The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Family Dinners , Church Services , a
Football Game , Two Theatrical Per
formances and a Pair of Dances
Filled the Schedule In Norfolk.
Thanksgiving wimtlier , with groy
sides and n luilf rain according to the
weather forecast , was the feature of
the day In Norfolk nml'northern No-
brnslm. A mist hung over this city
for n good portion of the day. Turkey
dinners held the boards universally
nml thcro was little time left for oth
er diversions. Family reunions In
many Instances occupied the after
noon , with reminiscent stories , and
now nnd then a game of cards was In
dulged In to pass the time of day.
The musical comedy , "Miss America , "
drew two well deserved houses at the
Auditorium , matlneo nnd evening.
The hlghschool team won nt football
from the business college team , 10-0.
Drummers Were Home.
Early trains Into Norfolk brought
from all directions knights of the grip ,
happy In the holiday. They spent the
day at tbolr homes or , whore their
homes are far nwny , nt the hotels nnd
nmdo It n dny of rest. The hotels nnd
restnurants served extraordinary din
ners with turkey In the leading role.
Many people left the city for other
points , where they spent the day and ,
on the other hand , many guests were
in Norfolk for the annual dinner.
Farmers In the Fields.
In some places farmers were busy
all day long In the fields , taking ad
vantage of the weather to push along
their husking bee. It was for no lack
of a thanksgiving spirit that 'those
farmers who did work , went to the
fields In the morning , but rather It was
through a genuine feeling of thank
fulness for another good dny In which
to get their corn crop cribbed.
Church services , held for the pur
pose of thanksgiving , wore well at
After the thentrlcnl performnnco In
the evening two dances proved attrac
tive to many. The band gave a dance
In Mnrqunrdt hall and another dance
was given at the Pacific hotel.
Miss Mullen went to Omaha on
H. P. Barnhart made a business trip
to Pierce Pridny.
F , J. Halo of Atkinson was a Nor
folk visitor today.
James Conley made a business trip
to Bloomflold Thursday.
Gottlieb Denning from Battle Creek
spent yesterday at home.
F. Q. Auringor of Nellgh arrived in
the city at noon on business.
D. S. McVlcker of Wayne spent
Thursday In the city visiting.
George H. Spear is able to bo out
again , after an attack of Illness.
H. A. Haley is expected homo to
morrow from his western trip.
Miss Bertha Pllger Is spending her
Thanksgiving vacation at homo.
R. C. Burns was a business visitor
In the city from Scrlbner Friday.
Dr. and Mrs. Simmons spent
Thanksgiving day with friends at Bee-
Leo Walters left Friday for Omaha
where he goes to accept a position as
teamster on the Omaha Van and Stor
age company ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lemley of Tllden
spent yesterday with relatives in the
Judge N. D. Jackson of Nellgh made
a flying trip to Omaha and return yes
Miss Alta McCHver from Tilden Is
spending her Thanksgiving vacation
at home.
P. Dawson and wife of Spencer were
visiting In the city Friday between
Henry Meyer of Carlock , S. D. , was
a business visitor In the city during
the day.
Miss Edith Feyerheim came"up from
Stanton Friday for a short visit with
Gilbert Alexander and Thos. Kain
of Plalnvlew spent Thanksgiving In
the city.
Miss Nell Dlngman has gone to Mis
souri Valley for a few days' visit with
her parents.
C. C. Gow returned yesterday from
his trip to New York and other east
ern points.
Henry Kruso returned to his work
at Wakefleld Friday after a short visit
with friends.
Robert Schelloy and Adolph Hoofs
of Plorco were visiting in the city Fri
day afternoon.
John Porter returned to his homo
In Pierce nt noon nfter a short visit
with his friends.
Willis McBrldo and family from El
gin spent Thanksgiving at the home
of C. H. Reynolds.
K. W. McDonald was a business
visitor In the city Friday between
trains from Plalnvlow.
C. E. Doughty loft Friday morning
for Wlnnobngo , Minn. , to visit IIE !
brother , J. P. Doughty.
Mr. nnd Mrs. B. T. White of Omahn
wore Thanksgiving guests nt the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mnpes.
Lorln II. Doughty cnmo down from
Bonesteol yesterday morning , nnd
spent Thanksgiving at homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Bucholz nml
children nro guests nt the homo ol
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. A. Rnlnbolt.
Oliver Utter came homo from the
university at Lincoln yesterday tc
spoud a few days with his parents.
Will Evans came up from Stantor
yesterday in time to cat Thanksgiv
ing dinner with his parents. Ho will
ho hero until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Johnson of Oma
ha nro visiting In Norfolk this week.
