The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 07, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Overcome With Fntlnue nnd Disap
pointment Over Losing Senatorial
Nomination , Mr. Roaewater Sue-
cumbed to Heart Failure Down Town
Onmlin , Noli. , Aug. 111. Hon. 13d *
wurd HoHowutor , foundur mid editor
of tliu Onialiu Duo , was round dead In
the district court loom huro ill It
o'clock this morning.
Death Due to Campaign.
It la supposed Unit Mr. Hosowntor
dlod ot heart failure , during Iho night.
Ills death IB ascribed to IIB ! disappoint-
uiont and the hard strain duo to the
recent campaign for the nomlnaUon
by Nohrashii ropubllciuiB for thu olllco
of Untied States sonator.
Last Seen Looking at Building.
Mr. llosowntor was Insl scon at 7
o'clock last night when ho walked
around the lloo building In a dally
Mrs. Hoaowator , believing lluil bo
wns working Into at the olllco , left a
light burning for him ns sbo always
did when ho worked lato. This morn
ing she nwoko to IIml the light still
burning , nnd Mr. Hosewalor had not
Search Is Begun.
Shu immediately telephoned to the
Leo olllco , but no one around Iho of-
flco know of his whereaboula. The
police were notified and u search was
Judge Finds Him Dead.
No trace of the votornn editor \vna
found , however , until Judge Tioup
entered his court room at 9 o'clock
this morning. When ho walked Into
the court room ho nollcod the form
of a man , half reclining , on one of thu
benches in the room. On closer ex
amination It proved to bo Edward
Rosowater. Ho had evidently suc
cumbed to heart failure , but at what
hour Is not known.
Quarter Million Life Insurance.
Mr. Rosowntor carried life Insur
ance to the sum of about n quarter
million of dollars. This Insurance. It
has always boon understood , wna car
ried to such a heavy extent for the
purpose of freeing the Hco building
from debt at the time of his death.
At G. A. R. Reunion Yesterday.
Mr. Rosewater attended a G. A. U.
reunion at Waterloo yesterday , whore
ho made an address , and returned to
his olllco at r o'clock In the afternoon.
At C o'clock ho went homo for dinner
nnd al 7 lu returned to the Ueo build
ing. He walked around the building
at that time , as wns his wont , by way
of n personal Inspection.
Funeral arrangements have not yet
been made.
Founded Omaha Bee ,
Edward Rosewater was almost sev
enty years of age. Ho founded the
Omaha Bee In 1871 and the magnlll-
cent building which has been the home
of that paper , together with the Inllu-
ence of that journal , stand as
ments to his Industry and thrift.
In the e.irly days ho was a telegraph
operator. Ho was a IJohomian. He
Is survived by a widow and several
sons , who are actively engaged In
newspaper work on the Hoe at the
present time.
Prominent In State and Nation.
Mr. Rosewater was perhaps the most
prominent man in Nebraska todny.
Ho had Just closed n bard campaign
for the nomination by Nebraska re
publicans ns United States senator ,
nnd was defeated In the race by Nor-
rls Brown. Ho had long aspired to g"o
to the United ISates senate , having
been a powerful factor in the cam
paign of six years ago , when n dead
lock wns formed and broken only by
the naming of Senator Mlllard nnd
Senator Dietrich.
Mr. Rosewater had only shortly be
fore his campaign , returned from a
trip to Rome , where he wont as one
of the United States delegates to the
international postal congress. Ho had
been prominent internationally In this
work for some yours.
Need of Rural Teachers.
