The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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A Large Grist of Business Was Turned
Out by the Commissioners of Madi
son County at Their Last Meeting ,
Held on November 14.
Mndluon , Nob. , Nov. 14 , lOOti. The
board of county commissioners mot
pursuant to adjournment. Present ,
Commissioners John H. Harding , John
Mnlono nnd Burr Tnft.
The minutes of October 2 , nnd of
the speclnl meeting of October 22 ,
390G , wore rend nnd approved.
On motion the following bills were
allowed ngnlnst the general fund :
S. H. Thatch , assisting survey
or $ -1 00
Mills & Schenk , blncksmlthing 11 50
H. L. Kindred , M. D. , attend
ing pauper 8 60
Ferdinand Kamrntb , wolf
scalps -I 00
S. C. Blackmail , printing 1C 25
Nebraska Telephone- . , Nor
folk 7 65
Marlon Owens and Chas. Ow
ens , mowing weeds , to be as
sessed to the following land :
13V of SE'/4 of 27 , 1 2 00
SW14 of 20 , 2-1 , 1 a 00
Perkins Bros. , Co. , supplies ,
claimed $08.90 , allowed nt. . 84 25
J. 13. Rowlands , stand for add
ing machine 15 00
Fred Smith , moving grader. . . . 3 50
Felix Hales , printing for super
intendent 1C 00
Felix Hales , printing for clerk 2 00
Felix Hales , printing jury no
tice 1 2i (
Felix Hales , printing treasur
er's statement 5 00
Jno. B. Sanders , sacking 3 7E
Hammond Printing Co. , sup
plies for superintendent 11 7C
City of Madison , water rent ,
meter 17 3C
James Brown , wolf scalps 10 OC
Madison Telephone Co. , tolls. . 25 7C
Madison Telephone Co. , rent
to January 1 , 1907 18 0 (
H. T. Holden , M. D. , attending
pauper IOC OC
H. L. Kindred , coroner , view
ing body , George Roberts ,
claimed $12.00 , allowed 2 OC
Sadie M. Nix , poll tax refunded ,
Wilber & Degner , blacksmithing -
ing 1C 9i
Aug. Pafiownlk , plow handle. . . 7 ?
Aug. Pasewnlk , repairs , grader 7 4J
City of Madison , water rent for
jail 7 5 (
Thos. O'Shea , coal 27 4i
State Journal Co. , supplies for
treasurer 13 C5
Crook Bros. , livery' . ' . . . . . . . . ' . 12 5C
Felix Kaul , work on yard C 00
O. A. Sleeper , care of booths ,
etc 2 00
Dan Mahoney , judge of elec
tion C 80
Henry Sunderman , judge of
election 4 OC
Chs. Knull. judge of election. . 4 OC
Wm. Stork , clerk of election. . 4 OC
Cal Hasklns , clerk of election. 4 00
Henry Sunderman , care of
booths 2 00
School district No. 19 , room for
election . ' 3 00
Wm. Dittberner , jr. , judge of
election 4 00
John Deiter , jr. , judge of elec
tion 4 00
Chas. A. Gableman , judge of
election C 8 (
Fred Dlerks. clerk of election 4 00
Win. Fry , clerk of election 4 00
J. L. Grant , judge of election. C 1C
J. C. Reeves , judge of election 6 00
J. I. , . Rynearson , judge of elec
tion C 00
James Nichols , clerk of elec
tion 6 00
Ed. O'Shea , clerk of election. . C 0 (
J. A. Lyon , constable , election. 2 00
J. L. Grant , rent of hall for
election 5 01
Clous Young , judge of election 4 0 (
Geo. Galpln , judge of election. 4 0 (
Geo. Brant , judge of election. . 4 00
Win. Isenhower , clerk of elec
tion G 20
Win. P. Thatch , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
G. W. Ray , constable of elec
tion 2 00
S. O. Davles , judge of election ( i 41
R. E. Nichols , judge of election 4 00
Geo.'Lltke , judge of election. . 4 00
Ralph McGehee , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
Carl Reinecclus , clerk of elec-
, tlon 4 00
Henry Webb , constable of elec
tion 2 00
Henry Maasman , judge of elec
tion 8 20
