fllL ! NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JObBNAL ; FRIDAY , .MARCH 1 , 1907. MADISON COUNTY STARTS TO. WARD ORGANIZATION. HELD MEETING IN NORFOLK Nineteen Rural Carriers of Madison County Are to Form an Organlza- tlon , to be Branch of State and Na- , tlonal Organizations. Hurnl route carriers of MiullRon county hold u meeting In Norfolk yes terday for the purpose of taking pro- llmlnnry stops townrd forming n coun ty organization. There uro nlnotoeii rural carriers In the oounty , mid BOV- oral of thorn worn here from other points. ThlH organization Is to ho a branch of the Btnto and national orga- nlzatloiiB. It wan ilutunnlnod to hold another mooting hero In the nonr future - turo , at which permanent organization will ho effected. John H. lllsk of Ilattlo Crook was made temporary chairman of the or ganization , and .1. B. Frank temporary secretary. Mr. niuk and Mr. Cronk nro to decide Uxn the date for the next mooting. The carriers held their mooting In the federal hnlldlng , where they enJoyed - Joyod n lunch Horved for them at the Instance of John II. Hays , to whom the carriers gave a vote of thanks. This In the llrst county In this sec tion of the fitato to Btart on organiza tion. Other counties wont , of here will probably take up organising later , as thoBO In the eastern part of the Htato have already done. The national organization protects the Interests of the rural carrier. An uffort Is being made to Increase their now very nioagro salaries. TO LET CHILDREN PLAY. Roosevelt Urges Every City to Provide Recreation for Them. Washington , D. C. , Fob. ail. Munic ipal playgrounds were given a hlg boost by President Roosevelt and Rep resentative lloutell of Chicago at a banquet given by the Washington Playgrounds association. The presi dent wrote a letter In which ho asked that the boy's or girl's Inalienable right to frolic bo not denied them. Representative Doutell explained his bill In congress for the establishment of more playgrounds In Washington. President Roosevelt's letter laid stress on the annual meeting of the Playground association of America In Chicago In June. Ho praised the South Park system of that city As ono of the most notable civic achievements In the United States. The president advised all cities to make provision at once for play grounds , lost suitable sites bo obtained only at Immense cost. As an example of hindsight ho pointed to Now York , where playgrounds recently cost $1- 000,000 an acre. Close supervision of playgrounds was urged by the president , for , ho said , otherwise they foil Into disfavor and the hands of rowdies. President Roosevelt's letter , follows : "I have noted with pleasure the good work which your association has done in promoting playgrounds for the na tional capital. I am specially pleased with the prospect of congress grantIng - Ing this year an appropriation for the purchase of playground sites. I trust that the bill of Representative Boutcll will also go through , so that you maybe bo able to secure sites In the various quarters of the city now while open space still exists and before the price upon them becomes prohibitive. "Tho plan of playground develop ment for the district has been so care fully drawn that 1 hope It may bo carried out substantially as outlined , I regard this ns ono of the most Im portant stops toward making Washing ton the model city which wo all feel that the capital of this nation should be. be."I "I have boon pleased to see also that there Is a new Interest In play and playgrounds all over the country , and that many cities that have not pro vlously taken up the movement In n systematic way have made a begin nlng this year. "The annual meeting of the Play ground Association of America In Chicago cage In Juno , with Its attractive plaj festival and comprehensive study ol play problems , is sure to Increase this interest. I trust that all of our largei municipalities will send roprcsenta tlvos to this exhibition to gain Inspl ration from this meeting and to se < the magnificent system that Chlcagc has erected In Its sonth park section one of the most notable civic achieve ments of any American city. "The new appreciation of the valui of play In the development of chlldrei Is shown In many ways. The physlca trainers in all of their recent meeting ! have put a now emphasis on the Im parlance of play and are giving a larg cr place to It In their work. "The Public School Athletic leagui of Now York has organized athletic : along sane and helpful lines for thou sands of school children. A niimbo : of other cities seem about to take U | this movement. There Is a genera feeling In our schools and colleges alst for larger athletic fields and the par tlcipatlon of n larger proportion of th < students In athletic events. "In Germany a largo number o games have been put Into the schoo course as a part of the system , thui extending -the kindergarten methoi through the elementary school. I : England football and cricket have beei a part of the school course at Eton Rugby , and most of the other publli mil preparatory schools for nmnj Tars. "In HIP private iichools of this conn ry similar to these HngllBh schools , uch as Lnwroncovlllo , Oroton , St. 