The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 28, 1906, Image 1

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, , , , .
Three Men , Aged Sixty , Thlrty-elght
and Twenty-two , All Leaving Fami
lies , Lost Their Lives at Christmas
Time One Body Found.
Fairfax , S. D. , Dec. 27. Special to
The News : Word has been received
hero that Herbert Cashman , Ed Slate
and Dan Slate were drowned in the
Missouri river Monday mining.
The three men had been to Uiko
Andes and were coming back when
they drove Into nil air hole and were
The body of Dan Slate was recov
ered yesterday , but the other two
bodies and the team have not been
All of the men leave families. They
owned property near Fort Randall.
Mrs. Kimball of Fairfax Is a daugh
ter of Mr. Cashmau and his wife lives
at Herrlck.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Dec. 27 Special
to The News : A telephone message
from Fort Randall stales that three
men were drowned In the Missouri
river near that place on Christinas
day. They are : Chas. Slight , aged 28
years , and Danna Sleight , aged 22 ,
brothers ; also a Mr. Cashman , aged
The parties wore crossing the river
to meet a party on the other side. The
bodies as yet have not been found.
Lynch , Neb. , Dec. 27. Special to
The News : It is reported here that
three men and a team were drowned
by going through the ice on the Mis
souri river near old Fort Randall jnat
north of the state line on Christinas
No particulars have been received
here other than that the three men
nnd team went down and the bodies
had not been recovered.
It was reported here that the
drowned men were named Cummins.
Robbers Who Pried Door of Fairfax
Jail , Still at Large.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Dec. 27. Special to
The News : J. F. Williams and W. F.
Patterson , who were recently lodged
in the county jail at Fairfax on the
charge of highway robbery , made good
their escape last Saturday morning.
They made their escape by prying the
door open.
Williams is described as being a
man five feet eleven inches tall , blue
eyes , dark hair , wore corduroy cap ,
short black overcoat , dark trousers
and no vest. His age is given at 22
Patlerson Is 5 feet seven or eight
Inches tall , brown eyes , dark hair , two
front teeth out , and very bow-legged.
Thomas Graham of Holt County , Near
Lynch , Crushes Leg.
Lynch , Neb. , Dec. 27. Special to
The News : Thomas Graham , a pros
perous young rancher living In Holt 1
county , about nine miles northeast of
Lynch , sustained a broken and badly
twisted and crushed leg when his
borso fell on him and slid along the
ground , grinding his limb. Mr. Gra
ham was cutting some cattle out of a
Produce $330,495,421 During Year ,
Largest in History of State.
DCS Moines , Dec. 27. Iowa farmers
this year raised a crop that Is Just
$121,230,887 better than the average
crop of the last seventeen years. The
total value of the products of the soil
of Iowa this year was $330,495,421 , ac
cording to the annual report of Di
rector John R. Sage , and tne average
value of the crops for the last seven '
teen years Is $209.264,531. This
year's crop Is an Increase of over
33 1-3 per cent bettor than the aver
Furthermore , the value of the crop
this year Is more than' that of any
other crop the state has over tvUed ! ,
the next largest bolng the orop of
1905 , which was $28,209,209 loss than
that of this year. The value of tne
crops In the last three years Has kept
above that of any one year and beef
next greatest year In the history of
the state Is that of 1901 , when tbo
total value was $274.080,930.
Patrick. McKcnna , Commercial Trav
eler , Asks Damages.
Fairfax. S. D. , Dec. 27. Special to
The Now : Patrick McKcnna , a travL
ollng man. has brought suit against
Gregory county for damages on ac
count of falling from a buggy on an
approach to n bridge south of Gregory -
ory about a year ago.
In September of this year ho pre
sented a bill of $10.000 to the county
commissioners and they refused it.
Ho now brings suit for Iho above
amount. Win. McDoncll of Gregory
and Arthur F. Mullen of O'Neill , Neb. ,
are his attorneys.
