The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 15, 1907, Image 1

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, , .
Professor Hlatt of the Gregory High
School Has Adopted a Novel Method
of Bringing to Justice Two Boys Who
Had a Fight.
Gregory , S. D. . March 14. Special
to The News : Professor Illalt of the
Gregory high school has Introduced n
novel plan of punishment to the higher
class. Two of the largo boys engaged
In a fistic encounter and to punish
them ho appointed George Casey as
marshal and caused thc . -rcst of Bart
Felton , who seems to p < 5 been the
aggressor , and has set . . 'nl for
'Friday afternoon. Less G. < o was
appointed as the attorney for t f "
ecutlon and Paul llanun for thb
fense , both being of the dcfendani'o
class ; a jury will lie empanelled and'
the defendant will bo tried and If con
victed the professor , who acts as
judge , will pass sentence.
This will probably have more moral
effect than any plan that could bo tak
en. Decon . 'Booth Is the prosecuting
witness , ho being the vanquished foe.
The farmers arc busy buying ma
chinery and preparing for spring seed-
A great many final proofs are now
being made , the parties expecting that
they will thereby get their rights re
stored and have a chance to get a
homestead in Tripp county.
D. B. Cameron sold his billiard hall
last week for $3,250. Less than two
months since he purchased it for
? 1GOO.
Two Men In Line of High Water at
Vermilion Are Missing.
Vermilion , S. D. , March 14. The big
Ice gorgq in the Missouri river broke
In two and water has been carrying
off the ice at a tremendous rate. Re
ports from points eleven miles along
the river say the channel is rapidly
opening # nd soon every [ part of the
gorge for fifteen miles will be moving
down stream.
It Is feared .that Daniel Doan , an
old soldier who lives near the banks
of the Missouri river in Norway town
ship , has been drowned When last
seen he was In the second story of
his house. Since then nothing has
been heard of him and the house has
been washed away.
Gus Cayce , a wood chopper of Nor
way township , is also missing. His
family here is frantic. Cayce refused
to leave with his family last Sunday.
It is Impossible to reach either the
Doan or Cayco homes.
The Vermilion river is still running
full , and two bridges have gone out.
The water is receding In the streets
of Meckllng.
Barber Shoots Wife , Mother-ln-Law
and Himself.
Port Arthur , Tex. , March 14. E. G.
McNalr , a barber , shot and killed his
wife , seriously wounded his mother-in-
law and fatally wounded hiinself at
his home hero as the result of domes
tic troubles. After shooting his wife
once McNair shot her mother , who
sought refuge in the house pf a neigh
bor. McNair then returned to his
wife and , finding her trying to rise to
her knees , ho deliberately shot several
more shots Into her head. He then
reloaded his pistol and fired alternate
ly at the prostrate body of his wife
and himself until he had fired three
shots Into his own breast. Throwing
aside his pistol , he walked a few feet
and suddenly fell. McNalr waa
lodged In jail and physicians say ha
cannot live more than a few hours.
Average of Nearly Five Persons a Day
Recently Killed In Russia.
St. Petersburg , March 14. Sta
tistics as published icgarding the
drumhead court-martial show that up
t'o March B , when their activity was
euspended by Premier Stolypln on ac
count of the opening of parliament ,
740 persons were executed , an aver
age of almost five daily. The major
ity of the executions occurred In Po >
land and the Baltic provinces.
Officer of Gendarmerie , ' Three Police'
men and Two Civilians Die.
Kharkavo , Russia , March 14.
While the police wore searching the
rooms occupied by a student a boml
exploded , killing an officer of the gendarmerie
darmerio , three policemen and twc
civilians. Six others were Injured.
Asks President to Save Her Son.
St. Louis , March 14. Mrs. W. R
Hcndrix sent an appeal to Prosldenl
Roosevelt to save her son by a formei
marriage , Frank P. Rellley , who , she
baa learned , Is hold a prisoner of wai
by Honduras. It is said that Relllej
was serving in the Nlcaraguan arm }
when he was captured , and his raothei
has been informed that ho is In dan
ger of being executed.
Pllger Woman Has Severe Fall to
Frozen Ground From Carriage.
