The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 05, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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, < „ ! .
Sched e ! ' forrpa'sgs * W WllV
up In DlatrtctiOoqrt j adison Ndk
Week"l | AtMnWea b
.1 j ' 11 P'l >
A. A , Welch. , "
, i ThO''c 4 H''hgiittiSt ' t1bt ( tour fort
4 NorfollV' 'fiiytie ' libsnltal nt'tonda [ is
$ | irUljOjH'fi | lt wlUijInto.ntyto ( lo
jgr&rMniyBrJnrin 'will " § p 'yid' 'first .to
( Iconic f&ttW "tb4.adfpon . county
-Jdlstrlct'"ctfrr Jury at Madison next
'week. ' ThoRoiC.ase& | haV.e been dockdlj-
cordlug.jta the Maijluon Chronicle th.6
' ' , following/Jury / assignments have been
, made by Judge Welch :
. Jiid *
i , Momlny. -
State of Nebraska vs. Forrest Ellis.
State oX.NQbraska vs. Wilson Byer-
* * "
State of Nebraska vs. II. M. Mln-
nicks. ; '
State ' 6f Nebraska vff. Joseph Wiles.
John A , Hftsetiettpr1 vs. David Little.
' Tuesday.
Chas. E. Gibson vs. Ldvl Gutru.
Robert Cox vs. ChiiH. H. Brown.
First National bank vs. Chas.
Oscar A. Rlchey vs. Goo. II. Bishop.
Frank L. Wldergren vs. Samuel
James J. Reodors. . Carl Teske.
James H. Conley vs. William Wach-
John Dorr vs. August Borgmoyer.
Newman Grove Stnte bank vs. Dl-
inock M'fg. company.
" H. J. BacKes vs. Chas. Schlondcr.
II. J. Backes vs. Carl Relnecclus.
Lawrence Heckendorf vs. Michael
Fritz Rung vs. Martin Pohn.
In the matter of the claim of Anna
Lovelace vs. estate of Joseph Severa.
Edwin D. Klein vs. C. & N. W. rail
way company.
A. H. Anderson vs. John A. Moore.
W. R. Martin vs. Madison county.
State of Nebraska vs. C. F. Citrtls.
First National bank vs. Carl Tesko.
The cases against the hospital at
tendants are the outgrowth of trouble
which was experienced at the Institu
tion last year during Dr. Alden's ad
ministration as superintendent. Dr.
Alden , superintendent , and Dr. Nichol
son , assistant superintendent , * were
both asked to resign by Governor
Mickey. An investigation was held.
The two officers finally did resign ,
Complains were brought before a
grand jury charging these four atten
dants with cruelty and they were In
dicted. The trials have boon post
poned twice.
Claude Fislur of Plalnvlew is in
G. T. Lambert of Foster Is In the
j city today.
J' . James Humpal of Anoka arrived In
V. Norfolk today.
1 f . C. W. Siegler of Stanton spent yes
terday In the city
A. N. Brown of Plalnvlew was in
the city yesterday.
B. Eckholt of Humphrey was In
Norfolk yesterday.
.Charles Black of Verdol stopped in
the city yesterday. . . *
D. P , Mahaney of Platte Center was
In the city yesterday.
Mrs.L. Baldwin of Plalnvlew was In
Norfolk this morning. , . ,
< } p * , . E , , Lincoln was a Lexington vis-
Itpji in , Norfok ' ) otday ,
tiJniiga'A. .A. Welch of Wayne spent
laatWenlng In Norfolk. , , , ,
X. , G' 'Bollerbeck of Humphrey was
a Norfolk visitor yesterday ,
A. E. Ruhnka and'family ot Rising
City stopped In or ojk yesterday.
President Franl S. Pqrdue of the
North , Nebraska Tfeachers ! . association
arrived In the clty.ifrom Madison Tues-
day yenlng. - , .
, P.M. ' ( Jennings , of West Point was
In'th'e city for seyqral hours yesterday.
