The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 04, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk" Weekly flaws-Journal
Tlin Now * . KHliltttlnliPil. 1SSI
Tlio Journal. ICNlntillnhcd , 1877.
W. N . t'nn ' N. A. MINI :
I'nwlili'iil .Swri'tnry
ICvory Krlility. Hy mall per ypitr , $1.60.
Kntoroil at ( ho pnatnlllcn at Norfolk ,
OH HnOlllUl otllHH IlllUtur.
TolophonoH ! I'Mltorliil DapiirtinmiL
No. 22. UllHlnunti Ollloo unit Job lloomn ,
No. 11 22. .
NVIiothor you wnrU with your hands
or your brain , do good work. Ho con-
Htriiullvo.Ml \ no tiny HO ! without re-
rordlng something accomplished l y
your hiiutl or jour head. Strive for
quality lu work , not cheapness. Make
your iiroilucta mi good that the world
will demand themnnd then got n fair
iirlco for them. I oU always to the
quality , alwnyH to Improvement.
The Fremont Commercial club him
adopted n plan which might well ho
followed hy Norfolk. That organl/a-
llou IBHUOS a "llluo Hook , " containing
wrlto-upa of ( he oily and ItH IndiiHlrlcH ,
Klvlug all advantagoH of the location ,
otc. Those hooka tire hnndud to rail
road passengers traveling through the
city. It In a wonderfully offoctlvo nil-
yortlBomcnt. It could well ho done
, hero In Norfolk for the good of the
Norfolk HtnrtH the now year lu bettor -
tor Bhapo for growth and prosperity
than over hofnro. Never hoforo did
thlH oily faro the now year with not a
vacant building on Norfolk avenue ,
from First Htreet to Sixth. Now Industries -
tries are start Ing , and more are to
come. The olty has a sewer system
in progress of construction and paving
for Norfolk avenue has been asked ff > r
l > y property owners along the thor
oughfare. On every hand there la con-
lldonco In Norfolk's opportunity. With
action , Norfolk will enjoy the happl-
est new year In her history.
No wonder the government Is anx
ious to open Trlpp county , S. 15. , to
nottloment. The Rosebud reservation
opened In Gregory county has proven
auch a garden spot that all eyes are
turned Hosohudward today. Settlers
who have braved the Inconveniences
\ of pioneer life have built up such pres
tige on that now land that money Is
wringing Its hands for a chance to got
In there for Investment. It Is now
given as much coulldeuce and recogni
tion as land that has heen worked fern
n acoro of years. The Rosebud has
blossomed out Into the full Hedged
rose , and because of Its reputation ev
erywhere the Trlpp county prospect la
lielng watched with Intense interest
nil over the country.
Another deathly railroad accident ,
starting out the new year with some
thirty killed and aa many more moanIng -
Ing with wounds , will tend to intensify
the eagerness of congress to provide
for some system of safety appliances
In guarding trains from such accidents.
Frightful accidents have proven that
the block system needs improvement
or reinforcement us It is employed on
Bonie railroads. It appears thus far
that railway employes have failed to
do Ihelr duty In connection with the
blocks , and thus have plunged their
trains Into dentil traps.
Human life is being too lightly con
sidered In the United States , and the
cost of effective safety appliances too
seriously contemplated by many of the
It is n cause for congratulation hero
In Nebraska , and particularly on this
division of the Northwestern , that
auch horrors as occur In the railway
world are foreign to this atmosphere
and nro known only ns they come over
the wires In news dispatches.
If eastern railroads would take a
little more consideration to safety ,
they might get down to. the clean rec
ord that is enjoyed in this section.
But since they refuse to pay proper
heed , it becomes the duty of congress
to take a hand in the affair.
Wages are Increasing. Labor Is do-
mantling higher pay and shorter hours ,
The country Is called prosperous ,
Times ought to be happy , theoretically ,
But there are limits. As something
always happens to prevent the tallest
trees from touching the sky , so some
thing happens to check the wage rise
ns other rises. That thing will happen
In all lines of industry eventually ns it
is happening now In the gold mine ills
trlct of the Dlack Hills.
