The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 30, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Contractor Dlxon , Who Has Decn Din
ging the Ditch and Who IB Prepar
ing to Finish It , Says There Will be
Much Work on Roads Next Year.
KiiRlnoer SchwarthuiiN , wlio lind mi-
porvlslon ever tlio gulch drainage work
for Madison county , arrived In the city
from Oiuiilin mill. In romimny with
County Surveyor Tliutcli wont ever the
now drainage 'I'1'11 ' ' " " " " ' 'l' ' ' "f III P'C- '
tlon. Itolh pron-Mini'i'd IhoniHolves
well satisfied with tin- work as It has
thus far boon executed. Tlio county
commissioners are also well pleased.
It Is Biilil , wltli the inannor In wliloli
tlio work has IHHMI ilono.
Contractor W. I' . Dlxon , who In do-
lug tlio work , IK having inailo a inn-
chilli1 which will cut tlio front anil with
which hi > liopcH to dig tin1 ditch con-
Hldorahly south of thu present torinl-
nal huforo tlio ground froo/os hard.
Tlio ditch has licon dug ever a lor-
rltory extending fi)0 ( ) foot north of Nor
folk avenue and 2flC > 0 foot , south of
that Hi root. It IB nix foot ( loop lit tlio
doopoHt place and golH as Hhallow an
twonty-two InclioH In ether polntn. Tlio
water , If a Hood caino now , would run
Into tlio HaiiHo inoadow wiiitli of tin1
oily , and thin will lie rcniodlnd hy the
contractor with llio now frost cutting
inaclilno HO that no meadow will ho
Much Work for Next Summer.
Contractor Dlxon WI.VH that there
will ho uiot'o work for laboring nion
next HUiuinor than there was this summer -
mor and ho prodlctH that there will ho
more roads built out of Norfolk In all
directions than tlioro Iravo boon dur
ing tlio past nlno years put together.
In twelve days 15,000 yards of dirt
were removed from the dltt'h.
Greatest Game of the Year Will be
Played Saturday on Yale Grounds.
It has been live y < mrs Blnco Harvard
has boon a pronounced favorite over
Yale for the annual game between the
two colleges , and that long slnco she
won u big foot ball match from the
Blue. This year tlio Crimson finds
herself looked upon as the probable
winner of the game , though It Is
thought the contest will bo close. The
dllllculty with Harvard has usually
been with the spirit of the team , but
this year the eleven has played with
rather better spirit than has Yale. If
anything Is gained , therefore , by the
ability to rise to the emergency It will
probably bo the Crimson that , secures
The game at Now Haven next Satur
day Is not going to bo an easy one by
any means. Yalo'n chances to play a
stronger game than against Princeton
are excellent. She has just that mucl
moro time to whip her hackllold lute
shape and remedy the dllllcultles she
has met with In consequence of the
long Indisposition of Hoome. The In
jury to Morse Is also likely to have
Improved. This will glvo Yale some
thing like her true strength ! whlel
she undoubtedly lacked for the Prince
ton gamo.
It has been thought that Yale has
had no offense. That she has failed
often to display any strength Is true ,
but early In the year , when her backfield -
field was working well together , she
had It , and she ought to have Improved
It by placing Forbes at the end , where
he could be used In attack. She has
not been credited with the variety In
attack that some other teams have
boon conceded , yet It Is a fact that
she has more plays than any ether
team In the field.
Yale has as much straight running
ability as any team on the Hold. Were
she playing the same style of game as
was possible under the old rules last
year , she would unquestionably bo
able to force her way through any
line. Rut line plunging against a good
defense cannot gain enough under the
ten-yard rule to make It dependable ,
and the success of such new-fangled
plays as forward passes and quarter
back kicks , depend on perfect execu
tion and surprise for their success.
Any team may be fooled at times , and
Yale has several very clover forward
passes , but Harvard's defense has
been strong enough to justify the ex
pectation that she will be able to de
fend against them successfully.