G. , D. . Butterfiejjl ont to Omaha
Wednesday noon. , l
J. D. Sturgeon left for Bonesteel
Wednesday noon. . *
Mr. and Mrs. H. J..BIngenhelmer , of
Crelghton spent today In Norfolk.
Mrs. S. P. Battey of Carroll , Neb. ,
is here visiting with Mrs. E. E. Cole-
man.Misses Alice M. Craig and Eva Do
Mass , Omaha teachers , are In Norfolk.
Mrs. C. Rasley returned home at
noon from Cedar Rapids , Iowa , where
she had been visiting friends and rel
Miss , Genevleve Stafford has re
turned y to the Sacred Heart academy
at pmaha after an Easter visit at
home. ,
Mlss , Laura'Younger of Humphrey
Is th e'guest of , Miss Edith Barrett this
week , j , f
Harry C. Hough , Charlie Turek and
Misses Edith Lp/i / and f Mary Turek of
Plerqe werp Norfolk visitors today , ,
Among/N / ' rfplk's visitors of today
are . JUMu.'rpheyj.nnd F , C. Marshall
of duB't'e'r' , ) . < $ > C. qre9npf Tllden and
Jama's J raijer. of dolumbjis. ,
Ge4e.ralTSupQl.ntendent } : and Mrs , ' 8
M" DW n , njpiyetl.ivllomo Tuesday
noon , Jlr , JBradpjn frqnv MJssourl Val.-
loy , Io\ya , ' and Mrs , Braden from Chi-
cago.M. C. Wilde.son , jof QarU.Wlldo of
the Norfolk Rational .ban.k , has to-
signed his posjiUofi as asflstan.t | cash-
lor of the Security ban.kypf Qrelgbton
to a'dcept the cashlersh'ip of the First
Nntlonnl bank nt Ha/.llo Mills. Mr.
Wilde IIIIR entered on his now dulloR.
General Superintendent 8. M , Bra-
U-h hud IWadinafitor I' . J. Staffbrd of
the NorthwcMli'rn ' left Wefnesdfly ( noon
foi' long Plue.
Mrs. Jnmcn R , Fnln and little daughter -
tor are expected this evening from
Pennnylvanla for an extended visit
with Mm Fnln's ' Inofher , Mrs. G. A.
Lulknrt. ,
Albert DeRiiiT , wh'o was railed to
Onmhn Suiulay trt serve on the United
States court jury , hrttt written that'he '
will M-oturn to Norfolk this' Wetting.
D\irlng \ Mr. noRiiOf'M' absctico the voters
ers 'of Norfolk elected him to the
board of' education with over a hun-
di'od majorltj' . '
Jiidgo Welch 'of the district court
was In Norfolk last evening on his
way Homo from TVlndlBon to Wayno.
ludgo Welch had proixiucd to hear
: he divorce ease of Am.V Hull vs. Phillips -
lips Hull and the rase of Abratn White
vs. the city of Norfolk In Norfolk
Wednesday , hut It was found neces
sary to postpone the' hearings on ac
count of the Illness of Attorney M. C.
Hasccn1. The two cases "will " go over
until after the > conclusion of the Jury
work at Madison , when Jiidgo Welch
will come to Norfolk and listen to the
testimony offered. ' <
Mrs. Andy Drydcn and son went to
Missouri Valley yestorclny to visit
with her parents.
Charles Wler having a large nine-
room house built on Third street.
Mrs. George Rosubcrry and daugh
ter Blanche went to Chadron last
night to visit with Mrs. Rosoborry's
Frank Krohlcr , the night machinist ,
Is on the sick list.
A. R. Beaten went to Fremont yes
terday to superintend the erecting of
a long distance block signal at the
west end.
Robert Schram of Chicago , traveling
auditor of the C. & N. W. , Is here
looking after the company's Interests
and visiting with his parents.
Mrs. Ralph Allen went to 1'lcrce to
Jewel Fountain went to Missouri
Valley today.