Pllgor , Neb. , March 13. Special to
The News : Mrs. Frank Broekmolor ,
aged fifty-live and weighing 225
pounds , was thrown from her buggy
yesterday afternoon In u runaway and
sustained painful and serious Injuries
by striking the frozen ground. She
was driving with her son and the team
became frightened nt an extra freight.
They whirled and throw Mrs. llrock-
meler out. She was taken to the homo
of August Grabencamp , where she is
resting comfortably.
Captain Who Caused Suicide of OKI-
0 ' ? / cer's Wife While He Was Stationed
' ' . .n Northern Nebraska , Can Not Se
cure Habeas Corpus Writ.
Leavenworth , Kan. , March 14.
Judge Pollock ol the United States
district couit denied the application
for a writ of habeas corpus hi the
case of ex-Captain George W. Kirk' '
man. Klrkman contended that hie two
sentences wore concurrent , while the
war department held they wore citmu
latlvo. Klrkman still has seven
months to servo in the federal prison
at Fori Leavenworth.
As an officer at Fort Niobrara , Neb. ,
Captain Kirkman was twice court
martialed on chanrges of conduct un
becoming an officer and a gentleman ,
found guilty and sentenced to two
years' hard labor. The first trial waa
held Jan. 9 , 1905 , and the second
March 13 , 1905 , with the "same verdict
Attorneys for Klrkman an February
last filed habeas corpus proceedings
at Topeka , setting up the declaration
that both sentences ran concurrently
and that therefore his time expired
Jan. 27 , 1907 , allowing for good be
havlor. Klrkman appeared in com
when the writ was filed. Judge West
who represented the government
backed up the opinion from Secretary
of War Tnft , contending that Kirk'
man's sentences were cumulative
Judge Plolilock's decision , upholding
the contention of the government , es
tablishes a precedent" in such cases.
Prices Melt Away from Four to Ove
Twelve Points.
New York , March 14. The stocH
market was shaken Into demorallza-
tipn by a course of liquidation which
for violence and precipitation bad not
. been equaled in New York for several
years past. The overwhelming outpouring /
pouring of stocks came as a general
Eurprise , as extensive progress wai
. supposed to have been already effect
ed in the nccessaiy liquidation ta
meet the present situation.
Union Pacific especially broke violently
lently at the last , an extreme 11 %
The fall in the Hill stocks was almost
as violent , and in Reading reached
over 12. St. Paul , Northwestern , Ca >
radian Pacific , Amalgamated Copper
. and Colorado Fuel fell upwards of 1
points. The range of losses for prac
- tically all active stocks ran from \
to over 6 points. The extent of the
shock of such an enormous shrinkage
in values is not to be estimated imme
diately. Even after the fall In prices
was checked , Important after effects
of wide extent are to bo looked for ,
The nervous action of the market at
the last lett opinion entirely at sea ai
to whether the worst had been seen
there or not.
Harry M. Blake , a well known Eng
lish actor , who had been leading man
with Crane , Gillette and Nat Goodwin ,
died at Colorado Springs at a sani
tarium of tuberculosis.
In a collision between two trains
on the Gulf , Sabine and East Texas
railroad near Fields , La. . Thomas
Hawley and William Muse were killed
and seven other men were injured.
James Hahnet , known as Brother
Martin , the oldest member of the
Xavlerlan Brotherhood In the United
States , died at Louisville , Ky. , of
senility. He was born In Cologne.
Germany , in 1824.
When R. II. Ingraham , general su
perintendent of the Southern Pacific ,
was dashing east on Fifth street , Los
Angeles , In an automobile to catch a
train , the motor struck Frank C.
Beamer and fatally Injured him.
The noted Mexican outlaw Gerardo
Nunez , who recently robbed the
Bstancla Blanca ranch , in Durungo , of
$7,000 and who , with his band ,
has long defied the civil and military
authorities of Mexico , has been cap-
tured and his band exterminated.
Wojnded Suspect Identified.
Wellington , Kan. , March 14. Tuc ,
man captured at Caldwell , suspected
of having taken part in the robborj
of the Hunnewell bank on Mondaj
night and placed In Jail hero , 13
Identified as Charles Allen , a gam
bier , recently from Wichita. Aller
refuses to talk , Ho is totally blind
his face Is raw and the ends of hie
fingers arc missing. It Is bcllcvcc
ho was Injured In the explosion at the
Lower Price Than Usual Is Secured by
Stanton County Commissioners.
