THU NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOUKNAL ; FK1DAY , JANUARY 25 , 1907. DINING , DANCING AND CARDS FILLED CALENDAR. ELKS PARTY NEXT FRIDAY The Feature of the Week Was the Dinner Given by Mr. and Mrs. Dari us Mathowson Thursday Evening. Events Past and Future. The social feature of I no past week In Norfolk WIIH llio dinner parly given by Mr. ami Mrs. Darius Mathowson oil Tlmi-mlny evening. 1'anclng mill ranis made ii | ) tlio balance of ( ho cal endar. Tlio eomlm ; wool ; will lirliiK Iho annual hall of the Klks , which IH ulwayH one o fl'ie * oclnl features of Iho your , and the wi ok after that will bring another event In ( lie reopening of llio Andltorlnin with a high iinallty theatrical attraction , "Dorothy Vornor of llaihlon Mail. " with Alherla Oiillntln as loading lady. Tlio fact that tlio playhouse IHIH been closed for Hovoral weekH for remodelling , during which several changes have boon inudo , coupled with Iho fact that an attrac tion recommended an excellent haw been Hoonrod for Iho Initial night , will probably tend to make the opening something of a Hoclal foatnro for llio season's calondar. Pleasures of tbe Week. On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Darlns MathowHon , who luivo taken n place In the llrst rank of Norfolk's en tertainers , gave n dlnnor party to a nninbor of friends In tholr heautlfnl liomo on Koonlgstoln avonuo. The dinner was served at llttlo lulilca In four pretty courses. The hostess wns unstated In the sorvlco by Miss Wat son , Miss Mathowson and Miss Olnoy. After the dlnnor. tables were cleared for six-hand enchro , which afforded the evening's pleasure. Mrs. J. C. Stilt was tlio most successful lady at scoring and Mrs. N. A. Halnbolt nt shouting , each receiving a dainty box of bon linns. Dr. C. S. PnrUor made the gentlemen's high score and N , A. Huso the shouting score , each being presented with n dainty booklet. A pleasant dancing party was given by the Trinity Social guild Friday evening nt Mnrquardt , hall. It was well attended and much enjoyed. A number of Heights friends ar ranged and executed a pleasant sur- " * < prlBo party upon Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Reynolds Tuesday evening. The West Side Whist club was de lightfully entertained by Mr. L. C. Mlttelstadt Tuesday evening. " Among the table decorations wcro bright red tulips. Unique place cards Inter served ns score cards. The Drowning club was pleasantly entertained by Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Cole Tuesday evening. A very pleasant meeting of the O. M. C. club wns held Friday night with Miss Enw Wilde. The Trinity Soclnl guild wns enter- tallied by Miss Faio Uunihnm Wednes day evening. The chess club enjoyed n plensnnt meeting with Mr. J. 1C. Ilanso Tuesday evening. Coming Events. Mrs. W. N. Iluse mid Mrs. N. A. Huso luivo Issued Invitations for n luncheon Thursday afternoon nt the homo of Mrs. W. N. Huse. Mr. and Mrs. N. A.-Rnlnbolt have Issued invitations for a dlnnor party to bo given Thursday evening , Jan- uury 31. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. niuKouiun will entertain nt dinner Tuesday evening. The Klks will give tholr'annual ball Friday evening. SYCAMORE BANQUETS. Nellgh Soclnl Club Disposes of n Big Fat Coon. ' Nellgh , Neb. , Jan. 1'J. Special to The News : On Saturday evening last the Sycamore club were called to gether at the home of Hon. Judge Boyd , the occasion being the disposi tion of a fat coon , furnished by F. G. Aurlngor. All the members and their wives were picsont , with tlio excep tion of II. S. Palmer , S. F. Oilman and 11. 13. ICryger. On assembling at the house the gues-ts wen- met at the door by an ccllpso of the moon In the per son of Judge Bo > d , In evening dress , blacked up n la coon , with wool to match , and ho looked Hko the longest coon that ever came down the pike. At the foot of the stairs a smooth , slick , comfortable looking Xenegambi- an was stationed , and on closer in spection one discovered Manager J. W. Splrk. of Nellgh mills fame. On arriving at the cloak room horror of horrors ! the guests were asked to go up against the worst of all. for there In all hldeousnoss , with a circu lation of air equal to a cyclone , In constant motion stood Win. Wolfe in ft blaze of ebony glory. As the guests assembled In the par lor , juht as the hour of the banquet f arrived , singing could be heard In the distance , drawing nearer until It reached the double doors separating the banquet room from the guests , and 'on the doors being thrown back , a darky chorus consisting of Mesdames Boyd , Splrk , Wolfe. Auringer and Huff man wore standing , blacked up , mid liavlng ( ho usual