The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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The News Gives Today a Complete
List of the Bills Passed by the Pres
ent Legislature , Which Adjourns To
day , and Signed.
Lincoln , Neb. , April G. Special to
The News : The following bills 1mvo
been paused by the legislature and
signed by the governor. More than a
hundred bills await executive action :
House Rolls Passed and Signed.
H. II. 177 by Lecder of Douglas , for
a double shift force of firemen In the
city of Omaha ,
H. II. 183 by Idler of Washington ,
defining the misappropriation of funds
belonging to fraternal lodges as em
H. R. 185 by Dodge of Douglas , pro
viding that a decree of ejectment in
forcible entry and detention cases maybe
bo enforced notwithstanding appeal
upon the giving of n sufficient bond
by the plaintiff to cover possible dam
age to the defendant.
H. R. 2C7 by joint committee on rail
roads fixing the maximum passenger
rate at two cents per mile.
H. R. Gl by Klllen of Gage , to pre
vent pooling of bridge contractors.
H. R. 83 by Byram of Hurt , giving
village boards power to license , regu
late and prohibit hilllard halls , pool
halls and bowling alleys.
H. R. 94 by 13. W. Brown of Lancas
ter , authorizing county boards to make
appropriations for the establishment
and maintenance of detention homes.
H. R. 105 by Steinauer of Pawnee ,
making the minimum capital for state
banks $10,000.
H. R. 110 by Scudder of Hall , to
prohibit the stealing of rides on trains ,
engines or cars , or climbing thereon.
Penalty a jail sentence of from flve
to sixty days at hard labor or a fine
of not less than $5 nor more than $25.
H. R. 82 by Keif or of Nuckolls , to
prevent the obstruction of highways ,
streets or alleys In villages by rail
roads for more than flve minutes at a
H. R. 77 by Hart of York making
burglary with explosives a distinct and
separate crime and providing a pena1-
ty of from twenty years to life Im
prisonment in the penitentiary.
H. R. 389 by Parley of Hamilton , In
creasing the price of supreme court
reports to $2 a volume.
H. R. 78 by Best of Douglas , Increas
ing the salary of deputy register of
deeds In Douglas county to 51,500 per
annum and of copyists to $80 per
H. R. 115 by Wilson of Custer , pro
viding for the closing of the affairs of
school districts which for a continuous
period of one year have less than two
legal voters residing therein or for
two consecutive years shall fall to
maintain Its district organization.
H. R. 102 by fish and game commit
tee , providing a penalty for unlawfully
pursuing fish or game protected by
H. R. 72 by Cone of Saunders , to
provide for a library In every public
school district In the state , to be main
talned by funds amounting to ten cents
per pupil.
H. R. 80 by Hamer of Buffalo , to
appropriate money belonging to the
state normal school library fund for
the purchase of books for the Kearney
normal school library.
H. R. 87 by Redmond of Nemaha , to
appropriate money belonging to the
state library fund for normal schools
for the purchase of books for the li
brary of the Peru normal school.
H. R. 98 by fish and game commit
tee , prohibiting the sale at any time
of game birds or fish protected by
law or the possession of such game
cept during the open season or five
days thereafter.
H. R. 31 by Hansen of Merrlck to
permit precinct townships , cities of
the second class and villages to issue
bonds for the aid of municipal tele
phone systems and to repeal the pro
visions of the statute permitting the
Issuance of bonds In aid of railroads
H. R. 126 by Redmond of Nemaha by
request , to appropriate ? 3,000 for the
payment of salaries at the state ortho
pedic hospital and for the malnton
ance of the institution until April 1
II. R. C2 by Kclfcr of Nuckolls , np
proprlating $20,000 for the paymen
of incidental expenses incurred by the
present legislature.
H. R. C4 by Kolfer of Nuckolls , ap
proprlating $80,000 for the payment o
salaries of members , officers and em
ployes of the present session of the
II. R. 115 by Quackenbush of Nema
ha , to allow court reporters ten cents
per hundred words for making tran
scripts In all cases and providing tha
the county shall pay for transcripts
In criminal cases where the defendan
flies a poverty affidavit.
Railway Commission.
Members of the railway commission
must bo thirty yearn of ago. They
roust not have any interest In any
common carrier doing business In the
state. They must not engage In any
business allied to or inconsistent wlti
the business of the commission
Should a vacancy occur , the governo
must fill It by appointment.
