The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 21, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Cnrds , Suppers , Luncheons and Smok
era Have Formed the Menu During
the Pant Few Days More Doing
After Christmas.
"Too nenr ChrMtniis. "
That IH I ho way In which one Nor
folk society \voniiin explains IIio Hoola !
lllll Of UlO Week UHlt llllH JllHt pllH od
iind Hho ought to know What's more
Hho docs Uunw. Thiil'H tlio comlttloi
of IhlngH , nnd everybody understands
tt heeimso ovoryltody him the sumo
viewpoint nt Imlldny time. The fea
ture of the week has boon the scrlo'i
of cntertalnmontH continued by Mr.
and Mrs. George N. Hutterllold. hunt
work they entertained at ix largo dime-
IIIK l > ' rty and thlH week , on Friday
night , they entertained lit n supper
jmrtyvhllo Mrs. Ruttorlleld gave an
other luncheon on Saturday nfturuoon.
With the ChrlHtnniH season rnpldly
approaching , Norfolk IH settling down
Into the Hplrlt of holly nnd there IH
little elno nblo to claim nttuntlon and
Interest. Femininity IH busy all the
day long Hewing and buying and fret
ting over ChrlHtmaH things , while men-
folk are kept equally ( 'imaged with
the annual rush of biiRlnosH that nl-
wnya comes during the latter part of
There will bo a largo number of
youiiB people In Norfolk for the ChrlHt-
lunn vacation from varloim colleges
nnd universities , and It may bo antic
ipated that they will have Kay UmoH.
Even nmniiB the older folk there IH
promise of "something doliiB , " ' "d
horo'H a little Up that people will do
well to get their pumps In shape.
Pleasures of the Week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George D. nuttorllold
ontortnlncd n company of frlemlH at
their homo on Norfolk avenue Friday
ovcnlng at n supper pnrty. The sup
per , dolIcloiiHly prepared and daintily
Horvod , occupied the early evening
nnd wns followed with six-hand euchre -
chro , which afforded fun until n late
In the , four ladles tied for
high score , Mrs. N. A. Ualnbolt win
ning on the cut. Mrs. M. C. Walker
won the largest number of shouts
among the ladles. Dr. P. H. Suitor
took the gentlemen's high score prize
nnd Dr. H. T. Ilolden the gentlemen's
shouting prize.
Mrs. George D. Huttarfield enter-
tnlned n company of Indies nt 1 o'clock
luncheon Saturday nftornoon. As nn
nftor-inncheon fentnro , n novel contest
In llagn was brought Into uso. The
BiioHts wore given n couple of do/.on
Hags , representing various nations ,
nnd were asked to guess to which
country each ling belonged. Some re-
mnrknblo geography developed.
The supper given by n committee of
Indies of the Congregntlonnl church on
Thursday night , In the pnrlors of the
church , wns well nttonded nnd n nlco
sum of money cleared. The seven-
cent pncknges sold fast.
Rev. J. C. S. WelllH entertained n
few gentlemen friends on Thursday
evening In honor of Rov. Dr. Wost-
cott. Coffee and cigars wore served
nnd the Informal mooting with Dr.
Westcott wns enjoyed.
Miss Llllto Schelly entertained sixteen -
teen girl friends on Thursday night ,
the occasion being her fifteenth birth
day. The evening wns pleasantly
passed In gnmcs and music.
The West Side Whist club enjoyed
n meeting Monday evening with Dr.
and Mrs. Bear. Oyster stow proved a
novelty in the line of refreshment , and
wns much enjoyed.
The Queen Esther circle hold their
first meeting on Tuesday night nt the
homo of Mrs. D. K. Tyndnl.
Manager Pederseu of the Auditori
um recommends two pla > s which are
to nppenr In Norfolk during the com
ing week "Faust" on Tuesday night nt
$1 prices and "Tho College Boy" on
Thursday night nt 75-cent prices.
Ilnlph Rtggs is plnylng in the latter.
Ho wns In the Florodorn company
which wns advertised for Norfolk last
year but failed at Fremont.
