The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 07, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
HIE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , SKPT EM13ER 7 , J90G , The Norfolk Weekly Hows-Journal The Now * . KMnhllHliril. 18S1. Tlio Journal , 1'Xnlillnlicil , 1K77. THE HU8E > UDLISHING COMPANY W. N. HI-MS N. A. litHII HriTcliiry Every Frliluy. Hy mull per your , $1.60. Kntoretl at tlio jioMollIro at Norfolli , Noll. . I\H KPOIiml OlllHM UllUllT. TcloiihnitQH : ICdllorlnl Dapartinpiil , No. 22 , HiiHliicsH Olllco nnd Job UOOIIIH , No. II 22. Lincoln Is tliu biggest spot on the map totluy. Some how , however , tlio greatness which IIMH uiiildunly boon thrust upon Unit town Is nut of tlio lusting kind. That Is evident front the way In which It fnilctl front Now York. The Conitnorclal cluh will hold a meeting at the city hull at S o'clock tonight which ought to ho well attend ed , Every citizen of Norfolk , regardless - loss of nioinlioi-Rlilii In the clnh , IB Invited to nUond , mid any Ideas which nmy ho presented for Norfolk's ad- vnncoinont will ho choorftilly rocolvod , It IB said. United effort toward Nor folk's upbuilding IB needed , and It can only uonio about through these meetings. . Mr. Bryan does not Btigsost just how wo are to pay for the railroads , nor how many hlllloiiH of dolliifH wo would aasuino ns a debt In the purchase , nor how the state and federal lines are to run separately and yet Jointly. That Is Immaterial , The fact Is , according to his doctrine , that the government ought to own the railroads. How to gut them and how to meet a hundred perplexing problems In connection with thorn , are snperllclal details. Word came from Oyster Day I ho day after the president's reform spell .Ing . announcement , staling that the president was withstanding the bombardment - bardmont of crltluBm upon his action just ns ho once faced Imllots at lion Juan. Now we have a dispatch tolling ns that ho has written to the public printer to say that If the reform ptovos popular it will ho maintained ; If It Is net popular , it will ho discontinued But what about withstanding the bombardment ? There Is no need of worrying here in Norfolk in regard to the construc tion of the sewer , oven though the contractor has not yet arrived. Mr. Herrlck a few days ago sent to Nor folk n bond for $19,000 to Insure his carrying out the contract , so that It Is a positively assured fact that ho will come. Norfolk has no cause for cancelling the contract , and the work may bo expected to begin In the not distant future. The now system of soinl-amnial pro motions in the Norfolk schools is a deciiled step In the right direction. Under the old system a slow student who chanced to fall In a final oxaniln- ntina and the year's ob liged to go hack and do the entire year's work over again , thus losing n full term. Two or three nuch fail ures made that student somewhere near twenty years of ago at gradua tion. Under the now system a miss will only require that a half year's work be repeated , so that there will not be such setbacks as there were before. The assurance that Norfolk will very probably 'get a wholesale grocery house in the very near future , will come as good news to the people of Norfolk and it Is only hoped that the promise may materialize. The fact that a representative of the house has just visited Norfolk for the purpose of inspecting the city and has gone over the situation thoroughly with Secretary Mathowson , and the further fact that he expressed himself as high ly pleased with the prospects and has stated that ho bolloves his firm will locate here , surely holds forth en couragement for those of Norfolk who have contended that there Is a chance for the city's advancement if the present advantages of the town can only be got before the proper parties. HUMAN KINDNESS. Through the charity of persons whom the world does not recognize , a real funeral was given In Norfolk yesterday afternoon to a dead colored woman who otherwise would have been but roughly and indifferently burled. It was not a great thing , hut it was a kindly act. A human being who has lived in n community for a third of a century , and whoso failier rendered service for his country's Hag , no matter what her career may have heen , is entitled to at least a decent burial after death , but there seemed no way of providing such a ceremony in this case until the matter was taken In hand by those from whom It might ' have been , perhaps , least expected. Perhaps the incident does not justl fy a passing remark , hut credit should be given where credit Is duo and when a kind act or a good deed comes shin ing out from the darkness , It Is ' especially conspicuous because of the contrast with Its