Salaries of the commissioners are
fiied nt $3,000. No pnrsrn shall bo
secretary of the commission vfijoahal
ot ho able to qualify ns a commit- )
loiuT. The commission must orga-
Ize us soon as tha hill Is signed. The
urn of $0,000 per annum IB allowed
or olllco oxponnos and clerical hire.
V secretary shall not rocolvo more
lian $2,500 and two clerks may bo en-
nigcd nt not more than $1,200 per an-
um ,
The railway commission 1ms goner-
1 charge of the railway companies ,
xpross companies , car companion ,
looping car companies , freight com-
anicH , telegraph companies , struct
allway companies and all other coin-
ion carriers.
The commission must divide all
rolght Into general and special class-
s and llx a reasonable rate for each
lass. The rates may vary as It is
ooniod just to the various railroads
f the state. Joint freight rates
witching and terminal charges must
Iso bo fixed by the commission.
Charges , service , complaints and equip-
ncut of all the railroads must bo ox-
mined , A complete report must bo
led biennially with the governor. The
halrman shall have power to admin-
ster oaths. Witnesses may be sub-
oonaed and sent for. Books nmt pa-
) crs must bo brought In at the re-
nest of the commission. Shippers ,
fllcers and employes must answer all
Mentions. Fines for violations of the
egulntlons may not exceed $25,000.
Freight rates between Nebraska
olnts and the points in other states
mist bo examined. Violations of the
aw must bo called to the attention of
lie attorney general while the com
mission may hire additional counsel.
Railroads must fllo with the com-
ilsslon within thirty days after this
ct takes effect , complete schedules ,
lasslflcatlons and tariffs covering the
lassengcr and freight business. Then
tic commission must furnish a new
nd complete schedule to the railways ,
uthonticatcd with the seal of the
ommlssion. Within sixty days and
vlthln not less than thirty days this
icw rate sheet will be effective.
Persons , shippers , cities , or corpo-
atlons may flic complaints. The rail-
oads arc notified and a date is set
or the hearing. In case of dispute
lie lowest rate shall bo accepted as
prlma facie evidence that the charge
s a just and reasonable one. After
lie hearing the commission shall an-
ounce a decision.
After securing a transcript of the
roceedlngs any railroad may appeal
o any district court of the state for
cdress. The burden of proof shall
est upon the plaintiff to show that
ho rate or ruling is nn unreasonable
On or before August 1 , 1907 , and
.initially thereafter a complete report
if the affairs of the railroad must be
lied with the railway commission.
? his shall contain a statement of all
) orsons who have received passes and
he relation they bear to the railroad.
Rebates , discriminations , preferenc-
: s and special privileges of all kinds
are forbidden and punishable by heavy
ines. Railroads may haul freight for
airs , expositions or hospitals at a
educed rate. Actions for violations
jf the law may bo brought against
he company in any court of any conn-
y through which the road runs. The
act has the emergency clause and goes
nto effect as soon as signed by the
; overnor.
Dr. II. .1. Wlnnett , Robert Cowell and
. A. Williams arc the railway com
missioners. Winnett was elected for
six , Cowell for four and Williams for
wo years. A commissioner is to be
elected every two years.
H. R. 03 by Dodge of Douglas ,
amending the law providing for the
ncorporation of hospital associations
by providing for a board of trustees
of not less than three members and
removing the limit of $100,000 upon
he property which may be held by
such association and providing that
hey shall not hold real estate except
such as may be necessary for the
ransaction of its business for a long
er period than twenty-five years.
H. R. 254 by Knowles of Dodge ,
amending the charters of cities hav-
ng more than 5,000 and less than 25-
000 Inhabitants by providing for the
appointment of water commissioners
and permitting the election of women
to the office of city treasurer.
Direct Primary.
H. R. 405 , by joint committee on
irivileges and elections , providing for
.ho nomination by direct primary of
state , county , district and municipal
officers. Presidential electors and mu
nicipal officers in cities having less
than 25,000 population , village , town
ship and school district officers are
exempted from the provisions of this
Candidates may be nominated other
wise than by primary election as fol
lows : By filing petitions signed by
electors residing in the political divl
slon in which the candidate is to be
elected and filed with the clerk of the
village , city or county or with the sec
retary of the state. Candidates for
state offices must have 1,000 signers
to the petition , candidates for city ,
county or district offices must have
at least 200 signers and candidates for
township , precinct or ward office musl
have a * least 50 signers and they shall
be termed candidates by petition.