The miners' union has called foi
shorter hours and the same pay pel
day that they have been receiving
Strikes have been demanded in case
the concession be refused by the mint
The miners dare not disobey tht
union demand to strike. As a result
many of the smaller mines of th <
Black Hills are going to shut down
The operators have been paying th <
limit just as much as they dared tt
pay. Their miners were satisfied nut
would not demand the Increase of thol :
own accord. But they have bcei
called upon to strike , and strike the ;
must. They rather keep on worklni
at the eld bourn ami the ol.l pin In
Mead , the MiliH'illl Nliitt down
A few of the InrgoH minim of thn
country , \\lth the heavily paying prop
ortion and the money behind them , can
nlaiid the lummio , The result will be
a concentration of labor lu the larger
mltioH , and abandonment of the small
er OllliH.
Norfolk faros oven a more prosper
ous and constructive ytmr In the sea-
sou to come than was that which has
Jusl boon closed. There IH every rea
son to hope and bollovo that twelve
.month * from now them will bo moio
of achievement to chronicle for the
city than I hero IH now for the seiiHon
Just passed.
Norlolk has a sugar factory build
ing ( hat biiH been empty and Idle for
,801110 time. There IH going to bi > now
| llfo In that Hhell and new energy In
thorn ) boilers during the coming year.
A new railroad has been promised
for Norfolk from Yanktou to the Gulf
of Mexico , and many people lu Nor
folk believe that the project IH being
launched seriously this time. Survey
ing will begin , It was announced , on
the coming Friday , and It Is said that
land IH being bought near Yankton
with money , for the route.
Trlpp county , northwest of the Rose
bud reHei vatlon , will probably be
thrown open to settlement , which will
mean extended oppoitunlty for Nor
folk an a distributing center.
Norfolk avenue , It Is promised , will
be paved. The now sewer system will
be completed.
There Is an era of growth ahead for
Norfolk during the year to come.
With all of the Wall Htreet talk
about elastic curiency and with all of
Shaw's aid to the financial men when
they need the cash , the west Is little
There waa a time when the west
waa worried over things lu Wall street.
There was a tlmo when damage re-
nulled1 * from Wall street's various
moods. But the day Is gone.
The great west today owns its own
farms and is loaning money to the
east from these farms. What's more ,
as has been demonstrated by a recent
announcement In Norfolk , the enst Is
more than anxious to invest in these
western farms.
Wall street may get worried over its
own risks and Its own speculations , but
It can no longer alarm the great west
Every year sees greater products
from Nebraska lands than the year be
fore , and better stock. Educated farm
ers are producing more from the acres
of this commonwealth than gold min
ers in Nevada or Colorado and the
money that comes from the soil of
Nebraska Is not gambled away over
Instead , It is used for Improvements
on the farms and In case it were need
ed it could bu employed for loaning
out to the neighbors.
The west today Is taking care of It
self. It Is not over-reaching. It knows
that the conservative path Is the best
one , and It Is sticking to that method
just plodding along slowly but sure
ly , and out of reach of the Wall street
The government ownership club
meeting was held in Omaha for the
purpose of starting a national move
ment. While the meeting was/ sup
posed to bo non-partisan In character ,
there were only a few democrats nnd
one republican on hand. The balance
were populists. When the meeting
began there were forty-three present ,
but later In the evening the crowd
grew to uevenly-slx. In accordance
with Mr. Harrington's letter to The
News , the candidacy of Mr. Bryan was
not launched and his name but cas
ually mentioned once during the even
Mr. Harrington called the meeting
I to order , declared that ho was not
I there to make a speech and then gave
a two hours' discourse during the
course of which he got away from tht
avowed object of the meeting , "Ho\\
to Get Control of the Railroads , " anil
told "Whv the Railroads Should b (
Taken Over by the Government. " A
number of others followed along tin
same line until Secretary Edgar How
ard interrupted and succeeded in get
ting hack to the real Issue.
One democrat present Is reported U
have said that this league would trj
to run the railroads by attempting t <
arrange little details years before the ;
had any scheme for getting the rail
roads to run. John G. Manor of Lin
coin is reported to have said that two
thirds of the democrats of Nebraska
will oppose a government ownershli
plank In the state platform.
Northern Nebraskans were nppat
ently the main spring of the meeting
aa Mr. Harrington was made president
Mr. Green of Crelghton treasurer , Har
ry Brome , formerly of Norfolk am
now of Omaha , vlco president , am
Edgar Howard secretary.