Herman Eucher , judge of elec
tion 4 00
W. H. Daniels , Judge of elec
tion 4 00
Peter Zimmerman , clerk of
election 4 00
Henry Neuwork , clerk of elec
tion , applied on tax 4 0 <
F. H. Palmer , judge of election 4 0 <
J. W. Ray , judge of election. . . 4 00
John F. Dlnkol , judge of elec
tion 40
A. E. Crnlg , clerk of election , . 8 0
J .H. Maasman , clerk of elec
tion 40
J. H. Maasman , care of booths 2 0
School district No. 73 , room for
election 30
W. H. Wldaman , judge of elec
tion , applied on tax , $5.18 ,
warrant , $2,42 7C
Herman Gerecke , judge of elec
tion 40
. S. McClnry , Judge of elec
tion , . 4 00
V. H. UlaUonmn , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
ohn Schelly , clerk of election. 4 00
tlchard Peter , constable , elec
tion 2 00
' . P. Andrews , opera house for
election , 4 00
\ P. Andrews , care of booths. 2 00
Vm. Rolkofsky , judge of elec
tion 9 30
. H. Colcgrove , Judge of elec
tion 4 00
" ' . P. Andrews , Judge of elec
tion 4 00
. White , clerk of election. . . . 4 00
I. (3. llohrke , clerk of election 4 00
'om Crook , constable of elec
tion 4 00
V. H. haw , Judge of election ,
assigned to W. A. Wltxlgmnn 7 CO
\nton Ruchholx , judge of elec
tion 4 00
I. M. Roberts , Judge of election 4 00
\ H. Heals , clerk of election. 4 00
. C. Stltt , clerk of election. . . 4 00
' . Marshall , constable of elec
tion 2 00
V. G. Baker , judge of election 7 CO
\ G. Corycll , Judge of election 4 00
A. Morrison , judge of election ,
applied on tax 4 00
Sid. G. Robertson , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
Wm. Ahlman , clerk of election 4 00
Tom Lestlna , Judge of election 7 30
Oscar Reeves , Judge of election 4 00
5co. DeCnmp , judge of election 4 00
Vlll Martin , clerk of election. 4 00
oo Osborn , clerk of election. . 4 00
School district No. 28 , room for
election t. 3 00
John J. Hughes , cleaning
school house and rent 3 00
John J. Hughes , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
Wm. Palmer , clerk of election I 00
lames Hughes , judge of elec
tion 8 50
t. Preuss , judge of election. . . 4 00
C. H. Koetter , judge of election 4 00
I. C. Ecclcs , judge of election. 7 GO
Fred Koerber , judge of elec
tion 4 00
W. C. Rowland , Judge of elec
tion 4 00
Al. Wilkinson , clerk of election 4 00
.ovi Hershlser , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
School district No. 3C , room for
election , $5.00 , allowed at. . . 3 00
G. A. Olson , judge of election. 4 00
A. H. Bryant , judge of election 4 00
Win. Maurer , Judge of election 7 10
Corl D. Jenkins clerk of elec
tion , 4 00
Adam Selp , clerk of election. . 4 00
Harry Barnes , judge of elec
tion . . . . ! 4 00
N. M. Lund , Judge of election. 4 00
W. B. Fuerst , judge of election 8 00
F. E. Martin , clerk of election ,
applied on tax 4 00
Gus Benning , clerk of election. 4 00
F. K. Cornet t , care of Booths. 1 50
F. 10. Martin , rent of opera
house , applied on tax 5 OC
Fred Terry , judge of election. . 7 00
Carl Reiche , judge of election. 4 00
B. B. McGlnnls , judge of elec
tion 4 00
Harry Tnnnehlll , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
W. P. Rowlett , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
Philip Sheets , judge of election 4 00
Elmer Jenkins , judge of elec
tion 4 00
Peter F. Sullivan , Judge of elec
tion 9 30
John Brown , clerk of election. 4 OC
Will Crook , clerk of election. . 4 00
Peter F. Sullivan , hauling and
care of booths nnd cleaning
