THK NOUFOLK WllKKl.Y NEVVS-JOUHNAL : 1 'H1IAY , NOVHAIMK ! ) , 1'JOG. SHELDON AND THE STATE TICK ET HAVE 18,000 PLURALITY. 'LEGISLATURE IS REPUBLICAN 'MAJORITY OF THIRTY-SEVEN ON JOINT DALLOT. MAKES NORRI3 DROWN SAFE Constitutional Aracndmcnt Providing ' for Elective hndrond Commloslon Carried Republicans Elect Five Out 1 of Six Congressmen. LKicoln , Nob. , Nov. 7. George L. Sheldon ( Hop. ) la elected ii > vorii < > r of , Nubruska by u plurality of from 10,000 to 18,000 anil cnrrluu with him proba bly , the entire Republican Htulo ticket. The roturttH show u Republican loss of barely one vote to tliu product , out- eldo of Lincoln and Oinnliu. These two cities will nearly offset tlio Dem- ocrattc gain. Tim Itupulillcnn stnto central com mittee claims not only the atnto tick et , but Ilvo of the six congressmen and a majority of thirty-seven on joint ballot. In tlio legislature , Insur- . iiiR a Hopnhlluiin successor to United Btntca Senator Mllltml. Democratic etato houdiiuurtors do not concede .tho Republican claims , hut made no ifornml utaU'inont , The vote was lighter by far thnn vt\vo years ago , and the scratching of tickets made the count slow. In the city of Lincoln the Republic an plurality of former years was iinalntalncd , Republicans electing the itntlro loglhitlvo and county tlckots. I Pollard ( Hup. ) for congress In the ( First district iind lllnslmw In the Fourth are olcctod by reduced plural ities. The Indications are thnt the constl- itutlonal aincndinont providing for an elective railroad commission carried. Six precincts out of twenty in the city of Lincoln show an average Re publican gain of eleven to the pre cinct. Tula Indicates almost certainly the election of the ontlro Republican legislative and county ticket In this vLancastar ( ) county , with the possible exception of county nttornoy. Douglas county divided its vote and elected a Democratic county attorney and congressman , Illtchcoclc , while Bending a Republican delegation to the legislature. Town of Grcto complete , thrco voting ing preclnctfl , gives n Republican gala over two yours ago on governor of 05. Returns Indicate the election of Boyd ( Rop. ) to congress from the Third district , REPUBLICANS CARRY CHID Elect Entire State Ticket by a Safe Majority. Coluuibuu , Nov. 7. The indications are that the RopubllctVs uuvo elected Thompton , secretary of state , and their entire state ticket by a. uafo ma jority. Chnlrmuu Dick of the Repub lican , state committee said at 10:30 p. H. : "Returns from Republican coun ty chairmen fallow the election of the entire state ticket by a plurality ex ceeding 75,000. " Senator Dick , chairman of the itato Republican committee , sent the fol lowing telegram to President Reese Tell : "Ohio Republican by not lem than 75,000 and elects seventeen Re publican congressmen , three Demo crats , with ono district In doubt. " Chairman Ourber of the Democratic committed still refuses verbally to concede tlio. election of the Repub lican ticket. Uie. nearest to that being a staton'ciu that the Republican plu rality would not exceed 25.000 anyway. Democrats Win In Oklahoma. Guthrlo , OK.u. , Nov. 7. The coustl- .tutlou of the now state of Oklahoma will bo written by Democrats. Vcrnon Whiting , secretary of the Oklahoma Republican central committee , con cedes tlio Democrats 73 delegates , while Ci.annum Jogse Dunn of the Democratic coiiuuiltiu says there will be at least 78 Demoeratlc delegates on the floor of the convention. Repub lican manners admit that Oklahoma porved a great disappointment. The "unknown" quantity of the Indian ter ritory was a practical concession to ' the Democrats , but nlno Oklahoma districts , counted on by the Republic an leaders , were carried by the op position. The Osage nation elected 2 Democrats. The Indians , as a general rule , voted the Democratic ticket. Georgia. Atlanta , Nov. 7. The only election contest la Georgia WHS In the First congressional district. Edward ( Dem. ) was elected by a plurality of about 4,000. The three candidates for judges of the newly created court of appeal 1 were unanimously elected. Florida. Jacksonville , Nov. 7. All the Dem ocratic candidates in Florida are elect ed. The legislature is probably unan imously Democratic. The proposition advocated by Governor Broward to drain the Evereladcs seeing to be de feated. ArRansaa. Little Rock , Ark. , Nov. 7. The Democratic i- iB ocratic candidates for congress were elected