The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 07, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Railroad Man at O'Neill Was Touched
by Pitiful Tale of the Outcast , and
Then Won "Touched" by the Out
cast's Nimble Fingers.
O'Nolll , Nob. , Sept. ! . Spocliil to
The Mows : O. O. Wlllnbcr of Sioux
City , nsBlstiint roadnuiBtur of tlio Uruat
Northern , knows n llttlu tnoru of tliu
Inhumanity of man and tliu sting of
Ingratitude IIH tliu result of IIH ! Inut
trip ui > tlnti „ a.i.
On a retont visit to O'Nolll tliu gen
ial and sympathetic railroader was
approached by u dejected and lorsakon
looking chap with a erlpplud leg and
( mportnnud for u morsel to utit and
H pillow on which to lay hlu lioad for
thu night. Ho told how ho wan a
orlpplo and alone In a Btrnngo town
without moauy or friends. Thu tale
of woo and spectacle of an unfortnnatu
outcast In need touched the milk of
liuinan klndticHH of the railroader and
ho responded to the appeal by giving
the follow a hearty fuud and taking
him to hlu room for thu night.
When Air. Wlllabor awoke in the
morning ho dlHcovorud that hlH object
of charity had departed d\irlng the
night , taking with him Iho railroader's
$ ; ifi watoh and chain , hlu HhouB and
$11 In money. Thu follow got out of
town on thu It o'clock Northwestern ,
and lias not been hoard from.
O'Neill Ready for Races.
With Indications for fair wualhur ,
Iho Btock wliow and nice moot huro
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday
promluoH to bu a howling success and
a great ovoat In racing circles. Sue-
rotary Weokca says today there nro
Jlfty entries In the harness races , com
prising horses from seven different
The town Is already talcing on car
nival characteristics , with merry-go-
round and street attraction Hags going
Chas. Dugan wont to O'Neill today.
MlBS Martha Wolfe went to Madi
son today.
John Palmer of Nollgh was lu Nor
folk yesterday.
Sol. G. Mayor and family loft for
Lincoln yesterday.
Mrs. Joe Schwartz returned from
Plorco last night.
Miss Augo Wilkinson leaves today
for Council Bluffs.
II. F. Dnrnhart will go to Center on
business tomorrow.
M. E. Irvln bus loft for a hunting
trip for a few days.
Dr. Myers made a business trip to
Battle Creek today.
George Dawson passed through the
city onroute to Brlslow.
Sherman Woatherholt and wife are
lu the city from llosklns.
JMr. and Mrs. G. McLood of Stanton
were shopping In the city yesterday.
Miss Clara Law has returned from
Randolph where she has been visiting.
Mrs. F. Snundcrs and Mrs. Chas.
Maurice were shopping In the city
Alvln Lubke left this morning for
Now Ulm , Minn. , where ho will resume
his studies.
Miss Dolly Pfuudor has returned 1
from Valentino , where she has been
visiting her aunt.
Edmund Winters returned to Now
Ulm , Minn. , today where ho goes to
resume his studies.
Mrs. J. F. Pouchcr returned from i1
Herman , Neb. , whore she has been on
a visit to her parents.
Miss Vnda Tnnnehlll has returned
from n months' vacation spent In
Denver and North Platto.
R. G. Goodell went to Lincoln today.
Robert Burns was In town yester
Mrs. Wagner of Hndar Is lu the city
S. W. Garvlu has returned from
Mrs. Stltt went to Lincoln this
Miss Nell Grant was In town cnrouto
to Pierce.
Dr. and Mrs. Snltor went to Lincoln
L. P. Sorensen of Ewlng Is In town
this -jriilng. .
C. C. Hughes returned from a trip
cast last night.
Harry Cheney of Crelghton Is In the
city this morning.
Miss Laura Buckcndorf has return
ed from Chicago.
Genavlvc Stafford loft at noon for
Omaha for school.
Chas. Rice has returned from a
business trip south.
Henry Shultis was among those that
enrolled at tbo business college yes
Mr. aad Mrs. C. H. Reynolds went
to Lincoln yesterday.