school house G 00
Chas. Letheby , judge of elec
tion 10 30
I. W. King , judge of election. . ' 6 00
John SImonson , judge of election
tion 00
Lou Wahl , clerk of election C 00
C. R. Hlnnian , clerk of election C 00
Chr. Brlnckman , constable of
election 4 00
Fred D. Krantx , judge of elec
tion 9 GO
A. L. Carter , Judge of election. C 00
W. F. F. Winter , judge of elec
tion C 00
AVm. Winter , clerk of election. G 00
"E. D. Hammond , clerk of elec
tion C 00
John Horrocks , Judge of elec
tion 4 00
John Bohlsen , judge of elec
tion 4 00
S. H. Grant , judge of election. 8 00
C. E. Mclntosh , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
A. L. McCallum , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
S. II. Grant , cure of booths. . . . 2 00
Schoo ) district No. 50 , room
rent for election 3 01
J. W. Grant , constable 2 00
T. K. Hanson , judge of election 12 00
L. G. Brown , judge of election. 4 00
W. S. Cunningham , judge of
election 4 00
A. J. Dunlevy , clerk of election 4 00
Giles Warren , clerk of election 4 00
James Gallagher , constable of
election 2 00
C. J. Hlxson , judge of election 12 01
Herbert King , judge of election 4 00
dins. Rndke , judge of election. 4 00
William Hoffman , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
J. H. B. Wngnor , clerk of elec
tion 4 00
Wm. Rockofellow , constable of
election 2 Oi
School district No. 27 , school
house for election , $5.00 , al
lowed at 3 00
L. Brown , core of booths 3 00
Elliott Fisher Co. , repairs for
typewriter 1 80
H. Kllburn , register births and
deaths 4 25
Clyde Rynearson , register
births and deaths 12 0
E. F. Ringer , register births
nnd deaths 4 50
Chits. Lothoby , register births
and deaths 8 25
ulhiH lluirr , register btrtliH and
deaths 22 fit )
I. II. Mills , register births and
deaths C 50
'rank S. Perdue , salary 100 00
\ A. Miller , jury notice 1 10
'otor lluhendall , canvassing
board 5 00
'red H. Davis , canvassing
board 5 00
Printing Co. , supplies. . . . 10 00
) r. F. A. 1/mg , commissioner
Insanity 53 00
V. S. O'Brien , care of booths. 5 00
Vm. Ahlman' , euro of booths
and cleaning polling places. 5 00
'rcss Publishing Co. , supplies ,
clerk 10 25
Mty of Norfolk , coal for elec
tion 1 CO
ullus 11nlIT , delivering ballots ,
etc 12 20
'erklns Bros. Co. , supplies. , . . 10 00
ohn Krantx , livery 23 25
ohn Krantx , livery for Perdue 10 00
ohn Krantx , , llvory 29 00
I , L. Warner , rent of hall 3 00
Gus Kaul , janitor 45 00
C. A. Smith , repairing booths. 3 75
Geo. E. Richardson , tax list. . COO 00
{ use Publishing Co. , printing
ballots , etc 89 90
luse Publishing Co. , publish
ing treasurer's statement ,
etc 279 73
W. C. Ellcy , delivering ballots
and livery 30 50
Milt \Vebb , mowing weeds , as
sessed against EMof NEVi ,
20 , 23 , 1 2 00
assessed against WM : of
NW'/S , 21 , 23 , 1 2 00
Nebraska Telephone Co. , Nor
folk 13 30
j. M. Johnson , assisting coun
ty surveyor 2 00
W. H. Field , fees 171 30
D. W. Bliss , assisting county
surveyor 3 00
John Horst , hardware court
housx- 9 58
Meadow Grove Telephone Co. 12 30
lohn H. Harding , pay and mile
age CO 25
lohn Malone , pay and mileage 87 3d
3urr Taft , pay and mileage. . . 50 1C
Western Wheeled Scraper Co. ,
1 slip C CC
W. B. Fuerst , groceries for pau
per 2 9f
W. H. Blakeman , cream separator
rater 75 OC
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
Floyd Benedict , work , road dis
trict No. 2 , asmlgnc'i to J.
