three
sons were poisoned by eating oatmea
brought Into the house since the fath
er died. It Is believed an attempt
has been made to poison the family , '
but no clue has yet been found. It ;
is doubtful whether any of those poi i-
soned will recover.
Presbyterian Seminary Merger.
Cincinnati , April 18. A merger In
volving Presbyterian properties ag-
gregatlng millions of dollars Is to ba |
brought up In the general assembly
the Piesbyterlan church of the United j
States , which will open its session
May 16 In Columbus. The proposition
is the consolidation of the Lane Theo .
logical seminary , the McCormlck Theo
logical seminary In Chicago and the
Western Theological seminary In Pitts-
burg The three seminaries , the con
solidation of which Is urged , graduate
each year the majority of the young
ministers for Presbyterian pulpits.
Magoon to Issue $5,000,000 Loan.
Havana , April 18. Governor Ma-
goon was In conference with repre
sentatives of the bankers of Havana ,
to whom ho stated that the present
largo treasury surplus made It advls-
able to Issue a loan of $5,000,000 , at
per cent per annum
- -
Aleeged Robber Is Arrested ,
St. Paul , April 18 The police ar
rested John Gundorson on the charge
of having hold up Fred Zimmerman ,
the clerk In the Northwestern Express
company's olllce , and robbed the of
fice safe of a package containing $25 , '
French Government Places Maximum
Duty on Coffee from American Porto.
Washington , April 18. The reason
for thu Issue in Purls of the ducroo
Imposing thu miulnium duties on cor-
fcoa Imported from thu United SUtuv
and Poito Rico B sola at thu slutu do-
puilmunt to bo dlusutlsluctlon of the
French government at thu tutluro ol
the | | United Stutes senate to act upon
thu French leulpioclty Ueaty , which
has been pending lioloio that body for
buveial yeiu.s. Added to this , II Is said ,
Is a suspicion on the pait of thu
Frunch goveinmunt thai thu negotla-
lions now In pioguHs between Uiu
United Stalls and Dei inanj lulatlvu to
thu tarlfi on American goods tmpoitcd
Into Cioiinui ) ) conceal homo advantage
to be boMuuod upon Gentian liadu
with thu United States Inhluh
Fiench trade Is not to share.
This decree lb legaided ns the botin
, ,
ginning of n systematic often I to
bring , such ptesstiru to bear upon the
American cungicbs , thiungh thu ImpoRI
sltlon of reductions upon tlio AmurHn
lean expoit trade as will foice thu
whole subject of leclpioclty upon Its
attention ut the beginning of the next
sesflon. ( The btuto department olllto
clala tear ttiat this Fiench action is
bill Iho pi 01 m soi ol slmliai attacks up
on American uadu by olher nations of
Km ope
Contributions Announced from All
Parts of the Country.
Washington , Ajiiil 18. The features
of the piocoudlngb of thu continental
congress ot the Daughtuis of tlio
American Revolution weie the dedica
tion ' of the memorial portico nl the
Memorial Continental hall and the colN
lection of contilbiillonb to swell the
Continental hull building Itind. The
delegate * , were given u iccepllon ut
the library of congress.
Piactlcally the entire session was
devoted to the announcement ot conw'
trlbutions to the building fund by
the various state chapters. Alroad )
the organization had accumulated a
fund of $1200,000 for this purpose , and
it lb believed that with thebo contribu
| |
lions theie will be nearly enough to
pay for the building.
The Society of Children of the
American Revolution , which Is also
holding its fossioiib heie , will make
Us annual pilgrimage to the tomb ol
George Waphlngton at Mount Vuinou
today Mrs. Fred T Dubols of Idaho ,
national president , has requested
many of the paughters of thornier
lean Hevolutlt n to accoinp'any " the
children on this trip
Alleged Inspired Article Questions Motive -
tive of British King In Italy. i
Berlin April 18. King Edward's !
approaching meeting with King Victor
Emmanuel at Gaeta is attracting much
attention lu the German press , which j
comments on the event as being an
effort to iaojate Germany and win
Italy away Irom the triple alliance.
