THE NOKFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL : FRIDAY. MARCH 22. ID07. W , H , DRIDQE WITHDRAWS FROM COUNCILMANIC RACE. CORYELL WILL MAKE THE RUN R. E. Dowdcn , an Old Soldier Who Moved Here From Holt County nntl Who Hna Full Set of Instruments , Nnmed ( or City Engineer. \V. H. Hrltlii % lias dcrllm-d tlio re- puhllonii nomination for couiicllinnn from tlio Second ward and tlio city oonlrnl oommUlco lias Hiilwtllutod tlio imino of R ( . Coryt'll. Mr. HrldKo'H roHlKiwtlon fnim tlio llckcL waa ac- copied at a nicotian nf tlio ru | > iilillcnti central committee' liHd laHt uvnnliiK nt A. H. Klomui'H Hioro. Mr. HrldKU docllnoil tlio nomination for tlio ron- won that lioth lie and tlio Third ward candidate , .1. II , 1-oiiKli. wcro connect- cd with tlio 8i\mo liiHtllutlon. tlio HiiBiir Oily Cereal mills. Tlio commltloonlHO took uclloii placliiR tlio name of II. K. Howdon on tlio city tlrlu-t aH a candl- date for city uiiKlnoor. Mr. Ilowdou linn hoon a ivHldcnt of Norfolk for Homo tlmo piiHt and has had oxpurl unco an a Hiirvoyor. llo Is an old mildlor who moved hero from Holt county , llo haw a full mil of HiirvpyliiR InalrninontH and la u thoroughly olllclont c-iiKliicor. Still Insist on Durlnnd. Norfolk domocratB Friday afternoon were Htlll tncllncil to liiHlat that 0. 11. norland would yet ho pormmdod to accept tlio democratic nomination for mayor. Mr. nnrland'H name would oncoiintor no oppoHltlon In tlio con vention , lint ho has told Ills friends that ho can not accept tlio nomlna tlon. Poor health Is ono of the roa SOUR SATURDAY SIFTINQS. .loan Elliott of Lincoln Is In Nor folk. John \Vornor of HoaUliiB Is In tlio city today. Hov. Mr. Ornhor of Hoaltlns was here yoatordiiy. Ur. II. T. Holdcn was In Hosklns Friday afternoon. Tlio MIBHCH Tawnoy of I'lorco arc Norfolk visitors today. Mr. and 'Mrs. GUH Fechnor were In from Stanlon yesterday. nr. K. C. Simmons Is In Wlnsldo today. J. AiiKolo of Monroe was hero yes terday. S. Heck returned yesterday from , Omaha. C. S. Smith of MadlBon Is In the * clt ytoday. J. A. llallantyno was \Hosklns yesterday. W. Wlors of llntto spent yesterday In Norfolk. Nels hyiiReir of Carroll was In Nor folk yesterday. R. L. Burns of Scrlbnor was In Nor folk over night. It. D , Hrneggeman was a Laurel vis itor yesterday. John Jordan , Jr. , was In from Bmor- son yesterday. J. W. Smith of Yankton was a South Dakota visitor In the city yes terday. George C. Stevenson Is up from Madison today. \V. Drorlln of Hartlngtou was In Norfolk yesterday. Crls L. Anderson spent yesterday visiting In Omaha. Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon and sister are visiting at Crelghton. W. A. llonnoy is home from n busi ness trip to Chambers. Miss M. A. Morgan of Fairfax was In Norfolk this morning. H. M. Scott of Plalnvlow spent yesterday - torday In Norfolk. Miss Idello Taylor of Hattlp Creek was in Norfolk yesterday. U. D. Mathews of Madison was a Norfolk visitor yesterday. M. Schltz of Platte Center was In Norfolk last evening. Evoit Carrlck of Columbus Is visit Ing his brother , Frank Carrlck. M. J. Klrman of Wayne was In Nor folk for afew hours yesterday. Mrs. Fred Jenal of Bloomllchl Is vis iting her sister , Miss Minnie Maas. Mrs. Kirk Hall , who has been visit , . , Ing relatives In Norfolk returned homo at noon. , Miss Lizzie Peters returned yester day noon from a visit with friends a Stanton. Mrs. Sarah E. Fitch of Selling. Okla. Is In Norfolk on a visit with Mr. am Mrs. A. Low. ; < Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Dana of Crelgh ton are In Norfolk , the guests of Mr and Mrs.V. . A. Clark. C. B. Dnrland left at noon for Plain view to spend Sunday at the horn of his brother. G. F. Dnrland. Mike Mullen returned homo fror Albion last night. Mrs. Johnson and daughter Malik who have been visiting at the horn of George Johnson , returned to thol homo In Fremont yesterday. Christopher Anderson returned horn from Omaha last night where ho ha been on business. Mrs. Will Beck and two sons wen to Nellgh yesterday to visit with Mrs Beck's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Kost have move from Fourth street to Eleventh. Miss Dora Dorsoy Is on the sick 11s * Mr. Smith has moved from Plerc street to First street. . Charley Darnell gave up his posltlo in the round house today. