The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 07, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Was Lowering Engine Tank When
Lever Slipped Out of His Hands nmi
He Received Blow on Neck
Caused Fracture nt Base of Drain.
I Prom Sntunlny'H Dally. ]
Albert Stark , 11 workman In tin ? Chicago
cage anil NnrlInventorn innchlnu shop ,
rocotvuil Injuries at about 5 o'clock
' last ovonlng , from which ho ( Hod at it.
No very dollnlto account of the ac
cident can bo secured. IIH no one was
present when It happened. Stark WUH
working on ono Hldo of an engine lank
while nnuthur worUn'inn was on tlio
other Hldo. The tank had boon ralHcd
on JncU BcrowH and the men wore low
ering It to the truckH , when Stark's
companion called to him bill received
no answer , doing around this tank
the other workman found Stark nn-
coiiBcloiiB , and all efforts by his com
panions fulled to rovlvo lilm. It IH
supposed that In letting down the tank
the handle of the Jack ncro\v slipped
away from him and Hlrtick him. He
was tnkon to his homo In the eastern
part of the .Junction where ho died
nhont 0 o'clock without regaining con-
Dr. Holden , the attending physician ,
discovered one small mark on the
man's neck , JIIH ! back of the Jaw ,
whore the lever Htrnolc him. The blow
caused a fracture , nt the base of the
brain , death following from InUirniil
The deceased wan about thirty years
old , and leaves a wlfo anil two chil
dren , ono about three' and the other
ono year old. He had been with the
company but n short time. Mr. Stark
cnmo hero from POUCH , where his people
ple live , while bin wife's parontu re-
Bide at Piorco.
Arrangements for fnnoral have not
yet been made , pending the arrival of
W. S. .lay of Lincoln Is In the city
GUB Miller wontto I'lerco yesterday
on business.
P. M. Dnrrott was In Uatllo Crook
nt the races.
Martin Horning of Wlnsldo IB a city
visitor today.
Mildred and Healrico Gow arc vis
iting In Wayne.
.las. Styckel of Hartlngton la In the
city on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Lodge -spent the day
In Pierce yesterday.
Miss Joy Mablo leaves today for her
homo In Sioux City.
J. 11. nroyhlll of Dakota City Is In
the city on business.
W. II. Lehman was In Pierce for a
short tlmo yesterday.
Miss Joslo Hlchardson of Madison
is visiting in the city.
Sam Bird of Stanton spent the day
In the city yesterday.
Miss Leona Morey of Pierce la visit
ing Miss Mary Odlorno.
Mrs. Benedict of Mllbnrn was shop
ping in the city yestorday.
Miss .1. nurlnnd Is expected homo
tomorrow I'rom Chicago.
Miss May Johnson leaves tomorrow'
for Omaha , where she will attend col-
Mlas Annie Hrooks of Stanton is
shopping in the city today.
Ed Klliott and Alton DoLong of
Hartlngton aio visiting hero.
John Phlnney ciune down from Til-
den this morning to spend the day.
Miss Daisy Mayhow has returned
from a short visit in Baltic Creek.
Mrs. Sims leaves tomorrow for Boul
der , Colo. , where she will visit for a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Case and son Leon
went to Omaha this morning for a
short visit.
Miss llolon Mathowson , who has
been visiting here , loft today for Do-
cntur , Nob.
Mrs.V. . H. Vail returned to her
home in Wayne this morning after a
short visit hero.
Harry Dlgnan loft this morning for
Clinton , lown , where ho will attend
.school this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fox will leave
Monday for Chicago , where they go
to visit tholr son Guy.
Fred Wnchtor and Ernest Haasc
leave Monday for a trip through South
Dakota and Minnesota.
Miss Vorna Weed arrived in the city
today for a short visit at the homo of
her sister , Mrs. C. D. Sims.
E. A. Watts of Plalnvlow passed
through the city this morning on his
way to Omaha , where ho is attending
the medical college.
Miss Hagol and Mrs. Schonneberj ;
of Columbus , who have boon visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall , returned te
their homo yesterday.
Geo. Mumm of Donosteel passed
through the city this morning on hlf
way to Minneapolis , where ho will
make his future homo.
Mrs. S. A. Brashear of Scotts Bluff
Neb. , and Miss Alice Scaton of Ithaca
N. Y. , are visiting relatives here.
P. E. Kublc , formerly of this city
but now of Omaha , who has been vis
iting here , left this morning for his
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lodge spent Frl
day afternoon visiting in Pierce.