State Superintendent McBiion has
sent out the following appeal to city
superintendents for teachers for rum )
schools :
An emergency exists but it is no
tluin ) ms confronted un nt tills
ovcry yeur during the lust H.X !
yourn. This emergency In a lack of n
Hiilllclont immlicr of ininllllcd touchers
to take charge of the rutnl schools of
the Btnto at their opening In Suptcm-
her . \Vo'appeal to yon to solicit jour
well iualllU | > d , Common xnnso high
( U'hool giaditnloM of the lust Iwo or
three yours , who luivo an aptness for
teaching and governing a school , to
enter the work al thlH time. I'lciiHO
make IhlH canvass nt onro , nnd report
to me the niunoH and nddrosHOH of nil
Biich pcTHOiiH nH you are willing to rec
ommend for the bnslnesH of teaching
a rural school at from $115 to $50 per
month. Wo huvo calls for teachers
In all M'cllniiB of Iho Htate. Hero IH
an opportunity for rendering the Htate
a grent service. Wo can Hood Ne
braska with teachers fiom neighbor
ing milieu , If wo hut make tt known
thai wo need toachorH Mill wo prefer
good homo talent llrst foreign touch *
ei'H afterward.
County miperlntondcnts In need of
lenchot'H will ho leady and willing to
grant a llrsl-clasH high school graduate
an emergency corlIdeate , giving until
Iho regular examination In October to
take the examination to complete II.
I.ol me urge upon you the Importance
of lending a hand In thin emergency.
Thousands Attended the Last Rites
Over Remains of Editor.
Omaha , Nob. , Sept. I ! . The funeral
of Edward Itosuwutur was held yester
day afternoon. Many thousands at
tended. AddroBBOB wore mndo by Nor-
riB llrowii , Dr. George I > . Miller , W.
J. Council. Mr. Cowoll , Judge M. R.
Hopowoll and G. W . Llnlngor , who
presided. The funeral Horvlcos were
under nuHplces of Iho Masonic order ,
of which Mr. Rosewater was a mem
ber. Many beautiful Moral tributes
wore received. Interment waa In
Forest Lawn comotry.
Mammoth Potatoes.
John Froythulor has the most won
derful potatoes Unit have been scon
around hero for some time. They are
mammoth ones. He ruined them near
his park east of Iho city and has about
an aero planted. Ench potato weighs
ttboul a pound and Ihoro are from ilf-
leen lo Iwenty In each hill. It takes
from eight to ton hills to make an
oven bushel. This is the most remark-
iiblo yield of the article known around
Dr. Long Has Been a Practitioner in
This County for Nearly a Quarter
of a Century and Stands High In His
The board of councillors of the No-
hruskn State Medical association bold
a speclnl meeting In Lincoln Tuesday
afternoon at the olllco of the secretary ,
Dr. A. D. Wilkinson. The principal
business for which the mooting wns
called was that of determining upon
a successor to President Dr. J. L.
Greene , who recently removed from
the state.
Dr. P. A. Long of Madison was se
lected by the board. The board also
recommended unanimously that during
the absence of Dr. Wilkinson from the
stnte this winter the Incoming presi
dent should appoint Dr. II. WInnetl
Orr to be acting secretnry.
Those present nt the meeting wore :
Dr. Wilkinson of Lincoln , Dr. J. P.
Ixird of Omnha , Dr. A. B. Anderson of
Pawnee , Dr. L. W. Shaw of Osccola ,
Dr. W. R. Young of Ansley , Dr. P. H.
Salter of Norfolk.
This Is the first time in the history
of the state medical organization that
the presidency has been held In this
part of the stnte. In fact only three
or four physicians in the north Pintle
country nnd outside of Omaha have
had the honor of presiding over the
state medical association.
Dr. F. A. I-iong wns born In North
ampton county , Pa. , In 1859 , came west
in early manhood , graduated from Iho
medical department of the Iowa State
university in 1SS2 and soon after lo
cated In Mndlson and has practiced
there continuously ever since.
Dr. Uing is essentially a self mndoj
nan , having worked his way through
ollego , nnd struggled through ninny
Hardships as a young physician , In his
efforts to gain a foothold , twenty and
more > ears ago. By persistent and
strict attention to business he has ac
quired n medical nnd surgical prac
tice snob ns It fnlls to the lot of few
"country doctors" to enjoy.
Dr. Long wns one of the organizers
of the Elk-horn Valley Medical society
nnd bns for some years been its sec
retary. Ho has also been native in
state medical society matters for the
past fifteen years , and this activity
won him the present honor , which ,
however , came to him wholly unsought
and unexpected.
