[ 'HE NORFOLK WHUKLYNHWS.IOlWNAh MUDAY A1MW , ft , 11)07 ) , AQED QROOM REPORTED TO HAVE LOST YOUNQ DRIDE. HE OF FOUR SCORE YEARS AND 3 She of Thirty-two Brief Summers and Only That Many Winters He Was .1 Wealthy Farmer of Knox County And Is Now a Farmer of Knox. Nlobrnrn , Neb. , April 1. Special to The News : It IB reported hero thut the honeymoon of Leonard Wolgand , eighty-three , who was married In Onia- ha last week to a woman of thirty-two , only lusted about twelve hours. It Is said that the , brltle Induced her groom of greater years to sign certain papers ; then sue Is said to have left him. him.Mr. . Welgand Is a wealthy farmer near Crofton and ono of Knox county's pioneers. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. Fred Dogner of Hadar was In the city yesterday. General Superintendent and Mrs. S. M. Bradcn returned to Norfolk Friday evening from Chicago. B. J. Schorcsge , C. F. W. Maniuardt and II. W. Williams returned last night from a South Dakota trip. Mrs. Lulkart , who has been in a Lincoln sanitarium for some tlmo , has returned home , Improved In health. Mrs. George Grlggs of Sioux City arrived In Norfolk Saturday morning lor a short visit with Mrs. M. M. Fan cett. cett.Mrs. . M. A. -itUy of Lexington , Grand Chief of Honor of the Degree of Honor order , was In Norfolk last evening. Mrs. Fred Linorodo and daughter , Miss Hattle , left Saturday for Omaha , where Miss Linerode is having her eyes treated. Mrs. Julius Degner and Miss Lllllo Degner will spend Easter Sunday at \Visner , the guests of Julius Degner , Jr. , and family. Word from Max Asmus , who lias been living at Long Beach. , Cal. , Is that he has moved to 732 South Flower street , Los Angeles. W. B. Hlglit returned today from Stanton. E. H. Hunter of Oakdale Is in Nor folk today. J. Meyer of Niobrara was in Norfolk last evening. Carl Leopold of Beatrice was in the city yesterday. Miss Emilia Ttoos of Seward is in Norfolk today. S. S. Allen of Foster spent yester day in Norfolk. John Magdanz of Pierce spent yes terday in Norfolk. N. P. .Teppesen of Plainview was in Norfolk yesterday. John R. Mundy of Winside was in rt. Norfolk over night. Miss Edna Kemp of Hosklns visited 1 In Norfolk yesterday. M. T. Lowery was a Hosklns visitor in Norfolk yesterday. C. B. Burnham made a business trip to Omaha this morning. County Attorney Jack Koenlgstein was in Wayne yesterday. Mrs. Davis of St. Edward was a vis itor in Norfolk yesterday. J. C Fleming was a David City vis itor in Norfolk yesterday. F. Lambert of Foster Is in the city today. William Selfert is having an addi tion built to his home on South Fif teenth street. Myron S. Whitney of Randolph stopped in Norfolk yesterday. H. B. McDanlel of Webster City stopped in Norfolk yesterday. Klos Hanson of Niobrara was in Norfolk on business yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dice of Hum phrey spent yesterday In the city. C. H. Townsend of Brltt stopped in Norfolk for a few hours yesterday. F. Moore and J. Darrow were Creigh- ton visitors In the city last evening. George Graves of Rapid City is a South Dakota visitor in Norfolk today. Hon. W. V. Allen of Madison has been engaged to deliver the Memorial address at Wlsner this year. Spencer Butterfleld is at home from Chicago to spend his Easter vacation with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Butterfleld. Miss Ruth Shaw arrived home last night from Crete , where she is attend ing Doane college , to spend the Easter vacation with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shaw. Miss Jennie Wheeler is in the city from Crete , where she is a student at Doane college , and will spend the Eas ter vacation with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. M. Wheeler. Dr. F. D.Finch , an osteopathlc phy slctan , has been forced to abandon hlf Norfolk practice on account of ill health. Dr. Finch left for Omaha tliif morning. His futurn course tfependf upon the state of his health. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nicola of Fostei are in the city to spend Easter Sundaj with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Durland. Thoj will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dur land at a theater party to be giver this evening at the Isabel Irving per formance. Miss Lulu Durland arrived in tin city last night enroute to Plalnviow where she goes to spend Easter Sun day with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. 