The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 23, 1906, Image 1

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v ATTPHI ? A air A WUIMAV vr\\riun iii > o innn
Four Laborers Who Were Working on
Cribs at the Entrance of Holand
Harbor , Near Grand Rapids , Sank
When Crib Work Washed Away.
Grand Rapids , Mich. , Nov. 22. Four
men wore caught by last night's storm
on crib work of the now breakwater
at the entrance- Iloland harbor , on
Lake Michigan , which was washed
away , and drowned.
Toronto , Nov. 22. Five- men on the
barge , Resolution , from Erla , Pa. , wore
drowned this morning. The boat
swamped as they were endeavoring to
escape from the barge , which was
$18,000 le Assessment Against Road for
Rebating to Sugar Company.
New York , Nov. 22. Judge Holt of
the United States circuit court today
fined the Now York Central and Hud
son River railroad company $18,000 for
rebating 'freight charges to the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company.
Official Vote of Nebraska.
Lincoln , Nov. 22. The official count
on the late election for heads of state
tickets was completed. The vote was
as follows : Sheldon ( Rep. ) , 97,858 ;
Shallenberger ( Dem. ) , 84,885 ; Suttou
( Pro. ) , 5,106 ; Taylor ( Soc. ) , 2.D9D.
Sheldon's plurality Is 12,973 and his
majority 4.8G8. The Republicans elect
ed all their tate candidates.
Witness Heard Cry of Anguish From
Where Body of Grace Brown Lay.
Hcrklmer , N. Y. , Nov. 22. District
Attorney Wnnl continued to forge
links In a chain of circumstantial evi
dence around Chester E. Gillette , who
Is on trial for the murder of his sweet
heart , Grace Brown of Cortland. The
prosecutor succeeded against the bit
ter protests of the defendant's counsel
In getting before the Jury what Is said
to be his most direct evidence that
murder was committed that eventful
flay In July in the Adlrondacks , where
' Gillette and Miss Brown had gone to-
Aether. Ho put upon the stand Mrs.
Margaret Carey , who , with her hus
band , had gone for a row In the South
bay of Big Moose lake the evening
Gillette and Miss Brown set out upon
the Journey which ended In the lat-
ter's death. Mrs. Carey declared that
she had been startled by hearing a
piercing scream coming from near the
east shore of the bay.
"It was the cry of a person In
peril , " the witness added.
This voluntary statement called
forth a storm of objections from the
Cefense and It was ordered stricken
from the records. Mrs. Carey was al
lowed to state It was her opinion that
the cries were undoubtedly thosa of
Oklahoma Constitutional Convention.
Guthrle , Okla. . Nov. 22. The feat
ure of the opening session of the con
stitutional convention was President
Murray's naming the entire Republic
an minority , twelve delegates , as a
committee to confer with Territorial
Secretary Filson In compiling the ex
penses of the convention By the first
of next week It Is expected President
Murray will have named the various
committee members and the actual
work of drafting the new constitution
will be begun.
Two New York Women Denounce
Their Mother as Murderess.
Naw York , Nov. 22. The spectacle
of two women denouncing as a mur
deress the woman who brought them
Into the world , but whom they refused
I " " witnessed in the
? to call "mother , was
office of the district attorney.
The women are Mrs. Wllhelmlna
Ihrlg of this city and Mrs. Marie
Bchoch. The mother whom they ac
cused is Mrs. Wilhelmlna Eckhart.
who was arrested on a charge of hav
ing performed an Illegal operation.
Bolh declared they had seen Mrs.
Eckhart kill hour-old infants and dispose
pose of the bodies by burning them In
her kitchen stove.
Gross Earnings of Two Roads Are
Much Larger Than Last Year.
San Francisco , Nov. 22. For throe
months of the present fiscal year , con-
slstlng of the months of July , August
and September , the gross earnings of
the Southern Pacific amount to $2G-
671,714. as against $25.062.778 for the
same three months last year. This
\ makes an Increase of $3,008,936 for
the present year.
For three months In the present
fiscal year the earnings of the Union
Pacific are $ M89,9C3 greater than for
the same three months of last year.
If this rate of increase keeps up le
earnings of the two Harrlman Is
will have an increase of $16,000,000
over last rear.
Pioneer and Leader In Omaha Com *
merclal Life Dies In New York.
