The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, December 07, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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George Gebhart , Alias Wise , Who Had
Secured a Fur Coat at the Star
Clothing Store a Month Ago , Got
Another Last Night.
[ From Saturday's Dally. ]
An.overcoat thief who has appar
ently boon stealing expensive gar
ments from Norfolk stores for several
years , was captured Friday night In a
manner that sounds like a story-book
tale. Ho gave the name of "William
Wise , " but it Is believed his real mum ?
IB George Gobhnrl. Ho has boon workIng -
Ing on farms south of Norfolk In Stanton -
ton and Madison counties , having re
cently been employed at Iho Bask
farm. Ilo was caughl In Iho act of
gotllng a coal from Ihe C. N. store
under false pretenses , pleaded guilty
to the same game a monlh ago al Iho
Star store and Is suspected of having
obtained a fur coat In the same man
ner a couple of years ago from Baum
Bros , store. Just as ho was about lo
drlvo oul of town with a young woman
who teaches school In Madison county ,
ho was apprehended and jailed. Satur
day morning ho pleaded guilty to the
charge of "obtaining an overcoat un
der false pretenses , " and was fined $5
and cosls by Jusllco Elsoley. The
young woman who had driven lo town
with him wont to the homo of n friend
In the city and she was asked by Iho
prisoner for enough money lo pay Iho
How He Got the Coat.
Just before C o'clock In the evening
Gobhart entered the C. & N. store and
asked to look at overcoats. Ed Ken
nedy , a salesman , produced samples
and found ono that seemed to sull Ihe
"I'll take Ihls , " said Ihe young man.
"My falher Is at the barber shop and
I'll go after him. Ho'll be in shorlly
and pay for Iho coat. "
Then the young man looked around
and picked up a pair of gloves lhat ho
liked. Ho kept constanlly walking lethe
the door and looking out into Ihe
street. Another customer came In , Iho
salesman's attenlion was dislracled for
an inslant and the young man with the
overcoat disappeared. Search on the
street failed to locale him.
Mr. Kennedy had a "hunch" lhal Ihe
follow would strike for the Junction
in order to catch a Irain. He therefore -
fore made slralght for the soulh bul
failed lo locale Ihe myslerious slrang-
er around the railroad yards or sta
tion. Returning , he saw a man walkIng -
Ing across the slreet wearing a fur
overcoat and carrying a bundle over
his arm. Kennedy drew closer and
recognized the thief. The man was
just gelling inlo a buggy in which sat
a young woman.
"How about the coal ? " asked Ken
"Oh , didn'l falher call and pay for
it ? " asked the amazed young farm
hand. "Well , here's your money
then. "
Fur Coat Stolen Too ,
Mr. Kennedy then recalled that a
fur coat had been stolen from the Slar
slore about a monlh ago. Somelhing
seemed lo tell him that this was the
garmenl now worn by Ihe young man.
An arrest was essential.
Under the pretense of telephoning
up town in order lo see if "falher had
dropped inlo Ihe store and paid later , "
Kennedy induced Ihe young man lo
enler a drug slore and wait for a mo
ment. Meanwhile the police were no
tified. Gebhart insisted that Kennedy
get into the buggy and be driven up
town. Kennedy agreed. Gebhart en
tered the vehicle and Kennedy wont to
the horses' heads to detain the learn.
At that moment a policeman arrived
and the arrest was made.
Peculiar Coincidence.
Kennedy had wanted the arrest
made because of the fur coat thefl
from Ihe Star clothing store. Yet he
had no evidence. Ho took a chance ,
however , and Ihe man was taken in
charge by an officer. Kennedy hailed
a passing cab and climbed into it. By
another peculiar coincidence Sol G.
Mayer , owner of the Star clothing
store , chanced lo be in Ihe cab. Im-
medlalo acllon followed. Gus Kuhl
from whom Ihe losl fur coal had been
procured , was nollfled and came down
town. Ho enlered Ihe store , where Ihe
prisoner was held and , walking up lethe
the young fellow , exclaimed :
"Well , William , It took your father
a long lime lo gel thai shave. "
"William" had worked Iho same bar
ber shop game on Kuhl for Iho fur
Was the Coat , All Right.