"Thero were two largo audiences at
Greene's yesterday. Both in the af
ternoon and the evening the house
was filled. There was hnrdly n vacant
sent. And the audiences were both
highly pleased with the performance
and manifested their pleasure by fre-
fiuent nnd hearty applnuse.
"Thero nro but nine people in the
piny , but it does not take a laige number
bor of artists to make an enjoyable
performance. That has been demon
strated time nnd time again nnd nevermore
moro thoroughly than yesterday In
"The College Boy. " The parts were
all In capable hands , nnd there were
no weak places. "
"With n compact nnd well written
piny , with n sensible , bellevnblo plot
nnd lines full of brightness with some
good singing and dnnclng and withal
n clover and capable company , "The
College Boy" proved to bo one of the
most enjoyable of the moderate priced
attractions of the season.
Otis Skinner , who was so tremen-
loiiHly popular when ho nppeared In
s'orfolk , nnd who haw long Hlnco grown
ml of thlH ehiHH , IH JiiHl now attracting
urge audleiicoH In St. Paul In bin now
ilay , "Tho Duel. " Ho IH mild to bo
uoro artlHtlo in thlH romance than
) vor before.
"Old Arkanmuv , " and "Tho Messen
ger Hoy" nppeared In Norfolk during
the piiHl week. They played at pop
ular pilren and were good enough ,
considering the rates. They drew
Hlllllll llOIIBOH.
Concerning "Tho College Boy , " the
Republican of Cedar Rapids , Iowa ,
Hays :
Annual Dall Will bo Given on New
Year's Eve Railway Ball Coming.
The Sugar City aoilo of the Frater
nal Order of Eagles have announced
their annual ball , which will ho given
In Maniunrdt hall Now Year's eve ,
December 31. Preparations are being
made for an event of Hplcndor. The
following committees , who have Just
been announced , Inmiro the pnrty'H
complete HIICCCHH :
MiiHtor of ceremonies , Judge I. G.
Reception committee George II.
Spear , John Friday , C. S. Smith , 0.
W. Munger , George B. Chrlstoph ,
.lamofl llogan , F. 11. Oarrctt , Harry
Udor , Robert Schwartz , Froomnn
FranelH , C. K. Linn , Hermnn Mllbor ,
A. K. Craig , Kmll Lueck.
Floor committee 0. II. Matheson ,
M. R. Green , 13. B. Knuffmann , W. II.
Powers , P. R Cnrrlck , Peter David-
mm , George Benedict , F. P. Leahy , F.
A. CoiiHlns.
Door committee P. M. Barrett , Leo
HershlHer , A. L. Carter , Paul Nordwlg ,
C. n.'Oroesbock , Rny Weber.
Cloak room committee W. L. Kern ,
Fred Roche , R. Blntt , Jacob Christensen -
son , ThonuiH PolraH , Thomas I light ,
M. 10. SInwtor , EarnoHt Apfel.
Decorating committees J. II. Mac-
Uny , John Weldonfeller , F. L. Dom-
nlsseo , Kmll Koohn , William Uecher ,
O. A. Burton , W. F. Smith. II. R.
Ward , J. II. Conloy , Kmll Moollor.
The railway trainmen are making
elaborate preparations for their an-
nunl dancing party which IH to bo held
In Mnrqunrdt hall on Christmas night.
A largo number of Invitations hnvo
been Issued nnd It Is expected that a
great many couples will avail them
selves of the evening's pleasure.
All Citizens Were Wild With Joy When
Strike Menace Disappeared.
Load , S. D. , Dec. 15. Not In all the
thirty years of lead's existence has
there been such n joyful day us the
ono on which the news wns made pub
lic that the Homestnke company had
granted an eight-hour day , as request
ed by the miners' union. Everyone
feared the strike : the women , the
business men , the management of the
mine and the minors themselves. Con-
Hequentlj , when the nown spread that
there would bo no strike , the demon
strations were general. Men throw
their hats Into the air and yelled with
Joy ; women laughed and wept alter
nately and hysterically , nnd cmotlonnl
foreigners fell on each other's necks
in true old-country fashion. Lend was
wild with joy.