Mrs. J. C. Myers i nd sinter leave
today for Denver , Col.
Dr. and Mrs. Gallagher are In town
from Plalnvlow today.
Mrs. H. Doming returned from Mis
souri Valley last night.
George Davenport and family have
returned from Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hodrlck are In
town today from Fremont.
M. E. Irvln has returned from his
hunting trip this morning.
Mrs. F. Idle of Omaha Is visiting
her slstar Mrs. W. R. Russoll.
Mrs. Will Talbert of Battle Cr ek
returned to her homo last night.
Mrs. M. Palmer of Meadow Grove
Wn8 : , In. the city shopping yostsrdny.
Mrs. Braum and Mrs , Halght of Bat-
.e ( rook were In the city yenterday.
Frank Perry leaves today for n
muling trip to Clearwntor and Ewlng.
Mrs. Oaken and BOIIS Harry and Carl
daughter Hazel , went to Omiiha this
T.V. . Stiver Krnhbo and A. W.
\daniH came down from Pierce this
Mr . T. Moody IB expected to arrive
for a visit to her slater , Mrs. W. H.
Clark , today. ,
ClUHHlo Il > tli of Clearwutor has nr-
rived hi the city to attend thu Busi
ness college.
Miss Mahlu Dick hnd accepted n po
sition as apprentice In thu Dnrhind
Millinery store.
Miss I orna Churchill and Grace
Klopt of Stanton are visiting Maud
Tannehlll today.
Phillip Ix3hmauu of Slnnton passed
through the city yesterday enrouto
to Now Ulm , Minn.
Prof. Soreiison , formerly professor
of the Ncllgh schools Is In the city
today on bis way south.
E. C. IsCggett of Minneapolis was In
the city yesterday for n short vlalt
with his Hlstor , Mrs. W. N. HUHO.
Mrs. Henry Plllor wan called to Oma-
hn yesterday on account of the serious
Illness of her daughter-in-law , Mrs.
Phil. Plllor.
Among those that wont to Lincoln
this morning were C. S. Evans and
wife , II. A. Pasewnlk , H. Redmond and
Nettle McNIol.
C. E. Hartford and BOIIH Harry and
Clarence loft last nlght ; for Clear
water , Nob. , where they will spend a
few days hunting.
A party consisting of A. Pnsownlk ,
J Hraasch , F. WIchort and Erneat
Hnasch wont to Hot Springs hint night
for a weeks' vacation.
Judge I. Powers Is quite sick at li
home In this city. lie has been con-
lined to his homo for the past three
or four days.
Irvln Wichman , II. Wlchman , F.
Mouldonhuucr and Mrs. Aug. Lutz and
( laughter wore among those that went
to Lincoln today.
H , M. Morris and family returned
to their homo In Mlssouln , Mont. , to
day after a two months visit with rein
lives In the city.
Among those that wont to Plorco
were : Pete Barrett , George Ilex , C.
H. Vail , R. II. Reynolds , Clint Amor-
Ine and W. C. Ahlmnn.
II. C. Fuller and wlfo went to Ccn
tral City where ho has bought a Inun
dry. Mr. Fuller Is a brother-in-law ol
J. C. Adams of this city.
Leah Stitton , who has been quite-
sick , Is recovering.
A now steel colling is being up ur
In the writing room of the Pacific
Will Hayward has resigned his po
sition In Ware's store for ono into
KiUsnu's ,
Mrs. Chlttlck and daughter , who
have been ill with typhoid fever , arc
slowly Improving.
Merle Wheeler has resigned his po
sltlon as expressman on the crcan :
car between Norfolk and Omaha.
W. H. Bridge is In Lincoln this
week superintending the exhibit of th' '
Sugar City Cereal Mills at the stat
fair , and looking after other business
The board of county commissioner s
mot at Madison yestordny pursunn
to adjournment but , no quorum boln
present , adjourned to meet again o n
Friday of this week nt 1 o'clock.