'mil's , and many others , play Is also n-ovldod for In the curriculum. I hope hat soon all of our public schools will irovtdo , In connection with the school mlldlngs and during school hours , the ilnco and time for the recreation as well as study of the children. "Play at present Is almost the only nothod of physic' ' development for : lty children. Wo mint provide facll- ties for It If wo would have the chll- Iron strong and Inwahldlng. "Wo have raised the age at which ho child may go to work and Increased he millibar of school years. These hanges Involve Increased expense for mienis with decruiised returns from he child. If wo do not allow the chll- Iron to work wo must provide some ) thor place than the streets for their elsuro time , "If wo are to require the parents to roar the children at. Increased expense for the service of the state , practically without return , the state should make ho care of children as easy and pleas ant as possible. If wo would have our citizens contented and law-abiding , wo iBt not BOW the seed of discontent In childhood by denying children their Birthright of play. "City streets arc unsatisfactory play- ; rounds for children because of the langor , because most good games are tgalnst the law , because they are too lot In summer , and because In crowded sections of a city they are apt to ho schools of crime. "Neither do small hack yards nor ornamental grass plots moot the needs of any hut the small children. Older children who would play vigorous nines must have places specially set aside for them. And , slnco play In n fundamental need , playgrounds should 10 provided for every child as much as schools. "This means that they must bo dls- Tlbutud over cities In such a way as o bo within walking distance of every > oy and girl , as most , children cannot ifford to pay carfare. In view of these facts cities , should secure available spaces at once , so that they may not iced to demolish blocks of buildings n order to make playgrounds , as Now York has had to do at a cost of nearly $1,000,000 an acre. "Neither must any city bellovo that simply to furbish open spaces will se cure the best results. There must ho supervision of those playgrounds , oth erwise the older and stronger children > ccupy them to the exclusion of the ounger and weaker ones. They arose so noisy that persons living In the lelghborhood nro annoyed ; they are apt to got Into the possession of gangs Hid become the rendezvous of the most undesirable elements of the popula tion ; the exorcise and play Is loss sys tematic and vigorous when without su pervision ; and , moreover , In all cities where the experiment has been tried , t has been found that such play- rounds are not well attended. " Other speakers at the banquet be sides Representative Houtoll were E. B. Drown , United States commissioner of education , and Henry S. Curtis , su perintendent of Washington play- rounds. Cuno II. Rudolph , president of the association , acted as toastmas- lor. Ono hundred and fifty guests wore present. present."A "A Daughter of Colorado. " "A1 Daughter of Colorado" drew a good sized audience to the Auditorium , and It was nil audience that warmed up and gave appreciative applause to the players , several of whom deserve special mention. It was a bright and breezy little play and It was the general - oral verdict that the audience had got Its money's worth , and then a little bit besides. Easily the star of the attraction was Frederick Bernard , playing the role of Ephrlam Mosher , who strikes It rich In Colorado and goes down east to put on a few airs with his wife and daughter. Mr. Ber nard Is a man sixty years of age and he has been on the stage for forty years. In that time he has played with a number of excellent companies and his acting In this pleco Is decid edly clover. Ho resembles Joss Dan dy , of Prince of Pllson fame , and brings down the house in a number of ludicrous situations. His efforts to put on a pair of white dress gloves , when he gets Into a full dress suit , are laughable to a degree. Louis K. Conaughy , as the young lover , "Dal las , " was also a player of ability and It may bo said that ho has a future before him. Ho spoke his lines na turally and put Into them the force of sincerity. He's alright. Funeral of Miss Crawford. West Point , Nob. , Fob. 2G. Special to The News : The remains of Miss Carlotta Crawford , the oldest daughtoi of the late Judge Crawford , were laid to rest Friday In the family lot In the public cemetery. The death ol this estimable woman was a greal shock to the community , where she was born and grow to womanhood She was 30 years of ago and unmar rled. She was a woman of splendid business training and executive abll it > and was a constant companion of her father , the Into Judge Crawford and assisted him materially In