3. F. Durland. Miss Edna Durland wll 54 remain in Lincoln , The Misses Dut land are attending Weslyan university C. H. Groesbeck , general agent li this territory for the Gund Browini company , has Just returned to Norfoll after a trip to the general ofllces a La Crosse , WIs. Mr Groenbeck has Increased the business of his firm in Ihls territory wonderfully since ho took the position here. Miss Gertrude Llndalo of West Point has been appointed stehogra- phcr at the Norfolk hospital for the insane and has arrived In the city to assume the duties of the position. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoar , well known citizens of West Point nid ) former owners of the Nellfih House there , have moved to Wayne where Mr. Hoar lias assumed charge of Iho Uoyd hotel. As a result of newspaper mention the Norfolk pobtofllce has dally calls for the new books containing stamps of one cent denomination. The ono cent books were offered for sale last week for the first time In Norfolk. The two cent stamp books have firmly established themselves as filling a long felt want. Of the February rccclpls from the sale of two cent stamps In Norfolk $ U8.5'i came from stamps sold In books and $505.80 from stamps sold from the sheet. Of the various hooks Issued thai containing twelve two cent stamps and selling for twenly-ilvo cents Is 'by far the more popular with Norfolk people. Fred Klentz has made ills reappear ance on the business streets of the city with his street sprinkler , and dust that has a tendency to blow into the public's face as it walks along the. downtown thoroughfares will bo laid low lu-iiceforth throughout the sum mer months. Norfolk friends will very much re gret to learn of the death of Mrs. Frederick ' erick W. Leavltt. I lev. F. W. Leavltt is a native of Norfolk and lived herewith with his parents , Rev. and Mrs. Wll Ham Leavltt , until he graduated from Doauo college and entered the minis try at West Point. Soon after leaving college he was married to Miss Jessie McGrew at Geneva , Nob. A few years ugo Mr. Leavltt was transferred from West Point lo Seward and later to the Plymouth Congregational , church at Omaha. Some months ago Mrs. Lenv- ill was nt lacked with the grip , which was followed by nervous prostration and Inflammation of the heart. She succumbed last Monday at the homo of her parents in Geneva. Besides her husband , she is survived by a lltllo daughter. Easter Sunday Is always suggestive of spring and the coming of Easter indicates that the spring season has been safely deposited in our midst Oilier evidence is also offered lo prove that our first touch of spring has been the real article. The first strawber ries of the season wore on Hie Nor folk markel this week , selling for twenty cents a box. The first crate readied here early in the week , while a fresh shipment was received for to day's Easter demand. Dealers say thai the strawberry season is now "on. " Moreover small and large boys indiscriminately are playing baseball and local dealers in ball supplies state that a lively sale is on. Spring gar dens are being planted within the city limits while outside the farmers are getting busy with their spring plowing and planting. E , C. Harris of Chadron , formerly of Norfolk , has sold out his banking and catlle Inlerests in western Nebraska and has purchased a gold mine in Ne vada. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are now preparing to move to Reno , Nov. , where Ihey will make Iheir future home. Fred Harris , recenlly graduat ed from Yale as n most efficient min ing engineer , will accompany the fam ily to the Death Valley gold region where he will have an important posi tion in managing the new mine. Mr. Harris believes that he has a real gold mine which will net large profit. Mr. Harris was formerly superintendent of the F. E. & M. V. railroad here and later at Chadron. For a time he was superintendent of the Union Pacific at Cheyenne. He has many friends over the enlire west who will wish him success In the gold mine. As the railroad wage controversy be tween the weslern railroad managers an.d Ihelr employes nears a crisis at the Chicago conference it is followed closely by the Norfolk railroad world. The local railroad men are naturally non-committal on the subject. If