The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 21, 1906, Image 1

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A air A worn A v 01 inn/t
Some of Them Hold the Crowd at Bay
While Others Go Through the Bank
" and Plunder It Building Is a Com
plete Wreck After Robbery.
Qrand Rapids , Mich. , Sept. 20.
Eight masked and heavily armed burg
lars held n crowd of townspeople nt
bay hero this morning while they
rilled the Newnygo county bank.
The Interior of Mio bank wns com
pletely wroc,1' / . burglars got $2,000
in money ah 0 In checks , and
then escaped.
E , B. Duncan Carr , -j s Death In a
Nellgh , Nob. , SOKQ ' , ' Special to
The News : Telegra. & , cro received
hero yesterday afternoon announcing
the death of B. B. Duncan , in a wreck
at Scotts Bluffs , Nebraska. Mr. Dun
can and family up to a year or more
ago were residents of Nellgh , but re
cently moved to Kansas City , Mo.
The oldest son , B. V. Duncan , is
traveling salesman for Walter C.
Clark & Co. of Omaha , with headquar
ters in this city. There are two mar
rled daughters , Mrs. C. H. Frndy of
Oakdalo and Mrs. Elmer Hawaii of
Clearwater. Mrs. E. B. Duncan was
nt Dendwood , S. D. , when ' .he snd
news reached her of her husband's
Rear End Collision Between Freights
at Scotts Bluff , Neb.
Scotts Bluff , Neb. , Sept. 20. Freight
No. 302 on the Guernsey line was run
into by an extra ore train at this place
and two cars were derailed and the
waycar demolished.
Four men were In the waycar at the
time and two of them , J. P. Kennedy
of Denver , the labor agent of Maney
Bros. & Co. , and E. B. Dunkln , the
representative of n wholesale powder
firm of Kansas City , were Instantly
Chicago Gets Prison Congress.
Albany , N. Y. , Sept. 20. Chicago
will have the next meeting of the Na
tional Prison congress and E. J. Mur
phy , warden of the Northern Illinois
penitentiary nt Jollet , will be the
president of the assoclntion. These
matters were settled at the session of
the National Prison congress.
Dry Farmers to Meet.
Denver , Sopt. 20. Governor Jesse
P. McDonald called a dry farming congress
gross to be held in Denver Nov. 22 , 23
and 24 , this year. Representation Is
Invited from all states west of the
Missouri river.
State Attorney Shot by Student.
Tashkent , Asiatic Russia , Sept 20.
M. Scharigin , state attorney at the
court here , was shot and killed by a
student named Bodrlgky. The mur
derer was arrested.
Dentists Elect Officers.
Atlanta , Ga. , Sept 20. The Na-
tlonal Dental association selected Mil-
neapolls and July 30 , 1907 , as the
place and time for the next meeting.
The following officers were elected :
President , Dr. A. H. Peck of Chicago ;
vice president for the west , Dr. D. J.
McMillan of Kansas City , Mo. ; re
cording secretary. Dr. Charles S. But
ler of Buffalo ; corresponding secre
tary , Dr. Burton Lee Thorpe of St.
Louis ; treasurer , Dr. O. R. Melllndy of
Pure Food Crusade In New York.
New York , Sept. 20. Following re
cent revisions and additions to the
eanltary code , Commissioner Darling
ton of the department of health , will
today commerce a crusade throughout -
out the city against the sale of adul
terated , mlsbranded , poisonous or de
leterious foods , drugs , medicines and
U liquors. This action was determined
upon at a meeting of the board ° f
Builders Favor Open Shop.
Atlantic City , N. J. , Sept. 20. The
National Association of Builders , In
session here , reaffirmed the open shop
principles and calls upon builders
everywhere to sustain them as the
only sound basis for the employment
of workmen. The association declares
in sunport of a trade school and ad
vises builders to Insist upon the use
f the uniform contract.
