rill ! ] NOHKOLK WEEKLY NKWS-JOliJtuVAL : 1'MtlDAY. ' MAHCII Ji2 15)07 ) , THIS METHOD USED HERE ON A BALKY ANIMAL. ANIMAL HAS NOT BEEN KILLED * . William Degner Tried to Force Balky Horse to Go By Pulling on the Ani mal's Tongue The Tongue Came Out by the Roots , Horse Stood Still. Because hla horse was balky , Wil liam Dcgner , living on Braasch av enue between Third and Fourth streets , tried to pull the animal for ward by the tongue. The horse pushed backwards pulling Its tongue out by the roots. Up to noon the animal had not been killed. Tuesday morning the bloody tongue of the unfortunate animal was found in an alley near Degner's barn. The story of the occurrence flltorcdt hrough town. On account of a recent similar happening In Omaha considerable feel ing has been aroused. Mr. Degner Is employed by E. A. Bullock and has been engaged on some work at the Norfolk hospital for the Insane. When ho started for the hos pital Tuesday morning , his horse be came obstinate and refused to pull out of the muddy alley. Other meth ods not giving Immediate results , Deg ner started to lead the animal forward by the tongue. A pull backwards and I the tongue was completely severed from the horse's mouth. The horse was placed In the stable again while the owner went to his work. SCHOOL BOARD CONFERS ON PLAN Sioux City Architect Discusses BuildIng - Ing May Use New Style. Members of the Norfolk board of education held a conference Monday evening with a Sioux City architect , who chanced to bo In Norfolk and de sired to meet the members of the board. A member of the school board stated later that the board had giver up the Idea of building a smaller , more r v compact building for exclusive hlgr school use. According to this member the high school building will either bo rebuilt on the old plans , utilizing the old foundation , or an entirely dlfferen1 style of building will be constructed If the old plans are given up the boart has been Informed that a larger am more satisfactory building can be con structed at about the same cost at which the old structure can be rebuilt i. TUESDAY TIDINGS. . Henry Junge was down from Pierce yesterday. Miss Lulu Johnson spent yesterdaj on business. Attorneys Barnhart and Hazen re turned last evening from Pierce. E. A. Kinkaid of Plalnview spen yesterday In the city. H. C. Mason was a noon passenger for Wisner. Supreme Judge J. B. Barnes went to Lincoln yesterday. Miss Sophia Lindquist of Coleridge was in Norfolk yesterday. Anton Svatora and son of Schuyle were In Norfolk yesterday. Paul Frehlich of Emerson was here yesterday. P. W. Glotz of Randolph is In the city today. C. M. Anderson of Hope was in Nor folk yesterday. Fred Hoop of Creighton was in Nor folk yesterday. George C. Stevenson was up from Madison yesterday. Mrs. S. Ashley of Orchard Is visit ing in Norfolk today. " Thomas J. Slechta of Pierce was in Norfolk this morning. A. B. Richardson of Battle Creek was In Norfolk yesterday. John Cole returned yesterday from a visit at Meadow Grove. P. Grabaucko of Winside spent yes terday in Norfolk. F. G. Aurlnger of Neligh was In Norfolk over night. M. Nichols of Foster was a visitor In Norfolk yesterday. Miss Lulu Loseh of West Point is visiting relatives in Norfolk. J. H. Farlin of Madison called on Norfolk friends yesterday. T. A. Lea and J. W. Sloan of Pierce : yore in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sitleft of Wayne pont yesterday in Norfolk. Mrs. J. D. Sturgeon returned yester day from a visit at Monowl. C. J. Hlxson was a Meadow Grove visitor in Norfolk yesterday. A. E. Stubbs of Tllden was in Nor folk for a few hours yesterday. Miss Gertrude M. Fair of Hubbard : was a Norfolk visitor yesterday. John A. Lowran of Anoka was in Norfolk today between trains. J. B. Smith of Naper and R. B. Smith thy of Dexter were In Norfolk yesterday Mrs. E. O. Mount , who is 111 with thy appendicitis , was resting easier today D. F. Boynton and W. Fritz of Fair fax are South Dakota visitors In the city. city.