The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, January 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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The Body of Frank TlnkleiV Union Pa
cific Clerk , Toflcthor With Two Oth
er Hats , Revealed Triple Horror In
Omaha Saturday.
Omiiltn , Nob. , Hoc. 2 ! ) . The body of
1'Yunk Tlnklor , a clerk In tlio Union
I'nclllo railroad olllces bore , was found
In Out Off lulus thlH morning.
Two inoro InilH wuro found , which
Imllcnto that three men were drowned.
The Ice broke InHt night under a
cn > wd of skaters and It wan believed
nt that time that all had escaped with
their lives.
Not until this morning was It real
ized that Utreo llveH were lOHt.
Brol McCullough returned from
Onmlia laHt night.
Clyde Hayes 1ms been at homo fern
n few days' vacation.
Mrs. Frank HoiiBor of IloakliiH waa
a Norfolk vlHltor yoHtordny.
Adam Pilfer of Stanton waa in the
city on biiHlnoHH yesterday.
Hon. A. A. Welch was over from
" \Vayno yesterday on luminous.
A. U , Olson , a lawyer of Winner , was
in the city on business yesterday.
Mrs. U A. Sims loft for Plalnvlow
Saturday morning for a , few days' vis
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall leave for
Columbus tomorrow where they go to
spend Now Years.
Hon. H. 10. Teachout of Dos Molnes
Is a guest at the Waldo and Dillon-
beck homes.
Miss Edna Loucks returned yester
day from Inmun where she spout
Christmas with relatives.
Frank Ahlmnn baa resigned bis po
sition In the Hayes Jewelry store and
will work bis father's farm the coming
George Scott of Kansas City Is vis
iting bin friend Will Hall. lie leaves
tomorrow for Columbus to visit rel
Clyde llondor returned yesterday
from Albion where he spent bis vaca
tion and has resumed his dutlos In the
Johnson Dry Goods store.
C. O. McOnnlel , who has been visit
ing friends In Crelgbton , returned Sat
urday morning and left for ( Slltncr ,
whore ho will visit relatives.
Miss Nora .lounge of Osmond Is In
the city visiting friends , having come
over to attend the wedding of Miss
Margaret llarnos to Julius Bostrom.
Mrs. Alex Peters , Miss Elizabeth
Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Krod Bonier
returned yesterday from Stanton
where they spent Christmas with Mrs.
Peters' daughter , Mrs. U. F. Klttor-
man ,
Martin Conway of flonesteol was In
the city yesterday.
1' . L. Host of Battle Creek spent yes
terday in the city.
Carl Bush of Crelghton was a Nor
folk visitor yesterday.
Miss May Willis of Battle Creek was
in the city yesterday.
A. Conley of Humphrey wns in the
city on business yesterday.
Mrs. E. W. Briggs of St. Edwards
was a city visitor yesterday.
P. D. .Ludwlg . of Cedar Rapids was
a Norfolk visitor yesterday.
Jack Prlcbard of Meadow Grove
came down to attend a dancing party
* Miss Helen Tanner of Battle Creek
came down last night to attend the
guild dance.
Miss Margaret Potras is among the
sick this week.
Frank Hacket left for Omaha 01
train No. 40 last night , to visit rola
Mr. Potras returned homo from
O'Neill today where ho has been visit
Mrs. O. E. Schrlder is In Omaha vis
itlng with relatives for the holidays.
Miss Mao Shlvely and sisters , Rutl
nnil Louise , wont to O'Neill today to
visit with relatives.
Lester Kertz of Long Pine Is hero
visiting her brother-in-law , Alva Plum
lier , a few days.
Mrs. Potras returned yesterday fron
a week's visit with relatives In Clear
James Rowland came back fron
Omaha last night where ho has beci
working. He Intends to remain bore
all winter.
Mrs. White of Fremont is visiting
with Mrs. Moso Homer for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ryan left on the
noon train yesterday for a few days
visit in Crelghton with Mrs. Ryan's
parents. They were accompanied b >
Mrs. Ryan's sister , Miss Marty , whc
came down to attend the trainmen'
dance and has been visiting here since
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Shlppee re
turned home from their visit with re'
atlvos in Beaver City last night.