J. A. Road , of the Sugar City Corea il
mill force , received word this mornln g
of the death of his sister , and left o n
the noon train for Decntur , 111. , whor o <
the funeral will bo held. The deal ii
occurred at Now Orleans ,
N. A. Ralnholt , W. H. Bucholz o if
Omaha and Wynn Rnlnbolt will re -
turn tonight from a trip to Osmoni 1 ,
where they wont overland on bus 1-
ness , carrying a gun with them fo T
self protection In case a flock o if
l chickens threatened to mob them.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
S. H. Anderson , Miss Esta Anderson ,
Mrs. G. O. Rnnkin , Miss C. L. Kuhl
and Chas. Vlterna of Norfolk , Miss
Kathryn Rnnkin of Chicago and Miss
Blrdlo Chamberlain of Omoha , are
taking In the stnto fair at Lincoln.
W. H. Johnson loft yesterday for >
Colorado , where ho goes for the bene
fit of his health. Mr. Johnson's hun
dreds of friends In Norfolk and north
ern Nebraska will wish for him a very
rapid Improvement and will hope that
ho may return shortly In the best of
condition. >
There was not enough of an attend
ance at the public mooting of the
Commercial club In the city hall last
night to permit of nil ) action , there
being only ton business men present.
The oftlce of secretary was not tilled
by re-election because of a lack o
quorum among the directors and the
mooting adjourned.
City Clerk Hulff has written to
Contractor O. P. Herrick , who will
build the sewer In Norfolk , and ex
pects to hear within a few days In
regard to Mr. Herrlck's definite plans
for constructing the sov.-er system
here. It Is thought probable that Mr.
Herrick will soon arrive , as he ha's
sent his bond for $19.000. and the de
lay Is of no consequence to the city ,
since the preliminary arrangements
are not quite completed , anyway.
For the convenience of those Nor
folk people who desire to attend the
Pierce races tomorrow , extra passen
ger poaches will be added to the regu
lar train going north at 1 o'clock , and
extra coaches will also bo put on the
southbound freight nt night , which :
will bo held at Plerco until S in the
evening. Faro will bo one and one-
third for the round trip. Plorco people
ple want n record breaking crowd
from Norfolk tomorrow , when there
will bo two good races on freo-for-aJl
and 2:30. : There wore about 1,200 on
the grounds the first day , which was
considered a good attendance for the
initial day of the race meet.
Instead of a Rude Burial , Quite a Res
pectable Funeral Was .Held For
Jane GordonA Fund Being Raised
Had Planned Suicide.
IKroir IVediiCHdny'H Dnlly. ]
Instead of being hurriedly and un
ceremoniously burled without a tear
to drop upon her casket , the remains
of "Aunt" Jane Gordon were lowered
to rest In Prospect Hill cemetery yes
terday afternoon with a couple of
dozen relatives and acquaintances
present , and after n real funeral at
the IIOUHO on Brnasch avenue , with
a real funeral sermon and real funeral
music Included In thu last rites. The
funeral , Instead of mi Indifferent
burial for the dead colored woman ,
was brought about through the ef
forts of women who Hvo as social out
casts , but who , for all that , Insisted
that Juno should bo given decent
burial mul who followed up their de
mands with funds to pay the expenses.
Jane's only relatives on eartli Sadie
dit Hols and Frances Gordon , her sis
ters ; and Uort Gordon , her nephew ,
all arrived In time to attend the fun-
oral. Frances returned to Sioux
Falls this morning but Bert and Sadie
are still horo.
Rev. J. F. Pouchor of the Methodist
church was asked to preach the
funeral sermon , and did so. Ho took
for his text the vorso"Judgo not , that
yo ho not Judged. " In the course of his
remarks Air. Puncher said that Jane
had sent for htm u couple of weeks
ago and had , at that time , declared
that she was u burden to lifer relatives
and asked him If ho thought she would
bo forgiven If she took her own life.
Ho told her that such a crime would
not bo forgiven by God and she al
lowed herself to live on until the end
came naturally
Funeral hymns wore sung by a
quartet. Five cabs conveyed the
funeral attendants to Prospect Hill
cemetery , where burial was made.
The remains , resting In n plain but
varnished casket , were carried to the
cemetery In the regular hearso.