Koenigsteln $ 12 OC
Wm. Waud , work , road district
No. 2 30 Of
Wm. Wand , work , road district
No. 2 G f > (
Chas. Reeker , work , road dis
trict No. 2 13 5C
Win. Reeker. work , road dis
trict No. 2 IS 50
Jno. Wise , work , road district
No. 2 'ff 00
Harry Waud , work , road dis
trict No. 2 3 00
John Waud , work , road district
No. 2 25 50
John Brown , work , road dis
trict No. 3 41 00
Emerson Ashcraft , work , road
district No. 5 20 00
Wm. Abel , work , road district
No. 5 12'0 (
Sherm Snider , work , road dis
trict No. 5 33 00
Jacob Schlack , work , road dis
trict No. 7 , assigned to Citl-
xens State bank G 00
B. F. I > 3C , work , road district
No. 7 , assigned to Cltlxens
SUite bank 15 75
J. P. Carrlco , work , road dis
trict No. * , assigned to Citl-
xens State bank 4 50
Wm. I w. work , road district
No. 7 12 50
Wm. Low , work , commissioner
district No. 2 25 00
Wm. I.XMV , work , road district
No. o 3 00
Wm. Low. work , road district
No. 11 3 00
L. M. Larson , work , road dis
trict No. 13 9 00
Julius Long , work , road district
No. 13 C 00
J. P. Lauver , work , road dis
trict No. 15 45 00
B. B. McGinnis , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 75 00
John Davis , work , road dis
trict No. lo 9 50
Scott Slmson , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 3 00
Mike McGrail , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 10 25
Frank Raney , work , commls-
sloner district No. 2 C 00
John Rice , work , road district
No. 1C 1 50
John Rice , general fund , mowIng -
Ing weeds , assessed against
the E % of SE 4 of 20 , 23. 1. 2 00
Everett Pettltt , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 7 50
Everett Pettltt , general fund ,
in o w 1 n g weeds , assessed
against the SW % of 21 , 23 , 1 2 00
John Hoffman , work , road dis
trict No. 1C 3 00
Chas. Ivodge , work road district
No. 1C 15 00
Daniel Scheor , work , road dis
trict No. 20 27 50
Chicago Lumber Co. , material ,
district No. 20 1C 50
Dan J. Scheer , bridge work. . . 15 00
Theodore Scheer , work , district
No. 20 48 00
John Weind , work , district No.
No. 21 109 00
Henry Sunderman , work , dis
trict No. 23 GO 0
Fred Dlerks , work , district No.
2G 7C 0
Win. Gableman , hauling lum
ber , district No. 27 CO
J , P. Gableman , repairs and
work , No. 27 . . 20 95
, P. Gnblomnn , warning out
hands , No , 27 2K 0(1 (
'nrl Reinecclus , repairing
bridge 15 00
Claim for road work Intd over
until next meeting ,
0)111 ) IlorHt , hardware , road illH <
trie ! No. 25 1 00
Vm. Makullu , warning out
handH , commissioner district
No. 1 30 00
Unlanco of claim laid over
until next meeting.
ohn Horst , hardware , if ail dis
trict No. 32 1 80
L M. Johnson , work , commis
sioner district No. 1 38 00
I. .1. Hrovlek , work , commis
sioner district No. 1 311 50
ohn IlorHt , hardware , road
district No. 30 G 00
ohn Frlsch , work , road dis
trict No. 30 112 50
oo Benlsh , grading , road din-
trlct No. 9 29 00
oe Benlsh , grading , road dis
trict No. 9 55 50
tort Reed , work , road district.
