The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1907, Image 1

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, , , , , .
Claiming That Grand Jury Was Ille
gally Impanelled , Defense Carries
Case Up Other Three Cases Will
Await Supreme Court Decision.
Madison , Neb. , April 11. Special to
The News : Forrest Ellis has been
found guilty of simple assault , with
out Intent to do bodily harm. The
jury nrrlved at a vcullct at 1 o'clock
this morning , after prolonged discus
sion. The defense made a motion for
now trial , which was overruled by
Judge Welch. A motion was then
made that sentence bo suspended
pending appeal to the supreme court.
This motion was granted and the ap
peal bond ilxed at flOO , which was
furnished. The cases against three
other former attendants Wiles , Mln-
nicks and Byerly will bo continued
until after the supreme court decision
is rendered. The defense asked for an ,
appeal on the ground lhat tlio Indict
ment against Ellis wns null and void
and the legality of the indictment is
the point to bo determined by the su
preme court.
Claim Grand Jury Was Illega'
On the ground that the grand jt <
which Indicted Ellis , and the throv
other attendants , was Illegal , the de
fense will fight the verdict rendered
by the jury today. The defense
claims that the grand Jury was il
legally impanelled. It Is claimed that
the sheriff selected grand Jurymen
promiscuously and of his own choice
and that the only legal grand jury
would bo one which hail been drawn
in the same method as a regular jury.
Eleven For Conviction at First.
The verdict was delivered to the
court at about 8 o'clock this morning.
It became known later that on tlio
first ballot last night there were elev
en for conviction on tlte indictment ,
charging assault with intent lo do
great bodily harm , and one for ac
quittal. After much debate the ver
dict was compromised and at 1 o'clock
the twelve men voted for conviction
of simple assault.
An hour was given to each side for
argument. County Attorney Koenig-
steln in half hour's speech opened the
prosecution's argument. He made a
strong , sharp speech In which he'de
clared the charge had been proven
that Patient Prosser's death was has-
temed by kicks from Forrest Ellis.
Allen's Plea For Defense.
The entire hour for the defense was
given to Senator Allen , who made an
eloquent pela in defense of Ellis. He
declared that Julius Altschuler's testi
mony was given more in a spirit of
reyenge than of justice. He handled
the testimony of Biggs in a lighter
vein , bringing smiles to the jurors'
lips , declaring that Biggs was reaching
a point in years when his memory was
not so good as once It was and appeal-
'ing to the Jurors to treat his testimony
lightly. He said that the trial of Ellis
was more the result of a general de
mand that somebody ought to suffer
for charges that had been made , than
for any definite reason , and that the
demand for punishment seemed to
have centered upon Ellis. He declared
that it would be wholly unfair to con
vict a man on .general principles-and
said that there' had been no evidence
introduced to show any crime or any
intent at wrongdoing. He said that
the prosecution's testimony had boon
trivial and anything but enough upon
which to send a man to prison. He
spoke of the necessity of using certain
restraint upon the hundreds of Insane
patients in a hospital , for the sake of
good order , and said that it was an
easy matter for a revengeful person
to convert normal restraint Into so-
called "assault. "
H. F. Barnlmrt closed the argument
for the prosecution , declaring that bru
tality and cruelty had been practiced
upon an Innocent patient , whose
death was hastened by the kicks of
Ellis. Ho appealed to the jurors to
properly punish a brute who would
kick a prostralo patient and bring
bruises all over his body.
Verdict Expected.
People in the courtroom rather ox
peeled ( hat a verdict would lie either
for acquittal or for simple assault ,
dropping the "Intent to do great bodily
ily harm. "
It was rather expected that , if this
. ) case resulted in acquittal , an effort
would be made to dismiss the other
three similar cases.
Sheriff Burns , who was expected to
go on the stand , was not used in the
For Forging Checks , Earl Olln Will
Go to Reform School.
Madison , Nob. . April 11. Special to
The News : Earl Olln of Tllden plead
ed guilty to the charge of forging
cream checks and will today bo sentenced
tenced to the reform school.
Beautiful Catholic School Building at ,
Humphrey Is Finished.