Primaries for general elections shall
be held on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember , 1907 , and annually thereafter
on the first Tuesday In September
At other elections primaries shall be
hold four wcokb beioro the election
except In cities over 25,000 population
they shall bo held five weeks before
the election.
The governor must give notice of al
the offices to be filled in the state
congressional , legislative or judicia
districts , sixty days before September
primary is held. County clerks shnl
then make public notice within ten
days after.
A candidate or 25 qualified electors
of his party may file nomination pa
pers for him. In case the nomination
Is by petition , the candidate must fllo
a statement that ho will qualify 1
Nomination papers for city officer
shall bo filed In the offlco of the city
clerk ; for county officers with the
county clerk , for state and district of
fleers with the secretary of state.
Names of all candidates must bo
posted lu at least ono place In eacl
A separate ballot bhall bo prlntei
for each political party and the name
f candidates shall ho grouped accord-
ig to the olllco ,
Names shall bo arranged upon the
allots alphabetically except In Doug-
an county where duty may bo rotated.
Expenses of primaries are to bo
onio by the city or county In the
iimo manner OH In llio CIIHO of oloc-
Filing fooH are charged candidates
s follows : United Slates senator$50 ,
Into officers , congressmen and district
ourt Judges $10 , county , legislative
nd city offices $5. No tiling fee Is
oqulrod for regontH of the Htnto mil-
orally or presidential electors.
In cities where registration Is re-
uliod polls shall ho open from 8
'clock In the morning until 9 o'clock
: i tliu , evening , elsewhere they shall
o opou from 12 until 9. Persons In
ine nt closing time will bo entitled to
Judges and clerks of election now
rovldod by law , shall prcHido at prl-
mry elections.
Ballots shall bo counted the samoiin
rovldcd by the general election law.
Voters must declare their party af-
latlon before they shall ho entitled to
ecolvo a primary ballot. Where rog-
stratlon is required the voter must
cglster his party affiliation. Provld-
d a voter la challenged ho Is required
o swcnr that ho will support the tick-
t of his party.
Votes shall ho canvassed the name
s Is provided by the general election
A plurality vote entitles a candidate
o become the nominee of ills party.
Bills Passed and Signed.
S. F. 0 by Root of Cass , prohibiting
ho shipment of Intoxicating liquors
nloss the words "Intoxicating liquor"
ro placed on the outer package and
inhibiting consignment to a tllctltlotiR
crson or into a city or Incorporated
Illngo In which n license has not been
ranted for the sale of intoxicating
Iquors. Penalty a line of from $100
o $300.
S. F. 40 by McICosson by request of
lie state Insurance department legal-
Ing n system of fees to bo paid by
igal reserve life Insurance companies
o the state Insurance department.
S. F. 377 by Luco of Harlan , pro-
idlng for the entry of town sites by
10 corporate authorities of incorpo-
atcd cities and villages or by the
ounty Judge and providing for the
ransfer of the land so entered and lo-
alining the transfers of such lands
cretoforo made.
S. F. 95 by Thomas of Douglas , fix-
ng the maximum salary of police cap-
nlns In metropolitan cities nt $150
or month.
S. F. 7 by Root of Cass , making the
ilaco of manual delivery of and pay-
ion t for intoxicating liquors the place
f sale.
S. F. 114 by Thomas of Douglas , the
ulk sales bill , declaring void sales ,
rades or other dispositions of stocks
f merchandise or portions thereof in
ulk otherwise than in the ordinary
nd regular course of the seller's busi-
S. F. 21 by Thomas of Douglas , pro-
iding the roadbeds of permanent
oads constructed under the iuhori-
ance tax law must not be less than
wolvo nor more than sixteen feet In
ddth and allowing the county judge
0 fix a icasonablo appraiser's feo.
S. F. 5 by Gibson of Douglas , em-
iloyors' liability act , providing that
ontributory negligence shall not bo
a bar to action but may bo taken Into
onsideratlon by the jury In fixing the
imount of damages and also provid-
ng that the acceptance of relief ben-
fits or insurance shall not constitute
1 bar or defense for action but the
amount so received may be applied to
ho amount recovered. Applies only
o the hazardous departments of rail-
S. F. 144 by Gibson of Douglas , to
educe the number of flre and police
jommissioners in South Omaha from
Ive to three and making the mayor
ix-offlcio chairman without a vote.
