The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 01, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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City Attorney Wcnthcrby Will at Once
Render n Decision as to the Legality
of Petition ( or Avenue From First
to Seventh Streets ,
Tht'iv wns no iiu't'llng of llio city
council li\M night for lack of u quo
rum , lull llii' petition iittUliiK thai Nor
folk avi'tnio he jtavotl wns placed on
Hlo with tlu > city cloik hy Mr. Hum-
ham , who , ttwtlii'r with A. II. Klcsan ,
rliTiiliUt'tl It lanl miiuini'r. Mayor
I'tlilay wns iiHlu'il t > i ot an opinion
from rlty Attorno > Wcathcrhy an lo
wliothor or not a majority of tliu rcwl-
tk'tit property owners living between
First and Seventh streets , could by
tholr slKimturi's loKiill/.o an ordinance.
requiring Hint entire strip of nveniio
to he paved , and whether the Intersec
tions can he pin-oil as a remilt of an
ordinance , or whether It will ho nee-
oHsnry t < vote a Bpcclnl tax for thlB
Mayor Friday said that the decision
will ho asked for Immoindlatuly and
that It will ho rendered soon. IIo
wild that action will probably bo takun
on thu paving proposition at the next
meeting of the council.
Mr. Friday In anxious to liuvo Nor
folk avonno paved between the hrltlgo
below First street and Sovontb street ,
and that work bo begun nuxt Hiimmor.
Al Marks was up from Stanton yes
\V. U. l ocko of Stnnton was In Nor
folk ye.ste.rday.
0. W. llnrr of NollKh was Ity , the
city yesterday.
.1. 13. Hauso made a business trip to
llosklns Friday.
Charles Hoffman wns down from
Plerco yesterday.
.1. Hnndall was a Norfolk visitor yes
terday from Milts.
James Smith from Central City wns
In Norfolk yesterday.
% 1. N. Keener of Slanton was n Norfolk -
folk visitor yesterday.
P. .1. Haer was a Norfolk visitor yes
terday from Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Crafton
wore In the city yesterday.
Mrs. Il.'llornlco Phillips of Utica
was a city visitor yesterday.
Kd Wagner and 13. U. lloltls of Stanton -
ton were In Norfolk over night.
George Knltell and John Hofner of
Freeman , S. 15. , were Norfolk visitors
Miss Kiln Deck visited In Norfolk
on her way home fiom Stanton. She
returned to her homo In Hosklns yes
Mr. and Mrs. Dell of the hospital
went to Wayne yesterday for a visit
with friends.
liny Smith of Hedlleld , S. D. , Is tak
ing charge of thu Norfolk House while
his brother Is away on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Durland left at
noon for Cbestor , New York , whore ,
they will attend the golden wedding
of Mr. . Durland's cousin , Joseph Dur-
land. This Is the fourth golden wed
ding that has occurred in Mrs. Joseph -
soph Dnrland's family on her aide of
the house. Mrs. Joseph Dnrlaml Is
an aunt of 13. 13. Gillette of htls city.
Mr. Dnrlaud expects to visit other
eastern points before returning , and
will go to New York city , Boston and
\Yashlngton. Mrs. Durlnnd will visit
her sister , Mrs. Nicola , In Washington ,
Iowa , on her return.
Swan Anderson of Wansa Is In the
city on business.
Dr. Meredith drove to Pierce and
back during the day.
A. II. Winder has returned from a
trip to the Black Hills.
County Judge Hates of Madison was
In the city during the day attending to
business affairs.
Mrs. Ella Stiller arrived In Norfolk
nt noon from Chicago , called here by
the serious Illness of bor daughter ,
Mrs. Frank Davis.
Mrs. A. N. McOliiuls has purchased
the Ktesau property on North Ninth
street. Last week Mrs. McOlnnls sold
a farm near Meadow Grove for $8.000.
Washington's birthday had quite an
extensive effect upon the day in Nor
folk. Hunks and schools v/cre closed ,
the rural carriers enjoyed a holiday , no
weather forecast was received , no
grain markets were received and there
wns no news from the Thaw trial
Two changes In places of business
are announced for Norfolk. The II.