Humphrey , Nob. , April 11. Special
ko The News : The St. Francis school j
fcn.ll is to bo opened Friday evening
with n homo talent play entitled ,
"Tony , Iho Convict. " Tlio hull Is llio
largest In town , having a Beating ca
pacity of 700. The proceeds of this
entertainment will bo donated to Iho
school , This building wa recently
erected at a cost of $35,000.
Court Instructs Jury to Find for Do-
Madison , Neb. , April 11. Special to
The News : In the case of Charles 13.
( ilbson of Boston against Luvl Dntru
of Newman Grove , Involving a land
deal , Judge Welch Instructed the Jury
to llnil a verdict for the dofondant.
Livery Stable Sold.
Humphrey , Neb. , April 11. Special
to The News : The Fangmann livery
business has passed Into the posses
sion of P. 10. McKIHIp In exchange for
South Dakota land , Mr. Fangmann
will continue to manage the barn un
til such lime ns Mr. McKilllp can dis
pose of it.
Masonic School at Butte.
Hutlc. , Neb. , April 11. Spoclal to
The News : Robert 10. French , grand
custodian of the Masonic order for the
state of Nebraska , has been In IJutlo
from Kearney for the past two days
holding n school of instruction for tlio
members of that order. Some twenty
have been In attendance. Those who
were hero from other towns are :
Charles Brown of Fairfax , S. D. ; C. II.
Ware , Will Woods and Rev. Mr. Is-
ac of Spencer ; Mr. Henderson of Os-
' -Ma ; J. B. Bailey and G. E. Van
of Naper. Mr. French Is with-
u < : , ubt one of the best posted Ma
son , 'ng and his work has greatly
' ' " 'ho order.
G\ \ ' , > 15 TO LIBRARY.
Economic Department of Woman's
Club Elects Officers.
At the annual meeting of tlio eco- I
lomic department of the Woman's
club hold In the home of Mrs. Gillette ,
.ho following ollicors were elected for
.lie ensuing year : Mrs. II. T. Holden ,
eader ; Mrs. J. Damn , assistant ; Miss
Minnie Verges , secretary. Fifteen dol-
urs of tlio funds of this department
were voted to be given to the public
Tower and Chimney Soon to Follow.
Foundation Not Considered Safe.
The entire north portfon of the old
ilgh school building had been leveled
to tlio foundation by Wednesday after-
noon. Section by section the old
walls are being pulled over by the
workmen under the direction of Con-
.ractor A. Morrison. A windlass ar
rangement Is being used In pulling
over the weakened walls. By Thurs-
: lay evening the remaining walls and
possibly the tower will be down. Mr.
Morrison expects to have the one re
maining chimney toppled over some
time Friday. As the workmen are
'aklng ' the standing walls down some
question as to the condition of the old
foundation has been raised. Men
working on the building do not con
sider the foundation very secure.
Ohio Battle Will Begin In Speech
Which 'Foraker Gives.
Columbus , Ohio , April 10. Senator
Forakor Is expected tonight at the an
nual Canton Board of Vrado banquet
: o fire his first campaign gun against
Taft In the battle for republican su
premacy In Ohio. The largest hall In
Canton has been hired , and It Is be
lieved It will not bo largo enough to
hold the throng.
Little Items , Here and There , of In
terest to New Northwest.
The Wlloy hot.el , moved overland
from old Dallas to Gregory , opened Its
doors to the public last week.
Rural route No. 1 with H. S. Schm-
mer as carrier will bo starled from the
Bonesteel postolllce on Tuesday morn
ing , April 1C. Fairfax gains a new
route at the same date.
Governor Crawford of South Dakota
has designated Friday , April 20 , as
Arbor day In the stale.
Rev. Ci S. Hughes , who has been
editing the Thurstbn Gazelle , has
purchased the Ponder Republic and
will conduct the latter paper In ad'
dltlon to performing duties as pastor
of the Methodist church at Thurston.
Dr. Henry Luz of St. John's Lutheran
Church of Dubuque Must Resign.