A. Bucholz is in Stanton on bust
ness.Mrs. . Hepperly of Elgin Is shopping
in the city.
John Mnas is attending the Battk
Creek races today.
Miss Atton has returned from n
short trip to St. Joseph.
Carl Wilde has returned from c
t\\ott \ visit to Crclghton.
I ) IlnuiMin attended the Battle
C'rook races yesterday.
CharloH Dugan attended the races at
Hattlo Crook yofllonlay.
H. A. Halo ) returned today from a
liuslnoBH tilp to Chicago.
ChailoH MlhlllM wont to Buttle Crook
yesterday to HOU thu races.
Men. Pilgor Is very HI at her homo
M 1112 South Fifth street.
L. C. MlltulBtadt returned today from
a short bimlntWB trip to Uiurul.
S. A. Reynolds loft today for a two
wooltH1 trip' among the Minnesota
W. A. Wlu.igmnn spent yesterday
afternoon at the Battle Crook race
Mrs. ( ins Kuhl and daughter. lUrdlo ,
returned today from a short visit In
Miss Edith Herrman left today to
take charge of her school In the Kala-
inn/on district.
The Misses Kenny , who have been
vIMItlng Miss Edna Ixmcks , returned
to tholr homo In Sclmyler today.
Mrs. John Fetter went to Uatllo
Crook yesterday to BOO the races and
to vlult her husband. Mr. Fetter will
arrive tonight for u visit here over
I ) . S. Day and bride arrived In Nor
folk last night , to make this their
home. Mr. Day Is a popular commer
cial traveler who has made this his
hondquartora for some years , and ho
will bo welcomed , together with his
bride , by a largo number of frlonds.
Mr. Day travels for the Cudahy pack
ing company. They will make their
homo on Madison avenue , between
Fourth and Fifth streets.
Supreme Judge .1. 11. Barnes baa re
turned to Norfolk after attending the
annual mooting of the National Bar
association , which was hold this week.
The Judge was a delegate from the
Nebraska Hnr association. Knscoo
Pound of Lincoln road a paper before
the mooting and Judge Alton IJ. Par-
Itor of Now York , democratic candi
date for the presidency In 15)01 ) , waa
elected president of the association.
P. L. llagomnn came down from Nlo
brara this mofiilng to spend the day.
spending his vacation In Weoplag Wa
N. P. JoppcBon passed through the
city today on his way homo from Col
orado , ' where ho has been on a land
seeking expedition.
Mrs. II. C. Matrau and daughter ,
Agnes , returned today from an extend
ed camping trip In Colorado.
Ernest Blohlo of Stanton passed
through the city yesterday on his way
to Piorco.
The studio of Ludwlg Koenlgsteln
will reopen to the public on Monday.
Hosklns has a now doctor , Dr.
Schemol , formerly of SCrlbner , having
located there.
Parker Bros , have added n stock of
groceries to their Hour and feed store
and are placing the stock on the
shelves today.
Mrs. F. P. Stone of Sioux Falls , sister -
tor of Mrs. W. N. Huso of this city ,
died yesterday afternoon before the
latter arrived In that city.
A largo mlsslonfest will bo held at
Pierce tomorrow. There will bo good
speaking and other attractions. A
largo number of Norfolk people are
planning to attend.
P. A. Walker of Genoa passed
through the city this morning with
twenty-live Indian students of the Ge
noa Indian school. They Imvo been
spending their vacation on the reser
vation with their tribe.
A largo number of horsemen passed
through the city this morning on tholr
way to various places from Battle
Crook , where the races have Just been
held. Most of them have gone to
Sioux City to attend the trl-stato fair
Heavy showers , punctuated by sharp
lire works of lightning and thunder ,
followed the weather man's prediction
of yesterday , and brought storms to
Norfolk early this morning , which
Imvo continued during a greater portion
tion of the day.
Will Hogan , a shoo salesman well
known In Norfolk and who had made
this territory for the past twelve years ,
died at his homo In Darlington , Wls. .
August 29. The funeral was held at
hla homo there today. He was popu
lar among the drummers In this sec
Miss Edith Stear was voted the
most popular young lady In Norfolk
and was presented thereby a gold
watch , by the audience attending the
Quaker Doctors' closing performance.
Miss Hazel Adams and Miss Nellie
Cousins wore close rivals for the
The St. Charles State bank of St.