his law pracilco. She leaves an aged mother ono sister anil a brother to mourn her loss. Members Pledged. West Point , Neb. , Fob. 20. Special to The News : At the last session o ; the Farmers' Institute of Cumlng conn ty , pledges of membership for the year 1908 were received from flfty-llvo per sons , comprising the best roprosenta live clement of the farming commu nlty of Cumlng county. THERE HAVE DEEN SEVERAL IN FORMAL AFFAIRS. BIRTHDAYS WERE A FEATURE The Lenten Season Has Had Its Effect Upon Formal Events , But There Has Been Anything But an Empty Cal endar During the Week , [ From Saturday' * Ontly. ) While the Ixmten season seems to nivo had Its effect upon formal affairs n Norfolk , none-having been ached- lied for the past week or the week to : oino , yet the social calendar has not hcon altogether lacking In pleasures , several Informal affairs having taken ; ilaco during the past fo\v days. Social Pleasures. A largo family gathering was hold on Tuesday at the homo of Mr. L. C. Mil- tolstadt , the occasion being his birth day. Dinner was served at 1 o'clock , forty guests being seated at the tnblc , all of whom were relatives of the host. The tables were beautifully decorated with roses and carnations. Before par- ; aklng of the feast , short toasts were ; lvon , first by Mrs. E. Mlttolstadt , Uicn > y John Bruce of laurel and A. C. Goltz of Wlnsldo , who related some of the experiences which happened In early days , shortly after ho and Mr. Mlttolstadt came to this country. The "ostlvltles continued throughout the lay and In the evening a musical pro- rain was given. The out-of-town guestr wore : Mr. and Mrs. John Jruco and family of Laurel , Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlttclstadt and family and Gns Mlttclstadt and family of Lau rel , and A. C. Goltz and family of Wln sldo. All the others live In Norfolk. The birthday of Mrs. I. Powers was : akcn ns an opportune time by her 'rlcnds yesterday for a surprise visit , and a number of them arrived at her lomo at noon , their dinners with them , .0 spend the afternoon. Mrs. Powers was the recipient of a iloral gift from icr guests. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed. Saturday was Miss Faith Johnson's birthday and a few of her friends iclped celebrate the event In the af ternoon. Games were played and a pleasant afternoon enjoyed , after which a dainty luncheon was served. Marlon Johnson entertained the V. G. club on Saturday evening. A number of Elks qnjoyed a pleas ant Informal dancing party at the club rooms last evening. Among the out-of- LOWII guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mlcola of Foster , who will spend Sim- lay In the city with friends ; C. I. Ber nard of Lincoln ; B. W. Johnson of Lincoln. Trinity Social guild met with Miss Stella Lulkart on We'dnosday night. A pleasant evening was spent and quite a lot of sowing done for the Clarkson hospital. The next meeting place will be announced lafer. Last Sunday was the ninth birthday of Miss Loreon Gow and n few of her Intimate girl friends were guests at Sunday dinner In the home of her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs.V. . J. Gow , In hon or of the occasion. The West Side Whist club enjoyed a pleasant evening Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Sol G. Mayer. Mrs. M. A. McMillan entertained a few friends at dinner on Thursday evening. The Eagles enjoyed a smoker In their club rooms last evening. STANTON AS FEEDING CENTER. That City Is Pronounced One of Best In the West. Stanton Picket : "Stanton county Is the great feeding lot , not only of Ne braska , but of the central west. " Thus spoke Amos Snyder of the Jackson , Snyder Live Stock Commission com pany of South Omaha , who spent sev eral days In Stanton during the past week. Mr. Snydor's duties with his com pany takes him to all parts of the country during the cattle feeding sea son and when ho talks of live stock and livestock Interests , ho knows wherof ho speaks. In visiting the country when cattle are fed , ho goes among the men who feed , thus getting a correct Idea of to what extent the business is carried on. Speaking of the feeding done in Stnnton county , Mr. Snyder said : "Here I find some of the largest feeders in the t ost. There are a doz en or more In Stanton county , who this winter are feeding from 100 to 1,000 head. Besides these , there are prob ably 200 men In the county who are feeding from 10 to 100 head. "In Stanton county cattle feeding has brought largo sums of money here. The word has gone abroad that the mild and dry winter climate of the Elkhorn valley makes this location es pecially adapted to feeding and as n result , mo're people are bringing their cattle Into this country each year. "Tho cattle fed In this locality this winter , generally have come from the western ranges and when put onto corn here , take llesh rapidly. The re sult of such great numbers of cattle being fed hero has been a splendid thing for the farmers who have corn to sell. Instead of