An article In the Cologne Gazette ID
this sense Is being widely dibcussed ,
because It is believed to have been
Inspired from Berlin. The writer
says public opinion In Germany seea
in King Edward's course an attempt.
to < disturb the European equilibrium'at i '
which is calculated to awaken mlsglvtli
Ings regarding his disarmament prori '
posal , mid finally warns Great Britain
that "war with Germany would be
dangerous for any opponent or any
coalition of opponents. " This sharp
language . . Is Interpreted by the Tagtl
llche Rundschau as meaning that thottl
German government has grown weary
of the "English game of hide and seek
and the comedy of peace and dtsarma-
ment. "
Nebraska Commission Issues Initial
Order Bearing on Two-Cent Fares.
Lincoln , April 18. The Nebraska
- 4f * k Jf I * AW * M W * V W t UU
railway commission issued its initial |
order bearing on 2-cent fures und
street car passes. It Is a notice to't
sleam railway companies lo post placards -
cards in every depot calling attention
to the tact that the 2-cenl passenger
lare does not apply on llckets purchased -
chased to u destination beyond the
stale borders. The decree Is Intended
to protect patrons against paying 3
cents per mile tor Interstate tickets ,
through ignoiaiice.
In addition in this order , the
commission has addiessed a letter to
the Lincoln Traction company , the 1
Citizens' Railway company of Lincoln ,
the Omaha , Lincoln and BeatriceIn |
torurbun and the Omaha and Council
DlumV Street Railway corporations ,
notliylng them that they are subject to
the terms of the now anti-pass law
and will be expected to obey it , both [
by issuing no passes , asldo from the ' ! !
exceptions permitted by statute , and 1
by filing reports each month ae to
who their pasaholdors arc.
Australian Pugilist Arrives.
San Francisco , April 18. The Aus
tralian pugilist , Bill Squires , landed
from the steamer Ventura. At first
eight , Squires Is not Impressive , as he
Is 1 much shorter In stature than our
heavyweight fighters , but he has re
markably broad shoulders . . ,
, a powerful
chest and long arms. Squires weight (
about 175 pounds. Squires will rest
for a few days before seeking
| | ) |
| 1
Decorated With Cross of Legion of
i Honor | by I rench Government GM i
Out ( Ltataiucnt no to hcs its of Co ,
gross ' and hepllcs to Objections.
Now ; YoiK. April 18. The tli HI con
ventlon ot the nutlo'iul ailiilrailmi and
| K. ; ( onteieiKc uiijod hint nlghi
mi n Hun da.VH HUSHIOH , with tuo
large. ( biiiiiietH ( | , onu ut the llotol Aiiloi
and tnu otln.'t at tlio Waldorf-Astoria.
The event ot gu'iiU'st Intutust was the
ilecointloii of Aiidievv Caineglu with
tin CIOUB ot thu lolon | ; of Honor by
the < Fionch govoininunt , lopiusuntud
by lUuou liMouinulleij do Coiislunl , In
Rppicclailon ) of his woik foi pence ,
and his gift of the palace al Thu
Mr j , Carnegie , who is piesldunt of
tin congiuHH , guvu out u slalument us
to thu icmitts of thu congieuH. Al
though not HO duHlgnuUul b ) Mr Car
negie , tlio Htateineni coiiBtltiitOH u ie-
ply \ to homo ol the suggestions con
tained in thu letter winch PiuHldunt
Roosevelt addieHseil lo thu congiuuu
on thu opening day. Mi. Cuineglo
quotes thusu slalumentu as "objec
tions , " und ansvveis them as follows :
"Our ' pcacu conturencu has hi ought
three objections clearly belore us :
"First Nations iiinnot submit an
questions to arbitration.
"Answer Six of them have than'i
done HO by treaty Denmark and the
Netherlands , Chile und thu Argentines ,
Norway und Sweden.
"Second Justice Is hlghur than
Answer The Mist pilnclplo of nat
ural justice tot bids inun to bo judges
when ' they aio purtlob to thu Issue.