Omalm , Nov. 22. Herman Kountze ,
aged scvrr.ty-three , a pioneer and one
of the ueaHhlcst men of Oinalm , died
suddenly at WatUms Qlen , N. Y , ,
wheie ho had gone about two months
ago for Ins health. He had been sick
for nearly two yrats , but his death
was unexpected , and only his wife
was present at his bedside. Mr.
Konntzc was president of the First
National bank , a T.iember of the firm
of Kountze Bros of Now York and
Denver , and one of the largest owners
of real estate In Omaha.
$200,000 A YEAR.
HUN , "r < Vp ' 9MENTS A YEAR
Cost From * . < $ ; , c'JO ° Eacn F" '
ty-Dollar Shoeb/j Stockings , And
Needs Fifty Pairs of Shoes a Year.
Never Wears Mended Stockings.'n
Now York , Nov. 22. Miss Gtulla P.
Moroslni , famed for the splendor of
her costumes and the beauty of her
figure , upon which the creations of
the costumer's art are always shown
to the best possible advantage , talked
to a reporter of the gowns which she
will wear this week at the horse show.
"There really Is 'no ' end. to the
amount a woman with money could
spend on dress , " she said. "When I
say $200,00 a year , I am putting the
figure very low. A well dressed wo
man has at least 100 gowns a year.
Some of mine cost as high as $0,000 ,
others less than $1,000. I would av
erage them at about $1,000 apiece.
Naturally this item does not Include
house gowns.
For the horse show I always have
a number of gowns made. It Is true
that I have a new costume for every
time I appear at the horse show and
for the times I exhibit In the afternoon
and morning I have nine or ten gowns
made for this purpose.
"My shoes , of course , are an Hem
in my expenses , as I have a pair to
match every gown. They cost me $50
a pair. I have about fifty pairs a year.
"Stockings ? " Why , I couldn't tell
you how much I pay for them a year.
I wear so many. I pay from $7 , for
the plain black silk ones , up to $50 a
pair. Do I ever wear a mended stockIng -
Ing ? Never , never. Nor do I ever
wear a pair of gloves twice. As I pay
$4 a pair for my gloves , that amounts
to over $1,460 a year.
"My single handkerchiefs cost from
$25 to $100 apiece and the tiny ones
I put In my gloves cost from $5 to $10
'My lingerie costs me in the neigh
borhood of $20,000 a year.
"Furs make an Hem of about $10-
000 a year.
"I have received loiters from people
criticising me for my reckless expend- !
ture on clothing , but I do not agree
with them In thinking that I am doIng -
Ing wrong. My spending this money
for clothes keeps hundreds of people
employed. "
Enters Flat Denial , but Testimony of
Arresting Officer is Corroborated.
New York , Nov. 22. Enrico Caruso ,
the great Italian tenor , faced an audi
ence of 600 persons In Yorkvllle police
court and denied positively that he
had made Indecent advances to a
woman In the monkey house in Cen
tral park list Friday. He declared 1
that his arri.'st was due to pique upon
the part of a woman , who described
herself as Hannah Graham , because
he failed to respond to advances
which she made to him.
Mrs. Graham was not present to
press the charge which she had lodged
against the singer. Park Policeman
Cane , however told of the alleged
events which had led to the arrest of
the singer , being corroborated In part
by other witnesses. Several other
policemen corroborated the officer as
to the happenings in the police station
at the time of the arrest. They de
clared that Caruso pleaded with the
woman not to prefer a charge against
him and that with outstretched hands
and In an Imploring voice he declared
that It is "all a mistake , madam. I
meant no harm. "
Against all this the singer placed
what amounted practically to a flat de
nial of the whole case of the prosecu
tlon. He denied ability to speak
English and declared that , therefore ,
It would have been Impossible for him
to have made the statements attrib
uted to him by the police. He de
clared that the woman upon whose
complaint he was arrested had smiled
at him and by look and action Invited
attention , which ho did not condescend -
descend to give.
Kentucky Rivers on Rampage.
Lexington. Ky , . Nov. 22. Telegram ?
from all over this state Indicate that
great damage has been done by the
Cumberland Licking , Red , Kentucky ,
and Big Sandy rivers and other rivers
and creeks In the state. At Bowling
Green , the Barren river has risen
twenty-five feet Thousands of logs
have been lost , on every river In the
mountain district.