S. F. 87 by Sackett of Gage , a joint
osolution memorializing congress to
inact a law to prevent railroads and
other tax debtors from interfering by
njunctlon in the federal courts with
he collection of state , county , school
llstrict and municipal taxes.
S. F. 151 by Epperson of Clay , pro-
iding that county teachers' institutes
shall bo hold during the months of
June , July or August and that two or
more counties may conduct joint In
S. F. 217 by King of Polk , a free
high school act providing that pupils
of school districts in which a full high
school course Is not maintained may
attend high school in any other dls-
rict , the cost of tuition to be assessed
against the resident district at the rate
of seventy-five cents per week.
S. F. 29 by Root of Cass , authorlz
ng county judges to receive payment
of costs and fees and unclaimed lega
cles , to pay such costs , fees and lega
cles to the person entitled thereto and
to pay to his successor In office any
well costs , fees or legacies remaining
n his possession at the close of his
term. The purport of the bill Is to
make the county judge responsible on
dis bond for such funds.
S. F. 33 by Root of Cass. taking
away from the state board of public
lands and buildings the power to hear
complaints against superintendents of
public institutions.
S. F. 97 by Thomas of Douglas , p'ro-
vidlng for the appointment of a cor
oner's physician In Douglas county and
flxlng his compensation at $900 per
S. F. 20 by Saunders of Douglas , to
prohibit the 'corrupt ' influencing of
agents , employes or servants In rela
tion to the principal's , employer's or
master's business. Providing a penal
ty of a fine of not less than $10 , nor
more than $500 or by fine and Impris
onment In the county Jail for not more
than ono year.
S. F. 77 by Gibson of Douglas , pro
viding that In Douglas county when
the city of Omaha , the board of edu
cation and the county of Douglas shall
hold a Joint election the election offi
cials shall receive $0 each , the expense
to bo pro-rated equally between the
city , school district and county.
S. F. 51 by Wilson of Pawnee , em.
powering cities of the second class
and villages owning and operating
electric light plants , waterworks sys
tems , heating or other municipal
plants to furnish electricity , power ,
steam or other product of such system
or plants to any person or corporation
within Hiich city or village.
S. F. S8 ! by Hoot of Cass , giving ( ho
governor power to discharge the mi
porlntondeut of the hospital of the lu
natic at bin dim-notion.
S. F. 12 by Hoot of Cant ) , making tlio
maximum penalty for adultery one
year In the county jail for both man
and woman.
S. F. 37 by Epperson of Clay , de
claring limit H or other vehlcloii tmcd
for Immoral purposes iiulmuicoH and
placing the offeiiHO of conducting dis
orderly resorts under the juilmllctlnu
of justice courts.
S. P. 148 by McKeHHon of Lancas
ter , to prevent foreign Insurance com
panion from removing Its millo to the
federal court and providing an a pen
alty the revoking of their license for
a period of three years.
There Has Been Considerably More In
a Social Way During the Past Week
In Norfolk Than Previously for Some
Forty Odd Days.
Society has picked up considerably
during the nrHt week after the lenteii
season. There huVo boon dinner par
ties for the first tlmo since before AHI !
Wednesday , and there have been cards
and dances to fill lu , to say nothing of
school teachers and declamatory con
testing mid Senator Dolllver and the
Isle of Spice.
Pleasures of the Week.
Mr. and Mrs. 15. A. Bullock pleasant
ly entertained at two dlnuei parties
during the week , ono on Thursday
evening and one Friday evening. The
dinner In eacli instance was served
Jn four courses , the guests being Heat
ed at small tablet ) . After dinner slx-
liaud euchre was introduced for several -
oral hours of pleasure and with a new
feature as a novelty. This was the doIng -
Ing away with shouting prizes , for the
protection of the Btralght-Kcoro play
ers. The Innovation proved to bo a
long felt want in relieving the many
from reckless onslaughts of the few
In search of shouting honors. A point
waB given on the regular score card
for each shout. Carnations were pret
tily used in the decorations. On
Thursday evening prizes were won by
Mrs. W. P. Ixigan and Mrs. N. A. Rain-
bolt and on Friday evening by Mr.
