The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 14, 1906, Image 1

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An Announcement Made In Norfolk
for the First Time by Mr. Harring
ton , Indicates That Railway Owner
ship Is to bo Bryan's 1908 Issue.
Former United States Senator Wil
liam V. Allen of Madison , M. F. Har
rington of O'Neill and Judge Edgar
Howard of Columbus nro planning to
formally Inaugurate the 1908 prcslden-
tlal campaign of William Jennings
Bryan nt a convention of "Government
Ownership" clubs to bo held In South
Omaha two weeks from next Monday ,
December 31. At least the close asso
ciation of the three leaders In this
enterprise , with. Mr. Bryan , and the
Identity of their ideas with those of
the peerless leader along the line of
government ownership , are taken by
political students to mean that this
convention will bo called for the pur
pose of formally launching the Ne
braska leader into the presidential
Plan Is Announced In Norfolk.
The plan of the government owner
ship convention was made public for
'the first time In Norfolk by Mr. Har
rington , who passed through the city
enroute from Madison to South Oma
ha , and who spent the morning there.
At Madison he was in conference with
Senator Allen.
While Mr. Harrington did not make
any remark concerning the national
significance of the proposed conven
tion , the fact of Its coming at this
time , when there Is no political senti
ment to build excepting that for presi
dential possibilities , Is taken to indi
cate that this Is a movement of the
friends of Mr. Bryan to announce his
Mr. Harrington was one of the very
first followers of the NebrasUan to
adopt the government ownership sug
gestion and he immediately organized
a "government ownership" club at
O'Neill. It will be recalled that when
Mr. Bryan spoke here during the clos
ing days of the recent campaign , ho
was followed by Mr. Harrington , who
dealt with government ownership , and
he was introduced by Senator Allen ,
who expressed his views as strongly
Javoring government ownership. Judge
Howard , at the congressional conven
tion held here , which nominated Judge
Graves , wrote the platform and In It
inculcated his and Mr. Bryan's government -
ernment ownership Ideas , even before
Mr. Bryan had returned to America
and delivered his famous Madison
Square speech upon the same doctrine.
It became apparent from this move
of Mr. Bryan's friends that he intends
to fight his way to the presidency on
a government ownership platform , and
that he will force the democratic na-
tlonal convention in 1908 to accept his
doctrine If It accepts him.
This being the case , It becomes ap
parent from the announcement that
has been made In Norfolk , that the
next presidential campaign will be
waged upon the "Government Owner
ship of Railroads" as a paramount Is
Sioux City Veteran Has Marrying Rec
Sioux City , la. , Dec. 13. For lack
of prosecution on the part of ono of his
two wives , Thomas J. Strupper , alias
John A. Kelly , alias Thomas H. Kelly ,
has escaped a penitentiary sentence
for bigamy. Ho has been released on
his own bonds.
Strupper has been three times mar
ried , two of these ventures having
landed him In prison. In 1SG1 ho mar
ried Alzora Carter at Nebraska City.
Neb. , and eight years later took to
wife Mary Do Witt , who is still living.
His first wife was living at the time
of the second marriage and wife No.
2 preferred charges , Strupper serving
a term In the penitentiary for bigamy.
After his release ho again lived with
Last summer the second Mrs. Strap-
per , who married him believing his
name was John A. Kelly , became sick.
Strupper hired Eva Scott , a 20-year-
old girl , ns nurse. She brought the
sick woman back to health , and Strap
per , having fallen In love with the
nurse , wont to Sidney , Iowa , with her ,
where she married him , the wife act
ing as witness. In defense she says
that she thought Strapper's prison sen
tence had absolved the marrlago ties.
Strapper used the name of Shaffer In
the wedding with the nurse.
The three then came to Sioux City
and began living with Strapper's son
by his first wife. Ho learned what
had happened and with Mrs. Kelly
had Strapper arrested. Both refused
to prosecute when the case was called
for trial this week. Strapper IB 70
years old and served In the civil war.
