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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NIMS-JOURNAL : HttDAY , MARCH 20. 1007 , WILL SOUND KEYNOTE OF PRESI DENTIAL ATTITUDE. WHEN OKLAHOMA DEGINS GAME Speech of Secretary of War In Okla homa , When That State Enters Upon Its First Political Campaign , Will Contain Pointers. "Washington , March 23. Secretory of Wnr Tttft will sound the keynote for the first republican campaign In the now stuto of Oklahoma , and , In his speech , lie Is expected to define his position on the presidential nomi nation next year. First Election In August. The first election In the now state , to ratify the constitution and elect state olllclals , will bo held In August , and the republican state convention will probably bo held during the latter part of May or early In Juno. Mr. 1 ° Taft has engagements to speak In fell 'ua * Iowa and Minnesota on Juno 12 and mw 8 | 4 13. Gov. Frnntz , of Oklahoma , who has been In Washington for some time , left for home last night , and it is un derstood ho will get busy at once In effecting the necessary arrangements. Will be Important. The political Importance of a speech by Mr. Taft as the keynote for the republican publican campaign in Oklahoma is not to be underestimated. It will have the direct bearing on the republican presidential politics for it will be gen erally regarded as in a certain measure the keynote of Secretary Ta'ft's candi dacy for the presidency. It is well within the range of possl bllitles also , that Secretary Taft's presence at the first republican state convention in Oklahoma would lead to Borne action by the convention virtual ly , if not unequivocally , Indorsing him for the presidential nomination. A Delegation for Taft. A tsrong Taft sentiment Is said to exist In Oklahoma , and It has been re ported that only the definite assurance that the secretary will bo In the presl dcntlal lists Is needed to start the ball rolling and Insure a Taft delegation from the new state to the next repub lican antlonal convention. $10,000,000 FOR REFORM. Widow Sets Aside Sum for Founda- tlon , With Novel Objects. Albany , N. Y. , March 23. Mrs. Rus sell Sage has set aside the sum of $10- 000,000 , to be known as the Sago foun dation , and to be devoted to the Im provement of social and living condi tions In the United States. A bill incorporating the foundation was Introduced in the legislature. As trustees of the foundation Mrs. Sage has appointed Robert W. Do Forest , Cleveland H. Dodge , Daniel C. Oilman , John M. Glenn , Miss Helen Gould , Mrs. William B. Rice , and Miss Louisa L. ychuylor. The following statement by Mrs. Sage concerning the foundation and its objects was given out by Mrs. Sage : "I have set aside $10,000,000 for the endowment of this foundation . Its object Is the improvement of social and living1 conditions In the United States. "The means to that end will include research , publication , education , the establishment and maintenance of charitable and beneficial activities , agencies and institutions , and the aid of any such activities , agencies , and Institutions already established. "It will be within the scope of the foundation to Investigate and study the causes of adverse social conditions , Including ignorance , poverty and vice , to suggest how these conditions can be remedied or ameliorated , and to put In operation any appropriate means to that end. "It will also be within the scope of the foundation to establish any new agency necessary to carry out any of Its conclusions and equally to contrib ute to the resources of any existing agencies which are doing efficient and satisfactory work , just as the present general education. fund , organized to promote higher education , is aiding existing colleges and universities. "Willie its scope Is broad , It should , preferably , not undertake to do within that scope what Is now being done , and likely to be effectively done , by other Individuals or by other agencies with less resources. It will be its aim to take up the larger and more diffi cult problems and to take them up , so far as possible , in such a manner as to secure