A meeting of the miners' union , held
In response to the news that Superin
tendent Grlor had allowed the eight-
hour day , resulted In the appointment
of a committee of five to wait upon
Mr Grlor and nrrnngo the details of the
settlement. This meeting has not been
hold yet , as there is still some dispo
sition to find fault with the fnct that
the men cannot como nnd go on the
company's llmo. H Is thought , however -
over , that this will not prove n se
rious barrier to the settlement. Other
details have not been made public ,
though It Is known that no question
of wages is Involved. Tho.wages al
lowed for the ton-hour day will bo
The outlook for labor conditions is
brighter than it has ever been. Not
the least factor In this encouraging
outlook is the notion of the Terry Penk
union. Three hundred men nre work
ing for Bald Mountain companies , most
of which have not yet arrived nt n
dividend-paying basis , but are spend
ing money developing their properties
and building mills. The union there
fore decided that It would not strike ,
nnd thnt this wns not the time to ask
for n rnlso of wnges. This considera
tion of the men for the conditions un
der which their mnnngement is workIng -
Ing will receive , In time , Its own
William Randolph Hearst owns no
stock In the Homestnko mine , nnd his
mother's closest business ndvlsor Is
Edward Clark of San Francisco. The
opinion Is general that Mr. Hearst
has but little if any Influence in the
policy of the company.
Homestakc employes nro to receive
even moro than they demanded , and
the time schedule goes Into effect December -
comber 15. Last evening n committee
from the two unions mot with Superin
tendent Grier to nrrango details. It
was finally agreed that the time taken
to go nnd return from the mines be
divided between the men nnd the
Mr. Grler also announced that the
company would extend the arrange
ment to the mill men nnd others work
ing above ground , giving them nlso
eight hours. This will necessitate the
employment of three shifts at the
The demand for hours wns made
oul > for thobo below rrouiul All
questions are uuw mitibfnctorlly ad
Fierce Weapons Were Flashed and
Several Bloody Fights Resulted.
Citizens of the Town Claim They
Will Rid Community of Gamesters
BonoHteol , S. I ) . , Dec. 15. Special to
The News : What might nearly bo
chiHHed nu a riot occurred In Burke , a
Hinall town on the reservation , last
Wednesday evening. A short Unit
ago Iho town WIIH Incorporated and
the village council adopted ordinances
with a view to remove gambling. The
ordinances were rejected by the gam
biers 'and ns a rcmilt a clash took
place the gamblers and Haloons on
the ono Bide and the town board and
many people on the other. A number
of fights took place and deadly weap
tins Unshod. A numbers of gamblers
have been ordered to leave town and
the order will bo enforced. The Burke
town board IH determined to wipe out
the gambling nnd Hiiloon clement li
that village nnd when that Is done It
will bo the only village on the Rose
bud reHorvatlon where gambling am
saloons are prohibited.
KrnoHt Hartman went to Pierce 01
the noon train.
Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Conloj
Saturday morning , a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. 55. Lee 01
Friday , December 11 , a son.
A boy came to the homo of Mr. am
Mrs Louis Schon/ol yesterday.
M. Nichols of Foster wan n Norfoll
visitor during the day.
Mrs. ChiiH. Unlgo of Wnrnervlllo vis
Ited In Norfolk ycHterday.
R. W. Meyer of Oakland wns In Nor
( oik on business yesterday.
Fred Piigols of Clearwater went to
Beomer Saturday morning.
J. C. Cntron from Tllden wns trans
acting business In the city Saturday
Miss Stella Caldwcll and sister won
to Omaha on the early train Saturday.
C. II. Torpln nnd wife of Oakdalo
were In Norfolk on business yester
Mrs. John Scott of Crolghton catno
down last night to visit Mrs. J. D.
P. J. Peterson was In the city Sat
urday forenoon. lie will return to his
farm near Gregory after n short stay
at Lindsay.
Miss Ada Ware went to Meadow
Grove Saturday afternoon for a 'visit.
C. W. Lemont went to Wast Point
Friday to Investigate n real estate
B. A. Bullock loft yesterday on n
business trip to Columbus , Omaha and
Council Bluffs.