Dr. P. H. Sailor , councillor for this
district , wns present nt the meeting
and had much to do with the election
of Dr. Long.
Life Insurance.
For twenty-five cents you can now
Insure yourself and family against any
bnd results from nn attack of colic or
diarrhoea during the summer months.
That is the price of n bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea
Remedy , n medicine that has never
been known to fall. Buy It now. it
may nvo life For sale by Leonard
the druggist
The Contract With O. P. Herrlck Spe
cifically States That the Work Shall
Not Begin Later Than Today What
Will be Done With the Bonds ?
fl'Voni Friday's Dnlly.1
Today IB the Inst day . -Mowed by
Hie contract with O. P. Herrlck of
Des Molncs , sewer builder , for the be
ginning of work on the construct Ion
of Norfolk's now sowar , but Mr. Her
rlck has not yet put In an appearance
to begin work. Labor dllllculllcs and a
scarcity of men Is assigned by some1
of the city olllclals hero as Iho prob-
ahlo cause , though not a word IIUH
been hoard from Mr. Horrlck. The
contract specifically provides thai
work shall begin nol Inter than the
llrsl day of September and that the
sewer shall be finished not later than
the fifteenth of December.
II Is said Unit men are a scarce ar
ticle all over the country , nnd thai
this la Iho probable cause for Iho de
The contract provides thai , In case
provisions nro not carried out , the
contract may bo re-let by the city
council , but It IR not considered prob
able thai this action will result.
Bonds Were Not Bought.
Yesterday was the lasl day allowed
for bids on Ibo $10,000 sewer bonds
bill nobody wanted to take them at
four percent Interest , and a puzzle has
resulted. Mr. Horrlck , the contractor ,
bus agreed to take the bonds up to
the amount of his contract , which will
bo somewhere In the neighborhood of
$ ! ! 5,000 though It depends upon the
nature of things after the work Is en
tered Into but just whal to do with
the rcsl of Iho bonds is Iho problem
lhal Is now perplexing Ihe clly author-
llles. The flooding of Iho country with
bonds because of San Francisco's dls-
nslor Is hold responsible for the lack
of a bid. It Is contrar > lo law lo of
fer them at a premium , so that no one
seems lo offer a solution out of the
A. A. Adams Is In Lincoln on busi
Mrs. Wcathorby Is spending the day
In Wlnslde.
T. D. Wagner of Creston Is visiting
in Iho clly.
C. I. Phillips of Plninvlcw is visiting
friends hero.
J. II. Lobldn of West Point is a city
visitor today.
T. J. Lllllo of Plninvlcw wns In Ihe
clly yeslordny.
IT. Wilk of Plnllo Center Is In the
city on business.
Miss Carrie Roland is taking In the
Batllo Creek races loday.
C. M. Taylor came up from Colum
bus yoslorday lo visil friends.
MJss Anna Nelson of Hosklns was
shopping In Ihe clly ycslerday.
Mrs. Muollng of Humphrey was
shopping In the city yesterday.
A. N. Anthes went to Lincoln and
Omaha this morning on business.
Will Mans of Hosklns was here yes
II. E. Owen returned last night from
Mrs. Wealhorholt of Hosklns Is vis
iting In the city.
J. E. Hnaso wont lo Bailie Creek to
the races today.
C. E. Hartford Is at Battle Creek ,
attending Iho races.
Misses Cnrr , who have been vlslllng
at the homo of Supt. E. J. Bodwell ,
rolurncd lo Iholr home in Omaha to
Win. P. Mohr came down from Spen
cer this morning on business.
John Koerbor returned last evening
from n business trip to Omaha.
Harold Gow and Miss Rosella Cole
went to the races at Batllo Creek lo-
Mrs. Davis loft at noon for Decatur ,
111. , whore she will visit relatives and
Miss Brush arrived last night from
Ashland to teach In the Norfolk
Al Marks of Stanton passed through
Norfolk at noon to attend the Batllo
Crook races.
Goo. A. Brooks passed through the
city at noon on his way from Omaha
to Ba/lle Mills.