Dubuque , la. . April 11. At tire rug
ular quarierly meeting of SI. John's
Lulheran church , held after a slormy
session , It was voted by a narrow ma
jority to accept the report of the com-
mltteo from the synod that recom
mended the ousting of the Rev. Henry
Luz , tlio pastor , unless he resigns
within a monlh. Lnz had hoped lo
musler a three-fourths vote , which
would have entitled the church to
withdraw from the synod and rqtaln
Us valuable property.
American Soldier Killed.
Mobile. Ala. . April 11. The i collector - .
lector of the port of Trnjlllo , Hon _
dtiras , who has arrived hero , says that
General Lee Christmas of Memphis ,
Tenn. , nn officer In Iho Honduran
army , was cut to pieces by Nlcaraguan !
soldiers ,
District Attorney Jerome Makes Prca
for Conviction of Prisoner Ji ry
Hu.iro Merciless Castlrjntlon of ' - ' -
lyn Thaw.
Now York , April 11. Charged w tl ,
the responsibility of deciding tlio It te
01 Hair > ueiutal Tnaw. inojui ) win
, ) uauari ' ; i has been bitting
Judgnunl on the joung slayer
Stanford White , spent the night in tin
Jmy room ol the criminal courts
building. Jimtlco l < ltzuerald had gotie
to Ills club uptown and had nn automobile -
mobile in leadlnebs to make a quick
trip to Hie court house should he VUL'
needed. His Instructions regarding
looking up tlio Jury were telephoned.
It was saiil that when Justice Fi , z-
gerald's message was received at t , 10
court house the olllcers on duly thqro
put the matter up to the jurors the
uolves , asking if there was any pi a-
elblllty of a verdict within the nojxt
few hours. The reply was strongly
negative. The jury was said to bo Al
most hopelessly divided and nobody
connected with the case would vim-
lure Iho hope of anything better than
a disagreement as the climax of the
long-drawn-out trial.
Thaw , who was much depressed at
the close o1' Jeromo's attack on him
as "a cowardly , brulal murderer a
ricli llllleralo who always had hud his
own way until he fell Into the clinches
of Iho law , ' revived In aplrlls as the
time wore on and the chances of an
unfavorable verdict seemed to him to
become more and more remote.
The disagreement of the jury Is the
most unfavorable outcome thai Tlinw
had at any time anticipated during Iho
progress of Iho trial. His family and
counsel were much alarmed lost the
| ury , under Justice Fitzgerald's
charge , might find u verdict of some
loss crime than murder in the first
degree. The prisoner did not share
this gloomy oullook and laughed and
Joked lo dispel the serious looks on
Lhe faces of his mother and wife.
From the opening of court until the
jury retired the fates dealt unmerci
fully with Thaw. Beginning with
District Attoiney Jerome's final argu
ment and thioughout the Judge's
charge , Thaw had to listen to a
scathing attack upon his character
and to a narrative drawn from the
evidence , which wae meant to strip
his deeds of tl'ie Iinlo of chlvalric glory
which his own allorneys had thrown
nboutthem. .
Judge's Charge to Jury.
The judge's charge was a concise
outline of the law and gave to the
Jury the aitenmlive of rendering any
one of the following four verdicts
murder In the first degree , murder in
the second degree , manslaughter in
the first degree or > iot guilty on the
ground of Insanity. The slalule gov
erning the plea of Insanity was de
fined clearly , much stiese being laid
on the fad lhat an Irresistible 1m
pulse lo kill had no place in Ihe law.
Allogelher Ihe charge , while consistIng -
Ing principally of a complelo ex-
planallon of Iho law , was considered
by Ihose who have followed Ihe Irial
as adverse to Ihe defendant The attorneys -
torneys for the defendant took excep
tions because the Judge had failed to
include any of their requesls.
Thaw was much depressed by the
judge's words and could not suppress
his feelings. He left the court room
The district attorney's summing up
was a comparative and forceful re
view of all the evidence adduced. Ho
declared at the outset that romance
and sentiment did not enter into the
Issue ; it was not a question of Stan
ford White's character or Evelyn
Thcw's sufferings. It was a plain mat
ter of fact romlcldo.