in every district of Arkansas. The vote was light in all districts ex cept the Fourth , where a bard fight Was made. MORAN SWAMPED IN BAY STATE Guild Re-elected Governor of Massa chusetts by Increased Plurality. Huston , Nov. 7. The Republicans wciu victors In the stnto ulucUuu , Qoviiruin Uulld benui re-elected by u conuldurably incruiBCd plurality over last year , while hlu opponent , District Attorney John U. Moinn of Bustfm , the ciiiidldnto of the Democratic and the 1'rolilliUlon party and Independ ence league , received u somewhat larger vote thnn that given the Dem ocratic candidate a year ago. With twu-thlrds of the state vote tabulated , Mr. (1 u I Id'H plurality \vau estimated at about 117,000. The Republicans reelected - elected tholr entire state ticket , al though Lieutenant Governor Draper foil considerably behind Governor Guild. The next legislature will bo Republican by the usual largo ma jority In both houses and this will In sure the re-election of United States Senator \V. Murray Crane of Dalton. The Massachusetts delegation to congress - gross will remain ptuctlcally the fame. Tlio outcome of the election was a considerable disappointment to Mr. Moran and his fellow campaigners , 12. Gerry Brown of Brockton , candidate for lieutenant governor and George Fred Williams of Dedham. The Moran campaign wiu handicapped by lack of organization , n meager campaign fund and opposition from n largo number of former leaders. The vote came from the wage earners principally , as was shown by the strong Indorsement given the Suffolk county district nttor noy In nearly all the mill cities and other Industrial centers. SIlfAHl WINSJNJPENNSYLVANIA Republican Candidate Elected Gov ernor by Over 100,000 Plurality. Philadelphia , Nov. 7. The moat ex citing cajupaluu In Pennsylvania In twenty-five years has ended in a tri umph for Edwin S. Stuart ( Rep. ) , for governor , over Lewis Emory , Jr. , ( Dem. and Lincoln party ) by a plural ity that the Republican leaders claim will roach 100,000. Asldo from the contest for governor and other state olllcors , the chief Interest centered In the battle In Philadelphia for district attorney and In a few of the congres sional districts. Members of the house of representatives and county officers were elected In every county and state senators were chosen In twenty-live- the fifty districts. Samuel - uol P. Rotan ( Rop. ) was elected dis trict attorney In Philadelphia by u vote which his friends claim will ex ceed 40,000 , defeating D. Clarence Gib- bonoy , who had the support of the re form forces and the Democrats. The Incoming legislature will bo ntrongly Republican , although not so overwhelmingly for that party as It was two years ago. One of the chief issues In the state campaign was the now capital , which was dedicated Oct. 4. The fuslonlsts claimed that several million dollars of overcharges and duplications are rep resented in furnishing and equipping the building. The Republican candi dates pledged themselves , if elected , to Investigate honestly these charges und to place the responsibility for the alleged extravagance wiiero It right fully belonged. Of the congressional contests , the hottest was that against John Dalzell , ono of the Republican Hour leaders. Utah. Salt l.nke , Nov. 7. The Republicans in Utah have elected tholr state ticket by the usual plurality , return ing Joseph Howell to congress and electing Joseph E. Frlck Justice of the supreme court. In Salt Lake county , where the American , or anti-Mormon party centered its efforts , the result Is In doubt. The Americans have a plu rality of the votes In Salt Lake city , but this may bo overcome by the Re publicans in the county outside of the city. The Democratic vote In Salt Lake shows a falling off of probably 30 per cent. It Is estimated that 75 to 90 per cent of the Mormon Demo crats In this county voted the Repub lican ticket. Colorado. Denver , Nov. 7. Returns from the state Indicate an Increased Democrat ic vote In some localities , which may offset the Democratic losses In Den ver. Boulder county , usually Repub lican by 2,000 , Is claimed by the Demo crats this year by several hundred. The Democrats also claim Teller coun ty ( Cripple Creek ) , whtcl. gave a Re publican majority two years ago Adams has carried his home county , Pupblo , by 1,000 to 1,500. The extent indicated the of the scratching - by vote of thiTP precincts In Glenwood Springs , which reports 75 straight Re publican ballots. 