mammy's wool done up on tholr heads , and singing the Old Kentucky Home. Covers were spread for thirty , and the menu was au fol io WH : Oyster Cocktail Celery Wafers HouHt Coon with DrosHlng Baked Ham Brown Sweol Potatoes Corn Pone Huns Frozen Punch Peas and Bonn Snliid Olives Cheese StrawH Marshmallow Cream Nablscoos Coffee Judge Boyd acted as toastmaster , and elicited frequent applause by his comical allusions to Iho speakers , Judge Jackson spoke on the "Green Sycamore. " As Ills Honor was never al n meeting of the club , on account of being away , ho spoke of Iho molding of the finished product from the raw malerlnl , aiid said If there were any present who thought ho could not tell the llnlHhed product when ho saw It , he would give them an example do faeto before ho left. Ex-Mayor Huffman on the subject , "Coons In General , " said that when told ho would be called on ho felt like Lee Worthner did when out on a limb - afraid ( he other follow was going to "call him" Hpoko of coons of Indiana , various varieties , both biped and quad ruped , In his usual comical happy man ner , bringing forth applause from the nigger gallery. Ills Honor Mayor Jen kins gave a resume of the Individual members of tlio club , there being or ators , artists , lightning calculators , butchers and bakers and candlestick makers , and the way "Jcnks" told It would make a horse laugh. B. J. Ry an chose as a subject an original fable entitled "Tho Club of Sycamore Coons of Coonvllle. " Ho reviewed the club from Its formation , back , back of Bill Colo's drug store , and told what the Inspiration canto from , followed through Its several meetings until dis banded , using the fable of a colony of coons who lived in Coonvllle , who met evenings at the f < x > t of a largo , hollow sycamore tree. The wallers were In typical southern orn style , and consisted of Mesdames Boyd , Splrk , Huffman , Auringer and Wolfe , and they surely carried out heir part admirably. After supper G. Sellory rendered some of his choice selections ns only George can. Mes lames Boyd , Huffman , Aurlngcr and plrk , backed up by Papa .Tonka and Gld , sang southern melodies. Mrs. Jenkins presided at the piano. The louse was nicely decorated with anil- ax and carnations , and many hand some costumes were In evidence. At ttiO : : the party repaired to their ionics , pronouncing it ono of the jol- lest meetings the club over had. MAY EXTEND ONJROM GREGORY Reported In Sioux City That North western Will Build More. The Northwestern railroad will ex tend Its line on from Gregory , through the Trlpp county portion of the Hose- bud reservation and to Midland , S. D. , to connect with the 1'lerro-Hapld City line during the coming year , accordIng - Ing to the Sioux City Journal. If this extension is made a now rout from Sioux City to the Black Hills , and from the Ulack Hills to Sioux City , will bo effected , thus shut ting off much of the travel which now goes through Norfolk to make thnt trip. On the other hnnd additional tralllc would result from the tapping of a now Held. A shorter route from the Hosobud to Sioux City is also to bo built , according to the same source In the extension of the Nowcnstle line to Nlobrnrn , where It will connect with the Bonesteol-Norfolk lino. This would also take some of the travel from this point. Concerning tlio proposed new links of railroad , the Sioux City paper says : The Chicago and Northwestern road proposes to have the short line be tween Sioux City and the Hlnck Hills. The company Is said to have sched uled for construction this year two connecting links of road which will accomplish this purpose. One of these links will be twenty- live miles in length and will extend from Crofton. the present terminus of the HartlngUm stub , to Nlobrnrn , a point on the NorfolK-Honcsteol line. The second link will be formed by the building of the Honesteol line on through the Rosebud Indian reserva tion to connect at Midland on the main line from Pierre to Rapid City. Hy the construction of these two links there will thus bo created the shortest line between Sionx City and the Hlnck Hills. The route out of Sionx City will be \Vakollold , Hart- Ington. Crofton , Niobrarn , Honesteel and Midland. The main line from Plerro to Hnpld City is expected to be completed and In operation by Juno 1. Tlio bridge over tlio Cheyenne river nt Wnshtn \\lll bo completed in a few days. Trains now are running from Plerro west to Midland , n distance of forty- live miles , and from Hnpld City east to WashUi , forty-four miles. ADS. PAINTED OFF CURTAIN. Drop Curtain In Norfolk's Theater Hereafter to be Clean. All advertisements have been paint ed off the drop curtain in