On the other hand , there has been
no attack that has been so much un
derrated as Harvard's. The reason for
this is that she has In Wendell , Foster
and Lincoln In the backfleld a set of
backs who have been shifted because
of Injuries until they have not worked
together enough to show their real
ability when playing together. In
practice they have been seen oftener
than in public games and they are
really mighty effective men. Wendell
Is especially strong In line breaking ,
and both Foster and Lincoln arc
strong in skirting tackle , with enough
line plunging ability to make them of.
fectlve Inside of tackles If driven In
Their ability to gain Is probably not
quite so great as Yale's on straight
running , but their excellence In the
ramifications of new foot ball , fake
kicks , ' quarterback runs and trlcl <
plays , forward passes and onsldc
Kicks , Is comparatively much groatei
nnd makes their general offense rather
or stronger than Is Yale's.
In defense Yale has nothing on Har
vard In line defense. If anything , tin
Crimson Is'sllghtly the stronger , whlli
In the open field Yale may be a bl
liolli-r. The gaino renolvos Itself. as
inoHl id tier KIIIIIOH between reasonably
ovcnly niatcliiMl IOIUIIH have this year ,
Into a question of llio excolloncc of
their relative kicking ability , and In
thin Harvard l dlNllniMly mipurlor.
Vale , with Vendor playliiK. l' ' ' "
Khtly Miniver kicking Kami ) than
with lloonie , though tlio dlfforonc.o IH
not great onoiiKli to mihMllulo Vendor
for lloomo In the general attack.
Kvon VcodiT , however , IH not llio of-
fectlve kicker that llurr IH , olthor for
distance or for piano klcka. Foster ,
Wendell and Starr can all kick aB well
a.s lloonie , and possibly IIH well aB
Voedor. Harvard IH generally hotter
equipped than Yale , tboroforo , to play
the kicking gaino.
Mnt the kicking game requires moro
than moro hooting tlio ball. A good
pnnlor tiuisl liavo Rood ondH to follow
the ball to hold the advantage lie
gains. Ilo must liavo good catchers
to handle loturn puntn Hafoly , If ho IB
not to lose moro than bo gnlim In ox
changes. And ho miiHl liavo c.atuhorH
who can run piuitH back qnlto IIH well
IIB hla opponent , else again hlH offortH
are vitiated. Harvard's cuds uro nB
good an Yalo'B In following the ball ,
though Yale IB a little bettor in block
Ing and protecting for the catcher , and
Harvard has safer catcliorH than JOIIOH
has flliown hlniBoir to bo. Yale IUIB
the advantage , If JOIIOH does not funi
bio puiitn In running the ball buck , for
both JonoH and Knox , and especially
Knox , nro exceptlonnlly Htrong run
nlng In tlio open Hold. With Starr
and Nowhall playing back , Harvard IB
almost as well equipped but It Is ask
ing a lot of Starr to demand regular
catching of him In addition to his mill-
lltiidinoitB duties at. end. On the
whole , however , Harvard Is bettor pre
pared for a kicking game than Yale
and on this her main dopondanco real
ly lies.
She IB especially apt In covering the
ball on fumble. All the men have been
well coached In this and many a fum
ble has been saved and many a fumble
gained by this ability. In thin pro pit
ration for exigencies , Harvard la OH
peclally well equipped , since she IB
also apt In goal kicking and other val
liable points she may llnd use for.
It Is Harvard's great , smoothness
and her superior kicking , however
that gives her the bettor ehanco.
Dog Trainer of Omaha , Temporarily
Stopping In Town , Resists Paymen
of Tax on His Dog and Is Fined
Case Appealed to District Court.