Norfolk has done much during th
yast year for which the city should b
congratulated. It lias been a twelve
month of perhaps greater progres
along public linen than has been known
hofoio In the community during the
name length of time. Credit belong *
In various placeu , but the result all
COIIIOH to the benefit of Norfolk.
A now newer system , for which
bonds of $10,000 were voted last
ftprlng , Is now being built for Norfolk.
This step IMIH demonstrated to outsid
ers that Norfolk has confidence. In its
own future , and It will ho grout hcnqllt
to the city In many ways. The lives
waved each year hy the direct caiiHcof
this new newer will unquestionably be
material in number , The general
health will be greater. The city will
lie more wholesome and more of a
prldo to ItH cltlxens. It was a step
that must have been taken some day
and the sooner It was begun , the bet
ter. The voting of the bonds has put
the matter In such shape that the people
ple to come Into the city In later years
will help ( iay the cost , as It Is proper
they should. The sewer will bo one
factor In making Norfolk more desir
able as a place to live In and will
therefore ho one factor In Inducing
people to make their homes here. That
being true , It will partially pay for
Itself for It will bring people hero who
will later help contribute toward Its
freight. It Is hoped that the drainage
of cellars and streets will bo perfect
under the now newer system and , In
case it proves Inadequate , It will be
hut n small matter to add perfect
drainage hy digging a ditch down along
the Northfork , ns outlined by the en
Norfolk during the past year has
begun an experiment In gravel road
ways and there Is promise that n per
fectly good and permanent thoroughfare -
faro from hero to the Junction , where
It Is badly needed , will result. The
roads today , rough and hard nnd al
most Impassable , serve as horrible ex-
amplest In favor of the better built
Now Industries have been estab
lished In Norfolk during the past year ,
which will add much to the city's com
mercial Interests.
More people live in Norfolk today
thant ever did before. More business
houses are occupied than over wore
before. In fact there Is not an avail
able vacant building on Norfolk nv-
onuo In the business section.
Norfolk's volume of business has
been Increased , and there is still op
portunity for much more to bo done
during the coming years.
The gulch situation in the west end
of the city has been taken care of.
Streets have been built up , cement
gutters constructed , nnd miles of now
permanent walks put down. A move
ment to pave Norfolk avenue has been
.icgun and has succeeded to such an
extent that paving Is promised for next
It has been a year of substantial
building In Norfolk. Foundation
stones have been laid. It has been a
year to bring out confidence of Nor-
blk people In the city's future growth.
It Is reported from London , England ,
hat Great Britain will never t\llow a
war between the United States and
Japan and that all pressure will Le
brought to bear upon the brown men
: o prevent such a clash. German In
terference , In behalf of the United
States , is feared by England , 'tis said.
But , while trying to avert war , and al
though official relations between the
Ion and the eagle are harmonious , re
ports concerning English newspaper
talk would indicate that the Britain-
ors are taking side shots at this coun
try. Just now they are calling us
reckless in finance , and perhaps it maybe
bo well enough to at least consider
their opinions. The London Times , in
commenting upon the alleged money
stringencies that now and again are
icard from in Wall street , and the ef
forts of Secretary Shaw and the pres
ent administration to remedy the sit
uation hy elastic currency , has a Inuuh
at the proposed scheme for remedying
one of the world's oldest and most unsolvable -
solvable problems , and thus commends
the Nebraska bankers.
The Times , today , for Instance , In
timates plainly that American busi
ness methods have become reckless ,
nnd hints at the danger of a collnpso
of the overboomed American prosper
ity. The American people , more than
all others , it says , need to remember
the proverb , "Something always hap
pens to prevent the tallest trees touchIng -
Ing the sky. " The average American
hates to see a dollar doing nothing , so
ho provides himself with no reserve.
Few Americans believe In n rainy day.
Still , they have been drenched more
than once.
"One of the most curious signs of
the happy self-confidence which many
Americans feel in regard to their coun
try , " continues the Times , "was af
forded by Secretary Shaw In his re
cent report to congress. Secretary
Shaw appears to have become so im
pressed with the importance of the
post ho occupies not only to the wcl-
faro of the United States but to the
world at large that ho Is ready to play
the universal financial providence.