co-operation and aid in their .Iv solution. "In some instances it may wisely Initiate movements with the expecta tion of having them maintain themselves ig selves until aided after once being started. In other Instances , it may start rtf movements with the expectation ol carrying them on Itself. The Income will only be used for its charitable pur poses because the foundation is to be permanent and Its action continuous / It may , however , make Investments for social betterment which them' Delves produce Income. "While having Its headquarters In New York City , where Mr. Sago and I have lived and where social prob lems are most pressing and compllcat ed , partly by reason of its extent and partly because it Is the port of entrj for about a million immigrants a year the foundation will bo national In Its scope and In Its activities. "I have sought to select as my trus tees men and women who are familial with social problems and who car bring to their solution not only zea and Interest , but experience and Judg- . niont" Robert W. Do Forest was chairman of the Now York state tenement hotmo commission of 1000 , appointed by Gov. Roosevelt , and later first tenement house commissioner of the city of Now York. He has been president of the charity organization society for nearly twenty years. Cleveland H. Dodge IB chairman of the executive committee of the Red Cross society In New York and an of ficer of the International Young Men's Christian association. Danlol C. Gllman has an Interna tional reputation ns an educator and philanthropist. He Is a trustee of the general education fund and was for many years president of the Baltimore charity organization society. John M. Glenn has been prominent for ninny years in all national confer ences of charities. He was president of the Washington meeting of 1001. He Is a manager of many charitable Institutions in his native city of Haiti- more , and for the last few yours has been at the head of Its department of public charities. Miss Helen Gould , who Is well known for her benefactions , has been a life long friend of Mrs. Sage. Mrs. William B. Rice has been for many years the president of the State Charities Aid association of New York. Miss Loulso L. Schuylor , llko Mrs. Rice , Is one of the olllcors of the Now York State Charities Aid association , of which she Is the founder. WHEN IS A CANDIDATE NOT A CANDIDATE ? THE BALLOT GIVES SURPRISES Judge Wcstervelt's Name Is On Ballot , Despite His Efforts to Escape , and B. E. Bowden's Name Has Been Left Off Dolan Is Republican. [ From Wednesday's Dally. ] When is a candidate not a candid ate ? Simple folk will say that a man becomes a genuine candidate when he Is nominated for office by a regularly constituted convention , caucus or com mittee and ceases to bo a candidate when ho declines the nomination. Not so In Norfolk. A Norfolk man Is running away from an office with a salary attachment. While other men are urging their qualifications for office holding upon the voters this man Is making strrn- uous efforts to keep out of ofilce. The man is Judge Ira G. Westervelt and the office that ho is seeking to avoid is that of police judge of Norfolk. Apparently he Is making no material progress. Judge Westervelt Can't Quit. . Judge Westervelt was renomlnated over his protest by the democratic city . convention. He thereupon declared through the columns of The News that he would not bo a candidate , that he would not qualify if elected and that he declined the nomination. The democratic central committee met , held that no man could be put In of- flee against his will and decided to turn the judgeship over to Judge Else- ley the republican nominee , by default. Judge Westervelt rested in fancied security until yesterday , when his men tal equilibrium received an unmerited jolt. His name had been printed on the official ballot and to all intents and purposes he was still a candidate. Running But Not Running. A very different situation confronts another Norfolk man. This gentle man had been nominated for office and had entered Into the campaign with a ifvim. . Just before the election he finds that ns a matter of