The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 07, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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A Team of Horses , Frightened by the
Rattling of Tin Cans at Their Ears ,
Swerved Out a Little From the Road
and George Was Too Near.
[ Prom Wednesday's Dnlly.J
Little four-year-old Georgia Dorsey ,
sou of Conductor and Mrs. Jack Uor-
sey of Norfolk , while playing i the
road in front of his father's house on
South Kourth street , was struck by
a passing horse which was frightened
by children , and died Inter last night
us a result of iv ruptured spleen.
The horse which struck the llttlo fel
low was one of the team drawing ono
of the United States mall wagons. The
horse shied out of the road when a
cluster of children on the other side
of the road rattled tin cans , and the
little Dorsey lad was close enough to
the center of the street to bo struck
when the horse jumped. There was
only a slight mark on the child's body
but it is believed by Dr. Tashjcan , who
attended the case , that the spleen and
perhaps some other organ was ruptur
ed and that the boy bled to death. The
little victim suffered such a very
severe nervous shock that an opera
tion was out of the question.
No Blame Attached to Driver.
The children wore playing merrily
In the street after supper and the
evening grew dark. Shortly after 8
o'clock the United States mall wagon ,
carrying mall to the postoflce fiom
the Ulnok Hills passenger train which
had just arrived at the Junction de
pot from the east , came along Its usual
route on Fourth street , W. J. Barnes
driving. Mr. LJurnes saw that the
children were all out of his path and
away from the center of the road , so
ihat they could not be hurt , and nat
urally drove on toward the postolllce.
Just as the team came alongside the
crowd of children , some of them on
one side of the road began rattling
tin cans and making a furious noise
and clatter. The sudden turmoil frigh
tened the horses and they shied out
a little on the other side of the road.
It chanced that on this other side
stood little Georgie Dorsey and so
close to the center of the street was
he that , when the horse swerved a
trifle from its course , the small boy
was in the way. One of the children
who saw the accident says that the
horse's knee struck Georgie in the
stomach. It all happened before Mr.
Barnes could possibly rein in the
frightened team , and , Indeed , before
he realized that there was a child on
that side of the rood at all.
In fact it was not until after he
had reached the postoillce that Mr.
Barnes leained of the accident , and
he recalled nothing that Indicated a
child being struck at the time. Chll
dren playing in the street said it was
a mall wagon that came along , and
Mr. Barnes has taken their word for
it that it was his horse that struck the
"As I came along that street , " snid
Mr. Barnes , "I noticed a crowd of
children ahead and also a canopy-
topped buggy. The buggy turned out
to the right when It neared the chil
dren , and apparently stopped. I
therefore turned a little to the left
and , just as 1 reached the children ,
driving aiound the other wagon , the
crowd began to rattle tin cans and one
can was thrown on one of my horses ,
bumping down from the animal's back
to the tongue between the team. This
gave the horses a fright , and I pre
sume that it was then that the horse
jumped out to the side. "
After he reached the post-office , Mr.
Barnes was told that a child had been
hurt and that probably his wagon did
it. When he heard of the death he
was dumfounded.
Mr. Barnes drives slowly and Is one
of the most careful drivers in Nor
"We blame no one , " said Mr. Dor
sey. "It was an accident and no ono
Is 'to be blamed at all. "
It was clearly an accident for which
neither the driver nor the horses were
in the slightest degree responsible ,
and the parents of the little victim ,
though heartbroken with their sad
bereavment , attach no blame whatever
to Mr. Barnes.
Mr. Barnes Almost Prostrate.
But In spite of the fact that ho Is
not held In any way responsible for
the accident , Mr. Barnes is almost
prostrate with grief over the affair
nncl mourns the death fully ns much
as if it wore a boy of his own. He
can not reconcile himself to his sorrow
and his nerves are all undone today
as a result of the sad affair.
The child lived about three hours
and a half after being struck , suc
cumbing at about 11:30 : last night.
Five children survive in the family
of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey. Mr. Dorsoy
Is one of the well known conductors
on the Northwestern railroad with
headquarters In Norfolk. The many
friends of the family In this community
sympathize deeply In the sad affliction
nnd the many friends of Mr. Barnes
deeply sympathize with him , too , be
cause of the accident and because of
his own unremitting grief.
