The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 25, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    'IMIIfl WKRKI.Y NM WR..inilHN A h : FU.THAY. .lANIIMlY % 11)07. )
The Old Danger of an Accident Be-
cause of the Stairway In the -
trance Has Been Removed and the
Steps Thrown Into the Alley.
A great many radical changes have
been made In the Norfolk Auditorium
during the past fosv weeks , but none
is moro drastic than the alteration
which has boon effected In regard to ,
the entrance , where an effort has been ,
made to do away with all chance of
an accident which might have resulted
in n Jam under the old conditions. t '
Steps In the entry-way have been torn
out and thrown Into the alley , and in
their place Is now a slanting lloor 1
which leads from the main door e > f the 1
theater up to the inner entrance.
was thought that under the old nr-'nt j |
rnngemeiit , with steep stops In that
little box of an entry-way , a crush of .
Jf people might cause broken limbs and
* perhaps more serious accidents but
under the now plan all danger has
been removed and the entry-way Is
considered accident proof because
there are no breaks In the lloor.
Behind the Curtain.
There are a number of other radical
changes in the building. As much
work and expense has been devoted
behind the curtain , on the stage and
/ under the stage , as out In the public
* portion of the playhouse. The dress
ing rooms used to bo conspicuous por- |
tlons of the Auditorium by their un-
cleanliness. Unsightly to a degree , no
care was over taken to make them
comfortable or even presentable to a
high class theatrical company. They
have been rebuilt , refurnished , sup
plied with heat and made much more
respectable in many ways. They are
now to be cozy enough for the most
discriminating star.
The expense of remaking the thea
ter will run between $1,500 and $2,000.
"Red" is the Word.
The Auditorium management takes
exception to the word "crimson" ns
used In these columns with regard to
the new color of the sldowalls. "Deep
rich red" Is the precise term applied 1
by the house managor. And so "deep
rich red" goes.
Three new furnaces are now In position -
sition to make heat for the theater and
it Is believed that there will bo no
longer the complaint of cold feet. And
carpeted aisles will keep down the
noise of feet.
Doors have been installed at the
entryways to the balcony , so that the
stairways will no longer act as chim
neys for drawing all of the heat. All
doors will be fitted against squeaking
as they formerly did.
Every effort is being made to fit the
house for the opening night next Tuesday
day evening , January 29 , when Alberta
Gallatin , presenting "Dorothy Vernon
of Haddon Hall , " will be seen here
for the first time.
The new drop curtain has been fin L.
ished with an entirely new painting
and advertising cards have been re
. . .
moved. A new finish has been placed
around the proscenium which it is be
lieved will add to the theater's attrac
tiveness. The celling is decorated
with a painting and differs In finish
on plain portions from the sldewalls.
The boxes , which have always been |
unfinished and crude , have been
touched up with an effort to make
them moro presentable.
Sounding Properties Helped.
Audiences hereafter , it is believed
will be able to hear what the actors
say. Many defects wore unearthee
and remedied. Among the most prom
inent factors under the old arrange
ment in making it impossible to hear
was the current of hot air from pit to
stage. This will be done away with
it is thought , under the new hentln. .
The Opening Show.
The following advance notice , fur
nished by the company , has been re
celved concerning Miss Gallatin ant :
her play :
In the realm of romantic drama this
season , there is no production more
elaborate and picturesque than that o"
"Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall , '
which Ernest Shlpman has prepared
for Miss Alberta Gallullu's starrin
tour. The scenes of Mr Major's rea
historic romance as dramatized by
Paul Kcster , all transpire within or in
the neighborhood of Haddon Hall , the
most picturesque and best-preserved
of Elizabethan manor houses ; and the
scenery has all been painted and con
structed after actual photographs ofd
the place. This work has been divided
ed among acknowledged experts in
their particular field who have repro
duced some of the beautiful scenes In
and about Haddon Hall in a most real
istic manner. The fact that practically
n whole wing of Haddon Hall has been .
built on the stage will give some idea
of the massivpness and solidity of this . ,
most elaborate production. ]
In the days of "Good Queen Bess"
the English court was one of the most
elaborately and picturesquely dressed
of all Europe , and the costumes used
in this production have been designed
from historic drawings and tapestries.
oven the matter of Incidental music
hni > not been neglected and N. Melville
Ellis , composer of "Tho Marriage of
Kitty , " A Chinese Honeymoon , " and
otlu'r popular successes has composed
a conlpleto score in the quaint old
English ballad stylo.
