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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL : FKIDAY. MATtCIl 21) ) . 1907. NORFOLK'S SCHOOL TAX WILL BE LESS FROM NOW ON. EVEN WITH NEW BOND ISSUE After July Norfolk Will , Even With New Bond Issue of $24,000 , Have $1,000 Less Burden Than Now City Needs School May Not Use All. [ Prune - < > ne8 < Jny'B Dully. ] Voters of the Norfolk school dis trict who will bo called to pnss on the proposed $2-1,000 hand Issue nt the April election nro naturally and rightly - ly Interested In knowing the financial condition of the school , district. Mem bers of thd hoard of education are also anxious that the financial condition of the district should bo placed before the voters to show that the district stands well In money matters at this time. Acting under Instructions from the secretary of the school hoard the coun ty treasurer will call In $25,000 of the outstanding school bonds during the next few months. This will leave the bonded debt of the school district at $11,000. Exact Standing Today. The exact standing of the district's finances are set out In the following statement received yesterday from County Treasurer Christopher Schav- land at Madison : "In reply to yours of the 22nd In stance , shall say that the $25,000 bond issue Is dated August 1 , 1889 , and ma tures August 1 , 1909 and may bo paid after fifteen years from date of Issue nt the option of the officers of the school district. "The $11,000 Issue is dated May 1 , 1898 , and matures Ainy 1 , 1918. There is no option noted on my bond regis ter. "The bond sinking fund , including interest fund , now amounts to $25,234 and with real estate taxes soon to come In will ho amply sufficient to take up the $25,000 issue at the next interest payment in July , possibly be fore. The sinking fund now on hand has been provided for that issue only , and is therefore applicable in Its en tirety. It has been made up in the ehort time of about seven or eight years. Arrangements will be made to take up the $25,000 on or before July 1 , 1907. " Less Taxes From Now On. Provided the new bond issue of $24- 000 passes , before it will have been carried into effect the old bond issue of $25,000 will have been entirely wiped off the records. The bonded in debtedness under the new issue will he at least $1,000 less than at present. The period of indebtedness will of course be extended over a longer pe riod. riod.While While In the end the taxpayers have to pay for every cent put Into school building members of the board show that the taxpayers of Norfolk will not be called on to meet an Increase In the tax rate for school purposes. The $25,000 retiring bonds carry six per cent. Interest while the new Issue calls for five per cent , bonds. Under the law ten years may elapse before the hoard will have to levy taxes to provide for a sinking fund against the proposed bond Issue. In the mean while the $11,000 Issue can be cared for. Where the district will lose will not be In an increase of taxes but through the fact that had the fire not occurred the sinking fund levy would have been practically wiped out of existence In a few years. City Must Have School. Norfolk must have a new high school building and she must have money to build it. If the $24,000 bond issue car ries , added to the $15,000 Insurance , it will place $39,000 at the disposal of the board for the rebuilding of the high school. Added to this is the sal vage represented in the old building. May Not Use All. Members of the board declare that their aim will be to serve the inter ests of the district as economically as possible in securing a suitable high school building for the district and that if the cost of their building can be brought below the above amount the amount of bonds will fall that much below the $24,000 limit fixed in the board's request to the voters of the school district. ENGAGED TO THREE AT ONCE. Did Bessie Newton of Ponca Pay Pen alty With Life for Flirting. Ponca , Neb. , March 27. Did Bessie Newton pay with her life the penalty of flirting ? It has boon brought out at the trial that she was engaged to two men at the same time , the wed ding days being set but one day apart , and it will he proved that she was also engaged to a third man , Bert Chase , within the last year. So deep was the love of Frank Brink that his mind became affected by the suspense In which ho was held and In his de mented condition ho tried to kill him self and circumstantial evidence tends to show that he killed the girl. Ho will be taken to the Norfolk Insane hospital. Baking Economy. By the use of perfect baking powder