a strike were ordered it would of course affect Norfolk with Ihe rest of the west. It Is said in this connection , however , that a strike of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen would not call out the greater number of the Norlhwestern's conductors for the rea son that their organization for some > ears past has not been nffilialed with the trainmen's organization. Many of the younger conductors also belong to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and would be affected by the course of thai organization the same as the other trainmen who are members. The "henless" Easter egg is win ning oul and the old hen is being pushed aside from anolher sphere ol Industry. The sale of cindy Easter eggs and other Easter novelties this year indicates that they are on a\ ris ing tide of popularity. The Faucett Carney-Hnger company filled 435 orders dors for special Easter goods from their Norfolk candy factory this year These orders came from candy deal ers throughout their territory. Deal ers cleared out their stock and sent in hurry orders for more candy eggs am' engaging looking candy rabbits. Nor folk merchants did an increased bus ! ness In Easter candy novellies till1 month. The array of goods carried ai , the local candy factory is calculate ! to gladden the youthful heart. 1 It . ranges from the tiniest of candy egg ; to mechanical baskets that are madi to retail nt $7.50. These baskets an . topped with mechanical toys of tin Easter variety and hold several him dred Easter eggs of the "penny" size They would provide u featft for a wholi it'Sunday school. NORFOLK SOCIETY WILL RESUME ACTIVITY. HAS HAD FORTY DAYS' REST Easter Morning Will Belong to Ma dame Fashion Cards and Dinners and Dances Will Again Hold Sway After Several Weeks of Lull , [ From Sntunlny'n Dully. ) Social Norfolk , having rested for forty days during the days of lent , is prepared to cast off tlio mantle of In activity and to resume with spirit the dinners and dances and cards that help to contribute to the Joy of living. With the coming of Easter morning the social life of the city will take on new energy and once more , until the torrid heat of summer months inter feres , there will he gatherings togeth er in a more or less formal way. Dur ing lent there have been a few scat tering Informal events , little assem blies of clubs on regular dates , or Fomethlng of that sort , but the forty days have caused a decided lull In the ceaseless whirl of gaiety that punc tuated each passing week earlier In the winter. The Easter morning will bo a mile stone of more importance than mere ly marking the end of lent. Norfolk femininity has been preparing for the occasion for lo ! these many weeks and It Is freely predicted that the halH and gowns which will blossom out on Sunday morning will bo beautiful to behold It will bo the day upon which Madame Fashion will sot the example that womenfolk are to follow , more or loss , during the coming season. Pleasures of the Week. Mrs. Julia Lamb enjoyed a pleasant birthday party at the homo of her son on Thursday. A number of friends and neighbors gathered to' wish her ninny happy returns. Refreshments were served. At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. A Kuhl on Monday evening the ladles of the foreign missionary society o the Methodist church gave a farewol reception for their president , Mrs. W B. Hager , who with Mr. linger , was obout to leave for her now homo at Hastings. Some thirty friends greet ed Mr. and Mrs. Hager nt the Kuh home. During the evening Mrs. Hager was given an engraved souvenir spool as a remembrance from the society. Coming Events. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bullock will en tertain at 0:30 : dinner next Thursday evening. The Elks social committee- plan nlng for a May party lo bo given 01 the night of May 10. The West Side Whist club will moo with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Weathorby on Tuesday evening. The Isle of Spice , one of the wel known musical comedies of hlghes quality , will be seen at the Auditor ! um next Friday night. The North Nebraska Teachers asso elation will bo In Norfolk for thre days of the coming week Wednob day , Thursday and Friday. Oi Wednesday evening the declamator contest will be held at the Audltorlun and on Thursday evening Senator Deliver liver of Iowa will