The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 11, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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Committee Wns Appointed to Attend
to the Snle of the Uondo Issued by
the City of Norfolk Lnst Sprint ) In
the Sum of10,000. .
The elty council made Us first pay
ment for newer work al the meeting
last night , the sum of $ i'ir 7l.fift going
to Mr. llerrlck , contractor. The sewer
bonds Imvo not boon disposed of , and
a commlttoo WI\H appointed to attend
to this matter Ollur minor matters
wore disposed of
Council met In r 4tihir session with
the following councllmen present :
Mrninmund , Craven , llnnso , Spell-
man , StalTord.
Minutes of December 10oro ! read
and approved.
An agreement between the A. H.
lloall Theater company and the city
of Norfolk , whereby the former pays
the city $11.00 back license and gives
the Audltotlum at actual cost for pub
lic performances , with no license In
future , was adopted ,
A memorandum wan given the
Queen City I lose company acknowl
edging an Indebtedness to the com
pany for the cost of an underwriter's
The auditing commlttoo reported the
following bills as correct :
II. Salmon , $100 ; G. Paltorson , $100 ;
.1. Hay , $ rr. : O. Uhle , $1.-IO ; A. Ornul ,
$ C,0.r.O ; C. Mlhllls , $2.00 ; 13. Uuub ,
$1.00 ; J. Kborly , $ l.fiO ; M. Green ,
$ l.r.O . ; J. Kruntz , $2.00 ; Edwards &
llradford Lumber company , $10.7fi ; V.
Nonow , $2.00 ; S. Massorll , $1.50 ; Nor
folk Light , and Kuol company , $70 ; W.
Koll , $2.00 ; U. lleomer , $2.00 ; Clllo/.ns
National bank , $5.25 ; W. Wllzlgman ,
$10.75 ; W. Ueckor , $50.150 ; Western
Union Telegraph company , 35 cents ;
Nebraska Tolcpnono company , $1.25 ;
C. W. Ilrnasch , $28.50 ; A. llriimmund ,
$515.75 ; G. Thlolo , $1 ; Diamond Com
pound company , $10.08 ; Press Pub
llshlug company , $211.50 ; C. Marlon ,
$9.40 ; J. 10. Haaso , $50.00 ; W. P. Dlx
on , $1.50 ; W. Koch , $0 ; W. King ,
$20.32 ; T. Crolty , $1.50 ; I. Cook , $5.25 ;
V. Drayon , $1.50 ; F. Dodorman , $2 ;
C. Duncan , $28.50 ; Dlgnan & Heck ,
$15.5H ; Norfolk Plumbing & Heating
company , $11.50 ; W. Livingstone , $10 ,
On motion bills were allowed.
The reports of Iho Iroasurer and po
llco Judge were referred to the audit
ing committee.
The treasurer's report showed the
following balances :
\ Sewer , $104.32 ; general , $1,099.80
Interest , $1,521.92 ; water , $750.80 ;
road , $ U.37 ; sinking , $1,857.25 ; stroc
lights , $011.05 ; Insurance tax , $190
with Kount/.o Hros. , $82.05 ; Julius
Hill IT. $200.
Claim of O. P. Horrlclc for $0,574.50
for work on sewer during December
WIIH allowed.
The mayor appointed conncllinci
Craven , Stafford and Spollman as i
commlttoo to act with the city trcas
uror In selling the sewer bonds , will
power to act.
Council adjourned
J. S. Matho\\son is In Iowa on bust
T. Potras and family leave for Kearney
noy today.
J. 13. Culling of Wahoo was In th
city yesterday.
A. J. Hudsdll came down from Hone
stool yesterday.
Jack Slawter of Wlsner was visiting
In the city today.
Miss Maude Whltla of flattie Creel
is visiting in tlio city.
George Smith ( tf Long Pine is at
tending business college.
K. 11. Lulknrl of Tllden was In the
city on business yesterday.
Mrs. James A. Mnnt-oa of Cody Is
visiting her mother , Mis Lovl Ueomor.
Mrs. L. C. Taylor loll for Omaha to
day where sbo will s )0nl ! a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1C nisluip of Plerco
were In .Norfolk today on their way to
Miss Hazel Mlsongerlio has been
visiting Miss Hlrdle Kubl. returns to
her homo in Tllden tonight.