The Impression must not prevail
that the people of Norfolk would have
allowed anything but a respectable
burial of any , for the county
commissioners stood ready to defray
expenses of tenderly laying to rest
the remains In this case , but public
charity In the matter was made un
necessary when private parties who had
formerly employed "Aunt" Jane , took
the responsibility of her funeral ar
rangements upon themselves. Nor
folk ns a community always stands
ready to take ample care of the living
and the dead , so that it is no re
flection on the city at large that the
charity In this case came from private
They Make Good Employes When You
Get the Right Sort.
In straight clerical work the young
college man Is often nt a disadvantage ,
owing to his poor penmanship and his
Ignorance of book-keeping , but the
quickness with which he picks up gen
oral olltco details is often surprising ,
says a recent magazine article. There
Is In western Pennsylvania today a
jchief clerk In a large olllco who five
years ago a green hand , Just out of
1college , started with this firm at $10
a week. The first few weeks ho was
worth little or nothing and several
times was on the point of being dls-
missed. Then he began to Increase
rapidly In value and today ho is one
of the ablest men in the employ of
this largo corporation.
The value of college training very
often comes out In peculiar ways. A
young man began work a few years
ago for a largo insurance and real OR-
etnto company. Ho was not of prepos-
nscsslng appearance and on this ac-
hcount and because his references ( all
of them from college professors ) laid
such emphasis on the fact that ho had
specialized In foreign languages and !
attained high rank In these courses ,
the general manager of the company
came near refusing his application for
employment. "French , Spanish and
German are of no use In this busi-
ness , " grumbled the manager , but nev
ertheless bo put the young man to
work , for he needed a man badly. To
day he Is glad ho did so.
The young man started ns a filing
clerk , getting out and putting away
documents , and papers used by the
different olllcors of the company. It [
was not long before they discovered
JUmt when they asked for certain In-
"formation about a piece of real estate
the young man could furnish It with
surprising promptness. Often they
noticed , he would tell Its value , size ,
location , etc. , without referring to the
lllos. Finally the reliability and re
markable scope of his memory attract
ed the attention of the president of
the company and ho was promoted ,
until ho Is now at the head of an im !
portant department. His French | ,
Spanish and German were of no use ,
In the Insurance business , but the |
training ho gained in mastering these ,
languages the development which It
gave his memory Is worth a good
many thousand dollars a year to his
Nellgh Notes.
Nollgh , Neb , , Sept. 5. Special to
The News : The fiinorafc services of
James H. Cary wcr $ held nt the Con
gregational church yesterday after
noon , Ilev. F. V. Clark , olllclatlng
The remains were laid to rest In
Laurel Hill comotoy. The Nollgh
Loader and Register olllces were clos-
"d from 3 to 4:110 : In respect of Mr.
The manager of the Ncllgh ball
team nbHolutcly denies that there IB
any truth In the report that Ncllgh
and Stanton will play a benefit game
at Onkdale on September 13. lie fur-
Htatos that the only game scheduled
with Stanton Is to ho played at Madi
son during the fair and rnco meet ,
when Ncllgh will bo their opponent.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment.
The following proposed amendment
to the constitution of the state of Nebraska
braska , ns hereinafter set forth In full ,
Is submitted to the electors of the
state of Nebraska , to bo voted upon
at the general election to bo held
Tuesday , November C , A. D. . 190(5. (
Bo It Enacted by the Legislature of
MIC State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That at the general elec
tion for state and legislative officers
to be hold on the Tuesday , succeeding
the first Monday In November , 1906 ,
the following provision bo proposed
and submitted to the electors of the
state as an amendment to tbo const !
Section 2. There shall bo a state
railway commission , consisting of
three members , who shall be first
elected r.t the general election in 1908 ,
whoso terms of office , oxcoi t those
chosen at the first election under this
provision , shall bo six years , and
whoso compensation shall bo fixed by
the legislature.