Two Killed and One Wounded as Re
sult of Nelson-Cans Argument.
Chicago , Sept. 20. Two men were
flhot dead and another man severely
wounded in a saloon in Hammond ,
Ind. , as a result of an argument over
the respective merits of "Battling"
Nelson and Joe Cans , the prize fight
ers. Ferguson Landen , a machinist
of Hammond , did the shooting and
made his escape. The dead men are
Faddy Golden and James Blewcn , a
porter In the saloon where the shoot
ing occurred. John Bellamy , a de
tective , who Interfered while the
shooting was In progresa , was shot
In the loff.
Arguing peonage Case.
Cape Olrnrdoau , Mo. , Bept. 20. Erl-
donoo of the dofonio in the trial of
the Smith brothers , on the charge of
peonage , wan completed and the ur-
( rumcntft began this morning. James
H , Smith , ono of the defendants , on
the stand , denied that he had over
forced any negro to work against his
Vordlorls Kills Nineteen.
Brcnlau , Sopt. 20. A dispatch from
Tomnssow , Russian Poland , saya fifty
persons there were poisoned at a con
firmation festivity by eating meat
which had boon cooked In a copper
kettle containing verdlsrln. Nlnetwm
persons have already dlad ,
of the United States
Establish Cordial Relation ! With
Both th Government and Revolu
tionist * Vlelt President Palma.
Havana , Sept 80. The president *
of both the moderate and the liberal
parties submitted to Secretary of War
Taft and Assistant Secretary of State
Bncon , representing President Rooso-
Tolt , their respective statements of
thu facts leading up to the revolution
and the conduct of bollllgorents.
Each of the presidents today will
present a written statement of the
terms they are willing to agree to In
the interest of peaco. General Men-
ocal , representing the veterans , also
rolntod to Secretaries Taft and Bacon
the efforts ho has made In the line of
peace and the difficulties he has en
countered and gave his opinion as to
what courses hold any promises of
an amicable settlement. A committee
of Isle of Pines Americans also ap
peared , but got little satisfaction ,
their attorney simply presenting a
statement of their grievances , which
was not taken up.
The hearing began at the homo of
Minister Morgan , in the village ot
Marianao , which is only three miles
from the most advanced post of the
insurgent forces. The hearings were
held privately In a room adjoining
the library , no ono being present In
the house except those directly inter
csted and newspaper men.
Secretary Taft informed Vice Presl
dent Mendoz Capote , Senor Zayns and
General Menocal that the conference
would bo preliminary and all would
bo heard again.
After the hearing Secretary Taft
aid to the Associated Press that he
bad just begun his work and that It
was evident that the mission upon
which he came would * require more
time than he had anticipated before
his arrival. He intimated that ten
days would be required to complete
hi * errand , but he could not say
whether or not It would be necessary
to visit insurgent camps oV cities
other than Havana. He was pleased
that representatives of every faction
had visited the agents of President
Roosevelt , which ho considered au
gured well for the success of the mis
sion , whlcn he desired it to be under
stood was purely mediatory.
A private telegraph wire is being
strung from Minister Morgan's bouse
to the cable office in order that
Messrs. Taft and Bacon may be able
to report direct to President Roose-
Oppoaod to New Elections.
After the conference Capote said
the government waa absolutely op
posed to any plan which involves now
Senator Zayns said he had been in
structed not to talk about the confer
ence , but asserted that he had been
urged to use his influence in all pos
Bible ways to stop fighting. He said
he feared he would be unable to reach
distant insurgent camps In time , nnd
pointed out that the attack by a gov
eminent force on the Insurgents under
Tello Sanchez , nt Sanctt Splritus , on
Tuesday , -was a violation of the gov
ernment's armistice. Senator Zayas
repeated to Secretary Taft the efforts
he had made fcr the release of liberals
arrested as conspirators , and Mr. Taf
informed him that President Palma
had stated that the prlsonprs under
indictment would be released undei
Mr. Taft was careful not to com
mlt himself to either faction , but
encouraged all to talk freely.
