The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    PIIW WRRKT.Y iFRIDAY. . MAiton 20 n 07.
The Norfolk Weekly Naws-Journal
The Now * , ICNlnlilloliiMl. 1881 ,
Tlio Journal , KMnhtlnhnil , 1R77.
< V. N. Hvnn N. A. Ili'Hii
Every Krlilny. My nuill jior your , 11.60.
Kntorcd at the iMtstoillco at Norfolk ,
Nob. , n Hocouil cl Hn itinUuTi
TaloplioMOHi Kdltorlnl DopartinonL
No. 32. UiiRlnrttu Olllco and Jolt UOOIIIB ,
No. II 52.
There in reason for congralulatlgn
In the fact that , oven with the now Is-
nno of $21,000 school bonds which arc
lo ho voted upon l > y Norfolk next
Tuemlay , the city will actually huvo
loss of iv burden to carry In this ro-
Hard than II linii homo during the
past. There will ho enough money In
the sinking fund hy next .Inly to pay
off 125,000 In homlH now outBtandlng
HO that , OYUII with the now f21,000
bonds , the school district's indebtedness -
ness will ho dccrcnHod $1,000.
There Is no reason why the repub
lican elty ticket , recently nominated ,
ohould not receive the entire mipport
of the republican party In Norfolk.
There Is every reason why unanimous
mipport should bo accorded.
There nre no vital Issues at jttako
In the election. Voters will Holcol men
to'conduct the affalru of the munici
pality for the coining year. Men of
clean character and business Integrity
will bo elected , whichever side wins.
There Is no attack posulhlo In thin
campaign upon personal candidates.
The matter resolves Itself largely Into
n party affair.
J. D. Sturgeon , republican candid
ate for mayor , will , despite argument
to the contrary , be In his ollloo
practically every day In the your from
now on and , If elected mayor , will
be able to give unlimited time to the
Borvlco of the city. Ho has energy
with which ho has built up his name's
fame all over this country In a busi
ness way , and that same energy will
bo put Into the mayoralty work. Ho
has never before been a candidate
for any ofllco but , , having been In
duced to make the nice for mayor of
Norfolk , ho Is entitled to support. He
has taken the nomination with no
etrlngs attached to It In any way.
IB the first noise of presidential bat
tle to spring from Ohio's Hold of states
men ? Tuft has been strongly men
tioned as a possibility. In fact ho has
issued a statement and he has re
ceived cncomagoinent from Klttrego
of South Dakota and others. Taft Is
from McKinley'H state. Hut Forakor ,
too , lives down there. And the presi
dential bee has been bu//.lng about
Foraker's bonnet. Ho has Just Issued
a challenge to Taft for a battle royal ,
the man receiving a majority of votes
at n primary to bo given the state's
support In the national convention.
Aside from these t\vo candidates for
the republican nomination , a number
of others are being mentioned.
Among them are Hughes , Root , Cortel-
you , Cannon , Fairbanks , Cummins , La
Follette , Knox and Crane. The near
est one to Nebraska Is Cummins , of
Iowa , who could never carry the west
because bo has no principle excepting
to boost Cummins.
More and more , despite the opinion
of James Wilson , secretary of agricul
ture , that there Is a good opportunity
hero for a sugar factory , It becomes
apparent that If Norfolk's new Idle
sugar factory buildings are ever to bo
used again for anything , It must bo
some Industry other than the sugar
plant Ono of the most Important fe
tures which are tending to make sugar
production dltllcnlt In Nebraska Is the
now child labor law , just passed by the
Nebraska legislature , and which will
now go to the governor for his signa
ture , prohibiting children from workIng -
Ing In the beet fields.
When the sugar factory was located
hero most of the beet work In the
fields was done by children. They
earned from $1 per day to $2. Men
can not be employed for work at that
The scarcity of help In thinning the
beets would simply prohibit beet cul
ture and aa a result factories would
be compelled to close , just as the fac
tory In Norfolk did close some time
ago for lack of beets.
It has been more than two years
since the sugar factory In Norfolk was
dismantled. Norfolk has had many
dreams since as to what might bo done
with the building. Today that Is one
of the most vitally Important prob
lems that the community confronts.
In seeking new investment in new In
dustries , Norfolk Is bound to bo met
on every hand with a finger pointing
to the ghastly walls north of town.