Braden and Mrs. Gillette.
The gentlemen received dainty book
lets and the ladles pretty plates.
Mrs. W. G. Baker gave a little after
noon party at her homo on Madison
ivciiue between 4 and 0 Thursday af-
ernoon to a number of young ladles
as n farewell to Miss Faith Johnson
and Miss Katherln Guthrie , both of
whom arc to move soon to Denver.
Among the features of entertainment
was a contest In dressing potatoes
nto dolls. Miss Myrticc Doughty was
leclared the most efficient and re
ceived a dainty prize. The guests
were : Misses Faith Johnson , Knth-
erin Guthrie , Beatrice Gow , Margaret
Holden , Helen Reynolds , Victoria May-
ard , Myrtlco Doughty , Edith Butter-
field , Ixreon Gow , Ruth Davenport ,
Winifred Hazen , Doris Irwln , Bessie
Dolson , Nadlne France , Jane Durland ,
Dorothy Christoph , Doris Tappert.
A number of Norfolk people enjoyed
a trip to the Insane hospital Wednes
day evening , where they participated
in the first of a series o' monthly offi
cers' and employes' hops. Hereafter
these parties will bo given regularly
and a number of town folk plan to
attend occasionally , reviving a custom
that was In vogue some years ago for
the weekly parties , and which always
gives much pleasure In an Informal
The "After Lent ball" of the Norfolk
band was held in Marquardt hall Fri '
day evening with fifty couples danc
ing. The music for the evening was
furnished by the band orchestra. Pre
vious to the dance the band gave an
early evening street concert that drew
many listeners.
Some fifteen friends were enter
tained nt an informal party Tuesday
evening by Ralph Lulkart. The evenIng -
Ing was pleasantly spent at cards.
Light refreshments were'served In the
latter part of the evening.
An enjoyable church social was held
Tuesday evening at the Baptist par
sonage. Over a hundred people wore
In attendance. Refreshments were
The West Side Whist club enjoyed
a meeting Tuesday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. E. P. Weathcrby.
Coming Events.
Elks will entertain at a dancing
party May 10. This will close the
present social season with this club.
The Trinity Social guild will enter
tain at a dancing party next Thursday
evening In Marquardt hall. Tills will
close their winter's series.
Dangers of the Grip.
The greatest danger from the grip
Is of Its resulting in pneumonia. Wo
have never known this to occur , however -
ever , when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
cdy was used. It relieves the lungs
opens the secretions , allays the cough
and aids nature In restoring the sya
tern to a healthy condition. Millions
of people have used It with the mos
satisfactory results. For solo by Leon
ard the druggist.
Norfolk Will Miss the Throng of Pret
ty School Teachers Who Have Spent
Three Days In Town Fee Raised
From DO Cents to $1 and Will Help.
The last nf the clty'H iuonls ? of the
week leave today and Norfolk avenue
will mlHH the throng of pretty "Hchool
marniH" who for three dnj'H were lu
attendance at the twonly-flriil annual
meeting of the North Nebraska Teach
ers' association. Norfolk , lilting the
school teaohom and appreciating their
meetings , can look forward to next
yonr'ii HOHHton , which according to the
oIllcei-H of the association will Bet anew
now standard In northeastern Nonras-
The UHBoelatlon Friday voted to
ralHo the enrollment fee from fifty
cents to ono dollar. Men prominent
In the association expect the organiza
tion to bo benefited by the change. "I
was heartily in favor of llio Increase , "
said President-elect A. V. Teed of the
teachers' association. " The Increased
revenue will permit us to neciiro high
er priced Hpeakers and lo offer a su-
perlor program. The Increase Is not
largo enough to affect the attendance
liut the more attractlvo program should
draw additional teachers. The fee Is
the small Item In the teacher's expens
es but It Is the Item that regulates the
character of the program that can be
provided. When wo come lo Norfolk
next year , as wo undoubtedly will , It
should for this reason bo with a strong
er program and a more prosperous as
sociation. "
The association meetings in Norfolk
for this year closed Friday afternoon
with a loeliiro by Superintendent Hen
ry Honck on "Travels In the Orient. "
The deputy state superintendent of
Ponnsylanla pleased the teachers with
Ills address. Although the association
ended Friday afternoon most of the
teachers remained over until Satur
day , many attending the theater.