Mr. Johnson tins chnrgo of the carpet
department In Haydon's store.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Brucggemnn and
daughter Elslo left at noon for Pllger
to help celebrate Mrs. Brueggemnn's
father's birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emll Winter , who
wore hero to attend the Spllttgerhor
and Winter wedding , returned to their
homo In Petersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Chadron
who spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. McNamoe , loft today for a few
days' visit with friends In Missouri
valley and Omaha.
Uartlo Elsoffer came In yesterday
from Chicago , where ho Is taking a
course In civil engineering. Ho will
spend a few days with his parents and
friends before returning.
Harry Watt of Crolghton was greet
ing old friends in Norfolk yesterday.
Ho was formerly clerk In the shoo de
partment of the Johnson dry goods
store. Ho returned to Creighton at
Mrs. J. Nix spent Thanksgiving with
Mr. Nix at Scrlbner.
Paul Lynde returned from Lincoln
at noon where ho had been to spend
Clarence Cox and wlfo returned at
noon from Missouri Valley where they
had been to spend Thanksgiving with
Mrs. Cox's parents.
Walt. Coleman was up from Fre
mont Thanksgiving to spend tho' day
witn his family.
Mrs. W. H. Shippee nnd daughter
Bonnie returned at noon from Albion
where they had been to spend Thurs
Train No. ' 101 was delayed a few
minutes Friday by the breaking of a
brake rod , between Stanton and Nor
Norfolk schools closed Wednesday
evening for a half-week vacation , due
to Thanksgiving.
Whenever an issue of The News
falls to arrive on schedule time , ei
ther in this city or In another town ,
this paper will appreciate notification
from subscribers who have not re
ceived their papers.
The Croighton school board has de
cided to resume work on the now $20-
000 school building at that place and
R. II. Reynolds of Norfolk , together
with his son , Marcus , have gone to
that city to engage in the mason work.
D. P. O'Brien , who has just started
n store in Norfolk , comes from Anoka
where ho was manager of the Forbes
store for four years. Ho has been
prominent In the social and business
life of that town during his residence
there and his departure was regretted
by the people of Anoka.
Officer Livingstone , of the Junction
police force , has taken the night work
up town , Mr. Potras having been re
lieved from duty. Mayor Friday re
ceived a letter from Chief of Police
John Hay stating that ho Intended tc
return by the first of the month. Tim
mayor expects him today or tomor
row. Ho has been visiting his parents.
The railroad men who have duties
on trains running through the city are
again beginning to complain of the
way in which small boys are jumping
on nnd off moving trains that pass by
the street crossings and at the depots ,
They say it will bo a miracle If some
one of them is not killed or badly in
The second number of the high
school lecture course , given In the
Congregational church on Wednesday
evening , was largely attended and ev
ery one was very much pleased with
the speaker , Mr. Adrian Newens , who
presented in his gifted manner Eliza
beth S to wart Phelps' book , "A Singu
lar Life. " Before ho began his talk
the lights In the church went out and
did not come on again , as there was
some trouble with that circuit , but
lamps were placed In front of Mr ,
Nowens , so that the different expres
sions of his face in presenting differ
ent characters was not lost.
The railway postofllco department
has just placed an additional clerk entrains
trains No. 1 and 2 , running between
Norfolk and Chadron , because of the
additional work caused by the new
service of that train. This , It Is said ,
will relieve the delays in getting mall
delivered to towns along the route ,
For several days after the new train
was put on there was too much work
for the force of clerks and much mall
matter was brought back every day ,
unworked the afternoon before. Several
oral towns missed issues of The News
owing to this extra work on the trains
It was not the fault of the postal
clerks , but the fault of the new condi
tlon which had not yet been met l
the department. Elmer Surber , wltr
headquarters in Norfolk , has been ap
pointed as ono helper.
"Miss America , " the attraction thai
appeared at the Auditorium yestorda >
with mattneo and evening perform
ances , was the kind of an entertain
ment that pleases n Norfolk audience
And in the evening particularly , tlu
house was well filled , with an enthu
slastlc lot of people who thorough ! }
enjoyed the play. The recommenda
tlon of William Allen White , the we ]
known Kansas writer , undoubtedly hai
much to do with attracting a crowd
The music of the piece was catchy
the choruses were good , the compan :
is nicely balanced and the acting or
the whole was above the average
Many of the selections were hoartil ;
encored and cheerfully responded t (
by tiw performers , who realized tha
tuelr -forts to plcaso wore ineetlnf
with tinpreclntlon. Miss America li
ono of the few really meritorious at
tractions that has appeared at tin
Auditorium htls season.