Many Towns In. Boyd County Are
Asking for New Structures.
Butte , Neb , , Match 14. Special to
The News : The board of county mi-
porvlunrH of Doyd county are In HOH-
Hlon and the talk has been bridge from
start to finish. Prominent cltlzoiiH
from Spencer , Hrlstow and Monowt
wore here , each town iiHklng for a
bridge for their locality. There IH to
be hut one built and that 0110 at the
same place the notorloiiH Whiting
bridge has been located.
Stauton , Nob. , March 14. Special to
The News : The county commlHHlon-
ors of Stanton county met for the pur
pose of opening ami considering lildn
for the building and repairing of
bridges and also for the purpose of
letting the contract to supply all lum
ber used by the county for brldgo re
pairs during the ensuing year.
A number of bidders were present
but the Standard Bridge company of
Omaha proved to bo the lowest bidder
and was awarded all contracts. The
contracts call for the erection of
wooden bridges at $2.99 for mipui'Btruc-
hire , $ ; M.OO for lumber in place , piling
at 5 cents per foot and brldgo lumber
to bo furnished at $20.50 per thousand
for the best grade of 11 r lumber. These
prices are cheaper than the prices
which have been heretofore secured.
Local Company Presents Society Dra
ma to Appreciative Audience.
Stanton , Neb. , March 11. Special to
The News : The society comedy dra
ma "Tho Soldier's Sweetheart" was
presented by homo talent at the new
opera house at this city. The coni1
pany was under the direction of Mrs
Evelyn Lambert and their efforts wore
well received. The proceeds were do
natcd to the Stanton military band.
Leaps Head First from Thirteen ! )
Story of Cincinnati Building.
Cincinnati , March 14. Leaping
head first from a window ledge on tin
thirteenth Iloor of the Traction build
Ing , Gertrude Hanlsh , aged twentj
years , n stenographer , , committed sill
cide in the sight of hundreds of pee
pie. In falling she struck and broke
an electric leed wire ! before landing
on the curbstone near Walnut am
Fifth streets , the busiest corner it
the city. No cause is known for the
River Is Over the Danger Line a
Pittsburg , March 14. The Monon
gahela , Ohio and Allegheny rivers are
rising rapidly. A stage of twenty-six
feet has been reached In this city am
twenty-eight feet is anticipated. Thi
stage is six feet over the danger marl
and will Inundate the lower portion
of the city. Reports from up rive
points are alarming. A greater par
of many towns In the Monongahela
valley are submerged and many per
sons narrowly escaped with the !
lives. The property damage Is heavy
Suspected Man Said to Have Bee
Forced to Make Confession.
Denver , March 11. District Attor
ney Stldger announced that he woul
prosecute Benjamin C. Wright on th
charge of having murdered his wlf
and daughter , who were found dea
in their home in this city on Feb. 25
and that he had secured such evi I-
dence In support of the allegation
mat the woman and child were poi I-
soned by Wright. The alleged con
fession made by Wright to Chief of
Police Delancy Is said by' attorneys
for the defense to bo worthless , hav-
Ing been obtained b'y physical force.
Tlneo physicians who examined
Wright in jail after ho made the con
fession , declared that he had recent
ly been cruelly beaten , as the pris
oner asserted.
Overseers Decide on Some Changes
With Reference to Coaching.
Boston , March 14. The Harvard
overseers decided In favor of a coiv
tlnuance of the International collegl
ate athletics , including football , at the
university , under certain restrictions
especially with reference to the pro
fcsslonaJ coaching system and the
manner of contests.
Car on Westbound Train Jumps Tra ; k
While Passing Eastbound Train.
- Waterloo , la. , March 14. Englneoi
Kellogg and his fireman were killed it
a wreck o'n the Chicago Great Western
orn railroad. A car on a westboum
train jumped the track while passim
an castbound train. A number o
1 cars and one locomotive were derailed
iflux of Strangers IB Already Noted
In Rosebud Country.
Gregory , S. ! > . , March 11. Special
: > The NOWH : AH there will bo a now
own board elected TuoHday , and that
oard will have the control of the run-
lug of the town during the opening ,
lore IH a great deal of IntoroHt taken
i the event. ThlH ejection will dee -
o whether the town will he iindor
o control of the ( own authorities
urlng the rush or under the control
I the element that makes It a prac-
co of following up mieli occiiHloiiH.