Mrs. Fred Ellerbrock and son went
to Clinton , Iowa , today for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Hedrlck have moved
here again and Mr. Hedrlck will now
work out of here.
The V. Z. girls gave a party Mon
day evening In the R. R. hall In honor
of the E. V. P. Ice cream and cake
was served and all had a fine time.
R. E. Bruce Is lining fi new house
built on South Eighth street.
The West Side Whist club met last
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. P. Weatherby.
Norfolk rural carriers state that a
majority of the Madison county fann
ers are sowing oats this week.
Misses Inez and Helen Dunham of
Oakdale , who have been the guests of
Miss Pearl Reese , have returned home.
A number of Norfolk people plan to
attend a dance which will bo given at
the hospital for the Insane this even
Mrs. M. A. Phillips and Miss Edith
Stocking of Wayne will be the guests
of Miss Rena Olmsted In Norfolk this
F. J. Hale of Atkinson , a director
In the Norfolk National bank , was in
Norfolk yesterday on his way home
from Iowa.
RalphLulknrt' entertained frlendn
at an informal party last evening.
Light refreshments > vere served after
a pleasant evening had been spent at
Rev. D. 1C TIndall. Ph. D. , presiding
elder of the Norfolk district , Meth
odist Episcopal church , will preach at
the First M. E. church In Norfolk
next Sunday morning. The sacrament
of the Lord's supper will be adminis
tered on the occasion.
A meeting of the stockholders in the
Faucett-Cnrney-Hager company has
been' called for Saturday , April 3.
The meeting was called for the pur
pose of filling the vacancy in the
board of directors resulting from the
withdrawal of W. "E. Hager from the
J. D. Sturgeon , who made the re
publican race for mayor , made nn
early morning trip to the office of
Mayor-elect C. B. Durland to extend
congratulations. Mr. Sturgeon said
: hat he was satisfied with the'result ;
le had done his best , after he was
nominated , to win a victory for the
party , and he had no excuses to offer
as to his defeat. He will now , he said ,
retreat to the ranks of private citizen
ship and he left at noon for Bonesteel
on a business trip.
Work on the Norfolk sewer system
was temporarily suspended yesterday
when Supprlnonteilent J. B , Martin ,
in charge of the local construction
was forced to lay off the work
men on account of lack of material.
Another hhlpment of sewer pipe is
expected to reach Norfolk Thursday ,
In which case work will be resumed
at once. The sewer main has been
laid up First street to Madison aven
ue , while the Park avenue 'extension
has been carried past Second street.
Contractor O. P. Hf-rrick of Dew
Molnes is expected in Norfolk next
Among Norfolk's guests of the'week
who arrived In Norfolk Tuesday evenIng -
Ing and Wednesday morning were
Miss LydJa Page , of Naper , Miss Ellen
Thomas , Miss Altn Warner of Crelgh
ton , C. G. Preschman of Crelghton ,
Miss Rachel Fnlrchild of Spencer , Miss
Jottle Day of Plainvlew , Misses Ella
Mohr and Lizzie Alford of Monowl ,
Aliases Pearl Harris and Blanche Hur
ley of Fnllerton , Misses Ida M. Coop
er , Adlna Bucholz and Pearle Walker
of Lynch and Misses Marie Dennlii
and Marie Griffcn of Spencer. Most
of the vhltlng teachers were not ex
pected.before Wednesday noon.
i - (
* | > i i i ,
Dolan and Elseley and Garvln Were
the Only Salvage That the Repub
licans Were Able , to Retain Some
Very Large'Sized Majorities.
[ Klurt. intariny'fl ftnlly. )
Mayor C. It. Durland , democrat.
City Clerk Julhiri Hulff , domocral.
City Treasurer Julius HIIIIHO , dem
Pttllco Judge C. F. EUoloy , repub
City Engineer III Salmon , demo
Councllmon S. W. Garvln , repub
lican. First ward ; E. B. Kauffman ,
lomocrat , Second ward ; Julius Dog-
nor , democrat , Third ward ; Pat Do-
Ian , republican , Fourth ward.
