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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1906)
t ' ! H T T i/i i T \lr rr * W EfcKLY fS EWS = NOHKOL.K . , NKUKASKA , I'MUDAY ' , MM KMBtilt i ) . 11)015. ) LATER RETURNS SHOW THAT HE HAS BEEN RE-ELECTED. CONGRESSMAN IN THE SECOND It Had Been Thought That L'accy , Democrat , Was Elected to Congress In the Second Iowa District , But Kennedy Has Beat Him Out. Dos Molncs , In. , Nov. 8. CuimnltiH has a plurality , us Is shown by addi tional returns received here today , of 20,000. The republicans "Imvo elected con gressmen In the first and second dis ' tricts. A. G. Kennedy wins In the first over Lacey , who was thought to have been elected. DCS Molnes , Nov. 8. Returns In Iowa are still Incomplete , but there is covry reason to believe that Cummins , will receive at least 20,000 plurality over Porter ( Dem. ) . The early re turns received on election night were discouraging to the Republican man-1 | ugcrs , but they came from unfavorable , districts and later repot ts continued i to Increase Cummins' lend. The Democrats - ocrats concede that Cummins will have a plurality of 5,0uu. Two of Iowa's congressmen will bo Demo-1 cratlc , Tracy ( Dem. ) wlulng In the First district and Harolli-m ( Dem. ) In the Sixth. The Republicans will have a majority In the legislature of nt least fifty on joint ballot -s'lilng the re-election of .1. P. Dolliver to the United States senate. Burlington , Nov. 8. L 'e Incomplete returns from the First town con-Met- stonal district show tl t Kennedy ( Rep. ) has 198 plurality over Tracy ( Dem. ) . NEBRASKA 15,000 REPUBLICAN' Entire State Ticket , Five GJ pressmen and Legislature Elected. Lincoln , Nov. 8. Complete .a" from thirty-three counties r % . ' 'el- don ( Rep. ) , tor govenf Ee ° ' Ehallenberger ( Dem ) , 43/ ' n pared with two yeirs aso. thi _ .iuws a Democratic loss , of 5,728 , and Indi cates n plurality in the state for Shel don of 15.000. Other state oflicers are not behind governor Returns from every county In the Third congressional district show a plurality for Boyd ( Rep. ) of 334. The Third was { he only 'district in doubt. The Nebraska delegation in the house will stand : Republicans , 5 ; Demo crats , 1. Present flgtues on the legis lature , which elects a United Stales senalor. gives Ihe Republicans 90 on Jolnl ballot to 43 Democrats. TWO MEN SHOT OVER FARE Passenger Shoots Conductor and Then Attempts to Commit Suicide. Omaha , Nov. 8. While en route to Omaha on Burlington train No. 4 be tween Ashland and Gretna , Carl Kramer of Memphis , Neb. , became in- Tolved In a dispute over the payment of fare with Conductor "Stubby" Wal ters and shot the conductor twice with a revolver and tueu placed the weapon In his mouth and discharged it in an attempt to end his own life. Conduclor Wallers was shot In the left shoulder and left side and taken to his home at Lincoln in a very seri ous condition , while Kramer was brought to Omaha on the train and taken to the Omaha General hospital. It Is believed that Kramer has llttlo chance of recovery. Kramer boarded the train at Mem phis , which is on the Schuyler branch , paid his fare to Omaha and received a rebate check as a receipt. He was on his way lo Excelsior Springs , Mo. , and changed Iralns at Ashland. When Conductor Walters insisted on the payment of his faro to Omaha from Ashland , Kramer refused , aa ho said the proper fare had been paid and the quarrel begun , which ended In the shooting. Kramer was in the smoking car and shortly before the train ar rived at Gretna he went into the car behind , which was filled with pas sengers , where ho renewed the argu ment with the conductor and without warning , pulled the revolver and be gan firing. IDAHO REPUBLICANS VICTORS. Late Returns Indicate Goodlng