Al law rests upon this throughout
the civilized woiltl Woiu a Judge
known ' to alt upon n case In which ho
was secretly Interested , he > would bo
dishonored ) und expelled from his high
ofllce. If any Individual loluaod to
submit his dispute with a neighbor
to disinterested parties and Insisted
upon being his own judge , ho would
violate ' ( the first principled of justlie.
If ho resorted to force In defense of
his right to Judge , ho would ho dls-
honoied as a breaker of the law. Thus ,
peace ! ' ' with Justice Is secured through
arbitration , never by one of the par
ties sitting ns judge In his own cause.
Nations being only aggiegutes of In
dividuals , they will not rench justice
In their Judgments until the same
rule holds good , viz- That they , like
Individuals ' , shall not sit OK judgps in
their own cause. What Is unjust for
individuals , Is unjust for nations.
"Third It is neither peace nor Jus-
tlcc < , but righteousness that shall exalt
the nation.
"Answer Righteousness Is simply
doing ] what Is right. What Is Just Is
always ] right ; what Is unjust Is always
wrong ; It being the first principle of
Justice j , that men shall not be judges
In | their own cause , to refuse to sub-
mlt to Judge or arbitrator Is unjust ,
banco not right , for the essence or
righteousness Is Justice. Therefore ,
men who place Justice or righteousness
above peace practically proclaim that
.they will commit Injustice and discard
righteousness by constituting them-
solves solo Judges of their own cause
in violation of law , Justice and right ,
Civilized man has reached the conclu-
slon | that ho meets the claims of jus-
tlco and of right only by upholding
the present Velgn of law What Is
right for each Individual must be
right for the nation. The demand
that Interested parties shall sit In
judgment Is the wickedness that degrades
grades a nation. "
Peace Congress Resolves.
Resolutions were adopted recom
mending among other things that
The Hague conference hereafter be n
permanent Institution ; that The
Hague court shall be open to all the
nations of the world : that a general
treaty ! of arbitration for ratification by
all the nations shall he drafted by the
conference providing for the reference
ence to The Hague court of interna-
tlonnl disputes which cannot be adJusted 1-
Justed by diplomacy ; that the United
States government urge action-toward
| j
limitation ' of armament ; that the conference -
ference extern ? to private property iit
ECU , Immunity from capture In war.
The resolutions speak In high praise
of President Roosevelt , Secretary Root
and the prime minister of Great Brit-
nln for the stand thev have taken In
favor of a settled policy of peace
among the nations
William Jennlnps nnnn. in his art-
dress , offered as a substitute for the
historic words "Liberty or death. " the
cry of "Liberty and life " This sent 1
mcnt was the keynote of his address
The cost of human life he wanted
counfed and estimated
"Let us measure the value of those !
that warhns _ not taken and then we
can obtain home estimate of the value
of those lives that have gone. "
Life , he held , was sacred and precious
cious , to be guarded sacredly , becnuso
created bv Oed , us something worthy >
and lasting.
Corporal Edward L. Knowles , com
puny A , Twenty-fifth Infantry , who Is
charged with shooting Captain Edgar
A. Macklln at Fort Reno , Dec. 21. 1900 ) ,
will bo tried by general court-martial
at Fort Sill. April 2-1.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * .
Forecast for Nebraska.
Condition ! ) of the weather nn record
ed for the twenty-four hoiira ending
at H a. in. today :
Maximum . . . > : ifl
Minimum 20
Aveiugo I1L
Uiunmutur 29.K4
Chicago , April l8.--Tho bulletin In-
uuod by tlio Chicago illation of Uio
* Tiillod Slates weather bureau given
"oioouHt for Nebraska UH follows :
ir HIKIU tonight and noiitlicaiit
p < > i\ ) ii Kildui . Nol much ehniigo In
Assertion Is Mnde That Evil Minded
Persons Caused "Next Friends" to
Bring Suit for Selfish Intcrcato.
Latest Chapter In Story of Litigation.