Mesdames E. Sly , J. II. Lough. C.
E. Doughty nnd L. M. Beoler nro pic-
nlclng nt Taft's today.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Roland were
visiting in Battle Creek yesterday.
C. W. and Lydia SIcgler of Stanton
wore shopping in the city yesterday.
R. C. Kramer nnd family of Plnin-
vlow were shopping In the city yestor-
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Illbbon nnd Miss
Law ' .vent to Randolph this morning
on a visit.
Lloyd Mohr of Pierce is hero billing
the town for the Pierce carnival nnd
race meet.
Mrs. E. C. Adams left today for Mis-
sour ! Valley , where she will make an
extended visit.
John Chammond of Carroll passed
through the city yesterday on his way
west to buy entile.
Miss Gertrude returned Insl evening
from Denver , where she has been
spending Ihe summer.
Mrs. Glasson of Tekamnh , who has
boon visiting relatives hero , returned
to her homo this morning.
Miss Ida Von Goetz rolurnail last
evening from North Platte , where she
has been spending her vacation.
L P Hoon and J L , Tinhorn of
Hartlngton are business vlslto's In Ihe
city. I F. Katitz of Friend , Nob. , | s
In the city ,
Miss Ethel Blank of Arlington
passed through Norfolk cnroulc lo
Rushvllle , whore she goes lo teach
Mrs. J. D. Elmoro and daughters ,
Jean and Bessie , nnd son , Harry ; Miss
Essie Peters of Stanton nnd Miss Pip
er of Lincoln nro spending the day at
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Tan *
Among those who wont lo Battle
Creek to attend Ihe races are : Miss
McNeely , Miss Herman , Miss HauplII ,
Miss Ncttla Ncnow , E. B. Kauffmann ,
Miss Wealhorholt , Chan. Rice , Dr.
Tashjcan , Kid Hall , J. Kocnlgsteln
and Mlllnrd Green ,
A handsome now showcase has been
Installed In the Norfolk dye works.
E. P. Olmstead has brought the au
tomobile which ho recently purchased
In Albion , back to Norfolk. U Is now
being placed In readiness for use. ,
Mrs. Frank Cuinmlngs , who has suf
fered from gallstone trouble for some
time , Is planning to go to Rochester ,
Minn. , to be operated on soon by Mayo
Miss Mary Odlorno entertained a few
friends at a six-thirty dinner last even
ing. A delicious dinner was served
after which cards nnd other amuse
ments served lo pass Iho lime.
II. Peacock lefl this morning for
Iholr now home in South Omaha. Mr.
Peacock has been appolnlod an engi
neer al lhal place.
W. II. Johnson and daughter , Flor
ence , returned last evening from Now
York , whore Mr. Johnson has pur
chased his fall stock.
Vice President Gardner , General Su-
porlnlcndenl Hughes and Superinten
dent Reynolds of the C. & N. W.
went to Omnlm this morning. Mr.
Gardner came in from Iho wesl Ibis
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Caullflold , now
living al Sulix , Iowa , are Ihe parents
of n new son , word having been re
ceived to that effect by friends hero.
They formerly resided In Norfolk.
Miss Rona Dunning and Miss Rose
Shanks , two teachers In the Norfolk
schools for this yenr , have taken
rooms at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Melchor , 1201 Koenlgsleln avenue.
Mrs. Jule , living Iwo miles west of
Norfolk celebraled her thirty-sixth
birthday last evening by Inviting
about fifty friends nnd neighbors in
lo spend Ihe evening. Dalnly refresh
ments were served.
The Norfolk Transfer company Is
fitting up a cozy ofllce in its ware
house on Seventh street , and another
warehouse will be buill Ibis fall larg
er than the one now in use , lo be rom-
pleted In time for January business.
While Ibis company has not been mak
ing much noise during the summer it
has been handling a large volume of
business , and the prospects for next
season are thai Ihls will more lhan
A big district meeting of the A. O.
U. W. will be held at Columbus on
Friday , September 7 , to which all tri
butary lodges are invited. J. G. Tatc ,
a former Nebraskan but now lecturer
for the supreme lodge , will be pres
ent Mr. Tate has been working in
the state for the past month and his
efforts In Nebraska will cease with the
Columbus meeting.