fact , lie Is not a candidate at all at least his name Is not on the ofllclal ballot. This man is B. E. BoWden supposedly the re publican candidate for city engineer. Dolan Republican The apearance of sample ballots In the city clerk's office brings still an other new fact to light touching the candidates before the people. Pat Dolan , the all-Fourth-ward candidate for the council , is a republican. The heated debates at the Junction may now cease for the democratic label Is not tagged on to Dolan on the official ballot nnd Dolan will ride to victory on the republican ticket. The demo cratic endorsement of Dolan though loud nnd Joyous never marched Into the city clerk's office In the required - legal form. Ballot According to Law. The appearance of the sample bal f lots yesterday aroused some interest ing political comment. City Clerk Hulff states that ho followed the law In the matter and that the ballot repre- , sonts the sum total of the official com . munlcatlons that reached him on the subject. Members of the republican city central committee , when they learned that Mr. Bowden's name had bnot been presented in regular form to * the city clerk , wore anxious to take any possible steps to correct the mat- tor. Judge Wcstcrvelt ! sns determln- ( ' ed as over to get off the ticket accordIng - Ing to his published statement. And the Fourth ward democrats , for the honor of their party , ought to wan to have their brand placed after the good sounding name of Dolan. W. I. KORTRIGHT OF FAIRFAX IS IMPRISONED. AN OUTGROWTH OF LIBEL 8UIT Editor of Sun-Review of Fairfax , 8. D. , Opposed Two Republican Nominees and Was Sued for Llbol Attorneys' Error Lets Client Go to Jail , Fairfax , S. D. , March 20. Special to The News : W. 1. Korlright , editor of the Fairfax Sun-Review , has been placed in the county Jail by Deputy Sheriff Morrlssey , by order of the court. He was placed there on ac count of a default judgment , Last fall Kortrlght opposed Huston and Doherty , the republican nominees for sheriff and states attorney and they sued him for libel. Through some mistake of attorneys , the answer was not properly served and Judgment was rendered against Kortrlght. By reason of Huston's putting up $2 per day for ton days , Kortrlght la In Jail. Attorneys Backus of Bono- steel and Hnrben of Platte are busy trying to reopen the case and release Kortrlght. CHARGED WITH FORGERY. Brown's In Town at Fairfax , Locked Behind the Bars. Fairfax , S. D. , March 2i. ( Special o The News : A man by the name of Jrown Is In the county jail hero charged with forgery. Some time ago 10 negotiated u loan from Orion Por- or , real estate man , for $1,100 on a quarter section of land but by accident ast week Mr. Porter , it Is alleged , ouml out that he was not the man , vho owned the land hut that ho had 'orged the other man's name to the mpers , and that Brown still lived on ho land. Ho had him arrested. $50C of the money was loft in the Gregory onnty State bank and about $10C nero have becc-n recovered. The original owner lives somewhere n Illinois. The funniest part of It is hat Brown did not try to get out of , ho country but left part of the money n the bank and had bought some lorses and other things and lived on .he land which he had rented. THEY CRITICISED NORFOLK. Drummers Wouldn't Live Here Be cause of Muddy Streets. A big , smooth-faced , good natural ooklng commercial drummer , sat in seat In the smoking car of the Bone steel-Omaha passenger train whlcli passed through Norfolk Sunday morn Ing. At Stanton another drummer joarded the train. "Don't you live at Norfolk ? " asked the first. "I should say not ! " declared the new arrival. "I wouldn't live in that burg if you would give me n house am lot. " "Nor I , " agreed the first passenger "I never did like the town. I rather live at any town on the line. " "What's the matter with Norfolk ? ' was asked by a passenger across the aisle , who may have been from Nor folk. "What isn't ? " they broke in , li concert. "It's a mudhole. Look at that main street. It's a slough. " "But that street will be paved be fore next October , " was argued. "That won't help the