tlio Norfolk Auditorium and the curtain , with its scenic effect , will here-after belong ex clusively to llio theater audiences. A scenic nrtlst from Omnha seventy years of ago , who has painted many drop curtains In many theaters , Is doIng - Ing the work. A force of twenty-two men are workIng - Ing every day and far Into every night to get the theater ready for the open ing night , January L'9 , a wool : from Tuesday , when Alberta Gallntln , pre senting Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall , will be here , Carpets will oarer aisles ; uul much of the theater , replacing the npi o of hare floors UILL TO CHANGE NEBRASKA DIS TRICT DIVISION. WOULD AFFECT NORTH PORTION Saving of $20,000 to the State Is Ar gued as Favorable Feature Eighth , Ninth and Tenth Districts are to be Shaken up In the Shift. Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 10. Special to The News : A bill eliminating six of the district judges of the state , thus saving Nebraska about $20,000 , enough to pay the expenses of the now railway commission for two years , has been Introduced by Senator King of Polk county. The district judges of the state have numbered twenty-eight , and according to the bill , twenty-two can lo the necessary work. This Involves ssontlal changes In the judicial np- lortlonmenl of the northenstern part f the slate. The bill suggests the re- luollon of one Judge from the First udlelnl dlstricl , one from Iho Third , wo from the Fourth , and one from the eleventh , and enough other districts o make n total of six. The Seventh judicial district is on- Irely changed , being made to consist if the counties dropped from the fourth , Fifth and Sixth districts , inmely , Snunders , Dodge , Washington ind Hurt counties. The now Ninth judicial district Is ho same ns the present Eighth , con sisting of Cumlng , Stnnton , Dlxon , Da- join , Cedar and Thurston counties. Ninth to be Tenth. The new Tenth judicial district is he snmo as the present Ninth , con sisting of Wayne , Madison , Antelope , lerco and Knox counties. The Sixteenth judicial district shnll consist of Holt , Boyd , Koya Pnha , ilrowu , Hock , Blnlne , Loup and Garfield - field counties. The bill provides that there shall bo five judges of the district court in the fourth district , two in tlio Third , and one In each of the remaining districts , ho judges In the now districts to bo elected at the general election In November - vomber , 1907 , and every four years .hereafter. Provision is made that the ircsont judges shall hold their posl tlons until the expiration of their terms. Railway Commission. Dr. Wlnnctt , who has been invest- ! atlng the work of the Iowa railway commission and Commissioner Wil liams , who has been doing the same In regard to the Kansas commission , last night made reports before the joint committee to draft railroad legis lation. Dr. Wlnnctt reported that the Iowa commission had acted on about 300 complaints In 1900 , settling them with out a hearing , the required conces sions usually being made by the rail roads. Ho declared that the work of the Iowa commission has resulted in a great saving to shippers. Though the rates made In 1888 have not been greatly changed , the classification of commodities has , and as a result the charges on Important commodities In Iowa are In many Instances much lower than in Nebraska. It seems probable that there will be a lowering of the rates In the near future. Little has been done In Iowa with the pas senger schedules , though there Is n general demand for a two-cent rate The joint charges where two or three roads haul are very high In Iowa , and the state commission is now'wrestling with thnt problem. Hates have been considerably re duced In Kansas , said Mr. Williams though the scope of powers of the commission in that state is much nar rower than that of the Iowa commls slon. Ho expressed a belief that rate making powers of wider scope are needed by a commission to make the work most effective. More power is now being asked by the Kansas com mission , the work of which has-beei confined chiefly to minor matters am settling the grievances between ship pers and the roads. 2-Cent Fare Goes Over. Tlio house railroad committee yes terdny recommended for postpone ment the two-cent passenger fare bll by Representative Whithnm of John son , and the lint two-cent pnssonge inte seems to have few advocates though perhaps n reduction to 2 > / { . cents will be agreed upon. The ques tioA of whether tlio commissioners nll bo empowered to make rates it the first Instance or to regulate then thereafter is one of tlio most import nut before the committee. These problems will be taken up with a vle\\ to definite action at the next sessioi which will bo held on Tuesday. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. J. W. Hlerghardt of Verdlgro Is in town. C. Greek of Genoa wns in Norfoll yesterday. Mrs. W. II. Hurst of Ord was a city visitor yesterday. F. a. Coryoll wont to O'Neill ot business yesterday. F. G. Auringer of Nellgh was a clt > visitor y < sterdny. C. H. Unrtlett of Bloomflold was it the city yesterday. W. M. Corklo from Columbus was In the city yesterday. Hugo Kmmcrllng of Pierce was n city visitor yesterday. W. II. Locke of Statiton was a Nor folk visitor yesterday. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Walter ot Nollgl were In the city yesterday. C. J. Stock well nd two children o Genoa wore lu Norfolk yesterday. Mr ยง . W. H. Hall IB expected homo ml 'lit from Columbus , where she has een vlslllng fllnco New Years. C. C. Hughes , formerly general su- lerlntendenl of the Northwestern rail- oad here , loft yesterday for Omaha Mrs. Frank Davis loft for Chicago aturdny morning , to visit her mother , Irs. Sldler , and her brothdr , Fred Idler and family , who live In West Millman. John Iscmly ot Tlldcn spent the lornlng In Norfolk on business. Vlille hero ho vlsltud with his parents , ilr. and Mrs. John L. Iximley , G15 oulh Fourth street. David Robinson came up from Mad- son last night. Joe Young of Newman Orovo Is vis- Ling his cousin , Joss Heemer. Clyde Hayes loft for Douglas , Wyo. , ast night , where ho will spend a few oyn. Fred Poor , who has been manager f the Hastings Hide and Tallow com- inny in Norfolk , loft for Hastings to accept a bettor position with the same oncern. General Superintendent Hradcn , Su- ) erlnlendent of llrldgos and Buildings 'olwell ' , Trnlnmnster Mount and Hond Master Stafford all cnmo In from the > ast at noon. John Ijochl Is a now shoemaker in Norfolk. Ho cnmo to America about on months ago from Germany and ins slnco been at Randolph , coming roih there to Norfolk. Old "Hill , " family horse who had lone service for J. S. McClary for hlrty years in Norfolk , has turned his oes to the s.y ! and will trot along Norfolk's streets no more. Ills re- nains were burled in the garden at the McClary homo last night. Miss Ixilii Ltntecum Is visiting Miss Cathryn Shaw on her way homo from Jattlo Creek , where she has been vis- ting. Miss Lintecum formerly lived n Norfolk and graduated from the Norfolk high school in the class of 905. Slnco then she has been taking elocution for a year at Highland Park college In DCS Molncs. She is on her vay homo to the Rosebud. W. P. McNamee , wife and children arrived home lost night after n month's visit with relatives In Toron- o , Canada. Andy Drydcn and fam ly will return today , having tsopped off at Missouri Valley for a day. Fred Nlckles and family have moved nto Mr. Pratt's house on Thirteenth street from Stanton. They lived at ho Junction. Win. Deck and children went to Ne igh this noon to visit with Mrs. Beck's parents. A party was given in the Railroad mil last night by the E. V. P.'s and V. Z , clubs. Ice cream and cake was served and all had a fine time. M. M. Faucott sprained his ankle Saturday morning on Ills way down town. town.W. W. M. Robertson was reported some what Improved In condition Saturday morning. S. Simpson has arrived from Graf < ton , Iowa , to take the position of book' keeper for E. A. Bullock. A reward of $200 has been offered nt Rosebud for the arrest and convic tlon of any person guilty of stealing horses. Albert Smith of Lynch has leased the Norfolk House on Norfolk avenue from Mrs. C. E. Farley. Mrs. Farley ias boon 111 and will make her homo with her son on First street. Crclghton News : President W. C. Caley has called the annual meeting of the North Nebraska Short Shipment Race circuit to be held at the Oxnard hotel in Norfolk on Tuesday , January 22. The meetings throughout the cir cuit last year were very successful except where rain interfered , and there is no doubt but what the circuit has come to stay and this year more and better horses are expected than ever before. Tlio towns In the clrcull are : Norfolk , Stanton , Madison , Bat tie Creek , Tllden , Nellgh , O'Neill and Crelghton. Pierce and Spencer have in two now applications for member ship. John L. Rynearson of Madison is secretary and treasurer. Have You a Cough ? . If So , This Wil Interest You. Mr. Will J. Haynor , editor of the Hurley , Idaho , Bulletin , writes : "For several winters past my wife has been troubled with a persistent and disagreeable greeablo cough , which invariably extended tended over a period of several weeks and caused her many sleepless nights Various remedies were tried eacli year but with no beneilcial