"Wo are not sure how much this
view of the functions of the secretary
of the treasury is duo to the personal
equation of Its present occupant. It
la , according to this remarkable re
port , the duty of the government to
protect the people against financial
punlcH and apparently also to save for-
tlgn money markets from these evils
by depositing treasury balances In
United Btates national banks on con
dition that the hanks in turn promptly
deposit an cqunl amount abroad.
"This conception of the United
States government as a benevolent
despot at homo and through Its treas
ury as the suppressor of financial dis
turbance. In Europe , la both novel and
humorous. It Is n paradox which
might have occurred to another Shaw
whoso mime Is much before the public
just now nnd who tnkos himself qulto
ns seriously as Mr. Shaw , secretary of
the treasury. '
"The report , after doHoriblng the
method by which the secretary assist
ed and , Indeed , obliged the leading na
tional banks to Import n large amount
of gold , says this operation has at
least demonstrated that the United
States Is In a position more effectually
to Influence International financial
conditions than Is any other country.
If for 'Influence' wo substitute 'tils *
turb * In the sentence Just quoted most
people would , we think , agree with it ,
but any economically active country
can disturb International financial con
ditions to some extent and Its doing
HO Is nothing to bo proud of. The feat
has been performed by other countries
of much less economic force than the
United States.
"It la Indeed surprising that a man
of Secretary Shaw's shrewdness and
experience should have been misled
Into thinking that the world , or even
the United States , can be protected
against financial panics by olllclnl
guidance. Such views of the duties
and possibilities of the post of secre
tary of the treasury confirm us more
than ever In the belief that the sooner
the United States treasury goes out
of the banking business , the better. "
The Twenty-fifth regiment of Infan
try , recently removed from Valentino
to Brownsville , Tex. , nnd many of
whoso members were recently dis
charged without honor by President
Roosevelt , nro not adding to their own.
glory or that of their fellows by their
recent acts , and the noise that has
been stirred up in their behalf by hys
terical people who would make mar
tyrs of the murderous regiment , has
caused a digging up of past records
that do not reflect credit to this band
of troopers.
The latest offense by a member of
the Twenty-fifth was one of the most
serious and race feeling Is at a white
heat at El Reno/Okla. , as n result.
One of the negroes of the Twenty-fifth
infantry passed along the street , seized
a white woman who was passing him
on the sidewalk , threw her into the
street and declared that the walk be
longed to him. He escaped but a mob
formed to lynch him.
It is apparent that soldiers who ,
while supposed to be on their good
behavior in order to live down the
cloud of murder that now rests on
their regiment , nevertheless will thus
lay themselves open to public con
tempt , must be vicious by Instinct and
the result of much of this action will
be to the detriment of the whole race.
Senator Fornker thought to make
for himself n presidential band wagon
when he assumed sponsorship for that
regiment , which he claimed had been
rldvously wronged , but his progress
has been blocked by the disgraceful
depredations of the Twenty-fifth.
Whatever may have been sympathy
toward the discharged troops has been
turned into approval in this country
of late , and every day adds to this
The great regret of the country now
is that the murderers have not be < jn
caught. The inexcusable assault upon
a white woman , the shooting of Cap
tain Mncklin and the other past deeds
of the Twenty-fifth are enough to con
demn It for all time. The following
dispatch Indicates some of that past
record :
Washington. Dec. 28. In their eag
erness to attack the president , some
of the more prominent defenders of
the colored troops Insist upon circulat
ing the report , In the press and else
where , that the order of discharge em
braces nlso the members of the bat-
tnllon who are on furlough. It Is
enoiikli to say that this statement is
false. The men on furlough at the
time of the riots are still in the ser
vice and will remain there. The shootIng -
Ing of Captain Macklin recently Is
water on the president's wheel , ac
cording to those who are following the
case in this city , and serves to show
something of the desperate characters
of the men in the discharged battalion.