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams hav .moved Into { heir now homo lately va bated by Mr. Kost on Fourth street. ' , The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs Mike Lavello Is quite ill. Mrs. John Krantz has returned from ' a week's visit with friends at Ncllgl \ H Winder Mho Is In Tlldon on n ilium reMirned to Norfolk ever Ight Superintendent C. H. HoynoIdH of 10 Northwestern loft on the early rain for Lincoln. f'onilnolor H. F. Canote wont lo Val- nllno on the noon ( lain to attend to indiiCHH matters. Mrs. Frank King and Mrs. .Albert llger of Slanton were visiting In Norfolk yesterday. Attorney II. F. llarnhart has Just otnrned from Magnet where ho do- Mided a man charged with assault , lo won the case. Deputy County Clerk S. U. McFar- mil was In Norfolk Friday morning n his way from Madison to spend Sunday with his mother In Lynch. Dr. 0. A. Young , superintendent of ho Insane hospital , wont to Lincoln n the early train to look after the onpltal appropriations , and will ro- urn tonight. John Quick returned last night from trip to Iowa , near Dos MolncB , where 10 was called by the death of hla rotlior-ln-law. Mr. Quick sayB that , vlillo tliero IB some mud here In No- iniHku , people of this section can hank their lucky stars that they /lo lot live In Iowa. lo ( Bays that the oads are like putty , horses sinking o their knees in thu gummy clay. A prlng wagon containing more than wo portions can not ho drawn ever ho roadH hy a leiini of homos. lie niyH that no amount of money could ndiico nun to return to Iowa. Iko KonL IB moving Into the Druco UHIHO on South Eleventh fltreet. Mrs. .1. H. Van Horn , who had boon 11 with bronchial trouble , Is some- vhat Improved In condition. Percy Spence , living near Stanton , tailed Norfolk to purcluiHo a hill of umber for a largo harn that ho IB to erect. ( Joorgo B. Chrlstoph returned yes- orday from Kansas City and Leaven- vorth , Kan. Ho attended the W. O. \V. convention at Loavonworth as a lolegato from the Norfolk lodge. The Ilrst entertainment at Maurice , S. D. , for this ( season was given hy llss Laura Kngolka and Norfolk pco- ) Io were among the gucstfl. After an nvlting repast the guests took a stroll ever her claim and then repaired to ho homo of Mrs. C. E. Mildly , former- y of Norfolk , where a dainty lunch- on was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis , Mrs. G. B. \Iuflly and Miss Engolka. House roll No. MS. Introduced In ho legislature hy Representative Al- lot-sou of this county , appropriating 100,000 for a woman's dormitory , fur- tailings for same and live stock harn , as heon recommended to pass carry- ng $98,000. On motion of Shubert of llclinrdson $2,000 was stricken from i provision of $7,000 In a bill for a larn , making It $5,000. The night prowler , whoso actions nvo been alarming Norfolk , Is be- leved to have boon-seen on several iccaslons at the Junction. He is de- .Grihod . as a man of about thirty-live ears , with a recently acquired aver- Ion to barber shops. Otllor Livings- on , on night duty at the Junction , : aught sight of the Individual about i o'clock Friday morning. The prowl- ir took to his feet , however , and es- laped. While Policeman Livingston was on ils beat yesterday morning at 2 o'clock 10 came across a suspicious looking ) orson at the Dlngman corner on rhlrd street , whom ho thought might 10 the would bo burglar who has been nterlng so many homes nt the June- Ion. Upon selng the officer the man started to run east to Second street , vhoro ho disappeared , being too swift for the ofllcer. L. M. Dcnn has moved from his 'arm eight miles southeast of the city , vhero ho had resided for the past ten years , to Warnervllle. Mr. Dean hinks that he may decide a little later - er to go to California. Harry Lodor has just returned from in extended trip. Ho has been hrough sixteen states , ' but says that .hero Is no prettier country anywhere to bo found than In northern Nebraska or the ilosobud of South Dakota. E. E. E. Rldgoway of South Omaha , editor and publisher of the Midwest Ragle , a fraternal paper devoted to the Interests of the Fraternal Order of Eagles , Is In the city and will meet with the Norfolk aerie Sunday after noon. Ho thinks that Norfolk Is ono of the best towns In Nebraska. The work of laying the Norfolk sewer er system will bo resumed as soon as the frost leaves the ground sutllclontly to permit trench digging. This , with warm weather , should occur In about a week. Cold weather might delay work until April. J. B. Martin , repre sentative of Contractor Herrlck and superintendent In charge of the local construction work , Is In Norfolk. Ho expects to Issue a call for men within the next few days and is confident of being able to continue the laying of the sewer pipes by the Ilrst of next month. Additional pipe will bo hero within the next few days. Ono and three-fourths miles of fifteen-Inch pipe remain to bo laid. This will give about two months' employment to fif ty or sixty men. The pipe still to bo placed will bo n continuation of the present construction up South First street with extensions up Park and Madison avenues to Seventh street. Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from the grip is of its resulting In pneumonia. Wo have never known this to occur , however - over , when Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy was used. It relieves the lungs , opens the secretions , allays the cough and aids nature in restoring the sys tem to a healthy condition. Millions of people have used It with the most satisfactory results. For sale by Leon ard the druggist RAILWAY COMMISSION DILL 18 STOCK FOOD QET8 HARD DLOWB ormulao on Stock Foods Must Here after be Published So That Farmers May Know What They Are Feeding to Their Live Stock. Lincoln , Nob. , March in. Special to 'ho News : The senate this morning mended tlio railway commission hill ml put all street railway companies ndor the jurisdiction of the coinmls Ion. DOORS WILL BE DARRED. /Islts of Prowler Will Cause Extra Precaution. Norfolk doors will bo securely bar . ed tonight and Norfolk windows will ' e llrmly fastened. Stories of thp mid Ight prowler and minors of attempted inrglarles have alarmed the timid nlnded. . Starling with some founda Ion of fact , the truth In such stories 'alns many Interesting additions as t goes the rounds of Hie town gossip The fictitious "bogy man" Is always is much feared as the real burglar and n most cases Is about equally danger- ins , Whether the two or three noc' nrnal visits made by uninvited strangers to Norfolk homes during the last few days were merely unconnoct d events or foreshowed an epidemic > f such occiircnces , the effect Is mucl ho same. During the next few days every bark of the dog will bring nlarn ind every whistle of the wind will be narked with suspicion. Norfolk from the nature of Its popu atlon Is a city where such alarms nako quick progress. The town itrctchos over a wide area. Man > leads of Norfolk families are rnllroac and traveling men , whoso work keeps , hcm away from homo on many oven ngs. For these reasons Idle rumors ; aln crcduloiico and homo after home s baracnded for the time being against ho threatening appearance of the mrglar or night stroller. But those same facts are also reasons why Norfolk - folk should enjoy the most cillclent police protection possible for a city of this size. STANTON HAS LIGHT PROBLEM Question of Electricity and Sewer May Cause Two Tickets. Stanton , Neb. , March 15. Special to The News : Municipal politics up to estorday wore very quiet in Stanton Yesterday both the Picket and the Register came out for the same men : -ovy Mlllor for mayor , Joseph Grat an for councilman In the Second ivanl. Mr. Mlllor Is president of the first National bank and has been a esldent of this place for almost a quarter of a century. Joseph Grattan s also well and favorably known . , Both possess undoubted abilities for he position to which they aspire. Were it not that there was some dlf 'erences among the citizens on the jest policy to be pursued with reference once to the proposition of the city owning Its own electric lights am' ' also on the advisability of construct ng a sewerage system , It Is quite I' irobablo ' that no contest would bo " : nade. But on these questions there s some difference of opinion whlcl may glvo rlso to some opposition , or which may dlo out before Saturday veiling , the date sot for the conven tlon. PHOTOS FOR HIS CAMPAIGN. Senator Said to Have Spent $2,000 for Pictures for Presidential Boom. Cincinnati , March 1-1. Is Senator Foraker preparing to Inaugurate photographic campaign for his noml nation at the hands of the republlcai party for the presidency of the United States ? The unique plctoral campaign Is to be launched as soon as the sen ntor gets back from Washington , It is said. The senator has entered Into a con tract with a Cincinnati pbotographe to make him $2,000 worth of photo graphs. The order , which Is alreadj well