Chief of Bureau of Construction Says
Government Can Build Ships. '
Washington , Dec. 13. The ability
of government navy yards to turn out
warships equal In nil respects to those
built under contract , In the opinion
of Rear Admiral Cajips , chief of the
bureau of construction of the navy ,
In his annual report , has been fully
demonstrated. Ho urges that at least
one yard on the Pacific coast and ono
on the Atlantic coast , when practica
ble , should bo given n reasonable pro
portion of now construction work In
order that such yards may always bo
available for any work the govern
ment may desire to undertake.
An Effort Was Made to Apply for "An
Abatement" In the Cases , But Judge
Boyd Refused to Consider the Mo
tion at That Time.
Madison , Nob. , Dec. 13. Special to
The News ; The cases against the
four Norfolk Insane hospital attend
ants , who are charged with assault
with intent to do great bodily injury ,
will probably bo called today or to
An effort was made by the defense
yesterday to sandwich the cases in
just ahead of the Bushnell case and
to apply to the court for "an abate
ment" In the cases. Judge Boyd re
fused to consider the motion at that
To Ask Continuance.
The general supposition hero Is that
a continuance will bo asked in these
Court will adjourn Saturday night
until January , as this week was all
thai Judgb Boyd allotted to Madison
county. He holds court In Antelope
county next week.
Bushncll's Alibi.
One of the interesting points brought
out thus far in the court , and which
has been talked of considerably among
the attorneys , was the alibi produced
in behalf of Fred Bushnell. It was
brought out that Bushnell was In an
other saloon , entirely away from the
spot where Combs was alleged to have
been robbca * by the"1 defendant , and
therefore , according to testimony by
Mr. Stokes , ho could not have been
seen ebatlng Combs.
Discharged Soldiers of Twenty-fifth
Make Application for Re-enlistment.
Washington , Dec. 13. The immedi
ate result of a memorandum of Sec
retary Taft to the military seciclary ,
outlining the procedure to be followed
by enlisted men of the Twenty-fifth
Infantry who were discharged without
honor , was the visit to the war depart
ment of six of the discharged colored
men , who applied for re-enlistment ,
declaring that they were innocent of
all complicity in and knowledge of the
affair at Brownsville. The men had
no documentary evidence to present
establishing this fact , but. their appli
cations were submitted and received
upon the assurance that such testi
mony would be forthcoming at once.
Fifteen Passengers Injured.
Neelyvllle , Mo. . Dec. 13. Fifteen
passengers were Injured , none serious
ly , In a wreck of Iron Mountain train
No. 1 , from St. Louis. The smoker
chair car , sleeper and a private car
rolled into the ditch beside the road
bed , In which was a foot or more of
water. The Injured were placed In
the baggage car and taken to Poplar
Bluff. It Is reported that the train
struck an obstruction placed on the
Clement Glulty on Second Count.
Papillion , Neb. , Dec. 13. The jury
In the case of Ernest Clement , tried
for killing Lew Goldle In a fight at
Albright. Aug. 23 last , brought in a
verdict of guilty on the second count ,
which charged shooting with Intent
to wound. He was found not guilty on
the count charging murder Fred
Clements , father of Ernest , was sen
tenced to sixteen years.
Negro Narrowly Escapes From Mob.
Omaha , Dec. 13. For five criminal
assaults in as many days upon Mrs.
Amanda Reemen , an aged white
woman , Robert Robertson , a young
negro laborer , was arrested by detect
ives. The officers arrived just In time
to save the negro from a mob which
had organized to lynch him.
Arguing Caruso's Appeal.
New York , Dec. 13. The appeal of
Enrico Caruso , the tenor , from his
conviction on n charge of disorderly
conduct toward women In the monkey
house at Central park , came up before
Recorder Goff. No now evidence was
taken , the proceedings being limited
to argument by attorneys.
Indiana Cannery Burns.
Greenwood , Ind , , Dec. 13. The veg
etable canning ' factory of J. P. Polk
Sf Co. burned. Loss. $220,000. The
fire started In one of the packing
rooms and an explosion of gasoline
spread the flames to other buildings.
The destroyed factory was the largest
of Its kind in the world.
Nobody Was Killed , So Far no Can be
Learned Eastbound Passenger , Due
In Norfolk at Noon , Had Not Left
Long Pine Then.
Word has just been received In Nor-
fol kof a freight wreck on the Black
Hills division of the Northwestern.