Mrs. W. N. Huse received a tele *
gram Ihls morning announcing the se
rious illness of her sister , Mrs. F. P.
Stone , at her homo in Sioux Falls.
Mrs. Huse left on the noon train and
will arrive in Sioux Falls tonight. Mr.
and Mrs. Stone at one time were resi
dents of Norfolk , having lived in Iho
home now occupied by D. Rees , Thlr-
leenlh slreet and Norfolk avenue.
The Western Union telegraph com
pany will commence next week to re
build Its lines between Wood Lake
nnd Merrinm , a distance of about
eighty miles. Superintendent of Con
struction F. W. Koerber will leave for
Wood Lake on Sunday with his gang
of thirteen men nnd will be engaged
In the work of repairing and recon
structing fully sixty days. The sys
tem between those points consists of
six wires.
Fremont Tribune : Brnkoman Doyle
who runs on freights Nos. 01 and C2 ,
between Fremont and Norfolk , was
robbed of $45 In bills last night. Ho
relired al 11 o'clock in his room al
the Brunswick restaurant , leaving the
door unlocked. The roll of money
was In a pocket of his pants which he
bung on n rnck. This morning the
pocket wns found to be Inside out and
the bills were missing. Mr. Doyle re
ported his loss to the authorities and
they have been keeping a lookout for
$15 In bills.
Chandler Owen , son of Mr. and Mrs.
II. E. OWen of this city , was struck by
a train nt Lane , Neb. , yesterday and
severely , though il is said nol serious
ly , injured. The manner of accident
Is not yet known. Mr. Owen received
a message this morning stating thai
Chandler had been struck nnd that a
llesh wound was indicted in the llcshy
part of the hip. Ho was taken to a
hospital in Omaha. The surgeons al
the Presbyterian hospital found the
wound a bad one , full of cinders and
dirt and were unable to sow It up , nnd
badly bruised. They say that ho will
be laid up for some time. Mr. Owen
belUnes that the boy must have been
attempting to board a train. Chan
dler was at Lane In charge of a gang
of workmen on a railroad grading con
tract for his father. Mr. Owen left al
noon for Omnlm. Chandler had only
recently recovered from nn atlack of
blood poisoning in his hand. His many
Norfolk friends will hope for n speedy
The world Is cruel. instead of sym *
pnlhlzlng with n jealous woman , It
laughs at her.
You may "let the contract" to n
News want ad. and rest easy !
St. Edward Guidelcss Wonder Shaves
Off World's Record Which Had Been
Established In Norfolk Two Weeks
Ago Races a Success.
[ From Saturday's Dally. ]
A world's record was brpken al But
tle Creek yesterday by Surcna. the
guidoless trotter. The record which
wns beaten had been established in
Norfolk a couple of weeks ago by the
same horse. Surcna yesterday trolled
n mile wlthoul a driver In 2:18 : Hat.
IIo had gone a mile in Norfolk In 2:20 :
Hat , which wns the best record ever
made In the world by n drlvcrless
trotter up to thai time.
Surcna Is said to be the only guide-
loss trotlor lu the United States to
dny. There are several guldeloss pac
ers , but he is the only reinless ani
mal which trols. He would nol be
performing nl Ihe North Nebraska
race meets If ho were old nt the busi
ness , but Norfolk was the first tl'ne
ho had over done his stunt In public.
The former world's record for n
guidoless li otter , according to horse
men nt Battle Creek , wns 2:30. :
Surcnu Is an old trailer , and has
gone on many tracks In Europe. He
was developed Into n guidoless animal
only a month ngo nt St. Edwnrd , Nob. ,
by Kennedy , the owner , nnd Ben
Rhodes of Albion. It happened acci
dentally. Soon after the Albion horse
man suicided about the middle of July ,
one of his horses was being displayed
In an effort to sell him ns n guldeless
peformer. Kennedy saw the display.
"If my horse can't beat that , I'll
kill him , " said Kennedy.