on the way to being filled , is to bo followed by other forms of pictora work , such as lithographs , newspape cuts and timely cartoons. COON SKINS PAY TAXES. Samuel Lemon of Brown County , In Norfolk , Discusses Land. Despite the fast march of progress In northern Nebraska , trapping , hunt Ing and fishing still nourish in the northern tier of counties. This yea Samuel Ix.'inon , a Brown county ranch man living south of Nordon , pays th taxes on 1,280 acres of timber am grass land with the results of the year's accumulations of coon skins The coons are plentiful and arc easllj trapped along the smaller streams With an occasional shot at a big stray Ing wolf and plenty of game ilsh a hand In the streams , Mr. Lemon main tains that natural sport has not ye been banished from Brown county. Mr. Lemon passed through Norfoll yesterday on his way homo from business trip. He has had wide ox porlcnce In farming and has live long enough In northern Nebraska t known Its worth. Back In Pennsyl vanla Mr. "Lemon has another farm hut ho rents the eastern land am makes his homo on the Nobraski ranch. "Returns from the north Nobraski farm or ranch are more satisfactory , declared Mr. Lemon yesterday , "Cat tlo and horse raising In our country 1 a profitable Industry requiring Httl ihor. Dniplto the fact that wo had mro HIIOW than usual horses passed lirough the winter on the grazing land Ithout extra feeding. You do not iiivo 1 to ( Ight for a living In northern 'A88ENGER FARE TO BONE8TEEL Being Interstate Commerce , Rate Is Three Cents for Each Mile. Under the now two-cent paaaengor are law In Nebraska , passengers bo- woen Norfolk and Bonestcel are ox- lorlonclng queer conditions. It is a caao of Intprstnto commerce between Norfolk and Fairfax or Bonestcol. Flio Interstate rate Is still three cents icr mile. Consequently it Is neces sary to buy a ticket here for Anoka , ho last town in Nebraska on that rip , and then buy a now ticket for Fairfax or Bonestccl at that point. H said to bo overworking the coiv luctors. RIPRAPPING AT DENBY PLACE. Mew Metallic Type of Rlprapplng Is Being Used. The Madison county board of com nlBBlonors Messrs. Malone , Harding and Taft were In Norfolk during the iftprnoon to look after the work of Iprapplng at the Denby place west of ; ho city , between hero and Battle Creek. A new form of metallic rip rapping Is being placed there and the commissioners were anxious to Inves tigate It while It was being placed , to study Its merits. The Denby place has long been the source of trouble from water In the Elkhorn and much land has been eat en up by the river there. It Is hoped that this will relieve the difficulty. BUY BIG RANCH. C. J. Anderson of Nellgh Has Become Sole Owner of Federal. Nollgh , Nob. , March 15. Special to The News : A deal of largo financial Importance has 'recently ' been con summated whereby C. J. Anderson of this city becomes solo owner of the Federal ranch and stock , situated near Cody , Cherry county. The company was capitalized at $120,000 , $70,000 of the stock being held ' by Mr. Anderson , and the bal ance by B. J. Hoffachor and Allen Marsh , the latter of Omaha. Mr. Hoff- acher will engage In the sugar busi ness with his millionaire uncle , Clans Sprcckles of San Francisco , but wheth er ho will bo located In that city Is not known. The Federal ranch consists of 6,000 acres of deeded and 7,000 acres of school land , and Includes a large portion tion of hay meadow , something very valuable and now almost impossible to obtain In that section. On Its ranches are 3,000 head of cattle and 200 head of horses. J THIS PLAN WOULD RELIEVE THE TOWN OF TRACKS. WOULD CUT OUT SWITCHING A Lot of Things Which Are Now Ob- 'jected to , Says Resident , Could be Done Away With by Putting Depot Out in the Country , Away From Town [ From Friday's Oally. ] A new depot plan Is suggested by a Norfolk citizen. It was suggested as a means of relieving the objection which many express toward having trains cross Main street. This Is the plan : Build a union depot in the Y down at South Norfolk. Tear out all tracks now crossing Norfolk avenue. * Build the M. & O. track down to the Junea tlon on the east side of the river and bring It Into the Junction on the main line of the Northwestern. Swing the Union Pacific trains into the Junction from southwest of the city. Swing the Donesteel line east of town , bendc Ing It at the sugar factory and let It run Into the