During Secretary Taft's vlalt to
President Pnltna earlier in the day
the latter spoke freely of the situation
nnd of the future possibilities , and
adding that in the contingency of a
general election being- ordered , he
would not feel it consistent for him
to continue in office.
Following hli visit to Preslden
Palma , Secretary Taft bonrded the
oruisor Denver to return Commando
ColweH' cnll. He found there Sen
utor Zayns awaiting him under a prearrangement
arrangement with Commander Col
well and thus cordial relations were
established , both with the palace one
with the revolutionists.
The conditions in the field ar
quiet , although the situation at Clon
fuegos is threatening. General Roc
rlguez said that rural guards are pa
trollng the entire outskirts and su
burba of Havana.
After a Long Period of Increasing
Physical Weakness , Illinois Con
gressman nt Narragansett Plor ,
Rhode Island , Dies of Heart Failure.
Narragansott Plor , 11. I. , Sopt. 20.
Congressman Robert R. llltt of Illi
nois died ut his summer homo here
today of heart failure.
A long period of Increasing physical
weakness finally caused his death.
Railroad hHi > OwrwwoMp.
8 i > 4. 20. The hearing bc-
fDf * IiKvuwtttto CuwaimcrcQ
stou-er Hrowty u u > r the TUlmivn
httk > relative to the rotation of
carrytttjc ntiirondo and the
of > n5ae began here , Dnrhig the
taking of teattnactny heated > rordu
passed bt\re n Attorney Baldwin for
tba Union P&oific and Attoiiioy Miir-
chand for the uorornment , Murohnnd ,
In ntntlne his cnso , * &ld the hiteratLta
commoroo commloalon , in the Inquiry ,
expected to show that the Union Pa
cific Coal company had used fraud in
securing Its titles to its lands.
D. O. Clark of the coal company tci-
Ifled that the company had aoctloiiH
of land , all holdings taken by em
ployes and officers of the company.
Warwick Saunders said ho had to
permit the Union Pacific to dlctato the
jrico of coal , and that even then ho
was unable to got cars when ho
ed them. Hrndnll K. Brown tost'fi-l
.hat he had been unable to gat tbn
Union Pacific to build a spur to his
coal mines near Hanna , Wyo.
nterstate Commerce'Commission ' Pro.
mulgates Important Order.
Washington , Sept. 20. The Inter
state commerce commibsion promul
gated an Important aider , providing
'or a hearing here , beginning Oct. 8 ,
: o construct rules for the simplified
; Ion of rate tariffs , and in connection
therewith have Issued a circular em
jraclng ceitnln requirements which It
Is proposed to insist upon.
They Include the filing of Joint
tariffs by the initial line ; the print
Ing'of the schedules of each Inltln
line as an Independent document ; the
filing of a detailed Index showing al
commodity rates In effect so that eacl
commodity can easily be located ;
the proper specification In the torifl
of the Initial line of all tormina'
charges. The absorption of switching
or terminal charges where It affects
the total cost to the shipper shall be
stated upon the tariff.
Wife Murdsr and Two Suicides at
Excelsior Springs.
Excelsior Springs , Mo. , Sept. 20.
Three lives were sacrificed in two
tragedies which occurred here. Do
mestic trouole caused Jerome Curry ,
manager of the Central Sash and Door
company of Topeka , lo shoot and kill
his wife and then kill himself. At al
most the same hour Jamea Farley , a
contractor of this city , walked into a
drug store and poured out a cup of
carbolic acid from a five-gallon bottle
and drank It
The Curry tragedy occurred on a
bridge leading to one of the springs.
They appeared to bo on good terms
until they started for a walk , when
a quarrel ensued. Mrs. Curry sud
denly started to run , when her husband -
band fired at her three times. As she
fell , ho fired a bullet through his own
Farley wns despondent over the re
cent death of his wife.