It was the same fellow and the fur
coat , just as Kennedy's intuition had
told him , was the one thai had boon
losl. The Ihlof , when lie entered the
Slar sloro on Iho Iwonty-soventh of
Oclober , had declared lhal ho was a
cousin of Mr. Wlso , a well known
Northweslorn railroad man. Ho had
given Iho name of "William Wise. "
Ho says his parents live in Missouri.
Police Force Believed That $5 and
Costs Was Not Enough.
The light fine of $5 and costs 1m-
s. posed by Jusllco Elseloy upon Gob-
\ hart , Iho self-confessed overcoat thief ,
1 who has been making trouble among
Norfolk clothiers for some years , was
a source of wonderment among the po
lice force. Gobhart attompled lo so
euro Iho money from a cousin with
which to pay his fine and It was the
opinion of Jusllco Elseloy lhat the
prisoner ought to bo paroled for a day
and given opportunity to hunt up mon
ey for the flue , but later ho ordered
the man jailed.
Justice ElBoley , In speaking of the
low line , said : "Ho can not pay his
lino. Therefore to Increase it would
bo dimply to cnuso extra expense to
the county. "
It was agreed that Gebhart should
pay for the fur coat taken from the
Star clothing store , before ho should
bo released.
The prisoner was Idontlllod by Juke
Diuini as the same man who took a
coat from llaum Hros. two years ago.
"Unless ho pays for that coat , " said
Mr. Damn , "wo will prosecute him. "
Though the prisoner had $25 with
which ho paid for the C. & N. store
coat , ho had but $7 left and It was
thought that he would be unable to
settle with Damns and that therefore
another complaint would bo sworn out
against him.
Battle Creek.
Prank Tegoler hna routed the
Schmodo larm In Highland precinct
and will move onto the place next
W. C. Craig , formerly of Mndldon ,
now of Kingfisher , Old. , is hero thlH
week on business.
Mr. and Mrs , Carl Wolff of Hndnr
wore hero on Thanksgiving with rel
L. T. Allen was hero Thursday In
the interest of the Sturgeon music
Walter Uraasch of Norfolk was here
Friday In the Interest of the Lincoln
building and loan association.
It Is snld here that the Chas. Brown
SO-acre tract west of town Is sold to a
man of Wyoming , John Glcason.
Philip Sheets was hero Saturday on
business from Meadow Grove.
Your scrlbo was out in the country
Thursday to consume an American
Chas. B. Ulrlch , ono of our butch
ers , celebrated his OGlh birthday Fri
day and ho was surprised by his
friends and relatives , and now ho is
putting a now barn on the place ho
recently bought of Hon. F. J. Halo.
Mrs. C. Zimmerman , who has been
seriously 111 the last week , Is reported
II. C. Pahl and Chas. Schroeder wore
business visitors to Norfolk today.
Herman Eucker was down to Nor
folk on business Saturday.
Our new agent , Henry Whitney , ar
rived hero Monday from Stuart and
lives at the quarters over the depot.
Mr. Whitney Is a well known cltl/.en
here , as he was raised In Tllden.
Mr. Crutii , who moved hero from No-
Ugh , has traded his residence and two-
aero-ground In north Battle Creek for
Norfolk property and moved there
Ed. Worley of Tllden was hero Sun
day visiting at the home of his brother
Harder Worloy.
Chas. Benlsh of Norfolk moved to
Battle Creek and has occupied the
Airs. ReikofskI property.
Wm. Volk , who lived in a nice cot
tage in north Battle Creek , has moved
out south of town again on one of his
John Olson , an old carpenter , lias
been sick here this week.
Stranger In Capital City , Who Had
Been at a Boarding House Since
November 12 and Out of Work , Was
Thought to Come From Norfolk.
Is Albert Iloll , who suicided at Lin
coln Monday afternoon , known in the
vicinity of Norfolk ?
The only bit of paper by which any
location could be tacked to a man who
ended his life at Lincoln and who
claimed to bo Albert Roll , was a blank
check from the Norfolk National
bank. A telephone message from the
sheriff at Lincoln to the bank in this
city was received shortly after the
tragedy , In a vain inquiry as to who
the man might bo , where ho came
from and what should bo done with
the remains.
No such name was known in the
bank here and no one has boon found
who does recall such a name.
No description of the man was giv
en to Cashier Pasewalk , who talked
with Lincoln , but it has been thought
that perhaps the man may have been
known somewhere In this part of the
The remains will bo held at Lincoln
a few days , it was said , In the hope
that the man might bo Identified.
