The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1907, Page 2, Image 2
2 NOK.FOLK WRKKLY NEWS-JObHNAL : FKIDAY , MARCH 29 11)07. ) AVENUE WILL DE DRICK FROM DRIDQE TO SEVENTH. ARRANGE DETAILS ARBOR DAY City Council Selects Judges of Elec tion Mnyor Friday Protests Agnlnst Drlck Sidewalks nnd Seeks to Have Dnn Put on Them Here. [ From I.'rlilny'n Onlly. ) Tliu Norfolk iivoiuio paving area W H oxtoniliMl to reach from Seventh Htroul to ( lie Northfnrk hrltlKu hy the city council liiHt nllit. | ; At u pruvloiiH mooting Norfolk nvonuu hi'twcun ' Klral mill Sixth Hhx'otH hail boi'ii cruatod Into iv paving dlHtrlcL Tliu council hint night mlilcul u block to ulthor end of the district. Tliln nctlon was taken near the clouu of liiHt night's mooting. The paving of Norfolk IIVIMUIO bo- twcun Sixth nnd Seventh BtrcotsVIIH brought before the council on a pnv- Ing iiutltion Blgnod by C. W. UnuiHch , snld to bo the only ronldunt proper owner In the block. On niotl. Conncllnmn KloHiiu u rcaoluU Adopted to pave the avoiu BtreOtH fan- ( ittlon wiui "cotiiTclIinoii present voting In the nlllnniitlvo. Pnvlng to be Brick. The council ill BO took action hint evening In. Illllng out the detallH of the paving resolntloiiH. A special meeting of the council will bo hold on Monday evening , April 2'J. at 8 o'clock for the purpose of arranging for the anscH8inont of the coat of paving against the adjacent property on Norfolk avenue. It was also pro vided that the paving should bo of brick on a concrete foundation and that it should bo completed by Octo ber 1 , 11)07. ) The way Is now open for the immediate pavement of the business portion of Norfolk avenue. The greater part of the council's tlmo last evening was taken up with routine business , All councllmcn were present save Spollmau and Stafford Brick Walks Bad. Mayor Friday declared that Nor folk's experience with brick sidewalks had boon very unsatisfactory. Ho .wanted brick tddownlUs ns well as board walks put under the city ban. The counellinen seemed to bo of the same opinion and the city attorney was asked to draw up an anti-brick sidewalk amendment to the sidewalk ordinance. The amendment will be passed on at the next meeting. May or Friday also favored action requiring the dally cleaning of the cement gutters - tors along Norfolk avenue. This nc tlon also wont over until a future meeting. The council took no action on the long list of threatened damage suits that have been tiled with the council against the city. The council adopted a resolution drawn up for the purpose of correct ing a mistake made when a lot belonging - longing to Tom Illght was wrongly assessed for the cost of a sidewalk laid In front of another lot In the same block. A communication from Charles Mandelko relating to several defective walks at the Junction was referred to the street committee. Election Officials. During the ovenfng the counellinen agreed on the following list of elec tion ofllclals to conduct this spring's city election. As a result of lost year's election the democrats have two judges of election In each of the several wards to one for the repub licans , The list as ratified last night Is : First ward H. W. Winter , Herman Gerecko and J. W. McClary , judges ; Ray Hayes and John Schelly , clerics ; R , Peters , police. Second ward Aug. Brumtmmd. A. Morrison and AV. G. Baker , judges ; Dr. Bryant and S. D. Robertson , clerks ; 13 , Hlrth , police. Thiid ward A. Bucholz , W. H. Rob erts and Fred Leu , judges ; Aug. Stof- fen and B. W. Jonas , clerks ; W. Bluecher , police. Fourth ward J. S. Burnett , F. W. Koerber and James Gray , judges ; S. Hershlser and Matt Shaffer , Jr. , clerks ; M. Kennedy , uolice. FRIDAY FACTS. Mr. Klrkman is on the "off" board. Nathan Smothers is among the sick. P. F. Bell spent the day duck hunt- Ing. Ing.Mrs. Mrs. Way of Wayne Is in Norfolk today. James Poole left yesterday for O'Neill. Mr. Shannlng of Ewlug is hero on business. Miss Besslo Williams Is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Larson was In Omaha yester- Uoy shopping. Mrs. Robt. Craft is in Missouri Val Icy on business. Attorney H. F. Barnlmrt Is In Buttc on legal business. Attorney M. D. Tyler left for Battle Creek Friday noon. A. J. Durland left at noon on a busl ness trip to Lynch. W. H. Fitch of Clinton , Iowa , Is IK Standard Accident Insurance com- iimy. 0 H. Durland In home from n hunl- IOHB trip to North Bend. Mm. Jnnu's of Battle Creek wan inro whopping yesterday. tjiipnrlntendent Reynolds left for Long Pine on the noon train. Oeorgo B , Chrlstoph left at noon on i hurdnoHH trip to Grand island. Mrs. Holbrock nnd son of Stanton were Norfolk visitors yesterday. The workmen have boon drugging Iho roads hero yesterday and today , Mrs. 10. O. Mount , who Is very 111 with appendicitis , In not HO well today , Mr . Barney Caldwell wont to Oak- dale last night to visit .with her pa rents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Seconds of Stanton uro visiting nt the home of Matt Shaf fer , sr. Mrs. Warrlck and Mrs. Weatherby have returned from their visit In Omaha. County Treasurer N. M. Nelson of Plorco county was In Norfolk during the day. Guy Woodborry passed examination as llreman and went out on the switch engine today. L Air. Polymetcr has returned from Pi * MolncR , where ho has been visit- W nrelatives. \ . I lonry Matthos nnd son of Stanton I web In Norfolk yesterday on their ( wuy , to Plorco. \ ° \js. McDannel of Glltner arrived In \lk last night on n visit with her C. O. McDannel. no Harper loft yesterday for U to visit with his uncle , Mr. lion- /or / a few weeks , ndrow Stortz of Crclghton was In orfolk during the day , returning from an Omaha trip. Miss Lydln King , who has been a guest at the Kern home , returned to Stnnton this morning. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Baum left on the morning train for Omaha. Mr. Baum will continue on to Chicago. J. Slchl , a Nebraska City business man , was In Norfolk today on his way homo from n business trip to Bone- steel and vicinity. Miss Kathorlne Hammond of Stuart , who Is on her way to St. Anthony , Idaho , is In Norfolk for a brief visit with Miss Grace Matron. F. J. Halo of Atkinson , a former Madison county resident , called on friends in Norfolk yesterday. Fred Webber resigned his position as carpenter of the car repairing gang and went to work in the yard as switchman. The Ladles' Aid society of the Christian church mot at the homo of Mrs. Van Evans yesterday and made sun bonnets. One of the show cases In Mrs. Craft's store was nccldontly broken last evening by some one leaning too heavily upon H. Mrs. F. NV. Jenal/of Bloomfleld , who has been visiting In Norfolk , returned home this morning accompanied by Miss Lola Kern. Miss Mabel .Tohnsqn returned to her homo in Fremont yesterday after a week's visit hero with her cousin , Miss Vern Johnson. Dr. J. C. Myers has returned from O'Neill where ho was called as an expert witness In a case which re quired veterinarian knowledge. The round house boys are taking ho snow plows off the ballast cars , 'hoy ' were put on last fall , but there , vas no occasion to use thorn. Dr. C. A. McKim , state veterinarian , jxpects to pass through Norfolk next iveok to Valentine , where ho goes to give expert testimony In a law suit. Mrs. Ellenwood and two children oturned homo last night from Sioux 31ty , where they have been visiting iicr mother , Mrs. Selkirk , for three iveeks. Mrs. W. C. Howlana and daughter , ivho have been in Norfolk the guests if Mrs. J. W. Ransom and Mrs. Chris Anderson , left for their homo at Brok en Bow. Mrs. H. Moore of Missouri Valley , owa , who has spent the winter In Norfolk the guest of her sister , Mrs. Andrew Teal , leaves for her home In ho morning. Miss Ruth Grauol Is suffering with blood-poison In her finger , caused by uniting n sand-burr sliver In It last summer , which worked itself In so far that It could not bo removed. Ed Bloy left yesterday for Roches- or , Minn. , where he will be operated : m by Mayo Brothers , the Rochester surgeons. Mr. Bley suffered an at- tick of appendicitis some time ago. Max Wilde , formerly of Norfolk nnd son of Carl Wlldo of this city , has ; one from Creighton to Ba/.lllo Mills , where ho has n position In a bank of which George A. Brooks Is president , \ state fish car passed through Nor folk nt noon from Lincoln , up the Bonesteel line. Mr. Nelson of Pierce was hero to meet the car and got n number of trout for Willow creek , Dr.v creek and Bazlllo creek. Howard Boomer , the Northwester ! depot agent Is kept very busy now figuring rates. All rates and all ac counts must bo figured on the 2-cenl rate and as everything has to be changed , It makes much work. The funeral of the little two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott was held yesterday morning fron the family homo at the Junction. Interment torment was made at Prospect Hll cemetery. Rev. John Hlnes of th < Second Congregational church con ducted the services. E. E. Colenmn saw a presentatloi of "Tho Holy City" In Los Angelei several weeks ago