Ha * Been Elected Governor. Boise , Ida. , Nov. 8. I-atc returns confirm the cstlmalos lhat Governor Goodlng , Republican candidate for re election , has carried the stale by majority of somewhat more than 7- 000. The rest of the state ticket has a majority of probably 5,000 more , with one exception , the candidate for secretary of slate , who was cut con siderably. Definite returns show that the Re publicans have thirteen of the twen ty-one members of the state senate and thirty-five of the fifty-one mem- ters of the house. This will give n majority of twenty-four on Joint bal- loL Crushes Thumb With' Hammer , Dies , St. Louis , Nov. 8. Despite the ef forts of four physicians lo stop the flow of blood , Clark Zumwalt , two years old , died , having bled to death from a wound caused by crushing hla loft thumb with a hammer while at play. The Injury occurred thirteen days ago and the little toy had since been constanlly under a physician's Tlu > ( .il .iceI Imurcc I.IMI. A , i 1.1 Him UKlllust ill vorce. "We oiubt t > Imvo the dhurce law was t' i ! r od In ancient ( Sivoce. " he sr'd. "If that old ( . .rook clause wns dieted to every separation. I am permiaded divorces would fall off til to YO per cent. This law was that when a m.iu got a divorce ho could not under any circumstances marry another woman younger than his ex-wife. An Innocent law , a brief law. not much to look at , but how many divorce units would be nipped In the bud If nil husbands knew that after the separation they could not marry younger women than tbo wives they had cant oll'l" Philadelphia Bul letin. Coachman Sentenced and Set Free. Mexico City , Nov. 8. Marrlco Dlcz- zccado , the coachman who was adJudged - Judged responsible for the death of James Russell Parsons. American con sul go A. ' on Dec. R , 1905 , was son- lenctr pA o ° ti months' Imprison ment o fflto . * of homicide , the sentence to tst0.t Doc- G1905 - According to ti. . S0r" / * .onco has expired and ho was % / , , ice set at liberty. The coacl'man ' Driving Mr. Parsons allowed the carriage to bo struck by n train. RESULTS BRING OUT NO NEW PARTY LEADERS. THESE TWO MUST RUN NEXT Hearst Has Been Burled , Leaving Bry an XVIth a Clear Field No New Republican - publican Mosta Has Come Out of the Balloting Hutjhes Not Possible. Washington , D. C. , Nov. 8. These facts i.t3n I out blgllcaiitly ! , as u careful ' ful amii bis ot elect. on returns : Firii No UH . lidnie for any high of- flco , in'itl : " , iii republican or domo- j I I crane part .is. .ocelved a majority or p.iualliy ld'te i nough to bilug him ' u . . .n\l ao the party leader and stand- aid L.o.11 ec in the presidential cam paign two jears hence. Second The contest was waged by the party in power on its record during the lust two years , and particularly what the first session of the Fifty ninth congress accomplished in the way of beneficial and remedial legis lation for the people. Third The individuality of Presl lent Roosevelt , his actions , and his at- itude on conservative control of cor- ) orale interests , were sufficient to in scribe a victory upon the republican banner. Fourth The personality of William Bryan and the increasing popular ly which ho enjoyed until the day he anded from his European trip and leclared in favor of government own ership of railroads , was the central eature of democracy's bailie. Roosevelt and Bryan. Despite bis bad break In Madison Square garden , when Bryan put an early August frost on the hope of lemocratic success , ho was starred In twenty-seven stales , and twenty-three lemocratic aato conventions have al- eady declared for him as their caudl- lale for 1908. Therefore , as the cloud of battle rolls away , It reveals Thco- lore Roosevelt and William J. Bryan is respective leaders of two great par- , Ies In the next