Ought not some real genuine effort
bo made by somebody toward getting
a new industry started in those hollow
walls ? Yes , the city seems pretty well
agreed upon that. But has there been
an effort made to that end ? That's a
different matter.
For thirteen years there was smoke
pouring out of the chimneys at the
factory and there was the hum of ma
chinery and the gleam of electric
lights at night. Today the shell of n
structure stands Hllenl and gloomy and
IH there no wny In which Norfolk1
can restore life and the throb of Indus
try to ( hut magnificent factory build *
Ing ?
It would ho worth employing an en-
rgetlc Commercial club secretary for
year If that alone could bo nccoin-
It's a slow county today that can't
reduce a Thaw case. From hero and
hero and everywhere come telegraphic -
graphic messages telling how this or
hat or the other murder case has
leen similar to the Thaw trial in that
ho defense IH batted on "unwritten
aw , " In many instances that unwrlt
en law being the appropriated right
o avenge a wrong that ban been done
o womankind.
Down In Virginia there was an no
inltal not long since on the basis of
unwritten law. " Down In Missouri
Arthur Sanderson , who shot down a
hyslclan who , the defendant claimed ,
tad wronged his wife , has just been
ot free. And oven In our own state ,
ver at Ponca , a murder case is being
rled In which Thaw's "brain Btorm"
s being Imitated In an appeal for
; lunacy commission.
If all this aping of the Thaw trial
Ignllles anything more strongly than
bo American's readiness to take up
now Idea propounded by some
momentary hero , It Is the fact that ,
f there Is an "unwritten law" it
light to bo put down in the books.
Aping of Thaw defense with success
mist have a tendency to Increase the
nurders prompted by this so-called
'unwritten law. " And there's the
If there are situations which war-
ant the taking of human life by a
irivatu cltl/en , other than self do-
'enso , then society ought to get to
gether on those situations and put
hem In black and white , that we
may know where wo get off and on in
his "unwiltten law" proposition.
There ought to be no discrimination
n the matter of Hotting free these
nurdorers backed by unwritten law ,
and for that reason the exact causes
which give justification for putting a
mllot Into another , If there bo any ,
night to bo put down In black and
white and published to the world In
order that it may , like the two-cent
faro , bo taken advantage of by all
The presidential bee is buzzing.
Hryan seems to bo the only man whom
ho democrats will even think of
when It comes to their national con
vention. Republican action Is In the
air. President Roosevelt has de
clared many times that ho will not
icccpt a nomination for third term.
Taft Is apparently his favorite can
didate. Many bollovo that the presi
dent can not he induced to accept
the nomination. A few hold that he
will take It when the time comes.
Some of the eastern papers declare
Taft will not bo the man because ho
cannot carry bis own state. Ono
prominent eastern paper says that
Hughes or La Folletto arc the strong
est legibilities.
It Is said that President Roosevelt
employes a clerk who docs nothing
else but send letters to people over
the country who have been writing to
Insist that ho accept a third term. In
the note containing his reply. , the
president thanks his admirers but
states that ho has not in the least
changed his mind since the night of
election in 1904. In view of this
positive statement from the white
house , the following bitter statement
from Joseph Ralph Burton , the Kansas
senator just out of jail , is interesting
as showing the senator's way of "get
ting even" with the president , but this
unjustified rant will not tend to in
crease the popularity of Mr. Burton :
"A master hypocrite , ho can suc
cessfully mislead the public into the
idea that he is for some one clso for
the nomination , but when the times
comes ho will bo the candidate. Ho
has already succeeded In making the
party leaders declare that the Roosevelt
velt policy must bo pursued. The next
thing wo will hear is that if the Roosevelt
velt policy is to continue , Roosevelt
is the proper man for the nomination.
"That Is precisely what Roosevelt
Is hoping to see happen , and from the
outlook It does not appear ho will bo
disappointed. Ho has killed off La
Folletto by being friendly to Spoonor.
Shaw was sidetracked when Roosevelt
velt took up the cause of Cummins.
Shaw saw the handwriting on the wall
and loft the cabinet to accept a posi
tion in Now York. Forakor has been
attended to by the president's apparent
frendllness to Taft , and who is left
in the race ? No one but Roosevelt.
"Ho is using Taft like a flirting wife
would impose on a. foolish husband
to cover up her unfaithfulness. When
the time comes he will cast poor Taft
aside and accept a nomination for a
third term , which ho hopes will be 1
thrust upon him.