A merry crowd of skaters walket
out to Mr. Wagner's pond east of th
Stanton road last night and had a fin
time skating.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck received
message last night that Nlc Lund o
Battle Creek Is quite ill. They lefto
the evening train for there ,
F. Berry of Omaha has arrived I
the city to take a position with th
uidy factory of Fnucott-Carnoy-Ilngor
Mrs. Dun Illue , who spent Christmas
'lib her parents at Wahoo , returned
t noon.
MHH | Lucy Carborry left Saturday
or Sioux City to visit her sister , Mrs
lenry Kennedy.
llert Woslon and lin ! ulsters have
( turned from a vlitlt to Mr. and Mrs.
'nxuborry at Albion.
Miss Ruth Mount has gone to Don
or to Hp"iil the rest of the holidays
vlth her undo , Dr. Watson.
Mrs. 1C , P. Hummcll and mm re-
urncd lo Slonx City at noon , ater a
Iwlt with her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
lUgnsl. Dnimmund.
The engagement of Miss May Dur-
mil of Norfolk and 0. I. Ilernard of
jlncoln Is announced. Mlstt Dnrland
s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. n. F.
) urland of Plalnvlow and has scores
if Intlmato friends In Norfolk , where
ho has made her homo for several
on I-H. Mr. Bernard Is a commercial
ravoler representing a Kansas City
Word ha boon received from MHM !
esslo Sturgeon that the condensed
nilk company at Buena Park , Cal. , by
vbom she has been employed , have
lought a now factory at Tempo , near
hoonlx , Arizona , and she has gone
here as their bookkeeper. Miss Roxlo
uid Myron Sturgeon wll follow her
eon to the new location , to accept po-
A daughter was born last night at
bo homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Blake-
V literary society has boon formed
n the Pleasant Valley school district
uid the llrst meeting was bold In the
chool house Friday night. It was
argoly attended and a good time was
Yesterday was one of the warmest
lays of the present mild season , the
norcury rising to til above zero. The
owest point reached up till 8 a. m.
vas ill , or one degree above freezing.
falling barometer Indicated atmos-
) herlc disturbance.
George Carson , the young man who
confessed to having robbed a slot ma
chine In Ihe Junction railway station ,
vas given a county jail sentence and
aken to Madison yesterday afternoon.
le did not break the lock lo the slot
nachlne. hut removed the screws and
, hus secured the $1.89 In pennies.
As a result of the generosity of farm
ers living around Norfolk , the live rn-
al mall carriers out of this city re
ceived large quantities of Christmas
onu'inbrancos. Many received sacks
> f oats , wheat , corn , etc. , and handkor-
hlefs , money , chickens , raspberry
am , and the like. The carriers say
.hat the farmers around Norfolk are
.ho most generous lot In the state.
Norfolk people are getting ready to
; > ay a higher box rent for poslolllcc
; ioxes after January 1. On that date
in Increase over the United States
goes Into effect. Boxes that were for-
neriy fifty cents will now ho sixty ,
) or quarter ; those that were sixty will
jo seventy-live ; those that were sev
enty-five will bo $1. The box routs
lereafter will have to be paid In ad
vance Instead of at the end of a quar
ter. and notice will bo given ton days
n advance of the quarter's beginning
so that boxes upon which the rent haslet
lot been paid by the beginning of the
imirter will he closed. The order fet
ncroaso came from Washington.
A Washington dispatch says : ' "In
specter .lames McLaughlln , who Is OUL
of the most successful agents of the
ntorlor department , arrived In Wash-
ngton today to make report to the secretary -
rotary of the Interior as to the prog
ress of his negotiations with the In-
Hans of the Rosebud reservation In
South Dakota for the opening of Tripp
county In that state to homestead set
tlement. Major McLaughlln , who has
written into the statutes more treaties
nado with the Indians than any living
man , said today that ho believed the
Indians of the Rosebud band would ac
cept the conditions presented by the
government. Ho had a four days
council with the Indians and with pri
vate talks thought the conditions very
favorable to the opening of the entire
county of Trlpp in South Dakota to
white settlement. "
Petitions Being Signed Insisting on
American Protectorate Over Island.