Mr. Scheller Will Have Charge of the
Hotel for Breakfast Saturday Morn *
Ing Preccnt Force Will Likely be
The Oxnard hotel will bo taken over
! > y a new management within the next
inv hours ami breakfast Saturday
morning will ho served under the now
irrnngomont. George 10. Solicitor ,
'roni Central City , Nob. , dikes charge
if the hotel and will continue to operate -
orate It.
O. P. Shoff , proprietor of the hotel ,
says that ho will remain In Norfolk ,
No changes In the help have boon nn-
lounced and It Is said that the preti-
out force will bo retained.
Army Officer Known In Norfolk Called
on for Explanation.
Major Ponroso , formerly nt Fort Nl-
obrara , and known In Norfolk , who
was In command of the battalion of
colored troops at Brownsville , Is now
.Hitler fire from the white house. Ho
s alleged to have said , when the
.roops wore mustered out , "Thoro goes
.he last of the best drilled , best be-
laved battalion in the United States
army. " The department has demand
ed an explanation. If ho admits say-
ng It , it Is said ho will probably ho
courtmartlalled for criticising n su-
lorior officer.
Gilchrlst Stewart , colored , there to
nvestlgatc facts , nuked him If that
statement was for publication nnd ho
said , according to Stewart , "It certain-
y is. "
General Nottleton , formerly assist
ant secretary of the treasury , has just
nvestigatcd the case at Brownsville
and makes this report :
The well attested evidence is that
: ho colored troops were treated herewith
with the same consideration that colored -
ored soldiers of like bearing are treated -
od In most garrison towns of the
northern states. That on the other
[ land the street conduct of some of
them was often aggressively and
causelessly insolent toward white men
and women , and that there was no
provocation for the murderous raid by
the soldiers , unless It can be called a
provocation that the drinkers among
them were provided with separate bars
In certain saloons and on two occa
sions Individual insolence was resent
ed by individual citizens , but one of
whom happened to haVe boon a repub
lican federal olllclal. There wab no
"riot" and no street "rows , " as many
newspapers persist In calling the oc
currence. It was simply a most cow
ardly conspiracy to terrify , wound nnd
kill unoffending men , women and chil
dren nt the hour of midnight , when
defense was Impossible and was not
even attempted. Evidently not an op
posing shot was fired.
Manager Pedersen of Auditorium
Shows Kindly Feeling.
Manager Pedersen of the Auditori
um has made peace with the band
orchestra and harmony reigns. At the
performance of "Miss America" the
management announced from the
stage the dance that was to bo given
by the band , and also distributed dodg
ers through the audience. Later Mr.
Pedersen attended the dance. There
had been a misunderstanding before
the play.
The Nebraska American band has
been booked for the Auditorium De
cember C.
The Glebe Trotter will bo at the
Auditorium December 5.
A Son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Seth Miller
yesterday , a son.
George N. Beels Discusses View as
Expressed In New York.
Asked for his opinion upon the view
of a Christian Scientist to the effect
that Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy will live
forever , George N. Beels of this city ,
leader of the faith In Norfolk , said :
"Mrs. Eddy , the discoverer and
founder of Christian Science , has ful
ly stated the system In her book which
amply explains such a text as this
from John 11:20 : , "Whosoever llveth
and belloveth in mo shall never die , "
and shows that It "not only contra
dicts human systems but points to the
self sustaining and eternal truth. "
"All Christian Scientists arc seeking
to demonstrate the teaching of Christ
Jesus , and follow In the way ho point
ed out. "
"Store exploring" is easier after you
have read the nds.
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen.
The railroad boys of the Northwest
ern road who live in Norfolk will again
this year , as in past years , give their
annual ball in Marquardt hall on
Christmas night The railway men's
ball Is ono of the big features of the
year in Norfolk and It Is always very
largely attended. Although the an
nouncement is a little late this season
It is believed that the business men ol
Norfolk will bo just ns anxious to got
tickets ns they always have in the
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that the tin
dorslgned persons have associated
themselves together for the purpose
of forming a corporation nnd have
adopted nrtloloR of Incorporation pro
viding as follows : the nnmo of Haiti
corporation In Knucott Pnrnoy 1 Uigur
company , KM principal phiro of trans
acting biiHlnoHH IH at Norfolk , NohriiH
ka. The general iiaturo of the html-
IICHH to bo tranHiiclod Hhall bo the man-
ufaoturlng , jobbing nnd wholesaling of
candy , confectionery , fruit JulroH , fan
cy groceries nnd such ether goodH an
nro usually carried In Mich liUHlncmt
The amount of capital Htock author-
Ixod IH $20,000.00 of which amount $10-
000.00 nniHt bo Hubsorlhod nnd paid
for before the tlvHt of January 11)07 ) :
the balance IH to ho Issued and old
at any time the directors may doom
It noeosanry for I ho oxloiiHloii of the
liUHlnost. The corporal Inn cnmmoncod
InmlnoHH tin the first dny of Novem-
her IJiOfl. and the tlmo of UH tormina
tlon IH the first day of November Ili'Jfi.