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Olmstead an homo from the Omaha automobile show. John Barnes , who has been vlsltlnf his parents in the city , left last evening ing for Casper , Wyo. William Kloko of Brlstow was ii the cit yyesterday returning fron O'Neill. inh Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Dana of Crolgh ; ton , who liavo been la Norfolk , UK guests of Mr. and Mrs. W H. Clark , eturned homo yesterday. Mrs , Andrew Storz and daughter of relghton wore visitors In Norfolk this nornlng. Charles A. Stortz and Mlssea Stortz uid Wagner of Crolghtot , are Norfolk tailors. Mr. and Mrs. James Pearson and laughter of Kearney were In Norfolk esterday. Sam BurtwhlsNo and John Spcnco ) f Stanton were In Norfolk yesterday on business. William McDonald and William Crook of Mondow Grove spent the nornlng In Norfolk. Mrs. J. N. McMauus of Calliope , la. , s In the city for a visit with her laughter , Mrs. W. N. Huso. Mr. and Mra. G. HohrUo of Iladar vero In Norfolk yesterday on their vay homo from a visit at Emerson. J. B. Scanlln , an accountant In Su- > crlntendent Reynolds' olllce , returned aat night from a visit nt Boone , Iowa. Mrs. A. C. Peters of Stanton , who mil been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zuolow in Norfolk , returned o her home. Burt Mapes returned on the morning .rain from O'Neill , where he had been as attorney In a lawsuit , and left at icon for Stanton on business. T. E. Smith , president of a bank at Naper , spent a portion of the day In Norfolk attending to business matters , le was on his way home from Iowa. The following Newcastle men passed through the city-and visited for a short time with their friend , W. P. Logan : George B. Addison , C. E. 3row , John McKlnley , Robert , McKIn ey , Sum Roberts , George Bailey. General Superintendent Braden , Dls iri6t Superintendent Reynolds , Road master Stafford , Roadmaster Spellman , General Bridge Foreman Collwell and Roundhouse Foreman Alton were in Fremont today In conference with Gen eral Manager Walters of the North western. The following Norfolk men will leave tonight for Interior , S. D. , to tile on homesteads : Ralph Boyd , J. Dig' nan , O. W. Rlsh , II. L. Doughty , Tom , Hlght , J. B. Hight , W. B. Hight , J. L. Hlght. The wives of the men who file on the lands will spend the coming summer on the claims , and in Deccm ber will prove up and own the land. PROVES TO BE HALF WITTED STRANGER OF 45. HE HAS NOW GONE TO OMAHA Officer Livingstone at the Junction Caught the Man Who Has Been En terlng Houses in Norfolk at Night Fellow Admitted That He Did It. The "midnight prowler" left Norfoll last evening for Omaha. Timid folks who have been greatly alarmed by the man's actions during the past week need no longer be in fear. The prowl er , whoso identity was disclosed las evening to Ofllcer Livingstone at the Junction , Is a half-witted stranged who dropped Into Norfolk from no where early last week. At 10:30 : o'clock last night Office Livingstone on night duty at the June tion saw a man pass eve rte the dis patcher's building , deposit a bundle beneath the steps and glide away. The bundle was found to consist entirely if old clothes. A little later the man was taken in ustody by the officer. The man , evl- lently half-witted , said that he had rrived In Norfolk on the night of the ast snow. Since then he had been merely wandering around. " "But , " asked the officer , "Why did you enter a house and eat a lunch spread on a able ? " "Oh , I was awfully hungry , " vas the reply , disclosing the complete dentlty of the man. The man wanted to go on to Omaha ind was permitted to go out with aleck lock train. The prowler was a tall , hlnly constructed man of about forty- Ivo years. Boy Released. The thirteen-year-old Norfolk lad ar rested Monday for the all edged heav- ng of bricks at August Pofahl was re- eased from Justice Eiseley's court his morning , Mr. Pofahl being unable o positively Identify the boy as one of