Members Board of Education Al
bert bogner , S. G. Doan and Tom
Shlvely , democrats.
Tuesday's city election In Norfolk
brought a democratic "landslide" that
carried practically the ontlre demo
cratic ticket to victory with a range
of majorities that startled even the
democratic loaders. Of the repub
lican ticket C. F. Elsoloy for police
Judge and S. W. Gnrvln for First ward
councilman wore alone elected. The
$21,000 school bond issue carried the
day by a vote of 575 to 115.
The election was marked by an un
usual amount of Independent voting ,
Most of It was done by the republican
voters , the straight ballots Indicating
that the democrats as a whole did
not jump far from tholr party linos.
The range of majorities was greater
than Is customary in Norfolk'eloctlons.
The spirit of hope which had sprung
up In the hearts of many republicans
as election day drew to a close , was
crushed by the first load of democratic
ballots taken from the ballot boxes.
Before the canvass of the votes promi
nent democrats conceded that the re
sult might be close. As the monoto
nous counting of the white ballots
progressed It became apparent that
while the energetic campaign carried
on by the republicans had won some
democratic votes , largo sections of the
republican ticket had been deserted by
republican voters.
Unofficial figures place M * . Dur-
land's majority at 187. The mayor-
elect took no part In the campaign ,
but save for City Treasurer Haaso he
polled the largest vote of any man on
the ticket.
Among the republican candidates
losing by narrow margins and whoso
defeat may bo attributed wholly to
the democratic tendency of the voting
were Chris Anderson , candidate for
city clerk , and M. C. Ilnzon and C. P ,
Parish , nominees for the school board
Anderson lost by17 votes , Ilazen by
19 and Parish by11. . Tom Shlvbly
was elected over Parish by the vote
of the Fourth ward , where Shlvely
was looked on as the local candidate.
Judge Elsoley , the only successful
republican candidate on the general
city ticket , was elected' by only M
votes despite the fact that his oppon
ent , Police Judge WesterVolf , Imd' ' pub
licly declined to be a' candidate. "The
lemocrntic label was nearly enough
to send the office seeking 'the man.
In the election of counc'llmeM 'the
movement was not wholly democrnllc.
In the Fourth ward It is said that
Dolan'.s Vote was not counted but
merely "estimated. " In the flrat ward
Garvln worked up a private landslide
of his own , securing an unusual ma-
lorlty In the fact of democratic vie-
.ory.As predicted In The News the $24-
000 school bond Issue encountered no
serious opposition. The vote on the
jond Issue was nearly the same In all
the wards , the total majority In ap
proval standing at430 votes.
The total Vote cast on the head of
the ticket Tuesday was 757 votes not
an unusually large vote In view of
: he favorable weather conditions ;
Few women took advantage of the
opportunity to participate In the
school election.
Tuesday vote In detail according to
unofficial returns Is ;
For mayor
Durland , d. . . 90 1C5 113 104 472
Sturgeon , r. . . C8 103 7C 38 28r
Durlnnd's majority , 187.
For clerk
Hulff , d . 80 118 97 74 399
Anderson , r. . 78 118 91 05 352
Hnlff's majority , 47.
For treasurer
Haase , d . 100 170 129 105 510
Klesau , r. . . . 59 88 CO 30 243
Hnase's majority , 207.
For police Judge
Wcstervelt , d. 02 120 84 90 302
Elseley , r. . . . 90 134 103 49 370
Eisoley'd majority1 , 14.
For engineer
Salmen , d. . . . 82 155 107 98 442
Bowden . 34 20 30
R. E. Bowdcn , whose name was ac
cldentally omitted from the republican
ticket , received a complimentary vote
for city engineer.
For councllmcn
Braasch , d. . .48
Garvln , r. . . .109
Garvln's majority ; 01.