Headers will remember how delight '
fully Charles Major related the ro v :
iiinnca of Charles Urandon and Marv !
Tudor In "When Knighthood Was In
Flower , " and how cleverly Paul Ko ,
tor transferred Ita principal scenes am
characters to the ilago. H was one of
the few "drumntt' < d novelH" to proBe -
Be rvo the iittmwplu H' ' and plot of Iho
original t-tory. while fitted to the re
quirements of the lage In color , life
and dramatic ellmnxeH , Thoieforo
playgoers may anticipate with
iirablo confidence the forthcoming pro
duction of "Dorothy Vernon of Hud-
dot Hall , " Mr , Major's latest popular
historical romauco , of which Mr. Kos-
ter Is the dramatlHt. And those who
. remember Mlns Alberta Gnllatln In
l"Ceiisln j < Kate1 , " will realize how com
pletely she Is suited to the title role
' In ' which Hho will star this season uu-
I dor the direction of Ernest Shlpman ,
who has surrounded his star with n
notable l company , the members of
which were all engaged especially for
( the roles they are to portray. The
production will bo the attraction at
1 the ' Auditorium on January 29.
I , The Norfolk Democrat says : "Tho
'Auditorium ' Is now in the hands of
decorators ( ( and carpenters. The owner -
CI' Is sparing neither effort or money
to * make this ono of the best oporn
houses In this part of the Htato.
Among other things a now healing
plant Is being Installed. Theatrical
companys visiting our city will Hud
this * ' playhouse modern and every par-
Itllc up to date and our cltl/ens hnv-
Ing ' reason to attend ontortnlnmonU )
they will no doubt appreciate the dlf-
ference between the new and the old
Hospital ( for Acute Female Cases , $60-
000 ; Cottage for Chronic Male Cases ,
$20,000 ; Stable , $7,500 Are All Needed - .
ed Badly Sleep In Attics.
[ Prom Monday's Dallv.J
Over a dozen state legislators of
Nebraska visited the Norfolk Insane
mspltal during the day for the pur-
lose of recommending an approprla-
.Ion with an understanding of the In
stitution's needs. Dr. G. A. Young ,
the now superintendent , gave to each
of the visitors a typewritten statement
of what he considered needed by the
Institution. It calls for an appropria
tion of $87,500 for now buildings.
Dr. Young states that a new hospl-
tal for the acute female cases Is need-
ed. This , It is estimated , would cost
$00,000. It would be unlike either the
cottages or the now reconstructed west
wing , but would resemble the wing.
A new cotago for the male chronic
cases Is needed , which would cost $20-
000. A new stable capable of caring
for thorughbred stock , In order that a
large quantity and good quality of
milk may bo had. Is needed. This
would cost $7,500.
Sleeping in Attics.
The Institution Is now so crowded
that dormitories for the female pa
tients are being fitted up in the attics
of cottages and there in the garrets
these unfortunates sleep , because the
state has not provided more room.
Dining rooms In the cotages are being
L.made into dormitories , the dining
rooms being sent to the basements and
the heating plants which were In the |
cellars are being concentrated Into
„ Q „ „ „
. . . .B. . .
one main heating plant.
There are at present forty patients
from northern Nebraska in the Lincoln
hospital , who ought to be in Norfolk
because they came originally from this
hospital and were transferred to Lin
coln at the time of the fire. There
never has been enough room hero for
the return of those forty patients to
their own hospital. Their families
want them here , that they may visit
them moro easily.
The Instltulon now has a capacity
for 250 patients. The ntaural rate of I I
Increase would bring 140 moro above
the sixty to leave , In the next two I
years and this , with the forty brought
back from Lincoln , would make -1001
by the time the next legislature meets.
Lincoln has asked for a now building I
but Dr. Young contends that If the
forty from Lincoln are returned , the |
claim of J-incoln for a building will bo
For Chronic Cases.
Dr. Young and other insane hospital
authorities are much in favor of a bill
providing that each insane hospital In |
the state care for Its own aculo cases ,
which would change the Hastings asy-1
linn from ono for the incurable to ono
iko that at Lincoln or hero.
It was arranged that ( lip legislators
should meet Norfolk business men and I
citi/.ens at the Elk club rooms Monday
light , and it was announced that all
citizens , whether Elks or not , would
be welcome at the reception.