soiling their com at the elevators , they soli direct to the feeders , thus receiving fully two cents per bushel above the market prlco and a market for every bushel they raise. "In addition to feeding cattle , most of the feeders are running droves of hogs behind their steers , thus greatly Increasing their Income. "It Is more than likely that the rich grasses of the Klkhorn valley has had much to do with this locality having been selected as a winter feeding ground. It IB known that here wild grass grows In great abundance and that the quality Is superior to many of the varieties of tame hay grown In Kansas , Iowa and Illinois. "Another thing that makes Stanton county a desirable feeding ground and Stanton a desirable shipping point Is Its nearness to market. Here cattle or hogs can bo loaded In the afternoon , sent out nt night , and bo on the South Omaha market at the opening next morning. The run Is so short thnt there Is HO unloading to feed and water and when the animals arrive nt the yards they are In the best possible con dition , having lost hardly anything by shrinkage. "As to the future of this locality as a stock feeding point , I cannot say , though I can see no reason why it should not Increase In Importance. Most of the men who arc In the busi ness In the county are enterprising and pushing fellows. They know they have a good thing and are going to keep right on pushing It along. " M. B. A. Resolutions. Warnervllle , Neb. , Fob. 23. At the mooting of Warnervllle lodge , No. CG4 , M. B. A. , Saturday evening , February 23 , 1907 , the following resolutions were adopted : Whereas , It has pleased a merciful and all wise Father to call from our midst our beloved sister , Mary A. Ranney , and Whereas , In her death Warnervllle lodge loses ono of Its most valuable and exemplary members , therefore be it Resolved , That to her sorrowing and stricken relatives wo tender our deep est sympathy In their great and sud den bereavement. Resolved , That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this lodge , and n copy of the same presented to the relatives of the deceased , and a copy sent to the Norfolk News for pub lication , and that our charter be draped In mourning for a period of thirty days as Indicative of the great loss our order has sustained in her death. Tlllie Green , Chas. A. Green , F. E. Reed. Committee. WATER" GAS PLANT IS ACCEPT ED BY COMPANY. HIGH DEMAND FOR GASOLINE * D. C. Tenny , Operator for.the Amer ican Construction Company , Who Leaves for Central City , Says Auto mobiles Increase Cost of Gasoline. [ From Tuesday's Dally.J The now gas plant In Norfolk has been accepted by the Norfolk Light & Fuel company and the American Construction company shipped its ma terial from Norfolk to Central City during the day. D. C. Tenny , who has been here for more than a month op erating the now "water gas" plant , has finished his work and goes to Central City to install another similar plant. At Ord another of the same sort Is to bo built. The company here are pleased with their new plant and have accepted It as satisfactory from the construction company. Gasoline's Price Cuts Figure. The prlco of gasoline , according to Mr. Kenny , Is driving out of business many of the old style gasoline gas plants , such as was operated here for some years. The prlco has raised to 27 cents and it is difficult to get at that. The demand for gasoline , Mr. Tenny says , Is so great that It Is not supplied at any cost In n regular way and many a town has received Its last carload with the statement that no more could be shipped. "While the trust has this In con trol , " said Mr. Tenny , "yet I believe that the price would be just the same if it were handled by Individuals. Sup ply and demand regulates the price , and with automobiles coming Into use so extensively , gasoline is becoming more and more a rare article. The hist car here came from as far away as Pennsylvania. " Ho told of a 'number of plants that had been put out of business by the gasoline prlco or by scarcity of that material. He said that the Norfolk plant did well to survive the rise In material and that only a large busi ness was accountable for it. The new process renders the firm free from the worry over gasoline. BROWN ELATED OVER VICTORY Says Roads Will Have to Pay $100,000 Interest , $600,000 Taxes. Lincoln , Neb. , Feb. 25. Special to The News : Senator Norrls Brown , who aa attorney general for the state prosecuted the suit of the state of Nebraska against the Union Pacific and Burlington railroads , carrying the case to the United Stntes supreme court , mid in which it was sought to compel the roads to pay taxes against whoso collection Injunctions had been issued , Is elated at winning'the case. He says that the railroads will have to pay $100,000 In Interest on the de linquent $600,000 In taxes , making in all , he says , $700,000 that the state will get as n result of the decision. SEWER BONDS HERE CARRY TOO LOW INTEREST RATE. SO SAYS FINANCIAL FIRM City Treasurer Haase