Of the three commissioners first
elected , the ono receiving the highest
number of votes , shall hold his office
for six years , the next highest four
years , and the lowest two years. The
powers and duties of such commission
shall Include the regulation of rates ,
service and general control of com
mon carriers as the legislature may
provide by law. But In the absence of
specific legislation , the commission
shall exercise the powers and perform
the duties enumerated in this provi
Section 3. That at said election in
the year 190C , on the ballot of each
elector voting thereat , there shall be
printed or written the words : "For
Constitutional Amendment , with reference
oronco to State Railway Commission , '
airi "Against Constitutional Amend
meat , With Reference to State Rail
way Commission. " And if , a majority
of all votes cast at said election , shnl
be for such amendment , the same
shall bo deemed to be adopted.
I , A. Galusha , secretary of state o
the state of Nebraska , do hereby cor
tlfy that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution of the
state of Nebraska is. a true and cor
rect copy of the original enrolled and
engrossed bill , as passed by tbo twen
ty-nlnth session of the legislature o
the state of Nebraska , as appears fron
said original bill on file In this office
and that said proposed amendment i
submitted to the qualified voters o
the state of Nebraska for tbelr adop
tlon or rejection at the general elec
tlon to bo helfl on Tuesday , the Gth
day of November , A. D. 1096.
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto -
unto set my hand and affixed the grea
seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 24th day o :
July , In tbo year of our Lord On
Thousand Nine Hundred and Six , o
the Independence of the United State
the One Hundred and Thirty-second
and of this state the Fortieth.
A. Galusha ,
[ Seal. ] Secretary of State.
$3,000 JOB FOR 50 CENTS.
'How ' a Barber Helped an Engineer t
a Good Position.
The expenditure of 50 cents In
harbor shop was once the means o
securing n $3,000 position. The appl
cant was a mechanical engineer , Ion
on ability , but mighty short on person
al appearance , says H. J. Hapgood , I
a recent magazine article. His cas
had been under consideration severa il
weeks , and a definite answer was t o
bo given the following day. The ap -
pllcnnt , being not at all sanguine o
success , went to a friend for advice a .S .
to how ho could land the job , whlc .Sh
was In every way just what ho wan t-
od. The friend said : "Go to a ba r-
her shop. Get a hair-cut and eltho.
have that scrnggly beard of yours
shaved off entirely or trimmed into
some sort of civilized shape ! " The
engineer did this , and when he went
for the final interview his personal !
appearance was about one hundred
per cent better. The employer engaged : -
gaged him without a moment's hesita
tion , and later confessed that the
man's appearance had been the chief
cause of the indecision.
The applicant for a position cannot
attend too carefully to his personal ap
pearance If ho would bo successful. '
0"A smoothly-shaven face , clean nails ,
neat neckwear , fresh linen , well-pel- '
tshod shoes these are essential and
are' better than expensive clothing ,
lacking them. If you cannot go to an
employer without the fumes of tobac-
co on your breath , you bad bettor not .
go at all , for ninety-nine times out of
a hundred they will prove fatal to
your chances. With neatness In your
dress , a cheerful face , and nothing
about you to suggest the down-and-out
man , you have the way well paved for >
n fair consideration of your merits.
Surprise Party.
William Lewis was the victim of a
surprise party at his home In South
Norfolk last evening , the occasion be
ing his forth-flfth birthday. Cards
were a feature of the evening after
which n dojlclous suiiper was served.
School tablets 5c. The News.
Where a Pupil Has Failed He Will
Only Have to Go Over a Half Year's
Work in the Future , Instead of an
Entire Year as In the Past.
A new system of promotions has
been adopted by the board of educa
tion for the Norfolk public schools
up to and Including the eighth grade. .
Hereafter promotions will bo made |
twice a year instead of once , and each
grade In the school will be divided
into two separate and distinct classes ,
ono n half year ahead of the other.
The advantages from the now system.
over the old are that time will bo |
saved , since u pupil who fails in Ms
final examination at the cud of a half
year will have only a half year's work
to do over Instead of n full year's
work , ns heretofore has been the case ;
and the work in each grade , being dl <
vlded Into two distinct parts , will bo
more thorough.