Charles , S. D. , began business August
28 at the new town formerly called
Hampton , the name being changed as
It conlllcted with towns of similar
names In this atato. The railroad
grade Is completed to St. Charles and
the town Is building and promises to
bo a thriving village.
Miss Pearl Widaman is to sail at 3
o'clock today from New York on the
government steamer Colon for Pan
ama , where she Is to teach in the pub
lic schools , which arc In charge ol
Superintendent O'Connor , formerly ol
Norfolk. Mr. Widaman heard from
his daughter yesterday , and she was
making schedule tlmo across the conn' '
try toward Now York.
Word was received last evening that
Chandler Owen , who was so serlousb
Injured while boarding a train at Ijine
Neb. , Is In a very serious condition
Besides tearing the lleshy part of the
hp. he Is Internally Injured. Mr
Owen left this , morning for his bed
side , having received word last even
Ing to come. It will bo a very lonfi
time before ho will bo able to bo up
Nobody Is checked up quite as close
ly as the young man in business.
There arc Thirty-two Horsemen on
the Ground Streets to be Electric
Lighted In Special Figures Each
Night Excursion Wednesday. .
Norfolk people will Imvo an oppor
tunity IhlH week to attend n race moot
and carnival at Piorco. The event
begins tomorrow morning and con
tinues for three days. Hosldos thoraces
races each afternoon , there will bo
free street shows , good band music
and other features during the day.
Wednesday will ho the big day of the
Lhree , when an excursion train from
Nlobrara will bo run to Pierce nnd
back again. The excursion will leave
Nlobrara at 8 o'clock In the morning
and will leave Pierce nt 9 In the even
ing. On that day Honest Abe , guide-
less wonder , will give nn exhibition.
The streets of Pierce are today filled
with people who have arrived for the
carnival. Street shows of all sorts are
hero and thirty-two horsemen are on
the ground , ready-to enter In the
races. The streets are decorated with
electric lights for the nights.
The following races nro scheduled
mil each rnco la entered :
2:10 : trot or pace , purse $200.
2:1(1 : ( trot or pace , purse $200.
County running race , half mile and
epeat , $25.
2fiO : trot or pace , purse $200.
2:2(1 : ( trot or pace , purse $200.
Free-for-all pony race , purse $50.
2:110 : trot or pace , purse $200.
Free-for-all trot or pace , ? 200.
Free-for-all running race , $75.
Olllcora are : H. II. Mohr , presl-
lent ; Woods Cones , vice president ;
W. (5. Hlrona , secretary ; M. Inhcldor ,
reasurcr. W. 10. Powers of Pierce
was In Norfolk boosting the races this
All races are filled. . Trains will
carry people from here to Pierce any
nornlng and back any night.
O'Neill Races , Too.
Races will bo held at O'Neill , also ,
this week. They begin Wednesday
mil close Friday.
H. IJ. Hall was hojno for Sunday.
Clarence Clark spent Sunday in the
Burt Mapcs went to Bloomfleld to
Miss Huby Macy has returned from
! owa.
J. II. Kelohor returned to Sioux City
Miss Slnuns leaves today for Bould
er , Colo.
Mr. Anthos returned from Omaha
Mrs. M. Case returned from Omaha
ast night.
Miss Minnie Maas has returned from
Miss Lena Mills spent Sunday in
Mrs. G. Plnntz returned from Long
Pine at noon.
Clms. Rico made a business trip to
Madison today
Banker C. A. Smith of Tildeu IB in
Norfolk today.
Chas. Grocsbcck loft for Gregory ,
S. D. , at noon.
W. L. Soldel and wife arc In the
city from Pllger.
Ray Hartford and wlfo of Harvard ,
are In the city.
Mias Ellen Grotty Is visiting rela
tives in the city.
Arthur Pilgor of Madison was In
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Strolow of Long Pine Is in the
city shopping today.
G. Case and Clms. Marraty returned
to Missouri Valley today.
Banker Herman Hogrofo of Battle
Creek Is in Norfolk today.
Miss Hattlo Heckman of Council
Bluffs , la. , Is visiting in the city.
Miss Sherman Wllley , who has been
111 for a week , Is a little bettor today.
J. Shady of West Point Is In the
city on business.
Mrs. C. Bain of Fremont Is visiting
friends In the city.
Emory Dlckovor returned from Lead
City. S. D. . yestorday.
Cecil Marshall of Fremont returned
to his homo yesterday.