results. In November vomber last , the cough again put in ai appearance , and my wife , acting 01 the suggestion of a friend , purchase ! a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Hem ody. The result was indeed marvel ons. After three doses the cough en tIrely disappeared and lias not mnnl Tested Itself since. I have not mucl faith in patent medicines , but being convinced that Chamberlain's Cong ! Remedy Is a meritorious article , I do not hesitate to acknowledge the fact. ' This remedy is for sale by Lconan the druggist. INDIAN BOY HORSETHIEF. Took Horse to Get Away From Shcool Caught In Norfolk. An Indian boy who had escaped from school at Genoa was captured In Nor folk yesterday by John F. Roth , an oillcor of the school , who arrived hereon on track of the escaped lad. The youthful redskin bad stolen a horse a Genoa and taken it to Omaha , where it was sold. Later ho went to Ponder Ho will bo taken back to school. Best Sleighing Ever Known. Alnsworth. Nub. , Jan. 18. Specia to The News : Brown county Is hav jug the best sleighing the past twi weeks that has ba < jn known by the oldest settlers and tlia ice men nro putting up some vary flno Ice , CONTRACT LET BY RAILROAD FOR ANOTHER FOUR MILES. MAKE TERMINUS AT NEW DALLAS Railroad Officials Accept From the Contractors the Grade Built From Bonesteel to Gregory During the Past Season. Herrlck , S. D. , Jan. 19. Special to [ 'ho News : The contractors , Peterson t Peterson , and sub-contractors , Tim- ) thy , Tompklns and Fitzgerald , were n Horrlck yesterday In consultation vith Chief Engineer Stanley , concerti ng the acceptance of the railroad con structed the past summer from Bono- steel to Gregory. The llrst thirteen nlles to Herrlck bad previously been iccoptcd mid has been ballasted , and s now In use. It Is understood that the second section or last thirteen nlles was accepted last night and will > o ballasted In early spring. Con tractor Timothy , who had the section ienr Burke In the sand pits , had the -treat"st dllllculty in completing the contract , but same was finally com peted by blasting three feet of frozen earth , and turned over to the Chicago & Northwestern railroad company. It s rumorcM that an additional four-mile xtonslon contract was let last week D complete the road to the Trlpp conn- . \ line with a terminus at New Dallas. NELIGH GETS OUT EARLY. Fire Alarm Yesterday Morning Brings People Into Bracing Atmosphere. Nellgh , Neb. , Jan. 19. Special to Tlio News : Yesterday morning at about ' 1 : 0 the sounding of the fire alarm brought the people of Nellgh out into the bracing atmosphere , also he lire department to the home of Dr. Frank Bartley , but their services were not needed as the doctor was ising a water pall to perfection , and md the fire extinguished. Frank was icating water on a small gasoline stove and accidentally brushed against t , knocking It over. The damage is slight. John Rice of Orchard was adjudged nsane by the board of insanity com missioners Thursday morning , com plaint having been made by relatives' that ho was subject to irrational and violent fits of temper and at such times was a menace to the household , lie has always been regarded as a suf ferer from mind aberration , since hav ing the typhoid fever when a child , but only lately have his moods be come threatening. Ho is 47 years old and unmarried. He will be taken to the asylum at Norfolk. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Nollgh National bank the old oflicors and directors were reelected - elected as follows : C. J. Anderson , president ; W. T. Wattles , vice-presi dent ; C. L. Wattles , cashier ; B. J. Hoffacker , G. W. Wattles , W. T. Wat tles , C. L. Wattles , C. J. Anderson , directors. A semi-annual dividend of two per cent was declared on the stock. County Judge Wilson has issued the following marriage licenses : Joseph Raabe and Mary Lampman of Elgin ; Stanley E. Hemenway and Opal G. O'Kee of Clearwater ; Gottlieb Fritz and Carrie Westphalen of Pierce. The last two couples were married by Judge Wilson and the first named couple by Rev. Father Brass of the Catholic church. KROTTER PURCHASES ELEVATORS Two More Added to the String Owned by the Company. Lynch , Neb. , Jan. IS. Special to The News : Win. Krotter & Co. have purchased the Lynch and Anoka el evators of the Updike Grain company and will take possession February 1. While it has not been officially stated it is believed that Mr. Krotter will in stall a lumber yard and implement store hero as his company also handle these goods and have stations all over this county and Gregory county , S. D. , and along the main line of the North western from Stuart cast. SOLDIERS WANT