Funeral services over the remains
of the little Dorsey boy will bo held
from the family home , 707 South
Fourth street , at 1:30 : o'clock and from
the Sacred Heart church , Father
Walsh In charge , at 2 tomorrow after
noon. Interment will bo In Prospect
Hill cemetery.
Try News wont nds.
J. J. Hill Finds Three Serious Objec
tions to Government Ownership.
Now York , Sept. 5. Many inoro
messages from senators , governors ,
representatives and railroad presi
dents have been received , expressing
disapproval of Mr. Bryan's plnn of
government and state ownership of
James J , Hill , president of the
Great Northern , wont into the subject
In some detail , declaring that govern
ment ownership would introduce "un
paralleled corruption" into railroad
operation and politics. The same-.view
In another way was expressed by
President Mellon of the Now York ,
Now Haven Hartford railroad. Ho
expressed the opinion that a private
corporation could ho Induced to man
age our postolllco department and
run It at less expense and with greater
satisfaction to the public than It is
run at present.
Three Objections.
Following are the messages received
today :
James J. Hill Three main objec
tions to Mr. Bryan's plans for govern
ment ownership of railroads suggest
themselves at once. Ono economic ,
one moral , one political. Nowhere in
the world Is any enterprise conducted
ns cheaply under public ns under prlv-
ate control. Government ownership
means decreased efllclcncy with in
creased cost. This perpetual burden
must be borne by the people. The
actions brought against federal depart
ment olllcials , and the Investigation
lountl necessary within the last few
vcirs discloses a state of morals In
public life that no actual rai'road
management would tolerate In its em
ploy. The railway standard with
government ownership for its oppor
tunity would introduce unpninllcled
corruption into railroad operation and
politics. Control by any political party
of the ways , hours and opportunities
nf the army of railroad employees
would Insure to it an Indefinite lease
) f power. Elections would become a
7arre and the transfer of power forci-
iile by revolution. These are only the
leading objections to n proposal that
ins nothing to recommend it.
Objectionable to All.
Phailes S. Mellon From the stand
point of a security holder there would
seem to be little object. The prices
paid would in all probability be ample
compensation Fiom the standpoin *
of a shipper and traveler , consldoilng
government service to be of the char
acter furnished by our postofi ! < .o de
partment , It would be less satisfactory ,
and a source of endless co'itplatiit.
But for the monopoly granted to the
government in the transporlntio" of
the mails there would be corporations
formed that would undertake thu ser
vice and handle the same in compe
tition much more efllciontlv , economi
cally and to the better satisfaction of
the public served. A corporation could
be quickly formed that would contract
to handle the business of th postoffice
department at a profit to tbe govern
ment and at a satisfactory return also
to its stockholders. From the stand
rolnt of a citizen , believing in the
pies-out form of government and hop
iiii ; the same may endure , it would
seem most deplorable , in that ilouId
put an army of ofllcials and etnplovcej
into tit sca'os ' of patronage ai.l : set
a standard of pull in place of one of
efficiency. With such an army well
drilled , as It would become In time ,
any administration so disposed could
prepetuate itself and elections be more
of a farce than they now are in some
sections of or. country. This republic
will endure longer on the theory of
efficient regulation of public utilities
than on that of ownership , with the
attendant jobbery of perhaps consoli
dation nnd the strife of localities for
ascendancy in trade , with the monopo
lization and graft necessary to go in
partnership with the same. Much n&
there is to deplore In corporate man
agement at the present there is a
power to which appeal can bo made
for redress , but with government
ownership the mess would be Infinitely
worse , would bo all our own and we
be deprived even of the poor satisfac
tlon at which to rail , for those who
rail at what they themselves have set
upon a pedestal , write themselves
fools Indeed.
Others Against It.
Governor A. E. Mead of Washington
I am not in harmony with Mr. Bry
an's ideas on government ownership
of railroads.
Senator H. C. Lodge I am opposed
to the government ownership of rail
roads and have expressed my opposi
tion strongly , both in the senate and
in speeches elsewhere. I believe that
this policy , If carried into effect ,
would be productive of great disaster
and would revolutionize our system
of free popular government , which has
been built up and maintained with
such great ability nnd by so many
Senator Morgan , C. Bulkcney I
have not even read Mr. Bryan's
Senator A. J. McLaurln I favor and
support Bryan for president , but op
pose government ownership of rail
Junction Hotel Sold.