Alnsworth , Neb. , Nov. 2 ! ! . Specia
to Tlio News : An Interesting point was
raised in Justice Potter's court hero
yesterday , Involving the question o
whether a city has the right to assess
a dog tax against a non-resident own
or. The case was brought by the mar
shal against Theodore Wiseman , a dog
trainer from Omaha , who came hero
last .Inly and practiced his profession
in the country south of town. Last
Saturday the defendant was making
arrangements to go to his home In
Omaha , when the marshal tried to take
bin dog and kill It or else payment of
$1.00 license. Wiseman claimed that
the city had no right to collect this tax
as he Is a non-resident , and the ordi
nances say that all resident owners
must pay a tax or have their dogs
killed. Then the marshal had Wise
man arrested for resisting an ofllcer
and the court lined him $5.00 and
coats. , T. A. Douglas of Hassett , who
represented Wiseman , appealed the
case to the district court , which con
venes on the 2rd ; ! of January , 1907.
Fighting Fire In Her Home , She In
haled Flame , Resulting Seriously.
Mrs. Hurl Heed was quite seriously
burned while lighting a lire that broke
out In the second story of the home
southwest of Norfolk Friday afternoon.
She ran Into the fire and , In putting It
out , Inhaled the Maine. Jler condition ,
according to Dr. .1. II. Mackay , Is quite
serious. The lire evidently resulted
from the contact of clothing with a
hot pipe from the stove. The clothing
carried the ( lame Into bedding and a
bad blaze resulted. Mrs. Heed suc
ceeded in putting out the fire. Mr.
Heed , who is just recovering from a
broken leg sustained In a fall at Dattlo
Creek during the races , was unable to
climb the stairs and assist In the fight
against the lire.
Taking a Leave of Absence Some
Friends Believe Will Resign.
Chief of Police .lames Hay , who left
the city some days ago , Is said to have
gone to the southern part of the state
to visit his parents , but some of his
friends believe that ho Intends to give
up his position as chief of police. He
asked for a leave of absence until December -
comber 1.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids
Medicines that aid nature are nl
ways most successful. Chamberlain's
Cough Hemedy acts on this plan. II
allays the cough , aids expectoration ,
relieves the lungs , opens the secro
lions , thereby aiding nature In throw1
Ing off a cold and restoring the system
to a healthy condition. It Is famoiu
for Its cures of colds nnd croup am' '
can always be depended upon. Foi
sale by Ixjonard the druggist.
And So The Man Charged With Rob-
bcry , Together With the Man Who
Is Said to Have Been Robbed , Will
Both Lie In Jail Till December.
Fred liimhncll and William Combs ,
falling to furnlHh the $200 bond asked
by JiiHtlco lOlHeloy , have both been tak
en to Madison where they will remain
In the county Jail , pending the district
court hearing In December. Hushnell
Is the local fellow charged with rob
bing Combs. Combs la u railroad la
boring man from Honcsteel who came
to town with money and who ban none
now to toll the story. Uushnoll was
bound ever on the robbery charge and
Combs WIIH Jailed In order to hold
him IIB a witness.
niishnell has a brother In Omaha
whom ho had hoped might put up the
bond , but It was not forthcoming.
The pair were taken to Madison by
0Ulcer Ucchor and turned over to
Sheriff Clements. Combs was not In
favor of going to Jail , but there was
nothing else to do. Ho Is a cripple ,
having one paralyzed hand.
It IH said that as soon as this case
against IJuslinoll Is HnlBhed , other
charges may bo preferred against him.
There has been considerable potty
tblovory during the past few months ,
kept from the public by the police
force , and It Is s-.ild that charges may
be Illed against him in connection with
some Incidents.
IJushncll WIIB formerly associated
with B. Meyers , the junk dealer whoso
store burned out and who loft the city
At one time Uushnoll was In police
court for beating his wife and ho has
now left her. It Is said that she will
testify against him as to Incidents li
his past career.
William McAllister was down from
Nollgh Friday.
A. 13. Chambers is nt homo after one
of bin long trips.
Mrs. F. Pllger of Pierce was In UK
city visiting Friday afternoon.