AMENDMENT. Petition Circulated In Ainsworth to Congressional Delegation. Alnsworth , Neb. , Jan. IS. Special to Tlio News : The following petition has been sent by the old soldiers of this city to the Nebraska delegation In'congress : "To the Hon. M. P. Kin- knid , member of congress fiom the Sixth Nebraska district and to all oth er congressmen In the state greeting : Wo , tlio undersigned soldiers and sail ors of the civil war and the war with Mexico have been informed that the senate has passed a service pension bill as follows : To all soldiers and sailors ns above stated shall have a service pension ns follows : At the ago of 02 , $12 ; 70. $15 ; 75 , $20 per month. Now wo the undersigned sol diers and sailors request your honor able body , when that bill comes to the house , to pass It with Iho tallowing amendment : At the ago of 00 , $10 ; at the ago of < iG , $15 ; at the ago of 70 , $20 ; at the ago of 75 , $25 per month ; and the ago Is to bo deter mined from the date of onllstmont.a nd their honorable discharge Is to bo tholr certificate of disability , and do away nil examining boards and save the gov ernment millions of dollars. " NEW M. E. PASTOR. Reception Given to Rev. and Mrs. Grof at Fairfax. Fairfax , S. D. , Jan. 18. Special to The News : Rev. and Mrs. Grof from Indiana moved hero the first of the week , and he will servo as pastor of the M. 13. church for the coming year. Last evening a reception was given them at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Meholln and a largo crowd was out to welcome them to their now home. E. Beagle , one of the Fairfax butch ers , has 300 tons of Ice stored away In his ice house. It is the clearest and best put up t r many years here. Sev eral others are putting up 200 or JiOO tons more. There will bo no Ice fam ine here next summer. The Fairfax merchants are all hav ing special sales this week and their trade Is heavy , proving that It pays to advertise. TO VISIT NORFOLK HOSPITAL. Senators Randall , Burns and Holbrook to Report on Conditions. Lincoln , Neb. , Jan. 18. Special to The News : Senators Randall , Burns and Holbrook will visit the Norfolk Insane hospital In the near future to report on conditions. They were se lected by the senate today -for that purpose. Itch cured In 30 minutes -ay Wood- ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by F. F. Ware & Son , druggists. Why Colds Are Dangerous. You often hear the expression "be ware of a cold , " but why ? Wo will tell you : Every cold weakens the lungs , lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases. People who contract pneumonia first take cold. The longer a cold hangs on , the ireater the danger , especially from the ; orm diseases , as a cold prepares the system for the reception and develop ment of the germs of consumption , dipththerla , scarlet fever and whoop ing cough. Take our advice , cure your cold while you can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will do it. It's success In curing colds has given it a world wire deputation. For sale by Leonard the druggist. English Spavin Liniment removes all liard , soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses , blood spavins , curbs , splints , Sweeney , ring bone , stifles , sprains , all swollen throats , coughs , etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. F. Ware & Son , druggists. How to Cure a Hacking Cough. "I was troubled with a hacking cough , when a friend advised me to got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , " says M. E. Pilkerton of But ler , Tenn. "I did so and it has cured my cough and I am now hs well as I ever was. I take great pride in recom mending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and hope this will benefit some suffer er. " For sale by Leonard the drug gist. gist.O.K. O.K. MEREDITH. D.O nmOSTEOPATH. . Office , Cotton block , Ash 641 , resi dence , 109 North Tenth street 'phone Ash 642. You MUst Not Forget We are constantly improv ing in the art of making IMiie Photos. Newest Styles in Cards and Finish , We also carry a Kmo Line of Mouldings. I. M. MACY. GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' / < - \ liniil oniply . . llii ! trn pl weelil * . ] iruc nt. i-iiliillitii .f any mluitilUn Journal. T r i3a MU Nfjfg''lio'Xc'i ' ' BwiSnfj'fJJ M T - . ; IV- " ' ' ' -K-B irw r . \vn > R.OBES AND BLANKETS $11.00 Hobos $ 8.50 $ r.00 Wool Blankets $4.10 M.OO Robes 12.00 4.76 Wool Blankets 4 QO 15.00 Hobo * 12.50 1.00 Wool Blankets 325 * 750 Wool Blankets G.OO ! 1 00 Wool Blankets 2 00 and nil others nrt < cut in proportion. ( Jomo in mid . get nc. qiminti ( I. Yoniv for goccl Succeia r 10 Nordwig Repairing neatly promptly done. > i