A. Haley company have rented tbo
building recently vacated by J. , . , . Dy-
s-on , corner Third and Main streets ,
and Mrs. Stear has rented the building
which will bo vacated by the Holey
company , between Fourth and Fifth
streets , on Norfolk avenue Mr. Kara
expects to start a meat market In the
store which will be vacated by Mrs.
IE Is said reliably that Governor
Sbeldon Intends to make a change in
the office of steward at the Norfolk In
sane hospital for the ensuing year.
Alex Peters of Stanton , who has held
the position , is preparing to return to
his borne nt tbo end of bis term , which
expires March 15. A successor has not
yet been announced.
George U. Chrisloph has returned
from Cornlea , Neb. , where he went to
prosecute J. J. Smltbbelsler , a drug
gist , for Illegally conducting a drug
store. Mr. Chrlstoph went in tbo ca
pacity of a member of tbo Nebraska
state board of pharmacy. The defen
dant was fined $15 and costs.
The Norfolk Creamery company is
busily engaged In getting the brick
building went of I ho traclui on Noifolk
avenue , known an the Witter building ,
In readiness for their machinery , which
will bo Installed next week.
Now telephone hookn will noon bo
dlHtrlbuted In Norfolk.
The Eagles will enjoy n smoker nt
their club rooms this evening.
The I3II H will enjoy a dancing party
at their club roonm this evening.
The Ladles' Guild of Trinity church
lire planning to give an entertainment
shortly after Hunter , It will couidst
of two farces , drills , songH and other
The First street bridge over the 131k-
horn river IH being repaired and the
work will bo llnlHhed shortly. Work
will ROOD ho finished , also , on the Flan-
ntgan bridge and both will he com
pleted hy the first of the week if noth
ing happens.
Mr. HemniiHky is quite sick.
hlttlo Leon HemtniBky IB quite sick
wtlh menBleH.
The little children of Mr. and Mrd.
M. Stiller are qulto sick with measles.
Dave Knhn wont to Hooper yeator-
day to do some carpenter work for thu
II. G. lialn left today noon for Pan
ama. IIo will roach Now York In
time to sail Monday.
Mrs. I. W. Wilson and two children
are In Cloarwntor visiting with her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt.
Mrs. John Williams went to Mlssou-
rl Valley this morning for a short
visit with bor parents and friends.
Harry Johnson and slater , Miss
Vorn Johnson , returned yesterday
from Fremont , wlioro they had boon
The members o ftlio A. O. U. W.
bold a special meeting In the Junction
last evening and Initiated several new
Albert Llnsoy , who has been workIng -
Ing on the Honostoel extension all
winter , has returned and Is working
In tbo shops.
Mrs. Henry Heckman went to Wis
consin a short time ago and has writ
ten to Mr. Heckman to send on the
household goods and she will send
for him about this first of March.
Miss Olive Plutt of Clmdron , for
merly a resident of Norfolk , died Tues
day at her homo of consumption.
Miss Platt has been suffering for a
long time. She has many friends In
Norfolk who will mourn her loss. Her
brother George of Tlldon , also for
merly of Norfolk , was present at the
Qoyd Blakeman of This City Receives
Congressional Appointment.
Word lias boon received In Norfolk
of the appointment of Hoyd Hlakemnn
of this city , son of Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Hlnkonmn , to n cadctshlp at the An
napolis naval academy.
Mr. Hlakemnn Is at present in the
Norfolk high school. He Is a young
man of sterling qualities and bis
friends are showering him with con
gratulations over bis selection.
Norfolk , Neb. , Fob. 22. The Daily
News : Gentlemen , You may discon
tinue two want ads. Inserted this week ,
one offering my Rosebud farm for rent
and the other in the help wanted col
umn , for n girl to do general house
work. Each has got results. The want
ad. offering my farm for rent got eight
answers , three from Bntto and tbo oth
ers from Plorco , Norfolk and Battle
Creek. Yours truly ,
C. B. Saltor.
Gang of Toughs Makes a Raid at
Sioux Falls. S. D. , Fob. 23 The first
of tbo new towns on the railroad ex
tensions between the Missouri river
and the Black Hills , in western South
Dakota , to be "shot up" by toiigh char
acters Is the town of Draper. After
tilling up on poor whisky a number of
tough characters who have made their
headquarters In that little town during
the winter started out to "run" the
town. Shooting was Indulged In freely
and considerable damage was done ,
and several persons had narrow es
capes from death from the Hying bul
lets. Windows wore smashed and the
doors of some of the business bouses
were broken open. Fortunately for
the participants none of the reputable
citizens chanced to bo tbo owners ol
Winchester rifles or some of the gang
might have been ready for tbo cor
oner. The law abiding citizens wore
very angry , and without delay swore
out warrants for the arrest of the dls
turbers , who , however , succeeded Ir
netting out of town and making tlieli
escape. They have not yet boon lo
cated and arrested.