C. A. Randall and T. E. Alderson
were among the legislators here.
The senators hero were : Randall ,
Dodson , Saunders , WIlcox. Land
Commissioner Eaton was also here.
Well Known Crelghton Pioneer Passes :
Away at That Place.
Crelghton , Neb. , Jan. 21. Special to
The News : Carl Warner of Crelghton
died last night after a month's illness
at the ago of seventy-two. Ho was a
pioneer here and a much respected
and esteemed citizen. Ho came to
Bazllc Mills In 1SS2 and settled on a
farm. Thirteen years ago ho moved I
into town.
lie is survived by three sous and |
Ihreo daughters : William Warner , a
Crolghton hardware merchant ; Mrs.
Brltt of Ccrighton ; Ernest Warner of
Milwaukee ; Mrs. Spink , I'lorco ; ulaid
dolph Warner , nnUorsllold. Ore. ; Mr * ,
Henry Kennedy , Rowland. Ho died
of old age disability.
In Response to the Appeal From Nor
folk Citizens , United States Senator
Mlllarel Gives Assurance That Court
Sticks Here ,
"No attempt will be miulo to elim
inate Norfolk as n federal court town. "
This was the text of a telegram ro-
colved from United States Senator
Mlllard In response to the mesHago
sent to him last week by Tim NOWH ,
carrying the petit ton of many Norfolk
citizens that thlH clty'H InterostH be
protected In that regard.
The petition WIIH went because of
report from Washington , printed In
the Lincoln Journal , stating that an
amendment would be Introduced
the NorrlH bill de'slgnatlng Grand
Island , Omaha and Alliance as federal
court poltitH In northern Nebraska ,
thus eliminating Norfolk.
Albert Elliott is visiting Ills mother.
W. Sponoo of Madison was In the
city on Saturday.
Mrs. C. E. Burnham and Miss Falo
Burnham arc spending a few days In
J. H. Conlcy went to Fremont yes
terday on business.
0. J. Johnson returned from Exceltli
slor Springs yesterday.
H. F. Barnhart went to Crelghton
Sunday on legal business.
Martin Tuinn has gone to Pllgor to
take charge of a contract.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dyson of Arllng-
ton were city visitors Saturday.
Walter Compton returned to Pllgor ,
after spending Sunday In Norfolk.
James Roseborough left at noon for
Tllden to conduct a number of sales.
Mrs. Sieger of Meadow Grove Is vis
iting relatives and friends in the city.
E. L. Loncks spent Sunday at home ,
returning to his work In Pllger Mon-ti
day morning.
Sidney McNeely spent Sunday nt
homo , return Ing to Bonesteel yester
day afternoon.
A. G. Grunemoyor and E. M. Peter
son were over from Wayne on bust11
ness Saturday.
S. R. Carney , while walking down
a ( light of stairs , slipped yesterday
and broke his wrist.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Green of Inmaii
stopped off In Norfolk Monday on their
way to Bonesteel.
Miss Lola Llntccum returned to her
homo on the Rosebud yesterday , after
a few days' visit In Norfolk.
Mrs. W. II. Dexter is expected this
evening from Hastings to spend a few
days with friends lu the city.
Arthur Llntccum , who has been vis
iting In Norfolk for the past few days ) ,
returned to his claim near Burke yes
toNi Dr. C. A. McKim passed through
Norfolk last night on his way west , on
state work. He wll return to Norfolk
Carl Austin came home yesterday
from Bonestcol , where he has been
employed by the Northwestern rail
road company/
Miss Lottie Kuhl has gone to Iowa
for a visit with friends and relatives.
She will visit in LeMars , Maurice , Or
ange City , Sioux City and Hawarden
before returning. f
D. Eandy was over from Wayne yes
A. D. Jones of Ewlng spent Sunday
In Norfolk.
10. D. Lundok of Wayne was in the
city yesterday.
L. J. Davis was In Norfolk yestcr-
day from Craig.
J. K. Hartlng of Vcrdlgre spent Sunday -
day In Norfolk.
J. R. Stucker of Stanton was a city
visitor Saturday.
M. McDonnell of Bonesteel was In
the city yesterday.
P. F. Paiiabaker of Wayne was in
the : city yesterday.
Will A. Prachar of Madison was in
the city yesterday.