Nobody was killed , but several wore
The wreck has delayed eastbound
passenger train No. G , which was not
iut of iMne Pine at noon.
/ vi. . 0. Ranklu , an engineer , former-
fOjy Norfolk , was scalded about the
I'P / ? / ' 1 shoulders. No ono was so-
lou v , . Injured. A few others were
slightly bruised.
Utah Man , Shot by Mrs. Anna Bradley ,
Dies Wound.
Washington , Dec. 13. Former Unit
ed States Senator Arthur LJrowu ot
Utah , who was shot lu his apartment
at the Hotel Raleigh Saturday after
noon by Mrs. Anna M. Hradley ot Salt
Lake , died nt midnight at tlio Emer
gency hospital ,
Mrs. Brauley will be arraigned in
police court today on the charge of
murder. Her attorneys will set up the
defense that she was justified under
the "unwritten law" In shooting Mr.
Dr. W. L. Sheep and Max Brown
and Miss Alice Brown of Columbus ,
O. , the former senator's son and
daughter respectively , were at the
bedside when he expired. He had
been unconscious for several hours.
After the autopsy Is performed the
body will be taken to Salt Lake for
Mrs. Bradley IB on the verge of col
lapse and her physicians say that It
may be several days before she will
be able to be arraigned In court. She
will be transferred from the house of
detention to a cell in the District Jail
Mr. Brown's life was prolonged for
several hours by the injection of salt
solution and by administering oxygen.
Dr. Charles White , superintendent of
the hospital declared that Senator
Brown's case was one of the most re
markable that had ever come under
his observation. His death was due
to complications brought on by kid
ney trouble and not to septic poison
as a result of the wound. The shock
of the bullet wound , however , had ag
gravated the affections of the kidneys
until these organs refused to perform
their functions.
Ready to Undertake Another Dash
for the Pole.
New York , Dec. 13. Commander
Robert E. Peary , together with fifty
other persons , members of the Peary
Arctic club and Intimate friends , were
guests at n dinner given by Morris K
Jessup. at the University club , In
honor of the explorer's safe return
from the Arctic. Commander Peary ,
in response to the congratulations of
Mr. Jessup , Is said to have told his
friends that If ho could get the right
sort of ship for another "dash" to the
North pole , he believed he could ac
complish his object In a year. It Is
said assurances were given him at the
dinner that the kind of ship he wanted
would be provided whenever ho is
ready-to undertake another voyage.
Judge Frazer Decides the Suit at
Plttsburg Adversely to Plaintiff.
PIttsburg , Dec. 13. The famous dl
vorce case brought by Augustus
Hartje , the millionaire paper manu
facturer , against his wife , Mary Scott
Hartje , in which he named Coachman
Thomas Mndlne as co-respondent , was
decided in favor of Mrs. Hartje.
Judge Frazer denied the petition o
the complainant , but makes no refer
ence to the question of alimony. The
children are to remain In the custod >
of Mrs. Hartje until a further orde
of the court. The court costs mus
be paid by Hartje.
With Two New York Editors He I
Accused of Circulating False Report.
New York , Dec. 13. William B
Masterson , a United States deputy
marshal , and William E. Lewis and
Henry N. Cary , editors of the New
York Morning Telegraph , were arrest
ed , charged with "criminal contempt
of court in circulating false and gross
ly Inaccurate reports of the Gillette
trial. "
Aid Extended to Utes.
Washington , Dec. 13. Major Gen
eral Grcely telegraphed the military
secretary in reference to published
reports on the pitiable condition of
the Ute Indians at Fort Meade , who
recentl endeavored to escape from
their own reservation to the Crow res
ervation , General Greely says the
Indians need clothing , blankets , shoes
and forage 'for their live stock. Ho
believed some assistance sluld bo extended -
tended and asked permission to spend
$5.000 , which request vras granted.
Fairfax News.
Fairfax , S. 1) . , Deo. 1. ) . Special to
'ho NOWH : W. A. Peoples , who runs
alooitH In Fairfax , BoncHtool and I lor-
lek In thin county , him sold out In
'nlrfnx to John Detmann , who has
teen 'tending bar several years for
A marrlago license was iHBiiod yes-
orday to Harry M. Ylegh of Mltoholl
ouuty , Kansas , and Miss Kmnui Hy-
oil of Gregory , this county. H IB
bought hero that the bachelors of the
csorvatlon had belter watch those
Cnnsas fellowH.