'ho bettor I'lomont Insists that wo
liall have a town board that want It
un on the open plan.
The lullux to Gregory IH noticed to
lureaso IIH the da.VH como and go.
xmd after load of laud HcekorH are
lines ! dally seen on tholr way out to
ilk o a vlow of what they expect to
yike for themselves a homo for I ho
uture. The prices of properly have
tatorinlly advanced during the pant
lonth and the prospects are that It
vlll continue- advance In price IIH
ew people como In.
Further Time to Frame Hypothetical
Question Jerjme Tells Why Affi
davit is Important Bitter Denun
ciation of Defendant and Wife.
New York , March 11. Alter a fore
noon session , occupied almost , entire
ly b > District Attotnoy Jerome In a
bitter denunciation of the defendant
and his wife , the trial of Harry K.
Thaw for the murder of Stanford
White was adjourned lor the day. The
pi o.-editing attorney found hlb oppor
tunity to attack Thaw and Evelyn
Nc-sbit In arguing on thu question of
the ndmlsslblllty of the testimony
whUh Abraham Hummel , tno lawyer ,
who Is under Indictment lor suborna
tion of perjury In the Dodge-Morse
dlvorie case , has to offer It was to
enaule Dolphin M. Delmas , the leading
counsel for the defense , to consult au
thorities and frame a reply to Jerome
an I also to allow the latter an oppor
tunity of completing the hypothetical
question which he Is to put to his ex
ports that the early adjournment was
During his argument the district attorney
tornoy asserted that Hummel would
swear that Evelyn Kesblt told him
three days alter her return from Eu
rope In 1903 that Thaw had beaten (
her cruelly because she would not
sign papers he had prepared , falsolv
a'-ctislng Stanford White of having
drugged and betrayed her. Jerome
contended that she had told much
more , that Thaw seemed bent upon
putting Stanford White In the peni
tentiary , that the statement that
White had betrayed her was not true ,
that Stanford White had never
narmed her , and that Thaw was con
sumed with rage when she refused to
sign and swear to the papers contain
ing "lies against Stanford White. "
"These things 'were put in the form
of an affidavit , " declared Jerome ,
"and that affidavit was subscribed to
by Evelyn Nesblt when she knew
what she was doing and what the
paper contained. We want to show
that the girl who told this remark
able story here on the witness stand
swore at another time under the sol
emnity of an oath that naked
stripped absolutely naked she had
endured the lashingH and beatings of
this defendant rather than swear to
his false htatcmuitb that Stanford
White had drugged and ruined her. "
Jerome argued that the material
point of the caseIs whether or not
Evoljn Nesbit told Thaw the story of
her alleged ruin by Stanford White
Without that story In evidence , ha
declared , the reason for the defend
Iant's alleged insanity disappears
The prosecutor plainly admitted the
importance of young Mrs. Thaw's
testimony and he said he wished , by
Hummers testimony , to show her own
repudiation of the charges , which on
the witness stand she renewed against
White. "Thus , " he concluded , "the
Jury may Infer from her own state
iments after her return from Europe
in 1903 , whether or not she had with
In two months of thattlmo told this
Uefendant the things she said she did. '
Jerome continues quite optimistic
about bringing the taking of testl
mony to a close this week , but others
who have followed the trial bellev (
that the end Is still two weeks away
Cadets Expelled for Hazing.
Mexico. Mo. , March 14. Twenty
three cadets of the Missouri military
academy , many of them members o
prominent families , were expollot
from the academy for hazing Cade
Czanc of I'eorla. Czanc was seized bj
his follow students and thrown intt
the icy water of the lake on the
campus and ho narrowly escapee
Bank President Kills Himself.
Canton , 0. , March 14. Horace Q
McDowell , president of the Farmers
bank of Canton , shot and killed him
self at his country home , flvo mile
north of this city. Ho wus knowi
throughout Ohio as a breeder of big
dclass suoop.
In an Exciting Frcc-for-AII Over the
Amendments , Senator Patrick Point
ed Out Trio of Drug Men and Had
Them Put Out.