C. IT. Bartlett of Hloomfiold spent
Sunday in Norfolk.
John W. Ambioz of Madison was in
the city yesterday.
A. Merrltt came down from Crcigh-
ton Monday morning.
Miss Edith Bard of Crelghton was
in ( lie cltvnvor Sunday.
W. E. Cook of Stanton was a Sun
day visitor in Norfolk' .
R. W. Templeton , jr. , of Tekamah
was in the city yesterday.
Louis Johnson of Page , formerly of
Norfolk is In the city visiting.
Hurt Mapos left at noon for Gregory ,
S. D. , where ho wont on business.
Bon BIcrcr of Oakdalo , a stockman ,
spent Sunday with Norfolk friends
John Kayl from Gregory , S. D. , was
down to Rpend Sunday with Ills aunt ,
Mrs. B. Kayl.
W. C. Day of Albion , formerly sta-
tlon agent at Battle Creek , was In heck
city over Sunday ,
Claude Clark Is very sick ,
Chas. Darnell has been quite sick
for a couple of days ,
Miss Kate Diigan of Wlsner is hero
vlHlting her aunt , Mrs. Fred Koorbor.
Mrs. Chas. Miller of Council Bluffs
Iowa , spent Saturday with Mrs. ItsM.
Jimmy Shnuor wont to work again
this morning after his trip through
Business has dropped off lu the air
shops a little and three men were
laid off.
Lee Williams , who 1ms boon at In-
udlmaii working , is houia visiting wltlj
Ills parent * .
Ml. . Bertha Khaffi r ban ncrcpled
Un position a i eiiHhlor In Home Ml <
h r ' eating house
C ! W LMugHlon ( he nluhl imichln
1st lu the shop" , him been Irausfeiled
to MHRoiirl Valley.
llaiiH ClirlHteiiHou of Long 1'luo IH
hero vlHllliig his cousin , Jake Chrlti-
tciiHou , who IH 111.
Miss Walling of Finmnnt IH visiting
with her lyothor , Nick Walling and
f. inlly , for a few dnvn.
MI-H. Roland Selger of Meadow
Grove , formerly of Norfolk , IB hero
vlHltlng with friends.
Mrn Mary Ellouwood of Sioux Oily
IM hero vlHltlug with her nlcp-HOii , W ,
13 Ellcnwood and family.
The O. R. C'H. hold a huHlnenu meet-
In the Railroad hall hint night and
Initiated two now conductors.
lOngliieerH J. W. McNameo and Andy
Dryden reported for work thin mornIng -
Ing after a mouth'H vlnll In Canada.
Jake ChriHtciiHcn , who IIIIH been
qnllo Hick for the pant week , IH slowly
I Improving and IH now able ( o nil up.
Miss Clara Anderson returned Sat
| urday from Oakdalo , where Him WIIH
visiting MIHHOH Emily and
IIutcherKon ' , formerly of here.
Frank Kroler and family of Supe
rior , Wisconsin , moved here mid nro
now staying with Mi'H. Kroler'H Hlnler ,
Mrs. Wm. Hill. Mr. Kroler will work
In the nhops IIH night machinist.
A very line male quartette WIIH ren
dered by four members of the Second
Congregational church last night , the
HIIIIIO being Fred Merrion. Al Wilkin
son , Hans Anderson and M. FniHcr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Koerbor returned
01 the train Saturday evening from
their honeymoon. They have Hpcut
the past thieo weekn In Chicago , Mad-
Isou , Wisconsin , and Irvlngton , visit
ing relatives. A crowd of young folkH
met them at Iho depot with tin cans
and rice , and after they had made
some noise at his house ho treated
them ( all. Mr. and Mrs. Koerber will
Immediately Htart housekeeping In the
house on Second stieot formerly occu
pied by Mr. Peters , where wo wish
them Joy.
D. Mnthewson has been 111 for the
past few days.
A number of snow plows have boon
| taken from this division of the ) North
western Into Iowa , where n very no
vel o snow storm has occurred.
Charles A. Madsen , lormorly of Nor
folk , is ill in San Antonio , Texas ,
where ho recently wont for his health.
He has been suffering from pleurisy
and for five weeks was lu a plaster
of Paris cast. Ho will bo there for
homo time to come.