environment. It was not the amount of money that i was raised with which to defray those funeral expenses , that counted , It was simply the fact , undeniably ox * pressed , that in the darkest of earth's Comoro thoio are to ho found , some- ttmoH , hearts that , at the bottom , con tain still a drop of human kindness and of charity. Wo seldom expect to find a rose or n violet blooming In the cinder erupt of an alloy way , hut when these blos soms are found there , It tends to Im press the fact upon the world that , if a llower of kindness will bloom In Hiieh a spot , much more of kindness and charity ought to grow In hearts that are given greater advantages by nature and environment than are thoso. CHARLES A. RANDALL. The republicans of the Eleventh senatorial district In Nebraska have nominated a candidate for the slate legislature who deserves the respect and confidence of the people of his dlHtrlol and who Is entitled to elec tion at the polls this fall , Charles A. Handnll of Newman Orovo , ono of the best known republicans In this part of the state , is a clean man , with a record aH straight as a string , and there is no need of apology when the republi can parly nsku tlio voters of the dis trict to support him at the ballot box. Mr. Itandall IB a hanker at Newman Orovo. Ho IH progressive and con structive. Ho is n self made man who , through hard plodding , has won suc cess In life. Ho was nominated by the repnhllcnnH for this same olllco In ISOli , a year when there was no hope of electing him against the fusion landslide , and because of the battle which ho tought then at personal Mao ri lice for his party , ho Is entitled to the election now. Mr. Hand ill was born In Horklner county , No-v York , In 1S5S. Ho was educated In the rudiments of learning at country schools In that section and later at the ncndomy at Saquolt , N. Y. Ho graduated from llryant & Strat- toil's busIncBB college In Utlca , N. Y. , and then came west to grow up with the country. Young Handnll was not a plutocrat. Ho hunted up a job on n farm and worked by tlio month for two yenns near Fremont. Then ho went to Newman - man Orovo , In Madison county , and built the llrst building In the town. 'Phut was in 1SSC and Mr. Handall en gaged In the hardware business. In 1SOO ho sold the hardware store and started a bank the year afterward. Ilo | called It the Citizens National bank at that time but In 1900 changed the name to the First National bank. This was nuulo possible by the enactment of a bill by the United States congress permitting banks of $25,000 capital to become national banks. Mr. Randall's bank was the llrst ono la the United States to take ad vantage of the new act a fact which Is worthy of notice , showing energy and progresslvoness. Mr. Randall was married In 1879 and Is the father of three children two daughters and a son. Ho holds the respect of his nolgh- | bors and the good will of his fellow ! men. men.A A vote for him for senator from this district will bo cast In the proper place. NORFOLK INDUSTRIES. Norfolk has a good many industries which do much to keep the city up to its standard , and concerning which llttlo in a definite way Is known by the general public The News has contended that , among other things which could be done to advantage by I' the Commercial club of the city andI' by every citizen in the town , the hear ty co-oporativo support of these indus tries which are now here , would help materially. Norfolk hag many Industries un known to other towns In the farming reg'nii ' , by virtue of the fact that this city in n center of a vast territory. As a lesult of this location , these In dustries have been built up here , part ly through the patronage of the city itself and partly through outside cus-r torn. torn.But But Norfolk Industries do not get all of the patronage of Norfolk people. Home Industries will thrive moro when Norfolk makes n united effort to keep as much trade In all lines at homo , as can possibly bo done. Indus tries here will benefit , too , by every bit of advertising which can bo done for the town In geaornl and for Indi vidual Institutions In particular , in tributary territory. These industries hero are not In competition with the smaller towns. They could not live In any of the smaller towns and could not live In Norfolk , excepting as they are sup ported by towns in a very largo terri tory. To build them up bore , there fore , Is to the Interust of smaller towns because every time they help Norfolk 'tins against Omaha or Sioux City , they help their own locality nnd Increase Htho value of their own locations. | And so , for the sake of bringing be- foie the people of Norfolk and the peo- po ! of northern Nebraska and south- ern South Dakota , n clearer