residence part. " "But the residence part doesn't ge muddy to speak of , " argued the Nor folk citizen. "Oh , " said the Council Bluffs drum mer. "What do you call that street from Norfolk down to the Junction' ' Doesn't that get muddy ? " "Yes , and then they never do any thing there. They're always talking about what they Intend to do , but they don't do it. " This from the Fremont traveler. "Every time Fremont takes a step ahead Norfolk gets greon-eye < but doesn't do anything to pro gross. " "What would you call a pleasan town to live In ? " was asked. "Some place where there's some thing to do , " said Council Bluffs. "Up in Norfolk you can sit around and gossip , or go to a medicine show In the little dump of an opera house with the same scenery that's beet there for the past fifteen years. " "Yes , Fremont has twlco as mucl business , " broke In the Fremonter "Business is what makes a town wortl living in. There's more excltemen In Fremont more business done. " "And then the only live part of the town Is away all the week the travel Ing men , " said Council Bluffs. "How many traveling men are there in Nor folk 100 ? " "Easily , " replied the Norfolk citizen "No , not near , " broke In Fremont I'm secretary of the U. C. T. lodge at Fremont and I know that when we come to talking about now candidate In Norfolk , even Charlie Green ant he's about as big a booster for Nor folk as I know , always talking for th town ho has to admit there are only about sixty. " And so they argued and dlscusse and cussed Norfolk. They finally nd mltted that Norfolk has a theater si perlor to that at Fremont , which I berne out by theatrical companies they finally admitted that Norfolk 1 getting high grade shows that Fremon cannot get. They finally ndmltte tlat ( Norfolk has railroad feature that Fremont would llko. They ad mlttod In the end that Norfolk has delightful class of people for nolgl bors and that Norfolk business Instltu ons rank well. They admitted every ilng , In fact , excepting that It inliin i Norfolk and ( hat Main street and Irnt street need Improving , Farewell Reception. The ladles of ( ho foreign mlHHlon- ry society of the MethodlHt chinch ave n farewell reception Monday veiling for Mr. and Mrs. W. 10. linger , ho leave Wednesday for their new onio at Hastings. The reception was eld at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cuhl. Mrs. linger IIIIH been the prosl- out of the missionary society. HADRON LAWYER CONFRONTS STATE PROCEEDINGS. N CASE BEGUN IN NORFOLK iCtlon of Attorney Following Death of Patient at Norfolk Hospital , Re sults In Investigation Into Chndron Lawyer's Methods. Lincoln , Nob. , March 2.1. Special to 'ho News : Disbarment proceedings onfront Captain Allen G. FlHhcr of Ihtulron , one of the prominent lawyers f Nebraska. The claims committee ) f the house of representatives do- lares that Fisher's conduct bus been rrogulnr , Illegal and unprofessional In he case of the claim of the helrH of leriimn Geode against the state of Nebraska. A ripple of amn/.emont swept over the house thin morning on ho reading of the report of the claims committee by Chairman J. W. Arm- strong. The report recommending that Cap aln FlHhor of Chadron he disbarred vas unanimously adopted today. Man Died In Norfolk. The committee lias been invcstlgat ng the Geode case for some time , but .he result seems to be a surprise to all concerned. The report Is conclud ed with the recommendation that tlui attorney general be Instructed to In stitute Immediately disbarment pro ceedings against Captain Fisher. On febrnnry 2.1 , 1809 , Herman Geode of Sioux county died Intestate at the bos- ) Ital for the insane at Norfolk , Neb fie was the owner of a section of land n Sioux county , and his only heirs were a brother and sister In Prussia he sister living at Blelelleld , Westpha la , Prussia , and the brother at Huron Westphalia. Herman Kaup of West Point , Neb. , was appointed by these lelrs as their attorney to settle the estate and send the proceeds to them Mr. Kaup , In the execution of the trust , appointed Captain Fisher ns his attorney to settle the estate in Sioux county , under the agreement