Mrs. L. Owens returned from Battle
Creek yesterday , where she had been
visiting the past week.
Mrs. George Davenport and Mrs.
Nicholson of Madison spent n few
hours in Norfolk yesterdny.
Miss Mntildn Fox came homo from
her school nt Wnrnorvlllo last night ,
to spend Sunday with her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. J. Fox.
Frank Bowman nnd daughter of
Cody were passengers Saturday morn
ing for Stanton where they will visit
during the holidays.
A. C. Atwnter came down from the
ranch In Rock county Saturday and
took the Sioux City train for Iowa , to
confer with his associates In the ranch
Mrs. Sornsberger went to Plalnvlew
at noon for a few days' visit with
Miss Nellie Hyde came homo from
Battle Creek Inst night from her school
to bo nt homo over Sunday.
John Lesoy , cnglnoman for the Nye-
Schnolder-Fowlor company , went to
West Point Snturdny morning.
Judge Starcher of Fairfax and At
torney Wills and wife of Butte , were
passengers for their home at noon.
M. F. Morton , n Gregory count }
ranchman , passed through Norfolk at
noon onrouto to his homo after a trip
to Omaha.
Mrs. Searlo of Omaha passed
through the city enronte to Monowl
where she went td visit her father
Rov. Mr. Hess.
W. L. Johnson of Vivian , S. D. , who
Is ono of the Johnson Brothers o
Plalnvlow but Is now holding down a
claim In South Dakota , wns n Norfolk
visitor Snturdny.
Mrs. John Barr and Mrs. Nelson
Merchant of Alnsworth were passen
gers on the Union Pacific train a
noon for Columbus where Mrs. Barr
an Invalid , goes to a hospital.
Judge McCutcheon , newly elected
county attorney in Boyd county ,
passed through the city enrouto to his
homo at Spencer , after having con
sulted with Attorney General Norris
Brown at Lincoln.
George W. Evans and Herman Buo-
tow , officers In the North Nebraska
Live Stock Protective association ,
wont to Pierce Saturday noon to dis
cuss with farmers of that vicinity the
need of organizing an antl-horsethicf
association In every county of north
ern Nebraska.
O. P. Masters and family expect to
leave Norfolk soon after the first of
the year for Long Beach , California ,
whore they will make their homo In
the future.
Mrs , C. F. Shaw Is visiting In Rook-
ford , 111. Mr. Shaw Is In Iowa thin
week and will meet Mrs. Shaw In
RocVford next week , when they w'll '
return together.
J. S , Woaverllng , G. L. Butler , Mnr-
tin Sauudors and J. D. McClow came
lown from Ewlng yesterday to see
ibout purchasing n piano for the Ew-
ng opera house.
Ralph Wllley returned yesterday
roni Ixmt Springs , Wyo. Ho hast been
hero In the mining regions for nome
line past nnd hns hnd ninny nnd vn-
lous experiences. Ho wns tnken with
mountain fever nnd the doctor advised
him to come home.
George Early , an old resident of
Norfolk now of Belle Fourcho , wns
greeting old friends In the city today.
Mr. Early formerly worked In the
Sugar City Cereal mills. He now has
a mill of liln own at Belle Fourchc.
Saturday morning Mrs. D. B. Sim-
moiiH of Hnltlo Creek came down from
Anoku where she has been visiting
her daughter. Mrs. Wlllberger. The
Simmons , Lauvcr and Cunningham
families weio the only settlers loft In
the central part of Madison county
after the gniHshopper raids in the
MrH. Potras went to Clearwntcr nt
noon to npeiid the holidays with rel
The llttlo baby boy of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Stnnsborry Is quite sick.
Mrs. Shlplee of Battle Creek Is hero
visiting with her daugMcr , Mrs. Cum
mins and Is having some dental work
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hedrlck , who
have been rooming at the homo of
Mrs. Pnt Grotty nnd boarding at Per
ry's have rented the house formerly
occupied by Mrs. Culluns and arc goIng -
Ing to housekeeping In a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 7 . Leo nro the pa
rents of a nine-pound boy.