Roll went to a boarding house there
on the twelfth of last month and has
been out of work over since.
Roll was a German about fifty-five
years of ago. lie suicided by hang
ing himself with a rope. The suicide
wore a dark coat and trousers , brown
woolen shirt , a white slouch hat and
light working shoes.
Lincoln , Deo. 4. Albert Roll , a
German , and supposed to bo from Nor
folk , committed suicide , hanging In a
barn in the rear of the Washington
hotel , 200 South Ninth street. To
fellow guests he stated that ho lost
his wife and property and had noth
ing to live for.
Left Bills Behind Him.
AInsworth , Nob. Dec. 4. Special to
The News : A man giving the name
of Fred Richards of Dcnnlson , Iowa ,
Is wanted by the City Cafe and I. W.
Mofford of this place. Ho came to
town as a musician. Ho ran bills at
the City Cafe and at the Mofford
store , then left.
President George Evans of the North
Nebraska Live Stock Owners Asso.
elation Has Returned From Trip
Bent on Organization ,
G. W. Evans , president of the North
Nebraska Live Stock Owners associa
tion , has just returned from a short
trip up the Houostoel line , where ho
went to Interest farmoni and others
of that section In the necessity of or
ganizing ni-'iilnHt the horHolhlovoH who
have been working this territory. Hemet
mot with much oncnurngomont and
there will be associations organized
at Crelghton , Vordlgro and Wlimeloon.
The Wlnuotooti farmers will meet and
organize on Saturday , December 8.
County Attorney Berryman of Knox
county has Issued the following circu
lar to people of that county , which ap
plies also to other counties of this
territory , Including Madison , Stimton ,
Antelope , Plerco , Boyd , Wayne. Holt
and Rock :
Crolgiiton , Neb. , Nov. 28. To the
People of Knox County : Dm Ing sev
eral months and up to the present
time , quite a large number of horses
have been stolen In northeastern Ne
braska , and the thieves arc HO thor
oughly organized that KO far recovery
of the property and capture of the
thieves has boon almost Impossible.
The facts arc the thieves are thorough ,
ly organized and the people are not ,
and the larceny of livestock has be
come so general that It Is Impossible
for the officers of the law In any part
of this state to bo successful In their
efforts to arrest the guilty parties. On
account of these existing conditions
the people of Madison and other coun
ties have organized a society by the
name of The North Nebraska Live
stock Owners' Protective association
for the purpose of aiding the officers
of the law and especially the sheriffs
to capture persons guilty of larceny.
Mr. G. W. Evans , president of the lo
cal association at Norfolk , Is organiz
ing these societies In Knox county for
the purposes hero named and I most
urgently advise all owners of livestock
of Knox county to become members of
this association at the first opportunity
for the purpose of aiding In the en
forcement of the law , recovering stol
en property and arresting the thieves
In order that all citizens may be prop
erly and thoroughly protected In their
property rights. An organization of
this kind was made in Crelghton last
night consisting of twenty-two mem
bers and I believe this number will be
increased to 100 within two weeks.
In order to make this movement thor
oughly successful these organizations
should bo made In all parts of Knox
county. The sheriff Is giving us his
active assistance in this work.
Yours very truly ,
J. II. Berryman ,
County Attorney.
Rev. J. P. Morgan went to Omaha
Bruce Perrlne of Winnetoon was in
the city Tuesday.
Mrs. H. L. Snyder returned from
Omaha last night.
Geo. Christoph left for Sioux City
Tuesday morning.
W. F. Lehman made a business trip
to SUnton Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W .S. Fox returned
from Albion last night.
Mrs. Koplalno and son of Pllger
wore In the city yesterday.
Mr. Edmund C. Mapes went to
Plalnvlew for a few days' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Henzlor of Tllden
were Norfolk visitors yesterday.
Mr. Malenz and Rev. Klop of Stanton -
ton were in the city yesterday.
Fred Ellwanger of Boyd county was
a pasenger on train No. 402 Tuesday.
Mrs. Haggard of Sioux City Is in
the city visiting with Mrs. D. Math-
Ralph Boyd wont to Pllger Tuesday
morning to do the tin work on the
Rogers building.