Mrs. A. E. Chambers has returned
after an extended trip to Troy , Kan
Attorney \V. O. Mcservo of Crclgh
ton was In ( ho city between trains
Frank Nelson , banker of Niobrara
was in the city on his way homo fron :
II. H. Miller from Omaha , a specla
Insurance agent , was In the city yes
John Bridge returned Friday from t
trip to Long Pine.
L. A. Slinms made n business trip to
Ilosklns Friday morning.
A. T. Lagger was a passenger fo
Kinorson Friday morning.
Mrs. L. C. Taylor returned last evenIng
Ing from n short visit in Omaha.
John Fetter made a business trlj
to Battle Creek Friday morning.
Mrs. J. Bemner of Crolghton was
visiting in the city during the day.
Miss Minnie House of Meadow
Grove was in the city visiting Friday.
Miss Minnie Haskell of Lynch was
visiting the city Friday between trains.
Dr. ] { olden left last evening for Wy
oming , to look after business Interests
near Lusk.
Joe Stoddard of Crelghton was a
business visitor in the city during the
day Friday.
J. W. Harder of Graclo , Neb. , was
a business visitor In the city during
the day Friday.
O. H. Robertson of West Point
stopped In the city Friday for a short
visit between trains.
Miss Lucia Clorlv of Newman Grove
stopped In the city between trains Fri
day for n short visit.
Mrs. E. T. Farr arrived from Sioux
City Tuesday evening , called by the
Illness of her sister , Mrs. E. D. Jol-
II. E. Mock and Frank Mullen of
Burke , S. D. , were business visitors in
Norfolk Friday morning.
Mrs. George H. Spear has returned
from a visit at Clarks , Neb. Mr. Spear
Is at homo with nn attack of tons- !
Mr. and Mrs. P. Welsh and son left
at noon for a short visit In Missouri
Mrs. B. W. Col well and daughter
left at noon for Oakdalo to spend Sun
day with Mrs. Colwell's parents.
Mrs. William Tburber , formerly of
this place but now of Fremont , Is In
the city for a short visit.
Miss Hesslo Hntchinson of Oakdale
Is In the city visiting friends.
The little daughter of Mrs. Chas.
Iloltmaii Is very sick.
Miss Lola Craft left at noon for a
short visit with friends at Missouri
Oliver Wood left at noon for a few
days' visit with friends at Missouri
Mrs. E. P. Olmstead and daughter
Doris left Friday noon for a few days'
visit with Miss Rena Olmstead , who
Is teaching school at Wayne.
Mrs. L. M. Keen , jr. , of Fremont , ar
rived in the city last evening to visit
until after Thanksgiving with her pa
rents , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. McClary.
Miss Norn Schelley loft Friday morn
ing for Omaha , where she goes to at
tend school.
Mrs. Sol d. Mayor will leave Sun
day for Lincoln , where she will spend
Thanksgiving with her sister.
H. H. Reynolds and son Marcus re-
turned at noon from Pllger whore the >
have been working the past three
iionths. They have finished their
contract tlioro.
Mr. and Mrs. Ktnll Moollar arrived
n ( ho city hint night from Omaha ,
vhoro they were married this week ,
uid are at the ICblo home on North
Mrst street. The groom has kept his
iresi'iico In the city a secret nnd many
> f the friends who might otherwise
invo hastened to extend greetings , bo-
love that ho has not yet arrived.
A son was born nt the homo of Mr.
uid Mrs. Hubert T. Alexander on The
( eights , last night.
Aug. Prlbnow has completed bin new
IOIIHO north of town and will move
nlo It some tlmo next week. His son
llobort will take possession of the
farm southeast of town.