Comptroller of Currency Under Cleve
land Makes Ple.i for Monetary Re *
form Three Hundred Delegates In
Omaha , Nov. 22. About 300 bankers
arc In attomlaiuo at the tenth annual
convention ot the Nebraska Hankers'
association , which lb In a two days
fccssion ut the Lyric theater.
James II. ICckols of Chicago spoke
on the question of cunency reform.
His address , which was oCfdfnth , was
devoted to an argument that the
banks be given power to Issue u
credit currency. He said In part :
"I am not unmindful of the fact
that the attacks on what are termed
th evil effects of so-called trusts , the
In of taxation , and the
wrongful follies of tariff schedules ,
together with the dreamy and charm *
Ingly ' pictured benefits of government
al and municipal control and owner
ships : , today attract the attention of
men In public place and more fill the
public , eye , but taken as a whole no
one of them Is of more far-reaching
Importance or affects moro greatly the
underlying conditions of prosperity In
the : country than docs the less alluring
subject of currency reform. It is a
happy circumstance that the need of
a more responsive character of bank
note Issue mid a bettor adapted vela
tlon of government finance to dally
business undertakings demands atten
tion at a time when the prosperity of
the country Is undoubted ; Its agrlcul
turo , manufacture and financial nctiv-
Itlcs everywhere apparent and sub-
stantlal and Its credit conditions
healthful and sound. The demand for
better things springs neither from
panic nor threatened distress. It is
not | the far cry of the banker In the
first Instance , but of the men who
outside ] the distinctive realm of
finance feel how Inadequate are the
banks of the country , up"on whom the 1
business interests of the country rely
to fully and cheaply meet the varying
demands of Irado and commerce. "
In conclusion Mr. Eckels urged the
necessity of granting more adequate
power of new Issues to the banks.
Demand That Railroads Erect Gates
at All Rural Crossings.
Denver , Nov. 22. The transporta
tion committee's report , which was
adopted by the National Grange , be-
sides Indorsing the new rate bill ,
urges that the farmers stand together
In fostering waterways for the dlstrl
button of their products as a means to
cheapen the transportation. The re
port expresses the belief that much
can yet be done In the matter of regu
latlng the railroads and forcing them
t' stop discriminating and give more
reasonable rates.
Resolutions presented by Slate Mas
ter . F. A. Dorthick of Ohio , demanding
that railroads erect gates at all rural
crossings and place flagmen In addi
tion at the moro important intersec
tions with public highways , were
unanimously adopted. These resolu
tions also demand legislation which
would compel railroads to pay dam
ages to the heirs of all people killed
by trains.
Governor C. J. Bell of Vermont was
re-elected a member of the executive
commltlee. The convenllon In 1907
will be hold at Hartford , Conn.
A resolution was adopted opposing
the recommendation of the postmaster
general that the rate on second class
mall matter be Increased from 1 cent
per pound .to 4 or 5 cents.
Another resolution favoring gen
erous appropriations by the fedora
government for the Improvement 01
public highways was adopted. This
resolution also favored the publication
and dissemination by federal and state
agricultural departments of Informa
tlon upon road building and malnten
Oliver Wilson of Illinois , a mcmbe
of the good roads committee , who sub
milled the report , estimated that the
people of the couiiVy lost $500,000OOC
annually on ncounf of the execrabl
condition of the roads.
Packers' Exposition Company.
Chicago. Nov 22. A number of Chicago
cage "iuslnqss men , beflevpng
stories lately printed regarding th
methods of packing houses have been
unjust to the packers , have formed an
association , called the National Pack
era' Exposition company. It will be
the aim of this organization to hold a
series of gigantic expositions of th
products of the packers In all lines
The plan Is international In scope and
foreign packers will bo Invited to ex
Anti-Saloon League Hears Reports
St Louis , Nov. 22. The reports o
states by the supcrlnlendents occu
pled the greater part of the session of
the annual convention of the Antl-Sa .
loon League of America. The repor ,
of General Superintendent Baker wa
submltled and ndopteiT. It stated tha
35,000,000 of the population of th )0 )
United States were living In "no 1 II.
censo" territory.
May Invite Next Congress to Lincoln.