No. ! > C 00
'oto Kent , work , road district
No. 9 3 00
larry Glbbs , work , road dis
trict No. 9 5 25
3. Cropper , work , road district
No. 9 5 25
I. J. Morris , work , road dis
trict No. 9 75
Aug. Volk , work , road district
No. 10 1 50
A. Rlsor , work on bridges. . . . 9 00
ohn Hnggcmlcr , work on
bridges CO 00
. L. Derrick , brldgo work 91 50
lonry Ueehor , work , road dis
trict No. 1 74 70
W. P. Dlxon , grading , road dis
trict No. 1 71 08
W. I1. Dixon , grading , road dis
trict No. I CC 00
C. Long , work , road district No.
1 13 50
Conrad Walker , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 C 00
. Burlmnk , work on ditch No. 1 90
. Burbank , cutting willows. . . 3 00
. Bnrbank , grading , road dis
trict No. 1 T. 00
I. T. Moore , work , commission
er district No. 2 93 00
I. T. Moore , work on bridges. 34 75
Peter Wallace , road work ,
commissioner district No. 1. 8 50
Adolph Brcdehoft , road work ,
commissioner district , No. 1 ,
assigned to Madison State
bank 100 00
Peter Emlg , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 3700
Win. Stork , road work , commis
sioner district No. 1 9 00
Percy Tyrrol , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 39 00
lohn Funk , road work , commis
sioner district No. 1 4 00
[ 3. Reinecclus , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 f 7 00
Fred Schilling , road work , com
missioner district No. 1 70 00
W. M. Pratt , work , road dis
trict No. (5 ( 1C 50
Wm. CloKoy , work , road dis
trict No. 19 , applied on tax. 10 15
Warrant 43 85
I. T. Cook , work , commission
er district No. 2 00
C. Long , work , commissioner
district No. 2 3 00
I iurence Bower , work , com
missioner district No. 2 3 00
Sam Meek , work , commission
er district No. 2 3 00
Harold Taft , work , commission
er district No. 2 C 00
Joe Benish , work , commission
er district No. 2 3 00
Wm. Weber , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 3 00
Obed Raasch , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 , . 3.00
Bert Reed , work , commission
er district No. 2 G 00
Ed Hall , work , commissioner
district No. 2 3 00
Charles Howard , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 G 00
Ike Burbnnk , work , commis
sioner district No. 2 2 00
F. W. Baker , work , commission
er district No. 3 24 50
F.V. . Hnker , work , coinmls- .
sioner district No. 3 12 00
Sherm Snider , work , commis
sioner district No. 3 107 27
Aug. Klentx , material for bridg
es 4 9G
Harry Lamb , measuring grade ,
commissioner district No. 1 2 00
Nebraska Culvert Co. , iron cul
verts 182 00
Herman Fricke , jr. , scraper ,
road district No. 31 8 50
Herman Fricke. jr. . scrapers ,
commissioner district No. 1 15 00
Antelope county , one-half bridg
es on county line 12 52
Chr. Schavland , jury fees , etc. 331 82
L. M. Johnson , grading , com
missioner district No. 1 , as
signed to Madison State
bank 30 00
J. J. Clements , sheriff's and
jailer's fees 311 00
Earl Flchter , smoothing roads ,
commissioner district No. 1 21 00
Star Mall , printing , county
Judge 17 25
L. B. Baker , brldgo lumber. . . . 99 4G
F. G. Mnssman , work , road dis
trict No. 11 9 00
John W. Towle , on bridge con
tract 750 00
J. E. Douglass , appraiser , road
district No. 31 33
J. L. Grant , appraiser , road dis
trict No. 31 33
Fred H. Davis , appraiser , road
district No. 31 33
On motion the taxes assessed ngalns
part of SW of SEV4 of 22 , 24 , 1 , an
part of SEV4 of SE'/i of 22 , 24 , 1 , lu
name of Union Pnclllc railway and C
St. P. , M. & O. R. R. for the years
1903 , 1904 and 1905 , were ordore
stricken from the lax lint , on account
On motion the county dork WIIH In
Htruolod to draw n warrant In favor of
. ,1. rieinontH for feort main hospital
'or IIIHIIIIII at Lincoln , rases of Win.
' . Kinwsou and TlmmiiH 0. Mnyhow.
IpKomanlacH , fur $90.00 , also lo draw
vnmint In favor of Chr. Hohnvlaiid ,
eon stall * hospital for IIIHIUIO CIIHO of
.nFayolto ( ) , Chllllo , dipsomaniac ,
The following report of 0. D. John-
on , steward of I lie poor farm was
milled and found correct :
To the Iliiiinl of County Commission-
rs of MiullHon county , Nob. Report
f C , 1) . .loluiHon , steward of poor
arm , for iinarter ending 8 , 31 , 190G.
uno I , Imlauco In bank $211 01
old during < | unrlor received
Prlnglo and Hooldkn I 50
"Ivo hogH lo L. linker 78 72
Six hogs to Miller 7G 27
lobule on sugar 20
$370 70
tills for $2G7 31
5 biiHhelH of corn , F. H. J/ .
WllllH 14 00
7 bushels of corn , F. II , L.
WllllH 10 80
Volght , W. C. Day 25
'hroshlng 75
On salary , C. D. Johnson 15 00
CurtnliiH , Hoffman K Vlolo. . . 2 (55 (
$310 70
tnlanco on hand In bunk 59 91
$370 70
The following elnlniH ngiiliiHl the
ioor farm were audited and allowed
mil the steward WIIH ordered to pay
horn out of funds In Ills possession :
1. Miller & Co $27 20
P. Morris K. Co 7 10
Irosh drugs 2 00
) r. Meyers , doctoring cow. . . . 1200
, . B. Kakor 17 H
) r. E. Tanner 7 50
Ulry 2 00
A. P. llnibnhnr II 90
longstlor Bros 1020
C. A. Headman IK 18
j , F. Murx 05
C. E. Hanson 3 35
Charles Hainan 10 10
Mark Sonslor 255
I. C. Meyers 10 00
D. B. Duffy 9 M
Battle Creek mills 17 GO
lee Dlttrlck 20 2C
Battle Creek Telephone company
C 3C
C. D. Johnson 87 50
Board adjourned to November 15 ,
190G , at 8 a. in.