nnd ho commend ; the play In the highest terms. Hi says that every church-goer , ns wel as others , ought to sec the drnmn nm that it is not only uplifting but into : eating. The company which appear In Norfolk for two performances Sat urday matinee nnd night IH put out by the sumo management ns that which Mr. Colenmn saw In Los An geles. Mntlneo prices will bo 1C cents and 25 cents , and evening prices will bo 2t > c , fiOc nnd 7Gc. Sheriff J. J. Qlemonts , who was In Norfolk Wednesday evening on busi ness connected with the summoning of the Jury for the coming term of the district court nt Madison , snld that no new developments had appeared in the burglary of the Winter harness store In this city , Miss Lulu I/Hch ) of West Point , who had been visiting In the city , has re turned homo. She was accompanied by her sister , Mrs. N. A. Huso , who will visit nt the homo of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Loach , who have Just returned from n trip to Califor nia , for a few days. 13. P. Olmstead of this city , who was In Bonesteel last night , writes that Mrs. C. B. Yokum , who , with her little daughter , burned to death In the pral- rlo lire southwest of Bonesteel , was a daughter-in-law of the late Mr. Yo- kurn , piano tuner , well known hero nnd who recently died nt Buttc. A large , strong looking tramp pre sented himself at the homo of Mr. Mandelko yesterday at noon a'nd ' asked for some dinner. Mrs. Mandelko was keeping dinner for Mr. Mandelko , who was up town and refused the tramp. Ho acted rather suspicious and as if he would make trouble when Mr. Man delko arrived. Policeman Livingstone Is watching for the fellow. Mrs , G. W. Geode has received news from Guarahijarn , Mexico , tolling of the serious illness with pneumonia , of her son H. J. Mnllory. The master mechanic of the Mexican Central rail road writes her to bo prepared for the worst as the two physicians who arc attending him say ho cannot live. Because their boisterous conduct jarred on his nerves and threatened to frncturo the peace of Norfolk , Offi cer William Ucckor placed Leo Card and Charlie Harris In the city jail over "night. This morning In police court the men were charged with dis turbing the peace , while the additional offcnso of carrying a rawhide slug filled with shot was tagged on to Card. Police Judge Westcryolt fined Harris ? 2 and costs. Card d and costs on the charge of ca concealed weapons. The men tbJ they could ralso the money. Mrs. John D. Ilaskell of Wake1 arrived In Norfolk yesterday at i for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson and other friends In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell are pre paring to sail for Europe In April , to spend the summer on the continent. They will visit Switzerland , Sweden and other countries. They will be accompanied by their daughter nnd will bo joined In July by one of their sons. The two sons are now In Ynlc but one of them , Cornelius , refuses to cross the water , preferring to spend his vacation In Wnkefield. Vice President W. A. Gardner of the Northwestern will not pass through Norfolk on his return trip from Lander , Wyo. Mr. Gardner and party , who arc making an Inspection trip over this division of the North western , will take the Albion line from Onkdalc to Fremont on their return trip to Chicago. The party Is expect ed to reach Omaha Saturday In Mr. Gardner's private car. General Su perintendent Braden , who accompa nied the vice-president on the western trip , may return to Norfolk from Oma ha Saturday evening. Mr. Gardner and company will not visit the Rose bud country on this trip. Carl Relche , living south of Norfolk , has just received a letter from a nephew In Germany , written in a per fect English hand and using correct English. When Mr. Reicho loft the old country the English language was largely an unknown quantity , and Mr. Reicho was greatly surprised to re ceive this epistle. The nephew , reply ing to Mr. Retcho's assertion that America was n bettor place to live in , declared that Germany Is the best place , being very pretty , and that his family have plenty of work from which the Income Is "not too small. " Ho says that his mother , at Christmas time , gave to his father a "golden tvatch" and to himself a "golden" chain. Music as taught in the public school will bo a feature of the coming annual meeting of the North Nebraska Teach ers' association which Is to be held In Norfolk April 3 , 4 and 5. At one soss- slon Norfolk pupils , as taught by Prof. Solomon , will render selections in ex emplification of the success of music teaching in the schools , and at another session students from the Wayne nor mal school will render music. Presi dent Perdue of Madison was In Nor folk yesterday afternoon making ar rangements for the session , which he believes will bo the most successful that has been known. Ho says that twenty-one contestants are entered foi the declamatory contest on the first night. Two have dropped out , the original entry having shown twenty three. MAY BRING HIM TO NORFOLK. 