Lincoln , Nov. 22. William JonnliiK-
Bryan left for Kansas City to attend
the mooting of the TransmtsslRplppI
Commercial congress. Iloforo leaving
Mr. Uryan had a conference with May
or Brown , as a result of which It la
possible Mr. Ilryan may extend an In
vltntlon to the next congress to meol
nt Lincoln. Mr. Bryan entertained n
small party at luncheon at the Com
mercial club In order to meet his
guest , Alexander Troup , editor of the
Now Haven Union. Mr. Troup accom
panied Mr Bryan to Kansas City.
Peary Sails for Sydney.
St. George's liny , N. F. . Nov. 22.
The Peary Arctic steamer Hoosovolt
sailed for Port nil Basque , whore she
will coal and proceed to Sydney , N. S
.atln-Amerlcan Delegates Talk of
South America President Francis
Makes Strong plea In Support of
Monroe Doctrine.
Kansas City , Nov. 22. Speeches and
llscnsslons nnoring a wide range of
ubjocts took up the time of the three
cssloiib of l lit' TrnnsniUsiHHlppI con
gross. Impiovod wntonuiys , Insuir
nco and cunency reforms , the value
of the Panama canal as a means of
enlarging ) our tiude relations with the
South American lepiibllcs and the
necessity of closer lolatlons between
he Unltc'l Slates and those countries
he great value to the south of Ini-
iroved } ] levees , and the resources and
needs ( of Alaska were some of the
oplcs touched upon. The principal
speaKoih wore I. 15. Rnnsdoll , ropro-
Bontathc In congress from I-onlsInim ;
\V. D. Viuiillvor , superintendent of In
surance of Missouri ; Dr.V. . S. Woods.
president of the National Bank nf
Sonimorro of Kansas City ; Jo'in U'ir- '
'ett. ' United States nifnlsiter to Colom
bia ; Minister Caldornn of Bolivia ,
Minister . Pardo of Porn , Minister Cot-
cs of Colombia , Secretary Amar l of
tj he Brazilian legation at Washington ,
lepresontntlve Slioppard of Texas
and Richard Kerens of St. Louis.
Before Introducing the representa
tives of the South American govern
ments to the congress , President Fran
cis made a strong plea In support of
the Monroe doctrine and served notice
on the congress that he would present
a resolution to the effect that the
TransmlsslsslppI congress Is unalter
ably opposed to the Idea of any Euro
pean country acquiring any moro territory
ritory In the western hemisphere.
Musician Who Has Become Famous
for His Art , Now That He Has At-
tained Renown in the World , Dis
owns His Poor Old Mother.
New York , Nov. 22. Alexander
Petschnlkoff , violinist of world-wide
fame , Idol of Russian society , and bus-
mud of a wealthy Chicago woman , is
i guest at an expensive hotel , where
lie is preparing for his next recital at
Sarnegle hall.
Far removed from his hotel , in a
! mre , cold tenement room at 1577 Mad-
son avenue , there Is a little old gray-
mired woman , living In abject poverty
and sorrow. She Is Petschnlkoff V
mother , disowned by the great violin
Ago and sorrow have bent the old
woman. Years of hard work have
seared her face and distorted her
shrivelled hands. Slowly rind crying
nil the time , she told the story of hoi-
son's conduct.
She told how , from the time of his
birth to his twenty-first year , she had
gathered wood and sold it In the
streets of Moscow to provide Alexan
der Petschnlkoff with the broad , moat
and shelter that oven musical genius
es cannot do without. Left a penni
less widow at 33 , she hail supported
herself and her eleven children ns long
ns she was able. Only when Alexan
der had won fame and aflluonce , did
she appeal to him for aid.
The appeal was In vain. But , as she
told her story , It was plain that
Petschnlkoff's refusal to support were
not , her greatest sorrows.
"He won't see mo , " she sobbed in
her j Yiddish-English. "Ho refuses to
see his mother my llttlo Alexander
that I worked so hard for. Think of
it. Ho denies his mother. "
"Yes , " intorrupled Pelschnlkoff's sis-
Ion , Mrs. Rose Center , with whom the
mother lives , "wo wrote him last week )
that ' mother would like to see him and
that ' , If ho was ashamed of her , she
would meet him In the street some-
where and nobody need know of It.