Lincoln , Neb. , March HI.- Special to
The NOWH : In ait exciting free-for-all
over the amendmentH lo ( he pure food
bill ( bin morning throe Omaha drug
men were pointed out IIH lobbylHlH by
Senator Patrick and linked to leave
the Honale. They withdrew. They
were Sanford , Drown and YatoH. Drug-
Sherman wan not lobbying and
he wan permitted lo remain.
SupporterH of the pure food bill
tried ( o have a dlHcuimlon of an amend
ment to allow patent medicine men
Immunity from print Im ; formulae nu
bottloH. McKcHtton tried to shut elf
debate by moving the prevloim quoH-
Hon. After exciting oxplimalloiiH. dur
ing which Senator Kppormm dolled
the chair lo "throw him" ( Epperson )
out , the bill wan made a Hpcclnl order
lor 2 thlH afternoon.
More than a hundred drug dcalcra
are In the city.
Governor Sheldon Sends Special Me *
sage to Nebraska Senate.
Lincoln , March 14. Governor Slid
don Kent a upeclal message to thi
Konato roqiieHtliiK that body to revlv
the house anti-lobby bill , which tin
senate hiHl week Indefinitely post
poned. The senate Indicated Its luUu
tlon to recall the bill.
The action of the governor followed
an exciting Inclden' In the uenuto
when tour Omaha biiBlnunH muu won
requested by Honators to luuvo thi
Iloor of the chamber , and did uo. I
during consideration of umund
to the pure food bill , and th
our men were charged with lobbyliiK
n the Interest o. ! ' patent medleiu
manufacturers and druggists.
Says They Will Be Advance * ! In
Northwest Instead of Reduced ,
St. Paul , March M. " 1 want to gen
n record here that your rates wll
jo advanced In the northwest insteai
of being i educed. They will be ad
ancod simply because It Is necessary
o provide the service. This coursi
vlll begin In the cast. Now , I urn no
complaining about rates , but piesen
conditions would bankrupt some o
he roads In this state , " thus dcclarei
James .1. Hill , president of the Great
"Jorthern " , before the Sundborg senate
committee , which Is Investigating the
value of railroad property In the state ,
Mr. Hill said the company had adopt
ed the method of reducing rates as
the revenue has justified , and an in
vestigation of the records would show
that its rates , especially on grain
and farm products , arc lower than in
other sections of the country. Today
real Northern rates applied to
UnlonNPaclflc rates , would mean a re
duction in the Union Pacific Income of
over $5,000,0(0. (
Asked by Attorney James Mannhan
.f It were not true that the lines in
the cast have not been making enor
mous profits recently , Mr. Hill replied
that he did not think so. He said the
whole question of operation will be on
a different basis , the cost has In-
creased so much that ho knew of an
eastern line which has advanced rates.
"I think nil the railroads of the
country today have received a check
they will not get over for many , many
years , " he ass ( rted.
Dr. Needham Says He Will Accept
Coin from Any Man Who Owns It.
Washington , March 11. "There is
no fciich thing us tainted money , " de
clared Dr Charles W. Needham ,
president of George Washington uni
versity , in an address.
"Human conduct in acquiring mon
ey , " TO fcald , "does not attach to or
mix In the coin , nor lessen nor weak
en the promise to pay upon the bank
note. There is no such thing us
tainted money. Good , moral money ,
that Is , coin of full weight and live
promises to pay good coin is good
anywhere , In any man's hand. Truth
takes no passing shadow to itseli and
money cannot become Impregnated bj
the deeds of passing users. Having
this view of good money , 1 will ac
cept It from any man who owns It. '
Western Bowling Tourney.
Denver. March 14. In the bowline
tournament of the Western Bowlliu
congress , the highest score was made
by Seaman and Gratto of Omaha
1,208. This probably will win second
place , Koyt and Voss of Omahc
scored 1,012.
Towboat Sinks ; Two Drowned.
Plttsburg , March 14. Tno towboa
Cruiser struck the pier at lock No
3 and sank. Two of the crow won
drowned. Two others were rescued i
mile below the scene of the accident
after they had been In the water in
hour. .