The foreman of the sewer gang built
a shed yesterday east of the Wash
ington school to store their tools In
over night.
Frank Sledshelay Is having his corn
shelled and Mr. Strum's corn shcllcr
Is doing the work.L
Mr. and Mrs. F. Merrlt of Long
Pine stopped off Friday and spent a
day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexan
der on their way homo from Omaha.
Mr. Morrlt Is , a machinist In the shops
at Long Pino.
Andy Dryden and family left today
for a two-months' visit nt his old home
In Stratford , Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yost nnd family
have moved to Burdcaux , whore Mrs.
Yost's parents live.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill returned
ionic from Missouri Valley last night ,
vhero they had been to attend the
funeral of n niece of Mrs. Hill's.
Engineer John Welsh Is marked up
on the sick board this week.
Z. Bateman Is fumigating and papering -
poring the house just vacated by Fred
G. W. Livingston , the night machln-
st in the shops , received a message
that his wife , in Boxelder , South Da
cota , was sick nnd loft for there on
No. 5 last evening.
Engineer R. R. Ralston , who has
been working out of Council Bluffs ,
ins returned to Norfolk and will work
out of here.
Five of the youngest engineers were
sot back today on account of work
being a little slack.
A. R. Beaten , who has been sawing
wood at Fremont , loaded his sawmill
nnd brought It to Norfolk today , where
ho has three carloads of paving blocks
to saw for the Black Hills division.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
I. G. Westervelt next Tuesday after
T. J. Morrow , formerly of Norfolk ,
has Just been elected city clerk in
Scdro-Woolley , Washington.
The Pierce Call has a finely worded
and touching obituary of M. L. Bass
who died at Sheridan , Wyoming , December -
comber 8.
Rov. J. W. Morgan will move Into
Paul Knro's house on South Ninth
street , recently purchased by Mr.
Knro from John Krantz , soon.
The Ladles Aid society of the Pres
byterian church spent a very pleasant
afternoon on Friday with Mrs. Solo
mon and Mrs. King. Light refresh
ments were served.
J. E. Jones , a recent settler In
Lynch , was , with his llttlo children
nnd ether relatives , on the Bonestcel
train Saturday morning. His wife died
at Lynch and they were taking the re
mains back to Wisconsin to rest be
neath her native soil.
The Modern Brotherhood of Amer
ica elected officers Friday night for
the ensuing year , as follows : Fred
Krantz , president ; Mrs. Elleuwood ,
vice president ; G. H. Burton , secretary
nnd treasurer ; Mrs. Harry Bain , con
ductor ; Gus Werner , watchman ; God
frey Maas , sentry ; Dr. Bryant , exam
iner ; trustee for three years , Ed Con-
ley ; for two years , Ben Beemer ; for
ono year , Gus Werner.
The sharp weather renders the work
of excavation on the sewer extremely
difllcult. The ground In the vicinity
of the Junction depot has been hard
ened by the ceaseless traffic and since
being frozen to a depth of a foot or
moro it Is necessary to use Iron wedg
es exactly as In quarrying stone. Still
the work goes bravely on nnd alter
the 500 feet adjacent to the depot Is
out of the way the remaining portions
of the work will bo comparatively
Oakdalo Sentinel : A deal was con
summated the first of the week where
by W. W. Hopkins again came Into
possession of the Now Hopkins hotel ,
Mr. O. B. Manvllle , who has conduct
ed the house for the past year , retires
in order thnt ho may devotq his entire
tlmo to his real estate and exchange
business. Mr. Hopkins is not new In
the hotel business by nny moans , hnv-
Inn been engaged in this line of work
j for many years. Ho Is well known
I ami universally liked by the traveling
' > llc and there Is no doubt but that
IK will make the New Hopkins the
most popular hotel in this section of
the state.
Although Twenty Cents an Hour , as
Before , Is Still Paid for Railroad
Work , Men Want to Labor Ten
Hours Instead of Nine.
Bonesteel , S. D. , Dec. 15. Special
to The News : Considerable trouble
has arisen In the past few days be
tween the contractors and laborers on
the Northwestern extension west from
Bonesteel to the Trlpp county line.