But his wlfo sent a letter In reply ,
saying ho had no wish to see his
mother and she must not annoy him
any moro. "
Secretary of War , Having Learned
That Roosevelt Had Gone Over the
Arguments Thoroughly , Instructs
Officers to Proceed ,
Washington , Nov. 22. The war do
pa Issued the follnwliiir s'a'o
in conceriilni : the negro troops or
dered dismissed at Fort lli'iio :
In the matter of the order discharg
ing the enlisted men of throe com
pnnleq of Iho Twentv-llftli Infantrv , Is
sued by thn president , application
was presented to the secretary of war
bj a number of pereonn of standing
asking for a rehearing bv the presl
dent on the Around on which the ac
tion VIIH taken. The secretary tele
graphed the president of the applica
tion and dolayd the proceedings of
thn discharge until the president could
Indicate his wishes. The secretary
was meantime called out of town No
answer was received from the presi
dent. The secretary on his return did
not fell justified In further dolnylnc
the execution of the order of dis
charge especially In view of the fact
that the sorrntnrv then learned tha'
the propldonl had fully and oxhniiB-
tlvolv considered the argument of the
persons < who now applied for n rchonr
ing. Accordingly the secretary di
rected thai the proceedings for dis
charge bo continued without delay.
Three Men Killed by Fall of Walls.
Rochester. N. Y. , Nov. 22. Three
men wore killed , eight seriously In
jured and six slightly hurt at Rast-
man Kodak Park works. The men
were nl work on a scaffold near the
top of a two-story building In course of
conslrucllon. The roof and walls toppled -
plod In with a crash of concrete and
bricks and heavy stool girders. The
men were hurled Into the debris , fallIng -
Ing about forly foot
Federation of Labor Does Not Take
Kindly to Further Burden.
Minneapolis , Nov. 22. After a warm
debate the convention of the Amer
ican Fedeiatlon of Labor referred to
the executive committee the question
of levying an assessment ugfflnst thu
ledcrutloii in favor of the striking
structural Iron workers of the country
Frank M. " "Ryan of the structural
iron workers said 3,000 of his men
were out of work at present and that
their ranks were being added to. Ho
said most of the men had been on
strike for sixteen months and that
there was urgent need of funds for
carrying on the fight , asking for an as
scssmcnt of 4 cents from each member
of all bodies affiliated with the na
tional federation. It soon developed
that some International unions would
bo unable to boar increased burdens.
James M. Lynch , speaking for the
International I Typographical union ,
said his organization was paying out
$31,000 a week in strike benefits and
he did not see how his members could
bear any further burden.
An almost unanimous vote referred
the matter to the executive council ,
and as that body will have to act on
other applications for aid , It Is more
than likely that little or no financial
help can be extended.
The old fight of the plumbers and
Bteamfitters was sctlled by the con
ventlon voting lhat a separate charter
be given the steamflttors
The convention sent a cable dls
patch to President Roosevelt ot Porto
Rico , asking him to look Into the con
dltlons of the worklngmcn of that Isl
and. It Is thought final adjournment
will take place Saturday noon
Negro Hanged by Sheriff.
Center , Tex. , Nov. 22. Dick Garrett -
rett , the negro who killed Dr. Paul at
Grovetown , Trinity county , a few days
ago , was hanged by the sheriff In the
presence of an Immense crowd. He
Waived nil rights and pleaded guilty
It a hearing.
Storm at Chicago.
Chicago , Nov. 22. Much damag *
was done In Chicago and suburbs by
a severe rain , snow and wind etorm
In the business section of the city a
number of signs were blown down and
several pedestrians sustained silent In
Fatal Storm In Michigan.
Kalamazoo , Mich. , Nov. 22. A se
vere wind did much damage here.
Adam Mlsser was struck by a falling
wall and fatally hurt. At Vlcksburs ,
Mrs. Smalley was Injured. At Mendon
n. dry goods store was blown down and
geve'rai other buildings unroofed ,
Collision on the Santa Fe.
Hilton. Colo. Nov 22. Santa Fe
passenger trains No 5. westbound
and No. 6 , eastbound. collided head-on
here. Fireman Kerr was killed two
passengers were probably fatally In
jured and several other persons were
shaken up severely. Both locomo
tives and the mall car of the east-
bound train were demolished
Head First Into Hopper.
Cincinnati. Nov 22 Christ Klal s
export malster at a brewery , fell head
foremost Into a huge hopper and was
smothered to death.