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Ncbrnnkn ,
Conditions of Iliu weather an record-
cd for tliu twenty-four liourn ontlliiK
nt 8 a. in. today :
Maximum ; i7
Minimum 15
Average 2(1 (
llaromotor 29.711
Snowfall 2 inc.hon
Chicago , March 11. 'I'lic Imlliitlii In-
Htti'it by the Chicago Hlallon of thn
United HlaloH weather bureau ( 'Ive.B
tlic forociiHt for Nohnmka IIH followtt :
Fair lonlKlit and Friday. Warmer ,
San Francisco "Doss" Remanded to
Custody of Ellsar Supreme Court
Withholds Decision on Habeas Cor-
puu Application Until I londny.
San FianciHco , March 11. After the
iiuinoh ol' lout talesmen had boon
diawn lioni the Jury box tliu trial ol
Abnibain Kuul on tliu graiiu Jury
charge of extorting money from
French restaurant keepers was con
tinued In Judge DUIIUO'H court uutll
Monday. ComiHul for Tluef ohjeoted
to the drawing of any further nuuiuu
during thu absence from the Jury ol
Juryman Drumbrcll , who hH been
temporarily excused , und Judge Duuno
thought Itvoll to take a rccens until
the Htato supreme court renders 1U
decision on Knot's applluutlun for re
lease upon habeas corptm.
The1 I oat me of the HOHHlon , libido
from thu lact that the actual trial ot
the Indicted IJOBH wan li'iun ) ; by thu
calling ot talesmen , was thu determined -
mined and bpirltod attempt of Huof'H
lawyers to Induct' Judge Dunne to eon-
Iri-H liliiHo.ll biased and prejudiced
UKiilnsl the dol'endant and to grant a
change ot trial JudgeH. ThlH attempt
lalied ai every point. In contrnvon-
Lion of affidavits of bias and preju
dice filed by I ho deloiiHc , the prosccu-
lion ( lied allldavltH of denial , amom ;
them one by Judge Dunne liluiKolf
and another by Honey. After niora
than an hour had boon .spent In a de
bate that was lively throughout and
at mni's decidedly acrimonious , Judge
Dunne rnlod ugnliiHt the motion for n
change ol vcnno , and ordered the CIIHO
to proceed.
liiht bolore court was adjourned
Heney linked that the disqualification
of the Hherlff and coroner and the
continuance of the ellsor he ordered ,
anil that Hnef bu remanded to tin
custody of the ollaor for so Ions ua
the trial shall lust. This motion was
bitterly attacked by Attorney Ach ,
who denounced It as "tyrannical anil
arbitrary. " and a fresh hattlo was at
once under way. During Its course
Judge Dunne reminded Ach that ho
had no conlldenco In either the sherlft
or coroner as tit persons to have the
custody of the prisoner , and ho
brought the discussion to a close by
making the order that Honey had
asked for.
This moans that lliicf. unless freed
by a higher court , must remain n
closely watched and carefully guarded
prisoner In the hands of Blggy , Detec
tive Hums and their deputies for at
least three weeks , Honey having Inti
mated that It will take that long to
try the case.
The case of Mayor Schmltz waa
set for April 12
Rescinds Obnoxious Jap Measure and
Adopts Conpromlse Resolution.
San Francsico. Manh 14. The San
Francisco boaid of education , keeping
Us word with Piealdent Uoosevult ,
unanimously rescinded the resolution
of last which Japanese wcra
segregated In the public schools , and
adopted an alternative resolution , in
accordance with the understanding
reached at the Washington confer
ence between the president , Secretary
Uoot , the school board and Mayor
The president , having telegraphed
Mayor Schmitz that he would direct
Mr. Devlin to dismiss the suits
against the board in the United States
circuit court and the supreme court
of California as soon as the action
stated should be taken by the board ,
members of that body look upon the
Japanese Incident f.s now closed Inso
far as San Franclsco is concerned.
There is , however , it is stated , an un
written reservation to the effect that
.should . the president's reciprocal prom-
'Ises to the board regarding discre
tionary restriction of coolie immigra
tion to California not bo carried out
the board may feel at liberty to readopt -
adopt the October resolution and
again segregate the Japanese.
Logan Flour Mills Burn.
Logan , la. , March 14. Fire broke
out In the flour mill of A. Edgecomb
& Sons , located over the town line.
The loss was total and nothing can bo
. saved , even the grain being utterly
destroyed. The new iron-cased ware
house adjoining the mill was also totally -
, tally destroyed. The loss will amount
to about $75.000 , with a small amount
of insurance.