Has Just Re ceived a Letter From a Toledo Brok erage Firm Giving View on Norfolk Situation. It begins to be apparent that the Norfolk sewer bonds will have to ho offered In connection with a greater commission than thnt which Is already offered , If they are to bo sold. The following letter just received by City Treasurer J. E. Hanso explains the situation from the viewpoint of the firms who buy bonds : Mr. J. E. Haase , Norfolk , Neb. Dear Sir : We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 9th Inst. concerning the $40,000.00 thirty year 4 % sewer bonds. In reply will say that after talking the matter over we concluded thnt n 5 % basis would be about the best we would care to pay for these bonds that Is we would take the bonds bearIng - Ing 5 % Interest or possibly It would be more advantageous from the city's standpoint to Issue the bonds bearing 4 % % Interest and make us an allow ance for blank bonds , nttorneys" fees nnd expenses , which would be equnl to n 5 % basis. There has never > been n time when the financial situation would warrant your city selling bonds at as low a rate of Interest as 4 % . However , three or four years ago when money was very cheap you could probably have sold 4V6s nt a small premium , but ns you probably know , there has been such a big -demand for money In all lines of business in the past two or three years , particularly In the east , that no one feels like buying bonds unless they can get them on about a 5 % basis , except in the very large cities. We recently purchased an Issue of $52,000 city of Omnha , Neb. , 4 % % bonds at about par , and the city of Toledo recently sold $100,000.00 worth of 5 % bonds. Of course the Toledo bonds are short time bonds , but your bonds are no better , for as you know , under the law they are optional after five years and have to be sold at this optional period. We regret this change In the rates of Interest more than anyone else as It affects us more than it does your city in fact , It practically kills the Investment business when banks and private Investors are able to loan their money at exorbitant rates as they have been doing in the past eighteen months , for in these times there is lit tle Incentive for them to buy 46 and 5 % bonds , nnd the most discouraging feature is the fact that we are now nearlng another presidential year , which as you know always creates an unrest In all the large financial centers , and so It docs not look as though we were going to have cheap money again for a good while to come , for heretofore , when .there was a strin gency In the money market here It was plentiful in Europe , but as you probably know , both the Bank of Eng land and the Imperial Bank of Berlin raised the discount rate this year to C % which Is a condition that our firm has not seen In the thirty-six years that they have been in business , and so ns above stated , we do not expect to see bonds 'selling on as low a basis again for years to come. We have handled bonds of your city In the past and should be glad to ne gotiate with your good people for these sewer bonds , but If we buy them It must be nt n rate consistent with pres ent financial conditions. If , upon receipt of this letter and after talking the mntter over with your finance committee , you would like to have us send n representative there to submit a proposition along the line of selling these bonds benring 5 % in terest or the bonds benring 4i % in terest with sufficient allowance to mnke n 5 % basis , please advise us and we will have our western representa tive go to Norfolk within a few days. Awaiting your reply , we nre , Yours truly , Spitzer & Co. FREMONT HILL LEFT TOWN Yankton & Southwestern Promoter Went to Omaha. [ From Saturday's Dally. ] Fremont Hill of New York , promot er for the Ynnkton & Southwestern railroad company , left nt noon for Omaha , together with three other men who accompanied him here on busi ness for his project. Those who ac companied him to Omaha were Edwin II. Van Antwerp of Yankton. n mem ber of the surveying firm that Is doing the survey work ; John Holman of Yankton , and A. A. Kearney of Stnn ton , an attorney. Mr. Hill snld while he wns here that he had come to meet the surveying corps of twelve men and to get maps from them. Whether or not they ar rived has not been learned. It Is said by one man that they came Into town at midnight and loft at daybreak for the south. From inquiries that have been coming to town , It is certain thnt they expected to reach Norfolk , and It may bo that they will headquar ter hero for n time. TO CRIPPLE SERVICE. ' Railroad Men Say They Will Attempt Revenge for Legislation. Chicago , Feb. 23. Railroad officials everywhere are stampeded by the 2- cent passenger legislation. Yesterday two conferences were held , one In Chicago cage for the discussion of the subject , and one In St. Louis. In Chicago Warren L. Lynch , pas senger traffic manager of the New York Central lines west of Buffalo , gave out n remarkable Interview , warning