that Fish er was to receive all funds realized in excess of $1,000. The Gorman heirs were prohibited jy the laws of Nebraska from Inherit Ing the property , but the provisions of a treaty between America and Germany many gave them the right to sell the and and appropriate the proceeds The county attorney of Sioux county Instituted proceedings praying for [ lecree escheating the land to the state of Nebraska , and In so doing the logls latlve committee declares Its belief that the county attorney acted in vlo- atlon of treaty rights. Captain Fish er , in the answer which ho filed for .he heirs , joined with the county at torney in asking the escheatal of the land to the state. The district court handed down the decree of escheatal October 5,1899. A week later the land was appraised fit $1,500 , according to the testimony of the appraisers , who were called before the committee. Later the figure 1 was feloniously in serted before the figure 6 , thus making the appraised value $11,500. In 1901 Fisher , for the Geode heirs , filed a claim for $9,000 for the value of this land which had escheated to the state. The legislature rejected this claim. When Captain Fisher filed the claim for the Geode heirs with the state auditor In February , 1903 , it was for $11,500. This claim was also rejected by the legislature of 1903. Fisher Gets Land. In 1900 Captain Fisher offered to buy for $950 the Sioux county land and the claim of the German heirs against the state. The brother and sister in Prus sia were tired of waiting for the pay ment of their inheritance , so they ex ecuted a deed and sent It to the First National bank of Chndron to be deliv ered to Fisher upon the receipt of $950. On November 23 , 190C , this deed was received by the Chadron bank , and It remained there until March 3 , 1907 , when Mr. Fisher paid the $950 and took the deed. This was done on Sunday and early the next morning he garnlsheed the money and caused It to be retained In the bank at the suit of his wife. When the cashier of the bank was called before the legislative committee this garnishment was re leased. Mr. Fisher , while on the wit ness stand , declared that he supposed this money had been sent to the Ger man heirs. This year Herman Kaup of West Point , becoming suspicious of Fisher's long delay and learning of the claim presented for $11COO , applied himself in behalf of the heirs to the legisla ture for the $1,500 appraised valuation of the escheated lands. In this way the matter came before the claims committee. The claim of Kaup has been rejected on the opinion of Attor - ney General W. T. Thompson that the decree of cschcntnl of the district court of Sioux county was void be cause of its violation of the treaty rights of the German heirs. The heirs will receive their $950.and Captain Fisher has title to the land. MEASURE GOES THROUGH UY A VOTE OF 2-1 TO 0. NO CHILD ALLOWED TO WORK The Weeding nnd Thinning of Beets by Children Will bo Prohibited In Nebraska by Measure That Now Goes to Governor Terminal Tax. Lincoln , Neb. , March 20. Special to The News : The child labor bill Intro duced in ( he IIOIIHO by Clark of Doug- IIIH , piiHsed the Heiiato todny by a vote of 21 to 1) ) . Tlio bill will now go to ( ho govern or. It prohlhlltt child labor In till lltt loriim , Including working In the boot lleldH. Terminal Tax Bill to Governor. The IIOIIHO agreed todny to the ( ton- ale ameudmentH to ( he tormina ! tax bill am ) the measure \\lll now go to the governor. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Attorney M. C. Ha/en was In I'loreo today. 