The teachers at their Friday after
noon session adopted resolutions for
mally expressing their approval of two
educational measures awaiting Gov
ernor Sheldon's approval. Ono bill
ptovldes for the appropriation of $25-
000 to aid deserving school districts In
the western part of the slate. The
other carries an appropriation for $50-
000 to bo used In Introducing normal
training Into Nebraska high schools.
The resolution which the association
sent to Governor Sheldon roads :
"Tim North Nebraska Teachers' as
sociation , representing eighteen coun
ties and five hundred teachers , princi
pals and superintendents of northeast
ern Nebraska in a convention assem
bled at Norfolk , do heartily endorse
bouse rolls No. 217 and 5G and re
spectfully urge your official approval
of the same. "
State Superintendent .1. L. McBrien ,
on the program of the teachers' asso
ciation but unable to leave Lincoln In
the closing days of the legislature on
account of Important school legislation
pending and before the governor , wired
the following message to the north
Nebraska teachers :
"Important school legislation makes
it Impossible for mo to ' o with you ,
but I send my best wishes for the
greatest meeting In the history of your
association. The school year now clos
ing has been the most successful In
the history of the state. The aggre
gate increase in teachers' salaries over
last year Is three hundred thousand
dollars. Thanks to the now certifica
tion law and the earnest efforts of
noblest class of school men and school
women In America. First class teach
ers can and should command even but
ter salaries next year. As an example ,
the aggregate increase of teachers'
salaries at Wahoo is nearly one thousand -
sand dollars. Superintendent's salary
at Alliance Increased three hundred
dollars. Yours for better teachers ,
better salaries , bettor schools and the
five essentials , J. L. McBrien , state
superintendent. "
The session which has Just closed
has been unusually well organized and
directed. The officers wcio pleased
with the attendance and with the suc
cess of the general and department
meetings. Credit for the general at
tendance from over the district is at
tributed to the efforts of President Per-
ue , who has been ono of the most ac-
Ivo presidents In the association's his-
ory in pushing forward the Interests
of the organization. The first arrange
ments for next year's meeting will bo
outlined at a meeting of the officers
of the association next fall or early
That Number , Without Any Padding ,
Attended Sessions.
Four hundred and eighteen teachers
represents the actual euiollmont at
the twenty-first annual meeting of the
North Nebraska Teachers' association.
Nearly four hundred teachers from
away have been Norfolk's guests dur
ing the greater part of the past three
days. Thirty-nine admission tickets to
the Dolllver lecture nt the regular en
rollnicnt charge wore not counted In
the enrollment figures despite the
practice that provalU In most associa
tions of "enrollment stuffing. "
The last day's registration added tlio
following teachers to the association's
enrollment :
Anna Weaver , Wnkelleld ; Nolllo
Snead , Emerson ; Nellie Cllngmon ,
Oakdalo ; 0. Hay Galow , I'llKer ; Chart ,
llane.hmlii , Wayne ; W. .1. Tumor , Nun
folk ; Mrs , .1. M. Pile. Wayne ; II. ( I.
Campbell. Hloux City ; .1. A. Hlulil ,
West Point ; W. ( ' . Allg. Wayne ; .1.
riileolno , Wayne ; Hell Illarkitloiio. PI ( .
or ; Lulu Illaolmlono. Mcrlhuor ; W. F.
Hlelianliion , Wayne ; A. H. Hlchanlnon ,
Wayne ; J. T. Sauntry , Wayne ; Charles
H. Weeks , West Point ; Margaret llnrr ,
West Point ; lOniniM Miller , West
I'olnl ; Margaret Gallagher , West
I'olnt ; Illanoh Hhearer , West Point ;
iflvn SolmvliM1 , WOM ( Point ; A. L. Mel -
l < niuhlln ; , Lincoln ; Lulu Cronk. Nor-
'ollt , mile Croiik , Norfolk ; Mable Mo
Whorter , l-'oMter ; ,1 , W. Kearson. Porn ;
; 0. G IllHhop , Lincoln ; H. H. Conn ,
'roniont ; Klliel llolman , Crelghton ;
OHlollu Homes , Crelghton ; K. A. ! '
ornon. CrolKhton. Ida Meleher. West
'olnl ; Emma Aolierman , Wesl Point ;
. ' . G. Htitelilmi , Carroll , Mrs , C. ( | .
liilelilns. Canoll ; Grace Hyan , Crolgh.
on , KHtolla Hose , Columbus ; Ann *
tynii , Winner ; Hone MeCole , Tllden ;
Miiblo Clirbitlan , Wayne ; W. II. Clem-
nons , Fremont ; C. 10. McIntoMli , Mead-
> w Gmvo ; 1-3. 1) . Lnndak. Wayne ; A.