Madison , Nob. , November 15 , 1900
8 a. m. Board mot pursuant to ad
[ ournmont.
On motion the clerk WIIH Instructed
to strike from the tax list of IJlOli , per
Honnl for the village of Tlldon $1.80
uid school bond tax , district No. 80
$1.i2 ! , erroneously asKiissed to David
On motion the clerk was Instructed
to reduce from I'.IOG personal aHsess-
ment of E. M. Iluntington , In Norfolk
city , $ : ! l0. ! actual value on account of
double assessment of grain.
On motion the county treasurer WIIH
iinthorlxed to make the following
transfer of funds , to-Wlt :
From 1905 county general fund to
J90B county general fund , $2,000.
From 1905 county brldgo fund to
IIOS ! ( county brldgo fund , $1,500.
From 1905 rend fund , commissioner
district No. 1 , to I90G road fund , com
missioner district No , 1 , $100.
From l ! 0.ri road fund , commissioner
district No. 2 , to I'.lOC road fund , com
mlsstonor district No. 2 , $120.
From 190(5 ( road fund , commissioner
district No. 3 , to 1905 road fund , com
mlHBloner district No. : : , by warrant
On motion the following bills won
allowed :
H. A. Salmon , surveying $3 00
Carl Rclche , haying road , claimed
$13.00 , allowed , commissioner
district No. 2 ' t 50
Gognor & Tannery , paint and
painting ( > 75
On motion the county clerk WIIH In
structed to advertise for bids for coun
ty printing , stationery and supplies.
On motion board adjourned to De
cember 18 , 190G , at 1 p. m.
Geo. E. Richardson ,
County Clerk.
Mrs. George Scars left at noon for
a short visit in Fremont.
John Johnson returned nt noon from
a short visit In Missouri Valley , Iowa.
Miss Goldie Schrider returned at
noon from a few weeks' visit In Fre
A ladles auxiliary has been orga
nized of the B. of L. F. at the Junc
tion. A social meeting of the two or
ders was held on Monday night. De
licious refreshments were served and
the evening greatly enjoyed.
A. R. Oleson was In the city between
trains from Wlsner.
Dr. Holden made a trip to Stanton
Wednesday morning.
C. S. Hayes made a business trip to
Wlsner Wednesday morning.
William Blntt of Tilden was a busl-
Iness visitor In the city Wednesday.
P. W. Schulx was n business visitor
In the city from Pierce Wednesday.
Rev. J. J. Parker of Plalnvlow Is In
the city visiting his son , Dr. C. S. Par
Mrs. J. Spellman loft Wednesday
morning for a few days' visit nt Fremont
Mrs. F. Mnlono of Enola was In the
city yesterday the guest of Miss Helen
Misses Grace and Nina Ryan of No-
llghycro the guests of Miss Knthryu
Shaw yesterday.
Miss Mabel Bryant , who has been
visiting her brother , R. E. Bryant , left
for Went Upton , MiiRHiielnmetlH , where
Him will Hpond the rest of the winter.
AlrH , William Halm left Wailnomlny
morning for a few days' visit with
frlondH In Hliinlon.
( 'has. Rice nuidn a bimliiOHH trip to
Wlimldo WednoHdiiy afternoon.
County Clerk Goo. 10. Richardson ,
wlfo and daughter of MadlHon vlnlted
In the city Wednesday afternoon.
J. I ) . .Sturgeon relnrnod nt noon
WodnoHday from Correct Ion vllle , Iowa ,
where ho liati boon vlHltlng the last
few dnyH.
Mi'H. J. ll. Allen , who IIIIH been visitIng -
Ing In Cedar Rapids , S. D. , returned
to Norfolk hint night.
J. W. Rodgers and J. Swanson of
Wont Point woreIn the oily WodnoH-
lay on n Hhort. IIIIHIIIOHH trip.