B. W. Belnap of ttie Junction has
sold the Cottage Home hotel to parties
In South Dakota , who will take charge
In about two weeks. Mr. Delnnp and
family expect to leave soon for their
now home In Montana.
Fourteen Stock Trains.
The annual stock rush on the North
western railroad Is Increasing. The
record for trains yet this season was
made last night when fourteen wore
run through Norfolk to the Omaha
Your Dealer
It is offered to the public today for the
first time and from now on the
public will be the judge.
We want every onn who drinks bottled beer to pivo "Luxus" ono trial that IB nile ni.ltono trial -
then wo are willing to Uko our clunceH on thnir regular patronage.
You know that there Is ns much dliTeronce In beets HH Ihere in in any oilier food product. You will
notice that "Luxus" ( antes diflerent from nil others. You will notice It tastes better.
Ami We Can Tell You Why.
Send For Our Book ; "Ltixms Beer"
telling what it is made of , how it is made and why \vo can abso
lutely guarantee iliuniformity o { flavor , purity \\holesoincness ,
There arc muny jjooil reasons lor UK superiority
and we want you to Imow tliein ll.
Here are a few : Wo tine the finest liopi grown in Hohamln , sulrclrd liy our
nun rxperls nnd specially Imported for "Limis" Ucrr. The
Malt is made from the licit barley in the world that grown
in the Northwest. The Ricr is imported from India where it in grown and then stored until it brrotmm
perfectly conditioned , \\hich cannot bo accomplished in Ics-i limn ono year. The water usnd i-t from our
wonderful Artesian Spring the purest , healtliirsi , most sparkling of naturo'-s waters. Ami It's Made Hilit. Not n sticky , heavy beer but a light nutritions beverage of a pnlu ntnbur color , bomclhiug
that you will enjoy with your meals HH well as for refreshment ,
Try If Now Today. If your dealer cannot supply
) ou , send > our order direct In us- . Weitl supply yon promptly.
Don't Forget The Mame-
An Excursion Was Run From Nlobrara
Today , and Extra Coaches Will be
Run From Norfolk Tomorrow How
the Races Came Out.
Pierce , Neb. , Sept.5. Special to
The News : The first day's racing
here was a decided success , and to
day and tomorrow , with fair weather
piedicted , promise to bo record break
ers. An excursion from Nlobrara was
run in here today and will return to
night. Extra coaches will be attached
to the train from Norfolk tomorrow.
The Race Results.
In the racing yesterday there were
the following results :
In the 2:40 : trot or pace Dr. Skott
won in three straight heats , Miss Gund
second and Hazel W. third. Time :
2:2 : V4 ; 2:29 : 4 ; 2:29'/j. :
In the 2:1C : trot or pace Captain
Mack ( Xuhiuf ) won first , Sioux Chief
bccond , Ashland W. third and Honest
Abe fourth. Captain Mack won in
three straight heats. Time : 2:21 : ;
i:22fc ! : ; 2:21j. : .
Daisy D. won the county pony race.
Osmond and Pierce Play Ball.
A game of ball was played before
the races between Osmond and the
homo team , resulting in a victory for
Osmond , score six to 0. The feature
of the game was the work of the Os
mend battery. Not a Pierce player
reached second and only ono reached
first base. Eight hits were made by
Osmond , none by Pierce ; Osmond
made one error , Pierce six ; home
run , Vlterna. Batteries : Osmond
Fisher and Viterna ; Pierce Peter
son , Drebert and Powers.
Smoke Clouds are Curling Up From
Stolen Pipe Bowls Today.
Smoke clouds guilty of rising from
stolen pipes are not uncommon in
Norfolk today. Pipes to the extent of
$40 worth , which were stolen from
he sample case of a Sioux City drum
mer in Norfolk , have been sold about
own at remarkably low prices and
the smokers who bought are now en
joying high priced luxury at low cost.
The commercial traveler who lost
ho pipes appeared before County At
torney Koenlgstoln and requested that
all of the purchasers of the stolen
pipes be arrested on a charge of re
ceiving stolen property. Such action
was not within the law's limits , how
ever , and could not bo taken. Then
the manager of the wholesale house
In Sioux City dropped in and discussed
sod methods of recovering the pipes
but did not take action. The thief is
still uncnught.