his tormentors. The boy entered a vlgorus drnlal of the charge. Masquerade Dance. Some eighty masked dancers made merry at the masked ball given Mon- lay evening at Martjuardt hall by the S'orfolk lodge of the Ben Hur order , in addition to the dancers a hundred spectators were present. The dancing came to a close shortly after 11:30 : o'clock , at which hour the merrk-mak- ers unmasked. A score or more priz es were awarded to dancers masque rading in special costumes. , HOSPITAL INJJOOD SHAPE Lincoln , Neb. , March 20. Special to The News : In a report filed today - Senator Randall of the senate com mltteo of public lands and buildings reports the Norfolk asylum to bo ii splendid condition. Ho recommended a hospital build Ing and cottage for men. Both are urged as necessary. A store house , sleeping apartments a now boiler , a barn , a chicken house and a railway spur , with $10,000 for ci tunnel and repairs. ro recommended You can get a "raise of salary" advertising for a better job. ALDRICH BILL , AMENDED , IS REC OMMENDED TO PASS. REDUCTION OF 15 PER CENT ON LUMBER , BUILDING MATERIAL , FRUIT AND GRAIN. SENATE ACTS ON TH'E MEASURE Pullman Bill , Cutting Rate on Pullman Fares In Nebraska , Is Side Tracked In the Senuatc at Lincoln But Maxi mum Freight Goes Through. Lincoln , Nob. , March 19. Special to The News : After amending the Al- Irlch maximum rate bill tot ncludo only lumber , building material , fruit uid grain products , It was recommend- A for passage by tbo senate. The per cent .of reduction waa changed , from 20 to 15 per cent. Lincoln , Neb. , March 19. Special to The News : The senate this morning resumed debate on the Aldrlch bill to cut freight rates 20 per cent. It was predicted that the bill would bo de feated , the railroads making llhoral use of the 2-cont faro as plea for Im munity. Sidestep Pullman Issue. The senate has executed a neat side step on the question of Pullman rates. The Thomas bill will bo allowed to die on general flic. It provides for a Hat cut In Pullman fares. With a largo number of members absent the senate this afternoon passed a number of bills but confined the work to duties of a routine nature. Randall's Bill Passed. S. F. 213 and S. F. 211 by Senator Randall were passed. They regulate the charters of benevolent and chari table organizations and exempt lodge property from taxation. S. F. 277 was passed. This bill by Senator Root compels corporations to pay wages twice a month. S. F. 310 by Senator Phillips and re latlng to the disqualification of judges , was passed. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. Little Helen Grotty is quite sick. Graclo Nelson Is also among the sick. Attorney M. C. Hazen was in Pierce today. W. W. Brown of Creighton is In Nor folk today. E. C. Burns of Scrlbncr Is In the city today. M. Callcnder was up from Columbus yesterday. R. A. Tawnoy was in from Pierce yesterday. John Nlckell of Lyons was In Nor folk last night. A little daughter of C. J. Dcuprco is ill with the grip. Fred Hook of Creighton was in Nor folk yesterday. E. W. Clements Is recovering fron- an attack of pneumonia. Dr. P. H. Salter was In Winside Vednesday morning. E. P. Lowe of Broken Bow was It : Norfolk over night. Mr. Mia Is putting a new foundation nder his house. W. E. Ludwlck of Lincoln was In Norfolk yesterday. George Bass of Tilden stopped In Norfolk yesterday. J. H. Jensen of Minden spent yes erday in Norfolk. E. Moeller was a Norfolk visitor In Stanton yesterday. Attorney Burt Mapes went to Madi on on the morning train. S. W. Garrow Is home from a bus ! less trip to Sioux City. R. H. Peterson of Linn Grove was a Norfolk visitor yesterday. J. E. Cullings of Wahoo was In Nor oik yesterday afternoon. E. P. Olmstead left yesterday on a iiislness trip to Creighton. L. Hinsen and F. A. Chllds of Tllden vero in the city yesterday. Tom Keene of Neligh spent yester- lay in Norfolk on business. John H. Harding of Meadow Grove spent yesterday in Norfolk. Dr. R. C. Simmons returns this