the housewife can derive as much economy as from any other article " sed in baking and cooking. In se lecting a baking powder , therefore , care should be exercised to purchase one that retains its original strength and always remains the same , thus making the food sweet and wholesome End producing sufficient leavening gas to make the baking light. Very little of this leavening gas Is produced by the clump baking powders - dors , making It noci'ssary to use dou ble the quantity ordinarily required to secure good results. ' You cannot experiment every time you make a cnko or biscuits , or test Iho strength of your baking powder to find out how much of It you should use ; yet with most baking powders you should do this , for they nro put together so carelessly they nro never uniform , the quality and strength vary ing with each can purchased. Calumet baking powder is made of chemically pure Ingredients of tested strength. Experienced chemists put It up. The proportions of the different materials remain always the same. Scaled In alr-tlght cans Calumet bak ing powder does not alter In strength and Is not affected by atmospheric changes. In using Calumet you arc bound to have uniform bread , cake or biscuits , as Calumet docs not contain any cheap , useless or adulterating Ingre dients so commonly used to Increase the weight. Further , It produces pure , wholesome food and Is a baking pow der of rare merit ; therefore , Is recom mended by leading physicians and chemists. It complies with all pure food laws , both state and national. The goods are moderate In price , and any lady purchasing Calumet from her grocer , If not satisfied with It can return It and have her money refund ed. IT IS NO TIME TO LAUGH AT THE WEATHER MAN. FALL OF FIFTY-FIVE DEGREES From Eighty-one In the Shade , Mer cury Dropped Suddenly to Twenty- six Snow Did Not Reach Norfolk But Came at Valentine , Neb. [ Frotr Wednesday' ? Dnlly.J No , the weather man Is not to bo scoffed at. His forecasted cold wave came nt last and overcoats are not uncomfortable In place of negligee. From eighty-one In the shade Tuesday afternoon the mercury suddenly took a tumble of fifty-five degrees In Nor folk , stopping at twenty-six above zero early Wednesday morning. And the Snow , Too. "But where is the snow , " asked the casual observer , thinking to put the weather man in a hole. The snow came alright , alright but not in Nor folk . At Valentine , Neb. , a couple hundred miles west of Norfolk , sever al inches of snow fell. Norfolk chanced to bo just east of the snow line. But the weather man , after all , was not so badly off. The Reason For Delayed Cold Wave. A reason for the delayed cold wave , which was forecasted Monday , lay in the fact that there was a low pres sure over Norfolk and one in Oregon , with a high pressure area , bringing cold weather , between. It had been expected that this low pressure would bring rain or snow and that the high pressure got caught between the two low pressures , and was put off in an other direction , being sent down to ward Denver. Later , when the low pressure got out of the way here , the cold wave came as predicted. Weather men say that such another warm spell as this section had for a week , will not be seen again for four weeks , and rather cooler weather will be the rule. Fair weather is forecasted for to morrow. County Fair at Alnsworth. Ainsworth , Neb. , March 27. The Brown county agricultural society met here and elected the following offi cers : President , W. H. Peck ; vice president , Daniel Carpenter ; secre tary , C. W. Potter. September 25 , 26 and 27 was set as the county fair date. NEBRASKA RAILROAD COMMIS SIONER WILL QUIT. WINNETT IS MADE CHAIRMAN Omaha Men Are Trying to Persuade Governor Sheldon to Name an Oma ha Man on the Railway Commission to Succeed Crowell. Lincoln , Neb. , March 27. Special to The News : Robert Cowell , railroad commissioner , Is expected to resign within a day or two. Omaha men are trying to Induce Governor Sheldon to name an Omahan in his stead. The name of the favorite has not been re vealed. The railroad commission bill and the terminal tax bill reached the governor this morning. It Is expect ed that ho will sign both measures to day. day.Wlnnett Wlnnett has been agreed on as chairman of the railway commission. Atkinson Items. Fred Mills of Gordon , Neb. , stopped over for a short visit with friends on his return trip from Omaha and Lin coln. coln.Mrs. Mrs. Newton Gates of Gordon Is spending some tlmo at the homo of Dr. Sturdevant In Atkinson. Low Chapman , the lawyer from O'Neill , has been on our streets a number of times In the