No Fur + hcr Clash is Feared , but Sol
dier , \'fi \ Still in Town Governor
Va. ' , sy 's to Scene to Make
Personu 'fn * 'on. '
Memphis , Tt > . ' % . , . > 7. Advices
from Scooba an f'f/ * k , Miss. ,
state that quiet prow7-1 At both of
those towns , as well as throughout
the surionudiug territory , and that
the troops and civil authorities are In
complete control of the situation. Ac
cording to the most reliable reports
the disturbances of the last few days
In Kcmper county were not as serious
as at first reported. The trouble is
atlrlbuled to the actions of a reck
less mob , which , in searching for the
negro who attacked Conductor Cooper
aboard a Mobile anTJ Ohio train last
Sunday and shot and killed Constable
O Hnen of Wahalak , killed three ne
groes nnd wounded several others.
Feeling against the negroes was in
tensified by the killing by negroes or
Conductor R. N. Harrison at Crawford ,
and believing that the mob was be
yond control Deputy Sheriff Alexander
at Scooba asked that troops be sent
there in order that innocent negroes
night bo protccled. The two compa
nies of state troops are now en
camped at Scooba. Governor Varda-
man , accompanied by twenty-five
members of the company of militia
stationed at Jackson , left for Scooba.
Governor Vardaman stated that there
had been no fresh outbreak , but that
he Is going to he scene In order that
he might make personal investigation.
Woman Prisoner and Male Visitor
End Lives With Carbolic Acid.
Elmlra , N. Y. , Dec , 27. Although a
guard was slandlng beside him ,
Frank Delaney , a railroad man , suc
ceeded In a bold altempt to end his
life and the life of a woman who occu
pied a cell In the woman's dormitory
of the Elmira county jail. The woman
was Bessie Welb , awaiting sentence
on Jan. 3 for abducting a young girl.
Delaney possessed a power of at
torney for the woman and when he
called at the jail and staled that he
wished to consult her regarding the
signing of important papers , there
was no objection on the part of the
warden , who sent a guard along with
him. The guard stood close by while
the man and woman were conferring
together , when suddenly Delaney drew
from his pocket a bottle of carbolic
acid and passed It through the bars.
The woman seized it and swallowed
tbo contents. Instantly Delaney
pressed a second bottle to his own
lips. The guard sprang upon him ,
but the man fought him fiercely for a
moment and then collapsed. He died
before a physician could be called.
Wh n the door of the cell was un
bolted the woman lay dying on the
floor. She , too , died within a short
Arsenic Found in Body of Another
Member of Vzral Family.
Chicago , Dec. 27. Traces of poison
have been found In the body of an
other member of the Vzral family
and the police believe tliat they have
secured additional evidence against
Herman Billik , who Is now In custody
In ronnoction with the deaths of several
oral members of the family. The anal
ygls just completed was that of the
body of Rose Vzral , eighteen years of
ago Evidences of arsenic have now
been found In all the bodies that have
been analyzed.
Homesteader Frozen to Death.
St. Paul , Dec 27. Below zero tcm
peratures prevail In North Dakota
part of Montana and Canada. Franl
Warnlck , a homesteader , was founc
frozen to death near his shack , thre
miles north of Imperial , N. D.
Fell Five Hundred Feet to Bottom o
Colby Shaft.
Bessemer , Mich. , Doc. 27. Tw
minors were Instantly killed In lie
Colby Iron mine here by falling 50
feet to tbo bottom of the shaft whe
n "skip , " on which they were rldln
to the surface , was dumped by strll -
Ing on a projecting beam. Two otho
minors riding In the skip saved thol
lives by catching hold of the rope an
clinging to It. One of these was rl. '
oualv injured.
It is Said the Man Is Seriously
Wounded and In Critical Condition.
Women Refuse to Give up Any Information
mation Regarding Shooting.
Honosteel. S. D. , Doc. 27. Special
to The News : Loyd Forgravo was
seriously Injured by a gunshot wound
hi his loft shoulder a few days ago at
this place at his house of 111 fame , lo
cated near the depot. It Is understood
that the unfortunate man Is in quite
a critical condition , but Just how se
riously he Is wounded It Is Impossible
at this time to state , as Information In
regard to the affair Is very hard to
obtain on account of the fact that the
Inmates of the house will not glvo out
any Information.
So far It IH not known who llred the
tthot , but It Is presumed that Iho ahoot-
Ing is the result of a quarrel among
the Inmates of the house.
Fifty Friends from David City Present
and Application Resisted by State.