E. P. Weatherby went to IJutto yes
terday to hold a hearing as United
States commissioner of bankruptcy.
Misses Katie , Mary and Maggie
Fleming of Sioux City are in the city
visiting their sister. Mrs. W. F. Smith.
James Poole left for Sioux City tills
morning , where ho goes to meet his
family who will return with him to
night and make this Ihelr home. Mr.
Poole is the new manager of the
Singer olllce.
, J. Dooley returned from Dos Molnes ,
Iowa , yesterday. He had been there
to spend the holidays with relatives.
Train No. 40 will now stop for pas
sengers at Wlsner , West Point , Scrlb-
ner and Hooper.
Engineer J. A. Wllley is laid up
with rheumatism. Chas. Hill is tak
ing his place on 5 nnd G east.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Greenler of Hurt
county , Neb. , and O. Greenler of Clear-
walcr are vlslllng nl the homo of Mr.
Potras , east of the Junction.
Engineer Geo. Johnson of the South
Plallo district has been assigned to
runs 39 and 40 out of Norfolk.
The Ladies' Aid society held a busi
ness meeting at the homo of Mrs. B ,
P. Plppcn , and elected the following
officers : Mrs. Rowland , president ;
Mrs. Bain , vice president ; Mrs , Fair
banks , secretary ; Mrs. Kanote , treas'
urer.Miss Ethel Feyerhelm , who has beer
visiting her grandmother , Mrs. Kddy ,
returned to liur lintnu In Slnnton yes
The members of tlio Second Congre
gational church liolil a mooting In the
church hint evening , whuro tlio follow
ing ollloors worn elected : Mrs. Kn
note , treasurer ; Mrs. Nix , clerk ; Chris
Anderson , superintendent Sundiiy
Hdiool ; Hov. lIltulH , assistant ; Clam
Anderson , organist. Tlio ladles of the
Aid society served an excellent lunch.
Mrs. Win. Hock and two sons re
turned from Hiilllo Crook yesterday.
MlHH Cnrrlo ( Iroonlor rotnrnod homo
to Cloarwalor yesterday nftor a Hhort
vlnll with frlundu In the Junction.
The studio of U KoonlgHtoln hail
boon reopened.
A HOII wan born yesterday at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Oils Solllno.
The Kanrett-Carnoy-IIngcr comimny
MIC toda.x unloading u carloud of con-
fi'clloimry supplies.
Wools of prayer service at the Pros-
hyloilim church Mils ovcnlng. Topic ,
Upper room and tlio inotlvo power ; "
V. .1. Tumor , loador.
( ! . I ) . IJultorllold has rocolvod a tol-
; ram from Davenport , Iowa , saying
ml Julius llnrmolHlor , the wreck vie-
inviia not tlio sumo Mr. llnrmolslor
nown hero , and tliat the latter IB
01 y much ullvo. "
C' . II. Vtill , formerly proprlotor of
10 Oxtianl hotel , now linn a poslllon
s condnclor on a dining car running
etween Omaha and Ogden on the
nlon 1'uclllc.
The annual mooting of the North
obrasha Short Shipment Unco circuit
111 bo hold at the Oxnard hotel in
orfolk on Tuesday , .lanuary 2'2. The
looting will bo called to order at 9:110 :
in. The meetings throughout the
rcnlt last year were very successful
xcopl where rain Intorforod. The dr
ill haH como to slay and ( his year
ioro and hot tor horsoa iiro expected
mil over boforo. Two now applications
ave boon inado for membership in
10 circuit , I'lorco and Sponcor.
The Norfolk Auditorium has boon
loscd to the public for a Cow weeks to
How a number of changes to be made
i the building. A now heating plant
I bo Installed , new decorations will
o made nnd many ether alterations.
Is bollovcd thai this will require
bout a mouth. The business of the
udttorlum will bo operated by the
Norfolk Auditorium company , which
as boon organised with E. I \ Huso
s inanagor. The object of forming a
eparato company Is to keep the bust'
ess of the Auditorium absolnlely sop
rate In every way from thai of The
Norfolk lodge , No.1C , I. O. O. V. ,
istnllod olllcors al Iho mcollng hold
riiursday ovcnlng , as follows : Ralph
Joyd , N. 0. ; Del Hoyd. V. G. ; John
Cuhl , U. S. N. G , ; Ed Urneggoman ,
S. V. G. ; 13. .1. Schoreggo , H. S. V.
. ; Godfrey Maas , I. G. ; Hay Hayes
ocretury ; O. W. Hlsh , treasurer.