A surprise parly was held at the
home of Miss llolda Wichman last
evening for Miss Mary Rumbold , who
leaves for her home in LoMars , Iowa ,
at noon. The event was attended by
a Jolly crowd of young people who
thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
It Is reported from the Rosebud that
many of the employes on construction
work in connection with the North
western railroad extension , have quit
work and the camp Is pretty nearly
deserted. It is said that the tempera
ture foil to twenty degrees below zero
there and many froze their faces.
Dr. Somers of Omaha , who was
called In consultation over W. M. Rob
ertson , who has been 111 for some days ,
confirmed the diagnosis that had been
made by Dr. Saltcr and It is said that
the condition of Mr. Robertson con
tinues very serious. Mr. Robertson's
daughter in Syracuse , N. Y. , and other
members of his family have been no
tified. Mr. Robertson's mother In
Omaha in also very seriously 111.
A. B. Dillon of Oakdalc , deputy
grand master workman In the A. O.
U. W. of Nebraska , who began last
week a campaign In behalf of that or
der in Norfolk , has already secured a
dozen now applications and the pros
pects are that nearly 100 now men will
want the protection offered by this '
solid organization in Norfolk. The A.
O. U. W. Is the oldest fraternal Insur
ance order in existence.
The weather bureau Issued a special
report Saturday announcing u drop
of twenty degrees In the temperature
within twenty-four hours. Saturday
night was a cold one , with a high wind
from the northwest driving the chill
through humanity. The weather mod
erated during Monday.
The U. C. T. order hold a very en
joyable social session on Satin day
night In Odd Fellows hall. In spite
of the inclement weather quite a number "I I
bor of the traveling men and their la I I
dles ventured out. Whist , Ilinch and
music were features of the evening ,
after which a dainty throe courfao
luncheon was served , tl proved a suc .
cess as all the social sessions of the
U. C. T.'s do.
The service at which a largo Hag
was to be presented to the trustees
of the M. 13. church through thp efforts
of J. W. Bovee , who raised money for .
the purchasing of the flag , and which l
had to bo postponed on account of the
colored funeral held in the church sev
eral Sundays ago , will bo hold next
Sunday at 3 o'clock in the M. E.
church. Pastors of the other churches '
have been asked to take part In the
services and will deliver addresses.
W. R. Hoffman has been chosen by I
the trustees to respond 'to the presen
THe committee in charge of the Elks
annual ball , which will be held In the
club rooms on the coining Friday
night , met and completed all arrange
ments. The following committees
were appointed : Reception Mr. and ' ' I
Mrs. C. II. Reynolds , Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Burnham , Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Greene , Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mapes and
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Huse ; refresh
ments , ! . C. Stltt , C. S. Parker. C. P/ ,
Parish ; decorations C. B Snlter , N.
A. Huso ; floor committee 13. H. Tra
cy , .J..C. Stltt , C. 1J. Salter , 0. S.
lor , N , A Huse.
Legislators are Entertained by uocnl
Uuctlncss Men Discuss Dllln Ono
DIM Will Spread Tuberculosis , If It
Is Paused ,
Words of highest pralHo for Iho olll-
cleiiej of Dr. ( I. A. Young , miporlnloii-
dent of Iho Htate IIIHIIIIO himpllal here ,
were Id he heard on Iho llpn of every
ono . of the Hoveuleon NebniHka leglH-
latom who Hpent Iho day In Norfolk to
. look over ( ho ItiHlltullou. The login-
lallvo roproHonlullvoH were delighted
with Iho c.oudllloiiH found and It
Hooiuod from their dlHpoiillhm afterward - ,
ward at ( he l < 31k club , where they were
met by hiiHlneiw men of Iho city , thai
the appropriation linked for to erectw' |
new hiilhlliiKH and run the hospital for
the bleiinluin , will receive highly In
vorahlo coiiHlderallon at the hiwmnU
ei'H * hands.
"I WIIH ImmoiiHoly Hiirprlnod at con
ditions found there , " mild one of the
Komitoi'H. "Or. Young IH certainly the
right man In ( ho right place. Ho ban
the olllcc down to a Hclence. There IH
no mistaking hln reeonln , which are
an clean and detailed an could be.