"A common , cownrdlv tenderloin
murder" as he termed It. The novel
plea of "domentta Americana" made
by At'ornoy ' Delmas at the very close
of ill ? argument was attacked by the
district attoiney and he repeatedly re
ferred ID It In tones of saicasm.
Mr. Jerome dealt mercilessly with
Kvolyn Thaw , to whom he referred as
thf'angel child , " and to Thaw , whom
he termed alternately "St. George" $
and "Sir Galahad. "
D. C. Wllloughby Is Said to Have De
ceived Victims With Forged Deeds.
Des Molnes. la. , April 11. D. C ,
Wllloughby , whom the New York po
lice olllcers sought to detain , but who
sailed for Kuropo just before they
readied him , Is charged here with ob
tainlng money by falsp pretenses. He
Is alleged to have sold thousands of
acres of land , giving In return fraudu
lent deeds. He is said to have vie-
tlins In Denver and Omaha.
Carmon Layton , a well-to-do farmer ,
Is the complainant. Layton says ho
will cause Wllloughby's arrest when
the steamship reaches the other nldo
Exiles Start for Siberia. a
St. Petersburg , April 11. A train r
bearing 340 political exiles left hero I
for Siberia. This is the largest conrJ
Blgnment of political prisoners sent to (
the far east for several months past i
and ' It Is a result of the efforts to clear j
the prisons in view of the expected r
raising of martial law. t
Owing to Charter Changes Saloons Arc
Closing Until A lay 13.
Lincoln. April 11. Tor the Ural
time In Its incorporated history Lin
coln may become a "dry" city the
coming weok. Under the now charier
ualoon llct-ncim expired and the now
municipality vslll not begin until May
13. Of thu forty-one Bullions In the
city only loin wore open today , made
possible because lliolr licenses wore
Into In being granted hint year. Ol
the four two iiiiml clonetomnnow ,
the third n wool ; from today and the
fourth 1 a day or two after.
In the meantime lending prohlblu
tlonlstn have ( lied suit In the district
court < to enjoin'lie ! excise board fiom
Ismilng any licenses whatever the
coming year.
Thuroton's Picture Turned.
Omaha , April II. Because of the
and Itoosevell sentiment expressed by
John M. Tbnrstou , former soimtor
from Nohraska , in his Phlladelpblu'
spoor h , his pletnro hangs In the roomn
of the Kontonolle club , the leading Republican -
publican club of Omaha , with Us fuce
to I ho wall. Pasted on ( lie back of ,
the picture Is a newspaper clipping
witlilracts from the Philadelphia
White Memorial Building Dedicated.
Lincoln. April 11. The C. 0. Whltti
memorial building ol the Nebraska
Woaloyan unlveislly was dedicated In
the presence ol u distinguished com
pany. The dodlcatoij addHsss WIIH
by Governor Henry A. Unchtel of
Colorado. Chancellor Hunting on and
former Governor John II. Mickey ,
chairman of the board of trustees ,
also delivered addrcs-scs.
Officers Elected by Stock Grower * .
Rapid City. S. 1) . , April 11. The
special cars with thu Omaha and
Sioux City delegations lett by a spe
cial train for the northein lillln and
from there to Hello Fourcho for the
Noilhwcstorn Stock Growers' associa
tion meeting. Oliioors elected are :
C. K Howard , president ; H. A. Dawson -
son , vice president ; Krank Stewuit ,
Ftcntary and
Hunt and Mrs. Bnssett Wed.
New Yoik , April 11. Rev. 1C. Law-
route Hunt , who retired Irom the
Presbyterian ministry , was married to
Mrs. Kanny Rite IJasHett. thu woman
who was divorced by Charles dies' er
iFHett in Washington recently be
cause o ! ' lior alleged misconduct with
Pastor Hunt.
Bundy Held for Austin Shooting.
Tekamah , Neb. , April 11. The ver-
diet of the jury at the coioner's In
quest held over Iho bo-ly of H. E. Aus-
Un was that "Austin came to his
death from a gunshot wound , the gun
being hnld in tUe uundu of Druca
Dundy. "
Close Railroad Offices to Obey Law.