I.4isL Monday a nine-hour day wns put
In force , nllowlng the men 20 cents
an hour ; heretofore they were allowed
the Bnmo price per hour , but were giv
en ton hours work. The shortening
of the dny hns cnused dissatisfaction
among the men nnd In consequence a
strike Is on. Ninety men hnvo left
the work of railroad building and the
progress of rapid construction hns
been greatly crippled. Up to this
tlmo the work has not been resumed ,
and It Is thought by many that but
little moro will bo done until spring.
Battle Creek.
Mert Sullivan nnd Adolph Mantcy
of Meadow Grove were hero Wednes
day to have a little fun.
Clyde Wilkinson of Clenrwater was
hero on business Wednesday.
Frank Boeler returned Wednesday
from an Omaha hospital , where ho
wns trentod for appendicitis.
W. A. Sutherland is the busiest mnn
known. Ho has just finished the W.
L. Boyer place , nnd now ho is deco
rating the new structure of B. Werner
with wnll paper.
John C. Hall of Verdlgre wns here
the latter part o ftho week on busi
Lambert Kerbel was at Spencer
from Friday -Wednesday. . Mr. Ker
bel Is running n saloon nt thnt place ,
mnnnged by his brother , L. P. Kerbel.
Clark Miller , who has been about
five yenrs nt Seattle , Wash. , arrived
here Sunday for a visit with his broth
er , Howard Miller. Ho also will visit
relatives at Atkinson , where his for
mer home was.
Chns. Schroeder and family were
down to Norfolk on business Tuesday.
Miss Ella Hauptli , one of our teach
ers , nnd J. R. Witigman nnd G. C.
Bennlng of the Valley bank were vis
iting relatives at Norfolk Sunday.
Al Williams of Norfolk was here
Monday on business.
Wm. Tiedgcn shipped one carload
of blnck Angus Aberdeen steers to
the Omaha market Sunday.
Paul Vrzal was hero Monday on
business from Lindsay.
Mrs. Julius Henselelt and baby went
to Madison Monday for a visit with
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kurp-
J. A. Wright is up and down all the
time. Ho has just formed n real es
tate company at Tllden , and now ho
says he will start a branch office in
Panama. It is believed ho will make
his future homo there , as there is plen
ty of work there now on the American
T. K. Hansen was here from Tllden
Monday on business.
J. A. Moore , who has been troubled
with catarrh for years , is down to
Council Bluffs for treatment by a
J. Nightingale and L. T. Allen of
Norfolk were hero Tuesday on busi
ness for the Sturgeon music store.
Carl Llnstadt of Tlldeu was here
Tuesday on business.
Wm. Mumford and Ed. Ohrlng of
Pierce were hero on business Tuesday.
James Clark , the noted leader of the
republican party , moved to Battle
Creek Monday.
Monowl Newspaper Does Not Believe
All Testimony Given.
The Monowl News does not believe
some of the testimony given In the
recent case against Oscar Wagner , for
merly of Norfolk , who was tried at
Butte on a charge of arson. The jury
disagreed. The Monowl paper says :
The News will publish a few facts
In the near future concerning the evi
dence of homo of the witnesses in the
Wagner case. The News did not be
lieve the evidence of some witnesses
at the time and now wo are moro than
confident that they were barefaced
lies. The question at the time was
why they Rhould so far forget them
selves as to swear to things they knew
to bo untrue.
President Hughltt of C. & N. W. Says
Coal Dealers Held up Orders.
Irritated by the continued com
plaints that the railroads nro respon
sible for the coal shortage which Is
oppressing the northwest states nnd
which has been the subject of appeals
made to the railroads umilo by Gov.
Elrod of South Dakota , and Gov. Mick
ey of Nebraska , President Marvin
Hughltt of the Chicago & Northwest
ern railroad has written the governors
explaining thnt it Is the local dealers
and not the railroads who should bo
blamed for this serious situation
In order to avail themselves of a 20
per cent , reduction In the coal rates ,
says President Ilughltt , the coal men
refused to order early , with the result
that the supply of fuel In the west Is
in some places factories have closed ,
towns have been dark because the
power plants could not get conl ,
ichools hnvo been closed nud the
louscholdor hns been put to grout In-
: onvenlonco to keep the fires In his
ionic going.