There were visiting members from
loadow Grove , and all but ouo of the
nstalllug olllcors arc from that place ,
rhoso who olllclatcd are as follows :
R Cunningham , deputy grand maser -
or ; A. It. Donson , deputy grand war
ier ; C. 1 < \ W. Mnrquardt , deputy grand
narshal ; 1. II. Daw , deputy grand sec-
otary ; S. W. Denel , deputy grand
roasnrer. Attor work in the initiatory
legroo , the members and visitors ad-
ourned to Zlrfas' restaurant , where
refreshments were served.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood-
'ord's Sanitary Lotion. Never falls.
Sold by V. V. Ware & Son. druggists.
Banquet Was Enjoyed by Visitors at
M.nrqunrdt Hall.
Northeast Nebraska dentists wound
ip their annual winter session in a
mnquot at Marquardt hall which was
ll attended and where wit bubbled
> ver as a good sauce to the evening's
'ood delicacies. The banquet was
ireUily served under the supervision
) f Mrs. W. G. Hakor of this city.
Or. II. , T. Cole of Norfolk acted as
east master and tilled the place with
jront ; credit. Ho was clover In his
remarks , which were stabbed here
ixnd there at the visiting dentists In
neil humored manner , and the toasts
were all responded to with brilliance.
The following dentists were present :
Drs. Ilartman. Randolph ; Halrd ,
Kromont : Daly , Wlsner ; Urown. 12m-
orson ; Thompson , West Point ; Mullen ,
relghton ; Mlttelstadt. Norfolk , Cole
Norfolk ; Parker. Norfolk ; Condon ,
Humphrey , Heckert , Wayne ; Thomas ,
Pierce ; Harbor , Omaha
The association will meet here again
next September.
"Charlie" Mlhllls Is Critically III at
His Room In Bishop Block.
C. W. Mlhllls. owner of Iho Mlhllls
Hack line , was stricken with paraly
sis last night and Is reported to be
very seriously 111. Ho has lost the
use of his voice and of one arm. He
is being cared for at his room in the
Bishop block , where everything possl
bio Is being done for him. The at
tending physician says that Mr. Ml
hills' condition Is critical.
"Charlie" Mihills Is one of the pie
nccrs of Norfolk nnd his many friends
will hope for his speedy recovery. He
came hero years ago nnd has been en
gaged In business hero over since. He
1ms not been feeling well for som <
months , but nothing serious was antic
Agreeably Surprised.
Many sufferers from rheumaUsn
have been agreeably surprised nt th <
prompt relief afforded by applying
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It make ;
sleep and rest possible. For sale b ;
Leonard Iho druggist. ,
Qco. Qcbhart , Recently In n Norfolk
Court , la Taken In Colfnx County
With the Team of August Best , Stol
en Wednesday Night , In Possession.
Madison , Nob. , Jan. ! . Special to
The News : The horao thief whoatolo
a team from Iho farm of Augusl Deal ,
living elghl miles norlheasl of Madl-
son , on Wednesday night , was appre
hended late last evening by ( ho sheriff
of Collax county In the northern part
ol thai county , and the team was re
covered with him. The thief IK Geo.
Gebhart , a farm hand , who recently
confessed to having stolen Ihreo over-
coals from Norfolk stores within the
hist three years.
As soon as a report of the stealing
reached Madison yesterday morning ,
Sheriff Clements communicated with
Sherllf Slnoker of Stnnton and they In
turn collected with Sheriff VanDiison
of Schuyler. Then all three sheilffs
commenced to woik the rural tele
phone lines and they soon had a bead
on the lugltlvo and team , resulting In
both being taken last night In Colfax
county. Sheriff Slucker lias gone for
Iho prisoner and by night ho will be
In Ihu Stnnton Jail and the team will
have been returned to Its owner. The
team was led away behind a buggy ,
nothing being taken but the horses
and halters. The horses arc valued
at $1100.
Sheriff Clements and his contempo
raries In the ether counties are con-
gralulallng themselves upon the quick
work done In this case. And they are
giving duo thanks to the fact thai Iho
country Is now covered with rural tel
ephone Hues , which alone allowed
them to trace the thief to his capture.