Knuffman , d.70
Coryell , r. . . . 90 ' '
Kauffman's majority , 74.
Degnor , d. . . . 102 ' ' /
Lough , r. . . . . 80 - - ' ' ' '
' " ' " ' '
" > &
' -
Degner'B majority , 1C.
Dolall , r . 08
For fu'hnnl board long term
, d. . 11M II fi til 7 125
Dcliiff d . . MI7Mill ttfi ' 'ttl ' llfi-l
HIUHI. r. . uilio:1 : ' < IM ' .SI ( 42 ( Uf.
Tyur | , , iv . , . ' . K2 Oil DM HO-UH
nmjorlUv 110 ; UO.UI'H ma-
For H.cliool boAi'd. , l\'o , your torin--
Hhlvoly , X . SSL , , JU ) , 8.0 , S7 , : tl(5 (
Parish , ix r..irtU | 78,1 , . ,88 , , , , 2114 Ml !
_ tjhlvoly'H ' majority , , J1 , , , , t ,
ScliHl ) bmid fssuo-r ; , '
FOI * tcr it6 { ( ij1 ; iiio.r)7fi
Agnlhst 4 - < 'J iV ) VH 115
> Majoilty for bdndn , Jflh1'1 . ' ll
Mrs , Charlce Dalet De.icl , *
Tllden , Nub. , April -Hpiiclal U >
The Nuws ; Mrs. ( Jlinrloh DnloH died
yesterday at the homo of Her mm. ; The
deceased wan the widow of ouu ( if
the earliest uettlers of .Miullmm comi
ty , having lived hero since 1870
An Active Campaign Toward Pcrmn-
nant Rends Southeast and Northeast
of the City Will be Attempted Rend
Districts to be Asked for Help.
Recognizing that good roads are an
miKirtnnt factor In bringing retail
rado to a town the dlicctors of the
'ommorclal club have voted to work
'or the immodlnto Improvement of
onio of the poorer country roads load-
ng Into Norfolk. The roads whloli
lie directors have In mind as domniid-
ng Immediate attention are the llrsl
lalf mile of road east of the Norfolk
venue bridge over the Notthfork and
he piece ol road north of the brldgo
vhlch crosses the Northfork above the
am and betwven the M. & O. trnoK
ml the bridge.
At the morning mooting of the board
a resolution was adopted that every
losslblo effort of the Commercial club
hould be made to hnvo those strips of
ountry road Improved. These roads
v'oro characterized as the poorest
about the city and as offering an ob-
taclo to Norfolk's retail trade from
he north and east. If the plans of
he Commercial club succeed a liberal
supply of gravel will bo used In good
road making on those toads.
As the roads are outside of the city
Imlts the directors hope to Interest
ho road districts In the Improvements ,
f additional llnanclnl help Is needed
ho club may find some way of ren
lering assistance.
No other action of public moment ,
vns taken at the Tuesday mooting.
New York Nationals Will Break Camp
This Week.
Atlanta , Ga. , April It. Today marks
he hcglnlng of the last week of traili
ng work for the hlghlnndcrs , and It
lees not look auspicious. For the
Irst time since the team reached At-
anta , bad wcath'er set In , beginning
3aster morning , and/there was a con
tinuous rain .all day. .The Cleveland
club is bore-/to ( play an exhibition
game with > Atlanta tomorrow , but
'nun present outlook they Will be tin-
ibJp to do s6 ,
The Now1 York pluyOrs are In fairly
itfi'6'd condition with the exception of
Elberlle'ld. His back Is still to sore
to admit of his playing , and he will
lot go on the diamond again In all
Ikellhood until the season opens In
Washington on April 11. Eberfleld's
wife Is also HI , and In answer to a
elegrnm he loft for homo yesterday
afternoon. ' '
It Is Alleged That Beatty , Who Is Well
Known and a Man of Considerable
Means , Took Improper Liberties
With Miss Eva Jones.