"Tart is not big enough for the
presidency. Ho is simply a tool of
Roosevelt , who may throw Root into
the nice to make the waters muddy |
almost any time. Cortolyou also may
bo shifted into the race , but none of
them can bo taken seriously , save
Roosevelt , who , though not openly a
candidate , is playing his cards to
bring about his o\vn nomination for >
a third term , ami bo will get it.
"Roosovolt is too shrewd to declare
himself a candidate. If ho did lie ,
would bo out of the race the moment
he announced blu candidacy. He
wants the nomination to be 'forced , '
as It were , and lie will accept it with
open arms.
"Wo read in the scriptures about
the Savior healing the leper , curing
the sick , making the blind nee and the
lame walk , but nowhere In biblical
history do wo read of Chlrst either
forgiving ( or curing a hyx | > crlte. The
dR Is one which grows on a per
son as the years roll by and it Is ln <
"There are two kinds of hypocrites.
One Is a smooth , oily , scheming , hum-
bio Individual , of which Dickens' char
acter , Uriah llcep , Is an Immortal
example , The other Is the brusque ,
bulldozing , bold type , of which no
better example can be found than
Theodore Roosevelt. "
The only criticism that can bo heard
anywhere regarding Norfolk relates to
the city's streets. A muddy main
street ban created a bad Impression of
the city and a muddy street between
the business center of the city and the
Junction , has given n long and tedious
ride which has In no way helped the
town's fair fame along. Both of these
dlfllcultlcB are to bo overcome this
> ear.
The city council has already ordered
that Norfolk avenue bo paved from
Iho bridge to Seventh street on Nor
folk avenue a distance of eight
blocks. That paving will bo complet
ed before the first day of next Octo
A gravel roadway will bo built to
the Junction if present plans arc car-
iled out. Money for the work has al
ready been subscribed for ono street
and residents of another have ex
pressed their desire for the same Im
provement along their thoroughfare.
For the past several winter months
the city has boon experimenting with
a gravel roadway between Norfollcav
enue and Madison avenue , on Fourth
street. Many who are deemed quail-
nod to give worthy Judgment in the
matter say that , if the gravel were put
on more thickly than it was In this
block , a permanent highway could bo
made which would give good service
In all kinds of weather. It Is neces
sary for the city's welfare that this
permanently good road between up
town and the Junction bo constructed ,
and Norfolk needs it now.
When the summer la over and two
now roads are built , a paved main
street and a gravel First street , as
| well as perhaps a gravel Fourth
street i , the principal objections that
are found to the town today will be
done away with. For when fall comes
Norfolk will bo able to boast all mod
ern Improvements an extensive sew
erage system , waterwoiks , electricity
and gas , permanent sidewalks , and
good roads.
And Norfolk will find that there Is
more gained from good roads than the
mere comfort of living. There is no
city or town which can not , because
of the personal acquaintance possible ,
easily compete in a business way with
mall order brands. But in order to
gain the maximum trade from a terri
tory , the towns must bring the farming
district as close to them as possible.
Good roads will do this more quickly
than any other agent.
By building a permanent road to the
Junction , Norfolk will bring Junction
people closer to the city. By build
ing better roads to the farms , Norfolk
business interests will bo brought clos
er to the farms.
And by building paved and graveled
roadways everywhere , Norfolk will
- make Itself a city much more desir I
able as a dwelling place.
Ono of the principal reasons , it is
| said , which has made it difficult for
republlcans to find candidates for mu
nicipal offices hi Norfolk has been the
fear of defeat at the hands of that
very party. If the republican party in
Norfolk hopes to get the right kind of
men Interested in the honors that
come through election to city offices ,
members of the party must stand be-
hind their nominees and elect tnem.
No reasonable excuse can be offered
by republicans in Norfolk for desert
ing the party in tills campaign. The
matter of friendship for men on the
other ticket Is not an excuse. Wo are
all friends in this election. It is a
campaign of neighbors. Candidates
were Induced to make the run , by their
party conventions. There is no ground
for malice in any degree. It is to bo
a quiet campaign and a friendly ono
There Is every reason why the re
publican party should be given a vic
tory this spring. The democrats bave
been In office for two years , Repub
licans are entitled to a chance at the
city government Mr. Sturgeon prom-
ftjises to do his best to give the city a
good administration if he is elected.