Idea of the Industries here which are entitled to the support and the co-operation of nil Norfolk and all this territory. The News begins today n series of Sntur- day articles which will try to do their Hlmro to\\rud helping to follow out lt own suggestion that wo make n sys tematic effort here In Norfolk to build up. ThcHo articles are to bo published without pay , and will he , as it wore , thin paper's contribution toward a CUIIHO that It believes deserves atten tion. tion.AH AH The News roaches practically everybody In Norfolk , nine out of ten of the farmers nronnd Norfolk and the whole public In twenty-two coun ties of northern Nebraska and south ern South Dakota , It Is confidently hoped that this effort may provo an entering wedge which can later bo fol lowed up to advantage by an energet ic Commercial club. THE LABORING MAN , HIS DAY. This IH the laboring man , bin day. Ho owns It because the United States government line given It to him. It Is the only national legal holiday that wo Americans know. To day the laboring men of the great cities of this country nro celebrating. They nro Inking a day oft for the pur pose of properly observing the day that has boon dedicated to them. In the country towns wo pay little atten tion to the holiday because there nro not ( ho vast numbers of labor organi zations known to the ntoro solidly settled communities. Hut for all that wo may take time out today to give a little thoiighl to the laboring man , whoso day Is this. The man behind the gun In the in dustrial world is ho , the man who keeps the wheels of manufacture whirling around nncl productive ; In deed , ho Is the backbone of American society. Tlmo was when the laboring man of this country went without bread and butter. Ho inarched , many thou sand strong , across this continent and up to the very doors of the white house at Washington , demanding work. Ills children wore starving , his wife was 111 and ho was out of work. The soup house was established to feed him through charity , but that was not enough. And the cries , the pitiful desperation , that went up from the laboring man's throat , have not yet been forgotten In this country. These were the days of ' 94. There are none who want these times repeated. Today the laboring man in this country has more work than ho can do. There Is so much of Industry ' ' and prosperity that not enough men can bo hired to build a sewer In Norfolk , and the contractor Is three days overdue on this account , they say. In view of the present "full dinner pall" times for the laboring man , this day is a great ono in a national sense. Wo don't want these times to change back to those of the soup house. William McKlnloy , the advocate of protective tariff , was ono of the best friends the laboring men of this coun try have ever known. Under McKln- ley's protective tariff , these prosperous time have come. The laboring man must have work to < do in America , if wo are to enjoy prosperity. I And if the laboring man is to have work , the industries which provide him with toll , must bo protected to such an extent as will allow them to exist. It Is better that an American should make hats sold In England at actual cost , thereby giving the Amor lean ' that work , than not to sell the hat and to deprive the American work man of his job. After all , It is the American working man ' , ho in the overalls and with the marks ' of toll on his face and his hands , whom this country wants to look out for , first of all. MR. BRYAN. Mr. Bryan's fireworks down In New York are about nil shot off , and those who had hoped to see the peerless leader Jump from that reception right Into the presidential chair , begin to realize that the trick Is not so easy. Mr. Bryan Is more radical today than ho was In his free-silver campaign Still maintaining his position on free silver , ho has adopted a now revolu tlonary Idea In regard to governmen ownership of railroads , which may look well enough when shot off in th air by way of a speech , but which could never como to pass successfully in this country- The Idea that the United State government ought to own trunk line and tho. state governments their owi : state lines of railroad , would bo mos confusing and impossible. By till idea , however , Mr. Bryan hopes t satisfy all popular demand for govern ment ownership and at the same time to satisfy the southern democrats , whom ho has assured that the Jim Crow cars for colored people In the south would not be disturbed. Government ownership sounds well enough theoretically , but It can never bo made a success In this country. Even cities have tried It and found It n failure. It may work In a mon archy Hko Germany but a monarchy and a republic pro two different things. ; It Is