Havana , Jan. 2. A petition for an
American protectorate Is ready to be
sent to Washington from Remedies
the richest district In Cuba , signed by
200 native" Cubans , the poorest o
whom Is worth $40,000. Another pe
titlon will soon follow with the slgna
tures of more than 500 Cuban proper
ty holders at Clenfuegos.
Similar petitions are preparing le
other parts of the Island and monej
is coming In so fast to further the
campaign for a protectorate that e
weekly newspaper Is to bo establishoc
advocating the settlement of the Cu
ban muddle In this way.
It Is considered by all serious mci
that It is time to take some actlot
to relieve the tension under whlcl
the country Is suffering. The shadov
of a prospective new republic Is par
alyzlng business and destroying confl
dcnce In the country's future.
Hope to Secure Lighter Sentence.
Kansas City , Jan. 2. The attorney
for William C. Anderson , former as
slstant teller In the First Natlona
bank , who pleaded guilty to embe ?
zllng $9,000 and received a sentonc
of four years In the penitentiary , file
a motion asking that 'the ' verdict b
Ret aside and the case reopened. It I
alleged that at thr > time he plcade
guilty. Anderson was sick and that hi
mind had boromo weakened by year
of Illness The motion will be arcue
later Anderson's attorneys hope t
secure a reduction of his sentence.
t Is Also Suggested That Commercial
Travelers Living In Norfolk Would
Appreciate Local Orders Want
Street Lights All Night.
It has been suggested by a Norfolk
iHlnoKH man that thn commercial
nivolcrs who have their headquarters
n this city , ought to ho mndo lion-
rary members of the Norfolk Com-
uorclal club , exempt from duos.
hero are several reasons with which
o back up this suggestion.
There are about 100 commercial
ravelers now living In Norfolk. They
ire one of the most important factors
n the city's life. They spend their In-
wines largely In Norfolk. They live
lore because It Is a convenient point ,
nit Norfolk's growth would have little
o do with their sales out on the road.
On the other hand , however , their
vork out on the road could be of much
lonellt In Norfolk's upbuilding. If
hey were made honorary members of
ho Commercial club they would feel
nero Interest In the city , because they
vould know that their efforts in behalf
> f Norfolk wore more fully approclat-
(1. ( It would bo a tribute to the com-
nerclal travelers which they would ap-
iroclate and something that Norfolk
vould no doubt ho glad to do.
Aside from helping to advertise the
oily , * the commercial travelers would
irlug In many new ami excellent Ideas
or adoption In Norfolk. They travel
> ver a good bit of this continent in
ho course of a year and they see prot-
y nearly everything that Is going on.
I'hoy have their eyes open and they
mow a good thing when they see It.
I'hoy could give Norfolk's Commercial
ilub many a worthy suggestion. And
hey would bo glad to do It If their
suggestions should bo courted by the
Would Like Orders.
H has also boon suggested that Nor-
'olk merchants and business men ,
tvborovor possible , ought to give or-
lors to the commercial travelers who
esldo in this city and who help to
mild It up. The commercial travelers
lollovo In homo Industry and they
would appreciate It , It Is said , If It
were worked both ways.
Street Lights AM Night.
There Is one more suggestion that
ms been made In this regard. The
commercial travelers in many instanc
es leave homo early in the morning for
early trains. The streets are dark and
hey often go stumbling along strange
streets , fooling their way. They would
Ike , It Is said , to have street lights all
light. They claim that they are an
niportant part of the city and that
they are entitled to this consideration
The request for night street lights Is
ilso made In behalf of the rallwa >
trainmen. Many of them are called
> ut during the dark hours of night
many others of thorn got Into Norfolk
before the dawn and In both cases thoj
uro compelled to Walk along dark
streets , In some cases for a mile 01
more. It Is claimed for thorn that tho.v
represent the two largest factors ol
people who bring money Into Norfolk
and that the city could easily afford to
light the streets all night for their
Automobile Fatality at Oakland.