Preliminary Hearing of Wyoming Girl
Is Now In Progress at Sheridan.
Sheridan , Wyo. , Sopt. 20. The pre
liminary nearlng of Edna Irvine ,
charged with shooting George Knight ,
foreman of the Big Rod ranch nt
Clearmont , began bore. The witness
es are nil here and the lawyers will
fight the case in detail in justice court.
J. L. Thomas asked for n delay on
account of attorneys being engaged in
the trial of the divorce case of Carrie
L. Roberts against William T. Rob
erts , a big sheepman at Clearmont ,
and o ! the $10,000 damage suit by Rob
erts against Donald Thompson , a
sheepman of Clearmont , for aliena
tion of his wife's affections.
fop Broaoh of Promise.
Dot Molnoa , Sept , 20 , Uooauao Mr * .
Duarah rejected him and save her
hand to another at Clarion , H , It , Jtos-
tat hoji commenced suit In the Wright
county district court for 110,000 for
alleged breach of promlio , Ho makes
the woman and her husband , Z\
Bnarph , the defendants , lie claim B
fhot Qver two year * ajo she
t6 marry him and then after he
BunrcK refused to accompany him to
the nltnr Ho wants pay for hU wound-
ad foolla , ( .r "
Weaver Nominated for Congress.
Alblu , In , , Bojt. 20. Ooncrnl J. H.
Weaver of Colfnx , fernier congress-
mnn from the Sixth Iowa dlatrlcl , was
nominated for congress liy the Pop-
ullat Independence League , tlio or-
gnnlzod , labor party. Ho will oppose
Colonel John F. Ij\coy.
Eight-Hour Law Extended.
Oyster liny , Sept. 20. President
Roosevelt extended tlto eight-hour law
to apply to nil public work under the
supervision of any dennrtnicnt of the
government. This order affects more
particularly work' ' on river und lmr-
Lor Impiovoinonts.
Government Buys Sliver.
Washington , Sept. 20. The director
of the mint purchased 200,0 0 ouncoa
of line silver , one-half for the Denver
and ono hnlf for the Now Orleiini
mints , nt 08.25 uontB pur ounce.
Associated Press Meeting.
Now York , Sopt. 20. The annual
meeting of members of the Associat
ed Press was hold In this city. Im
portant mutters In connection with
the service wore disposed of. The
members mot , with Severn ! guests , nt
dinner nt the Waldorf-Antorla Mel
ville 13. Stone , general manager of the
Associated ProBs , presided , and wltli
him at the guests' table were Samuel
L. Clemens , who discussed "lloform
Spoiling , " and Oenoral Horace Porter ,
former ambassador to Franco , who
responded to the tonnt "Our Oucstn. "
Mexican Conspirators Held.
Douglas , Ariz. , Sept. 20. The pre
liminary hearing of Thomas Ksplnosa
and Elfonso Martinez , who , with n
number of other Mexicans , were ar
rested hero recently on a charge of
conspiracy against a friendly power
and violation of the neutrality laws ,
was concluded before United States
Commissioner gamines. The men
were holJ to the federal grand Jury ,
bond being fixed at $500.
TOOUDLi : Gu.h , j K1ABE
Gtats Fair Board v\anli to Exohano *
Coal Land for Level Ground.