Stolen Wednesday Night.
Stanton , Neb. , Jan. 4. Special to
The News : A team of horses belong
Ing to August Bosk of this county was
stolen during the- night of the 2nd of
January. They were taken llrst wesl
and Ihon south from his place. At
this point Iho trail was lost. They arc
described as one bay gelding , weight
about 1200 pounds ; white spot in fore
head ; five years old ; rangoy ; high
headed. One sorrel mare , weight
1050 to 1100 , white stripe in face ;
white hind feet. Bolh horses were
shod In front , shoes had been on about
ten days ; had halters on when stolen.
Mr. Bcsk lives about eight miles from
tlio city of Madison and about twelve
from Stanton. One hundred dollars
reward for the return of the property
and for the arrest and conviction of the
thief is offered.
Many Horses Have Been Stolen in
This Section Gebhard Bad Man.
Is George Gebhard , confessed over
coat thief and captured with a stolen
team of horses , one of an organized
gang of thieves who have been creat
ing a rolgn of unrest among northern
Nebraska farmers for the past two or
three years ? That Is the question that
naturally follows the arrest of this ,
Iho very first horsethief to be caught
In a long period.
For many months northern Nebras
ka farmers have been Iho viclims of
horsethloves. There has long been a
suspicion among many of them that
local parties were members of a gang
which was doing the thieving. But no
means of capturing any of them has
boon devised. It Is believed by many
of the anti-horse thief association , re
cently organized In this part of the
state , thai a beginning lo the undoing
of tlio gang has been attained in tlio
arrest of Gebhart.
George Gobhart Is a young man who
has been working on farms in Stnnton
county. A few weeks ago he drove
into Norfolk with u young woman who
has been teaching school In the conn
try near Madison. He secured an
overcoat from the C. & . N. clothing
store under false representation , do
Glaring that his father would soon be
In to pay for It. lie did not rotun
and 13d Kennedy gave chase. Ho
caught tlio thief just as ho was start
ing out of town in a buggy. He stll
had the coat. Later ho confessed to
having secured coats from liaum Bros
and the Star In the same way pro
viously. He was not proseculed to
the limit , but was released on a line
of $5 and costs.
So common has horse stealing in
this section become Ihal an assocla
tlon of farmers for self protection was
formed. It Is known as the North Ne
braska Llvo Stock Owners' Protcc
tlvo association , with hcadquarlers In
Norfolk. George W. Evans Is presl
dent. The organization has been ex
tended Into oilier counties.
Gebhart formerly worked for Aug
uat Besk , the man from whom ho stol
tlio team this week.
Mrs. Eva Hummel Seeks to Recove
$1,500 From the Lodge.
West Point. Neb. , Jan. 5. Specla
to The News : Mrs. Eva Hummel , th
widow of the late Alfred Gelst , has
together with his children , commence
suit against the Maccabees lodge , fo
the payment of $1,500 Insurance o
the life of her Into husband. The order
dor refuses to pay the Insurance o
account of the suicide of Mr. Gelst.
The firm of Whltlon & Boldt , dea
ers In produce nt Wast Point , has bee
dissolved by mutual consent and wi
e carried on In future by H. C. Boldt ,
10 Junior partner.
8. J. OllvcrhiB , who was Iho only
inning county mun lucky enough to
raw a claim In the Uonebnd resorva-
on and who has been for some time
i the Hhoo business here IH about to
love to Albion where ho will com *
icnco business for himself. Ho lato-
Hold his claim near Gregory , S. D. ,
) r $1,300.
The West Point Woman's club held
s regular meeting this week at the
omo of Mrs. S. S. Krako. The pro-
rain was opened with the song , "Wo
Von't Go Homo Till Morning. " Mrs.
C. HHIott recited "Little Benny ; "
Irs. Smith sang , "Hark ! the Christ-
ias Bolls. " P. M. Moody gave "Dool-
y on the Now Woman. " Ho respond-
d to an encore with "Dooley on Iho
opullsl Convention. " The next was
duet by Mrs. George Korb and Mrs.