R. II. Reynolds and son returned
to Pllger this morning.
Miss Minnie Schram of Stuart was
In the city over Sunday.
Miss Metta Wilde returned from
Seattle , Wash. , yesterday.
Mrs. Irvin Gerecke and daughter
went to Fremont yesterday.
Mrs. Cora Beels spent Sunday with
Miss Lllllo Jacox of Pilgor.
L. C. Mltfelstadt left this morning
for a business trip to Laurel.
Walter Vail has returned to Wayne
after a short visit In the city.
Mrs. eGaorgo Parker loft for a few
days' visit at Hot Springs , S. D.
C. II. Boslaugh ot Castana , lown , re
turned to his homo this morning.
Mrs. C. E. Parker of Omaha Is visit
ing nor mother , Mrs. B. P. PIpln.
H. Krasno Is today moving his stock
to Pierce where ho has bought a
The Misses Verena Nenow and
Otella Pllger have returned from Su-
prise , Nob.
Elmer Hlght and Ralph ( Jurxln loft
) or Omaha vpstcHay where they will
enter school.
Miss Madge White loft for Hadar to
day where she will teach school the
ensuing term.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummins left
at noon for Rochester , Minn. , where
Mrs. C'ummlmi will bo operated upon
for gallstones.
Adolph Korh of West Point passed
through the city onrouto to Ewlng.
Hanker W. A. Wltzlgmaii and family
spout Sunday with friends nt Tllden.
Nettle and Vorim Nenow , Oscar
Hauptll nnd Frank Longer drove to
Stanton yesterday.
A. R. Peterson of Winner , Is In the
city advertising the stock show to beheld
held nt that place.
Mrs. R. Hyde of Missouri Valley re
turned to homo yesterday after a
short visit In the city.
II. C. Brome of Omaha stopped off
In Norfolk yesterday while on his way
from Omaha to Doadwood.
C. E. Doughty left yesterday for
Lincoln , where ho will Imvo an ex
hibit In furnaces this week.
F. II. Scott has returned from
Bloomfleld , where ho has been build
ing a house and bafti on his farm.
Mrs. J. Hiitchlnson of Oakdale ,
passed through the city on her way
from Council Bluffs , la. , yestorday.
Paul Slsson , now employed on the
Dos Molncs Dally News , arrived In
the city yesterday to visit old tlmo
Miss May Johnson left yesterday
for Omaha where she will attoild
Boylea Business college during the fall
and winter.
Mrri. O'NIell of Clinton , la. , returned
to her home yesterday , after a few
days' visit with her daughter , Mrs.
A. II. Klcsau and family , W. H.
Blakoman and family , and George
Davenport and family , went to Lincoln
this morning to attend the state fair.
Miss Mary Covert Is homo from
Bellevue college for n visit at the
home of her father , J H. Covert. Miss
Covert. Is a member of the faculty In
Bellevue college.
Mrs. R. H. Reynolds and daughter.
Amlo , have returned from an extend
ed visit with friends and relatives la
various parts of Iowa. They have
boon absent almost the entire summer ,
and enjoyed a delightful trip.
Lester Parker has moved his family
licre , to" engage In the grocery busi
ness with his father.
The body of Albert Stark , wlio was
killed Friday at the round house , was
shipped to Poucn this morning for
The theatrical season will open In
Norfolk tonight at the Auditorium
with West's minstrels. The company
arrived in town at noon.
Lightning killed five cows at the
farm of Mr. Bundrock , east of town
Saturday morning. A straw stack in
lhat vicinity was also struck and
The Norfolk Luiimber company have
added a fine new dray team to the
equipment of the company , which they
recently purchased from Ed. Cropper
of Warnervllle.
Oyster season has arrived with full
force and the delicious blvavles arc
now to be had everywhere in Norfolk
and in every style. The oysters this
year arc reported to be especially
good ones.
Conductor Brahman was taken sick
at Crowcll yesterday , while on his
run from Council Bluffs to Long Pine ,
and had to be relieved by Conductor
Leach at Norfolk Junction. Ho is
much improved In condition today.
Joseph Hopkins , owner of two run
ning horses which won races at Bat
tle Crook , has gone to the O'Neill
races. He owns Charles Mitchell and
Katy Dean , each of which won first
money. Mr. Hopkins lives at Hender
son , Neb.