Lincoln , Dec. , 27. In behalf of Mrs ,
Lllllo , In the penitentiary for the mur
der of her husband , three attorneys ,
C. Halduck , Matt Miller and F. G.
Hamer , pleaded with Governor Mick
ey. They declared that the case had
been decided on local prejudice and
circumstantial evidence. More than
fifty sympathizers of Mrs. Lllllo , In
cluding the relatives of her dead hus
band , were present from David City.
County Attorney Ray Harris ap
peared on behalf of the stale and ar
gued against the pardon.
Governor Mickey was visibly , Im
pressed with the affidavits filed byi
the friends of the woman , and ho will I
announce his decision within the
next two days. It is believed ho will. 1
set the woman free. Fierce prejudice ,
unrelenting bate and dense stupidity
wore alleged by her friends.
Goldman Changes His Name.
Lincoln , Dec. 2 7. Solomon Goldman -
man , n well known student of the
itate university , received the numo of
ellx Newton from Judge Frost. Ho
s a Russian and said that people
asked him many qucEtlons about his
nationality after hearing his uumo ,
while many confounded him with
Emma Goldman.
Nebraska Speed Meeting.
Auburn , Neb. , Dec. 27. The annual
meeting of the Nebraska Speed asso
ciation will be held at the Llndell ho * *
tel , Lincoln , at 8 o'clock p. in. , Thurs
day , Jan. 10. The meeting will be for
: ho purpose of electing ofllcers and
! or arranging a circuit for 1907.
Teachers Meet at Lincoln.
Lincoln , Dec. 27. Sectional meek
, ngs engaged the attenllon of most of
; he more than a thousand teachers
who have arrived in Lincoln for the
1906 meeting of the Stale Teachsra'
Man Loses His Life In Unsuccessful
Attempt to Rescue Boy.
Morristown , N. J. , Dec. 27. Befon
the eyes of his young wife , Georgt
Davtg lost his life in an unsuccessfu
attempt to rescue John Arke , an eight
year-old boy , from drowning. The boj
went out on the Ice of the Rockawaj
river and broke througn PnvK n i.
his wife saw Arke drop Into the water
and Davis cut dowii tlio Uuiues. . . v
In his yard and tied one end about hi ;
waist. He gave the otber end to hit
wife and started toward the boy , whc
was floundering about In the broker
ice. Lying down Davis reached out
and seized Arke and snouted to his
wife to haul In on the rope. She drew
her husband back from the hole untt
the boy was out of the water. As slu
started to pull again the rope broke
and the man and boy slid back Intc
the water and were drowned.
Killed by Ill-Fated Train.
Mlnot , N. D. , Dec. 27. James * Mur
ray of Hecker , a section foreman , was .
killed and Thomas Lundy of Mlnot
was probably fatally Injured at Heck ,
er by the See Ifne passenger train
which was wrecked seven hours later
at Endcrlln. The men were unloading
material from the handcar when thej
wore struck by the train and hurled
Into the gully.
Worktrain and Regular collide Nea
Tacoma and Two Are Killed.
Tacoma , Wash. , Dec. 27. An inter
urban train from Seattle and a work
train collided a mile north of Milton
Two persons were killed and twelv
Injured The motorman was fatally
hurt. A flagman was sent out to sto
the passenger train , but failed.
The dead : George Ross , conduct
or ; William Harris , third rail man
body cut in two.
ikThe wreck occurred on a shar
grade In a deep cut. Two flatcar
were piled on the first passenger car
crushing It to splinters. The flagman
whoso alleged carelessness caused th
wreck , cannot be found.
Tolls Pollcyholderg to Present Cbarget
of Coercion Against Pcnbody.
Now York , Dec. 27. District Attor
ney Jeioine IOH ; wiltlcn a letter to I )
Ctuly Hcirkk of counsel for the Mu
tual Life I oltcyholik'is ABMHUUIUU
saying he Is now willing to take up
the mailer concerning the chaigoN
against I'tesldent 1'eabody of the Mil
tual Life Insurance company of LO
crcton In connection with the election
of trustees of that catni/iuiy.