In his letter to the governors , Presl-
lent Ilughltt snys :
"Thirty days previous to October 27
n compliance with the provisions of
the Interstnto commerce law , notice
ivns given by our compnny of a con
templated reduction in coal rates of
ibout 20 per cent. The conl dealers
licnrd of this nnd shipments were prac
tically suspended for thirty dnys by or-
iler of the dealers. At the same tlmo
It wns made to appear that the reasons
why coal wns not received wns because
wo could not furnish the cars. I per
sonally know there were plenty of cars
nt every point whore coal was on ten-
iler. Immediately upon the taking ef
fect of the reduced rates , October 27 ,
the orders from the coal dealers were
In excess of the capacity of the ship
pers. "
President Hughllt explains further
that unless dealers order their coal In
the early autumn , the shipments must
bo necessarily delaped by the shippers.
Word Was Received at Noon From
Washington That This Institution
Has Been Appointed to Receive Federal -
eral Funds.
[ From Sntvmlny's
The Nebraska National bank of Nor
fell ; has just received notice that it
has been appointed a United States
depository by the treasury department
of the federal government.
Friends of the bank are very much
elated over this appointment. They
feel thnt , coming after the bank has
been in existence but a trifle more
than two years , it is an especial honor
seldom gained under similar circum
stances. The bank's growth since It
began business July 1C , 1901 , has had
much to do with the awarding of this
recognition to the Nebraska National.
On September C , 1904 , when the first
statement after organization was
called by the comptroller of the cur
rency , the deposits amounted to $55-
302.93 ; at the last call for a state
ment , November 12 , 190G , deposits
amounted to $225,902.00. This growth
has been steady. The deposits
reached and surpassed the $100,000
mark in August , 1905 , and ayear Inter
er , in September , 190G , went over the
$200,000 mark. Today the bank has
a quarter million , almost , on deposit ,
or nearly five times the sum which it
had when the first statement after
its birth was called for.
Aside from the satisfaction which
comes to the bank , Itself , in having
won this extraordinary comnllmpnt in
so short a time , the naming of the
Norfolk Institution as a federal de
pository will mean added prestige to
Norfolk as a banking center and will
tend to concentrate here still more
of the money-action of the now north
Directors in the bank feel highly
pleased over the success of Mr. Butter-
field in gaining this new honor for
their institution and point with pride
to the fact that the Nebraska Nation
al of Norfolk has , by this appointment
two years after Its organization won a
mark of merit seldom equalled In
cities of this size after twenty years
of work and rarely if ever attained
by any bank in so short a time.
The bank's officers point to this re
markable attainment as an evidence
of extreme confidence in the solidity
of their institution , so far as the Unit
ed States government Is concerned.
Officers in the bank are : George
D. Butterfield , president ; C. A. John
son , vice president ; W. P. Logan ,
cashier. Directors are H. C. Sattler ,
I. Powers , M. Benedict , A. H. Klesau ,
F. H. Blakeman.
Grocery Store In Connection With the
Postoffice Was Entered During the
Early Morning Purse Containing
Money Is Overlooked.
Meadow Grove , Neb. , Dec. 15. Spe
cial to The News : Robbers entered
the grocery store in connection with
the postofilco hero at nn early hour
this morning and stole rings , watches ,
cigars and watch charms. The build
ing was entered by way of the rear
door , which was kicked In. There ia
no trace of the robbers , but It Is sup
posed they went to Norfolk on the
early train. They overlooked n purse
containing money. No postal proper
ty , so far as can bo found , was mo
lested. G. C. Rouse owns the store
and Is postmaster. The robbery oc
curred at some hour between 11
o'clock last night and G this morning.
Very Low Rates to National Wool
Growers' association , Salt Lake
City , Utah , via the Northwestern line.
Excursion tickets will bo sold January
15 , 10 nnd 17 , with favorable return
limits. Apply to agents Chicago &
Northwestern R'y.