And forthwilh Surcna was tried out
as n guidelcss wonder. He made good
the first time In 2:30. : Then he wns
brought to Norfolk and Nellgh nnd
Battle Creek. He does this trick twice
n week , nnd races in the meanwhile.
Ills owners say they will slop racing
Baltic Creek's race meet Ibis year
was a success. The Ihree days were
jusl finished in lime lo escape a heavy
rain lljal came lasl night and Ibis
morning. A big crowd saw Iho racing
yeslerday afternoon , Ihere being many
present from Norfolk.
There were two harness events , 2:50 :
and free-for-all. Vyznnt Star ( McKil-
free-for-all In Ihree
lupl won Ihe - -
straight heats , breaking Ihe track record , -
ord with 2:17. : Captain Mack ( Zulauf )
won second money , Jessie A ( Logon-
bell ) third nnd Ipswich Boy ( Druen )
In the 2:50 : trol Rubber Baby
( Stanz ) won first money In three
straight heats , Dr. Skott ( Gibson ) second
end , and Jim Booth ( Lognnbell ) third.
Others entered wore : Dash On ( Kay )
.lacknrd Wllkes ( Rice ) , Buster Brown
( Douglas ) , Grace Marks ( MooreFoxy )
S ( Nlms ) , George M ( Moore ) , Miss
3und ( Matthcson. ) Miss Gund was
named for Gund's brewery.
Katy D won the running race. Oth-
ars entered were Baby H , Baby Mine ,
Ruby and Sundance.
Following are other coming race
meet schedules :
O'Neill Races.
Wednesday , Sept. 5.
3:00 : class trolters $200
2:20 : class trollers or pacers 200
Half mile running race for Holt
counly horses 50
Thursday , Sept. C.
2:25 class Irollers $200
2:30 : class Irollers or pacers 200
Novelly running race , three quar
ters mile money at each quarter 100
Friday , Sept. 7.
2:50 : trolters or pacera $200
Free for all 250
Free for all running race 100
Entries close In harness races , Aug.
29 , 190C. S. J. Weekes , Secy.
Crelghton Races.
Thursday , Sept. 13.
3:00 : class trollers $200
2:20 : class trollers or pacers 200
Friday , Sepl. 14.
2:25 : class Irollors $200
2:30 : class trotters or pacers 200
Running race 50
Saturday , Sopl. 15.
2:50 : class Irolters or pacers.$300
Free for nil 200
Running race 75
Entries close In harness races , Aug.
29 , 1900. T. J. Buckmnster , Secy.
Madison Races.
Wednesday , Sept. 19.
3:00 : class troltors $200
2:20 : class trotters or pncors 200
Thursday , Sept. 20.
2:25 : class trailers $200
2:30 : class Irolters or pacers . . . . 200
Pony running race 75
Friday , Sopl. 21.
2:50 : class trailers or pncers $200
Free for nil 200
Free for nil running rnco 75
Entries close In harness races Sept.
1 , 1900. J. L. Rynearson , Secy.
Stanton Races.
Wednesday , Sept. 26.
3:00 : class trotters $200
2:20 : clnss trolters or pavers 200
Thursday , Sept. 27.
2:30 : nncors ( m'orchanls1 purso$400 )
Special race for Stanton county
horses thai have novnr entered
In a race 150
Pfflny running race 50
Friday , Sept. 28.
2-50 class trotters or pacers $200
Free for .ill 200
Free for all running rnco
Entries close In harness races SoptJ
t3 , 190C. Frank Klttormnn , Secy
Tllden Races.
Wednesday , Oct. 3.
3:00 : clnss trotters $200
2:20 : class trotters or pncors 200
Thursday , Oct. 4.
2:25 : class trotters $200
2:30 : class trotlers or pacers 200
Pony running race 25
Friday. Oct. 5.
2iiO : class trotters or pacers $200
Free for all 260
Free for all running race 75
Entries close In harness races Sept
13 , 1900. E. B. HansonSecy. .
Fertile Sections of the Southwest ,
Where Land Sells for $15 and
Rents for $5 Per Aero.