3 Frank Brink , On Trial For Murder ol 11 Girl , Pleads Insanity. [ From Monday's Dalli'.l Frank Brink , being tried for murdei atPonca , may bo brought to the Nor folk insane hospital. Insanity is UK plea of the defense. Dr. Davey , formerly known hero "Jack ' merly as Davoy , second baseman on the Norfolk base ball team , swore that Brink was In sane two weeks before the murder o 1' ' Hcsslo Newton nnd that ho had cnllei 1 attention of the man's mental condl tlou tq members of the board of iusan s ! ty. BOARD SAYS IT HAS NOT DETERMINED - MINED ON PLAN. MEETS WITH CONFLICTING IDEAS Representative of John Latenser of Omaha , Claimed to be Able School Architect , Is Here East Wall Has Fallen to the Ground , [ From Monday's Dally. ] Members of the board ol education at the conclusion of tholr meeting yes terday authorized The News to pub lish the following paragraph as repre senting their statement to the people of the Norfolk cchool district at this tlmo : That In all matters pertaining to the rebuilding of n high school building the board Is actuated only by the com mon Interest of the school district. That In any nctlon they may tnko they will try to best provide for the pres ent nnd future needs of the district | with an economical expenditure of money. That at this time the board has not committed Itself cither as to the rebuilding of the old building eras as to the erection of a new structure. That this action will not be taken un til the board has secured all of the facts touching the present condition of the walls standing and the compar ative cost of putting up a now econom ically-arranged building , of rebuilding from the old foundation and of re building with the use of part of the present walls. That the board has been confronted with conflicting state ments made by local builders nnd nrchltccts ns to the condition of the present walls nnd has made arrange ments to secure an immediate state ment , covering the whole situation , from Architect John Latenser , of Oma ha. That at this moment the board does not and can not know In what way the Interests of the school dis trict can be best and most economic ally served. OMAHA ARCHITECT TO REPORT Latenser Will Give His Opinions to k Board This Week. IPfSG. Salisbury of Omaha , represent- Mug John Latenser of 'Omnhn , who it is claimed Is the foremost architect of school buildings in the west , wns In Norfolk Saturday evening and Sunday morning inspected the burnt high school building at the instance of the school board , who had requested Mr. Latenser to send a representative to Norfolk. Mr. Salisbury , who Is"a re tired contractor , visited the high school building Sunday morning and discussed the situation with members of the board. He did not'make a pub lic statement but will report his find ings to Mr. Latenser , who will send a written report which should reach the board by next Wednesday. Information Wanted. The Information which the members of the school board expect to obtain from Mr. Lntenser's report may be summed up In the following questions : What Is the condition of the present building as It stands ? What would be the cost of erecting a colonial style building about the size of the present building ? What salvage from the old building could be applied to the con struction of such a building ? It Is claimed for n colonial style building that 1 affords much more tloor space and can be more econom ically built than a building with an irregular outline. At the same time It could be constructed along modern lines advanced in the last fifteen or twenty years. It Is also claimed that the lighting , heating and ventilating problems could be more easily met in putting up n new building. The ques tion that is nskcd Is , can such a build ing , equally presentable to the eye , be built for nearly the same price that the old building can be rebuilt ? Those who think that the question can be answered in the affirmative say that no small part of the cost of the old building Is represented In Its tower