Moines , Sopt. 20. Two light"
before tlus ececuU.v coun
cil. Ono waa over the trading of ft
lot of Uio state fair grounds back in
tlifl WHs for loud down on the lovul
Uiat Is saitaWo for the fair and the
other over Uio draining of Gin Barro.1
ulouffh and Soutii lake up In the
norUujrn J" t of ttuj atate , against
vrfilch the Hud ; hunters protest. Pho
director ? have- arranged a trade for
land between the Hock Island tracks
and the stata fair grounds. For this
they proposed to give thirty-nine
acres belonging to the ulato fair
grounds , but novcr used for any pur
pose. It is back o ( thu prfioeui
grounds , and so rough that It U of no
value whatever except the coal that
is nndor it. The daal 18 being opposed
by soma who assert that the state *
should lisa the land for botanical gar-
dans and that the ooal under ( t Dialo8
It of greater vnluo than that the BUU
ia getting ,
PMpU'o National Bank f 8 dan ,
Kan. , Gloioa IU D ra ,
Bedan , Ifnn , , Sept , SOy Otta D.
Sftallard , cashlor at the Peopla'a Na
tional bank of this city , has disap
peared , having boon last soon notir
the Caney rivof , three miles frot.i
here , Tuesday night , letter a--
drosood to his wife was raeolved , .n
which he said ha waa short in hla ao
counts and that ho had boon dotootoi ,
that he had endeavored to oarer up
the matter , but oould not stand the
strain any longer , He save hi * wife
directions as to how she should dis
pose of his property.
The bank has been closed and ( ho
comptroller of the ourrenoy ha be n
notified. The exact condition of the
bank cannot b determined until ionu >
of the bank officers arrive to take
charge. The stockholders are nearly
all wealthy and it is not believed tlieU
the depositors will lose anything ,
A StiirtlliiK Motto.
A traveling salesman illed very sud
denly In Plttsburg. Ills relatives tele-
graphco. the undertaker to make n
wreath , the ribbon should be extra
wide , with the Inscription , "Rest in
pence , " on L , 'h sides , and If there la
room , "We shall meet In heaven. " The
undertaker was out of town and his
new assistant handled the Job. It was
a startling llornl piece which turned up
nt the funeral. The ribbon wns extra
wide nnd bore the Inscription , "Rest In
pence on both sides , and if there la
room wo shall meet in heave. * "
Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M
Shaw closed a whirlwind trip through
southwest Missouri with a monster
meeting at Joplin.
The WarrJ line steamer Morro Gas
tie arrived at Havana after terrible
experience In n tornado off Capo Hat
teras , In which she hnd a narrow e '
cup * from foundering.
The National Association of Rail
way Agents elected officers and ad
journcd. W. H. Mills of the Lake
Shore and Michigan Southern rallwa >
wns chosen president.
Matthew Kloly , chief of police , who
has been on trial before the St. Louis
police ccinnils.sloncrb , on charges o
neglect of duty , was dismissed from
the department by that body. The
commissioners appointed as chic
Captain Edraoad P. Crcecy.
Forty-throe Ships nnd Hnlf of Native
Croft In Harbor Wrecked or Dam
aged nnd Property Loss Will
Amount to Millions.
Mnnlln , BoptO / Luteat dv < c fl
from ll < in Koni ) utato that D.OUtj liven
Were lout dtir'liiii the typhoon mill that
thd diimaifu to propnrty , publln and
private , will amount to mUllonu of
dollars ,
Twnlvfl ship * were sunk , t-wonty.
four were alrundod , novun were dnni.
nced ; and nnc-hilf of the native oraft
lii rurt were aunl/ ,
The Hrltlsh sloop Fhnenlx lu hnpo
Inialy diimpcod , Thu uttmtm.'r Mont-
Wncle , tinlonnlnn to the Canadian Pi\-
clflc Railroad w.mjmny , end the
Fronoh torpedo hoot Ifrnnnlsiiuo will
probably both bo refloated , The
Ifronah tornado heat liYomlo IB ex-
pnetocl to ho a tntul wrank , A liirgo
nttlllrrt vrseel wns thrown almost on
top of her.
At the rorueat of fllr Matthew
Nathan , novernor of Hong KongI I lie
Erltluh naval oommundttr bus dis
patched ft fleet of torpedo boats to
crulHO around the Inland for the pur
pose of reoovorlnfj corpses , Nuinor-
OUH dead , mostly Chinese , are floatlnu
the water front
Touring Car Ground to Pieces Be
tween Two Street Onro.