The mother of Dr. J. C. Myers , who
has been 111 for the past few days , is
somewhat bettor.
George A. Jcffers , a Boncstoel at
torney , was In the city Tuesday on
his way to Sioux City.
Mrs. Dearborn has arrived In Nor
folk from Sioux City to entertain at
Wednesday club'funcllons'durlng the
afternoon and evening.
Mrs. L. E. .Tacobson and son of
Larrabeo , Iowa , returned Tuesday
from a visit with her sister , Mrs. S.
S. Smith of Albion.
F. A. Huston , for twenty-five years
a business man of Plerco , but now a
resident of Mapleton , Iowa , was in the
city on business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Younger of Lan
der , Wyo. , have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Rish , on their way to Chi
cago. Mrs. Younger and Mrs. Rish
are sisters
Chris J. Lichty , wife and mother ,
from Waterloo county , Ontario , re
turned Tuesday after an extended vis
it with David Rlsser and other friends
In the Mennonite settlement on Eagle
Creek , in Holt county.
George Krotter came down from
Boncstecl Tuesday morning and at
noon went to Stuart. Ho prefers the
long round-about way to the system
of aerial navigation that is the only
means of crossing the Nlobrara river
between Stuart and Bonostcel at the
present tlmo.
B. R. Greenblatt of Omaha and G.
A. LoBlanc and W. J. Turecelc of
llloomlleld , bound for the land of tilO-l
new homoHtendH , were In the city
Tuesday. Arinod to the teeth , they
will bfing liucjc HOIIIO lilnlH If they
buy them ,
si crinnii WenllierhoK wits In Nor
folk from ItoHkliiH yesterday.
County Comiulsalonor John Mnlnno
of Madison panned through Norfolk on
his way to Tlldon.
Mrs. Klnohurt of Nitpar wan In the
city a half a day. She. has boon visitIng -
Ing people and scones familiar In her
younger days.
J. C. Fey of University Place , left
thin city for Anoka Tuomlny with a
view to real estate Investments.
0. C. Gates , wholesale dealer In hay
at Lincoln , went up the Elkhorn val
ley Tuesday to look after HlilpinoutH.
J. It. Smith , a Nollgh attorney , IIIIH
been In the city on business for the
liiHt. two diiyH , making a trip to
Crolnhlon In I ho meantime.
Cuplulit II. E. Ely. U. S A. , Hpenl
the day with bin iilsW. Mrs. E. 13. Gil
lette. Captain Ely IIIIH just returned
from Europe and wll go to the Phil
ippines In February.
.lamoH Forbes and wife of Auoltn
wore passengers Tuesday for Los An-
noles , California , where they will
spend the winter. Tholr mm , Will D
Forbes and his family , accompanied
them and will remain a eouplo of
months. James Forbes Is vice presi
dent and bis sou Is president of the
CHI/ens bank of llutto , and the Anoka
National bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Nelson of Spen
cer were In the city Tuesday fore
noon. Mrs. Nelson 1ms lately recov
ered from a Bovero lllnosH , and they
will make a trip to Rapid City for
health , business and pleasure com
bined. They were disappointed In not
meeting a party from Sioux City , who
expected to make the journey with
P. H. Simons of Hullo , was down
from that place Tuesday. Ho will go
to the gulf states to Investigate the
yellow pine situation , and will prob
ably make some extensive purchases
for his yards at Unite and Ilorrlck.
Dr. Lowell Clarke- from Denver , Inspector
specter In charge of the veterinarians
of Wyoming , Colorado and Nebraska ,
was In the city yesterday consulting
with Dr. Myers.
Mr. Julius Salzwedol and Iwo
daughters , Amand _ and Clara , are
quite nick nt their home easl of the
The lltllo daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Alexander who has been very
sick , Is much better.
Miss Elsie Dobbin has returned
from HoskliiH where she has been vis
iting with her parents.
Mrs. John Brown Is on Iho sick
Carl Russcl has resigned his Job
switching and bus secured a position
with a contractor In California and
left for there over the Union Paclilc.
Little Gertrude Kendal Is quite sick
with a bad cold.
The llttlo son of Mr. and Mrs. lar
once Iledrlck is much better today
Llttlo Edward Woou , son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Wood , Is quite Hick.