nnd numerous angles. On the other hand against such an answer has been urged the valuable salvage represent ed In the foundation nnd standing walls of the old building. The special meeting of the board was held Saturday evening at the of fice of Mapes & Hazen , All members were present save Secretary Matrau , who had been absent from the city. Mr. Stltt's Statement. Architect J. 0. Stltt of Norfolk , who designed the old high school building , was present at the meeting at the re quest of the board. Mr. Stltt had ex amined the building and at the request of the board made a statement as to its condition. He said that the foun dation and all exterior walls standing of the first story were perfectly safe , In fact were In good condition. These walls are sixteen Inches thick. A portion of the second story walls he thought were safe , but as a margin for safety they might be taken off , The value of the salvage standing was considerable but if the material was- taken down he said the value would greatly dwindle. Mr. Stltt Informed the board that the high tower on the old building was not in a safe condition. The up per portion should bo removed. He also advised the board to have the rub blsh about the building cleaned \u and ns much salvage saved as pos dole. The board voted to follow oul his suggestions in both Instances. The big chimney still standing will also b ( I taken down nt once. The board ad journed to meet Sunday morning with Latonsor'a representative at the high school building. Members of the board state that A. Morrison , M. L. Ogdcn nnd John B. Herman , Norfolk building contractors , l.uvo examined the high school buildIng - Ing and claim that the old walls can uot bo used above the foundation. Also that II. H. Reynolds , a Norfolk mason and1 contractor , supports the statement of Mr. Stltt. J. P. Elsen- trnut , n Sioux City architect , when In Norfolk last week declared the stand ing walls unsafe. EAST WALL FALLS IN. Stiff Breeze Lays Low One Side of Remains No One Hurt. The east wall of the cast wing of the high school building fell before a stiff breeze yesterday noon , adding an exclamation point to the objections ut tered by those opposed to utilizing the old walls in rebuilding the high school. The wall fell forward to the east at 1:20 : p. m. , at a tlmo when two or three children were playing near the building. No damage to surrounding property resulted. Dr. P. H. Salter , a member of the board of education , nnd C. P. Parish , republican nominee for the board , had stood under the wall not twenty min utes before It fell. Both had been making a careful Inspection of the building and were forced to shudder at the narrow margin of their escape. The east wall was taken down by reason of nn unprotected gable stand ing exposed to the strong south wind. J. C. Stltt passed by the building short ly after the wall went down. He said that bare walls did not offer great re- rlstanco to the wind and that unbraced walls in now buildings were liable to go down before a strong wind. Mr. Stltt had previously pronounced the tower In the building unsafe and ho said yesterday that the gable in the west wing might topple over If the wind continued. Members of the board of education stationed a special policeman at the school to warn the public away from the building. While the spectacular effect of the falling wall Is pretty sure to be a fac tor of influence In the situation , com petent authorities state that the mere fact that the wall fell before a strong wind does not bear one way or the other on the strength of the standing walls. It Is" said that the same thing would have occurred If the roof and floors of the building had been care fully removed without a fire. The leverage that the wind has on a bare wall Is great. In this connection Mr. Stltt advises the board to have the upper portion of the building removed at once If the lower walls arc to bo saved. A strong wind In the right di rection will take down the west gable , carrying a considerable part of the lower wall with it , as was the case j esterday. MRS. MOUNT DOING WELL. Friends Are Very Hopeful for Recov ery From Operation. Mrs. E. O. Mount was operated on for appendicitis Friday afternoon , standing the shock of the operation well. The operation , which was per formed by Dr. P. H. Salter , Dr. A. Bear and Dr. Walter Pllger , was de termined on Thursday evening ns af fording the greater chances for recov ery. Mrs. Mount passed the night nicely , her condition being quite en couraging Saturday morning. Unless