By the Terms of the Proposed Bill
Cities of More Than 5,000 Will be
Excluded From the Operation of the
Law Settled for Four Years.
Lincoln , Feb. 25. The county option
battle must bo fought over again in the
Nebraska legislature. A bill will be
Introduced tomorrow excluding cities
of more than G.OOO from tbo operation
of the law. A majority vote settled
the controversy for your years.
The Vacancy Created by the Election
of Judge Boyd to Congress From the
Third Congressional District , Has
Been Filled by Wayne Attorney.
Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. 22. Special to
The News : Hon. A , A. Welch of
Wayne , Neb. , has boon appointed by
Governor Sheldon to succeed Judge
J. F. Boyd as judge of the Ninth judi
cial district In Nebraska.
.ludgo Boyd of Nollgh wns elected
IIH congressman from the Third con
gressional district In Nebraska last
fall , and recently resigned from the
bench position to go to Washington ,
where ho will tnko his scat In the low
er boiiHO of representatives. This loft
a vacancy in the judgcshlp In the
Ninth judicial district , which com
prises Madison , Pierce , Knox , Wayne
and Atltelnpo counties ,
Judge Welch of Wnyno wns ono of
the llrst attorneys In thp district to bo
mentioned for the appointment. The
late W. M. Uobortscm of Norfolk wns
also a prominent candidate for the po
sition , but death cnmo to Mr. Robert
son before Governor Sheldon wns
ready to make his appointment.
After the death of Mr. Robertson
Hon. W. W. Qulvoy of Plorco county ,
a prominent republican and well
known attorney , entered the rnco but
his friends realized that bo wns han
dicapped by a late start.
Judge Welch Stands High In the Com
munlty Where He Lives.
Wayne , Nob. , Fob. 22 , Special tc
The News : The appointment of Hon.
A. A. Welch of this city to bo judge
In the Ninth Judicial district , by Gov
ernor Sheldon , has met with the hear
ty approval of this community , where
Judge Welch Is so well and favorably
known as an attorney of ability , a man
of highest honor and Integrity and n
citizen above reproach. The appoint
ment Is considered by his friends to
bo particularly deserved and Wayne
county people arc unanimous In de
claring that Judge Welch will make
an eminently cillcient jurist.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
a Favorite.
"We prefer Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to any other for our children , "
says Mr. L. J. Woodbury of Twining ,
Mich. "It has always done the work
for us in bard colds and croup , and we
take pleasure in recommending it. "
For sale by Leonard tbo druggist.
Stuart Woman Editor Says Newspaper
Work Is Not For Femininity.
Omohe , Neb. , Feb. 22. The only wo
man editor and publisher In Nebraska ,
who n year ago won national fame by
her crusade against the bachelors of
her own town , journeyed from Stuart ,
Neb. , to tell the Nebraska Press asso
ciation , at Its convention here , that
: hc woman editor in the west Is a fall-
ire. Miss Rosa Hudspoth , In conclud
ing her most entertaining paper on "A
Woman Editor's Experience , " says :
"In truth , the Ledger editor Is com
pelled to say that , from a worldly
standpoint , journalism for a woman In
the west is a failure , If she places prin
ciple above expediency. It will bo
still n bigger failure if she counts ex
pediency first , for she will be used as
a catspaw , like a certain brilliant wo
man of the Hnwkeyc state , who was
paid a big price for pulling chestnuts ,
and wns banished in disgrace from the
political and social circles of the me
tropolis. The Ledger has written re
form that has not reformed. Sermons
have been written that have fallen on
the dull ears of the public ; good has
been called evil. Up in Holt county
the political combine still thrives. The
manipulator of the slander mill lives
In luxury , with rare prestige and a big
following. The plnnderbund is sack
ing the county purso. At .Stuart , the
famous bachelor brigade Is still smok
ing , drinking , Illrtlng , but not one la
married. "
Miss Hudspeth tells with rare humor
her struggle with printers when she
became a publisher. Drink ended
their career , but not until they had
left their Impression by singing on tbo
street corner In their maudlin stages ,
odes to "The Lady With tbo Golden
Hair. " The old ladles met nightly to
discuss the Ledger printers. Then she
got a married man. The wife , soon
driven by gossips , made him quit.