Junction on the M. & O track , east of the river. "This , " says the citizen , "would re- Hove us of tracks across Norfolk cnue. There would be no streets to close. The Industrial establishments now alongside tracks , which would he left high and dry by removal of tracks could bo turned into some other use by the Industrial company , now in charge of the sugar factory building . "Seventh street could bo made n boulevard. " DEATH OF MRS. MILLEN. Pneumonia Claims Victim Children at Bedside. Mrs. Annie Mlllon , living on South Sixth street in Norfolk , died about 8 o'clock last evening nt her homo. Two sons and a daughter wcro at the bed side. Death was due to pneumonia and had been preceded by a week's Illness. Mrs. Mlllen was sixty-nine years old. The funeral arrangements have not been announced. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is Both Agreeable and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has nq fiuperlor for coughs , colds and croup , and the fact that It Is pleasant to take and contains nothing In any way Injurious has made It n favorite with mothers. Mr. W. S. Pelham , a merchant of Klrksvllle , Iowa , says : "For more than twenty years Cham borlaln's Cough Remedy has been my leading remedy for all throat troubles It Is especially successful in cases o croup. Children like it and my CUB tomors who have used It will not take any other. " For sale by Leonard the druggist. STRANGE MISSION DROUGHT MAN TO NORFOLK. BUT HE WAS DISAPPOINTED George L. Soberer of Amboy , Minn. , Arrived In Norfolk In the Hope That Mrs. Katherlne Kummetz Was His Sister Arc Related. A man and a woman stared at each other yesterday in a Norfolk rooming IIOUBO and wondered If they were brother and sister. It was a serious matter with these people , this ques tion of blood relationship. The man had come a good many miles to solve the | ( iiicstlon , to find out whether or not a long-lost sister was living out on the Nebraska prairie. Seeks His Sister. George L. Soberer , soventy-ono years old and apparently a prosper ous farmer of the north , lives at Am- boy , Minn. Yesterday ho was In Nor folk ( on a strange mission. Ho sought a sister whom two score years or so ago ho had left behind In the moun tains of Switzerland. Ills course In Norfolk took him to the rooming house conducted by Mrs. Katherlno Kurnmctz south of the Paclllc hotel. Mrs. Kummetz's father had been a Swiss man named Schcrer. Mrs. Kummetz Not Sister. So these two people mot , looked atone ono another and wondered. . If they were brother and sister fifty years of tlmo stretched between thorn. Then the : man went to his task , asking ques tions of the native land. In fiction per haps Mr. Scherer would have achieved his quest , but his Journey to Norfolk was not so rewarded. Ho had not found the sister. Yet that Mr. Scher or and the Norfolk woman who once bore the same name arc related tliero Is no doubt. Even they can not attest the degree of relationship. Parted Fifty Years Ago. Nearly fifty years ago Mr. Scherer left his native Switzerland for Amer ica. A sister some thirteen years of age remained at home. In the years that passed ho lost trace of her. Vis iting the old country a few years ago ho found that his sister had gone to the United States long before and that no word of her was obtainable at the old homo. " Last summer a nephew whom Mr. Schorer had raised was In Norfolk and chanced to learn Mrs. Kummetz's maiden name and some thing of her history. He thought that ho had found his uncle's sister. The old man waited until business brought him to Omaha. Mr. Scherer will remain In Norfolk for a day or so but ho will leave the city still In Ignorance as to whether his sister Is living or silent among the dead. MALICIOUS CHARGE REFUTED Dr. Young Asks Governor Sheldon to Investigate Vicious Story. Dr. G. A. Young , superintendent of the Norfolk hospital for the Insane , has issued the following statement with regard to a charge made against him ' ' by B. W. Monroe , a former at tendant , In Omaha and Lincoln news papers : "My attention has been called to the article In the Evening World-Herald of the 13th headed , 'Neglect Charged. ' The articlewas written by a discred ited employe shows upon Its face Its malicious Intent and requires no re ply. I have forwarded the article to Governor Sheldon , together with ref utation of the contained charges , and have asked for an Investigation. I am sure that the