Council F3luffs , la. , April 11. In
preparation for the nine-hour law , the
Chicago and Northwestern railroad is
closing scores of Its smaller olilces
throughout Iowa. Twenty ofllces on
the Galena division alone have been
discontinued within the last week , and
many others will be closed this sprint.
Charged With Borrowing Money 8ti
False Representations.
York , April 11. Major Fran
P. rromrnt of the Fifth United Sta'.au
a son of the late General
John C. Fremont , faced a courtmarq
tlal he.'t to answer chargot of bert
rowing money on false roprMontallnu
as lo his financial standing. Clinton
E. Vraine , an officer of tJ Thirty-
Fourth Street National banlt , testified
that the bank loaned Fremont $300 In
March , 190(5 ( , on his representation
that ho had $12,000 worth of property
In San Francisco. The cashier of the
bank declared that the loan was still
Edward J. Donnelly of Plttsburg tos-
tlfled thai he was a parlner with
Major Fiemont in a tobacco plantation
In Cuba and thai Ihe niajor said he
had $5,000 In a bank at Havana feiib
Ject to the order of the firm's agent
In Havana Mr. Donnelly said there
was no such bank as the one named I
by Major Fremont and that ho was
unable to find the money , although
the major had given him an order for
Commissioner of Society of Friends
Says Twenty Million People Dying.
London. April 11. Mr. Kenimrd ,
commissioner of the Society ol
Friends , who was sent to investigate
the Russian famine , writing from
Samara , in the heart of the famine
dlslrict , under date of April 3 , appeals
to the United States and Great Brit
ain to promptly send help. Ho says :
"There are 20,000.000 people distrib .
uted in ibo soulheaslern provinces ul
Russia who. wilhoul aid , cannot live
to see another harvest. "
Kansas Rate Hearing Ends.
Topeka , Kas. , April 11. The inter
state commerce commission hearing
relating to the grain rates from
Kansas points to the gulf , In which
discriminations In favor of Kansas
City were alleged , was ended hero
Tlio commiselon sot the Kansas cases
and two cases Involving Iho same
rales originating in Oklahoma for '
argument in Washineton Juno 7 and 8
Grand Jury Takes Up Charges That
Hearst Editor Hired Repeaters nt
Primary Election in I J04 Witnesses
Declare They .Know Molding of It.
Ban Francisco. April 11.- Inquiry
by the giand Jmy into the alleged
ballot ho\ HtnliliiK by agents 01vil !
turn | , H. Hearst and into the telephone
iranchlso , , coemption and a decision bj
the slate mipmne com I IncuaHlng the
j pmonal , , IHieilj of Abraham Hud
I woio the net rennltH of the piocodiiro
in j . ( ho municipal "grnlt" Invusilgalloii ,
The grand Jnr > look , up tlio i hargo recently -
cently published In an nlle.nioon paper.
' i to , the eld cl that ICihuird Graney , u j ;
prize light promoter and .van ! pnlill- j ! '
! , c . had ( onloKsed to Special Agent
'Hums thai he had In Angus ! , Ill 01 ,
caused , primary ballot boxes lo ho
Mnlfcd at an oxpoiiHu of $ iii)0 ) fur-
nlsliod Ity J. P. llai roll , news odltor
of tbe San Francisco Kxamlnor.
A numbi'i ol witnesses who were
summoned denied unequivocally the
charge comprised In Grtmoy's alleged
conlcKHlon or any knowledge bearing
upon H.
The first victory of consequence
hcorod by the defense since Ruef WIIH
indicted for extoitlon was achieved In
the supreme court. It came in the
foim of a partial ruling by that Irl-
hiinal. sitting en bane , by which
Ruel's pra\ci lor greater iiersonal lib
erty Is granted. Tin1 court withhold
decision as ( o that portion of Ruof's
habeas corpus petition which denies
tlio legal tight of a court to clothe an
ollsor with custodian powers. Thin
loaves the main contention yet undo-
Former Land Commissioner Gave Po
sitions to Six of His Relatives.