76 Democratic bal lots and 6BO acratoied ballot * , i eimcBsee. Nashville , Nov. 7. Reports show Patterson ( Dem. ) , for governor , re ceived the usual off year majorities In middle Teiinessea , irhlch Indicate ! nio election by from 25,000 to 30,000. Connecticut. New Haven , Nov. 7. Returns show that large Republican majorltlei have been returned for the entire itato ticket , the four district conxroaimen nd for congressmnn-at-larie. New Hampshire. Concord , Nov. 7. Seventy-five towns and wards out of 290 In New Hampshire gave for governor : Floyd ( Rop. ) , 8,002 ; Jameson ( Dom. ) , 0,415. Alabama. Montgomery , Ala. , Nov. 7. Returns Indicate an overwhelming victory for the Democratic ticket and nominee * for congress. COUNTY IS REPUBLICAN BY MAJORITY - JORITY OF 300. COUNTY OFFICERS GOT100 All Republican Candidates on the Lo cal Ticket Ran Ahead of the State Ticket and the Republican Party Received Fine Tribute. MiullHon county Is solidly republic- in by a majority of more limn 300 his year , and county olllcors have run n under the wire with from 3G8 to lit ) to tlio good , County republican candidates went ihead of Ilia governor in this county , lack Koeiilgstcln's term as county at- ornoy was endorsed nt the polls by ho largest majority Kll. T. 13. Al- lorsou was elected representative over Xltkowuki with the overwhelming najorlty of123. . Burr Tnft'a term as county commissioner was endorsed vlth 3GS. Sheldon was the lowest nan on the ticket , receiving 281 inn- orlty , while Randall got IMG and Boyd 170. Complete unolllclal returns of Mad- son county give Sheldon , republican , or governor , a total vote of Ifil4 , Shallonhergor 1233 , a plurality for Sheldon of 281. On congressman , Boyd , republican , ecolves 1542 , Graves , democrat , 1172 , i plurality for Boyd of 370. For state senator , Randall , repub- lean , receives 1518 , Mathoson 1172 , n nujority for Randall of 31C. For representative , Aldurson , repub- lean , receives 151G , * Zltkowskl , dem ocrat , 101)3 ) , n majority for Aldorson > f -123. ICocnlgstoln for county attorney re ceived the largest vote and the larg est majority in the county , his vote lnn 1CG9 , to Barnhart 1135 , ( Cma - orlty for Koonlgstoln of 434. For county commissioner , BurrTaft , epubllcan , received 1512 , Winter , lemocrat , 114-1 , a majority for Tnft of 108. Stanton County. Stanton , Nob. , Nov. 7. Special to [ 1ho News : With practically all the returns on Stanton county In , the In- llcatious are that Graves has carried ho county by 120 to 130 , Shallcnborg- or by 70. 0. A. Eborly , republican , for county ittorney , Is elected by 50 to 100 , Adam Mlger for representative- carries the county by n big majority , while Daniel , republican , for county commissioner , s elected by 100 or more. 'WAS ' BRYAN EVER ELECTED ? " This Is Query Asked by Man From Now When He Awakes In 2906. The popular impression that Ne- iruskns * distinguished citizen Is ar ranging the democratic cohorts for the third battle" in 190S furnishes nntcrial for a good many comic opera okcs. Ono of them that has heen unking a hit everywhere comes in 'The Man From Now , " which was pre sented in Omaha a day or so ago and witnessed by several Norfolk people , lurry Bulgor , the well known tramp comedian , has the star role and under goes the experience of being projected i century ahead from the present date , ilo lands on the ground of n female seminary and is at once surrounded > y a score of young women. "Goodness ! where am I ? " asks Bul ger , staring about him In a , dazed man ner. ner."This "This Is Gassar college in the year 290G , " replies one of the maidens. Bulgor stands still for a moment rubbing his eyes In bewilderment. Then ho suddenly has an inspiration and says : "Was Bryan over elected ? " At-every point on the road , this un expected query has been enough to convulse the audience with mirth. MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC. That State Has Gone Democratic by a Small Majority. St. Louis , Mo. , Nov. 7. The demo crats have carried Missouri by a small majority. KANSAS COUNTS SLOWLY. Result There Not Yet Sure Hoch's Election Is Claimed. Topeka , Kan. , Nov. 7. It will bo several hours yet before-the result from over the state can bo assigned with accuracy. Republicans claim Hoch's election by 3.COO. RANDALL BYABOUT 355 _ Eleventh Senatorial District Republic an by Safe Majority , Returns at noon indicated