The hlghoHt amount of IndohtodnoHH
to which the corporation Hhall at any
line Htibjool ItRolf shall not oxoood In
unount two-thirds of the capital stock
ictually subscribed and paid for. The
iffnlrB of the corporation Hhall bo con-
luctcd by the IncorporatorH until the
Irat annual mooting on the first THOS-
lay In January 11)07 ) , at which tlmo
and annually thereafter the stockhold
ers Blmll elect a board of llvo direct-
> rs who shall nianago the affairs of
the corporation.
M. M. Faucott ,
P. R. Carnoy ,
W. E. linger ,
Dated this 1st day of November 190G.
Notice to Creditors.
The State of NobrnBka , Madison
county , 83.
In the matter of the estate of Fried-
erlch Dodcrmann , doccnHod. Notice is
icroby given to all persona having
claims and tlcmnndu against Frlodorlch
Dedormann , late of said Madison conn-
.y , deceased , that tbo tlmo fixed for
lllng claims against said cstato IH six
nontha from the 19th day of Novom-
lor , inOC. All such persons are re
quired to present their claims with the
vouchers to the county jndgo of said
county at his olllco In the city of Mad-
son , in snld Madison county , on or
before the 20th day of May , 1907 , and
that all claims so filed will bo heard
before snld judge on the 20th day of
May , 1907 , at 1 o'clock p. m.
It Is further ordered that notice to
all persons Interested in said estate
bo given by publishing a copy of this
order In the Norfolk Weekly News-
Tonrnal , a weekly newspaper printed ,
published and circulating In said coun
ty , for four consecutive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 8th
day of November , A. D. 190C.
Win. Bates ,
[ Seal ] County Judge.
Illinois Central
Excursion tickets will bo sold by the
Illinois Central , to the points , and at
rates , as follows :
Tickets on sale commencing Novem
ber 1 , 1906 , and dally during the win
ter , with long limit , to Hot Springs ,
Ark. , Vicksburg , Miss. , Gulfport , Miss. ,
Hammond , La. , New Orleans , La. , Ha
vana , Cuba , Colon , Panama and many
other points In Mississippi , Louisiana ,
Florida , Cuba , Porto Rico , Texas , Mexico
ice , Arizona , Colorado and California.
Write for rates and free folders or
booklets about any of these points.
Cedar Rapids , la. , Iowa State Dairy as
sociation , Nov. 7-9.
Albert Lea , Minn. , Celebration fiftieth
anniversary of Dano-Norwegian Bap
tist churches , Nov. lfi-18.
Home-visitors' excursion to certain
points in Indiana , Ohio and other east
ern states on sale Oct. 19 limited to
thirty days.
Council Bluffs , la. , reunion army of the
Tennessee , Nov. 8 and 9.
HomSseekers1 Excursion Rates to cer
tain points In Iowa , Minnesota , Wis
consin , North nnd South Dakota , Al
berta , Manitoba and Saskatchewan , on
sale each Tuesday until nnd Including
December , 190C.
Homeseekero' Excursion Rates South ,
Southeast and Southwest on sale first
and third Tuesdays of each month un
til and Including November 190C.
One way , second class colonists' rates ,
to certain points in Mrtntana , Utah ,
Idaho , British Columbia , Alberta ,
Washington , Oregon , Arizona and Cal
ifornia. Tickets on sale dally until
Oct. 31.
One-way , second class colonists rates
west and southwest , to certain points
In the stales of Nebraska , Colorado ,
Wyoming , Kansas , Missouri , Arkansas ,
Louisiana , Oklahoma , Indian Territory
and Now Mexico , on sale first nnd
third Tuesdays November to March In
Vicksburg , Miss. , dedication of lown
monuments in Notional Military park ,
Nov. 14-15. Write for frco Illustrated
circular giving program , rates nnd
train service.
Chattanooga , Tenn. , dedication of Iowa
monuments in National Military park
Nov. 19-20.
Shlloh , Battlefield , dedication of Iowa
monuments Nov. 23.