Washington April II.--Tho princi
pal developments In the
p cioss-exam-
Inatlon of Ulnger Hermann wore his
admissions that while he was com
missioner ofthe general land ollico
lie gave positions to six of Ills tola-
lives. Reference was again made to
the "tip" which Mr. lleimann Is al
leged l to have given I-1. P. Mays re-
gaidlng tlio illne mountain forest re
serve , but Mr. Hermann , while ad
milting that lie dictated the telegram ?
co'ild not remember Its details
It was also brought out that Her
mann had locolved a part of the gov
ernment compensation of his brother
as payment on a mortgage and that
he received some of the compensa
tion of Cyj \ , Miller , a son-in-law , but
declared that It wax In payment tor
advances he had made Miller.
Mr. Hermann admitted that he
wanted to become United Stales sen-
alor in I ill ) . ' ) , but denied that It was
his plan to have his resignation as
commissioner of the land oillcu hold
up until after the senatorial uloctlon.
Conespondencf between H. A.
Smith and Hit * defendant and W. N.
Jones and the defendant wan Intro
duced lo contradict Mr. Hermann's
testimony Hint he had nvvor corre
sponded with them.
A special report from the land of
fice * in the west intended to show the
prevalence of fraud in limber and
stone entries was made the basis of n
qneslion asked Mr. Hermann lo show *
that : he had warned friends in the
wosl lhat an investigation was to bo
put on foot by Iho government. This
Mr. Hermann would not admit.
Fifteen Perish In Fire.
Lisbon , April 11. Fifteen people
were burned to death in an apart
mcnt house fire here It Is believed to
bo a case of arson and three people
have been arrested on suspicion.
John Henry Clews Dead.
New York. April 11. John Henry
Clews , n member of tlio banking firm
of Henry Clow.s. died after a long 111
ness , aged 51 years. A widow and
one daughlor survive him.
Russian Mullneers Sentenced.
Vllna , Russia , April 11. Seven men
who participated In the innllny of a
sapper battalion hero woie .sentenced
to various terms 01 imprisonment ot
to death.
Ouster Suit Set for Hearing.
Jefferson City. April 11 The ouster
suit of Attorney General Hadloy was
set for hearing before the supreme
court en bane on April 2-4. The hearIng - :
Ing of Ihe suit Instituted by Attorney
General Hadley to dissolve the alleged
merger of the Gould railroads and
other Intcresls In Missouri was scl
for Ihe same dale.
Alleged Murderer Taken.
New York , April 11. News of Iho
arresl In l os Angeles of Charles
j '
Henry Rogers , alias Charles B. Car-
pcnlcr , charged with the innider of f
Willis Olney. Frederick Olnoy and I v
Alice Ingerlck at Mlddleton. N. Y. , on i t
October C. 1905 , was received here.
Spaldlng Resigns as Trustee. | ' e
Washington , April 11. The board | r
of trustees of the Catholic university
accepted the. resignation of Bishop
SpaUHng of Peorla. III. , as a mem-
her of the board Bishop Spalding
gave 111 health ns his reason for re-
Tompor.ituro for Twenty-four Hours.
Forocnat for Nebraska.
Condltloiw of thu weather IIH record
ed for tlio twunty.foiir IIOIITH ending
at. , K a. in. todiiy :
Maxliiiiini nt :
Mliiliiiiiiii ; iK
Average \ , . -Hi
llaronwlor a .8a
Chicago , April II. The hullotlii In-
HIICI ! by tlio Chleago Hlallon ( if , thu
Unllod HlnloH woalhor liunmii given
the I'oroeiiHl for Nebraska aw follown :
( loiii-rnlly fair tonight and Friday.
Coolnr tonight.
Invites Experts to Assist In Consider-
ntlon of Budget.