I. L. Wells. The ladles" quartet com-
osed of Mesdames Schmltt , Walla ,
iimmors and Krnuso sn'ng "Joy to
10 World. " Mrs. O. C. Anderson won
inch applause In "A Christmas
uoul , " a monologue. The proceedings
trinlnnted with a tableau of the "Old
'ear and the Now. "
Schmltt Brothers , the clothiers , are
bout to dissolve partnership , the
oiingor partner , Frank Schmitl. leav-
ig to go Into business for himself ,
'his linn has been established In the
lothlng business al Wcsl Point for
10 past Iwo years.
Marriage licenses were granted this
eek by County Judge Dewald to the
ollowlng parties : Albln Carlson and
Illda Johnson of Cnmlng township ;
ulltiB Miller of Hydro , Okla. , and
Ilss Lizzie Grleson of Wlsner , Henry
Camman to Miss Mary Strallmann of
lontorey to\\nshlp.
'resident H. A. Pasewalk of Industrial
Company Believes That Directors
Would be Glad to Encourage Any
Promising Worthy Industry.
While unwilling to speak for ether
( rectors and stockholders of the Nor-
oik Industrial company , H. A. Paso-
valk , president , declared thai ho
houghl Iho packing Induslry proposed
> y E. H. Luikart of Tllden mlghl be
incouraged with a lease on the old
ugar factory buildings and thai prob-
ibly Hie lease could bo arranged for a
eng time if , after Ihree or four years ,
I was apparenl Ihal an Induslry largo
enough lo Jusllfy such a grant were
developed. It Is the opinion of Mr.
asewalk thai an Industry which will
employ 100 men the year around Is
iceded for the sugar factory building ,
nit he said he realized thai all of
hose indnslries must starl small andrew
; row gradually and thai he believed If
he organizers of the packing company
vould call a meeting of the directors
> f Iho Industrial company lo discuss
he matter , an agreement mlghl be
Mr. Pasewalk said that ho believed
he stockholders and directors would
10 unwilling to turn over the sugar
factory for a life time lo an Industry
which could only employ from twenty-
Ive to forty men. It was his idea that
lorlmps the company , if It were con
vlnced that the packers were in good
faith , might bo willing to lurn over
'he factory buildings for a period of
three years , for Instance , and that pay
ment of Insurance and taxes would ho
all Ihal Iho company would require as
eago money. Al the end of that time
f llio Industry had grown lo propor-
ions where 11 was employing a largo
lumber of men the year around , lie
said that ho thought there would bo
10 trouble about extending the time
of lease on this basis for an indefinite
President Pasewalk had received no
ntlmatlon of the proposed plan except
: hrough Tlio News and therefore had
not In any way taken up the maftcr
officially with other directors and
stockholders. He said that the stock
holders and directors arc anxious to
; et an industry started here which
will employ a largo number of men.
He said that If the packing company
were to employ but a comparalivoly
small number of men , and would not
branch out , ho would bo In favor ol
Duylng a smaller building thai could
bo had cheaply and converl il Into Ihal
"I have said before , " said Mr. Pase
walk , "that we did not want to let the
sugar factory to a small industry which
promised no bigger things aflor n pe
riod of years. For Instance , I have
not been In favor of encouraging a
small canning factory , because the
property Is too valuable to turn over
to so small an Institution. The old
creamery building could bo had for
the use of some smaller Industry. Bu
If this packing company is in earnest
and simply wants the use of the build
ings and not n donation of the proper
ty , and If they can show the directors
that they will probably grow Into a
plant employing 100 men , I believe
that the company would bo glad to
encourage them with a three or fou
year lease without charge , excepting
that they should pay the taxes and In
suranco. "
Official Newspapers.
Fairfax , S. D. , Jan. 4. Special to
The News : The Gregory county com
mlssloners yesterday selected the Fair
fax Advertiser , the Bonesteol Now
and the Gregory Advocate to bo th
official papers In this county for thl
Much Anxiety by the Residents and
Business Men of Those Two Towns
as to Which Will be the Future Me :
tropolls of the Rosebud.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Jan. 1. Special to
'ho News ; The North western exteii-
Ion west of Bonesteel Is now nearly
ompleted and H will only bo a few
hort hours before the Hosobud homo-
leaders will be enjoying Iho couvenl-
noes of n railroad. But whether the
own of Gregory , or the newly estab-
iHhed town of Now Dallas will ho the
ermlnns of the extension Is the qnes-
Ion which Is bothering a great many
f Gregory county citizens , especially
hose who have boon spccnlallng in
ho new towns on the Hosobud the past
ow jonrs. It has now come to light
hat the right of way has been secured
iy the railroad company to the Tripp
ounty line , which Is six miles from
Jrogory , and but one-half mile from
he now town Jnsl springing up. The
oad has been surveyed to the Hue and
ho new townslle of Dallas Is located
n the survey. This outlook does not
ook very bright for Iho town of Grog-
ry , the present metropolis of the Hose-
ml , and 11 Is understood llml a largo
lumber of the business men of thai
own are quite put out over the pros-
ects of the now town.