J. Koonlgstoln has trailed his homo
in Koonlgsteln avenue nnd Eighth
street to Mr. Thomas of Page , Nob. ,
for farm land. Mr. and Mrs. Koonlg'
stoln are at present making their homo
with their daughter , Mrs. H. A. Mil
At the regular business meeting of
the Loyal Mystic Legion held last
night at the G. A. H. hall , It was do
elded that at the election night of the
order , which will occur on December
27 , that a Hiipper would be given after
the close of lodge meeting , to which
all married members of the order
would bo entitled to Invite their bus-
bands or wives , ns the case might be ,
and have a social time. AH members
will please take notice.
On the Arrival of an Assistant , General
al Superintendent Hughes Left the
Office and Will be Absent Two or
Three Weeks.
Stanley M. Braden , tne newly ap
pointed superintendent on the Nobras
kn & Wyoming division of the North
western railroad , arrived In Norfolk
last night from Chicago to take uj :
the duties of his new olllco. Ho was
formerly supcrlnt9iident on the On
lena division of the Northwestern and
has been promoted to fill the vacancy
caused by the promotion of Fran I
Walters , who was assistant superin
tcndent , to the position of nsslstan
general manager In this division. Mr
Bradon's family are still In Chicago.
General Superintendent C. C. Hughes
who has been without an assistant for
several months and until the arrlvn
of Mr. Brailen , left the city on the
morning train and will be absent froir
the olllce for two or three weeks.
Railroad Man Representing the Yank
ton-Gulf Line Has Departed.
Fremont Hill , representing the Yank
ton & Southern railroad company ,
who claim that they Intend to build s
line from Yankton to Galveston , am' '
who was In Norfolk to make a propo
sltlon nnd ask a bonus from the city
ms departed. He did not say he in
ended to return.
Policeman Who Struck Intoxicatec
Man Severely , Freely Criticised.
Herman Felhnber was fined $10 am
costs in police court by Judge Wester
elt for being drunk. Public sentl
nent among people who saw the ar
est of Felhaber by Special Office
'otrns Is universally censuring the
ofllcor for his treatment of the man
elhaber was paraly/.ed with drlnl
nnd was as helpless as a child but In
spite of tills fact Policeman Petra
struck him several times severely am
hen dragged the man to jail like
sack of ( lour. The little daughter o
elhaber , while anxious that her fa
her should be Jailed so that be couli
lot come homo and create a dlstnrl
anco , is said to have begged the ofll
cer not to strike the man and bystani
ers who saw the beating say that bu
for Felhaber's condition he would hav
> een Injured by the blows.
Potras claims that Felhnber struck
at him when he attempted first to
make the arrest.
Former Norfolk Insane Hospital Su
perintendent to the Coast.
Dr. J. M. Alden , formerly superin
tendent of the Nebraska state hospi
tal for the Insane in Norfolk , together
with Mrs. Alden , arrived In Norfolk
from Pierce and will leave Saturday
noon for an extended visit in southern
California. Dr. Alden's health has
lieen rather poor during the. past few
months and he goes in the hope that
the balmy air of that section will ben
efit him.
They will make the trip on the new
Los Angeles Limited train over the
new Union Pacific and San Pedro
Ezar Nethaway Was Arrested at Noon
For Hauling Carcass to Dump.
Ezar Nethaway was arrested at
noon by Ofllcer Uechor , charged with
hauling the carcass of a horse to the
city dump grounds without burying
the animal. It Is said that this offense -
fenso has become frequent in the dump
grounds hut this Is the first arrest that
has over been made on a charge of the
kind. Ho was fined $0.50. Ho claimed
ho burled the horse and that dogs un
covered It.
"Who ventures nothing has no luck"
oven In advertising !
Ideas Which Had Been Expressed In
Norfolk Several Days Before the
Convention , -Prevailed in the Meet
ing Burnham Member of Council ,
Norfolk bankers who attended the
state convention In Omaha , have re
turned. They were : C. E. Hurnham ,
A. Wltzlgman , George D. Butter-
eld , L. P. Pascwalk and J. U. May-
ard. C. E. Burnham of this city was
lade ono of the now members of the
xeciitlve council for four years.