As bearing on this same point , Senator -
ator Lodge , who Is to make n rejoin
der to the Foraker speech , has had
inserted in the Congressional Record
that part of the evidence in the case
taken from war department records
which shows that the
Twenty-fifth reg
iment has on several occasions since
1885 heen guilty of precisely the con
duct charged against It at Browns
ville. On the night of September 19 ,
1885 , about twenty members of the
Twenty-fifth regiment , then stationed
nt Fort Bende , near Sturgls , S. D. ,
"shot up" that town , but killed no
one. They flrod several volleys into
houses on the main street of the town ,
and a. court martial decided that the
iimrniidc-rs belonged to Company 11 ,
June 2'J , 18011 , the Twenty llfth regl
mi'iit waw on train onrouto to Frisco ,
where It was to sail for the Philip
pines. The train stopped for supper
at Wlnnemucca , Nov. , and the officers
proceeded to a hotel , two blocks from
the depot. The trtxjps got out of the
car toward the rear of the train nnd
flocked to a saloon near at hand , of
which they took possession , torrorlz-
ng the vicinity. Many shots were
tired , and the anloou-keepor was se
verely wounded. His establishment
was damaged to the extent of $200 In
goods destroyed and stolen. By the
time the ofllcers reached the scene , all
the men were back In their places In
the cara , and It was not possible to
iscortnln who had done the mischief.
October 15 , 1809 , a dozen members
if Company 0 , Twenty-fifth regiment ,
wantonly nsHaulted four peaceful In-
liana nt San Carlos agency , California ,
beating them Into Insensibility. A
number of arrests were made , and four
men turned state's evidence , securing
the conviction of the others. This is
the only one of the outrages which was
followed by any punishment until the
outrage at Brownvlllo occurred.
February 1C , 1900 , at night , twenty
members of Company A of the TAVCII-
ty-flfth regiment got possession of
their guns and went to 131 Pnso.Texns ,
nearby , where they stormed the jail
and rescued two of their comrades
Imprisoned for drunkenness and disor
derly conduct. During the melee
many shots wore fired nnd the Jailer
was killed. Two of the soldiers were
nlso killed.
The soldier In charge of the rifles
at the fort said the keys to the gun-
atocka wore atolen from under his pil
low whllo ho slept. A rollcall , ordered
at once , showed the guns in the racks ,
which were locked and every member
) f the company In his proper place ,
excepting the two men who had been
killed The Twenty-fifth regiment fur
ther distinguished Itself at Valentine ,
Nob. , on the night of October 110 , 1901 ,
when certain members of It "shot up"
that town , killing an Inmate of a dis
reputable house and severely woundIng -
Ing an unoffending cowboy. "This case
was very similar to that at Browns
ville. In a letter to Secretary Loob ,
December G , 190C , Setli Bullock , the
famous plainsman and personal friend
of the president , said among other
things , about the Valentino affair :
Several shots were fired into a house
in which were a number of people ,
killing n woman and wounding a cow
boy who was unhitching his horse near
the hous'o.
"No shots were fired from the house ,
nor was there any reason for the shootIng -
Ing by the negro soldiers. There were
twelve soldiers In the attacking party.
The local authorities did everything
In their power to find the guilty par
ties , but , as at Brownvllle , their com
rades declined to aid in the detection
of the murderers. The house fired
into was a dance house , and the wo
man Idlled was an inmate of the
house , but this is not considered good
defense in the wild and woolly west ,
and should not bo in Washington , for
murder. "
This record of hte Twenty-fifth reg
iment , and the unprovoked and cow
ardly shooting of Captain Macklin just
lately , made a case against the regi
ment which has caused Senator For-
akor a good deal of uneasiness. He
has been especially disturbed over the
attempt to murder Captain Macklin.
If the trip of Mr. Purdy to Browns
ville should result In the disclosure of
important facts bearing on the case ,
the president will also give those facts
to the country.
Happy New Year !
This Is the day to break 'em.
Well , the day to resolve has arrived.
Plunge baths have been turned back
into skating rinks once more.
Snow for the shoemen has come at
Here's hoping that the new packing
plant will grind up swine.
Norfolk commercial travelers would
be live wires in the Norfolk Commer
cial club.
If you're still aching , resolve to cut
out the Christmas overfeed next win
If you would Increase your business
for 1907 , resolve right now to use more
advertising apace.
Here's a chance to resolve that
there'll be no more holidays for a lit
tle while at least.
Well , Dents , we hate to visit you but
we're always glad to have you visit
But what if somebody in these north
east Nebraska towns should have the
toothache during the day ?