de'lvor ' a lecture. Rural Route 3. A nice baby boy was uorn to Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Friend and famll spent Saturday evening in Norfolk. John Waud , who was quite sick , 1 able to be out again. August Frauble , who Is attending school at New Ulm , Minn. , arrived home Saturday for the Easter vaca tion. tion.Walt Walt Miller of Pierce visited with his brother , Frank Miller. M. G. Rohrko and Miss Bertha were Norfolk visitors Saturday. Gus Miller and family spent last Sat urday shopping in Norfolk. Fred Lehman of Norfolk visited his son , Oscar Lehman , on Friday. Anton Huebner and daughter were In Norfolk on Saturday. Mrs. William Waud and John Waud were In Norfolk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Conrad visited ited relatives and friends at Stanton last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fix wore Norfolk visitors the latter part of last week. Fred Wachter spent Saturday in Norfolk. Wm. Marquardt made a trip to Nor folk Saturday evening. Wm. Lichtenbcrg and Max Schwlcht enberg went to Norfolk Saturday even ing. ing.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braasch were Norfolk visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Llzzue Huebner and Mary Bris so were in Pierce on Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Rohrke entertained i number of young lady friends Sunday evening , the occasion being her twen tieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schoonfeld lef Monday for a few days visit at Omaha Miss Viola Faublo entertained he : school mates and the girls of the con flrmatlon class Sunday. Light refresh ments wore served. Viola was ono o the girls to be confirmed. The following children were con firmed in the German Lutherai church : Oscar Huebner , Arthur Ebei ling , Viola Fauble , Martha Kopkay Louise Wagner , Margaret Deer , Sadi < Peter and Hattlo Huebner. Mrs. Win. Brodhugeu and daughto visited friends In Norfolk Tuesday , Miss May llrnnsch went to Norfolk unday evening , Many friends were present at a par * y given by Miss Sadie Peter , WATElTcU RE FOlTTN3AN ITY , Dr. Copley of Philadelphia Hns Entire ly Original Scheme. Philadelphia , April 2. Treatment f ( lie Insane by water with the Idea f washing away Insanity germs willie io an Innovation In the n w , ( | tinrtorH or the Insane at the I'lilliuiolfWu alms- ouse , which will bo opened on Vednesday. Or. Copley , director of he department of health , is confident f the success of the movement. The plant Is designed primarily for he treatment of cases of uciito mania > y a system of bathing by which the lody of the patient Is kept completely ubmcrgod In running water for as eng a time as Is doomed necessary to jffoct a euro. The plant , in Its pros- nt form , IB composed of a number of OOIIIH , of which two are especially sot isldo for thin kind of treatment. In cncli bathroom a hammock Is nr- angod , on which the patient's body osls. Above uro hot and cold water uucets with a thermometer attached or gauging the temperature. There s a spot-la ! appliance for emptying the ub Instantly. The water generally IB < opt at a temperature of 100 degrees nnI Is kept constantly flowing. The patient romnliiH In the hammock or a period varying from four to eight loins at a tlmo. At the end of ouch > orlod ho Is ( alien from the hath and ilucod on a cot. rubbed down , and hi- o\\od to rest for half an hour. Ho then Is returned to the swinging innmiock and Immersed In water , Phe only purpose for which he Is Ink- n fioin the water IK an occasional rest. Ills meals are given to him In the bath. The head , which rests on a clrculai rubber cushion , Is the only portion ol the body not submerged. Do Not Crowd the Season , The first warm days of spring britif , with them n desire lo got out and en Joy the oxhllnrnllng air and sunshine Children that have been housed up al winter are brought out and you wonder dor where they all came from. The heavy winter clothing Is thrown aside and many shod their flannels. Thoi a cold wave comes and people say that grip Is epidemic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous thai In mid-winter , as there Is much more danger of pneumonia. Take Cham herlaln'H Cough Remedy , however , am you will have nothing to fear. It al wn > s cures and we have never knowi a cold to result In pneumonia when I was used. It