A MIGHTY OFFER IT HAS COME ! WE flUST RAISE THE CASH ! WAIT ! WAIT ! WAIT ! Until Wedne Morning , Dec. 5 , at m Entire $40,000 Stock of High Grade Ready Made Wear for Men , Women and Children to be Sold Out in Ten Days Only , for Less than Actual Cost to Manufacture. I. BAUM BROS. , Norfolk's oldest and most reliable more hunts , owing to the backward season and extremely mild weather conditions , AUK KOKCKI ) , ri ht in the midst of the season , to sacrifice their big stock in order to raise a large amount of money to PAY TIIU CKISDITOHS WHO UKMANI ) Til Kill MONKY Mil TIIKIH KAU , MILLS. WE ARE FORCED TO RAISE A LARGE AMOUNT OF CASH IN TEN DAYS ONLY. SALE COMMENCES WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 5 , AND CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT , DECEMBER 15 This Sale will be the sensation of the day. Nothing like it before. Nothing like it will occur again. Our store is DOW closed and will re FREE TRIP TO NORFOLK A Boi\a Fide main closed for re-marking and rearranging Money Raising Sale ranging stock until Wednesday morning , We will pay railroad fare to all purchasers of $25.00 andover We must turn the stock into cash , . . no . Dec. 5th , at 8 a. in. , when the greatest distance of 50 miles. over , mat tor how great our lo s. sale in the history of Norfolk will com mence and last ten days only. Bavim Bros. , Norfolk , Neb. This stock must lie sold. Price cuts no liguro. VALUES AT THE MERCY OF THE PUBLIC. NOTHING RESERVED. EVERYTHING GOES. Take into consideration the fact that this will be the greatest MONHV UA.ISINC ! SALU e.er held in th-s part of the country and it will convey to you some idea of the wonderful bargains that will be offered a sale unparalleled in the history of modern merchandising. We will put forth such great bargains that it will make us forever masters of the H ady Made Wear business in Norfolk. THIS WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME and no person should miss this change to dross themselves complete for less than the cost to manufacture. WAIT FOR OUR OPENING , WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECBMBEIt o , at 8 a. m Below we mention a few of our many Bargains and thousands more just as good. Read these prices carefully : Men's Furnishing Goods. Men's fine white hemstitched handkerchiefs , worth 15 cents , this sale only t 3c Colored handkerchiefs , rod and blue , fast colors , largo size , this sale , ' 3c Men's heavy sox , woith loc , only 4c Men's extra heavy wool sox , worth 25c , special this sale , only 9c Men's fine silk woven suspenders , worth I5 ! and 40c , this sale only 12c Extra heavy double lleeced underwear , worth $1.00 , this sale only 33c Flno heavy wool underwear , worth $1.50 , this sale only 79c Best work shirts , worth $1.00 and $1.25 , only 38c Fine dress shirts , worth $1.00 , only . 38c % Neckties , worth 50 to 75c , only 19c Men's winter caps , worth up to $1.00 , special this sale , only 19c Heavy overalls , special , only 38c Duck coats and sheep lined roats , almost given away. Gloves and mitts , worth $1.00 , only 19c EXTRA ! EXTRA ! All children's and boys' suits must bo sold regardless of cost or value. We will save you half and more on any boys' or children's clothing. Men's Pants. Men's good work pants , worth up to $2.50 , this sale only 98c Fine diehs pants , worth up to $1.00 , this sale , special , only $1 69 Men's pants worth $ -1.50 to $ G.Ol ) , only . . , 2 48 ( Boys' knee pants , worth up to $1.00 , all sixes , only 19c Men's Suits. Men's all wool suits , all styles and sixes , worth $10.00 , this snlo.$2 95 "Men's fine suits , new outs , now patterns , North $12.50 , this sale. . 4 95 Men's fine dross Milts , all styles , single or double bieasted , worth up to $15.00 , special this sale 6 95 Men's swell dress suits , all the newest styles , worth up to $16.50 this sale only 7 95 Extia flno hand tailored suits , all styles and patterns , worth up to $20.00 , this sale 995 | Overcoats. Men's line heavy winter overcoats , worth $10.00 , this sale only.$3 45 Men's overcoats , all styles , worth up to $11 00 , this sale only 4 95 Swell long overcoats , new patterns , new styles , worth $1C.OO , this sale 695 Fine tailored overcoats , the kind you pay $18.00 and $20.00 for , this sale only 9 85 NOTE.Vo will sell all our fur coats for less than the cost of the pelts. Ladies' Cloaks , Skirts and Suits Less than you pay for the making. Ladles' fine walking Hlclrts , nil wool , now styles , worth $ I)0 ! , only $1 48 Ladles' fnncy mixtures , walking skirts , worth up to $5.00 , only 1 98 Ladles' swell dress skirts , all colors and sizes , worth up to $0.50 , this sale 2 98 ladles' line fast hi nek sateen underskirts , worth $1.25 , only 69c Ladles' cloaks In hliio , black and brown , new style , worth $7.30 , only 298 Ladles' cloaks , the new long styles In plain and fnncy mixtures , worth up to $10.00 and $12.00 , only 4.48 Ladles' extra flno cloaks , worth $12.50 to $10.50 , special , this snlo only 6 48 ladles' all wool tailor made suits , worth $12.00 to $15.00 , this sale only 3 98 The skirts alone nro worth double. Ladles' shirt waists , worth up to $1.50 , this sale only 38o All children's and misses cloaks and jackets will he sold far below the actual cost. FURSPURSFURS ! ! The grandest and largest dlsplny of fine furs over shown In Nor folk. Kino fur scarfs , worth $3.00 , only 79o Swell fur collars , worth $5.00 and $ G.OO , only $1 98 Children's fur sets nt your own price. Ladles' fur jnckets , less than half what you pay elsewhere. Furs almost given away. c _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ Tlia Greatest Bargains ever offered on High Grade Clothing , Furnishing Goods , Cloaks , Suits and Skirts. All the new style ? , all the latest patterns included in this mighty offer. Everything to be sold in ten days for less than the actual cost of the raw materials. OUR GUARANTEE Backed by our reputation of honesty and fair dealings , we guar nteo to sell just as we advertise , and will take back , exchange or refund your money on any purchase found unsatisfactory for any reason whatever. BAILM BUGS. WAIT FDR THE OPENING SALE POSITIVELY COMMENCES WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 5 , at 8 a. m. , and will LAST TEN DAYS ONLY. AUM ROS. , Norfolk , Nebraska LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGN. 50 SALES PEOPLE WANTED AT ONCE Store Open Evenings.