Then she got a printer who always had
a copy of Shakespeare before him. lie
said ho had owned a theatrical com
pany which had gone broke , and ho
had returned to his former vocation.
One day the woman editor entered tbo
ofllco to find her printer aiming a re
volver at his wife's head.
"The woman wns so terrified I could
not believe she wns acting , " says Miss
Hudspoth , who relates the Incident
thus : "What is it ? " I asked. "Is it
n play or Is It real ? "
"The man turned the revolver
against his own temple , yelling , "I'll
blow my brains out ! "
"Is it real or a play ? " I shrieked.
"Blow your brains out ! " cried the
wife. "You dog ; you dragged mo all
over the west and starved mo and beat
me. If you kill yourself I'll go home
to my parents. '
"Then the woman rushed to mo and
tearfully pleaded that I send her to
her mother . The couple soon left and
got a position with a comedy com-
tinny , "
Then a woman printer was tried , a
foiing woman. The odltor could not
cave to gather news , but the mashers
: > f the village would appear t"b hang
) Ver the cnfios whcro the pretty printer
wns nt work. Scandalmongers again
made trouble. To protect the Ledger
> f11ce , the employment of young lady
irlntcrs wns abandoned.
Miss Hudspoth nays she then took
off her kid gloves and struggled along
with the types herself without the help
if n printer. She was tbo subject of
i protest meeting once because she
iiibllshod an allegory designed "to
teach the society and club women that
the money and talent of out town
might bo used In developing education-
: il , moral and civic virtues. When she
complimented a politician once , his
wlfo came and demanded an explana
tion of how she know the man was
"magnetic. " So the editress gave up
her party and supported only princi
ples. The politicians plotted to starve
the paper out. "There Is ono conjoin-
tlon left to the woman editor , It Is bet
ter to hnvo llttlo with right than great
revenues with wrong , " argued Miss
Hudspeth to the state press associa
Bill Is Introduced Reducing Them 25
Per Cent.
Lincoln , Nob. , Fob. 23. Special to
The Mows : Lieutenant Governor
Hopowell yesterday secured the passage -
ago of tbo suffrage bill in the senate ,
his vote breaking the tlo of sixteen
against sixteen. The bouse defeated
the bill which Is in the form of n joint
memorial to congress In favor of an
amendment to the constitution of the
United States to prevent discrimina
tion In the matter of elective fran
chise on account of sox. Senator Latta
of Burt was absent , being at the bed
side of a very sick son. There was
much discussion as to whether the
lieutenant governor had tbo right In
such a case to declare the bill passed
by a constitutional majority , but the
general impression seems to be that
the lieutenant governor acted within
his powers and according to the con
stitution of Nebraska.
Slight amendments to the terminal
tax bills by Senator Thomas and Rep
resentative Clarke have been agreed
upon by the joint committee on rev
enue which will now report favorably
on the measures. The bills provide
that local assessors shall assess local
railway property for city purposes and
make returns to the state board of as
A bill similar to a law now In force
In Colorado and Oregon was intro
duced today by the senate judiciary
committee. Th'o bill Imposes an an
nual license tax of from $5 to $200
upon all foreign and domestic compa
nies doing business In Nebraska. By
the provisions of another bill the fee
for filing articles of state revenue will
bo solved by the license tax bill , as It
will produce annually about $300,000.
The salary bill is now practically
ready for Introduction by tbo finance
ways and means committee of the
bouse. Scarcely any reductions In
salary have been made. Slight in
creases all along the line seems to
have been the general plan followed.
Reduces Express Charges.
The charges of express companies
will bo reduced 25 per cent , below what
they were January 1 , 1907 , if tbo bill
Introduced yesterday by Senator Al-
drlch of Butler becomes a law. The
bill provides a fine of not less than
$1,000 nor more than $2,000 for each
violation. Senator Aldrlch has also
introduced a bill calling for a reduc
tion of 20 per cent. In railroad freight
charges. The penalty in the latter
case is a fine of not less than $10,000
and not more than $50,000.