is pleasant and safe t < take Children like it For sale bj Loomird the druggist RAILROAD COMPANY DOES NOT DESIRE IT CLOSED. TO BE NO MORE CONTROVERSY The News Has It From Reliable Au thority That the Northwestern Rail road Has No Desire Today That Phil ip Avenue be Vacated. Philip avenue will never bo closed for n railway station. Citizens who protested against vacating one of the finest avenues that Norfolk owns for the sake of n railway .station of cer tain cosl , may as well , so far as Hie outcome is concerned , drop their case and save the cost of carrying the mat ter to the United States supreme court. The mailer is already settled , and per manently. The News lias It from reliable an- horily that the Northwestern railroad Iocs not desire the closing of Philip avenue for their station and Hint they would not accept the vacated streel 'or a station if il were offered. Pres ent plans of the company , It Is known , contemplate either joining with the Union Pacific In a union station or wilding , In case the Union Pacific re fuses , a dcpol of Ihelr own , hut In neither event will the closing of Phil ip avenue be asked or even considered. This change of position is due , II is said , not to any legal phnso of the question , since the courl decisions thus far have all boon In favor of al lowing the street vacation , but to a recognition on the part of the North western railroad company of the fact that the Btrcel closing Is not unani mously desired In Norfolk and would cause undesirable friction among neighbors in the community. Trouble over Ihe street closing , the railroad company Is thought to argue , is totally unnecessary , since the rail road needs a station anyway and can just as easily build It at a point where no street need be closed. The most that will bo asked In any event , ! t is said , will be Ihe right to put a brick platform across Philip av enue even with the rails , which would be , In reality , nothing more nor lesf than paving the street. The announcement that the street closing is not desired by the railroad company will bring to an end a lonj ; controversy which , It now appears , hat been without real need atany stage A disgraceful little passenger coacl has been used for more than a yeai as a station , waiting for settlement o a court problem that need never hav < arisen at all. Many living I" the vl clnlty of Philip avenue protestci against the threatened closing of tha 10 thoroughfare and this newspaper , ni staled some days ago , believes tha their stand was a righteous one. 0,000 LOPPED OFF MAINTENANCE APPROPRIATION , NEW BUILDINGS WILL COME Bill Appropriating $1)1,000 ) For Now Improvements nt the Norfolk Innano Hosplt.il Has Been Recommended for Passage. Lincoln , Nob. , March 12 ! ) . Special to The News : In the gonoritl upproprlu- Ion hill HID Norfolk Itinano hospital iialnteuanco fund was today cut fioin < 70.0)0 ( ) to $05,000. In the llnanco eommltteo'n report ho bill allowing repairs and Improve- mmls for ( lie Norfolk 1'istItutIon IIIIH icon recommended for passage. The Ivo slock barn was jut out and the fund for furnishings WIIB reduced fl- ! 000. 000.In In all , the Htuto legislature wan inked for the following appropriations lor the Norfolk hospital : linpiovo- uontB , repairs , etc. , if 100,000 ; goneial niiilulenaiico , f70,1100 ; officers and em ployes' salaries , etc. , $5300. i'lio battle for the appropriations Is now on. The senate has been wield Ing the sabre In a lecklesB fashion. A determined onslaught Wan iniulo on the Norfolk asylum allowance for maintenance hut Senator Kamlull or ganized an offecllvu dofuiiHc. In the house the nppioprlallou hills wore hurried through almost without consideration. The tola ! aggregates four and oiio-qimrlor mlllioiiH and the amount IIIIIH ! bo cut one and one quar ter millions. Whnt Becomes of Dcopnln ? \hout Iho stalehoimo 11 lore IB mud spuculatlon concerning Iho fiituio of Don r. DcBptiln. This young man who IB clerk of the bureau of labor and Htritlstli-H , wrote u Uircutonlng let ter to lloprcsciilnllvu McMullun , lull tnnUng personal misconduct am tliroatonlg exposure. McMullen do mnndcd an Investigation and Despair admitted that ho had no facts hut cusi out the insinuation In a moment 01 nngor Me Mill I on led the movement which terminated In culling oft DOB pain's salary allowance. Dcspaln , It IB claimed , has spoil most of his lime sending out notices lo Iho Nebraska papers to atoum ; po lltlenl Benllinonl. Frank Harrison am : Dospaln hnvo "worked" the press 1m loan end of the "reform" campaign Harrison has been appointed deputy clerk of the federal court and It I stated that his literary efforts will b confined hereafter lo Iho eulogy o Senators Uurkell and Drown. In th 1003 session of Iho legislature ho re | resented the Union Pacific railroad h the lobby. Latur ho was Identified with R. H. Schneider. Despnin's friends liavo boon clamor ing for recognition. They claim Hint Dospaln secured Just as many press notices as did Harrison and ho Is just , s deserving. Governor Mickey roc- mimondcd that Denpnln'b place bo bollslied. The house followed this course and the senate committee on vays and means has refused to rein- tale the salary Item. In the meantime Sheldon Is being mportuned to "take caio of Don. " Dangers of the Grip. The greatest dnngor from the grip B of Its resulting In pneumonia. Wo nivo never known this to occur , how- v ) r , when Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy was used. It relieves the lungs , opens the secretions , allays the cough iml aids nature In restoring the sys- em to a healthy condition. Millions ) f people have used It with the most satisfactory results. For sale by Leon ard the druggist. NORFOLK , FARM CENTER. Norfolk Is the business center of Madison county. What affects the county's prosperlly affects Norfolk's > rosperity and whatever constitutes Madison county's rcsourses is part and parcel of the foundation upon which Norfolk builds. Norfolk Is also In a way 'V natural jenter of the four counties whose cor- icrs meet a few miles to the north east of the city. Norfolk's location and railroad facilities promise to push .be town forward as the center of lorthern Nebraska. In many ways re- Hilts In tills direction are beginning to achieved and people in northern Nebraska and southern South Dakota ire being directed toward Norfolk as the logical business center of their section. But after all Madison county IB nearest to Norfolk and stands firm ly behind the city's hopes. An inventory of the county's re sources Is of Interest , therefore , not only as county statistics but also at fuels touching directly upon ono ol the mosl Important factors contrlout Ing to the city's support and prosper ity. The official stallstlcs of the conn ty ns complied by the state bureau ol stalisllcs are now available as pan of the report submitted to Governoi Sheldon this year. General Information about Madisoi county Is outlined as follows : Dat : ( of organization , 18C8. Area , 57C sq miles. Populallon , 10,970. Miles o railway , 58.4C. Madison county farms have nd vanced In value during the last fov years In line with other northeast Nebraska braska land. Kind values In Madisoi county are credited with Increaslni from thirty to thirty-five per cent elnco 1901. Prices arc still ndvanclnj and as they advance the capital of tin county Is Increased. Some of this lam is In Norfolk hands. Nearly all of I I. In Hie liandii of peoplt wlwu In- ( roused Income dlicctly liMioMln Nor folk an Iho market town and banking place of I lie county. The price of Madison county land per acre In tinted as followii : Ilenl til lable land , $ ro to $110 ; fair tillable land $35 to $50 ; liav land , $30 lo $00 ; gray.- Ing land $15 ( o $30. Impioveil hind In Iho county amounts lo 288,885 IICIOH , unimproved laud , I'P'P- 020 IICIOH. The total tjiilllviited ureu IB placed lit ! 10,317 aoroH. Tlioie lit no government land vacant In Iho county , while the Hlato school land numbers 10,075 110.1 C.H. Corn and oats form the hulk of the cereals raised In Madhum county. And the host fenliiro In Unit a com paratively Htllo of either crop hi shipped from the county. It stays In Madison county and helps make fat steers and sheep and hogs , netting a fecund profit to the county , a profit which redomnlH to Iho advantage of ( very Intoiost In Iho county. In I'JOO ' ! in.5SO acres produced 2.U ( 3- 1)80 ) bushels of corn. The hulk of this WIIB fed for the second profit. In 1905 Iho figures showed only 737.H57 bush els shipped. In on la 75,818 acres pro duced 2H05.II2 ! bushels , with the ship ment of oats slandlii | . ' al 810,187 bush els Nearly a hundiod thousand hush- i Hi of potatoes was raised from