Oakland , Cal. , Jan 2. In a collision
between an electric cor and an auto
mobile in East Oakland , George G
Young , one of the leading citizens of
Alameda , was Instantly killed and
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Swain of East
Oakland and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mar
tin of Alameda were painfully In-
Western Stock Show at Denver , .
Denver , Jan. 2. The second annual
exhibition of the Western Stock Show
association will open In Denver , Jan
9. It Is said the exhibition of live
stock will be the greatest ever held
In the west. Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson , Glfford Plnchot of the forest
( Service p.nd Dr. A. D. Melvln , chief of
the bureau of auimal industry , will
Found Dead In Hallway.
! Now York , Jan. 2. William R ,
Cobb , for many years a well known
character along Park Row and who
was said to have boon at ono time a
man of high position In educational
and social circles In the west , waa
found dead In a hallway Just off the
Bowery. It Is believed he sat down tc
rest , when his heart gave up. Cobb
was more than seventy years of age
Of late ho made a precarious living b >
doing odd jobs In a big business build
ing. Cobb often told of having beer
at one tlmo a professor in a western
university and ho also claimed thai
ho was the author of forty books ant !
miscellaneous publications , ono ol
which , a treatise on morphine , "Dr
Judas. " Is still known to the medical
Successful Balloon Trip at St. Louli
St. Louts , Jan. 2. In the presenc <
of a distinguished gathering of Nev
York and St. Louis men the ballooi
Orient sailed away on a prolimlnarj
flight , bearing Alan R. Hawley and J
C. McCoy , both members of the Aen
club. Word was received from Pearl
111. , eighty-six miles northeast of St
Louis , that the balloon bad landed li
safety eight miles from there. Botl
the aeronauts reported a fine trip , un
attended by any accident They wen
out of sight of the earth most of tin
tlmo , the highest altitude rogiitorei
belnu 2,100 feet above the cloudi.
Any Appointment at This Time Sccmi
Homo , -Jan. 2. The Qlornale d'ltnlln
publishes an Interview with a promi
nent English prelate concerning the
appointment of an American cardinal ,
The prelate in question reviews re-
coiit events , particularly the encyclical
of Pope Leo against Americanism ,
which ho declares was written by
Cardinal Mazzella. This encyclical
displeased Cardinal Gibbons , who ,
thinking It was Inspired by Cardinal
Rampolla , joined the Austrian and
German cardinals In defeating Ram
polla at the last conclave. Continuing ,
the prelate says It was thought that
Archbishop Ireland would be made a
cardinal when Pope Leo called him
from Paris , where ho was represent
ing the United States at the.unveiling
of the Lafayette statue. This , how
ever , Is now unlikely In spite of the
fact that President Roosevelt has
urged another American prelate to approach
preach the Vatican privately to this
end. The situation has been aggra
vated by the Storer Incident , and If
Archbishop Ireland should ho given
the red hat the appointment must bo
ascribed to his personal merit.
Hearing on New York Mayoralty Con
test Set for Jan. 7.
Albany , N. Y. , Jan. 1. William Ran
dolph Hearst was prompt In accepting
the offer of the new attorney general ,
William B. Jaokson , to consider an
application for a rehearing of argu
ments on Mr. Hearst's petition for
leave to begin quo warranto proceed
ings to test the title of George B. Me
Clellan to the office of mayor of Now
York city on the basis of the mayoral
ty election of 190G. Attorney General
Jackson had just assumed oilico when
a representative of Mr , Hearst's coim
sel served on him an application for
re-argument. The attorney general
gave Instructions that copies of the
papers bo served on the attorneys of
Mayor McClcllan and Informed both
parties that ho would give them a
hearing Jan. 7.
Harry Ray Fatally Lacerated In Caged
Arena at Toledo.