The Royal Neighbors ot America
gave their retiring oracle , Mrs. Charles
Sheldon , a reception at the homo of
Mrs. Fred Flint Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Sheldon la soon to movi to Plank-
ngtou , S. D. , and the NolghborH had
his way of surprising her and giving
lor a neat silver spoon with the name
if the camp on It.
Burlington Surveyors are Seeking a
Route Down South Side of Big Horn
Mountains , and It Is Said Northwest
ern Would Likely Quit Fight.
Worland , Wyo. , Dec. 13. An effort
vhlch Uio Burlington road Is making
o prevent the Northwestern from tap-
ring tlio rich Big Horn basin , lu ex-
iccted to come to a climax within the
icxt few days , or as soon as the result
of the surveying party now on the
Nowood divide can make Its report to
the company. Upon this survey do-
lends not only the entrance of the
Northwestern Into the Big Horn basin ,
but also the Immediate future of Ther-
nopolls , as the adoption of the No-
wood route would leave that town
without a railroad.
The Burlington engineers nro now
seeking a route down the south slope
of the Big Horn mountains , and if It
can be found the Thcrmopolls canyon
route will bo abandoned. The engi
neers have discovered an easy route
ip Klrby crock to a point east of Tlicr-
nopolls , whence the survey goes east
to the Nowood , and follows that stream
to the top of the divide. The difficul
ty is Ip getting n practical grade down
Clear creek to Badwator , whence there
would bo no difficulties.
Cost Is Tremendous.
The tremendous cost of the Thor-
mopolis conyon route , together with
the agreement with the Northwestern
by which the latter Is to bo allowed the
UFO of the canyon right of way , makes
it advantageous to the Burlington to
find another way out if possible.
Should the Nowood route bo adopted
it Is believed that the Northwestern
would long hesitate before deciding to
undertake tlio building of a road
through more than twenty-five miles
of solid granite canyon and the Bur
lington thus would be left In solo pos
session of the Big Horn basin.
The present grading contract let by
the Burlington for Its Worland exten
sion reaches to the mouth of Klrby
crock , and gives color to the theory
that the road Is not yet ready to an
nounce Its Intention to adopt tlio can
yon route , and that It will first exhaust
the possibilities of nil other routes.
Has Greatest Increase of Any Schoo
In the United States.
Iowa City. Dec. 13. The biennial
report of the regents of the state unl
verslty was made to Governor Cum
mlns and the general assembly. The
report shows 18 per cent Increase In
attendance during last year , the
greatest Increase In the Unltod States
The enrollment , the board prophesies
will reach 2,100 this year , and tha
the blennlum will close with an at
tendance of 2.300 or 2,400. The re
gents ask the legislature for $4-13,000
of which a large proportion will be expended
ponded for a physics building to cos
$150,000 ; a woman's hall , to cost $125.
000 ; a college of law building , to cos
$100,000 , and engineering , hospital and
science hall additions.
Jerome Raids Gambling House.
New York. Dec. 13. Led by Dlstrlc
Attorney Jeromo. the police raidcc
in alleged gambling house In Tenth
itreet and arrested 145 men.
Foes of Child Labor Me t.
Cincinnati. Dec. 13. Delegates ar
arriving for the third annual conven
tlon of the national child labor com
mlttee , which opens In this city today
and philanthropists , capitalists , med
leal men. statesmen and sociologist
of the world are prominent amen
them. In many respects the conven
tlon Is the most Important eve
planned by tbo committee and from
present Indication It will be the larg
est In the history of the movement t
abolish child labor.
Rev. Cox Acquitted of Heresy.
Cincinnati , Dec. 13. Rev. Gcorg
Clarke Cox , rector of the Calvar
Episcopal church here , was acqultte
of the charges of heresy by the atom
Ing committee of the Episcopal dlo-
ceso of Ohio. The case had Its orlgl
In a letter written by Rev. Cox t
Bishop Vincent. In which Rev. Cox de
clared that his sympathy was with D
Crapsey of New York.