St. PotoiRburg , April 11. Premier
Stolypln'H allomplH to limit , ( lui com-
| iulunc ( > oT I In1 lower IHMIHO ol' purlin-
int'iit . ' ' by forbidding KH ( MininilttuuH to
obtain hlnilHllcH lioin IhooniHlvort
nuil ] avail thomxolvoH of outside ox-
purt | advloo IIIIH been dolled by tbu
house. ' ( Monitor ( iolovln him will I en u
tu11 ! loltoi In ( lie premier nuking liliu
on what gioiiml and niidur what law
ho } Ih LMillllt'd to address Hiicli do-
inaiidH to the liiipi'rliil parliament.
The law , M. Golovln says , contains n
paragraph iiullinrli'.liig tlio lower hoimo
parliament-to Interpellate the mln-
Ihtnr. but nowhoio WIIH theio u stale-
men ' ! of n reciprocal right on the purt
ol' the mlnlHlorH toward Ihirhniibp.
The budget committco bad decided by
only two adverse voteH to defy the
promlr-'R order and lo Invite oxpertn
to assist In the coiiHldenillon of the
The aclloim of ( 'resident Oolovln
and Hie budget commit lee were taken
after a loni ; ( onfeience belweoti the
preHldenl and the Icadura ol' all parties
In parliament except , the extremu
rlghls and brings thu Issue squarely
bel'oro ' the cublnet.
The dim iiHHlon of the budget In
cotnmlttee IH exported to last from
four to six WffkH. The estimates prob
ably will be accepted with minor
chimgoHby the hoimit when presented.
Sentry Balks Another ' Attempt on
Life of Nlcholalevltch.
St Poloishurg , April 11. It wns
ainiDuiu cil that another attempt on
the lili ! of Crand Uuko Nicholas
Nlcholalovltch , president of the coun
sel ol nalloiiiil defense and a second
cousin ol ICinpeior Nicholas , had iruo.n
The ginnd dnUe , accompanied by-hls
brother , I'otor Nlcholalevlteh , wus re
turning fiom Tsarskoo Solo by train.
When tbe train teaehed ICnzmluo ,
thirteen miles from St. Petersburg , It
wan brought to a sudden tit op by u
fusillade of uhotu from the Irackslde.
A sentry said he had seeti four men
hiding behind an embankmonl , evi
dently iiwaillng the comliiK of the
train. Ikat once began shootliiK.
firing In all twelve shots. The four
men succeeded In gelling away unin
Every foot of the remainder of the
Iraeks Into St. Petersburg was euro-
fully searched before the two grand
dtikos ventured to complete their
Governor Deneen Transmits Report of
Commission to Illinois Legislature.
Springfield , 111. , April 11. Governor
Doneen sent to the senate and the
house the report of the commission
appointed by him two years ago to
investigate anil report upon the pos
sibilities ' of a deep waterway between
the lakea and the gulf.
According to the report , the channel
containing eighteen feet of water is
entirely feasible from Chicago to St.
Louis. Governor Doneen recommends
that legislation ho enacted conferring
upon the canal commissioners the
power necessary for the development
and use of the immense water power.
Farmer Stricken When He Learns His
Sanity Is Questioned by Physician.
Logunspori , Ind. . April 11. Sum
moned to the ollico of Dr. John W.
Uallard supposedly for a friendly call ,
H. K. Stonghton , a tanner , found Ital
ian ! and othom assembled as a lunacy
board to inquire Into his sanity.
"My God. John , would you send mete
to ' the madhouse ? " ho screamed , then
fell unconscious , Ifnm his chair. When
resiibi Mated he was speechless and
totall ( > paralvze.l and died a few hours
later , . ouglm.n's relatives had pell-
Honed u > ' the appointment of a com
mission , I 01 ! ng a tow weoUs1 treat
ment \\oi.i : r < uoro his faculties.
Constitutionality of Federal Regula-
tion Being Aru { , ; d in Supreme Court.
Washington. April 11. Argument
was begun in too ouprema court of
the United States , in the two cases of
Lumcell Howard and jr. C. Brooks , In
volvlng the const Hutu . .llty of the
employers' liability lu\i holding railroads -
roads engaged In mtorsiata conunercu
responsible for U-mage to omployts
when caused by tlio neglect of follow
employes or doflclein appliances. T. e
cases have attracted wide atUnt u
and In both of them the trial courts
bold against the validity of the statute.