Cone-old , N. 11. , April 18. The
chin ge mill tno HUH 101 an acctmnt-
HID uf Uiu piopeily 01 Mm. Muiy
UiiKui G huiij , ii.v-u Aluiuh 1 , was not
uiuuglil in good mull liy Uiu Hocullod
'HIM mi nil * ' nuniul in tlio suit , in
contuiind In tlio UIIBWUI or ihu du
leiiiiantH tiled heiu. The duluiiduntu
chaigu Unit Uiesu uoxt tiiemiH iiuvu
been induced lo loan their numus for
usu In the Milt ui ihu niHllguuou of
ceittiln evil minded persons , not ro-
lulud in anyway to said Auuy Ikikoi
G. Eddy , or having uny itilert'st lu
* tier or hei ustato. "
Thu answer Is u general denial ot
all the allegations mudu by thu com
plainants in thu original action ,
Geoige W. Glover , Maiy linker Glover
and George W. UuUur , who suud atf
Mrs. Eddy s "nuxt friends. "
The pioc'oodlngs furnished the lot/
cst ehuplui in tno stoiy ul thu litiga
tion , which ulioudy bus become In
volved by the tiunsfer by Mrs Eddy
of all her piopurty lo three trustees ,
Henry M. liulccr , Aiehlbuld McLclluo
und Joslah E. Keriuild , who have po-
tllloned Ihu court lo bu substituted
us plaintiffs In place of the latler , de
claring that the deed ot trust was Ille
gal on account oi thu alleged incom
petence ol the giantoi lo creale th
Larrabee Sees President.
Washington , April 18. Former Gov
ernor Larrubu- Iowa had u talk
with th < * president about strengthen
ing the Inltislato commerce law , har
Ing In view more strict federal super
vision of railroads and the proveu-
tlon of ovorf apltallzatlon.
American league -Dotrolt , 1 ;
c go , H. New York. 5 ; Philadelphia ,
4 St. I.oulH , 2 ; Cleveland , S. Ikwton ,
J ; Washington , 1.
National I/eague Boston , 2 ; Phlhv
ddelphla , 1 Cincinnati , 8 ; 8L Lou IB ,
3. PlttsburB. 2 , Chicago , C. New
York , 2 ; Brooklyn , 1
American Association Louisville ,
6 ; Kunsaii City , 4 Columbus , C ; Mil *
wuuKec ' 4. Indianapolis , 4 ; Minneapo
lis , 0. Toledo , 8 ; 8t Paul , 0.
Western league Dos Molnes. I ;
Denver , 3. Sioux City , 8 ; Omaha , 4.
Lincoln , 4 , Pueblo , 1.
Missing Indianapolis High School Girl
Recognized in Dubuque.
Dubuque , Apill 18 Anna V. Lough-
lln , the Indianapolis high school girl
who has been missing for several
days , \vas recognized by a woman In
the local Y. W. C A fiom the picture
which appeared In a Chicago paper.
The ghl left Dubuque , buying a
ticket to Deb Moines uh soon as the
picture came to her notice. She had
been in Dubnquu se\ural days , staying
in the VV. . C A. rooms , having
sough ) < -mplo > mcnt In the telcphona
Clinton Masons to Build Cathedral.
Clinton , la. , April 18 The sum of
$ l'ii,000 ) will be expended by Do Molay
coiiklbtory , A. A. S R. in the erection
ol n Scottuh rite cathedral In Clinton
ih s Himmcr , pl&iib for the building
having just bun accepted The ' -a
thc-diiil will be located on Piibt street
mill Filth avfiiui , overlooking the Mis *
Mbiil | | ih'i. and will be the finest
Ma < -.i.iic Miucturo In Iowa
Borah Has Not Appealed to President
IloU' Ida. _ April IS Senator
Borah i- > out of to\\n. but his closest
tilcnds iii'lionzo the statement that
he has n > e no appeal whatever to
the preslih i.t or Attorney Gonernjl
Bonaparte In connection with his. In
dictment on n charge of conspiracy In
alleged timlur frauds. His friends
are at an vntlro loss to understand
how such a report originated
Chicago Police Investigation.
Chicago , Ai ill IS Poor of the man
"higher up" 1 is always ruled the po
lice depaituunt of Chicago , the civil
service commission was told In .thi
investigation of charges that formei
Chief of Police Collins had made a
levy on the police for Democratic
campaign purposes during the recent
maj orally election.