oven- ng from a visit at Wakefleld. The West Side Whist club will meet Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Huso. C. M. Mlhllls. who suffered a para- ytic stroke some weeks ago , Is not so well. M. C. Thelscn of Creighton , owner of the Camp Dewey telephone line , Is fishing In Norfolk today. Mrs. Robert Schiller left yesterday 'or Ida Grove , Iowa , to visit Mr. Schil ler's mother , who Is quite ill. Mrs. William Beck went to Battle Creek yesterday noon where her broth er-in-law , Mr. Lund , is very sick. The robins have arrived to corrobo rate the testimony of geese flying north , that spring has really arrived. Mrs. Frank Nelson and two chil dren of Fremont , formerly of Norfolk are hero visiting with Mrs. Van Evens Mrs. E. O. Mount is reported to be Improved and there IB more encour agement In her condition than foi some days. Vice President Gardner of the Chicago cage & Northwestern railroad passed through Norfolk at noon enrouto tc Lander , Wyo. , where ho went on in : Inspection ttrlp. Ho was Joined here by General Superintendent S. M. Bra den , who will accompany the vlco pros idcnt to the end of the line and latci fo Gregory , S. I' ' . Mr. Gardner left Chicago last night. County Attorney Jack Koonlialolit ; wna In MmllHon yeHterday In connec tion with the mooting of the county commissioners. R. 0. Garvln la homo ftom Oiunlia , where ho baa HiilHhed the commercial courno at Uoylo'a IniHliU'Ha college. Ho baa not decided on hla future work. Mrs. W. L. Woltz has arrived from Toxaa for a month's visit In Norfolk with her mother , Mrs. Spaldlng. Mr. Weltz la now conductor on a Texas railroad. Little or no aprlng plowing has been attempted MH yet by farmers about Norfolk , although many expect to make an attempt at plowing hoforo the proBout week la ovor. The Holly Tolty advaneo mile waa unusually large , Indicating Norfolk'a heart for the musical extravaganza , but there are still a largo number of good Koata to bo had. Vernoa Oeatrelch , ago four daya , the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oeatrelch died yeaterday at the Inmo Hvo mllea north of Norfolk. Inter ment will ho made at Hadar on Thurs- day. day.News News has been received hero by frlenda that Mlaa Julia Robb of WIs- nor , formerly a resident of this city , la very sick with appendlcltla. Dr. P. H. Salter left for there yesterday to perform an operation. The Auditorium curtain will go up tonight at 8:30 : o'clock promptly , and It is specially requested that ( bo entire - tire audience be In the theater before that hour , as the Beating of people after the curtain goes up has a ten dency to Interrupt the performance. Two rehearsals have been hold for the black face minstrel beneilt which will be given by the Norfolk band ( lur ing the latter part of April. Norfolk young men with ability along tbla line have agreed to take part In the enter tainment. A number of good special ties are also being planned. Adrian Craig has returned from a trlji west to Chadron , where1 ho went In the Intorents of the antl-horsethlef association , lie met with good sue COHH and It Is thought a number of towns in that section will organize as sociations to co-operato with the central tral association. Preparations arc beginning to he made In Norfolk for the coming an nual convention of northern Nebraska banker. ) , which meets In this city April 22 , Arbor day. It is expectei that there will bo fully 200 baukora In attendance. A banquet will bo served for them in the ovenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wllley start ed at noon for Coffoyvillo , Kan. , am will bo gone ten days or two weeks visiting relatives there and In Okla homa. Mr. Wllley has resigned his position as special agent for the Co lumblan fire insurance1 company am upon hla return will take charge o the North I'latto country for the West ern Insurance company of Lincoln. Stump books containing twenty-four ono-cent stamps and selling for twun ty-flvo cents arc offered for sale