While Norfolk bankers have hesl-
Ucd In the matter of giving their
lews on the proposed currency re-
inn , some of the opinions as ex-
resscd In this city prior to the Omaha
onvcntlon were very much in line
, -ltli the resolutions ns adopted against
10 proposed reform. The principal
bjectlon to the reform , ns expressed
evernl days ago , was the fact that
peculation might ensue. The west
ow has money enough to run it" and
noiigh to loan to the east ; Idle funds
rom the west find their way to Now
"ork in the summer ; the Now York
auks use those funds for various in-
cstments : the crop season comes on
nd the west calls for Its own money ,
'hen the New York City banks , hav
put the surplus funds to work , feel
shortage and complain. It was
bought that the currency reform was
eslred by the Now York banks for
he purpose of relieving this very nor-
ml and harmless "shortage" ns it Is
ailed , though It is In reality merely
call by the west for Its own money ,
'ho fear has been expressed that , by
icreaslng the currency at those times ,
o real relief would bo brought , ns the
'ow York banks could easily pay the
tigh tax for the sake of the money
nd , having invested the surplus that
hey could secure , another and a moro
orlous "shortage" would present It-
elf for solution. It would be a means
ome said , of simply going deeper am :
eoper , and there might be mnation as
"It Is Bryan's Idea. "
"The Idea of creating a surplus cur
ency for critical moments , " said one
justness man , "seems to me to bo a
eturn to the Idea of Bryan In 1S90
hat what wo needed was more money
Bryan suggested more silver , at 1C
o 1 , while the present proposed re
'orm suggests banknotes loaned on
janks' credit by the government , am'
be government means the taxpayers
) f the country. In 189G everybody was
condemning the scheme but now , It
now dress , It Is receiving endorse
inent In New York. It might be al
right for New York , but the west
: loesn't need It. It is the safest plan
: o let the money system alone. "
These Ideas , after lengthy debate ,
prevailed among Nebraska bankers
The action of the Nebraska conven
ion Is notable in that this is the firs
state to take action on the recently
iroposed plan.
The report of the resolutions com
mlttee , which was adopted , follows ir
mrt :
"We recognize the great differences
ictween stringent money situations
) rought about in the ordinary course
: > f business and the critical conditions
ivhich exist in times of bank panics ,
eii money needed in commercla
business is arbitrarily withdrawn am :
ocked up by frightened bank deposit
ors. In such times an extra money
supply Is Imperatively demanded to
prevent business stagnation and its at
cndants , bankruptcies and losses.
"We therefore ask the adoption o
he following resolutions :
"Resolved , That we are opposed to
the Issue In time of financial peace ,
ike the present , of any bank note cur
rency , except that now authorized se
cured by a deposit of United States
> onds.
"Hesolved , That we favor legislation
l > y congress authorizing the Issue o
an emergency circulation which wll
> e taxed so heavily that it would nee
> e Issued except in tlmo of great com
merclal stringency and Impending pan
cs nnd would be retired when the
conditions requiring its issue no longe
"We further recommend the adop
tlon of the following resolution :
"Hesolved , That we favor the re
peal of the provision In the natlona
banking law limiting the redemptloi
of national bank notes to $3,000,000 a
month. "
Wo speak of industries which turn
out bread and furniture and other
terlal things as productive or construe
tlve. Wo spend little tlmo thlnklnj
over the constructive or productlv
power of our modern public schoo
system. The schools of Norfolk ar
one of the most vitally constructive
factors In the whole community , and
as an Industry It takes first rank.
Some Institutions turn out things to
wear or things to eat. Schools turn
out young men and young women more
highly trained than they could have
been without the schools , more efll-
clently prepared to earn their way In
the world nnd to think out their own
they polish brains , though , nnd train
them In such a way that the contri
bution of the school system to society
Is Inestimably valuable.