The greatest advantage from the
now system Is In time saved those.
who have failed In a final examination. j I
Under the old system this pupil |
obliged to remain for another entire
year In the same grade. Under the
new system he will only have to go
back and make up n half year's school
work before going on with the next
The new system was adopted by the
board of education at Its mooting hold
Monday night , and It Is this week bo-
Ins put into effect for the first time.
The system Is much the same ns that
used In the university of Nebraska ,
where the year is divided into two
semesters , and is identical with the
system now in vogue at high schools
in all of the cities larger than Nor
folk and In most of them of Norfolk's
Under the new rule ; for instance ,
there are two classesjn the prelimin
ary room , A and B. A pupil entering
this fall goes Into the A class and nt
the end of four and a half months ,
provided he passes examinations , goes
into the B class.
In this way the teacher will keep
doing two sots of work at the same
time , each class being a cycle by Itself ,
as It were , revolving around and
aroun 2 each half year.
As ono result , pupils may enter
school at the middle of the year as
well as the beginning , where they
have been able to enter only on the
first of September , heretofore. The
half-year student , or one who gets
started In the middle of the year ,
will thus bo promoted from ono grade
to another In the middle of each year ,
and will only go from one class to
another each new year.
The only place that It will be neces
sary for a pupil to wait for the rest of
the class , the grade having been com
pleted In the middle of the year , will
be In the eighth grade , since It is not
possible to enter the high school on
half year terms , this system not hav
ing been carried out there as yet. In
time , however , It will go Into effect
there also , probably. The saving of
time In the lower grades , however ,
will compensate for any waiting done
at the end of the eighth grade.
The high school Is not included In
this new system because a much In
creased force of teachers would be
needed for the work there if the rule
were adopted.
Superintendent Bodwell Is enthusl
nstlc as to the advantages to bo gained
by the change of systems.
Father Walsh made a trip south to
C. S. Hayes returned from Fremont
Peter Horst of Wisnor was in the
city today.
F. A. Boelor returned from New
lfYork | today.
Mrs. J. Ernest of Bloomfleld Is In
the city today.
G. Davenport and family left for
their homo In Madison today.
Mrs. Tanner of Battle Creek and
daughter are In the city today.
Miss Llllle Fried of Nehawka , Neb.
Is visiting Miss Mamie Ward for a few
Lawrence Hoffman expects to leave
soon for Lincoln where he will at
tend school.
Mrs. W. H. Bucholz of Omaha Is vis
Iting nt the homo of her parents , Mr ,
and Mrs. N. A. Krnlnbolt.
Among those that wont to Pierce
were Art Krahn , W. Peters , Nortor
Howe , Mlllard Green , Emll Kauffmai
and Ed Bates.
Engineer James Collins Is very sick
Int Long Pino.
| William Wet/el has resigned hli
position as baker for C. P. Parish.
The Hadar band- are to glvo a pic-
nic at Froythaler's park next Sunday
James Barnes hnd two cows struck
by lightning and killed Saturday morn
The Cotton block is being repainted
today which adds much to the appear
uanoo of thf > building.
The Warnorvlllo school openec
Monday with twenty-two pupils , Miss
Matilda Fox , In charge.
The C. N. W. R. R. are today in
stalling the city water in the now
stock yards recently erected north of
the city.
Mrs. Sherman Wllley , who has boon
111 for some time ; Is still confined to
her bed , though n llttlo Improved i\f
The Jotter Brewing company are
A friend of the hem -
A foe of the Trust
Compiles with the Pure Food Lawn
of all Gtatoe.
erecting n new beer vault east of tbo
Salter coal yards to replace the ono
destroyed by fire last spring.
C. E. Doughty , who Is attending the
state fnlr In Lincoln , writes : "If you
don't want to pay from $2 to $5 for
a bed , don't conic to Lincoln this week.
A largo crowd of Norfolk people at-
vondc1' Iho races a ; Pierce yesterday
Jiid iiii'Hher large cn < \ vdenl up to-
d'i > It was reported that jnv of the
largest i-rowds over seen at a county
lair In this section of the country , was
present for the racing.