For particulars as to date of sale ,
rates , etc. , anply to any Illinois Central
ticket agent , or address the under
H. J. P1IELP9 ,
DlvlRlon Passenger Agent. Dubuque ,
low * .
PoliilN in MlniicHota , North Dnlui'ii ' and thn dimaillim Nrrti\vi | > Ht TloU-
OH mi nalo ovury Tuowluy lit nun faio pint f'.OH for Hid round trip , goon ID
turning twonty-ono iliiyH from ( lain of tm'ti. '
Trains leave Oiimhn at 8:00 : a. in. and HitU : p. in.
Hali'H and lull pintiuitlniN at City Tidal Ofilro , 1-IOy Kmimin St. ,
Omaha , or wrltu
District Passenger Agent ,
< >
0 Ask for a Ticket Bast
on "The Milwaukee" I
that , il , road from Omaha to Chicago
via Llio
I Chicago , Milwaukee (8L St. I
9 Paul Railway
Ijoavo Union Station , Omaha 7.55 a. in. ,
5.45 p. in. or 8115 p. in. Arrive Union I
Station , Chicago , U.JJO p. in. , 8.115 a. in. or
I U 25 a. in. I
Through train service to Chicago from all
points on the main line of the Union
1'acilic ttailroad.
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent.
1524 Farnsxm St. Omaha. Neb.
S > 9 49 9 4B 9 < 9t > 9 GJ O C > O G5 O O O O ? > 9 * ry <
Throw aside the cares of every day life and hide yourself amid the
eternal hills of the
M * * * * A A M AM * / * * * * A A * fc W >
The Midland route "hits the bull's eye of the world's sconory. " Spe
cial rates all summer. Best line to Salt Lake nnd Pnclfic coast points.
Elegant dining cars , service n la carte. Through Pullman observation
Send IGc In stamps and get a handsome 9
color reproduction of Charles H. Harmon's fa
mous painting of the Seven Castles. "Fine enough
for a wedding present. " All Midland agents or
Colorado Midland Railway
C. H. SPEERS , a. P. A , 17th and California Sts. , Denver , Col.
Although the Arm Was in Another
Part of House , Owner Insists That
It is Burning Investigation Proves
That It Is Near a Hot Stove.
Butte , Neb. , Dec. 1. Special to The
News : A very peculla/ feature of the
Fritz accident was related to your cor
respondent yesterday by ono of Mr.
Frlt7.'s neighbors. It will bo remem
bered that Herman Fritz is the young
man who had his arm torn off in the
bolt of a threshing machine on November
vombor 23.
Mr. Fritz is getting along very nice
ly but ono day this week complained
that the arm and hand that wore torn
off wore burning. Ho insisted emphat
ically that they were burning and
pained him so they could stand it no
longer. They finally wont up stairs
where the arm was and found , to their
surprise , that the arm had been left
where It came in close contact with
the heat from a stove and was burn-
Ing. Ho does very little complaining
about the stub but says the hand nnd
nrm , which nre now burled , pnln him
P. F. Bell Finishes Quail Season With
Exciting Experience.
P. P. Bejl nnd Jack Lnrkln finished
the quail season on the last day of
the month with an exciting and almost
dangerous experience.
The two sportsmen were in u boat
Office , Cotton block , Ash 641 , resi
dence , 109 North Tenth street , 'phone
Ash 542.
on the river. The boat drifted under
neath an overhanging tree and the en
tangling branches pulled Mr. Bell out
of the boat and Into the water. Thus
precipitated Into the cold water , Mr.
Bell dropped his shotgun and encoun
tered n serious tlmo In fishing out the
weapon. It was finally saved.
County Commissioner of Brown Coun
ty Succumbs at Johnstown.
Ainsworth , Neb. , Dec.I. . Special to
The News : County Commissioner Ed
Moore of Johnstown tiled at his homo
In that town yesterday. Ho was ono
of the old settlers of Brown county
and had Just been re-elected to his
seat on the county board.
Sure and Safe Cure for Croup.
When a man finds a good thing It
Is natural that he should wish to share
his good fortune with others. Mr.
Henry Bolz , of Illllsboro , Iowa , Is not
an exception to this rule. Ho says , "I
have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy In my family for years. As a
croup cure it has no equal. I am sat
isfied that It saved my boy's life , nnd
take pleasure In recommending it. "
For sale by Leonard the druggist.
No Opium In Chamberlain's Cough
There is not a particle of opium or
ether narcotic In Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy , r tl never has been since it
was first ortnrcd to the public. It IB
as safe a i if-dicino for n child as for
an adult. This remedy is famous for
Its cures of colds and crouu , and can
always bo depended upon. For sale
.by Leonard the druggist.