The republicans have nominated a
strong ticket
Mr. Sturgeon has lived for twenty
years In Norfolk. His Interests are
hero. Ho will bo at home in the fu
ture more than bo has been in the
past. His enthusiasm in an undertak
ing has been demonstrated during his
life in the city. Ho should have the
rsolid support of republicans and that
will mean his election. Ho is entitled
to the party vote. It Is the party duty
> bo loyal to this ticket
Chris Anderson did not seek the |
omlnatlon for city clerk. Ho was
elected for bis merit There are
iiany reasons why ho should bo elect-
d. Ho has grown up a Norfolk boy.
Us life has been a clean one and he
s just starting out as n young busi
est ) man of the city. Ho has cstab-
shod a homo hero and hero ho ex
cels to keep on living , as ho hns for
Ixteon years. Ho was educated In
Norfolk's own schools and Norfolk Is
rouil of the young men who have
ijono forth as n credit to the city's
cliools. Laat year the republicans de-
aulted in Ibis olllco and the present
ncumbcnt is asking the people of the
oinmnnlty for a third term , It was
tated In the republican convention
hat the democrats would return the
ompllmcnt this year and default to
hrls Anderson but the same candl
ilato who has been given the ofllco
.wlco before , is making the race again.
t Is the republican's turn , in all fair
: iess. A vote for Chris Anderson
means a vote for ono of Norfolk's own
ions , now established In a homo of
its own , whoso integrity and ability
fit him perfectly for the position.
Mr. Klcsau lias a right to claim his
party vote. A cautious and consclen-
Ions business man whoso Interests
\ro here , ho will make an Ideal city
rcasurer. He has served on the connx
cl ! and knows much of the city's af-
'airs ' and of how the city business
should bo transacted. Ho enjoys the
confidence of the citizens of this com-
nunlty and should receive his party's
solid support.
C. F. Elseley has a clean track and
ivlll be elected police judge.
For the council four good men have
jcen named. S. W. Garvln , F. G. Cory-
II , James Lough and Pat Dolan the
republicans named Dolan first are all
candidates who will give good service
o their wards.
Keen men have been named for the
toard of education at a critical mo
ment. Mr. Hazen , Mr. Tyler and Mr.
Parish are representative citiezns ,
versed In details with which 'school
board members should be familiar.
This entire ticket Is worthy the sup-
iort of the voters.
The Nebraska legislature Is now up
to the work of finally acting on the' '
anti-pass bill. The measure carries
the emergency clause so that It will
become a law as soon as it is passed
and approved by the governor. Under
the law railways will bo required to
file bcfoio the tenth of each month
a list of all passes Issued. Lawyers
and doctors who do not give more
than half their time to ralhoad ser
vice , will be cut off the list. Here Is
the text of the amended bill :
"A bill for an act entitled an act
regulating and limiting the issuance ,
giving , receiving and using of free
tickets or free transportation In any
form , for transportation of passengers
over any and all of the lines of rail
road within the state of Nebraska ;
and to provide penalties for violation
"Be it enacted by the legislature of
the state of Nebraska :
"Sec. 1 It shall be unlawful for
nny railroad company or corporation ,
owning or operating any line or lines
of railroad In the state of Nebraska ,
or any officer or agent of any such
company or corporation , to directly or
indirectly Issue or give to any person.
or persons any free tickets , free pass , )
or free transportation in any form ,
for the transportation of any passen
ger or passengers , on or over any line
or lines or railroad or any part there
of , , so owned or operated by It , In
the state of Nebraska , except to per
sons within the classes hereinafter
I' designated ' and limited ; and it shall
also be unlawful for any person or
persons , not Included within the class I
es hereinafter designated and limited ,
to accept or use any such free tickets ,
free pass or free transporatlon In any
form for traveling on and over any
line or lines of railroad or any part |
thereof in the state of Nebraska.
"Provided , however , that nothing
contained In this act shall bo con
strued to prohibit or making unlawful 1
the Issuing or giving of any such free
tickets , free pass , or free transporta
tlon , to any person or persons within
the classes hereinafter designated and
limited , or the acceptance or use of
the same by persons within such
classes , viz :
"Officers , agents , bona fide em
ployes , the major portion of whose
time Is devoted to the service of such
railroad company and the dependent
members of their Immediate families ;
officials and linemen of telegraph com
panies , ex-employes , retired from ser
vice on account of age , or because of
disability sustained while In the ser
vice , and the dependent members of
their immediate families , or the wld
ows or dependent children of employes
killed while in the service of such
railroad company ; necessary caretak
ers of livestock , poultry , fruit , includ
ing transportation to and from the
point of delivery , vegetables , and em
ployes of sleeping car companies and
express companies , railway mall ser
vice employes ; news boys on trains , ,
baggage agents ; and persons Injured
In wrecks , and physicians and nurses
attending them.