These charges weie biongl.t to tl.e
aitentlon of the dUtiic' atton.o }
tome time ago by Mr. llenlrk Mi
Jerome i el used to act on them at H.i
time un the ground that no did i.ot
want hlh olllte "lined to liillueiuu Uiu
election of trustees In the Mutual. "
Secretary llusaoll J. I' sb ol the as
soclatlon said. "As to tiiu atuiuile of
this ashoclatlon ; u bringing tin
charges against Mr. I'ealiody'ln Octo
ber , our put pose was to pi event him
continuing the crime of coer
clou of employes In tiehalf of the
administration ticket , rather than to
bring about the punishment of a coin
pleled crime after the criminal had
profited to the full thereby. While
the punishment of the crltuo Is Im
portant , and the association truuts
that the district attorney will take up
the mailer vigorously , novorlholoBS ,
In view of the fact that tlio election Is
over nnd by Mr. Jerorno's acquies
cence Mr. I'eabody and his follow
law breakers have already reaped the
fruits of the Illegal actions , so that
our Interest Is only that of all citi
zeiis , wo feel that any criminal action
to be taken at this time Is the con
cern of the district attorney as such ,
ralhor than ours. The witnesses in
this mailer were , as Ihe dlslrlct atlor-
noy Is aware , clients of Alborl S.
Ward , who will no doubt arrange to
produce them at Mr Jerome's re-
quest. "
Complaint of New York Life to Secure
I Accounting IB Not Sufficient.
New Y'ork , Dec. 27. Demurrers In-
. terpoBOd by Andrew Hamilton to the
| complaint of the New York Life In
surance company In Us suit to com
pel I him to account for $ .171,250 re
ceived and distributed by him on be
half 1 of the company were sustained
by ' Judge Discholf In the supreme
, court.
I The demurrers challenge the suf-
llcloncy of each cause of action for an
j accounting and raises the question ol
ni.iicinripr If some of Ihe oilier causes
i of action may be deemed sufficient to
J proceed for oilier relief. The court
upholds the demurrers as to the Insuf
ficiency of the first three causes of
action and gives the life Insurance
company leave to amend on the pay
ment of costs.
Several Ships Wrecked on British
Coast In Blinding Gales.
London , Dec. 27. The British me
tropolis Is covered with two Indies of
snow and advices from tlie country
districts announce thai deep drills are
nlorforing with the distribution of
the mails and railway trafllc
Several schooners nave been
wrecked on the coast during blinding
snowstorms. The steamer Hazeldene
"truck a rock and sank off Cloughey.
Jfeboatmen succeeded in rescuing
he crow after an exciting experience.
Another lifeboat made a similar res
cue of the crew of the scfioonor Ring
eader , wrecked off Dungeness.
Bakre Falls Into a Kneading Machine
and Is Crushed to Death.
Columbus. O. , Dec. 27. Falling Into
a sponge mixer full of dough which
he was feeding , H. D. Van Kirk was
whirled around until every bone In
his body was crushed before the ma
chine was stopped and lie was extri
cated , a corpse. The accident oc
curred In the bakery wncro Van Kirk
had been employed for fifteen years
as assistant superintendent.
Judge Chetlain Under Fire.
Chicago. Dec. 27. The judiciary
commltlee of Ihe Chicago Bar assocla-
tlon , which has been tnvesllRallne
charges against Superior Court Judge
Arthur H Chetlain. of liavlng become
Interesled in various financial Irans
acllons which came under Ihe Juris
dlcllon of his court , found the Jurist
"guilty of grave Infractions of conduct
becoming a judge and that ho has
by his rather reckless actions serious
ly Impaired his usefulness as a judge. "
Find Remains of Explorers.
El Pone , Tax. , Doc. 27. The re
mains of Professor Thomas Grlndcll
and his party , who left Douglas , Ariz. ,
in June , 1904 , on an exploring expo-
dltlon to Tlburon Island , located In the
Gulf of California , but who were
never afterward hoard from , have just
been found In a desert In Sonera ,
whpre they < porl6hod evidently tor
want of water ,
Indicted Officials Re-Elected.
New York , Dec. C7. After a session
lasting two hours the directors of the
Mutual Reserve Life Insurance com
pany re-olected Frederick A. Burnhara
president and George D. Eldrcdgo
vice- president of the company. Nine
of the twelve directors were present
and the vote on the election of Burn-
hum and ICIdredge Is said to have boon
varv close.
Commissioner of Labor Nell ) Will Ar
rive In Houston From Washington
Today Grand Master Hanrahan to
Take Charge of Strike.