past few days , he being John Dibble's counsel In his case with the state , which will come up for hearing In a few days. YOUTHFUL GROOM AT PIERCE IS HELD FOR PERJURY , SWORE THEY WERE OLD ENOUGH John J , Frey Is Bound Over to District Court at Pierce In Sum of $1,000 It Is Said He Will Sue Father-ln-Law for Alienating Wife's Love. Pierce , Neb. , March 27. Special to The News : The culmination of a min iature elopement was reached yester day in the county court of this county when John J. Frey was hound over to the district court In the sum of $1,000 bonds on the charge of perjury. From the evidence adduced on the prelim inary hearing It seems that for a year previously John J. Frey , a young man nineteen years of age and a son of a well-to-do farmer living west of lladar In this county , was keeping company with u Miss Clara Cottrell whoso pa rents are also in very good circum stances. An old justice of the peace statute book of the vintage of 18711 or thereabouts fell Into the hands of the young couple and believing In every one being his own lawyer the loving pair decided that parental ob jections could not bo successfully In- loriKised under Nebraska laws If the miss was over the age of sixteen. Consequently on January 28 , 1907 , John J. Frey appeared In person be fore County Judge Kelley and made affidavit that ho was over the ago of twenty-one years and that his fiance was over the ago of eighteen years and thereupon procured a marriage li cense and on the same day was mar ried to his sixteen-year-old sweetheart. Trouble between the families of the contracting parties was quickly brewing ing and a number ( > f civil suits have already been commenced. Sympathy Is about equally divided between the warring factions and the September term of court will bo Impatiently wait ed for by both the litigants as well as the lawyers who will probably have farms to rent when the storm has passed over. And to cap the climax of the whole affair , it Is said that Frey Intends , af ter he Is through with this scrape , to sue the girl's father for alienating his wife's affections. District court adjourned after two days of jury work In which jury trials only included potty amounts. Mrs. Relda Clew of Plalnview , being the only criminal case , was cleared of the charge of administering a drug to one Mattlc Rail with intent to procure an abortion. Mattlo Hall having been the complainant was touched with a sympathetic stroke and relused to sub stantiate her charge previously made and the defendant was acquitted by the jury. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. L. Ilansen of Tilden Is In' the city today. F. J. Dover was up from Madison today. D. C. Main was In from Wayne yes terday. J. S. Mathewson was in Hadar yes terday. Dr. J. C. Myers spent the day in Wisner. E. Schostay of Nlobrara Is in' Nor folk today. M. S. Moats of Randolph is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dick went to Stuart today. Bruce Sires of Plalnview was in the city yesterday. Herman Bloom of Crelghton is In Norfolk today. A. D. Alderman was in from Plain- view yesterday. Lyman Waterman of Albion was in Norfolk yesterday. A. L. Austin of Long Pine was in Norfolk over ni ht. Mrs. Fuerst of Battle Creek spent yesterday in the city. Frank Jones was a Wlnslde visitor In Norfolk yesterday. J. C. Fleming of David City was in the city last evening Judge A. A. Welch of Wayne stopped in Norfolk lost evening. Joe Stallborles of West Point was in the city last evening. Mrs. Vaughn of Meadow Grove vis ited In Norfolk yesterday. Thomas Buchanan of Omaha Is in Norfolk on business today. Milt Knight of West Point was a Norfolk visitor yesterday. Mrs. Belts and daughter of Stanton were In Norfolk yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Alter of Wayne were In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cox of Wayne spent yesterday in Norfolk. Miss Nclda Hans of Battle Crecok spent yesterday in Norfolk. E. A. Waddell of Hoskins was in the city yesterday on business. Leon Tompklns is visiting his sis ter , Mrs. Fred Kenoy , at Schuyler. L. E. Jackson of Omaha was the guest of friends In Norfolk over Sun day. day.J. J. D. Humphrey , formerly of Nor folk , was in the city on business yes terday. J. M. Cottrell and Miss Martha Cottrell - troll of Genoa were In the city last evening. L. Jurgenson and W. W. Bralthwalt were Spencer visitors In the city yes terday. Mrs. Burt Baker of Battle Creek was In Norfolk today , the guest of Mrs. J. II. Allen. Attorney Barnhart and Court Re porter Powers returned yesterday af ternoon from Pierce. William Klol'o of Brlstow came in from ColumbUH yesterday , Hpi'tidlng' the night In Norfolk. ( ? SlontH of Elgin In in Norfolk. Mrs , W. M , Darlington returned > ilny from a week's visit with her mother at Battle Creek. MfH. Charles Iloltman returned yen- lerday from Vcrdlgro , accompanied by lor Hlsttor , Mn . Fred Sandow. Mrs. M. J. Wagner , Miu A. Stort/ uut HOU and Mrs. Joe Bloom are Crolghton vtHltorn In the city today. The Bade brothers of Slnnton conn- y weio In Norfolk yesterday purchaH- ing a bill of lumber for a new barn. Attorney M. 0. 