"Provided , that ono trip pass for a
discharged employe and his family
may bo issued for use within thirty
days of such a discharge.
"Provided , further , that the provi
sions of this act shall not bo con-
btruod to prohibit and make unlawful
the Interchange of passes for the of
ficers , agents and employes and the
dependent members of their immcd Ma
iato families , of other railroad com
panies ; nor to prohibit any railroad
company from carrying passengers
reo with the object of providing re-
lef in cases of general epidemic , PCS-
Hence , or calamitous visitation.
"Hereafter It shall bo the duty of
said railroad corK | > ratioii , and each of
them , to cause to bo filed , not later
than the 10th day of each month , with
the Btato railway commission , a
monthly statement giving the names
iiiul addresses of all persons to whom
free tickets , free passes or free trans
portation have been given or furnished
by said railroad corporation , specify
ing : the kinds of employment In which
such persons nro engaged and designating
gnating ' under which of the exceptions
of this act such free tickets , free pas-
ees or free transportation have boon
given or furnished said persons.
"Section 2 Any railroad company
or corporation , or any person or per-1
sons violating any of the provisions
of this act shall bo deemed guilty of
) a misdemeanor and for each offense
on conviction thereof , shall pay a fine
of not kW than ono hundred dollars
nor more than ono thousand dollars.
"Section 3 Whereas an emergency
exists , this act shall take effect and
be in force on and after duo passage
and approval as provided by the law. '
Vice President Gardner of the North
western railway says that a now de
pot will be built in Norfolk this year.
He says that it will bo a union station
. ,
if the Union Pacific and Omaha are
willing to co-operato in the matter.
Otherwise the Northwestern will go
, .
it alone and replace the uptown sta
tlon which was destroyed a year ago
last November and for the lack of
which a graceful little passenger coach
has j been used as a station over since.
It was recently stated that the qual
lly of the depot to bo built if the
Northwestern goes alone in the mat
ter , will depend upon whether or not
Phillip avenue Is closed. This is the
same old question which was brought
up as a matter to quarrel over , a year
and a half ago. It was' said that if the
city would vacate Philip avenue the
elation would bo better than if the
street were not vacated. Residents
. .
living west of the site , who find Philip
avenue sorely needed for going to and
from places of business and for chil
dren's . use in golng to school , filed an
injunction to prevent the city council
form ' vacating the street The matter
went Into the courts and the city wait- .
ed. Finally a decision came empowerI I
ing i ; the city council to pass an ordl
nance. The cnjolners have announced
that they will not drop the matter.
Senator Allen declares he will move
for rehearing and , failing , carry the
case to the United States supreme
court All of which , regardless of the
final outcome , means more time.
And even though a decision were
finally secured giving the council au
thority to vacate Philip avenue , the
city would be merely put back to the [
starting point In confronting the ques
tion as to whether or not that street
oughtt o be closed.
Since the first proposal to close'the
street was urged upon Norfolk a year
end a half ago , the city has bad a
chance to study the matter pretty thor
oughly. The matter was put in the
form of a business proposition was
it worth closing the street to get a
better depot ? At best only a $15,000
station was promised. No estimate
was made as to the station tnat mlgh
be built if the street were kept by the
rlly. It was stated originally that the
street needed to be closed because |
the ' station would be so largo that it |
would need to stand in the middle o :
the avenue. Later It was stated tha _ .
the station might not be built in the
street , but that a platform might be
so long that the city would have to
give up the street. All these arguments - |
ments have been gone over at length.
The News is convinced that the stree
closing was urged by Northwestern
officials and their local sympathizers
a year and a half ago merely for th
sake of freeing the company from ne
cessity of breaking trams at Philip
avenue. The News is of the opinion
that some sort of a depot will have
bo built anyway , whether the city surrenders -
renders one of Its most Important avenues -
enues or not , and that if the railroai'
thinks It can afford to place an Inferlo
depot In Norfolk , retaliating for tin
fact that the city wants to keep one
of its important thoroughfares for It
own use , then the thing to do will b <
to take the depot that must come any.
way and keep the street.