It Pays to be a Gentleman.
Crcighton Liberal : No one can read
the reports of the way the great Cali
fornia lawyer , Dolphin M. Delmas , Is
handling bis client's Interest In the
Thaw trial or who has seen M. F. Har
rington in a court room but must con
clude that the days of the bluffer or
llltempored lawyers Is past If it over
wns bore.
District Attorney Jerome Is n very
able lawyer. He has been a scourge
for evil doors of a certain class of
gamblers though It seems at times as
though ho wns a protector for the
blood-thirsty gambling pirates who are
in possession of the street railways
and other public service corporations.
When pitted against Delmas , Jerome
Is made out a small bars tactician as
tbo Callfornlnn never loses his temper
and ho parries the thrusts of tbo pros
ecuting attorney with an urbane sar
casm that burns like vltrol.
Now Yorkers are standlnc agape
that a man' from tbo wild and woolly
west should come Into their territory
and actually show them anything.
While there are many essentials of
this case that are disgusting it Is qucs-
tlonablo if It is not going to bo a ser
mon in making public sentiment.
Too long have wo boon willing to
condone the weaknesses of men If they
had been eminent in some branch of
the material.
The ono law for the man and an
other for the woman is temporarly beIng -
Ing brought out In the light and Jus
tice may bo the gainer by the expo
sition .
Sixteenth Annual Ball.
Alnsworth , Nob. , Fob. 25. Special
to The News : The Nesblt hose com
pany No. 1 hold their sixteenth annual
ball nt the Auditorium , where all the
business firms of the town wore rep
resented and the event was a success
both Ilnnnclally and socially. The hall
wns filled to overflowing.
The Weather Man In Chicago Took a
Day Off Because It Was Washing
ton's Birthday , But the Barometer
Indicated a Fair Day Saturday.
[ From Friday's Dolly. )
A heavy snow that started during
the night and continued Friday , cov
ers Norfolk and a portion of eastern
Nebraska. About two Inches of snow
fell during the night , covering the
earth in an oven layer. There waa a
strong south wind , Indicating that the
center of tbo low pressure was yet to
come and that , after It had passed , the
wind would shift and might blow pret
ty strongly from the northwest.
No Snow West of Oakdale.
A peculiar feature of the snow was
that It extended only as far west as
Oakdalo , according to reports received
at Northwestern headquarters.
The weather man In Chicago took
a holiday because It was Washington's
birthday , so that there was no weath
er bulletin to officially forecast the
The barometer at Norfolk , however ,
has risen so rapidly that it Is safe to
forecast fair weather and falling tem
perature for Saturday. The wind will
shift from south to northwest and the
temperature will fall.
Battle Creek.
Wm. Tiedgen shipped one carload
of bogs and one of cattle Sunday , and
four carloads of stock went Tuesday.
Among the shippers were Chas Praun-
or , Jacob Knapp , Chas. Hcggemeler
and others.
Harry Stnrlln , the only real estate
broker and banker of Blnkely , was
here Monday on business.
Wm. Beeler , who has been in an
Omaha hospital about four weeks , re
turned Monday. He was operated on
for rupture and Is well satisfied.
Mrs. Anna Severa returned Tuesday
from nn extended visit with her daugh
ter , Mrs. Max Wilde nt Crelghton.
Ed Wolsky has rented Wm. Nicolay's
farm three miles south. The place will
) e vacated by Jacob Miller , who will
move to town and will occupy Goo.
Zimmerman's bouse on the corner of
Herman and Fourth streets.
Mrs. Rudolph Blotch went to the
Lutheran hospital Saturday for an op
eration for appendicitis. She was ac
companied by her brother , Edward
Fuerst. The latest report states that
the patient Is doing well.
Herman Eucker was visiting from
Sunday till Wednesday witli his friend ,
L. P. Kcrbcl at Spencer. Mr. Eucker ,
who is a retired young farmer , was
well pleased with that country.
Elbert Carrico has rented Rudolph
Blelch's farm , five miles west of town.