at the Norfolk postolllco today for the firs time. An assignment of the one-con stamp books was received at the post olllce this morning and were at once placed on sale. The action of the gov eminent In issuing books with stamps of one-cent denomination is expected to prove an especial convenience tc the post card fiends. Someone willing to take grave chances with the law appropriated a team belonging to Fred Smith for their own use last night. Mr. Smith , who lives three miles southwest of Nor folk , drove to town yesterday evening with a team of mules and a light bug gy. Between the hours of 10 and 11 last evening the team was driven off from where they were tied at Fifth street and Norfolk avenue. The mat ter was reported to the police as a case of horse stealing and a consid erable part of the night was spent In looking for the missing property. Ear ly this morning the team was left near the Northwesterns' city depot. The mules showed hard usage and had evi dently been driven a good part of the night. The guilty parties will be pros ecuted if the opportunity offers. Railroad officials of the lines of the Northwestern west of the Missouri river were In conference in Fremont yesterday. With General Manager F. C. Walters of Omaha they met In the rooms formerly used as assistant gen eral superintendent's headquarters at the dispatcher's olllce. It was assert ed that no especial significance was attached to the gathering , but that It was for the purpose of discussing the road's operative plans for the ensuing year. With the opening of the spring season , such a session Is generally held. The olllclals who were there represented the head of practically every department of the road In Ne braska. Those In attendance were : General Manager F. Walters , Omaha ; General Superintendent S. M. Braden Norfolk ; General Freight Agent S. F. Miller , Omaha ; Superintendent C. H. Reynolds , Norfolk ; Chief Engineer A A. Schenck , Omaha ; Master Mechanic E. W. Pratt , Missouri Valley ; Store keeper J. A. Conroy , Missouri Valley ; General Purchasing Agent L. S. Carroll irE. roll , Chicago ; Traveling Engineer E. , Williams , Missouri Valley ; Superinten , dent of Bridges and Buildings A. J. Col well , Norfolk ; Division Master Me chanlc W. B. Alton , Norfolk ; Road masters P. Stafford and J. H. Spell man , Norfolk ; Headmaster W. T. T.B Crook , Scribnor ; Roadmaster L. Berg land , Llnwood ; Trainmaster J. Leppla Fremont ; Chief Dispatcher W. B. Golden olof den , Fremont ; Superintendent of ofL. Bridges and Bridge Buildings J. F. L. L.H. - Burrell , Fremont ; Headmaster 0. H. H.nd Feldman , Fremont ; Foreman of Roum House W. II. Baker , Fremont. NORFOLK BUSINESS MEN TO BE ASKED FOR $100 , FOR COMING TEACHERS' MEET Commercial Club Directors at Weekly Meeting Appoint Committee to Get Usual Subscription for Pedagogues' Association Meeting , Mullein brought before the mooting of lift1 Commercial elub dlrootors Tues day morning did not result In any Im portant public aiiiiouiieetaeiita at the conclusion of I be meeting. Tim di rectors met In ( ho olllee of Mathow- son & Co. wllh all the directors pres ent save ProHldonl Hiiniham , who Is at Lincoln on a business trip. The elub directors took action to ward raising the uiiual guarantee fund of $100 which local business men have been In the habit of HuliHcrlblng toward securing the annual meeting of the North Nebraska Teachers association. The mooting will bo held tbla year In Norfolk on April 3I and fi. W. A. Wlt/.lgman waa placed at the head of the committee , which will solicit sub scriptions from the Norfolk merchants. The special committee appointed In the matter of securing a permanent secretary for the club , reported that no action had been taken during the week. President V. S. Perdue of Madison , to whose untiring efforts the eiithusl asm manifest In the approaching teaehera' meeting Is largely due , estl mates that them will be 500 of the pedagogues In town. CITIZENS OF THAT VILLAGE NOT DISCOURAGED. FIRE