national contest. The result In New York does not ; ) lace Mr. Hughes in the list as presi dential timber. President Roosevelt's popularity was of great assistance in all closely con tested congressional districts. It was .brown strongly in the Thirtieth Penn sylvania districl , where John Dalzell ranking member of ways and means committee and leading stand-patler had a fight of his life. For years Dal zell had pracllcally no opposition. At the last election he received 17,322 votes to 3,330 votes for his democratic opponent. The bulletins are anuounc ing his re-election by something less than 0,000. Babcock , of Wisconsin , member of the ways and means committee , who professed tariff revision hut never practiced It , is defeated. No member of the cabinet can lay any special claim to the republican victory. Secretary Root , perhaps , wll receive more credit than either Secre taries Shaw or Taft , for accomplishing actual results. DEMOCRATS SWEEP MISSOURI Elect State Ticket and Twelve Out of Sixteen Congressmen. SL Louis , Nov. 8. From nearly complete returns from all counties the Democrats have carried the stale by a pluralily of 7.G50 , electing al candidates on the state ticket and twelve out of the sixteen congress men. The Republicans elected con gressmen In Kansas City and SL Louis , but lost all the districts In the tate which had been swept into the Republican ranks two years ago. Latchkey IIM n Source of Trouble. Ever since some mechanically Inclln ed person , with an almost diabolical In stlnct for making mischief , Invented form of spring lock which can bo open ed on the Inside by a knob and on th outsldo only by a key there has bee trouble. The latchkey from the firs has been n domestic storm center. I has divided family circles and eve broken up homes. London Telegraph. YORK ELECTS HEARST'S TICKET , EXCEPT HEARST. RETURNS SHOW BRUCE BEATEN Lead of Fourteen Thousand Has Given the Democrats Everything on the State Ticket Excepting the Gov ernor , Contrary to First Reports. New York , Nov. 8. Nearly com- leto reluins glvo Chanlom , democrat- candidate for nontenant governor , lend of M,291 over llruco , republic- u. It appears that outsldo ot tno can- lldalcs for governor and possibly for loulcnanl governor , the Democratic Ickct Is elected. The Republican state headquarters , vhllo expressing the belief Hint Bruce vould pull out ahead ot Clmuler , vould glvo no figures. The Independence league headquart- S claim thai Ihe whole ticket with he exception of the nominee for gov ernor , has been elected. FAILS TO GET MAJORITY Hampshire Governorship Will Have to Be Settled In Legislature. Concord , N. H. , Nov. 8. The re- urns from the s'ate ' election Indicate quite conclushcly that tbo contcsl for be governorship will have to bo soi led In the legislature , the Republican candidate , Charles M. Floyd , having ailed to secure a majority over the other two candidates. The returns from 275 of tbo 201 wauls and lownn of the state give i'loyd 39,048 ; Jackson ( Dem. ) . 37.138 ; Tetley ( Pro. ) , 2,129 ; scattering , 874. This is a Republican loss fiom four years ago of 5,164 , MAKE UP OF NEXT HOUSE. List of Party Votes as They Will Line up In Congress. Chii ago , Nov. 8. Returns up to 1 o'clock hhow that the Republicans have elected 223 congressmen and Democrats 1G3 , as follows : Rop. Dem. Alabama 9 Arkansas 1 California 8 Colorado 3 . . Connecticut 5 . . Delaware 1 Florida 3 Georgia 1-1 Idaho 1 Illinois 19 , 6 Indiana 9 4 Iowa 10 1 Kansas 8 Kentucky 3 7 Louisiana 1 Maine 4 Maryland . . . . . ' 3 3 Massachusetts 11 3 Michigan 12 Minnesota 8 1 Mississippi 8 Missouri 4 12 Montana 1 Nebraska 5 1 Nevada 2 . . New Hampshire 2 Now Jersey 6 4 New York 25 12 North Carolina 10 North Dakota 2 Ohio 17 * Oregon 2 Pennsylvania 26 0 Rhode Island 1 1 South Carolina ' South Dakota , 2 Tennessee 2 8 Texas lc Utah 1 Vermont 2 Virginia 1 Washington 3 West Virginia 6 Wisconsin 9 Wyoming 1 Total 223 163 NORTH DAKOTA FOR BURKE. Republicans Concede Election of Dem ocratlc Candidate for Governor. Fargo , N. D. , Nov. 8. "Wo concede the defeat of Governor Snrles by Mr. Burke , his Democratic opponent , by a probable plurality of 2,000 , " said Chairman L. B. Hanna of the Repub lican slalo cenlral committee. "We also concede the defeat of John Knauf , our candidate for judge of the supreme court , by Judge Flak , on the Democratic ticket , by 6,000. We are confident that the rest of the Repub lican ticket has been elected. " These figures are regarded as ex tremely conservative. INDIANS IN GOOD HUMOR. Moving Along Peaceably Toward Fort Meade , Where They May Winter. Omaha , Nov. 8. Telegraphic wort was received at army headquarters from Colonel Rodgers of the Sixth cavalry that the band of Ute Indiana under escort of the Sixth cavalry had reached Ridge , a small town on the Wyoming and Montana line abou midway between the Llttlo Powde and Belle Fourcho rivers and prob ably would reach Belle Fourcho abou Saturday The Indians are movlni along peaceably nnd are In a good humor at the prospect of wintering a Fort Meado. L..FCLDTOSUCLLDiiTCIIC03i : : : ( Secretary of Interior Will Retire From Cnumet on Mnich ! . Washing- , Nov. tjccietnry of tliu Inti nor li. A. Hitchcock \\lll 10- lite I rout PiuMdcnl Roosevelt b cab inet on tiulib of nuxt March and James It. tli. Held of Ohio , at pieMiil commissioner of corporations , will succeed him. Herbert Knox Smith , now assistant commissioner of cor porations , will be appointed to Mr. Oarllold's place. Thiwo changes , and that of the lotltoment of Commissioner - or Richards of the general land ollleu on March -I , were announced In a statement fiom the whlto houso. The Btatouii'iit snys regarding llltcliroek : "Tho sccretaiy of the Interior , Mr. Hitchcock , liua Informed the piesldeut Unit ho would bo nimble to stay after March -1. Mr. Hitchcock ban for seine tlino fell that the very exhaustIng - Ing work which he has been engaged In for over eight yearn In the Interior department was HO wearing on him ante to iniiko It Impossible lor him to re- iniiln much longer. The president urged him to accept the ambassador ship to France , but Mr. Hitchcock fools that ho Is entitled to absolute rest , and refused the offer. " W , II. MOODY ONSUPREME BENCH Attorney General Will Retire From Department of Justice Next Month. Washington , Nov. 8. The president announced the appointment of Attor- ley General William Moody of Massa chusetts as justice of the supreme com I of the United States , to suc ceed Justice Henry Billings Blown , who retired some time ago , Mr. Moody has filled the ofllco of attorney gen eral since July 1 , 1904. Previous to that tlmo 1.0 had served for more than two years as secretary of the navy. Ho had represented hifl state In the Fifty-fourth , Hlly-llfth , Fifty-sixth and Fifty seventh congresses. It Is gen erally exported that Mr. Moody will ret lie horn the department of juntUo the l.ittor part of December. Centenary Collegc Students Strike. Jndtbon , La. , Nov. S. The entlie student body of about GOO of the Centenary - tonary college here struck and went home. They left a signed statement that they were dissatisfied with the retention of Professor Muncrlcff , who two weeks ngo stabbed Rev. C. C. Miller , president of the college. The president Is still quite 111 from his wounds. Ho and Professor Moncricff disputed over questions about serving food to the student niesd , and Pro fcssor Moncricff claimed that ho stabbed Rev. Miller in self defense. Amundsen Sails for Chrlstlanla. Now York , Nov. 8. On bonid the Scandinavian line steamer Helli ; Olav. which will sail today for Chrlstlanla. are two zinc boxes , guarded by four armed guards. They contain the rec ords made by Captain Amundsen , who sailed from Chrlbtlanla three years ago and located the magnetic polo. From a study of the record , which will take fully three years , Captain Amundsen says that the exact location of the magnetic polo will bo determined. 