pointed out that there are more than ono million railway employes In this country. Every railway employe would be appointed by the adminis tration In power , and the result would be an utter Impossibility of over | changing party administrations. Cor ruption would bo duo to follow. Mr. Bryan also declares for n uni versal eight-hour law. This Implies eight hourfl work with ten hours' pay. It sounds well and philanthropic , hut Mr. Bryan neglects to remind the great masses of common people that , If wages wore raised In this way for an eight hour's work , the consumers would have to pay the freight with Increased prices on all products of labor. Eventually It would mean the reduction of wages in accordance with the reduction of time. And this Is not helping , but hurting , the wage-earner. Mr. Bryan's own party has been torn to pieces by his radical declara tions. Ho Is further from the nomin ation today than ho has boon In a year. The Now York Times ( demo cratic ) declares Bryan Is not a demo crat , the Now York World , democratic leader In Now York , declares ho Is moro radical than over and that ho has stolen Hearst's clothes. Col. Moses Wetmoro , an Intimate friend and advisor of Bryan , who accom panied the Nebrnskan on his world tour , denounces Mr. Bryan's govern ment ownership Idea as undemocratic. More than this , financial men declare - clare that If Mr. Bryan Is oven nomin ated for the presidency , money will tighten up in this country as It has not done In ton years. It was n big reception In Manhattan , but a Now York homo-coming Is n long way from the presidency. BRYAN CAMPAIGN BEGINS. Mr. Bryan will arrive In Nebraska today after a trip around the world. Tonight In Lincoln ho will begin a campaign whose purpose It will bo to carry Nebraska for the democratic party this fall. Already he has sound ed the keynote of his campaign as "government ownership of trunk rail way Hues and state lines. " An appeal Is being made by Bryan organs In the state to elect the democratic ticket this fall just for Bryan's sake. Personally , Mr. Bryan is respected by his Nebraska neighbors regardless of party politics. But politically , Mr. Bryan is too radical to carry the day in Nebraska. His own party Is all split up over his now revolutionary doctrine , while such an idea is abso lutely out of the question when con sidered from the republican view point. Mr Bryan's government ownership Idea is merely n grandstand play , and It will appeal to the galleries. But It will not appeal to the thinking men of this country , nor to those who have the Interests of the country truly at heart. In the first place , the government of this great republic never operates any business as economically as does a private proprietor. The government is extravagant. This can be seen right here in Nebraska with force. Hast ings has a postofllcc building that cost $110,000. It is a magnificent building and Hastings is mighty glad to have It , hut it must be conceded by all that such a structure Is not absolutely es sential to the conducting of the post olllce business at that place. A private owner would not have spent more than $10,000 for that postofllce , and would have been liberal at that. In other words , under government operation , $100,000 was spent that need not have been , considered from an economically business viewpoint. Who pays the extra cost ? The taxpayers of the United States. The result Is that the postofTice department Is not self supporting and there is constantly a deficit. The same rule would apply , only with a thousandfold opportunity for extravagance , In a railroad ownership by the government. Millions would bo spent needlessly where a dollar Is spent now. There Is no use saying that extravagance would not prevail , for this country knows too much about that sort of thing to bo con vinced now. Again , government property Is not taxed. Under government ownership , the railroads would not pay a penny of taxation , where they now pay much of the taxes of this country. And the property holders of America would pay the difference. There are n million employes of railroads In this country. There would bo more than that under government control , because of the political prestige tigo to bo had from appointments. There would be absolutely no way short of revolution to over change parties In control of the admlnlstra tlon , because the railroad ofllcos would simply bo ono vast machine of votes. It Is a great gallery-appealing dec laration which Mr. Bryan has made , but this1 radical and revolutionary doctrine Is bound to cost him the presidency , If he ever did have any chance for it , and it may cost him the nomination. It Is much more radical than his ancient free-silver radicalism , whlcl : ! | s