Now York , HopL 20. Caught between -
tweon two utrort oars nt llroadway
and Thirty-linn , bimet , n , tourlnu oar ,
owned by John II , Bprlnnor , loHaee of
, ho Ornnrt opera IIOIIHO , and oonuplod
jy hlmsnlf and family , wau ground to
plooon , while tlio oooupantu nmrvol-
ouiily enoupod without Horloua In-
urlon. Mr , Bprinner Btifterod mnit ,
icing painfully bruised , while Mm.
3prliRor ) , a Ken , John 11. Jr. , und
daughter , Olndyn , and the ohauffmtr ,
thoiiRh they rorolvod Home brulson ,
Buffered moro from nhooK.
Mr. Bpringor wm driving hU onr
acrom the tracks whrm It wnn struck
jy a north-hound car and thrown
against r. south-bound rar , which wan
passing. In a moment the machine
doubled up and lt oceupnntM found
thomnoIvoB on top of the wrookngo
and plnnod botwonn the pnrn , which
: ind boon brought to an abrupt atop. "
Government Cuitome Dock and Store-
Houoei DeBtroyed.
Buenos Ayres , Sept. 20. The cus
toms dock and store houses erected by
the government at a cost of $400,000
were destrpyed by flro. The dock
contained thirty tons of merchandise ,
mainly of German origin. The losses
are estimated at $1,200,000. The orl
gin of the conflagration Is not known.
Five clerks and seventy workmen
have been arrested. Plvo firemen
were Injured.
Wonderful nnd LfiNtlnK Work of the
Grecn-Uwyiitlnii I'lilntcrd.
The methods of tlio artists of ancient
Greece nnd Egypt were totally differ
ent from those of the present day and
were evidently vastly more durable.
Panels of wood were used to paint on
sycamore nnd cypress also panels or
papier mache , and occasionally they
were formed by gluing three thick
nesses of canvas together. These pan
els were usually about fourteen Inchea
long by seven Inches wide. The artist
used liquid wax Instead of oil to mix
the colors , which were made , not from
vegetable , but from mineral substances ,
and were of marvelous brilliancy and
permanence blue powdered lapis la
zuli , green malachite , red oxide of Iron ,
etc. The colors were laid on In patches ,
somewhat after the fashion of u mo
saic , and afterward blended with an
Instrument called the costrum , which
appears to have been n lancet shaped
spatula , Ion ? handled , with at one end
a curved point , at the other a finely
dentated edre. AVlth the toothed edge
the wax could be equalized and smooth
ed , while the point was used for plac
ing high lights , marking lips , eyebrows ,
The final process , which gives the
name encaustic to this kind of paint
Ing , was the burnlug In of the colors.
This wns done by the application of n
heated surface to the panel , though in
Egypt the heat of the sun was prob
nbly nil that was needed to complete
the artist's work. '
A Pica For Cniinllmlliini.
Bronsou Alcott , the Concord philoso
pher , ouco made n strong and almost
nnnnswerable plea for cannibalism. "If
you are going to eat meat nt all , " ar
gued the Yankee Plato , "why not eat
the best ? "
The War to ( let a Chance.
It may not be to the credit of man'
kind , but In this world no man Is "glv.
en" n chunce. If ho wants a chance he
has to throw It down nnd sit on its
neck. Columbia State.
Beware of looking at sin , for at each
vtow It Is apt to become better looking.
Success Magazine.
Tompernture for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebraska.
CondlllniiH of thu weather us record
ed for thu twenty-four hours ending
at 8 a in. today :
Maximum < i9
Minimum 19
A\orngo fit )
llnromotor 2 ! ) 78
Uiiliifitll 03
Total rnlnlnll for month 5.1)3 )
Chit-ago , Sopt. 20. The bullet In l -
Hiied by ( ho Chicago station of the
United States wonthor bureau thli
morning given the forecast for Ne
braska as follows :
Partly cloudy tonight and Krltlny.