1 In/on returned yon- lerdny afternoon from 1'leroe , the dlH- ; rlct court having adjourned yoHtor- .lay until May 2. Mrs. Kthel Jenkins of Santa KOHII , Calif. , Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. S C. Kline , nt the home north west of Norfolk. MI-H. B. F. llawden of Poplar , Mont , , who luiH been In the city on a visit with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Anderson , returns home tomorrow. The mouthers of the Emplro Stock company , after u Hhort stop In Nor folk left yesterday for Plalnvlow , where they wnro booked for an en gagement. MlHH Ida Jones , returning from Brownell Hall to spend the Easter vacation at her homo nt Wtnnetoon , will be the guest of Miss Herrmann n Norfolk for a short time. Aug. Arneka has moved his family from Second street Into Mr. Slovens' IOUHO. MI-H. Cramer and son George of \Vlnnetoon , formerly of Norfolk , are visiting at the home of her daughter , Mrs. Oscar List John CollliiH of Marcus Iowa , IB In Norfolk on a short visit with friends. Thomas Taylor has moved from Eleventh street , whore he moved yes terday , back to the house he formerly occupied on Second avenue. Swan Johnson and his gang of ma- Fens went to Verdlgre today to do porno mason work. Engineer Shipley of the South Platte division dead-headed into Norfolk yes- tordny. Carl Biako has purchased Mr. la ment's house on Third street , former ly occupied by Mr. Yost. Mrs. II. C. Matrnu left at noon for a visit at Stanton. Walter Rccroft returned last evenIng - Ing from Sioux City. Superintendent Reynolds returned Tuesday evening from Nlobrara. Mr. anil Mrs. W. a Craig of Battle Creek were In the city yesterday. Mrs. Cora A. Beels , accompanied by Miss Nelle Grant of Madison , left this morning for Omaha to attend grand opera this evening. E. W. Pratt of Missouri Valley , la. , master mechanic of the Nebraska and Wyoming divisions of the Northwest ern , was in Norfolk Wednesday noon on his way home from a western trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Ray have re turned homo from a visit to Siimner , Neb. Mrs. Ray was In Stunner for a week , the guest of Mrs. Eugene Wheeler or , and Mr. Ray went down at the end of the week to accompany her home. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard , soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses , blood spavins , curbs , splints , swecnoy , ring bone , stlllcs , sprains , all swollen throats , coughs , etc. Save $ iiO by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful blemish cure ever known . Sold by F. F. Ware & Son , druggists. Bomb Fails to Kill Governor. Blalystok. Russia , March 27. A bomb was thrown at Governor Gen eral Rogalovskl while ho was out driving The governor general was not injured , though the force of tha explosion broke all the windows In the struct and Ills coachman was slightly wounded. The man who threw the bomb escaped. Rosebery Opposes Irish Parliament. London , March 27. Presiding at a meeting of the council of the Liberal League held here Lord Rosebery said Great Britain never would tolerate a separate Irish parliament Such a proposal , he said , went far beyond any thing the late Mr. Gladstone intended Ruef Cases Continued. San Francisco , March 27 The ex tortlon cases against Abraham Rue were called for trial before Judgt Dunne In the superior court and upon the motion of Assistant District Attor ney Hcney were continued for one week. TELEGRAMS JERSEIY TOLD Theto are now 300 vessels waiting at Hamburg to either load or unload on account of the longshoreman' ? strike. At the eighth annual meeting of the International Catholic Truth society it was decided to Ibsuo literature con cerning soclall&m. v John Mueller was killed by light ning while working In a lumber yard at Chicago Nine fires were started by lightning during a violent rain and hall storm. Edward Shlnglcton , wanted ID Hardy county , Texas , on a murdei charge , was arrested at Parkersburg. W. V. A large reward for his capture had been offered. Fifteen students of the Blees mill tary academy at Mocon , Mo. , were slightly Injured In a wreck of a Wabnsh passenger train near Pendle- ton. Spreading rails caused the wreck. Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by F. F. Waio & Son , druggists. News want ads. for results. ' WELL KNOWN WOMAN EDITOR GOES TO ATKINSON. IT WILL BE ATKINSON LEDGER From Stunrt , Whore She Conducted Famous Campaign Against Bach elors , Miss Hudnpeth Curries Her Pen to Move on Atkinson. Atkinson , Neb. , March 17. ! Special to Thu NOWH : Minn KOHII HiidHpclh , recently of Stuart , editor ol the Htiutrt Ledger , has removed ( n Atkliwon and will henceforth make her homo here The edition will be published the last of the week. AH yet the now machin ery ordered In not In place. It will ho known an the Atkinson ledger. MlHH IludHpeth recently attracted attention at the Htato editorial meetIng - Ing In a paper telling of her troubles with tramp prlnterH and wives of poll- HclaiiH whom Him pralHed. Among the unique plmiHCH which appeared In the Stuart Ledger a year ago , when the editor wau lighting bach- elorH , was UIH ! : "A man's nodal standing depends upon which side of the bar IIH ! utonuich fncoH. " FINDS JAIL INCONVENIENT. Fairfax Editor Writes Unique Letter From County Baotlle. Gregory County Jnll Very Poorly Ventilated ; Completely Inadequate In Every Way- Dirty and Inconvenient Kali-fax , S. D. . March 27. IJI07 Dear Friend : AH yon will HOC by the headIng - Ing of HUH letter , 1 am an Ininale of the building not much bigger than an ordinary coal rfhod which thlH county dignifies by Iho mime of coun ty jail. Now a lltllo explanation : You who Imvo been reading my paper , will remember that hint fall I made a campaign for better men to fill county oIllccH. In a great meamiro 1 WIIH RiiccpRHful and take pride In the fact that I iiRHlstod In electing men whom I believe are men of Integrity. One of the men whom 1 helped to de feat , wan Fred llutton , republican can didate for Hljeriff. You all know the charges I made , HO there IH no UHe of rehearflliig them here. Sulllce It to say , that Mr. Huston felt himself very much aggrieved and thinking to make campaign ammunition out of the af fair , he started a criminal libel null agaliiHt me and secured an Injunction from the circuit court , ordering and restraining mo from making any "false or malicious" HtutemeiitH about this wonld-bo HhorlfT. You will alwo re member that my paper kept on In Its Independent campaign for right mon and rlk'lit , moiiHtiroH. Mr. Doherty , republican candidate for Hlato'B attorney , also started a criminal libel .suit against me. These men both hired the Hamo at torney , one W. J. Hooper of Bonesteel. Hooper served a KiiminoiiH upon mo , which demanded that I make and serve an answer on him at his otllco In Bonesteol , within thirty days from service on me. Thin I attempted In good faith to do. The answers In both cases were executed properly and In plenty of time , and then , through the cnrclcsB' ness and neglect of the attorney who had my side of these cases In his care , the thirty days time was allowed to go by without my answers having been legally served. At least that Is the ruling of Judge Smith of this circuit. I contend differently , however , and am fighting the cane. Be that as It may , default judgments were granted against me by the court In both cases. Huston Immediately placed his judgment on file , took an execution and It was returned by the cherlff , wholly unsatisfied. Thereupon Judge Smith Issued nn order commit ting me to prison , and that's where I am at the present time , and will bo , probably , until my attorneys get the supreme court to work on my case , which I hope will be soon. I am today a man who Is locked in prison , without being given a chance to submit my proofs , for on my mo tion to re-open the case , Judge Smith turned me down. The matter will be straightened out , however , but in the meantime I am In jail , unable to make any money out of my business , which Is in the hands of a young man not at all acquainted with the office or bust ness. Then , too , the work I did last fall was for the benefit of the residents and tax-payers of Gregory county They showed that they believed it then by giving nice majorities to the op ponents of Huston and Doherty. I spent over $300 in that campaign In just getting Information and assuring myself of the truth of my accusations before I ever made a statement. Now I ask that the * people for whoso benefit I spent my money , labor and am now giving up oven my liberty she wngaln that they appreciate mj efforts In their behalf. Your subscription to the Sun-Review expired 1 whlcl makes your account to the same date 190. , $ . . . . , or to date $ If you wish to continue your paper send mo $ which will pay your subscription up to 190. . . . I do not ask , nor do I want charity I have always , to the best of my abll Ity , given value received for what got , and I will continue to do so , but nt this time I do ask that the people who owe me help mo out. My family must have necessaries and It costs mo money to fight my way clear from mj political enemies. In the name of right and justice nsk that jou send mo whichever of the ibovo iimonnlH you prefer , and prom * Hlng that my paper will bo conducted n the Hamo fcarlCHH and truth-tolling uaiinor In the future that It IIIIH In the uiHt , 1 beg to remain Yourn very roHpoel fully , W. f KortrlKht , Editor Fairfax Hun-Review. 300 Seats on Lower Floor nt $1 , There are 1100 HeatH on the lower leer of the Auditorium for $1 , for the ( imlng engagement of MlHH Imibel Irv- ng In Jerome K. Jeromo'it quaint com- dy , "HuHim In Heareh of a HiiHlmml , " vhlch will bo pnmenled In Norfolk "ntiirdiiy night. Parquet HeatH itro no , and the balance of the lower leer -HOI ) iieatH- arc $1. Thu llrnt wo rovvH In the balcony are $1 , the icxt three 7fic , the next throe fic ( ) and ho gallery Healu 2fie. ScatH go on ale at The NOWH biiHlnoHH olllco Frl- lay morning at 1) ) o'clock. Mall orders , iccompanlod by remittance , are now lelng received and HeatH will bo re- erved In the order of receipt H. Letter List. Lint of letters remaining uncalled or at the poutolllco at Norfolk , Neb. , larch 2(1 ( , 1907 : T. R. llrown , Mr. W. A. Barney , Mr. M Loney , Mr John Orm Little , Mr. , eo. SlokoH , MI-H. Mlnnlu Tumor , Tol- celt and PalHok , MHH ! Carrlo Warner. If not called for In fifteen days will 10 Hont to the ( load letter office. Parties culling for any of the above ilciisu say "advortlHcd. " John R llity-H , P. M. NORFOLK FRATERNAL SOCIETIES Masonic , Damancun Commandory , No. 20 , Knights Templar , mcotu the third Frt- lay evening of each month In Masonic Hill. Damascim Chapter , No. 25 , R. A. M. , noe-lB tha nccoml Monday In each month In Manonlc hall. Mosaic lodge , No. CG , A. F. & A. M. , : iioolH the firnt Tuesday In each month In Mntionlo hall. Boulah Chapter , No. 40 , Order of the Eastern Star , incotn the second and mirth Thursday of each month at 8 p. in. In Masonic hall. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Elkhorn Encampment No. 27 , I. O. O. F. , meets the first and third TUCB- day evenings of each month. Norfolk lodge No. 40 , I. O. O. F , meets every Thursday evening. 'Deborah Rebecca ledge No. C3 , I. O. O. F. , meets the first and third Friday evenings of each month. B. P. O. E. Norfolk ledge , No. C53 , Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks , moot * regularly on the second and fourth Sat unlay evenings of each month. Club rooms open nt all times. Ledge and club rooms on second floor of Mar- quardt block. Eagles. Sugar City Aerie , No. 357 , moots la Eagles' ledge room as follows : In winter every Sunday evening ; In sum mer the first and third Sunday evening of each month. L. M. L. of A. The Loyal Mystic Legion of Amer ica meets at G. A. R. hall on the fourth Thursday evening of each month. M. B. A. Sugar City ledge , No. 622 , meets on the second Friday evening of the month at Odd Fellows' hall. Sons of Herrmann. Gcrmanla ledge , No. 1 , moots the second and fourth Friday evenings of the month at G. A. R. hall. Norfolk Relief Association. Meets on the second Monday even ing of each month in the hall over H. W. Winter's harness shop. Tribe of Ben Hur. North Nebraska Court No. 9 , T. B. H. , meets the first and third Monday evenings of each month. Knights of the Maccabees. Norfolk Tent No. C4 , K. O. T. 1L , meets the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month. Ancient Order of United Korkmen. Norfolk ledge No. 97 , A. O. U. W , meets the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. Wjoomt" c' tht World. Norfolk lodge W O W. , meet on the third Monday of each month at o. A. R. hall. Royal Highlanders. Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8 p. m. , In G. A. R. hall. Highland Nobles. Regular meetings the second and fourth Monday night of each month at I. O. O. F. hall. G. A. R. Mathewson post No. 109 , moeta la G. A. R. hall on the second Tuesday evening of each month. Royal Arcanum. The Norfolk chapter does not hold regular meetings. Knights of Pythias. Knights of Pythias , meetings every second and fourth Monday , la I. 0. O. F. halL M. W. A. Norfolk camp No492 , M. W , A. meets every second Monday In G. A. R , hall. I , O. R. M. Shoshone Tribe , No. 48 , I. O. R. M , Have discontinued meetings.