Rev , O. Eggleston of Ewlng was vis
iting bore Friday and Saturday with
bis daughter , Mrs. Chas. Hanson.
Wm. Herbert of Pierce county has
rented the Eden farm north of the
On the sick list are C. C. Allberry ,
Mrs. John Prauner , sr. , Conrad Wer
ner , sr. E. F. Hans has been bedfast
for several weeks , but now Is around
Ralph Simmons returned Saturday
from a trip to Bonesteel and Sunday
night went up to Cherry county , where
ho Intends to buy a carload of horses.
Hon. F. .1. Hale was here Thursday
on business from Atkinson.
W. E. Thorpe of Coleridge , this state ,
was visiting here the middle of the
week at the homo of his daughter , Mrs.
H. O. Munson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wndo and son
Claud of Page wore visiting here Sat
urday and Sunday with relatives and
friends. Mr. Wade is an old Battle
Creek farmer and business man and is
In the grain business at Page now.
Chas. T. Haman was visiting with
his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ha
man , at Clearwater last week.
John Breichelsen of Fremont Is here
on an extended visit with his sisters ,
Mrs. Llllle Scott and Miss Lizzie
Frank Schlecht and brothers , Albert
and Hen of Beemcr were hero the first
part of the week looking nt some land
In this locality. They were the guests
of J. A. Wright , ono of our real estate
dealers. John Flllmcr of Boomer was
nn associate and Intends to Invest hero.
Henry Bush of Plorco county was
hero on business Tuesday. Ho is an
admirer of The Norfolk Dally Nows.
Vnrley Warden , who has boon farm
ing hero for many years , and after
wards moved to North Carolina , Is
hero on an extended visit with his
brother , John , and other relatives.
Frank Plouzeck , sr. , of Enola , was
visiting hero the middle of this wcok
with Lambert Korbel and other friends.
Mr. Plouzeck will have a sale the llth
of next month and will locate In Bat
tle Creek.
Dakotan Burns Feet of His Victims
With Alcohol.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Fob. 23. A pen
chant for pouring alcohol upon the
shoes of men while In rf drunken slum
ber and then applying a match promis
es to get a practical joker residing In
Gregory county into serious trouble.
Thp latest victim of the "humorist"
Is "Jack" Gentry , a well known char
acter of Uonesteel , whoso only fault Is
the desire for overindulgence In intox
icating liquor.- Gentry la now under
a doctor's care as the result of having
alcohol poured upon his feet by the
practical Joker referred to.
The joker set lire to the alcohol , and
Gentry's feet wore severely burned before -
fore friends could remove his burning
shoes. As the result of the burns
gangrene and blood poisoning devel
oped , and now In order to save his life
It will be necessary to amputate his
It is stated that the same "joke" V 11-
was perpetrated at the expense of an
other man some months ago and that
the man yet is n cripple from the ef
fects of the burns ho received at that
time. Threats arc made that the prac
tical joker either will receive sum
mary punishment at the hands of
friends of bis victims or will be made
the defendant In heavy suits for dam
WANTED Gentleman or lady to
travel for mercantile house of large
capital. Territory at home or abroad
to suit. If desirable the home may be
used as headquarters. Weekly salary
of $1,092.00 per year and expenses.
Address , Armstrong Alexander , 125
Plymouth Place , Chicago , 111.
Mora Corn and Better Corn
Do you waut to Increase the y ttld f yoor orp4t $
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We are constantly improv
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tun utrlctlr confidential. HANDBOOK on I'atenti
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rpciiat notice , rlthoutchnrgo. In the
Scientific fliwncatu
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nraest cir
culation of any nrlentlUo Journal. Tornis. $3 a
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" - " V B.
Colonist R.ates
In Effect March 1st to April 30th
Go the Mountain Way. Insist that your ticket reads via
Colorado Midlar d
Sa.n Francisco .00
Los Angeles 25 .
Spokand Helena. Bxztte
$22.50 $20.00
( Above Kates apply from Missouri River common points and west thereof ,
Bates east of tbo river slightly higher. )
Ask F. L. FEAKINS , General Agent , 319 S. 14th Street , Omaha ,
MORELL LAW , General Agent , COO Shoidloy Building , Kansas City , I
or your own local agout on any railroad , or
C. H. SPEARS , General Passenger Agent , Denver , Colorado. I