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
Conditions of thu wunthor an record-
oil for the twenty-four hours ending
nl 8 u. m. today :
Maximum 15
Minimum 8
Average fl7
lluromotor 29.82
Chicago , Nov. 22. The liullolln Issued -
sued by the Chicago illation of the
United Status weather bureau given
the forecast for Nebraska iui follows : '
Haln or HIIOW tonight and Friday.
\Vnrmor tonight , f'oldor wont portion
Memory of Sleep Walking Feats Can
Not be Excited Without Harm To
Make Yourself Heard to Sleeper's
Ears , You Must Enter Into Dream.
llaltlmoro , Mil. , Nov. 22. The psy-
diologlcal nature or somnambulism
was the Hiibjoct of u remarkable loc-
lure by Prof. Pierre .louol , of the
Paris Sorbonne at John Hopkins uni
versity. In the uoiii-HO of his roiimrlcti
ho said :
"Tho Homnambullst lias not our dull
memory of things. He sues the ob
jects ho speaks of and really hears ,
feels and ( ouches them , exactly as It
they were real.
"When a pal lout speaks , ho has u
Iliiuncy of language and oven an olo-
iliienco that are superior to his nor
mal powers. When hu acts ho has n
precision and quickness ( hat are won
"Tho man who ran to n housetop
showed more agility than he would
luivo bad In his normal slate , oven 1C
ho had not been paralyzed.
"In connect Idii with this precision
and certainly of memory , wo llnd Homo
strange mental blanks. You speak to
patlonls and Ihey do not answer. You
try to make your presence fell ; Ihoy
do not perceive. To make yourself :
heard , you must dream with the pa
tient and speak to him only In accord
ance with his delirium.
"When a patient gets hack to con
sciousness , ho forgets everything that
has happened dm Ing lijs dollrlum. Ifv
you try to awaken his memory with
questions , two things result. You will
either do It so vividly that ho will fall
Into a somnambulistic state again , or
ho will bo unable to recall It all.
"Tho chief psychological character
istics of somnambulism are during the
crisis of the huge unfolding of all phe
nomena connected with Iho cause of
the ' delirium. The next Is the absence
of every sensation , every memory not
connected with the delirium.
"After the crisis , three things are
noticeable a return to consciousness ,
normal memory , and entire forgetfulness -
ness of all connected with the som
nambulism. "
a _ _ _
Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse In Col" ,
llson With Steamer Orinoco ,
Cherbourg , Nov. 22. A dispatch re
ceived here reports that the North
German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wll
helm der Grosse , which left Southamp
ton and Cherbourg for Now York , has
been in eolllslon with the Royal Mall
steamer Orinoco. Both vessels were
severely damaged. It is declared that
four members of the crow of the
Kalsor Wllhelm were killed , while
twelve were Injured. Five members of
the crew of the Orinoco are missing
and are supposed to have been drown
ed. The Orinoco left Southampton
yesterday for West Indian ports and
New York.
Fatal Explosion of Celluloid.
New York. Nov. 22. By the explo-
llon of celluloid In the plant of the
Bouffard Comb company , on East Fif
ty-fourth street , ( he owner of the busi
ness. Charles Bouffard. his wife and a
boy employed bv them wore blown
through the window to the street be
low The woman was Instantly killed
Bouffard Is dying and the boy Is serl-
nuely Injured.
Kresky Files Demurrer.
Kansas Cltv. Nov. 22. Dnvls H.
Krosky. a freight broker , Indicted here
recently with William A. McGowan ,
fr < = ' .eht apent for the Nickel Plato
railroad on n charpe of conspiring to
secure rebates , filed a demurrer In
the United State * district court. It
will be ar"0' ' within a dav or two.
Three loggers were drowned while
end'-avorlng to prevent a break In a
log boom In the Cumberland river near
Wasio'o KyThe loss by the break-
< r.p boom will apprega'e J50000
B G Cavairna receiving teller of
the .First Nat'.ona' bank of Cincin
nati was arrested by United States
Mar ha ! Lewis It is alleged that
Cavanna Is short $31COO in his ac
Mrs Dora Drogmund. who last win
ter shot and killed her husband , FD. .
Drominud , loader on nu orchestra In
n Kansas City ( Kan. ) theater , was
placed on trial charged with mu'der
In the first degree