A Daughter.
A baby g..l was born at the homo o
Ernest Wichman today.
Almost as Simply and Easily as a Ha
and Usually for Less Money.
The advent of classified advnrtlslng
brought to the market-places of th
world a now sort of commodity whlcl
for want of n better name , may b
called a result.
It Is now possible to buy a state o
The man or woman who wants anew
now working environment may secure
It through a "situation wanted" ad.
The employer who would like to find
better workers may buy that result by
buying a little want ad. space.
A person who would rather have a
certain sum of money in the bank than
to own some particular thing may buy
that result by buying a little want ad
vertising space.
The landlord who wants moio ten
ants or boarders , the person 'who
wants to buy or borrow or sell or
speculate all may buy results In buy
ing classified advertising space ; and
i this Indirect way may often buy a
tate of affairs at n bargain.
Addition at Eating House
A now building Is being erected at
le Homo Miller eating house for the
nrpose of handling the milk and
ream business of his other eathig
ouses along the line west of Norfo'lk.
Mrs. Leonard Entertains.
Mrs. Asa K. Leonard entertained a
ew friends at C o'clock dinner last
veiling in honor of her sister , Mrs.
"rank Emery of Plttsburg.
County Commissioners at Fairfax Yes
terday Made a Big Donation for the
Coming Gregory County Fair , to be
Held at Bonesteel This Month.
Fairfax , S. D. , Sept. 5. Special to
'he News : The board of county com-
nissloners In this county yesterday
lonated to the Gregory County Fair
association $500 , of which $350 will be
mid out In premiums nt the county
air to be hold at Bonesteel Sept. 19 ,
20 and 21. The balance , $150 , will be
ised in preparing and sending a conn-
y exhibit to the corn palace at Mit
chell , S. D.
Crops of nil kinds arc excellent in
his county and the other counties will
mve to work to beat Gregory.
Dally Temperature Was 3 Degrees
Above Normal in Nebraska.
Lincoln , Neb. , Sept. 4. The weather
bulletin Issued today says :
The past week was mostly warm
intl clear , with light winds and light
local showers the last part of the
The dally mean temperature aver
aged about 3 degrees above the nor
mul. Tuesday was the warmest day
with maximum temperatures quite
generally slightly above 90 degrees
The minimum temperatures were
about normal.
The rainfall was below the nonna
In the greater part of the state. The
amount was less than a quarter of an
Inch In the western part of the state
Local showers occurred In the eastern
countries Friday , Saturday and Sun
day , with a total rainfall ranging fron
one-half to slightly more than one
Reserve Friday evening , Septombo
7 , for the social of the Ladles Aid so
ciety of the First Congregatlona
church on the church lawn.
The Largest Class of Seniors That
Ever Started In the Norfolk High
School , Begins This Term , Being
Twenty-five All Told.
The high school attendance this
year eclipses all it-cords. There are
more than 150 slndont In the high
school nlonu , as a result of which the
high school room Is overcrowded
There arc sevc'nty freshmen and
wenty-ilvo members of the senior
lass the largest senior class that ban
ot boon known In the Norfolk school.
Just what will be done with the
verllow In the high school Is a ( pies-
Ion which Is perplexing the suporln-
undent and teachers today.
An Incomplete list of those who be
onio seniors today arc : Geneva Moo-
ck , Agnes and Nellie Flynn. Edith
tan-Hi. Emn Wilde , Edith EHtor-
rook , Georgia Uliikomnn , Elenoro
luellor , Anna Mueller , Ix > ls Gibson ,
lelllo Bridge. Nola Walker. Elsie
ohnson , Ilobeccn Duggan , Iloyd
ilnkomun , William Hauptll , Elmer
inrdy , Sam Ernklnp and Harry Ulx.
HSKOS Matilda Herman. Llx/lo
chrnnim , Glpimlo Slilppco , Margaret
lamllton and Hobs Tyndall.
A complete and corrected llbt will
e published later.
Young Pilgrim and Surena , Both Fa
vorites Here , are at Lincoln.