now proving so embarrassing to him and his party. I EDWARD ROSEWATER. "Ho made Omaha , and helped make Nebraska. Had H not been for Rose- Iswater ' , Nebraska City would have been the metropolis of this state. " That was the tribute paid during his lifetime by the Into , T. Sterling Morton to Edward Rosowatcr , Nebras ka's best known editor and for moro than n third of n century ono of the most prominent figures In the life of this commonwealth. It was a great tribute , but It was n fit one. Edward Rosewater has boon re moved from Nebraska life. His sud den passing away , following the recent - cent hard campaign for the nomina tion ns United States senator from Ne braska , came as a distinct shock to the people nil over this state. Pathos , and almost a touch of the tragic , attended the expiration of Mr. Roscwatcr , and for this reason the shock was felt all the moro keenly by tlio state with which ho has for so many years boon conspicuously Identi fied. Ills personality , a dynamo of power and energy , built up through a long series of hard struggles 0110 of the best known newspapers In the coun try , did much to build up Omaha and Nebraska , and kept the veteran editor an Inseparable factor In the political llfo of his state until the very moment of his life's ending. Edward Hosewnter named his news paper "the Bee. " It was a fit term to apply to the Institution In which he gave his llfo energy. For only by that constant , tireless and persistent Indus try which characterizes the construc tive efforts of the honeymnkers , did Uosowater build up his newspaper business Into Its recognized potency. The power of that journal and the splendor of the building which Is Its home In Omaha , stand side by side as monuments to his untiring zeal and Industry. The llfo of Edward Rosewater may well be taken by any young man am bitious for success , as ono well worth considering. He came to Nebraska more than thirty-five years ago with out funds but with brains and energy nnd hope. HP founded the Omaha Bee at that time. It is told of him that in the early days , when he lacked the money with which to buy telegraph news , he brought his ability as a telegraph op erator Into successful play by going out of town , climbing the telegraph poles and tapping the wires that sent news on out to the coast. That was enterprise , and Rosewater's enterprise Is what made him. Years before he was able to build a handsome editlce for the Bee , Mr. Rosewater had his eye and his heart set upon the corner where now stands the Bee building. Ho would take his friends up past that corner nnd , pointing it out , an nounce that that spot would one day bo the home of the Omaha Bee. Edward Rosewater proved the ad visability of going into debt. The Bee building was erected at a cost far beyond his means , and lie borrowed money to put it up. He had kept his credit clean , and was thus enabled to get the loans desired. And so , for years , he has been under the burden of a constant debt , but that debt has given him constant motive for con- tinned effort and has given his sons a work to do. And , with a quarter million dollars life Insurance which he carried , that debt will now h lifted and the Bee building will come lute the estate with a clear title. Edward Rosewater was aggressive. He was never still , and he never al lowed things to lag for one moment. He was also ambitious. The one bright hope in his life was that ho might , at some time , represent the state of Nebraska as United States senator. But his aggressiveness and his ambition did not go well together. \ politician who hopes to win can not ako the aggressive life , it seems , and ho results of training the Bee's guns on various politicians and public men whom he did not approve , cost the veteran editor the toga which he sought. Not every man can be honored with the fierce opposition with which Ed > vard Rosewater was assailed. The Fontanelle club was organized In Omaha to fight him to the last ditch in things political. And many a man who went Into the recent republican state convention , had no other object in view than "to beat Rosewater. " It was not because the ability of Rosewater - water was not recognized. None can bo found who deny that he was powerful orful as a thinker and a doer. His enemies respected his brain , am ! feared his forceful pen. But , once jabbed by that pen , they were enemies always. Mr. Rosewater was the logical nomInee Ineo of the recent republican state convention , In which he made his las stand. For more than thirty years ho had been the only persistent nnd con sistent advocate of the reforms whlcl : the convention , through its candidate made their ticket. He had been long In the field of national politics , and h would