Battle Creek.
New Year's morning alter the main
orvlce Hov. J. Hoffman made the fol-
owing parochial report In the Luth-
ran church : During the year 1900
n the Lutheran congregation were
ornttwontynlno children ( fifteen boys
* iid 'fourteen girls ) , confirmed , twen-
y-one ( fifteen boys and six girls ) ;
narried , five couples ; live persons
lied ( three adults and two children ) ;
iml 1,399 received the holy sacrament ,
n the aflernoon Hie voting members
icld llieir annual general meeling.
2arl Scholl was admitted to member-
hip. The following officers wore
jlectod : August Steffen , for one of
he truslees , re-olecled ; Henry Mass-
man , re-elected older ; Balzer
Werner was elected member of school
board , vice Henry Jest ; Herman Ho-
refc was re-elecled general Ireasurcr
> y acclamation , and Mrs. J. Zohner ,
vhose husband died < last fall , was ap-
lolnled Janitor. The other officers are
loldlng over.
The members of John W. Vance
post , No. 272 , G. A. R. , held their an
nual business meeting Saturday after-
loon In Miller's hall. They elected of-
leers as follows : Commander , F. H.
Palmer ; senior vice , James Clark ; Ju-
ilor vice , J. W. Risk ; quartermaster.
Wm. Lowe No. 1 ; surgeon , Geo. Worth-
ngton ; chaplain , E. G. Dennis ; officer
of the day , W. A. Barnes. The instal-
lallon of Ihese officers will bo held on
Saturday , January the 12th , at Miller's
liall ,
N. M. Lund , who has been very sick
and bedfast for aboul one week , is
improving a lilllo.
H. C. Pahl Is down with the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Krause of West
Point are visiting hero this week at
the home of W. A. Barnes.
Frank Massman visited at Meadow
Grove Saturday and Sunday.
Lamberl Kerbel was a business v
tor lo Norfolk Wednesday.
Nexl Sunday Rev. J. Hoffman will
nstal ! Hov. F. Schwarz of Carroll , as
nlnlster In the Lutheran church at
Fred Steuck has moved into the
Volk house on corner Hale and Third
A reception of neighbors and friends
was hold at the commodious home of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Hogrefo Sylvester
tor night.
Now Year's night there was a dance
! n the opera house while the Luther-
ins and Methodists held services In
their churches.
Wm , Mayer , who made hib home
lore several months with Geo. Seckcl ,
leparted Friday for Montreal , Canada ,
to visit relalives. Ho was a soldier
n the Spanish-American war and was
a member of Co. 42 , Now York ,
J. D. Mink is hero from Soldier ,
Idaho , visiting with relatives.
Col. Osborn , who was down here
with a carload of horses from Curlew ,
Cherry county , wont home Tuesday.
Mrs. Harris of Johnstown Is visiting
liero with Mrs. A. Osborn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beltz of Plorco
wonl through here Monday on their
way to Lindsay for one week's visit
with relalhcs.
A daughter was welcomed nt the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuerst , Jr. ,
Louis Klrchsleln of Plerco was visitIng -
Ing friends hero Saturday.
The Catholics and Lutherans held
services In their churches New Year's
The retail merchants' association
held its regular business meeting here
August Schilling of Union Creek
was visiting hero the latter pnrt o ;
the week at the homo of his dnughter
Mrs. Herm Kurpgowell.
The Battle Creek Mutual Fire Insur
nnce company will hold their annua
meeting hero Saturday , Jnnunry 12.
Reorganization of Business Men's As
Bonesteel , S. D. , Jan. 4. Special to
Tlio News : The business men o
Bonesteel mot In the city hall las
evening for the purpose of reorganlz
ng the Bonesteel Commercial club.