newspapers may find ready access to It In the governor's office at Lincoln. Correspondents are Invited i , to visit the hospital and every opportunity will bo given tp aid In making a thorough Investigation. A committee of seventeen members of the present legislature visited the hos pital some six weeks ago and their favorable report bespoke no such con dition as described In the article. .1 am responsible to Governor Sheldon for the proper conduct of this hospi tal and stand ready at all times to have a thorough examination made Into the affairs of the Institution , " Monroe says among other things : "I resigned my iKisltlon as superin tendent of the violent ward nt the Norfolk state Insane hospital because I refused to take the responsibility of guarding , without assistance , thirty maniacal patients , somu of whom I might have to kill or Injure at any mo ment to protect myself. " Ho charges Dr. Young with gross negligence of the violent patients , with covering up the facts In several cases of sulcldos and with cutting down the number of attendants to an absurdly low figure In order to economize and thus gain prestige In his quest for the permanent position of superintendent. "Conditions at the Norfolk Institu tion are the worst I ever saw , " Mr. Monroedeclares. "I have worked In nearly a dozen Insanity hospitals and have quit In , encli en so with the best recommendations , but never did I see anything to touch the stnto of affairs nt Norfolk. " Monroe says ho was employed at the hospital on December C and re signed with disgust on March 1. Funeral of Mrs. Koch. The funeral of Mrs. Maria Koch , whoso death occurred Thursday night at the homo of her daughter , Mrs. C. Hudat , In Norfolk , was hold Saturday afternoon at her former homo in West Point. Short services were held at the home of Mrs. Rudat In Norfolk Friday afternoon , Rev. J. P. Mueller of Christ's Lutheran church officiating. Music was furnished by the choir from the Congregational church. The ser vices In Norfolk were attended by many friends. The remains were tak en to West Point for Interment. Mrs. Rudat and family and Fritz Asmtis , relatives of the deceased , left for West Point Saturday to attend the services. While not extensively known here , Mrs. Koch was loved by those Who did claim her acquaintance , COMMANDERY OFFICERS , . * T. Were Elected Friday Evening , Will bo Installed May 9. Damascus Commandery , No. 20 , Knights Templar , elected officers at their Friday evening meeting. The following list was chosen : John B. Maylard , eminent commander ; Charles E. Burnhnm , generalissimo ; Ensign J. Rlx , ' captain general ; Judge John B. Barnes , prelate ; Louis C. Mtltolstadt , treasurer ; William R. Hoffman , re corder ; Andrew II. Viele , senior war den ; Silas G. Dean , Junior warden. The newly elected officers will bo In stalled on May 9. Don't rely upon finding any of to day's want ads. In tomorrow's paper. O.R. MEREDITH , D.O OSTEOPATH. Office , Cotton block , Ash 541 , resi dence , 109 North Tenth street , 'phone Ash 542. Yoif MUst ] Hot Forget We are constantly improv ing in the art of making Fine Photos. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish , We also carry a Fine Tune of Mouldings. I. M. . . MACY. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADC MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anvnno rending n sketch nnd description mnj quickly pscorinlii our oilnli | > n free whether nil Invention Is probnbly pntcninlilp. Coniiminlrn- tloiiBHtrlctlyconnileiitlnl. HANDBOOK onl'ntcnta cntfreo. Oldest iigcncy furnccuriiifl ( > iicnt ( . 1'ntonta tnkcTi thrtmcli Jlunii & Co. re''olvo ml notice , rltiioutclmrcc. iutlio Scientific A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nreest cir culation nf nny nclcntlUo journal. Term * . $3 a year : Sold by nil npwwlenlerft Colonist R ates ' \ In Effect March Jst to April 30th Go the Mountain "Way. Insist that your ticket reads via Colorado Midland R.y. THROUGH TOURIST CARS Sa.n Francisco Los Angeles 25 .00 Portland Seattle Spokand Helena . Bxitte $22.50 $20.00 ( Above Rates apply from Missouri River common points and west thereof , Rates east of the river slightly higher. ) Ask P. L. FEAKINS , General Agent , 310 S. 14th Street , Omaha , MORELL LAW , General Agent , BOG Shoidloy Building , Kaunas City , or your own local agent on any railroad , or C. H. SPEARS , General Passenger Agent , Denver , Colorado. MIDLAND ROUTE