have made a powerful senator , But ho lost that nomination , and tin disappointment of It , made more bltte by the realization that after all o these years of working nnd hoping the ono ambition of his llfo had slipped away from him forever , no doubt hastened toned his death. But there are greater things In llfi than public office. Power at homo 1 as enviable as power abroad , and ti have made his personality so much actor In the public llfo of n common- cnlth ns did Edward Rosowntor , iliould have compensated for the loss f public office. Mr. Rosewater stood for the con- lervatlvo In newspaper work and all hrough the yellow Journal wave , hleh washed over many of the papers if the country , the Omaha Bee ro- nnlued calm and retained Its dignity. Mr. Roscwatcr died In the building hlch ho built , after a hard political iampalgn and after a hard day's work , lard work , In fact , brought about that : eath , ns hard work had brought about ils success In llfo. The Bee was the name of Mr. Roso- r-aler's life effort. The Bee nnd Ed ward Rosewater were ono. And both stood for tireless Industry , 'he children are staying at grandpa's , . Mama 1ms gone down to the sea ; 'upa is at homo working , Keeping well with Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist. AROUND TOWN. A Madison county road overseer aid today ! "I am now out of public fo. " What Is the sign when a young man akes another girl to the theatre , hllo his "steady * goes with another nan ? "Is this my train ? " asked a passen- or boarding a Norfolk train this lorning. "Not till Bryan is elected , " replieiF , ho brakeman. At the public meeting of the Com- norcial club last night there were Just noiigh people to turn around and go ome. An old resident of Norfolk was ask- d Sunday to point out two of the romlncnt churches in town. Ho was orccd to admit that he didn't know here either of them Is. There Is this consolation for those- , -ho have to labor on Labor day : The ankers , who get a holiday , will have o do double duty tomorrow , follow- ng two holidays. People living north of Pierce as far s Niobrara will undergo the experi- nce of a daylight ride in a passenger rain going south for the first time in iclr lives , tomorrow. Jim Conley has invented a burglar , , liicken thief proof hen house and is aving one built after his plans. It lonsists of cement blocks with Iron mrs bedded in cement across all pollings. This is hardly giving other liicken owners a fair chance. Two young women of Norfolk toolc i horseback ride out near the insane lospltal. Two of the violent inmates- ailed out to them : "We know what on are looking for. You are looking or a man. " It is said that these pa tents may bo paroled because of evl- lent returning sanity. A couple of young men paused at he telegraph office for the latest bul- etins of the big fight last night , but ho fight was nowhere near the end. 'Como on , " said one , "let's go to the show. " "But think , " exclaimed the other , "of sitting through two whole tiours without knowing how the fight came out ! " Death takes people quickly out of his world. A few months ago "Ben- ly" King was a well known figure on : ho streets of Norfolk. He was look- ng for the strange and the unusual ; hlngs of life and death In order to make news for these columns. Ho Ittle realized that within three months ils own death would go In to make ip the dally grist of events. He- wrote good "copy , " but he has finished ils last "story , " and that at the ago of twenty-four. Are your bones aching , nerves tired , nights restless , kidney nnd liver trou ble , energy low ? These are signs of low vitality. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well. Tea or tablets , 35 cents. Ask your druggist. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Some men have moro grievances than a dog has fleas. "When people "fuss" about a mar riage engagement there is usually something the matter with It. A man looks In a parlor for a wife and when ho finds her demands that she bo more at homo In the kitchen. If a man has a well , you can pay him no compliment that pleases him more than to praise the quality of the water. "Woll , " said a greedy boy today , "It Is at last safe to trust mo with poaches. I have eaten so many that I have fuz all over me. " No matter how high a man's prin ciples are ho can not resist stealing grapes from the bunch of grapes In stores. You hear a great deal of the "ad vantages" to be gained In living In a 'arao ' ; city. Wo don't know what they are unless It Is chasing street cars. It's the only medicine known that penetrates Into every organ of the- body nnd stays there. It's the best tonic In the world Hollister's Rocky- Mountain Tea. Tea or tablets , 35 cents. Ask your druggist