John Hlnzc , ono of the night inn
chlnlsts , has secured a Job ' ' . . > ut
A. R. Beaten , foreman o nt. n's
mill hero , loaded up the pot - : . mil
and went to Fremont to saw ip tl
old bridge timbers and ties i. : o
Toddy Grouse , the Chicago & No-rp
western boiler Inspector , asned
through hero last night on hi.- -H >
to lender.
Frank Tanner , who is suffering from
an abscess of the knee , is gelling
along nicely.
Henry Hasenpflug has sold oul his
Interest in the Hascnpllug & Kollohcr
saloon at Iho Juncllon and will retire
from the business. Mr. Kcllehor will
continue to operate it.
About C o'clock Monday evening
Max Johnson , a litlie boy Ion years
old , hitched a horse to the buggy lo
bring Mrs. Schwartz homo from the
millinery slore. On turning into Nor
folk avenue , a man driving very rap
idly ran Into the boy's buggy , knockIng -
Ing the boy out , and it would scorn
upset the buggy , at least the horse
ran away and came running up to the
store with only the thills of Ihe vc-
hlclo attached , causing consternation
and alarm among Iho few who col
lected In the vlclnlly. In a few mo
ments the boy came along , frightened
but unhurt , to the Infinite relief of
Mrs. Schwartz , whoso forebodings
wore the more painful from the short
time that had elapsed since she had
telephoned the boy. That no greater
damage was caused is remarkable ,
considering the force of the impact.
That It transpired while people were
at supper accounts for the occurrence
of such an Incident on the main strcel
with so few observers.
The epidemic of horse stealing thai
has prevailed over Nebraska for the
past six weeks has reached Dodge
county and tl\o \ authorities today wore
In hot pursuit of a horse and buggy
thai disappeared Saturday night from
the barn of John Ilebcbrand , a well-
known farmer who resides three
miles sonlhwesl of Hooper. Showing
fnmlllarlly with the promises , the
thief entered the barn , harnessed Ihe
best horse to a single driving buggy
and Ihcn escaped through a pasture
aflor cutting the wlro fence with n
cutler which was slolon , logelhor
with a hammer and other lools , from
a tool chest A farm hand named
William B. Bush who was In Mr. Heb
ebrand's employ unlll Saturday could
not bo found and was under suspicion.
Hundreds of descriptions of him and
the oulflt were mailed today from the
office of Sheriff Bauman to sheriffs In
every counly in the state. It developed
oped that ho was In Fremont and
Sheriff Bauman arrested him on Sixth
street Bush denied his guilt
C , H. Cornell , a Banker of Valentino ,
Writes n Letter Telling Something
of the Pant History of the Twenty ,
fifth Infantry.
C. II , Cornell , a bunker at Valentino
tine and prominent elllzeu In noith
orn Nebraska , has written Iho follow
ing letter , giving brier Humming up of
the punt career of Ihe colored troops
who were reoenlly discharged nt
UrowiiHvlllc , Tex. , and Into whom ) din-
charge t'oiigross N to probe :
Could the pot-sons , even the colored
inliilHlorH and olhorti who are holding
IIIIIHH ineolltiKs , denouncing 1'io.sldont
ItooHovoIt'H uc.lloii In dlmnlHHlng from
the Horvleo Ihe eiillro enlisted
strength of the three companion of
the Tweiily-lirih United KluteH Infan
try , which were Htalloned at For I
Drown on Ihe night that DrowiiHvlllo ,
Tex. , WIIH "Hhol up , " have had the op
portunity of knowing Ihoiio Hoops hel
ler , the chaneeH are they would not
he HO severe In their criticism of the
proHhlenl'H action.
Two Imitations ( eight compiinloH ) of
that regiment came to Fort Nlobrara
for station , directly from the Philip-
plnoH In 11)02. ) They remained at thai
poHt continually until Its abandonment
In July hist , when In leaving , they
were assigned to HtatloiiH In TOXUH.
Valentine , four and one-half miles dis
tant , Is the railway station where all
the poHt'H business WUH tnniHuctod ,
and having a population of about ) , -
200 , HiiHlalued very much the HIIIIIO
relation to Fort Nlobrara an Ill-owns-
vllle to Fort Brown , Tex. CoitHoqiionl-
ly llioy were In and out of town con
stantly , singly or In iiumhorH , trading ,
loafing or attending errands , and It
IH Hiild by our cIllzetiH , rightly , llml
they were well-behaved and no citi
zen , not looking for It , hud the lonsl
OXCIIHO for getting Into trouble with
any ono of thom.