San Antonio , T".v. boa 27. Local
Southern Pacific olllclats claim that
the Brotherhood of Fliwncu B alillir
on this division of Hie system is
broken and that all freight and pus
songor trains are moving along with
full crowH.
Houston , Tex. , Dec. 27. Reports to
the headquarters of the Atlantic ays I
teiu ol ( lie Southoin 1'aelllc line.-
show that the lines are expeilenclnp
little dllllcully In operating trains on
account of the strike of locomotlvi
lit omen on the Houston division
Foiiilccn ' freight lialns out of sixteen
scheduled weie handled. All nchcd
ulcii on the Victoria division and on
the Texas and New Orleans east ol
this city wciu operated. The same IK
true , according to the reports , on the
101 Paso division west of San An
In view of this Tralllc Manager
Dunlap I ] has issued notices at all points
to accept both local and through
At Lobo , near 101 Paso , Knglneer
Kilts ; Is reported to have boon assaulted
saultod and so severely Injured that
ho could not continue the run.
John Goldreaux. a Southern Pa
clllc locomotive fireman , walkud Into
Opoloumis , La. , after being taken
from his engine by masked men twen
ty-two ; miles outside of town and after
having tramped the largest part of
the night to reach town.
II. B. Willis , assistant grand chler
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive ICn-
glneers , says that his organization. Is
thoroughly satisfied with the situation
and all IN members are going to do
all In their power to maintain their
contract with the railroad company
and keep the trains moving.
Hon. ( liarloR p. Nolll , United States
commissioner of labor , will arrive In
Houston today from Wnsblnglon and
tender his friendly oHlccs in the con
Grand Master of Firemen to Give Per
sonal Attention to Present Strike.
I'eorla , Dec. 27. At the offices of
the Brotherhood of lx > eomotlvo Fire
men It was stated that there was nolli
Ing to be given out relative to the
strike on the Southern Pacific , oilier
than thai Grand Maslcr Hanrahan
would probably leave before the latter
part of next week to take personal
charge . of the strike for a time at
least. j
Prospective British Ambassador to
United States to Leave Parliament.
Aberdeen , Scotland , Dec. 27. Jamea
Bryce , who is to succeed Sir Henry
Mortimer Durand as British ambassa
dor , at Washington , has given his constituents
stituents here the first definite Information
mation of his selection for the Wasli-
Ington post in a loiter , which they
have just received. In this communi
cation Mr. Dryco said that tbo appoint
ment will compel him to glvo up his
seat for South Aberdeen. The retire-
monl of Mr. Bryce caused genuine re
gret. as his scholarly qualities rnado
him particularly qualified to represent
the constituency which has the repu
tation of being the most Intellectual
in the United Kingdom , as Aberdeen
enjoys the unusual distinction of not
havlnc one .Illiterate voter.
Half of the Town of Arlca Is De
stroyed by Seismic Disturbance.
Santiago , Chile. Doc. 27. Half of
the town of Arlca , In the province of
Tacna , has been destroyed by an
earthquake and other towns in the
neighborhood have suffered more or
lees severely. The seaport of Iqulque ,
120 miles south of Arlca , was not dam-
aged. With the recollection of the
August disaster fresh in their minds ,
the people In the earthquake zone
are greatly alarmed.
Hiram Mulllns and Son Shot In Battle
With Bud and Charles Little.
Lexington , Ky. , Dec. 27. Hlrait
Mulllns and his son , William , were
shot and fatally wounded In a feud
battle , fought at their home , with a
gang headpd by Charles and Bud Lit
tie and John Brewer. There had boot
a feud of long standing bef * en th <
Little and Mulllns families , 'iho mec
mot and the Littles fired on the Mul
llns. The latter made a running flghl
to tneir homo , where they barricaded
themselves. The Littles followed ,
shooting as they ran. They sur
rounded Mulllns' homo , firing Win
Chester rifles and revolvers. The
house was riddled with bullets and
every window was broken. The battle
ceased only when both the Mulllns
wore shot down. Over 200 shots were
fired. Hiram Mulllns was shot through
the abdomen and was brought to the
hospital hero for treatment
Temperature for Twenty-four Hour * .
Forecnnt for Ncbrnoka.