Toledo , O. , Jan. 2. While perform
Ing an act called "The Lion Hunt"
here , Trainer Harry Ray of the Bos
tock animal circus was attacked by
oce of the animals and while be lay
on the floor had both his sides , his
shoulder and breast lacerated. With
great presence of mind Ray fired his
pistol just as the attendants opened
the safety doors of the caged arena
Two other lions which were In the
cage Immediately made for the openIng -
Ing , followed by the attacking animal
* *
which turned at the sound of tha
heavy catches on the doors. A physi
cian uas summoned and the injured
trainee was taken to St. Vincent's hos
pital. It Is feared , his Injuries wll'
prove fatal. The large audience which
was present realized what had hap
pened , but remained orderly while the
show continued.
Oklahoma Shippers Allege Inability
of tteJIway to Handle Traffic.
Gutl rla. Okla. , Jan. 2. A large nura
her of will men and grain , lumber , cot
ton a id coal dealers in Oklahoma
sent tj > President Roosevelt a petition
asking that a receiver be appointee
for the Rock Island railroad , alleging
inability on the part of the corporation
to properly handle the freight and pas
senger business offered to it for trans
The petition .Is the direct outcoma
of the car shortage , from which the
interests represented by the signers
of the petitions are still suffering
The petition cites that the Rock Isl
and Is able to handle but a small part
of the public traffic.
Chicago Professor Returns Silent
About Alleged Outrages.
Now York , Jan. 2. Professor Fred
erick Starr of the University of Chicago
cage , whose specialty Is anthropology
returned on the liner Vanderland from
a visit to the land of the pygmies in
the Congo Free State.
His study of the dwarfs along the
two rivers of Congo , where the pyg
mies are smaller than elsewhere ,
showed that the average height was
only three feet , ten Inches , and the
extreme height four feet , three inches
Professor Starr refused to say uny
thing about the report that King Leo
pold was murdering Congo natives
Ho said ho had his opinions , but that
ho preferred to put them only over
hi own signature.
Two Records Broken.
Lincoln , .Ian. 2 Two North Amer
ican Indoor Y M. C. A. records were
broken bore by the following mar
gins : Snap for height , George
Schnurr. 8 feet 9 Inches , former record
8 feet 4 Inches ; high dive , Frank Win
ters , G fent 5 Inches , former record , f
feet 1 % Inches
Michigan Republicans Caucus.
Lansing , Mich. , Jan. 2. Republican
members of both houses of the legislature
laturo held caucuses and agreed upon
the officers , the nominations being
equivalent to elections , as there are
only a handful of members of both
houscc who are not Republicans. The
house Republicans chose for speaker
Nicholas J. Whelan of Holland. The
senate Republicans nominated fo
president pro tern. , Michael Morlarlty
of Crystal Falls.
League of Russian People Hired As
sassins to Kill Hertzensteln ,
St. Petersburg , Jan. 2. The mystery
surrounding the murder of former
Deputy Hertzensteln has after months
of Investigation finally been unrav
elled. Hertzensteln , who was a mem
ber of the lower house of parliament
rom Moscow , was murdered at his
country house , near Terlokl , Finland ,
on July 31 , 1900. A secret committee
of the constitutional democratic party
ins traced the entire conspiracy and
ins obtained definite proof that the
Iced was the work of the League of
Russian People. A man named Yusko-
vltch Is a prominent leader of this
cogue and It Is said ho hired the as
sassins to kill Hertzensteln. The
proofs of this assertion have been
placed In the hands of the public
irosccutor and an effort Is being made
o bring the case to trial before the
next elections.
Angry Husband Lands Fatal Swing
on Masher's Jaw.
East St. Louis , Jan. 2. With n
single blow of bis fist Charles Smith
tilled D F. Myers on the street near
the viaduct , and then realizing what
ic had done , Smith made hU escape.
Mrs. Smith told her husband that
Myers had attempted to flirt with her
on the street. This so angered Smith
that he accosted Myers and struck him
a swinging blow on the jaw. Myers
Cropped like a log and never moved ,
hU1 neck having been broken
Boiler Companies Merge.
Altron. O. , Jan. 2. The Sterling
Bollor company of Barberton has been
taken over by the Babcock & VVIlcox
company , thus merging the two
largest holler rom panics of the world.
The merger brings under the control
of one organization the manufacture
of 75 per cent of the water tube boil
ers made In the world.