the elec tion of Charles A. Randall of Newman Grove for state senator from the Elev enth district by about 355. Mr. Ran dall was the republican candidate , John Matheson of Pllger the democratic candidate. Following was the estimate mate In favor of Mr. Randall. Wayne 180 Pierce 100 Madison 225 Majority for Matheson : Stanton 150 This gives Randall 355. CONGRESS IS REPUBLICAN. That Party Gets 217 and Democrats Get 162 ; Seven Missing. Now York , Nov. 7. Out of the con grossmea elected , the republican par ty secures 217 , the democrats 1G2 and seven are not yet accounted for. Indiana. Indianapolis , Nov. 7 , Republicans hnvo elected tholi1 ontlro state ticket in Indiana by nn estimated majority of between 40.UOO mid 50,000. The next legislature will bo Republican. Republicans have elected six congress men , in the First , Sixth , Seventh , Ninth , Tenth and Thirteenth districts. The Democrats hnvo elected two , In the Third ami Fourth districts. Ho publican State Chairman Goodrich claims the election of Fred Landlu In the Eleventh. Democratic Cha'lrmaii O'Brien claims the election of Morr In the Twelfth und Adnlr in the Elghlh. Returns from the Second and Fifth districts are not sulllcient to justify an accurate estimate as to the result. The results arc "spotted , " duo to scratching. The Republican state ticket carried several Democratic strongholds , which elected Democratic county and legislature tickets , and In other places the opposite was true. The vote In the state was surprisingly light. Indianapolis , Nov. 7. From scatter ing reports Indications nrc that In diana has gene Republican by from 45,000 to 55,000. The election of the entire Republican slate ticket Is con ceded , Marlon county went Republic an by 5,000 , the Democrats electing ono county candidate and perhaps two. The legislature will be Republican. Michigan. Detroit , Nov. 7. Governor Warner and the entire Republican state ticket have been elected by 70,000 majority , the Republican congressional candi dates In all of the twelve Michigan districts have been elected and the Republicans will have a large majoi- Ity in the state legislature , with a possibility of its entire membership. West Virginia. Wheeling , W. Va. , Nov. 7. Partial returns from scattered counties in West Virginia show the probable suc cess of all five of the Republican con gressional nominees. The legislature will bo Republican , with the present Joint ballot majority of 57 , insuring the re-election of Senator S. B. Elklns. Idaho. Boise , Nov. 7. Scattering returns Indicate that a landslide has over taken the head of the Republican ticket .in the north and central portions tions of ; the state. This ( Ada ) coun ty has gene against Governor Goading by a majority of a few hundred. Kootcnal and Latah counties in the north are claimed by the Democrats to bo for Stockslager against Gooding , while Washington , Elmore , Boise and other central counties appear to have gone the same way. Nothing has been heard from the southeast , the Mormon section of the state , but It now seems quite certain that GOodlng will be de feated unless ho makes up his losses In the Mormon counties. The remain der of the Republican ticket seems to hdve run well , but how the Republican legislative ticket is affected is not clear. Missouri. St. Ixiuis , Nov. 7. Secretary McCoy of the Republican state committee ex pressed confidence that Missouri had rene Republican by a small majority. He stated that returns , had been re ceived from only 25 of the 114 coun ties In the state , but basing his esti mates on these returns , the Indica tions pointed'to a small Republican majority. At the same time Chair man Evans of the Democratic commit- lee said : "Missouri has gone Demo cratic by at least 18,000 majority. Of ; hat I am sure , although less than ialf the counties had been heard 'rom. The full returns may show a Democratic majority of 25,000. " Texas. Austin , Tex. , Nov. 7. Notwlthstand- ng excellent weather and tha efforts of political leaders , the total vote cut was small , comparatively speaklnc , not exceeding 400,000 votes all told , some 135,000 of which represents the combined vote of the Republicans , the Socialists and the Prohibition party. The balance represents the Democrat ic vote. The next legislature will bo Democratic overwhelmingly , there be ing only a slight chance for the Re publicans to got ono member In the lower house out of a possible 128. All Democratic