'Frisco School Board Stands Firm. San Francisco , Nov. 8. Tbero will be no further conference between Sec retary Melcalf and the board of edu- callon of this city about the action of the latter In setting aside a separate - arato school for children of Japanese descent. The board desires that the state law be tested In the courts , and will not recede from Its position. Cuban Bandits Hold Up Army Wagon. Havana , Nov. 8. A United States army wagon , carrying a number of men of the engineers' corps , was held up by bandits , near Guanajay. Upon learning that the wagon contained sol- dlers , the bandits vanished Into the woods before the men could fire. Rural guardsmen have been ordered to pursue and capture the band. Death Sentence for Wltte. Moscow , Nov. 8. A report -was In circulation here that "The League to Combat the Revolution , " to which the murder of Deputy Herzenstoln In Fin land last summer has been ascribed had sentenced the former premier Count WItle , to death In the event of his return to Russia. Congressman-Elect Kills Friend. Baton Rouge , La. , Nov. 8. Con gressman-elect Judge George K. Far rot shot and killed bin life-long asso ciate and former schoolmate , Dr. H. H Aldrlch , one of the best known cltl zens of Baton Rouge , while hundreds of persons were near the scene of the shooting , but none knew what hap pened between the two men. Stranded Vessel Breaks In Two. Charlottetown , P. E. I. , Nov. 8. An unknown Norwegian bark went ashore between Prest point and Blackbush and has broken In two. Men on both parts of the wrecked vessel were seen from shore and their chances of get ting oft safely seemed slight. Virginia. Richmond , Va. , Nov. 8. The Demo crats carried all the congressional dls trlcts except the Ninth , In which Slamp ( Rep. ) Is re-elected by a re duced majority. New Mexico for Statehood , Albuquerque , N. M. , Nov. 8. Fairly complete returns from twenty-five counties give statehood a majority of 6,900. GOVERNOR HOCH'S MAJORITY 10 LESS THAN FIVE THOUSAND. DEMOCRATS STILL CLAIM STATE Declare Harris Has Won by 3,300. , Incomplete Returns Show Repub lican Candidate Ahead of Opponent. Rest of Ticket Wins. TopeUn , Knn. , Nov. S.-Ilolh demo- rnlH mid icpuhllcniiH Htlll claimed tin- led Inn In this stale today , on gov- rnor. . . Nine counties nro yol to bo heard rom. Topeka , Knn. , Nov. 8. The reElection - Election of Oovoinor K. W. Hocb Rep ) seems reasonably certain , Uthuugh the Demouiatlc committee till claims the Hluto for \V. A. Harrhi by a plmallly of 3.3UU. According to Igtireu i t'ci Ived by the Republican ommilteo , 1)7 ) counties out of 105 glvo Uoeh a plurality of 4,150. The Democrats claim that their figures on ho Hame counties give Harris a plu rality of marly 2,000 and that the olllclul i etui us will glvu him over 3,000. The eight counties still misti ng are In the wostein part of the stnte. The Republican figures are lartlnlly confirmed by special preaii llspntchcH. Marlon county , Governor loch's home , was carried by Harris by a mnjoilty of 13 ! ) voten , while Douglas county , Colonel Hnrrltt' homo , vas can led by Hoch by 130 majority. Aside from the head of tbo ticket , here Is no question as to the olcc- Ian of the entire Republican ticket. IHg llenioi ratle gains have been made In the lower IIOIIRO of the legls- nturo , but flint body will Htlll ho over- vholmlimlv Republican and a member of the dominant psnty will bo elected Jnlled Statis senator to succeed