Boys Shoot President of Eocotel , Mex.
El Paso , Tex. . Jan. 2. Three boys
who were out hunting shot and seri
ously wounded the president of Esco-
tc ) , Mex. , and his two sons when they
forbade the boys shooting In the town
limits and undertook to disarm them.
1'lniitn That Tnke I'lllH.
A very largo and sturdy orange tree
was growing In n small pot. "If that
tree , " said the florist , "didn't take pills
It would 'require a pot as big as a
bathtub to grow In. But It takes pills
like a hypochondriac. Chemists , agri
cultural experts , make plant pills-
pills no bigger than chestnuts that con
tain sustenance for six months , a kind
of tabloid food. Those chemists an
alyze n plant's ash and make pills of
the constituent salts. The pills , In-
closed In a metal cover , are burled In
the earth at the plant's roots , and the
Fait5 ! gradually dissolve and diffuse
through the metal , giving the plants
day by day the sustenance that they
require. Pills are also applied to weal ;
sickly plants , which they help wonder
Insurance Reforms In Effect.
New York. Jan. 2. The Insurance
reform ? secured by the Armstrong
committee of the legislature went into
effect yesterday. For the year 1907
and thereafter no company will be al
lowed to write more than 1150.000,000
worth of business a year ; agents' com-
minions will be reducer ] at least one-
fourth ; every now poMry must contain
the full contract under which the
holder and InF'irer alike are bound ,
and no more deferred dividend pol
icies may be Issued.
llorxttmck Cnnvnnn In MlsnlHulppt.
One of the representative cotton
planters of the south Is now engaged
a canvass of his state In the inter
est of his candidacy for governor of
Mississippi , says the Memphis Com
mercial Appeal. Ho has gone back to
the old time Democratic custom In
vogue In the days of Thomas Jefferson
and is making a horseback canvass of
a considerable part of Mississippi , dur
ing which ho will ride his horse , Elec
tioneer , from the Tennessee line to the
gulf of Mexico , passing through parts
of twenty-six counties. The Journey
will bo made alone and Is outlined seas
as to enable him to meet the people ,
and especially the farmers , who live
some distance from the railroads.
Where Women Will Vote.
In Cof-rndo , Idaho , Utah and Wyo
ming women will vote on equal terms
with men on Nov. 0. In Kansas wo
men may vote for municipal officers ,
and In twenty-flvo other states they
have a limited suffrage.
Democrats In Washington Believe He
Alone Can Beat Bryan.
Washington , Jan. 2. The belief that
President Roosevelt will yield to the
Importunities of his friends and admir
ers and accept the nomination for the
next presidential election seems to
have spread to the democratic ranks
Representative John Wesley Gnlnes
one of the staunchcst democrats In the
land , and an uncompromising opponent
of the third term idea , has expressed
himself as being convinced that the
republicans will renomlnato Mr. .Roose
velt in 1908. Mr. Galnes says ho bas
cs his prognostication on the talk that
ho hears In his contact with his repub
Hcan colleagues in congress , and is
sure that the Roosevelt star Is yet In
the ascendancy. Congressman Guinea
says that republicans , especially those
from the western states , are practlc
ally unanimous In their private am
semi-confidential conversations thai
unless Roosevelt Is renomlnatod , their
party will stand no show whatever
against William J. Bryan , whom they
are euro will bo the next democratic
candidate. While-Mr. Gnlnes as n
strenuous statesman , is a warm ad- IMV' !
nlror of President Roosevelt , ho feels MV'
that with the renomlnatlon of the pres
ent president the democratic party
will have n much harder fight than
would otherwise bo the case , for bo
fears that even the third term Issue
might not bo strong enough to bend
the people off from the president. Li
Senator Tlllmnn Is again in hot wa
ter In bis homo state. The pitchfork
senator , It Is claimed by his political
'ucinles nt home , has been dodging the
income tax Imposed by his state gov-
3rnment. It seems that they point to
ils popularity throughout the country
is n lecturer ns proof positive that ho
lins a much larger Income than the
loughty fire-eater will admit. Some
months ago , It will bo remembered , a
newspaper paragrnpher mndo an estimate s
, ,
mate of the amounts pulled down by
various public men from the chautau- sH1
turn lecture course each year. Senator H1
rillman was credited with the fat sum H
of $25,000. As to this "charge , " how
iver , the South Carolinian has brand- k
id his critics as "liars and scoundrels. "
He declares that his lectures do not
not him anything like this amount , al
though ho docs not place any figure
on his income from this source. Ho
declares that his enemies are raising
the question for the solo purpose of
"gagging" him , just ns the negroes of
Chicago recently tried to do.