The only fair way to settle thai
street closing matter Is to allow th
people living In the vicinity to say
whether or not they are willing thel
avenue. They have said that they an
rot , and The News believes that the
have taken the right stand. The News
does not believe that enough is to be
gained in a few thousand dollars add
ed to a station , to reimburse Norfolk
for vacating ono of its most importan
streets for all time to come.
Mr. Gardner said the other day tha
Norfolk has already been required to
wait too long for a respectable sta
tlon. Ho said Norfolk had been pa
tlent. Norfolk has been patient Nor
folk has been forced to use that out
rageous little coach as a station tot
long a year and a half too long. Pa
tlenco may cease to bo a virtue and tin
time has como when Norfolk demand
modern depot , a credit to the city
and it doesn't feel that it is necessary
o give away ono of Us best streets
'or the structure , either.
Norfolk wants a depot And The
S'ows believes that the city should
land up for its rights with regard to
ho street and should not vote away
hlllp avenue for the station prom-
It's about time to change 'cm.
Walls , like humans , sometimes fall.
Tbo calendar says spring is arrived.
, The unwritten law ought to bo print
The weather man says change 'em
Wo lost a sugar factory but wo gain
n vinegar factory.
Good morning ! Have you had a
brain' storm today ?
Pickled beets ougnt to beat sugar
beets , anyway.
Norfolk has tasted the sweet and is
about to taste the .sour. L.
The restaurants will bo filled from
now on. House cleaning is headed
this way.
This weather ought to bo enjoyed
without any qualifying clauses at-
Why is it that the tennis racquet or
baseball bat give more healthful exer
cise than the lawn mower ? \
Have yflu run across the man who
ikes this beautiful weather but fears
it is too warm for the season ?
If Sturgeon is elected there will bo
plenty of music to celebrate the event.
That Ponca man , acquitted of mur-
iler , Is on the brink of the madhouse.
They're not going to open Philip
avenue nny longer. It Is long enough
Editor Kortright doesn't let a little
thing a jnll cell interfere with going
after subscription money.
, Down in the Pennsylvania the legis
lature ' Is a little slow so they're going
after trains with wrecking tools.
No sooner does the sound of the -I
coal shovel die away before the jing
ling of the ice talons rises up before
the door.
What could be a worse fate than to
have to feed coal into the furnace and
ice into the refrigerator on the self
same day ?
Balmy moonlight nights have been
worth a million dollars to strollers
after the young people's society meetIngs -
Ings Sunday nights ; they say.
An Associated Press dispatch says
nobody was killed on the Pennsylva
nia train because of the "slow speed. "
Is there such a thing as "slow speed ? "
The state legislatures must have
passed some new laws regarding the
weather. March winds have failed to
arrive and the equlnoxlal days pro
duced no storm.
Frank Brink , who will probably
come to the Norfolk insane hospital
I'rom Ponca , has the satisfaction of
having beaten Thaw so far as time
consumed in his murder case is con
Such heroism as that of William R.
Braasch . , who suffered so long in si
lence with a fatal illness , concealing
the fact from his father lest it might
add worry to an already heavy bur
den of grief , and confiding the serious
I' ness ' of his condition only to bis wife ,
is the heroism of a man.
No , children , you can't go out to
work any longer. A law has been
passed by the Nebraska legislature
which forbids It In the winter time
you must go to school and in the sum
mer time you must go swimming and
break window lights and learn to
smoke ' cigarcts. You must , by law ,
have ' good times in the summer play
ing ' baseball and running races and
getting Into mischief , but you must
not by any means do any work.
The first day of spring dawned
Thursday morning in Ideal spring
fashion. A clear , balmy day with a
crisp and invigorating air , filled with
ozone that was good to breathe , and
with all Nature smiling in the new sea
son's birth it was a day that could
not have been beaten if it had been
made to order. Norfolk people sought
the out of doors , the fresh air and the
sunshine , the atmosphere filled with
the sweet music of song birds and
with the glory and happiness that
must accompany the day in which win
ter sheds his coat
Investigations are frequently as use
less as political resolutions.
Some people cry loudly for justice
when mercy Is really what they want
Good mules are like good men ;
scarce , but when you do find a good
one , ho Is valuable.
Heard by every man at least three
evenings in a week : "You always
want to stay at home. You never seem
to think I might get tired of staying
at home. "