LOSSES ARE ADJUSTED Some Very Satisfactory Settlements Have Been Made Not Half of the Loss Was Covered by Insurance But the Losers Have Kept up Courage. Drlstow , Nob. , Match 19. Special t < The News : As a result of the recenl llro many of the Insurance adjusters have como to an agreement on the of buildings and stocks and some very satisfactory settlements have boor made. Statements show that leas htan fifty per cent , ot the loss was covered by insurance , yet the losers are oonto < ii plating electing new and more sub stantlal buildings as soon as lots are cleared. THURSDAY TOPICS. T. D. Ingles loft last evening fo Casper , Wyo. P. R. Cook left last night for Lander dor , Wyoming. Mra. J. W. Dlckover went to Rapid City , S. D. , today. Mrs. Stansberry of Wlsnor Is In the city visiting her son. Ed Wllken Is having his homo In Edgewator park rebuilt. W. B. Donaldson of Pierce was In the city on business today. iik George Berry was a Battle Creek visitor In the city yesterday. The Holly Tolty company arrived In Norfolk at noon from Lincoln. James C. Ellison of Bonesteel , S. D. , was In the city over night. II. Leanphcre of Seward was In Norfolk between trains yesterday. Mrs. Wm. Beck and Mrs. Stans berry left this morning for Omaha. Miss Lizzie ; Peters left today for a few days visit with friends at Stanton. Myron S. Whitney of Randolph was In Norfolk between trains yesterday. Miller Mather , who had been suffer ing from an attack of grip , is much better. The pile driver crew are preparing to take the pile driver to Hooper to day. day.Mrs. Mrs. J. D. Larrabce of Stanton Is in Norfolk for a few days' visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Peters and son left today for a visit at Madison and Lindsay. P. M. Barrett made a business trip to Sioux City yesterday , returning last evening. Wynn Ralnbolt left yesterday on a business trip to Butte. He will bo gone several days. Large now billboards have beeMi placed at Mrs. Craft's store for adver tising purposes. The Ladles Aid society met at the homo of Mrs. Jim Nix this afternoon and made sun bonnets. Damascus chapter No. 25 , R. A. M. will confer the royal arch degree at , their meeting tonight. . Roy Taylor Is among the sick , and . Jean Grotty Is taking his place as . night caller in the roundhouse. Mrs. John Denton returned home 10n from Missouri Valley Wednesday oven Ing , where she has been visiting. - Little Fteddio Ware , the son of . Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Ware , has recov ered from an attack of the measles. . birthday surprise party was glvei last evening for Fay Ogdcn , the occa the occasion being her ninth birthday The city street drag was taken nit . yesterday for the first time this la - ter In an effort to level down the ity , streets. ityM. - W. G. Jllrons , C. A. Relmers , S. M. Durfeo , Dr. K , II. Aelko and L. P. Tot . tier were Plcrco visitors in Norfol . last night. Asa K. Leonard brought homo a appotlto and two ducks from n shot hunting trip down by the Hlkhorn Tuesday nlKht. Vern Vlele , HOD of A. II. Vlolo , who has been seriously 111 during tbo paal two days , wan considerably Improved thin morning. Mrs. .1. I ) . Heck of Tripoli , Iowa , came last night to visit with her cous in , Mrs. Nle drey , while on tier way lo d'elghtou. Mrs. Fred Neumann baa urrlveihjln Norfolk from lOxonla , WIs. , on a vhilt with her brother , Kmest llarlniaiin , and other relatives , ' Knglncor Dan Flnloy IIIIH returned to work again after having be'jn err all wlulor on committee work and on account of sickness. August Kuro Is making1arrange - incuts to open a meat market at 128 Norfolk avenue. The market will not bo opened tinlll some lime In April. The city council holds Us regular mld-inonlh mooting at ( lie city hall to night. The Judges and clerks for tlm coming spring election will he mimed at tin1 mooting tonight. Two King log drags , wllh four homes es attached to each drag , are being Hont ever Norfolk aveniio and other