The whole American continent pats
Itself on the back because of Us
schools when It thinks about It. Too
often there Is not the attention glveu
to the Echoolhousos and their armies
of young people that ought to bo. Hut
on special occasions the American con-
tlnent points with pride to its educa
tional Institutions.
And Norfolk Is bettor equipped In
this regard than most of the Amor-
lean continent. Larger cities have
larger schools , of course but few
have bettor. Smaller places can not
so well equip for student training and
The Norfolk high school the top
ripened fruit on the tree of Norfolk's
Schools do not manufacture brains ;
public school system stands high
among others of the commonwealth.
Norfolk Is not so largo as Omaha or
Lincoln or several other cities , hut
Norfolk takes a back seat for none of
them when It comes to school houses
ml school teachers and school work.
f the Norfolk school student falls to
et the right sort of a start , It Is his
> wn fault or that of his parents. The
ubllc Is doing all that It can toward
ashing him along In the right dlrec-
And this nil costs money. Norfolk
.axpayors spend more than $20,000
very year or rather for each school
orm of nine months for the educa-
lon of Its children. There are 1,15(5 (
children In the schools today. About
20 per year for every pupil is spent
.o maintain this service. The public
lays this money , It Is paid out to
eachers to buy winter wraps and pay
heir board bills. And teachers are
ilways'good about that.
The salaries alone amount to $15-
300 per year and that , with other ex
penses , amounted last year to $20-130.
As a result of this expenditure and
his effort , there go forth every year
classes of creditable graduates. Nor-
'olk ' can not bo ashamed of the rec
ords which have been made by doz
ens of young men and women who at
) iio time or another stood on the
church platform hero and received a
leatly tied diploma. Many of them
iinve done remarkably well in the va-
lous professions and trades , and
here arc still futures ahead of them.
Many will rellect genuine credit
ipon their alma mater before another
score of years.
Norfolk Is fortunate in its teaching
uid executive force. Superintendent
C. .1. Modwell , who came last year
'rom the county superintendency of
Douglas county to fill the vacancy
caused by the appointment of Super-
ntendent D. C. O'Connor to the posi-
.ion of Canal Zone superintendent , Is
one of the ablest educators in all the
west and bis energy goes forth each
day toward a more and more substan-
ial , conservative and enduring school
system here. Under his direction
many important changes have been ,
naugurafed and under his supervision
s an able corps of teachers.
Today the Norfolk high school is
an accredited institution so far
as the state university is concerned.
There was a time when this was not
the case.
The schools have been built up here
inder the guidance of a conservative
and thoroughly capable board of edu
cation. Regardless of politics , the
members of the Norfolk board of ed-
ication have been chosen for their
justness judgment , their intelligence
and their worth as guides in so im
portant n work.
There are six school buildings , the
ligh school having been built at a
cost of some $20,000. It Is a monument
ment to Norfolk's pioneers.
Following are the teachers now doIng -
Ing the work of upbuilding character
and mind in the city :
Superintendent , E. J. Bodwell.
High school : Ida Von Goetz , Ger
trude Watson , A. G. Kennedy , Charles
Weigand , Belle Tborngate ; Pearl
Reese and Minnie Fleming , eighth
rndes ; Pearl McCormick and Mary
O'Connor , seventh grades.
Grant school : Rena Dunning , Louise
Mathowson , Harriet Mather , Mae Ol-
noy , Ellen Mullen , H. V. Mason.
Lincoln school : Nettle Cowan , Ote-
lla Pllger , Lena Mills , Clara Bruegge-
mnn , Nellie Dingman , Clara Rudat ,
Nina Walker , Rose Shonka.
Washington : Carrie Brush , Maude
Jefferson : Fay Wldaman.
Following are the board of educa
tion : Dr. P. H. Salter , M. C. Hazen ,
H. C. Matrau , C. J. Hlbben , A. H.
Vielo , Dr. H. J. Cole.
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ing in the art of making Pine
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