0. II. MatlRMon was In from Pllgor yesterday. F. W. Woods of Spencer IH In Nor folk today. Paul Heltman was up from MadlHon yesterday. Mrs. .1. D , Sturgeon left yesterday for BradlHh. N. P. Jeppeson of Plalnvlow IH In Norfolk today. W. W. Hralthwalt of Spencer IH In the city today. F. W. Llermann of Laurel stopped In Norfolk today. W. 10. Cole of Monroe waH In Nor folk thlH morning. A. A. Welch was n Wayne vlnllor In Norfolk yesterday. / . H. Bateman was In Stanlon yen torday on bimlnoRH. F. J. Dover and A. 13. Romemlor were Madison visitors In the city yes torday. O. J. Johnson IH home from a hunt ing trip near Page. Mrn. S. Selinvlnml wan up from MadlKon yesterday. Mr. and MrH. A. Haimmn of Fremont are In the city today. Henry Grelner of Central City was In Norfolk yesterday. Attorney Hurt Mapes returned from Hullo this morning. C. H. Oonno of Hnrtlngton stopped In the city yesterday. .1. Nlcklokn of Bloomfleld was In Norfolk over night. J. B. Craln was in from Meadow Grove this morning. Mrs. Cheney of Crelghton Is spend' Ing the day In Norfolk. Frank Melcher Is home from a Sun day visit at Plalnvlow. K. Kollinorgon and family of Ban croft are visiting In Norfolk. Mrs. C. Richardson of Pierce was a Norfolk visitor this morning. H. E. Stlllman of Genoa Is a bust ness visitor in Norfolk today. A. P. Sprague of Hastings was li : Norfolk for a few hours yesterday. Commercial Agent N. W. Clover ol the Union Pacific Is In Colorado. W. J. Stafford returned yesterday from a short visit nt Grand Island. E. P. Olmstead returned yesterday from a business trip to Bonesteel. Miss Katie Weldenfoller left today for a week's visit at Lo Mars , Iowa. A. P. Sprague of HastlngH was li Norfolk between trains yesterday. E. H. Hunter of Oakdalo stopped ir Norfolk for a few hours yesterday. F. M. Younglovo of South Bend was in Norfolk for a few hours yesterday , Mrs. William Dirks nnd Miss Clara Bucknnn of Ansley stopped in Norfoll yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cottrell and Miss Martha Cottrell of Genoa were in Nor folk today. L. D. Nicola , the Foster banker , re turned homo yesterday after a vis ! with friends here. George C. Frerlchs and W. C. Frer Ichs were visitors in Norfolk yester day from Coleridge. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Croak and Miss Alma Lee of Meadow Grove were in Norfolk yesterday. Members of the Empire stock com pany , a repertoire troupe , are enjoying a week's rest in Norfolk. Mr. Firkins has arrived in Norfolk from Omaha to take charge of the flennett company's music store in Norfolk. Miss Steffen of St. Paul , Minn. , has arrived In Norfolk to take a place as assistant trimmer at Mrs. Schwartz' millinery store. Mrs. Cordelia Cummins nnd Charles Cummins and family leave Norfolk to morrow for the state of Washington , where they will reside In the future. S. W. Gnrvln has received a tele gram from Valley Falls , Kan. , an nouncing the birth of a grandson. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ragan of Valley Falls. Mrs. A. B. McKibbon , living north west of Norfolk , is 111 with the meas les. Miss lxttle Kuhl is acting as cash ier at the Star Clothing Go's , store for the present. The J. S. C. club mot Tuesday evenIng - Ing at the homo of Frank Mensko on South First street. The Trinity Social guild will Issue invitations for a dance at Marquardt hall on Thursday evening. April 11. Seventy children of the Norfolk schools will sing nt the teachers' as sociation meeting next week. They are now rehearsing. Passion week services at the Con gregational church at 8 o'clock. "The Day of Retirement. " Dr. Blthell will on "Tho Good Man of the I'oimu. ' " II. J. Mallory , HOII of Mm. (1. ( W. Hondo of Ihlr city , IUIH muiciimhod at fluimilnjimi , Mexico , to un attack of pneumonia. .Mm. Geode HVOH on Thirteenth Htreel. Word wan received hiHl week of Mr. Mallory'n fatal III- IIOHH and a iiiotmiigo came yoHlorday announcing bin death. The public meeting of Ihn city coun cil for the purpoHo of arranging for ( he HHHOHHinenl. of Ihn coHl of paving Norfolk avenue ngnliiHl the adjacent | | rojiorly will be held on Tueitday evenIng - Ing , April 2.1 , liiHlead of Monday even ing , April 22. Thin roproHcntod I ho Hum total of the action taken at n t'pocbil ' meeting of OKI city council held hiHl evening at the city hall. The dale of the public meeting of > thu tiincll had been fixed Inadvertently ii Arbor day evening , April 22. In riler to avoid posHlhlo legal entangle- lentH that might arlHo from a legal illdiiy meeting the council wan ud- Irn'd to make a change of duloii. I. Knrlo Harper nf this city went to learwalor , Nob. , yeHlerdiiy afternoon Illi the Intention of probably pur- uiHlng the drug nloro of