The Institution IH In excellent condi
tion. "
The IcglHlalorH scorned ( o appreci
ate the iicccHHlly lor additional build-
Ings. A himpllal for acute female
OIIHOH IH badly needed , It WIIH ad
mitted , and will coHt $00,000 ; a cottage
for chronic main eases , It WIIH conced
ed , IH badly needed. ThlH will cost
$20,000. The Htablo to COM ! $7,500 ,
linked for by Dr. Young , WIIH dlHcusHcd
and argued to coiiHlderublo extent. It
WIIH said that some sort of n tUnhli
will bo built. It WIIH also wild by OIK .
senator that a chicken house , that tho' '
Institution may quit buying eggs , will
bo built.
Found Fine Stock.
The loghhituro found a great deal
of pure blooded stock In pork and cat ,
tie , and It was recognized by some of1"1
them that a Hclcntlllc modern Htablo
wan a thing of noooHHlly.
The legls'atorH here were :
A. L. Clarke , Hastings ; C. A. Ran
dall , Newman Grove ; Dr. W. ( J. Flelch
er , Orchard ; A P. Pllger , Stanton ; Dr
W. II. WilHon , Table Rock ; C. R
Dense , Richmond ; S. W. Green , Ew
Ing ; A. L. Kenesnw , Keuesaw ; II. M
Eaton , Lincoln ; II. D. Bryiim , Doca
lur ; C. L. SauudeiH Omaha ; I. f
Eller , Blair ; E. O. White , Cairo.
The visitors were entertained at the.
Ellis , whore a lunch waH Horvod The'y' '
look the emrly ( rain for Lincoln.
Many business men took advantage
of ( ho opportunity to meet those law
| I
Effort to Defeat Veterinary Measur '
Recently Introduced.
"I can't understand why a bill shouh
be Introduced Into the logiHlnture tr
allow any man who has practiced vet
e'rlnary surgery for five years to be
come registered and bo labelled l
"Dr. , " Raid one of the senators. "It IF
all In the Interest of quacks of tha
profession , and It Is wrong. It will re
sult in more tuberculosis in this slat
than any ether one thing.
"As a nation wo are spending mil
lions to fight the great white plague
Yet we arc encouraging It and actual
ly spreading It by this ncL
"Veterinarians moro than anybody
else can stop consumption among pe > o
pie , by curing consumption among an
Imals. People got tuberculosis fron
None of It Where No Cows. .
"I once heard a professor lu lectur- )
ing sa > ' that people do not have tuber
culosis whore there are no cattle.
"Tuberculosis Is spreading ninon
Nebraska cattle and swlno. The re
suit will be a spread among Nebrask
people You people * In Norfolk wll
feel the effects of a spread of this dls-
ease which Is now going on among
cattle and swine In this very section.
I know whereof I speak.
I am told by a veterinarian who ha
visited this section that ho dlscovere
recently a tubercular cow on a fan
near Norfolk. The farmer , not know
Ing of the disease , wanted medlcln
for the cow. It was refused , bccaus
Iho cow should have been killed. Afle
spreading ( , lie disease among the lion'
the cow was finally killed. An ono
nioiis abscess was unearthed In ho
lungs. That herd was Infected.
That Milk Being Used.
"Yet milk from that herd was then
land Is still being sent to Omaha , where
It Is either used for milk or In butter.
It is spreading tuberculosis.
"To make n law which will allow-
any man , no matter how qualified , to
become n registered veterinarian , will
drive out scientific men the better
men of the profession and the dls-
eases will reign unchecked.
'Instead of this law , Nebraska ought
to Impose heavy tests upon these men
and protect human life by keeping
down animal disease.
"In California a local veterinarian
lu every town Is compelled by law teal
Inspect all moat butchered at local :
shops , but In Nebraska any old Is
meat can bo butchered. "
New Game In Otkinson at Masonic En
tertainment ,
Atkinson , Neb , Jan. 21. Special to
News : The members' the Mu
soDlo order and ladlwi , as well SB all
iicmlif ni of ( he KII > lorn Blur lod/jen / ,
ire will I'tiii i ( mm d tn ( In home of
Ir and MIH II \ Mien 'I'm rcH-
Ive Llfi , " an original name of the
uhliHH , was ( he1 older of the evi nlng ,
ml In place of Iho goal they employed
he do'iltoy. Very miuipltiou wait the
upper , followed by Ice clean ) and
lHH Xlnk , the county nuperliilon-
cut , wan up from O'Neill allcndliu ;
10 reception of Iho EiiHlern Slnr la-
| ' " ICH ' at Iho home of MrH. Allen.