complications set in , Mrs. Mount's chances of recovery were pronounced good. During the day Mrs. Mount's condi tion continued satisfactory nnd her friends nre very hopeful for her re covery. BOARD MEMBERS DID NOT SIGN Article Crlt.clsing Norfolk Public , > -n Local Weekly , Uninspired. [ From Monday's Dally. ] Members of the board of education have called the attention of The News to an article appearing in a local week ly which , at first glance , appears to bo signed by the six members of the school board. The article resents the Intrusion of Norfolk voters into the affairs of the board. Attached to the body of the article are the names of the six board members printed In a way that might lend the Impression that the plcco wns the signed state ment from the men nt the head of the city schools. Members of the board state that they neither Issued nor "In spired" the publication of the article. PALM SUNDAY CONFIRMATIONS Largo Number of Young People Are Confirmed In Churches. ( From Monday's Dally. ] Yesterday was Palm Sunday. In the Lutheran churches of the city spe cial confirmation 'services were held according to the custom of the church. The solemn confirmation occurred In the morning in three Norfolk , churches. The list of. these confirmed Is hero given : Christ Lutheran church : Frank Vlergutz , Albert Miller , Ernst Schwcde , Paul Schilling , Carl Boehn- ke , Emil Rehfeld , Otto Oertwlch , Her man Blank , Emll Schilling , Henry Pasewalk , Herbert Fischer , William Steffcn , Helen Zachort , Elizabeth Weg- cnor , Louise Foldhahn , Elizabeth Boltz , Lizzie Kollath , Rosette Froellch , Meta Miller , Martha Blank , Hnttlo Appel , Hertha Vlergutz , Lydla Schwedo , Char lotte Schmledeberg , Meta Fischer , Mcta Schilling. St. Paul Lutheran church : Martin Dressen , Carl Dressen , Paul Rlggort , Elmer Machmueller , Otto Druck , Otto Nitz , Herbert Braasch , Walter Buetow , Emil Ra-lonz , Erich Prlbnow , Willlo Klug , Franklin Bernhardt , Emil Raasch , Anna RIggert , Ida Nitz , Dora I Grimm Hattlo Klug , Hattlo Hurtmann , Emma Ertzner , Ruth Wagner , Theresa Wolf , Dora Hille , Clara Smith , Elsie Klug , Esther Ncenow , Elsie Nitz. St. Johannes Lutheran church : Cla ra Janscn , Viola Oesterllng. SAM D. BERG , IS NAMED. Postmaster at Pierce Can Not Act as Mayor Tall Hustling. Pierce , Neb. , March 25. Special to The News : The mayoralty election In Pierce has had a somersault since Sat urday. Postmaster A. L. Brando had been named by a citizens caucus for the office but Saturday ho received a letter from the fourth assistant post master general at Washington stating that It would be Impossible for him to servo as mayor and postmaster at the same time. He therefore withdrew and S. D. Berg , one of the prominent and very popular young business men of Pierce , wns named Saturday night to fill the vacancy. This was the last date upon which a candidate could be named , under the law , and there was some tall rustling to get the vacancy filled. Mr. Berg's friends are confident he will make an excellent mayor. O.K. MEREDITH. D.O OSTEOPATH. Office , Cotton block , Ash 641 , resi dence , 109 North Tenth street , 'phone Ash 542. You Must Not Forget We are constantly improv ing in the art of making Fine Photos. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish , We also carry a Fine T ine of Mouldings. I. M. MACY. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyone Rending n skct ch nnd description mnj quickly ; ' .icertnlti our opinion free whether on Invention Is probably nntentnhle roimmuilnvJ-L , tloiisBtrlcUycotiDdentlal. HANDBOOK on I'-itcuti cntfreo. Oldest nuency for securing patents. I'ntonts taken through Munn & Co. rocelvo ifiitnl notice , rltliout clmruo , luthe Scicniiiic American. A handsomely llhintratod weekly. Lnrsest nr- dilation of any eclentlUa loiirnul. Terms , f3 a yenrs Jour months , | L Bold by nil ncwsrtpnlcr . * M * m. llri.ich Office. (25 ( F fit. . Washington , T > r Colonist R.ates In Effect March 1st to April 30th Gp the Mountain Way. Insist that your ticket reads via Colorado Midland R-y , THROUGH TOURIST CARS Sa.n Francisco .00 Los Angeles 25 . Portland Seattle Spokand Helena , BxitteT $22.50 $20.00 ( Above Rates apply from Missouri River common points and west thereof. Rates east of the river slightly higher. ) Ask P. L. FBAKINS , Agent , 210 S. 14th Street , Omnlm , MORELL LAW , General Agent , 600 Shoidloy Building , Kansas Oity , or your own local agent on any railroad , or C. H. SPEARS , General Passenger Agent , Denver , Colorado. MIDLAND ROUTE