However , among themselves and
with their camp followers ( principally
discharged soldiers from the colored
regiment H ) , a part nl least were lor-
rors , and lu their brawls seemed to
place no more value upon a human
life limn though Ihe taking of the
Bumo were a mere Incident In their
purpose of deslriicllon. In the dance
halls and resorts ( which followed
them Into the country and went out
of business and left Immediately on
the departure of Iho troops ) , they
would light like demons , and Iho rec
ords of our district court have been
loaded down with criminal canes due
to those lights , with a goodly number
of participants lu the state peniten
tiary , to say nothing of the number
punished by military court martinis.
Hearing particularly on the phase
which brought about the wholesale
dismissal a somewhat similar case
mlghl bo recited :
A Terrible KllllnQ.
A discharged soldier from ono of
Ihe colored regiments , named Strallon ,
kepi a rooming and dance house on
a tracl of land about a mile and a
half from Fort Nlobrara. On the
night of October 29 , 1901 , about mid
night , while the usual- dance was In
progress , n loam hauling a spring
.vagon with four occupants drove up
In front of the door and one of the
Inmates ( called Lul Johnson ) came
out of the house to the wagon. Im
mediately shols rang out , apparently
fired at Iho wagon , but from a point
thai each musl lake effecl lliero or
pass Into and In some Instances
through Iho dance hall , which was
very well filled wilh dancers. When
the firing ceased it was found that
Turnbull , Iho driver , was shol through
the arm ; Raymond Smith , an occu
pant , through the body ; Lul Johnson
through the brcasl near Iho heart , one
iiorse killed and the other wounded.
Insldo Iho building a slave had been
: ill and shattered , the bar shol up
somewhat , bul miraculously no person
'inrt ' , although there were any num
ber of close calls. Colncidonlally , two
men in khaki were seen wllh guns
across Iheir shoulders starting toward
Fort Nlobrara. Next morning sixteen
mpty Krag-Jorgensen shells wore
found on the ground al the point
where Iho firing seemed lo come from ,
and the location the Iwo men were
seen leaving. The wounded were tak
en to the Fort Nlobrara hospital ,
where the Johnson woman died next
day. Turnbull recovered promptly
and Smith finally.
The shooting having been commit
ted off the roservallon , came under
the jurisdiction of Iho civil authori
ties. Consequently Iho sheriff and
coroner were notified , a coroner's jury
empanelled and posl mortem hold al
Ihe posl hospital , which resulted in
determining that from the character
of the wound it was done by a Krag-
Blacks Shielded Murderers.
The murder appearing so wanton
and cold blooded , extraordinary ef
forts were put forth to try and locate
Iho gullly ones. Persons who were
Ihoughl by their associations lo be on
lerms of Intimacy with the soldiers
were looked to lo secure the informa
tlon , and Colonel Hoyl , commanding
Iho regimenl , assigned Lieutenants
Mapcs and Wlegcnsteln for. special
duly , lo run down Iho guilty ones If
possible. The officers , in fact , were
particularly anxious lo apprehend and
deliver Iho culprlls to the civil au
thorities. However , although that
shooting was done on a clear , bright LI
night , by two persons scon In the act 11
or immediately thereafter , not the
Hllghlosl. ( race IIMH to Ililn day been
( Uncovered lu Iho dliecllou of off bur
apprehending the i-ullly pardon nor
of loarulnir the motive. IIMIH mild
Dial although iiiimliern of the onllHled
men might have full kuowlndis'o of
Mio moil and motive no one would
dare lo dl\ulgo the HIIIIIO for four of
lilfl own IITe ,
Allliouili ; ( lie murdered ono wnn of
their own color mid without character ,
Ihe net WIIH no lots a crime Iliati Iho
Mho one which followed If In llrowmi-
vlllo , and only ompliUHl/.oH Ihe IIOOOH-
slly of HOIIIO form of salutary punish-
iiient. While Ihe mildloni mliht ; Jus
tify Hllouco In Iho
hitler ease on ac
count of four lout a fair trial could mil
be hud In TOXUH , no such oxctitio could
prevail hero , Hltico Iho murdered WIIH
not a elll/ou of ( lie community , but a
woman of I heir own race , In whom no
ono would have any special Interest ,
mid Iho trial could have boon purely
on Itii morllHHlKiiil prejudice
nliiHl ( he prlHoiici'H. Vel tlioso who
HHCHHcd Iho necessary Information
wore IIH Hllenl In the former an the
latter Instance.