Conohoa Take Fire and Passenger *
Are Durlcd Deneath Burning Oebrli.
Of Twenty-six Extricated , Ten
Have Died.
London , Sopt. 20. The crowded
Scotch express train on the Qrcat
Northern railway , leaving London last
night , was wrecked outside of Qrnnt-
ham. Thu train should have stopped
at Ornnthnm , but failed to do so.
Shortly after passing the atatlon the
trnln Infl din rnlln nnrl Ininnml n
bridge. The unglno and sovornl
coaches were dashed over thoem -
bnnkmont , the engine turning turtle
Several coaches Immediately took ( Ire.
There are many passengers be
neath the debris. Of twenty-six extri
cated , ton have died. The number of
lives lost IB not known , but Is believed
to bo largo ,
At last accounts the flro was well
und or control.
At the spot where the express wns
derailed there Is a curve and It Is
supposed the brakes failed to net. The
train appeals to have gone upon a
siding , smashing the parapet of the
bridge , which was completely shat
Occupants of Smoking Car In Clmar-
ron River Believed to Be Dead.
Kingfisher , Oklu. , Sept 20. The
Clmnrron river has fallen eight feet
from the stage at which It weakened
the Hock Island bridge when part of
trnln No. 12 wont Into the river , but
the smoking car Is still six or seven
feet under the surface. It Is not
known positively how many persons
were In the smoker when It fell. Con
ductor Thomas says there wore at
least nine , and ho believes that three
escaped. Escape of persons known
to have been riding in the front end
of the smoker , separated from the
roar door by a partition , Is thought
to have been an Impossibility. No
bodies have been recovered. Herman
E. Sells , aged three years , gen of
Mrs. Kate Sells of Payne , O. , died
from acute pneumonia , as a result of
Ichaline muddy water.
Captain Fredenall of Quartermaster' *
Department Accused of Grafting.
Manila , Sopt. 20. Captain Ira L.
Frodenall of the quartermaster's de
partment was chnrged in the court of
first Instance In this city of misappro
priation of public funds. The filing of
these charges Is the culmination of
extensive Investigations by the In
sular authorities Into an alleged serleo
of frauds perpetrated by members of
the quartermaster's department In th
Philippines. The Inquiry resulted In
the discovery of padded payrolls in
the quartet master's shops nnd graft'
Ing In the lease of lighters. Both
officers and civilians are implicated and
court-martials will follow the court
proceedings. Major General Wood
continued the Inquiry originally be
gun by Major Central Corbln. Th
result of the investigation has been
a great saving In transportation funds
and a decrease in graft , such as the
manufacture of furniture , etc. , In the
shops for the private use of officers
and civilians. High officials In the
army and government are said to have
been the beneficiaries. _
Circus Performer Strikes Gap In Run
way While Going at Terrific Speed.
It-win , Pa. , Sept. 20. The "dip of
death" mndc good its name at a cir
cus hero. George Glowe , the per
former , wns killed. While Clowe's bi
cycle was- going at a terrific pace two
sections of the runway parted slightly.
The wheel struck the gap and the
structure collapsed. The rider was
thrown to the ground amid the debris.
American League Detroit , 9 ; Bos
ton , 2. Cleveland , 3 ; Washington , 1.
Chicago. 3 ; Philadelphia , 4. St. Louis ,
0 ; New York , 3.
National League Boston , 1 ; Chlca-
co , 3. Brooklyn , 2-1 ; Cincinnati , 3-0 ,
Now York , 4 ; Plttsburg , 5. Philadel
phia. 4-4 ; St. Louis. 5-0.
Western League Denver , 2-4 ; D a
Moines , 0-7. Omaha , 3 ; Lincoln , i.