A. W. Benson , who Is ) il imolf a candidate 'or ' ro-olccllon. Oilier candidates nro ngrcHsmnn Charles Curtis and Joseph - soph L. Hi 1st ow. M'CREARV LOS Es iN KENTUCKY His Successor in the Senate Will Be Governor Beckham. Louisville , Nov. 8. With but a few mountain counties to bear from , and Jicse piolmbly Increasing his lend , Governor BecMiuin has almost certain- y won his light against Senator Me- Croary for the nominal Ion for the United Stales senatorshlp In the Democratic primaries. The governor's mnjoilty will bo about 4,000. Samuel W. Hagar was named for governor In the same primary by a majority of between 12,000 and 15.000. The Republicans gained Iwo congressmen , giving them a total of four In the lower houso. London Press Comment on Election. London , Nov. 8. All the morning newspapers publish long editorial ar ticles on the result of the election In Now York stale. Few of them say anything of the results In other states. With scarcely an exception , they comment - ment on the close vote as an Indica tion of the popular discontent with enormous combinations of capital. Tbo Dally Telegraph thinks the moral Is that Americans , while " 'not quite ready to accept 'Hcarstlsin1 In full , are hearllly sick of being robbed by trusts and corporations and are prepared tope po a considerable way in that direc tion. " Chicago Has $200,000 Kire. Chicago. Nov. 8. A flro which started this morning in the moulding plant of Angus & Mackay , 704 Wcbt Madison street , spread to several ad joining buildings before It was gotten under control and caused a loss of $200,000. Among the buildings de stroyed weio the Robey hotel , the Lolda Printing company and the dry goods store of II. J. Borne & Co. Unionists Win In Porto Rico. San Juan , P. R. , Nov. 8. The Union ist pnrty scored an overwhelming vic tory at the polls , carrying all the sev en districts of the Island. The Re publicans are loft without representa tion In the next house of delegates. The Unionists won in a majority of the municipalities. Close In California. San Francisco , Nov. 8. Seven hun dred and ninety-one precincts out of 2.471 in the state , minus Los Angeles and Alameda counties , which are usually heavily Republican , give Gil- Ictt ( Rep ) . for governor , 40,118 ; Bell ( Dem. ) . 40.719 : I.ancdon Mm ) . ) . 17.033 INDIANA REPUBLICAN : 30,000. Democrats Gain Two Congressmen In Hoosler State. Indianapolis , Nov. 8. According tc the latest returns received throughout the state. Indiana went about SO.OOf Republican in Tuesday's election. Tin Democnvts gained two congressmen one from the Eighth and one from Uu Eleventh districts , making tbo delega tion nine Republicans and four Demo crats. Congressman John C. Cliancj ( Hop. ) , In the Second district , has ti plurality of about 350. The Twolftt district shows Clarence C. Gllhams ( Rop. ) elected , with a plurality ol about 300. The Thirteenth dlstrlci , elected Congressman Abraham L Brick ( Rop. ) by a plurality of 255 These were the three districts h doubt. The legislature will he Re publican on Joint ballot by about 30. HIE CONDITION OF THE WEATHER rcmpoi.iturc for Twenty four Hours. Forecnot for Nebrnokn. CnndlllniiH of Hie wcalhnr an lecord- i d fur Iho I went-four hours uniting it X a. m. today : Maximum 02 Minimum HI \voragc 17 llnniiiKitcr 2l. ! 