Nearly all business Interests of the
own were represented nnd the mooi
ng wna a thorough success In that It
bowed the oplrlt of progress and the *
eslro to accomplish the utmost pos- r t
Iblo for Bonesteel. Officers wcro 4
ilectcd and nopma rennanwl-5uo . .sit
looted nnd a permanent organization
harles Flores Is Out of Hospital After
Months ; Fish Did It.
Charles Flores has just re turned
rom nn Omaha hospital , after many
iionths of suffering as the result of
ilood poisoning due to the Insertion
if a bull head's prong Into his foot
list summer. Mr. Florcs has como
lomo much Improved in condition. It
vns feared for a lime llml ho might
: > so his foot , but the poison was killed
fter ho had gone to the hospital.
The fish fell from Mr. Flores' hand
o his foot and the prong stabbed Into
ils llesh. He has been In a hospital
vor since.
Announcement of Election Is Made by
the Association.
Annual election of officers In the
forth Nebraska Llvo Stock Protective
ssochitlon , Is announced as follows :
President , John Krantz.
Vice president , R. Hohrke.
Secretary , Ernest Haasch.
Captain , George Losoy.
Hearing of the Matter of E. L. Angle
In Butte.
Butte , Neb. , Jan. 5. Special lo The
Vows : The bankruptcy case of E. L.
\ngle has been occupying considerable
line of a number of noted men for
several days this week. M. F. liar-
Ington and Reporter Scotl of O'Neill ,
Utorney Mart Miller of David Cily , >
ind E. P. Woatherby of Norfolk , rof-
? ree In bankruptcy , were In Butte in-
erested in the case.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
mrd , soft or calloused lumps and
) lomlshes from horses , blood spavins ,
inrbs , splinls , sweeney , ring bone ,
illfics , sprains , nil swollen throats ,
coughs , elc. Save $50 by use of one
jottle. Warranted the most wonder-
'ul blemish cure ever known. Sold by
< \ F. Ware & Son , , druggists.
Try a News want ad. Tor results.
Hoarseness Qulskly Cured.
"Not long ago I was taken with a severe -
vore cold , and was so hoarse that I
could only speak in a whisper , " says
3rnest Sherman of Buller , Tenn . " I
; ol a botlle of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy and after taking two doses
of it , could speak out plainly. " Sing
ers and public speakers will find this
remedy especially suited to their uso.
: t Is most wldelyl known , however , as
i cure for colds. For sale by Leon
ard Ihed rugglst.
Notice to Creditors.
The Stale of Nebraska , Madison
connl , s.s.
In Ihe malter of the estate of Gotl-
fried Kiesal , deceased : Nolice ishere-
> given to all persons having claims
ind demands against Gottfried Kiesal ,
ate of said Madison counly , deceased ,
Ihal the time fixed for filing claims
against said estate is six months from
the 2nd day of January , 1907. All such
persons are required to present their
laims with the vouchers to the counly
ludge of said county nt his office -in
the city of Madison , In said Madison
county , on or before the 3rd day of
Inly , 1907 , and that all claims so filed
ivill bo heard before said judge on the
Jrd day of July , 1907 , al 1 o'clock p. in.
It is furlher ordered that nolice lo
ill persons interested in said estate
given by publishing a copy of this
order in the Norfolk Weekly News-
Journal , a weekly newspaper printed ,
published and circulating in said coun
ty , for four consecutive weeks prior
to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd
day of December , A. D. 1900.
[ Seal ] Wm. Bates , County Judge.
Office , Cotton block , Ash 541 , resi
dence , 109 North Tenth street "phone
Ash 542.
You ffltfst flot Forget
We are constantly improv
ing in the art of making Fine
Newest Styles in
Bards and Finish ,
We also carry a Fine Line
of Mouldings.
Anyone sendlnn a Bkctrh and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether au
Invention Is probabljr pntentnhln. Commnnlm. r
tlons strictly oonddeutlul. HANDBOOK onl'atenu
enifree. Oldest aaencr fomocurlnirpiitcnts.
I'ntuiits taken throuRh Munn It Co. receive
tictuil tiotlee , rlthout charge , In the
Scientific Jiiticncott
A handfinmelr Illnitrated weeklr. Lnrcem cir 5 A
culation of anr clontltln Journal. Terms. 13 a
Tonrt four months , ( L Bold by all newnrtealer *
llraucli Offlco. ( US V BU Washington. U. 0.