Most people swore they wouldn't
wear rubbers , nnd then meekly put
them on Wednesday morning.
Now that Cans has knocked out Her
man , what are wo sports going to talk
about nnd bet our shillings on ?
These dentists nro the best follows
on earth , but for some reason or other
few people enjoy them during business
When vou wish people "A Happy !
Now Year , " do you realize that , If
you're in earnest about it , you will
have to follow up that wish with ac
tion all through the twelvemonth ? It
Is environment that makes people hap
py or unhappy. You can make Home
body's new year a happy one , If you're
In earnest , hut It will take more than
the expressed wish on the first Uay of
The whole town of Norfolk ought to
get In on these dental meetings and
have all bad teeth repaired In ono af
A Norfolk commercial traveler who
generally wears a wig , went to a con
cert the other night without It and
took cold.
Conductors on Nebraska trains have
got their eyes full oi passes during the
past few days. Everybody's making
the best of the last chance.
It may have been n happy new year
for some- but the newspaper editors
bade goodbye to their mileage books
Monday night at 12 with tears In their
There are two annual events In Nor
folk that the whole town bears In
mind. They are the annual ball of
the railway trainmen and the annual
ball of the Eagles. One comes Christ
mas night and the other on Now Year's
Norfolk telephone wires burned on
Tuesday with this query :
"Hello. Is this 1-9-0-7 ? "
"No , this is No. . "
"Tho calendar says It's 1907. "
" ! : $ & ? ? ! I ! ! * ? * ! "
A mob has been formed nnd any
drastic action may be expected.
Norfolk drummers and railroad boys
who come In from late trains at night
and leave In the early mornings , would
sleep better when they go to bed and
would feel better leaving town , If they
were saved the annoyance of stum
bling over dark streets. All night
lights , they say , would relieve the sit
The spirit of New Year and Christ
mas greetings is all for the other fel
low self Is forgotten. "I wish you a
merry Christmas and a happy now
year , " the greeting goes and so it
should. A little correspondence school
course In the "follow-up system , " keepIng -
Ing the same spirit going all through
the year , would reduce the wishes tea
a more exact science and , like scien
tific advertising get results.
These story writers are not always
accurate in regard to detail . A Satur
day Evening Post writer tells of a
"Cyclone" coming down a railroad
track a tall , funnel-shaped twister.
Ho meant , of course-n tornado , cy
clones are generally several hundred
miles in diameter , and are never felt
at a given point except as a straight
wind. Tornadoes are the small , local
twisters that spring up , do violence
and spend themselves.
We always dislike n cigar with a
band around it
The impudence of some people Is
the only great thing about them.
When a woman burns anything in
the oven , she says , "I got it too
brown. "
Farmers have an idea that town men
seldom get up in time to do a good
day's work.
The poorest dressed people you meet
are usually the ones who have money
In the bank.
Some women are so afraid they are
going to be flirted with , that it is al
most dangerous for a man to treat
them politely.
Careful investigation fails to reveal
that any of the great fortunes were
started by a tip received from a mail
order broker. *
Another part of a town dog's busi
ness , especially a young one , is to try
to beat you to the evening paper and
scatter it all over the block.
Some men not only feel that the
world owes * them a living , but are sore
because there are no collection agen
cies to collect for them.
Almost any boy is glad to skate with
a girl who knows how , but it is true
devotion when he volunteers to teach
her to skate : that's work.
Don't let a smooth stranger coax )
you into catching driftwood in the
river on ahnres. You are entitled to
all the driftwood you catch in the /
A lot of women who are finicky about
their hats and the brand of perfume
they use , seem to go it blind when it
comes to the selection of a man.
One picnic a year , and ono rabbit a
year , is about all we can stand. Wo
Intend to eat our rabbit for 1900 this
Whan a man can't find a certain
thing around the house , ho begins to
suspect that his women folks have
hidden It.
When a boy is very young , ho will
gladly own a dog of any kind , but af
ter ho reaches eight years old , he In
sists on owning a mister dog.
While considerable criticism is giv
en women's clubs , nnd the amount of
time wasted upon them , yet there is
ono advantage they offer which can
not bo denied ; when It conies the turn
of a member to entertain the club ,
dirt and cobwebs are cleaned out that
had not been disturbed for mouths.