8 Chicago , Nvo. K. The biillolln In- Hiii'il fiom the Chicago tiliitlon ol tliu ( hilled Klutcit wualher Inn nan glveu Ibo forecast for Nebraiilta UN follown : Fair lonlgbt nnil Friday. Colder to night and eiiHt portion Friday. Standard OH RalseB Wages. Franklin. Pa. , Nov. 8 The Stand ard Oil company tinnouneod a volun tary Increase In wages of employes In the flaloiin KK'iial and Kcllpno refill- orlon. Innilcd hero The percentage of Increase wan not Rlafcd. About HOO men will bo benefited rieueral Clmrlen Miller , who. made I lie nnnniiiiceincnt on behalf of the ( liilctm Signal Oil rompnnv , Mild that the election of the Republican ticket In Pennsylvania had Inspired I he management with the belief - lief that Hllll greater prosperity wno coming and tbev desired their em ployes to share In It. HEARST'S DEFEAT DECIDED RE LIEF TO MONEY CENTERS. HAVE ALL FELT DEEP ANXIETY Smnllncss of Hughes' Majority Hno Been as Fly In the Ointment Re lief Is Felt. But Spread of Socialism Frightens Well-to do. London , Nov S. The election of Mr Hughes line created a generally favorable Imrcsslon , but the decreased republican majority IH almost , uiianl- moiiHly eoiiHtrui'd na a grave warning nf the spread of social Ism and Its In creasing power. No election outsldo thin country has ever been so cageily vnlohed nor has any result been HO n\loiiHly awaited. From oaily bourH lie ofllcos In the city , the great bank- ug CHlabllKbments and the purllemt f the Block exchange have been towded with business men , who raro- v Htait work before 11 o'clock. Their nergy was nniewarded , an theio were irncllcnlly no dealings In American ccuritles. If Hearst had been elected , tbero vould have been a different tale to oil. A strong financial group , hewer - \or , had been formed to avert a pus- iblo panic and the support afforded o the market yesteidny was probably CHponslblo lor the slight lelapso la > rlces when what was considered a iouicc of danger disappeared. Fiom tlio iiollllcal point of view , hero Is a tendency hero to icgard learsl's defeat as a signal victory of ; hat social unrest to which ho pinned its chances of success. If Heaist to come near winning , so it is argued In England , the same censes , with anoth er mouthpiece , would have swept or ganized capital out of existence. The n evidential Inteifeiencu meets with o ciltlclmn here. The Westmin ster ( Ja/.ette says : "If piesldcatlul neutrality may bo lolated In a good cause , It will some lay bo violated for a bad cause. " Briefly the comment heie on the election may be summed up by saying hat It is believed the power of the rusts Is broken and thai socialism HI a made an immense stride forward , A 1th bomewbat the bunio Isbiies to bo 'need as in this country. This pro- luces no liltlo uneasiness In the mind of the average well-to-do K.igllbbmun. Tin- \ i-Ki'l'irlniin' Don. lirlghton b. > < been iiifo.-teii by truiupa recently , ami this Mgu , bays the Boston Record , Is on a well known residence , "Wo are vegetarians , but our doc la not" DISCUSS ANTI-INJUNCTION BILL Labor Leaders Hold Conference With President at White House. Waslmigton , Nov. 8. The measure Introduced at the last session of con gress known as the Pearro antl-lnjunc- Uon bill wns the subject of a confer- encb between President Roosevelt and Samuel Gompers and several other reprcscniativcb of the American Fed eration of Labor. The Pearre bill has the Indorsement of the federation , whoso representatives are anxious that some recommendations along its lines shall be made by the president In his annual message to congress. The president promised the committee to delegate four officials Identified with the legal work in the government service to meet a similar number of labor representatives with their attor ney to go over the whole mailer and to present their conclusions to him. The president. Mr. Gompers said , did not define his attitude or commit him self on the subject matter of the Pearro bill , but expressed himself de termined that absolute Justice should be done. South Dakota 25,000 Republican. Sioux Falls. S. D. . Nov. S. Returns from 39 of the 50 counties of the stnte Sivo Crawford MU p. ) for governor and the stnu ilikct a majority of 25- 670. Republicans have elected 112 members of the legislature , Demo crats 17.