Young Pilgrim , the bountiful dark
jay running horse which won every-
hing hands-down In ttie Norfolk meet ,
vas picked for a winner In the first
Nebraska derby at Lincoln on Tuesday
of this week , and lost In an exciting
finish. Surona , the guldcless wonder
vliich made such a hit here and at
Jattlo Creek , lowered his Battle
Creek record of 2:18 : by going in
2:17t. : . Concerning the two horses ,
ho State Journal says :
In one of the most exciting finishes
n a running race ever seen on a Lin
coln track , Electric Spark , yesterday
came under the wire a full length
ahead of Young Pilgrim , the favorite ,
winning the first Nebraska derby. The
race was ono to arouse the spectators
and when the llttlo bay mare that
pulled first money away from the much
touted Lincoln horse , was led back be
tore the grand stand after the brllllaul
Imrst of speed , the big crowd cheered
Before the start , while the horses
wore parading before the grand stand
very llttlo attention was paid the darl
bay mare , Electric Spark. Mead
wtio had the mount , was himself no
very confident of the outcome , thotigl
ho promised his friends that he would
bring all possible speed out of the
filly. Young Pilgrim was picked b >
many as the horse In best trim ant
with the host chance of winning. Inbreeding
brooding lines and past form , ho look
ed to bo ono of the most promlnen
among the starters. Many of his fol
lowers were offering 2 to 1 upon hln
as against the field.
Dr. Tom was scheduled to pace a
mlle iinguMcd but ho was not In form
and despite his hobbles , Insisted on
galloping Two trials proved unsuc-
coHHful and Siironn , the gnldolcsH trot
ter , owned by Wolf & Koniiody of St.
Edward , Nob. , was brought out to glvo
nn exhibition mllo. Ho IB the only
guldcloHH ( roller on the track nt the
present time and his mlle In 2:17 : 1-1
WIIH noteworthy. Surena has been
working as a guldoloHH performer only
a few weeks. Ills worked proved hl
worth and Die IHncsH or the Lincoln
track. Many words of praise for the
track were spoken by horsemen during
the day.
Rural Route No. 3.
Mr. .1. Host and family nro visiting
C. A. Weston of Hod Oak , la.
Most every one on this louto Is
taking In the Pierce county fair thlH
A box social was held at the Pleas-
nit Valley school last weok.
Miss darn C'ottoroll returned from
visit at Osmond.
Anthcs & Smith Have Added New
Department to Their Store Today.
Anthos At Smith todnj bought fiom
-owls Hrob. the latter firm's entire
tock of giocerlos. Moth stores nro
n the same building , thu decs bluld-
ng , and they will bu connected by an
rchway which will bo cut through
ho wall Immediately The stock will
hange hands this evening , the In-
olclng liming hogun Immediately.
Lewis Bros , will contlnuo the opor-
tlon of their bakery , wholesale and
etall by wagon , in the rear part of
heir present building.
Anthes & Smith have purchased
rom Lincoln a large line of canned
goods , the Golden Niagara brand ,
which will arrive in about two weeks ,
he order not being filled until new
canned goods could bo shipped.
The grocery department will be run
is are the other departments of the
\nthcs & Smith store , on a cash
msls. With n grocery store added ,
he firm announces that they will buy
mttor and eggs for cash at highest
narkct prices.
A grocery wagon will bo put on for
the now department nt once. Anthcs
& Smith will renovate the entire store
iroparntory to their new opening.
John J. King Will Bring Son's Re
mains from Texas to Nebraska.
Omaha Bee : Konolin King , more
generally known In Omalm , where ho
was n reporter for a few years , as
Ben K. , will bo burled at West Point ,
Nob. , whore the family once lived , the
latter part of the week. A letter from
Mr. John J. King , the stricken father ,
says he left Beatrice immediately on
receipt of the news from Texas of his
son's death and will bo back with the
body Thursday or Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John King recently re
turned from Oklahoma City , where
Mr. King had been for a year or more
in the creamery business , and Mr.
King Is now with the Cresent City
Creamery company nt Beatrice. Ho
was formerly with the Beatrice Cream
ery company In Omaha.
Members of the Delta Tau Delta
mot at the Pnxton hotel Monday evenIng -
Ing and decided to send a tloral tribute
to Mr. King's funeral In the form of
the society pin , with the letters "Delta
Tnu Delta" worked In.
You can transmute the "baser met
als , " and many other things , Into gold
by the publicity process.