Pierce , Neb. , April 3. Special to
The News : Irving Beatty , a well
known farmer living near Foster , and
a well-to-do man of family , was arrest
ed today charged with attempt to
commit rape. Miss Eva Jones of
Plntnvlew is the alleged victim of the
attempt. Beatty Is a school director
and Miss Jones was elected teacher In
Ills district. The offense is alleged to
have been committed last fall. Beatty
is thirty years old and Miss Jones
about nineteen. It Is charged In the
complaint that Beatty drove Miss
Jones to Pierce to secure a teacher's
certificate and that cnroute homo , in
the carriage , he took liberties with
the young woman which led to the
arrest today.
Brink Not Yet Here.
Up to Tuesday noon Frank Brink ,
the young man recently tridd In Ponca
on the charge of murdering Ills sweet
heart and finally ordered to the state
hospital by the insanity board at Pen
ca , had not reached Norfolk. Brink Is
to bo brought to the Norfolk hospital
this week and had been , expected Mon
day evening or Tuesday morning. Dr.
Young , superintendent of the insane
hospital , has received no additional
word frou Ponq andthinks that Brink
will "bo brought to Norfolk this ; even
ing oV tomorrow foremxm.
Says That If Norfolk Wants to Recon
struct Old School- for Grammar
Building. Lnter to Erect High School ,
Present Foumlntlbrl Would 'Do.
ll'oni WiMliiPnOny'N Uully.l
Tllo following loltbr , received | iy
the hoard of C'duniitlon litHt Weak , and
touching upon the matter of school
buildings , Is today tnndo puhllo by the
hoard of education :
Omaha , Nob. , March 25 , 1907. Mi' .
,11. , J. Cole , President Hoard of Eduoa-
lion , Norfolk , Nob. fear ) Sirs Refer
ring to the visit of niy Mr. HilllHbury
to your town on Saturday In regilrd
to your proposed now high school
building , will say ;
llolovv llnd oHtlnmlcH .von nuked for ;
Cost of rooousltuctlng from prosenj
Inundation up , 'Including boating ,
plumbing , olnctrlu wiring and 'black-
himnhi , | :12,200,00. :
OOH.I of rcr.nnstruutliifi building fiom
second Hlory up , $20.1IO.OO. !
Salvage from Urn foundation , $2,500 ,
Salvage from second story , $1,125.00.
Total foundation and brick work on-
the , $ : i,2IO.OI ! ) .
Cost of building the Ilhilr school at
this time , Including heating , plumb
ing. electric wiring and black boards ,
$ : i8,00I.OO. (
Looking at the proposition from a
blonder standpoint the question Is ,
will a building leconsti noted either
from the second Hlory. the Ilisl story
or the foundation be a rood building
when Mulshed ?
Mr. Salisbury showed mo a sketch
of your building and I hnvo a good
Idea of It.
1 want to say emphatically that on
your present foundation yon can not
const mot a modern school house , for
the reason that
First New foundations and now
lines , two for each room about 2 fool
by It foot each , would have to bo
built for boating and ventilation.
These Hues by ronson of the plan
of your building could not bo located
so as to do the best work.
Second The loft hand wall of onoh
school room would hnvo to hnvo about
110 square feet of glnss. If Hint ninny *
windows are Inserted In the wall It
would effect the foundations and the
corners would piobnbly go down.
Third Wardrobes should bo along
the oxtorlor wall and should have ex
terior windows and this would bo Im
possible In your piohont plans.
Them should bo one wnrdrobo Im
mediately adjoining each loom.
Fourth Your rooms are nil a had
Fifth The hlnckbnnrds space In
your school rooms would bo had. A
modern school house should hnvo the
front wall resorxod for blnekbomds
exclusively without any lines , olosols
or Interference because Hint Is the
only blackboard the children can see
Sixth A modern heating ami venti
lating npparntus requires great depth
of holler room because most of the
boating cells are In the bnsemont.
None of your looms would bo deep
enough for a holler room.
Seventh A modern high school
building should bo divided In two as
to the sex.