No qiiCHlhm bill Mini a very largo
majority of MIOHO snldorn | dhicomilcii-
unco Hiich uelH , Judged by what WIIH
noon of them during the four yearn
heie , bill ( hero urn tough ehuriiclorii
In each company , reiuly ill nil Union
( o do uelH of violence , whom Iho bet
ter men do not appear to endeavor to
gel rid of , mid who are ronponnlblo
for the condition In which the men of
( hose three companies find thomiiolvon
now. II IH another CHRO of "poor dog
Tray. "
Throat H were heard thai this town
might bo "Hhol up" Home nlghl , bul
the treatment , of tlioso soldlorn by our
clll/eiiH was Hitch that we did not bo-
llevo the cooler heads would over por-
mil II lo bo possible.
II may bo said thai soldiers should
not bo allowed their rifles excepting
when on actual duty. Thai IH sui > -
poHcd lo bo the CIIHO , yet at Union llioy
find a way of gelling a purl of Ihom
al least. However , Is a man worthy
to bo a soldier who cannot bo trusted
with a gun excepting when In ranks
for fear IOHI a whole community bo
"shot up ? "
Thin communication Is written with
Iho one purpose , however , of endeav
oring ( o Influence those colored pastern -
torn and people , and Iho Hympathlz-
erH of all racon , to Invosllgaln al lit
tle cloHor range , with the hope that
they will modify their ruHolullons and
memorials dlreclod against an honest
and courageous president.
C. II. Cornell.
Another Raid Has Been Added to the
List of Work Done by Chicken
Thieves In the Vicinity of Norfolk.
No Clue to the Gulltv.
Stealing all of IIH ! chickens and set-
ling IIi o lo his chicken coop , Ihlovcs
raided and did extraordinary damage
nt the homo of Will Swaneback , four
miles south and two miles eant of
Norfolk , on rural route No. 4 , during
Iho night.
Mr. Swnnoback Is nt a loss to know
who may have done the work and has
no clue. Ho was amazed when ho
arose and went inlo Iho farmyard at
dawn lo find his hen house In ashes
and Iho birds gone.
U Is supposed lhal the thieves are
the same who have been creating a
reign of lorror among chicken owners
In Ibis section for some months past
undotecled. No now llghl has been
Ihrown upon Iho Idonllly of the
thieves and , so far as known , no ef
fort Is being made to trace them.
Those chicken thieves have boon
working not only In the counlry
around Norfolk but also In the city ,
Itself. Various coops In various plac
es have been raided , ono man having
recently gone to the barnyard to find
ills valuable shepherd dog dead , as
well as twelve fowls.
The chicken thieves have become
about as serious a problem as the
horsclhlcves around Norfolk and it Is
thought that the farmers and olher
chicken owners of lliis lorrilory , if
ono were caplured , would go Iho limit
In punishing the culprit.
Congregational Council Delighted With
South Norfolk Pastor.
Rev. John M. Ilelns , pastor of the
Second Congregational church at
South Norfolk , was ordained ycster-
: lay afternoon by an ordaining coun
cil of Iho Congregational church. The
council met at 2:150 : o'clock for the
purpose of examining the applicant
and the examining board wore more
than delighted at the excellent show
ing made by Mr. Helns and his evi
dence of scholarly ability. Ordina
tion was granted by unanimous vole.
The following churches were repre-
scnled : Bloomtlold , Plerco , Norfolk
Flrsl church , PIninvlow , Stanton and
Noligh , either by pastors or dolegnles.
The following program was ren
dered :
Invocation , Rev. J. J. Cloff , Stanlon.
Scripture reading and sermon , Rev.
J. J. Parker , PIninvlow.
Ordaining prayer , Rev. W. J. Tur
ner , First church , Norfolk.
Address by ministry , Rev. J. J.
Cloff , Stanton.
Mr. Holns Is a graduate of Amhcrst
collcgo and n graduate of Yale Iheo-
logical seminary. Ho carrlo sthe do *
grces of A. B. and B. D.