Illinois that If the people de mand a 2-cent faro they will certainly got a " 2-cent service. " This Interview was loaned after a conference among the passenger of ficials of all the Illinois lines , during which they determined to exert every possible Inlluenco to defeat the 2-cent legislation In this state. This decision closely follows the lines of that reached In St. Louis , as told In yesterday's special dispatches. EXTENDS TIME FOR BRIDGE WORK Yankton & Norfolk Gets TIM March , 1910 , to Build Structure. A Washington telegram says that a favorable report has been made to the house of representatives on the bill extending the time of construction for the bridge over the Missouri river , by the Yankton , Norfolk & Southwestern railroad company , to March 1 , 1910. It Is said that the bill probably will pass. It has already passed the sen ate. Senator Gamble Is Interested la the new railroad. FAVOR TWO-CENT FARE. Part of Omaha Commercial Club Re sent Board's Action. A petition is being circulated In Omaha by members of the Commercial ( cial club objecting to the recent reso lutions by the executive board of that organization protesting against the two-cent passenger fare In Nebraska. The Omaha Commercial club sent res olutions to the legislature protesting against this law and now certain mem bers of the club are out with a peti tion denouncing the resolutions and seeking to remove from the Commer cial club executive board the right to represent the organization In matters of this kind. May Fight Two-Cent Law. According to n statement In the Lin coln Stnte Journnl , the Nebraska rail roads will fight the two-cent rate lu the courts. The Journal contains in terviews from various railway men in which It is claimed that the legisla tion will stop construction work in the state , that the rate will either be con tested In the courts or the freight rates raised to make up for the loss , and that branch lines are not now pay- Ing. Ing.One One Norfolk railroad man said It was his opinion the rate would not be contested. It is claimed by the Union Pacific that their passenger train be tween hero and Columbus Is not pay ing. DEFEAT TWO-CENT FARE. Bill In South Dakota Is Lost in Favor of 2'/2c. ' Pierre , S. D. , Feb. 23. The 2-cent rate was knocked out and the 2cent rate , when the railroad commission gets ready to promulgate It , took Its place. The Carroll 2-cent rate bill wns amended by striking out nil after the enacting clause , and re-enacting the present law , with 2 % cents , instead of 3 cents , as n maximum , which passed the house without a dissenting vote , after considerable discussion. The bill forcing telephones to make connections , with a forfeiture of rights ns a penalty , was defeated. The honest caucus law wns wiped out of existence by being repenled. CURB SPEED BY LAW. Illinois Legislators Plan Legislation as Result of Pennsylvania Wreck. Plttsburg , Feb. 2G. "I will never rjde on n railroad at night again. My wife was so alarmed when Sam Shu- bert wns killed In the wreck at Hnr- risburg in 1905 thnt she asked me never to travel by night. I promised her I would not , and the first time I broke the promise I had a wreck nnd nm hurt. " This Is what Samuel Nixon , the vet eran theatrical manager , said as lie lay swathed in bandages at the Altoona - toona general hospital after his ex perience In the Pennsylvania wreck. Springfield , III. , Feb. 25. News of the Injury of Postmaster Fred A. Busse In the Pennsylvania railroad wreck started a well-defined movement hero to bring about legislation that will minimize disasters of this sort. It took the shape of n plan to pro hibit the running of fast trains. Senator Ixigan Hny said It was within the province of the legislature to regulate the speed of trains , both state and Interstate , within the boun daries of Illinois. Mr. Busse has many influential friends In both branches of the legislature , nnd the opinion Is freely expressed here thnt this acci dent will bring home to the state so- Ions the need of legislative action on the subject. Lieutenant Governor L. Y. Sherman has contended for some time this sub ject should be taken up before the legislature and be given serious con sideration. He is one of those who in sist thnt fnst trains are not necessary to the existence of commercial life. Governor Doneen declared that he increasing number of disastrous rail road wrecks may call for special legis lation In this state. A PIONEER CELEBRATES. Material for House Came From Omaha by Ox Team Forty Years Ago. West Point , Neb. , Feb. 26. Special to The News : Charles H. Wilde , sr. , ono of the oldest residents of Cum lng county , celebrated his eighty-fifth birthday on Sunday. Mr. Wilde is a veteran of the German army nnd In this occasion his compatriots gath ered In great force to help him cele brate the day. Ho has been a resi dent of Cumlng county for forty years , homesteading east of West Point in ihe year J8G7. The lumber for the dwelling house now on the farm was hauled by ox teams from Omaha.