One of the remarkable things about
eastern Arkansas nnd northern Louis
iana Is the fact that cleared land rents
for $5 per acre cash , and can be bought
for $7.50 to $1G per acre. It costs
from $ G to $10 an acre to clear It.
Other Improvements necessary are
slight and inexpensive.
The soil is rich alluvial , or made. It
produces a bale of cotton per acre ,
worth $45 to $ CO. This accounts for
Its high rental value. Other crops ,
such ns corn , small grains , grasses ,
vegetables and fruits thrive ns well.
Alfalfa yields 4 to C cuttings , a ton
to a cutting , and brings $10 to $1G per
In other sections of these states ,
and In Texas as well , the rolling or
hill-land is especially adapted to stock
raising and fruit fanning. Land Is
very cheap , $5 to $10 per aero ; Im
proved farms $10 $15 to $25 per acre.
The new White river country offers
many opportunities for settlers. High ,
rolling , fine water It Is naturally
adapted to stock nnd fruit raising.
Can be bought as low as $3 per acre.
See this great country for yourself
and pick out a location. Descriptive
literature , with maps , free on request.
The Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain
System lines sell reduced rate roundtrip -
trip tickets on first and third" Tues
days of each month to points in the
west and southwest , good returning 21
days , with stop-overs. For descriptive
literature , maps , time tables , etc. ,
write to Tom Hughes , traveling pas
senger agent , Omaha , Neb. , or H. C.
Townsend , general passenger and tick
et agent , St. Louis , Mo.
Gas at Tekamah.
While drilling for a well on the Pe
ter Cameron estate farm , about three
miles south of Tekamah , a heavy vein
of gas was found at a depth of slxly-
five feet. The pipe wns plugged and
a small venl made and igniled which
burned conlinuously , making a blaze
aboul Iwo feel high. Mr. Cameron
will make a thorough Investignlion
nnd endeavor to use Iho gas in his
homo for heating and lighting purpos
Surprise Party.
Mrs. C. F. Shaw wns the victim of
n surprise party at her home on The
Heights last evening , when about a
dozen of her mosl Intimate friends
dropped in lo help her celebrate her
Too Free With a Whip.
Roberl Reed , one of Ihe employes
of Ihe All-Slar Comedy company , was
brought up before Justice Lambert
this morning on Ihe charge of culling
a boy's leg with a whip. He pleaded
guilty and was assessed $5.00 and
costs , which was Immediately paid.
Office , Cotlon block , Ash 541 , resi
dence , 109 North Tenth street , 'phona
Ash R42.
Yoil fflilst Jlot Forget
We are constantly improv
ing in the art of making Fine
Newest Styles in
Cards and Finish ,
We also carry a Fine Line
of Mouldings.
I. M. MACY ,
towest Rates.
1 W , J. GOW &
Money on Hand.
* J * * i * 'J * * J * * i * * J * * J * * I * * I * 'I * * J * * i * * i * * * * * * * * i * * t * * J * * l * * * * ' * I * * f _
Anronn Homllm * n a kptrli anil ilpiorlpti u > inn >
qulikly ni priulii our iiiliiu ) il fr J T IIP > HT nil , fi
invention n | < : . ' . " ' " ' " funiiiiiii.irn
iinnisiMcly ! < ' nitiiloiitlnl HANDBOOK OH I'items
out Ir.Mi. dlil-st niicucy K. M > iuriiii * imli'iim.
I'ull'IIIS 'UkCII III MUi-'ll Ml I II < ( II. K'COlVO i
il'nuil not. ( , rltliuuiclinruo , lillliu
Scie Siic ! JSm ricesu /
A liiinilsiMneljr Itlntlrnlcd wpoHr. I rcp t. clr.
' l'U > t'f iir y Kli'Mtltlo jiiiirnul. 'I rn > tJ a
luiir inonllis , tl. riuld l > ynll'niMri.d aleri" .
. . ; ; . ; &io,3oin'oadwa''NEwYok ; !
llcu.icli Olllco. IU3 K tt. . WuttilUKiuii , U. .