The gills should have one stairway
exclusively lending to the toilet rooms
In bnsenient and to their piny gioiind
and the boys should have one stair
way exclusively From those stair
ways both the building and the play
giound should bo reached with ease.
Eighth You hnvo not a chimney
large enough.
Ninth Outside basement openings
would have to bo broken for the boatIng -
Ing and ventilating npparntus.
Tenth The boating and ventilating
apparatus would ho awkward proposi
tion's ns your building Is planned.
Tin-he of course are trilling matters
and they and others constitute the de
tails of a modern school house.
.It would bo money Illy spent to at
tempt tp use any part of the present
bnlldlng1 even If you could save one-
half the cost of a new building.
There would bo no credit In It for
any one and in n few years your board
would , , bo heartily condemned for the
If you could , however , reconstruct
the present building for a grammar
school with a view of building a high
school In the future say In live or ten
jjears ; that would bo another proposl-
tjon. You might then cheaply recon
struct this building and call It a poor
building , putting in such h > 'nt and
ventilation as Is possible and g > vo it
as near the required regulation of
light as Is possible , have the ward
robes the best you can and get along.
But you make a great mistake If you
will attempt to make out of the pres
ent ruin a high school building which
Is worthy of your town.
Towns like Blair , Fairbury , Has
tings and other towns have set a high
level for school houses.
Nebraska City Is voting bonds for
a building to cost about $05,000.00 and
I don't believe jour town wants to
take a backward stpp
If you build you should build an as
sembly room for about twenty-five or
thirty more seats than you have pu
The Blair might not be large enough
for you.
You can find n full description of
the Blair building In "Fowler's yearly
report when ho was superintendent of
schools of Nebraska.
Yours truly ,
John Latenscr ,
Being "one of the boys" .Is another
distinction that never helps a man
much In securing a Job ,
Battle Creek.
. A class of nine girls and seven boys
were confirmed In the Lutheran church
Palm Sunday by Rev. J , Hoffman.
They were : Anna Dlnkel , Rosa
Schroeder , Ella WendtHulda Rode-
kohr , Terresla NIcolay , Martha Fen-
pko , lliM-lliu llolPhoi-M , Mnbol Kitoist
and Holnin Clitim , I'niil fiehott , Alfred
hfiaii , Oliiilhs Hclilti'elior , John Ilieile-
hooff , AllH'i'f ' MlnltM , Fiod SlUckvvlBch
and I Ionium Xohnoi On Good Frl-
fifty holy communion wlU'bu held at
the Lullioitin dlmtch. who'll Hut nliovo
iijimod will | > artlclpulo , fo.r llio llrst
lsiHt week Wilson ( Iloyd , Kiauglit u
plokoiol WolRhlng hl'rtrfy . HKt , , < ! on
The "iMlo of Hjik'o , " whMi | i , ( J.
Whltnoy'rt roinimny wlll'pri'kont ' id ( ho
pill i dim of the Atltlllorlifni Friday
night , Under the goni'inl dlro'clloii of
the grout mnstoi'- 'HUigodrafl , 'Unrr
( Jus Sohlko. Mr. Whltnoy hnti oxclus-
Ivuly ougngod llorr .Holilko . , for , IIH ! |
mime : OUH spectacular production/I / , and
the 01 Initial oiiHoiublo plcluroij , discos ,
poses , ote ; , In the "lijlo cil sWco"'uuio
produced 'under his po'rmmal Biiptr. ;
ptiiinilH hi ono of llui Inkos'n'oar ' 'the
Yellow Hanks. Clins. Ulrlch mVoh-
orod him. " '
Win. Halo , an old resident of this
vicinity , is visiting old ft lends and
nolghbois hero , lie nuilios bin homo
how In South Dakota. , ,
C'omnilHslotior and Mix. J. U. llnrd-
Ing of Mendow Grove worn ato.mlug | |
the Luoht finiorn ! hero Thursdny ,
( loo. Schmldlvlio arrived heie hist
week I Him I'erry county , Mo , , liao , ic-
copied n position In Hwlt/or and
C'nln's butter ami egg sloto.