Washington likes a good joke ! So
does every other city and town for
that matter. .But Washington Just at
this time thinks It has the best Joke
of the season and consequently almost
everywhere you will find groups of
ofllclals and clerks chuckying over the
latest. For , be It known , that'Saman-
tha , the venerable and revered seven-
toed white house cat , on Christmas day
ushered twin kittens into the world ,
much to the delight of the youngest
of the piesldont's children , who looked
upon their advent as a Christmas gift.
Nothing would do but that their father ,
to whom they Immediately took the
little creatures , should give them ap
propriate names. He at first tried to
shift this responsibility to the children ,
but finally gave In to their Insistence.
With one of his Inscrutable grins , ho
declared that the male kitten should
be known as "Bellamy" and Its sister
as "Maria. " The little felines are
thriving and give every evidence of
living to ripe old age , despite their
Hunting and hunting parties seem
to be all the fad at this time here in
Washington. Following the presi
dent's lead , great numbers of govern
ment officials have slipped awayjrom
their desks for a week end in" the
mountains of Virginia , that state beIng -
Ing the nearest with anything like vir
gin forests. Those whose duties have
prevented their absenting themselves
at this time road the telegraphic re
ports of the hunting excursions of the
various parties with avidity , and curse
the luck that keeps thorn hero. With
the majority of the hunters , President
Roosevelt's favorite sport seems to
have taken firm hold. Nearly all are
after a brace or so of wild turkey to
show when they get back to town , but
they all are keen after the fat quail
and pheasants which abound , ln the
Virginia bills. The hunting lodges
owned or rented by various enthusi
asts are crowded with guests , while
others have put up at farm houses or
at the Inns and hotels scattered over
the state. The Virginia hot springs , a
resort much affected by official Wash
ington of late , Is in the heart of the
wildest portion of the state , and con
sequently the big homestead hotel
there Is the headquarters for not a
few nlmrods. While the presldent'was
at Pine Knot he also kept open house
for his friends , but owing to the largo
party which he took with him the
lodge was too crowded to permit of
his entertaining any outsiders over
one day. It looks as though the fad
will keep up throughout the hunting
season , but if they all have as bad
luck as the president It is not likely
that there will be a dearth of game
next year. Meanwhile the Virginia
authorities are finding no fault with
this latest craze , for every addition to
the force of hunters means the issue
of another hunting license.
Still another Joke which has tickled
the risibilities of 'Washlngtonlans IB
the one perpetrated by Secretary Shaw
the other day on a delegation of Pitts-
burghers who were here In an effort
to Influence his department in the lo
cation of the now postofllce building
which congress authorized for the
smoky city at the last session. Some
weeks ago Secretary Shaw decided
upon a site for the now building , but
his decision created such a storm of
disapproval from advocates of other
locations that ho decided to reopen
the case. He spent one entire day ,
from 10:30 : a. m. to 4:35 : p. m. listen
ing to the arguments of the three or
four different factions represented by
some fifty delegates , and when they
thought that one faction had one , they
were surprised to have him say :
"Well , gentlemen , como 'round again
tomorrow morning at 7:30. : "
. They one and all stood aghast , and
questioned him as to the reason for
such a request.
"Well , " ho said , "you haven't given
mo a chance to have my way today , so
I will have to put It off till tomorrow ,
but bo sure to como 'round early as
I don't want the interview to break
Into my regular working day , which
begins nt 9 o'clock. "
Most of them showed up between
7:30 : and S the next morning , though
It Is rumored that several had to sit
at poker oil night In order to bo awake
at that uaearthly hour.