Guldless wonders arc being manu
factured ; rapidly In northern Nebraska.
Genuine , the grey horse driven by
Charles Moore at Norfolk , Battle Creek
and Ncllgh , has been transformed
Into a guldelcss wonder and is booked
for the Creighton races.
Mrs. H. Gerccke very pleasantly
entertained a small parly of friends
Tuesday evening In honor of her
daughter , Mrs. Emory of Plttsburg ,
Pa. Social games were partlclpatcu In
after which delicious refreshments
were served. Mrs. Emery returned
to her home In Plttsburg today. '
The funeral of little Georgle Dorsoy ,
he child who was killed in the- street
Tuesday night , was held this aiternon
'rom ' the home at 1:30 : o'clock and
rom the Sacred Heart church1 at 2.
' " "ather Walsh had charge of the ser
vices and the remains of the little
victim were laid to rest In Prospect
Hill cemetery. A very large number
of friends attended the services.
Ono theory In regard to the delayed
arrival of Contractor O. P. Herrick ,
who has the contract for building the
Norfolk sewer , Is that he may have
sent a man up hero to turn a' f T
shovels of earth before the first ot
the month , without notifying the city
authorities , and that in this way he
iias compiled with the contract pro
visions. City Cleric Hulff believes that
10 Intends to do the work but that \ .
a being delayed by lack of labot
Nothing has been heard from him yet
The city council will hold a meetinf
tonight. Ono of the most Important
matters to come up will be the solu
tlon of the gulch proposition , and
there Is a general sentiment In Nor
folk that , since the city at this time
can get an unprecedented proposition
for aid in the matter , it ought to bo
taken. The gravel committee will also
report on their work of the week , dur
ing which they were Instructed to visit
a gravel pit with the view of testing
the material as to its value for use
on the streets. The committee will
probably inspect the gravel pit west
of town this afternoon.
Lincoln Evening News : On Mon
day , Tuesday and Wednesday- next
week , the state board of public lands
and buildings will visit the institutions
at Grand Island , Norfolk and Geneva
In turn. It Is planned to have all the
members go on the trip , In order that
they may become well acquainted with
the conditions at each place. The trip
to Geneva is necessitated by a fire
which burned the roof off one of tha
buildings at the girls' Industrial school
two weeks ago. At Norfolk a wing
of the state hospital for insane has
just been completed and awaits ac
ceptance by the board. The Gran i Island -
land visit Is for the purpose of de
ciding what Improvements o * the
grounds of the soldiers' and bailors'
home are necessary at this time.
The funeral of Ben K. King will beheld
held at West Point tomorrow after
noon. The remains were brought to
that place at noon today by the par
ents , Mr. and Mrs. John King. Mr.
and Mrs. King were at Beatrice whea
death occurred. They came back to
Nebraska about a month ago and have
been living in Nebraska since. They
had been receiving telegrams for sev
eral days , telling them of their son's
illness , from both the physician at
tending and from the editor of the
paper on which Mr. King was employ
ed. Last Friday a telegram came say
ing that his condition was not so good
and he hnd been taken-to a hospital.
His temperature whs 102 and pulse
100 at that time , and Mrs. King left
immediately for Fort Worth , where
the death occurred Instead of at Aus
tin. Mr. King was out on the road
and could not bo reached. Mrs. King
arrived in Fort Worth just two hours
after her son had died.
A Daughter.
A daughter was born last night at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer
in this city.
Mark L. Felber , Boosting It , Was In
Norfolk Today.
Mark L. Felber , editor of the Omaha
Trade Exhibit , was In Norfolk for a
few minutes at noon. Mr. Felber Is
just now busily engaged in getting ar
rangements perfected for the coming
state mooting of Nebraska retail mer
chants , which will be hold at Fre
mont on next Tuesday and Wednes
day , September 11 mid 12.
The purpose of this state meeting
Is to develop some plan by which the
country retail .merchants may com
pete successfully with all ontslda
trade. About 200 prominent merchants
of the stto will l < e at the meeting ,
and much benefit for the merchants
of the state is expected to result.
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