Mr. Coryoll of Norfolk hud a pros-
ecllvo buyer for Ik'll county bind In
Ikliiiioii and vicinity for a idiort ( line
at unlay ,
The Ihroe-yenrold child of John Jnr-
VH | , living about ono mile from town ,
' " led ' nCler a very idiot I Illneim and WIIH
" iirled from Hie M. 10. church , Rev.
Ir. llowou of Iho I'roHbytorlim church
Middling , owing to Iho lllitcHH of the
IcIhodlHl pantor.
tenllle wind prevailed for HOIIIO
weiily-four bourn and canoed a great
I' " ill lu the temperature In a few hoiini
nd might well ho called a cold wave ,
hlch ' ' the weather man predicted
Senator From This District Has Con
vincing Argument for Protection of
Public Against Unworthy Lessees
and for Forcible Entry and Detention
Lincoln , Neb , , Jan. 21. Special to
ho NOWH : Economy HCOIIIH to bo the
; enornl Hontlmont of the legislature ,
mil It HooniH probable that the mini-
tor of Kalarlcd poult loan will bo ma
'hilly reduced. Several clorltHhlps
md depiilyHhlpfi are likely to bo abol-
' Hhcd , and few now olllcors and boards
Senator Randall of Madison ban in
ionvlnclng language explained to the
udlclnry committee that his Icglnlat-
vo mlHHlon IH to introduce and secure
" ho paKsago of two blllH. Ono Is a bill
irotecllng the puhlic against unwor-
.hy IOHHOOH anil the other a forcible
Mitry and detention measure. His
Irnt bill contained dovoral technical
lefectH and ho WIIH advlnod by the
commit too to draw up a now bill and
relntioiluce It.
"I consider Iho bill an economy in
ill respects and that three members
are hilly able to handle the affairs of
the fire and police department , " de-
cliued Senator L. C. Gibbon of South
Omaha In defeiiHo of his bill amending
the act creating the board of fire and
police commlsslonois. Ills amend
ments provide lor the appointment by
the governor of throe members of the
board from among the electors of the
city ; and that thosu three with the
mayor us an ox-olllcla member having
advisory power but no vote , shall per
form the work now done by llvu mem
"I had no Idea of thus creating an
ofllco which I might fill , " Senator Gib
son wont on to Insist , "and In fact I
would not ho eligible to the olllco at
all by the express provisions of the
constitution , I had no Idea of any per
son whom I would recommend for
membership on the board. 1 am of
the opinion there was nothing In the
bill which the best element In the city
should not support. "
Another bill in which Senator Gibson
IH interested will , If passed , reduce the
number of saloons In South Omaha
from sixty-eight to fifty. H alms to
prevent the brewing companies from
monopolizing the retail liquor trade bj
erecting the buildings , advancing li
cense fees and hiring bartenders to
conduct their business on a small per
cent of the profits. In cities above
, ]
'JFi.OOO the nuinbor of licenses granted
should ! not be gi eater than ono to each
1,000 1 , of the population.
The railroad men of the state are
behind the employers' liability act
which Adam McMullen has introduced
In ' the house. It provides for a grad
uating scaling of damages to bo ob
tained , from corporations according to
the degree of contributory negligence
on the part of the injured employe.
Meeting to Consider Voting Bonds for
Fine New Building.
Neligh , Nob. , Jan. 21. Special to
The News : A call has been issued to
the voters of school district No. 9 of
the city of Nellgh to meet this evening
at the court house at 8:00 : o'clock
sharp to consider the question of vot-
iig bonds in the sum of $25,000 for the
mrposo of building a now school
house , and upon a new site in the city
of Nollgh and disposing of the school
house the dlutrlct now owns. It Is
the Intention to have the now building
moro centrally located , thus doing
away with an etxra school house In
the west part of town. All indications
at this time she wthat the sentiment
ef the people arc heartily in favor of
the present proposition , and no doubt
the bonds will bo voted.
Stanton People Do Not Believe He Lib
erated Gcbhardt.
Stanton peoplo. according to the
Picket , do not believe the stor.y from
Madison that August Mueller broke
enmn the jail and liberated Gouge
Gebhardt , the horsothlcf. The fit un
ion paper suggests thut G ' . . . dt
would naturally try U ) lay ti" blnmo
on Mualler instead of his friends , If
ho belongs to u gang.