streets In an effort to Improve the condition of the road. A man who gave his name as Frank Wright and hla occupation as that of a farm laborer , was arrested last evenIng - Ing by Olllcer ITookor. Wright plead ed guilty to the eharne of having boon Intoxicated last night and advanced enough money to be rclcaacd when a line of $5 and costs wan assessed against him In police court. A mooting of the North Nebraska Live Stock Owners' Protective asso ciation ban boon called by President John Kranlz to moot at the city hall In Norfolk on Saturday afternoon , March 211. The meeting will be called to order al 2 o'clock. Many fanners Interested In promoting the anil-homo thief organization will bo present at the mooting. A line of table linen falling on a range started a small blaze In Dr. and Mrs. J. C. M.VHfH1 rooma In tin1 Cotton block yeaterday afternoon. Mrs. My ers was away at the lime , but other " roomers In the block noticed the ainoko and effected an entrance to the room. The Inslplent bln/.o waa easily extinguished before the llro depart ment had arrived on the scene. C. A. Halhiweg , who has been em ployed as a shoemaker at ( ho Nor folk shoe store , has gone to Spaldlng , where ho expects to start a shoo shop. Wlllard Harding , an Insurance ad- jiiHtor from Nebraska City , N In Nor folk on bnslnoHs connected with tbo settlement of the blub school lire loss. Mrs. J. 1C. Nlles was called to O'Neill WiMlnesd'iv noon lo attend tin1 funeral of Mr. Nlles' step-father , William S-nllh , of O'N'-'lll. lie-it h followed an operation In an Omaha hospital. l3lKhle.on llroinon have been culled to Chicago from this division to take the examination to become engineers. Four of the firemen me from Norfolk Harry Alexander , Ed llntton , Chas. Kvans and Mose Howel. The two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Scott died at their homo on South First street Tuesday morn ing of pneumonia. The funeral was held at the home this morning at 9:30 : , and Interment made at Prospect Hill cemetery. The sympathy of the whole community Is extended to the sorrowing parents. C. E. Burnhnm returned at noon from Lincoln , where he bad been look ing after matters of Interest to Nor folk. Ho ro | > orts that the hospital bill , appropriating $ ' .18.000 for construc tion of new buildings and other im provements , is progressing nicely , and as It is In good hands In both senate and house It will In all probability bo passed. Senator Randall Is looking after the measure In the senate and T. L. Alderson la watching it careful ly in the house. The bill has been recommended by committee of the whole In the house and will probably pass today. When It roaches the sen ate there la little doubt but that It will bo approved. The general appropria tion bill passed the house yesterday afternoon , Including a maintenance fund of $122,000 for the Norfolk hos pital , In which Is an Item of $500 for purchase of right of way to the hos pital. This will go through the sen ate. Senator Randall's wolf bill , known as house roll No. 2-12 , was In advertantly Indefinitely postponed yes terday , but to show Senator Randall's standing at Lincoln the house had agreed to reconsider the measure last night. This , It Is claimed by the sen ator , will save the county from $1,000 to $2,000 a year , THE LEGISLATIVE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE ACTS. A GRUDGE AGAINST McMULLEN - Labor Bureau Clerk Admitted That He Had Slandered McMullen in Effort : to Get Even With Him Was Brown's Press Bureau Clerk. Lincoln , Neb. , March 20. Special to The News : Admitting that he slan dered Representative McMullen , Don C. Dcspaln was last night censured by a legislative Investigating committee. ; Ho admitted that ho tried to "get oven" with McMullen. Dcspaln Is . clerk In the labor bureau and was Uio : - chiaf of Norrls Brown's press bureau during the last campaign. The efforts of Chairman Rose saved an him from moro drastic action , the com- mltteo declaring his statements i