Horg , Wayne ; Pearl Sewell , Wayne ;
M. T. I/owry , HoHltlns ; ICIslo l-'onl
I'lpor , Stiinlon.
Rural Route No. 3.
Mr. and Mrs Aug. Ix-imor and lam.
lly visited relatives at Staiilon huit
Paul lluehner , Win. Wngor mid
lurry Herseblag were Saturday vlnlt-
ii'H ) In Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Conrad of Nor
folk are visiting with Mr. and Mrtf.
ins Lterman.
Mrs. Otlo Molehor and Mrs. Frltr
Newman of lOvonla , Win. , were visit
ing friends and relatives this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Iliiebner and fa in
ly were Norfolk visitors on Saturday.
I'Yod Uruuscli Hpent Tuesday In Nor-
SliidentH who left Monday for Now
Him , Minn. , are Messrs. Winter , Wacli.
lor , Frey and Kan bio.
Julius llrlHso baa left for Milwaukee ,
Mr. and Mrs. Venus Iluobnor and
children have returned to Pierce after
11 visit with friends and relatives.
James Friend wont to Norfolk Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dedman and
baby were Norfolk visitors on TIICH-
Jack Sclilack , Jet Duffy and Y. Hov
ers were down from Battle Creek Sun-
The Hadar Union band will give a
Sunday concert on the Hadar streets.
A birthday surprise party was given
Sunday for Mrs. Gus Llorman. Returning -
turning from a visit MrH. Llormau
was completely surprised.
Battle Creek.
A. A. Ilednian , a brakeman of the
Noithwcstorn , is hero this week from
Norfolk visiting relatives and friends.
Herman Mansko came over from
Pierce Friday. Ho expects to stay
hero during the coming summer.
Ralph Simmons returned Wednes
day from a business trip to Chicago.
Jacob Sehlack , Jr. , was down to Nor
folk Thursday.
Miss Minnie Neuwork has taken a
position as domestic In the M. L ,
Thomson mansion.
On Wednesday C. T. Hainan got
his soda fountain ready for business ,
but Thursday said "nit ? "
M. L. Thomsen received ono car
load of flour from his mill at Platte
Center Wednesday.
R. C. Hodman was hero Thursday
from Pierce.
John A. Wright wont down to Oma
ha on business Thursday.
Ix > ren/ Bauer of Boyd county Is bore
this week visiting his daughter , Mrs.
Gco. Race and family.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard , soft or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses , blood spavins ,
curbs , splints , swceney , ring b-ne ,
stifles , sprains , all swollen throats ,
coughs , etc. Save $ . > 0 by use of ono
bottle. Warranted the most wonder
ful blemish cure ever known . Sold by
F. F. Wnio & Son , dniggists.
Order of Hearing on Original Probate
of Will.
In the county court of Madison coun
ty , Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska , Madison
To all persons Interested In the estate -
tate of William R. Dniusch , deceased :
Whereas , there is on fllo in the coun
ty court of said Madison county , an in
strument purporting to be the last will
and testament of William R. Braasch ,
late of said Madison county , deceased ,
and M. Marie Braasch has filed her
petition herein praying to have said
instrument admitted to probate , and
for the Issuing of letters testamentary ,
which will relates to both real and
personal estates :
I have therefore appointed Monday ,
the 29th day of April , 1907 , at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon , at the county court
room In Madison , in said county , lus
tlio tlmo and place for hearing and
proving said will , at which time and
place you and nil concerned may ap
pear and contest the probate and al-
owing of the same.
It Is further ordered that tmid pe
titioner give notice to all persons In
terested In said estate of the pendency
of the said petition , and the tlmo and
place set for the hearing of the same ,
by causing a copy of this order to bo
published in the Norfolk Weekly News-
Journal , a newspaper printed , publish
ed and circulated In said county , for
three weeks successively previous to
the day set for the hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and official seal this 3rd
day of April , 1907.
Win. Bates , County Judge.