Alturno ) M. I ) , Tyler of Not folk wan
here Friday on pro'foHslomil business.
II. O. Mutton hns sold his linrbor
business buck to the former pioprle-
tor , Doy Cnras , who liiul boon braking
on the Noilh\veslern , and who will
lake elinige next \\oolt. Air. Mutton
will move to ( ! len\\ooil , town.
Otto Fuurst bus moved Into the Volk
house at North Battle dock.
Lumber ! Koibel was transuding
business nt M"iilow ( Giovo Snturdnj.
J. U. Sunders soon will hnvo his
mill dam In complete slmpo again lo
inn the mill. A gnng of mon ate
working nt II this week and tlioy sny
U will bo moio sulmtnntlnl limn It.
ever WJIH.
John Mull , a devil of ( ho "Piogross"
nt Voullgro , was visiting relatives
here the lore part of the week.
A boy arrived nt the homo of Mr.
nnil Mrs. Mnlou Anderson Friday
Postmaster F. M. L. Willis I ren ted
his residence to a now loof this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKnlght of
Meadow Grove wore visiting lolatlvos
hero Monday.
The funeral of N. M. Lund was
largely attended Monday. Rev. Father
Walsh of Not folk wns officiating
Among the many outsldois were Goo.
Connolly of Tllden , Mis. Ll/.xlo , Car-
rnhlno , Pete Stafford ami John Wmlo
ol Norfolk.
Julius ( ilandt wns bore Tuesday
rfoni Meadow Grove.
Win. .lost went to Chadron Wednes
day , whore ho In going to work for the
lolegrnplt company on the Noitlnsest-
Mrs. Clins. Wlclmmnn and two chil
dren arilvod hero Saturday fiom St.
Paul , Minn. , for a two weeks' visit
with her parents , Mr. and Mra. Fred
Fuerst , and other relatives.
Mrs. Ray Sharp of Nlobrara was
visiting hero from Friday until
Wednesday with her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Hodman. Mr. Sharp Is
c'glit ' operator at the station there.
Goo. W Phelps of Sioux City is
'bent this week on business ,
Dr. Conwell of Nellgh Decides Drown
ing Was Purely Accidental Lad
Said to Have Gone Into Water Himself - ,
self Lip Bruised In Fight.
Clcarwater , Neb. , April 3. Special
to The News : The funeral of little
Clarence Roth , who wns drowned In
a bayou near here Monday evening ,
wns hold here this morning at 11
o'clock. .
Ran Into Water. ,
Sentiment In Clearwater today
seems to bo that the lad drowned ac
cidentally and that his three compan
ions , who were reticent about speak-
ng afterward , were too frightened nt
, vlmt had happened to come to town ,
and give an alarm. It Is said that the
Roth boy had been lighting with the
three others and that In the mix-up his
lp was bruised. Indications are that
ho thought his brother was coming
after him and that , frightened and
eager to escape , ho ran Into the wo.ter ,
fell down and drowned in a shallow
Dr. Conwell of Nellgh , county cor
oner , was hero last night to Investi
gate the affair but left town.
No Inquest Held.
Nellgh , Neb. , April 3. Special to
The News : Dr. Conwell , corondr , ' re
turned last night from Olearwator-
where ho went to Investigate' , thd
drowning of Clarence Roth. Ha held
no Inquest , having decided that tbe
drowning was purely accidental.
Boy Walked Into Water.
tr. Conwoll says that the Roth boy ,
as is apparent from shoo tracks ,
walked Into the water of his own ac
cord. ' "
The lad was not swimming but'bad '
al | of his clothing onwhen found ,
Dr. Conwoll snyo that Uiera laa
great deal of talk but ho bplloves { ho
affair was purely an accident.
EVen If you are' bhly "Ihlnklng" ot
moving , begin to watch the want ads.