Verdict Finds 8. E. Howell Guilty of
Being In Combine In Restraint of
Trade Penalty May Be aa High ne
$5,000 , Fine or Year In Jail , or Both.
Omaha , Doc. 13. After thlrty-flvo
lours of almost ceaseless dcllbotatlon
ho jury In the first of the coal trust
ttses , that against S. 10. Howell , prcHl-
cut of tlio Omaha Coal exchange , tin-
or the anti-trust laws of Nebraska ,
oturncd a verdict of guilty of ro-
tnilnt of trade.
Mr. Howell , the defendant , gave a
end for JB.OrO. The maximum pen-
Hy that can be Imposed Is n line of
5,000 or ono year's Imprisonment or
loth , In the discretion of the court
Sentence will not be pronounced nu
ll the motion for a new trial has been
Hissed on , which will probably not bo
or a week or two at least.
James A Sunderland has boon
picked from the remaining fifty-four
ndlctcd men as the next for trial
Us case has been set for Monday of
next week.
'wcnty Days Devoted to Evidence In
Rlchards-Comstock Case.
Omaha , Doc. 13. The twentieth day
of the laud trial began with J. C. Pet-
yjohn still on the stand for the pur
pose of Identifying filings on the rec
ords of the Valentino land otllcc dur-
ng his administration as registrar.
Following his evidence old soldiers
rom the soldiers' home at Mllford
vero placed on tlio witness stand.
These men were the special proteges
of A. B. Todd and had been shipped
o Gordon to receive the necessary
nstructlons relative to the lands they
wore to file upon. In these cases the
leclaratory statements wore not only
secured , but the filings on the lands
executed In the usual manner nt the
Valentine land office , with a subse
quent visit to the notorious "wind
mill" claims , all carriage and expense
free to the entrymen. The soldiers
all made a second visit to the lands
o carry out the six months' proviso.
Neither of them Intended to live on
ho land , hut exjiocted In some way
o realize something from their frea
The defense evidently has some
thing In the nature of a surprise tn
spring , ns It has not given anv pl-"i
as to Mic number of witnesses It tmy
summon. In this event the ease Is
ikely to go to argument tomorrow.
h.AVIER BbHiJa u.jAilDED
Accused Insurance Men Must In
crease Ball.
Now York , Dec. 13. The bail of
Frederick A. Hurnhum , piubldf-nt of
the Mutual Reserve Llfo Insurance
company , and George D. Eldridge. vice
president of the company , both ot
whom are under indictment on
charges of forgery and larceny , was
increased by Justice Grccnbaum in
the supreme court. Burnham's ball
was fixed at $20,000 and that of
Eldridge at $15.000. Doth gave the
bonds required.
Hitherto both had been held In $12-
600 bail. The action was taken on re
quest of the district attorney following
the conviction of George Burnham ,
Jr. , general counsel of the company
on a charge of larceny under which ho
was Indicted jointly with Frederick A
Burnham and Eldridge.
Child Labor and Government by In
Junction Up for Discussion.
New York , Dec. 13. The Nationa
Civic Federation began Its fifth an
nual meeting at the Park Avenue no
tel. There were about 250 persons
present , including a number of lead
ing men In commerce , labor , the pro
fessions and other walks of life.
The meeting was called to order by
August Uelmont. the president. In an
address , Mr. Bclmont reviewed briefly
the two topics for discussion nt the
first day's session , namely , "Child La
bor" and "Government by Injunction. "
The discussion of these two questions
which followed , was participated In by
a number of men well qualified to
speak thereon.
Shah of Persia Near Death.
Teheran. Persia , Dec. 13. The con
dition of the shah remains practically
unchanged. At a consultation of
physicians fl was discovered for the
first time that his majesty's heart
base become seriously affected , thus
adding a new complication to the sit
uation , which already was considered
grave. The condition of his heart
and the repeated syncopes lead to the
concensus of opinion that the shah
cannot live more than five days
Eight Sentenced to Die.
Yekatcrlnoslav , South Russia , Dec
IS. A court-martial here Imposed the
death sentenre on eight leaders of the
armed uprising of December last , the
object of which was the establish
ment of n military republic In Ycka-
terlnoslav province. Many others
who participated In the revolt ware
condemned to the mines for life
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebrnokn.