congressmen wore elected by good majorities. North Dakota. Fargo , Nov. 7. Scattered returns indicate that Fisk has been elected judge of the state supreme court over Knauf , the Republican nominee. For governor , Sarles ( Rep. ) and the rest of the Republican ticket are elected. Later returns may show that Sarles had a close call. Burke ( Dem. ) , for governor , carried Fargo by a big ma jority. The chairmen of the Republican and Democratic state central commit tees are both claiming the election of their candidates for igovvnvar pnd justice of the supreme court. These two offices are the ones on which there was a contest. Owing to the closeness of the election and the slowness of getting returns It will bo late today before anything definite will bo known concerning the result. Republicans Carry Delaware. Wilmington , Nov. 7. The Repub licans have carried Delaware and elected Burton for congress over Mar vel ( Dem. ) . They will also control the Delaware legislature that will elect a successor to United Slates Senator AV lee ( Rep. ) . Congressional Elections. Chicago , Nov. 7. Returns from the congressional elections show that 197 Republicans and 150 Democrats have bocn elected to the sixtieth congress. Thirty-nine districts are still to be j heard from. Recommended by Prominent Physicians and Chemists jfiakind Powder Perfect in Quality Economical in Use Moderate in Price AUGUST HAASE , FARMER NORTH OF TOWN , MEETS DEATH. WALKING ACROSS THE TRACK Shortly After Noon Mr. Haase Left the Cornfield and a Little While Later His Dead Body Was Found Under the Wheels of the Locomotive i From Thursday's IJnlly.J A farmer who was well known In ho vicinity of Norfolk and who re sided a milo north of town , near the sugar factory , was killed shortly after o'clock by the Northwestern train vhlch had just loft Norfolk for Bone- steel. August Ilnase was the victim. Mr. Ilnnse had been working in the leld with a couple of men who wore limiting corn. Ho detailed a corner of the field for them to work in and eft the place. A few moments later the men saw ho train come along. It stopped at he road crossing , which was out of he ordinary and attracted the atton- ion of the men In the field. Investigation showed that Mr. Haaso lad been killed In front of the engine. Us neck was broken and his head mdly mangled. The engineer had not seen Mr. Ilnase on the track In time o stop. Tlio railroad surgeon , Dr. Salter , was immediately summoned nit found that the man had been dlled when the train struck. Mr. Hnaso was a son of Fred Haase. le was married and leaves a widow ind several children. His home is vest of the section line leading past he sugar factory on the west side , ils house being the first ono on the vest side of the road , north of the 'actory. Mr. Hanse had evidently been walk- ng along the road just before the rain struck him. An Inquest will be held by Coroner tindrod on Thursday. THURSDAY TIDINGS. Mrs. Anna Troutman Is making imo improvements on her property on South Fourth street. Mrs. Bertha Pllger and Mrs. Werner vent to Stanton today to attend the uneral of Carl MIttclstadt. Rev. Mr. Morgan was called to Ly ons to preach the funeral of an old ) loneer of Lyons , Robert Robertson. Mrs. Fred Dederman and son Frank Dedernmn and wife left at noon for Madison on a short business trip. They will return tonight. Mrs. Frank Dressier , who has heen visiting her sister Mrs. , T. Fox , for the mst two weeks , returned to her homo n Morgan , Minnesota , at noon. W. II. Green of Crelghton returned o his home today noon after attend- ng the Konnedy-Cnrberry wedding which took place hero this morning. W. II. Wldnman , Will Law and Ad rian Craig went to Madison this morn- ng with the election ballots , to de liver to the county dork at that place. T. J. Donahue and wife of Omaha hero to attend the were Kennedy-Car- berry wedding this morning. Mrs. Donahue was formerly Miss Nannie Carberry of this place. Dort Harrison , who left hero some tlmo ago to accept a position In a drug store in Sheldon , Iowa , is again in Norfolk on his way to Oakland , Iowa , to accept a better position In a drug store thorc. E. P. Olmslead has been on the sick list for several days and Is not able to bo at his office. A. B. Bcall of Sioux City arrived In Norfolk to be here for the perform ance of "His Highness the Bey. " There was an ice famine in North Platte this summer , only the employes of the railroad company being able to