10. II. Lulluirt of Tlldon paused
lirougli the oily Wednesday mornlni ;
onniuto lo Omaha on IMIHIIIOHB.
Minn Anne Atinimlnoii , who linn boon
visiting MIHH Kathryn Bliuw , returned
0 her home In Hartlngton at noon.
MHH | Manila Young of Humphrey In
vlHlllng In the city a few dayu with
friends on her way homo from a visit
nl. BouoHtoel.
ICd Itnioggomnn , M. L. Ogden , Hal
MrC'onnlck and J. Dlgiinn wont to I'll-
ger Wednesday morning to complete
1 ho work on a now building which they
have cnntractH on for wiring , cnrpcn <
lorlng , lathing and plumbing.
MKH | Marie Livingston hi on the sick
Roy Kuliloninn ban accepted n post-
Ion In the KIosiiu drug store ,
The framework of the Hlakonian
wnrohoimo Is now under construct Ion.
Walter Wet/ol , formerly of Hum
phrey , WIIH found dead In bed at Fre
mont , having died from cerebral hem
The Trinity Social guild dance
which WIIH to have been on Friday
night of this week IIIIH boon postponed
until next Monday night , November 2C.
The Browning club hold tholr first
mooting of the season with Dr. and
Mrs. II. J. Cole laHt night. The work
of hiHt your was reviewed and thin
year's work planned.
R. J. Avery , who has boon running
between hero and Omaha as helper
for the express company on tralim 402
and 5 , has taken Frank Davis' place
In the olllco hero. Frank has taken
the run between bora nnd Clmdron.
Gns Kulil , Geo. Chrlsloph , Herman
Winter , Hugo Paul , Julius Haaso and
W. SiKirn wore summoned to Butte
Wednesday to appear as witnesses In
the case of Oscar Wagner , who IH
charged with having boon Implicated
In the burning of a saloon at Brlston.
The coldest point yet reached this
fall was early Wednesday morning
when the mercury sank down to eight
degrees above xoro. The highest point
reached during the preceding day was
twenty-nine above. Wednesday morn
ing dawned clear and crisp , with Just
enough of Indian Hummer in the air
to make It an Ideal autumn day.
Secretary of State Onlusha has ox-
pro.HKod a dt'slru that Attorney General
NorrlH Brown write out an Itemlxed
statement of his expenses on a triple
lo Washington In state legal work , be
fore the bill IH paid . Auditor Senrlo
said the bill wan all right , but the sec
retary of state wanted to know what
ho WIIH paying for before he gave his
MHH | Carrie Barge of Delaware , O. ,
will speak at the M. E. church on Fri
day evening , November 23. Miss
Barge has a national reputation and
IH said to bo n line speaker. She Is
field secretary of the young peoples'
work of the Woman's Home Mission
ary society of the M. E. church. No
admission will bo charged and no col
lection taken. All are Invited to at
tend. A parlor meeting will be hold
on Friday afternoon nt the parsonage
at which Mlnb Barge will bo present.
Fremont Tribune : Did W. J. Bryan
use Mike Harrington's campaign thun
der svhen ho was whirled over this con
gressional district for a week's speak
ing tour before election ? An O'Neill
man who was In the city today de
clares that ho did. Before Bryan wont
to O'Neill and other towns , declares
this man , Mike Harrington eloquently
llKciiKsed the campaign Issues. Later
Mr. Bryan's special stopped at the
same towns and the great commoner
spoke. Hd disappointed the crowds
localise ho only repented what Har
rington had said a few days before.
Even the jokes and Biblical stories
were applied as Mike Harrington used
them. The Joke , however , Is being
turned on Mr. Harrington. This comes
from his attendance upon the Bryan
rallies that were held at Wahoo and
Fremont before Bryan reached O'Neill.
Both Feet Were Cut Off and His Head
Was Crushed Was Fireman on a
Switch Engine' In Fremont Yards.
Leaves Widow and Three Children.
Fremont , Neb. , Nov. 21. Special to
The News : Charles Monroe , fireman
of the switch engine In the Chicago &
Northwestern yards hero , was killed
this morning at C o'clock. Ho was
run over by an engine.
The locomotive ran over Mr. Mon
roe , cutting off both legs and crushing
his head. Ho lived three hours and
died at 9 o'clock.
Monroe was an employe of long
standing In the Northwestern service.
Ho was forty-three years of age and
Is survived by a wlfo nnd three chil