ComlltloiiB of tlio woiithor an record ,
od for tlio twonty-four houru omlliiR
nt K n. in. today :
Maximum < ts
Minimum ; KJ
Average . (2 (
llaroiiiolor ( ) ( !
Chicago , Dec. ll. ! Tim liullutln IH-
Biicd liy tlio Chicago Htutlon of tlio
Unllod States woallior bureau given
tlio forecast for Nebraska an followu :
Haiti or HIIOW tonight anil Friday.
I ) ( > L'ldoi1ly colder.
Senate Confirms Nominations of Bon
aparte , Moody , Metcalf and Straus.
Opposition Not Strongly Pressed and
No Roll Call Is Asked.
Washington , Doc. lit. Tlio open ses
sion of tlio senate was limited HO
that tlio major portion of the day
might bo devoted to a confederation
In executive suasion of the Algcclras
treaty. The feature of the day was a
speech by1 Senator llayner upholding
the atato'a rights doctrine aa Involved
In the present Japanese question on
the Pacific Hlope. Ho contended that
the Inherent rights of n fitato could
not ho violated by treaty any more
than they could bo violated by con
gress. Resolutions were agreed to
calling upon the president for Information
mation regarding the seizure by Mexico
ice of the fishing srhooner Silas
Stearns , and directing the Hccretary
of war to furnish Information regard
ing alleged experiments with cholera
virus at Manila , resulting In ten or
inoro deaths.
The senate , In executive HCSP
ratified the general act by the dele
gates of the powers presented at thl
conference which mot at Algeclras ,
Spain , In April last , to draft a treaty
concerning Moroccan affairs. Oppo
sition by the Democrats compelled
the adoption of a resolution disclaimIng -
Ing responsibility for the partlclpn-
tlon of the United States In the pro
gnim nrnnped by the conference \
to the future of Morocco. re *
Senate Confirmations.
The senate confirmed the nomina
tions of William II. Moody of .Mas
sachusetts to be an associate justice
of the supreme court of the United
States ; Charles .1. Honaparte of Mary
land , to be attorney general ; Victor
H. Metcnlf of California , to be secre
tary of the navy , and Oscar S. Straus
of New York , to bo secretary of com
merce. The opposition to Messrs
Moody and Honaparto , which had been
raised In the senate by a number of
Democratic senators , was not strong
ly pressed at the session and no roll
call was asked. On the viva voce
for Mr. Honaparte , however , there
were a number of negative- votes on
the minority side , estimated at about
fifteen. Senators Culbrrhon and Car-
mac-It led the discussion against both
Mr. Moody and Mr Ilonaparte. There
was opposition to either Mr. Met
calf or Mr. Straus.
House Goes on Record Against Reform
Advocated by President.
Washington , Dec. 13. The house of
representatives went on record In op
position to the new spelling as recom
mended by the president. By a vote
of 142 to 25 the following was adopted
as a substitute to the item reported
Ly the appropriations committee in
the legislative bill :
"No money appropriated In this act
shall be used In connection with print
ing documents authorized by law or
ordered by congress or either branch
thereof unless the same shall conform
to the orthography recognized and
used by generally accepted diction
aries of the English language. "
For hours the debate on simplified
spelling hrld the attention of the
house and a score or more members
took part In the discussion.
After Exchange of Shots One *
Combatants Kills Hlmsjlf.
Brlstow , Okln. . Dec. 13 M. L. Urad-
ford of Parsons , I. T. , was killed or
killed himself at the home of his
brother In-law. S. T. demons , after a
duel over family affairs. Bradford
came to Bristow and sent word to
demons that he Intended to kill
Clemens and wife. Ho started to fill
his mission and the men exchanged
shots Then Bradford , according to
the story of witnesses , turned his own
revolver to his head and fired a fatal
Oklahoma Adopts Preamble.
Guthric. Okla. . Dec. 13. The consti
tutional convention , which has been
disputing what name to give the Deity
In the now state constitution , unani
mously adopted th following pream
ble : "Invoking the guidance of Al
mighty God m order to secure and
perpetuate the blessing of liberty , to
secure a just and rightful government ,
to promote mutual welfare and happl-
, ness , wo , the people of Oklahoma , do
ordain and establish this constitution. "