HI ! ! ) acres In imiO with about 2,000 inisheln listed as Iho average shipment. Madison county fanners last year rained I L'IHill ! bushels of wheat from 0.137 ncros devoted to Iho giowlh of thai cereal. ! " > ! ' , ,000 bushels of wheat was shipped fioiu Iho county In 1I05. ! Prom 270 iieion phutoil In barley last year ! ! , ( ! ( ! ( ! bushels of hurley WUB so- ( lliei'l lll,0')7 ) htishclH of rye WIIB talHod on I."II acres. Alfalfa IB a crop inlscd In Madlnm county for IKIIIIO consumption. The alfalfa neio- nge last your WIIB li lilt acres and the mieeomlvo ; crops brought 0,992 IOIIH ( if alfalfa hay In the farmers of the coun ty. During 1905 21,381 huad of cnldo , 1.1.939 head of ImgH , 5,878 head of sheep and 1,080 head of horses and mules wotc shipped fioni Madison county. The henollls which a com- iiiiinlly derives from the raising and Halo of live stock nro lo he classed with the benefits which It secures from any Industry Unit lurns raw piodiietB Into Mulshed goods and Minis added profit In the sale of the final product. An Inventory of the live stock of Madison county if taken on .hiiie I , 1110(1. ( would have given the following figures : Cattle , 12,581 head ; hogK , 10. ! ) Hi ; sheep , 3l20f homes , 10.552 ; Illllles , fiSI. The shipment of 2,3 11,000 pounds of Hour fioin MadlRon county In 1905 , for which year figures are aviillaole , \\IIB one means of bringing roveniio Into Iho county The shipment of oth er miscellaneous products during the jour was as follows : Mill feed , 10- 000 pounds ; llvn poultry , 207 Sf. I 1 omuls ; oggH , 210,000 dozen ; but tor , .i9.fi IJ pounds ; dressed poultry. 3.523 pounds. LIIHI joar Norfolk shipped its first carload of apples assigned to an out- i-ide market. While the exportation of fruit to outside markets bus never In Iho past been extensively attempted there are nevertheless many orchards of fruit trees In the county. The sta tistics of the Madison county orchards give the county -15,8'I ) apple trees , 14- filtl ! cherry trees , 12,097'plum tic-en , . ! , IOO peach , trees and 811 pear trees. The figures set forth heie are the ( lllclal figures compiled fiom authent ic sources by the slate bureau of sta tistics The figures are live figures as tar as Norfolk is concerned tor they loll the story of the big agricultural workshop of which Norfolk In a busi ness way Is n part. The mutual ser vices which the city and county per form for eacli oilier brings them close together. The interests ol our prosperous - porous agricultural community on one hand and of the thriving energetic towns of the county on Ihe other hand are virtually the snme. What pros pers the county will prosper Madison , Newman Grove , Battle Creek , Tildon and Meadow Grove. The interests of all unllo with Norfolk's Interests and Iho resources of Iho whole county are common property In n way. Notice to Redeem. To unknown heirs of Justus P. leav er , deceased , and to F. G. Hohson , first name unknown : You and each of you are hereby nolllied as non-resldunts of the state of Nebraska , that at a pri vate sale made by the treasurer of Madison county , state of Nebraska , on the 21st day of August , 1905 , Mary Kingsbury purchased al said tax sale for Iho unpaid and dollmiuent taxes thereon of the year 1K03 the following described real estate situated In Mad ison county , stale of Nebraska , to-wlt : Lots six , seven , seventeen , eighteen , nineteen and twenty ( C , 7 , 17 , 18 , 19 , and 20) ) of block three (3) ( ) ; lots seven and eight (7 ( and 8) ) of block six ( C ) ; lots Iwo and three ( 2 and 3) of block cloven (11) ( ) , and lols thirteen and four teen (13 ( and li ) of block thirteen (13) ) , all in Riverside Park addition to the clly of Norfolk , Nebraska , the tillo to all of which real eslato appears of r record In Ihe reglslcr of deed's office of said Madison counly In Iho mime of said Justus P. Ixjaver , In whoso e name the same was and is assessed , that no person is ! n possession or oc cupancy of said lots. On March 16 , J907 , the tax certificate issued on said tax sale was assigned to the under signed N. A. Rnlnholt , who now owns and holds samo. The right to redeem above described real estate from said sale for delin quent taxes will expire on the 22nd day of August , 1907 , of which nil per sons interested are hereby required to take notice. it N. A. Uainbolt.