( ' ( imllllniiH of ( ho weather an record-
oil for iho twenty-four bourn emllnj ;
at K a. m. today :
Maximum It
Minimum lil
A \orano ' UN
. Ilimimelor ' 21I.7-I
Chicago , Hoc. 27. The hullollii lit-
miod by the Chicago Hlalloii of the
United Minion \vouihor buroiiu given
( bo forecast for Nebraska as followti :
Kaln or HIIDlonlulil and Friday.
Flnda Made by the Immigration Com-
mlsnloncr In Honolulu Will Guide
Recommendations Which President
Roosevelt Is to Make.
NVaslilnglou , Dec. 27. Thorn IB to
lie a now and Independent report on
I lie Japanese Immigration question ,
and , when It Is completed , the presi
dent , will transmit II to congress with
another message , making the third on
the subject
Frank Sargent , commissioner gener
al of Immigration , was aL the whlto
house and gave president UoosevelL ft
summary of his Investigation of the
Japanese tide of Immigration Into Cal
ifornia Ihiougli Hawaii. As ho baa
but Just arrived here and has not ovuu
begun preparation of bis olllclal report ,
the commissioner general was unwill
ing to give an outline of his conclu
Ills repoit will have great bearing
upon I he Hell lenient of the JnpanoBO
dllllciilly on Iho Pacific coast , how
ever , because all of this oriental Immi
gration now conies from the Hawaiian
Islands | and , If the How from Japan
to Honolulu can be slopped , the fear
of ( ) ] Californium * of an inundation of
Japanese will disappear , violation of
law and order will cease and normal
labor conditions on the Paclllc nlopo
will be icslorod.
Instead of Throwing Up His Hands He
Ki'ls ' One and Wounds the Other.
Pawnee , Okla. , Dec. 27. An un
known man Is dead , another perhaps
fatally injured and Fred Springier , a
saloonkeeper , severely bruised , as n
result of a holdup. Springier was ac
costed by two strangers while on his
way homo. Instead of throwing up
hlB hands , as commanded , ho opened
fire and one of the bandits foil , dying
almost Instantly. The other may re
cover. Pprlngler's arm was broken li
the melee.
Lynching Is Likely.
Muskoqioe , I. T. , Dee. 27. Great ex
citement prevails at Stillwell , n small
town near hero , over an attempted
criminal assault of Miss York , a four
teen-year-old girl , by Uraham Hughes.
The girl repulsed Hughes and as she
fled ho lired a shotgun Into her body
at close range. Hughes was arrested
and taken to Vlnlta at escape mob vie
lence. T'e town Is much wrought up
and a lynching may follow.
Deputy Marshal Shot by Outlaws.
Tulsa , I. T. . Dec. 27. In a running
tight over a rocky country Deputy
United States Marshal Strickland was
shot and lef for dead by two desper
ate outlaws. The battle occurred near
Dawson. The bandits wore later cap
tured and lodged In Jail. Strickland
Is in a local hospital In n critical con
Fatal Shooting Affray.
Tnllahoma , Tenn. , Dec. 27. During
a shooting affray in a billiard room
here Mel Parker was fatally wounded ,
Henry nrlnluey , was shot In the back ,
James Hole In the hip , J. D. Baxter
In the back and Tom Pratt in the
Attack Jurisdiction of Court.
St. I/ouls , Dec. 27. The Standard
Oil company of Now Jersey and sixty
other corporations allied with it ask
defendants in the government's suit
to break up the alleged oil monopoly ,
flled a motion In the United States
circuit court , attacking the jurisdic
tion of that court to bring in nonresident
dent defendants by process , and pe
titioning the court to vacate the order
of service issued by Judge Sanborn
Nov. 15.
Mob Falls to Get Murderer.
Las Animas. Colo. , Dec. 27. After
several hours diligent effort at storm
ing the county jail here , a mob which
gathered for the purpose of lynching
the slayer of Henry Lavenmoyer dis
persed. The mob worked Its way Into
the Jail as far as the steel doors by
breaking down the wooden doors , but
were met with a stern refusal by the
jail keepers to turn over the prisoner.
Drops Bomb In Railway Station.
Kharkov Russia , Dec. 27. An un
known traveler dropped a bomb In the
railway station here upon alighting
from an In-coming train. Two passen
gers were killed and many wounded
by the explosion. The station IK now
surrounded by goldlers.