M. ( J. HroHH- T at that pluco. Ho him not yet ro- irneil and II In thought that he com- leted ( he tninmietlon , Mr. Harper IIH been iiHHoclaled with the Klenau rug coinpnny'H tiloro hero for KOIIIO mo and ban boon Intercutcd In the larpor Medicine company The fitoro Milch ho IH thought to have bought IH lie only one In Clonrwntor and ban nil ! up a splendid liiiHliiomi under Mr. IresHler , who IH known to be an ox- raordlnarlly good biiHlnemi man. Mr. IresHler recently returned from atrip o New Mexico , whore he went to look ute real estate. There are Indlcatloim that a mini- or of the northern Nebraska teachers vho are planning to visit thin city ext week , will arrive Saturday of thlu , vook In order to HOO Minn Isabel rvlng In .lerome 1C Jeromo'H comedy , SiiHiin In Search of a Husband. " Mall rderH for tlcketH for thin performance t the Auditorium Saturday night are low being received. The neat sale , vlll go on at The News buiilnesH of- Ice Friday morning at 9 o'clock. iVmotig the company are playoni who invo ntarred for theniHolven and who ave , at various UIIICH , been with .lolin Jrow , Richard MaiiHllold , E. S. Will- iird , Henry Irving and othorri of note. HHH Irving , the Htar In this clever comedy , WIIH for three years leading ady with John Drew , having succeed- d Maude AiliuiiH In the part. MrH. I/iig IH In Lynch vlHltlng her laughter , MrH. Cad Strain and family , , vlio Intend leaving for South Dakota n a few daj'H. The V. / . glrlH met at the homo of MlHH Madollno Welnli hint evening nnd leld n club meeting. Alvln Shrader of Morno Bluff stopped over lant night with IIH ! old rlend Mike Moollck while on bin way o Crelghton on biiHlncHS. Origin of "Opportunities. " Somewhere In this city IH a comblnn- lon of people , Idean , clrcuniHtances , iiccldentH , temperaments and events which , In the aggregate , spell opportu nity for you. Thcso clash and Htrugglo nnd n. 'busIncHS opportunity" advertisement Is the result. Others than married couples prove to bo "Incompatible. " A planned busi ness rullaiice or a partnership or a 'co-operation" of some sort falls , the structure partly reared tumbles about llsgustcd heads and you have n chance to buy something at a "sacri fice. " Many of the classified ads. have their origin In "clashes" and "collisions" in business life and Ispasslonate watch ers of the want ads. profit through tltes things. Not the least Interesting thing about these want ads. is the fact that they write the final chapters in ninny a lit tle story of enterprise In business life , and of many a well-planned but badly managed venture. FUNERAL OF WILLIAM R.BRAASOH One More Sad Service Is Held In the Home of Norfolk Pioneer. [ Kiuro -mesdny'a Dally. ] Once more , on Tuesday afternoon , the funeral line moved away frons the Bransch home and again words of condolence nnd of good hope were offered C. W. Braasch , the gnof-strlck- en father mourning the loss of the last remaining member of his family. It was a large gathering of Norfolk citizens that met at the Braasch homo to show their respect for the dead and their sympathy for the living. Many more cnmo than could gain entrance into ( he rooms where the services were hold and where the casket lay burled In ( lowers. The -services for the late William R. Bran-eh were held at 2:150 : o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bereaved father on South Fifth street. Rev. J. C S. Wellls conducted the services. In his brief funeral sermon he recounted the sorrows that have fallen on the father's shoulders , the large qualities of heart possessed by the son and the larger life that over shadows this. A quartet consisting of Will Hall , Fritz Asmus , Burt Kum- mer and J. B. Maylard and accompa nied by Miss Kathrrlno Shnw fur nished the music * durl ig the services. Interment wa mtuli * at Prospect Hill cemetery. Here the remains wcro accompanied by ninny friends. The pallbearers were Leo Pasewalk , Will Stafford. Dr. Pilger , Julius Hanse , C. Hall nnd Warren McClary. During the funeral hour the banks of the city were closed as a token of respect. The deceased for twelve years was connected with the Citizens National bank.