got ice ; now they are having a coal famine. The C. & N. W. railroad company is rebuilding tholr baggage room at the lip-town station , making it more substantial and weather proof for the winter. They have also built a storm shed In front of the door of the wait ing room. "His Highness the Boy" arrived In the city from the east to present their clover musical comedy at the Audi torlum. The company carries a largo number of pretty chorus girls , besides Komo well known stars as comodlnns. It is ono of the best things that Nor folk will get this season. The seat sale went on at Hall's book store Tues day. day.A A party of automobllists from Iowa who wore on tholr way to O'Noill , stopped In the city this morning a few hours until they could have a brace rod repaired , which they had broken nt an early hour about two miles this side of Stanton , caused by the bad condition of the roads. They claim that the roads wore In very good con dition until they struck Cuming county. They proceeded on their Journey after the repairs were made. Yesterday was the twenty-sixth an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Line- rode , anil twenty-five of their friends dropped in last night and surprised them. Mr. LIncrodo had retired for the night and had to got up , so was taken very much by surprise. The friends brought delicious refreshments with them and left behind as a token of their good will n beautiful chair. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. A. B. Lane of Scrlbnor came up to be present nt the party. MUCH EAGER INTEREST IN NOR FOLK OVER RETURNS. ALL INTERESTED IN NEW YORK Many People Sat up Until a Late Hour to Get the Very Freshest News Te | . ephone and Telegraph Operators Were Kept Busy Every Instant. Election night and the morning after were busy times In Norfolk. In the telephone office , at the telegraph of fice , In congressional headquarters , In the office of Mapes & Hazon and in The News office , there was excitement and turmoil and hurrying about until you couldn't rest. A large number of Norfolk people came down town to hear the telegraph ic returns , and many stayed up all night long. Others telephoned In from their homes and from out through the surrounding country for the election news. All -were eager to learn the results. Greatest interest centered in the Now York campaign and a feeling of general satisfaction was expressed on all hands when the word came that Hughes had been elected by 50,000 plurality. Next to this perhaps the greatest interest in Norfolk was found In the congressional campaign , this being the center of the battleground. Judge Boyd remained at his home In Neligh but came to Norfolk Wednesday - day noon. Chairman Ward sat up all night receiving returns and the office here kept In as close touch as possible with the district. It was early seen that the margin would be dangerously small and fora time it appeared that Boyd had not won by more than 200 but later re turns seemed to indicate a larger plu rality. 1 A gobd deal of interest was felt In > * " the Omaha battle both over congress man and over the tolophono. Iowa was also a point of Interest. French Re-elected In Idaho. Satisfaction was felt hero when re turns seemed to Indicate that Con gressman Burton L. French , well known in Norfolk , was re-elected congressman - . gressman In Idaho In the face of a bit- jL. tor fight by miners against the head bjj of the ticket J The ballots were so long and ponderous derous that counting was slower than J" has been known In some yeara for on off-year election. First news of the election over the country and In this locality , to reach northern Nebraska and Norfolk people ple , appeared In the morning edition of The News , while later returns wore furnished In the two later editions of this paper. Among candidates In the city on the "morning after" was W. H. Green of Croighton , editor of the Nebraska Liberal - oral , son-in-law of James Kennedy of Norfolk. Mr. Green was fusion candi date for lieutenant governor. ' The telegraph office was reinforced with extra operators who were kept busy every moment receiving and sending out news of the elections. f Girls in tlio telephone office were N kept shouting through the transmit ters In reply to hundreds of queries put to them by Interested people In all localities. The telephone wires which converge In Norfolk were a great help In col lecting the county returns. Try a News want ad. for results.