At the farm of Aug. Nltz three miles
south of Hoskins , lightning struck the
barn , at about 8 o'clock setting It
afire , and It was with difficulty that
they rescued four of the seven horses
enclosed In the building. Several
harnesses , a buggy and some farm
machinery were destroyed. There
was small insurance on the barn.
The prairie chicken season opened
on Saturday in Nebraska , and dozens
of sportsmen have been passing
through Norfolk westbound , In search
of the speckled fowls. The prairie
chickens have been pretty well hunted
out In the Immediate vicinity of Nor
folk , but there are still largo numbers
of them on the prairies of the north
west that section of Nebraska being
now perhaps the best hunting ground
In the country ofr this game. Many
dogs have been In training at O'Neill
during the summer , preparatory to the
season which Is now open.
A letter from H. E. Owen regarding
the condition of his son , Chandler ,
who was Injured by a train at Lane
last Friday , says that the young man'
condition was found to bo more serious
than appeared at first , but the phy
sicians claim ho will recover unless
blood-poisoning sots In. Ho will not
bo able to leave the hospital for three
or four months. Ho was trying to
board a moving train when his weak
ened hand , recently afflicted with
blood-poisoning , failed him and ho fell
under the train , being struck and
lacerated by an oil box. He was taken
to Omaha on a handcar by men workIng -
Ing under his supervision at Lano.
Ben K. King , a reporter on The
News for some months last winter ,
died last night at Austin , Texas , as
the result of typhoid fever. The re
mains will bo brought to West Point ,
Nob. , for burial this week. The de
ceased was twenty-four years of age
and the only child of Mr. and Mrs.
John King of Oklahoma City , formerly
of West Point. He was a nephew of
Prof. Lawrence Brunor of the Ne
braska university. Mr. King was a
student at Nebraska university for
several years and later nt Columbia.
Ho worked as a reporter at various
times on the Omaha Bee , Omaha
World-Herald , Omaha Dally News ,
Dos Molnes Capitol and Chicago Tri
bune , nnd was a young man of unusual
literary talenL
Will Be Played at Oakdale Between
Nellgh and Stanton , Receipts to Go
to Fosbcrg , Who Broke His Ankle
At Albion on July the Fourth.
Nollgh , Nob. , Sept. 3. Special to
The News : James Jl. Gary died nt
his homo in this city yesterday after
noon at 5:25. : With the exception of
his youngest son , the entire family wua
present at the time of his death.
Mr. Cary was born in Saratoga
county , New York , October 13 , 1831.
Ho was decoadod from Quaker parentage -
ago and received a liberal education ,
and early In life engaged In school
teaching for a tlmo on Long Island
and afterwards in the suburbs of Cin
cinnati , Ohio. Relinquishing teaching
ho entered the University of Michigan ,
graduating ill the class of 1859. In
1SC7 ho published a monthly magazine
in Chicago , Ills. , devoted to emigration
interests , called "Iowa In 1807. " Ho
next located In Dos Molnes , Iowa , in
the employ of Rot. Clarkson of the
State Register , serving for a tlmo us
legislative reporter for that paper.
When the C. & N. W. R. H. built Into
Nebraska , and laid out the town of
Blair in the fall of 1871 , he located
In the new town and engaged In thu
nursery business.
While living In Blnl * ho was appoint
ed lecturer and organizer of Clood
Templcr lodges. While serving in this
capacity ho traveled over the entire
states of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyom
ing and Utah. In the fall of 187-1 ho
was married at West Point , Neb. , to
Miss Mary Mathews. To this union
were borii three children who with
the mother survive him. After marri
age he located on a farm near Beemer
and engaged in fanning and sheep
raising. In May , 1SS7 , he purchased
the Nellgh Republican. Ho changed
the name of the paper to the Antelope
Tribune , aud ran It as a prohibition
sheet. In March , 189S , ho purchased
The Yoemaii of T. 11. Pollock , nnd
then discontinued the publication of
the Tribune , and devoted his entire
time and energy to the dessemlnatiou
of populism. In the early part of 1905
he sold the Yoeman to Maurice Me-
Dermutti. lie next devoted his at
tention to the local telephone business ,
being general manager of the North
ern Antelope Telephone company.
No amusements as yet Imvo been
made lor the funeral services.
Base Ball Game.
A game of base ball has been ar
ranged to take place at Oakdale on
Thursday , September 13 , between Ne-
light and Stanton. This Is to bo a
benefit game for Carl Fosberg , who
fractured his ankle during the Noligh-
Albion game July 4. The entire pro
ceeds , it is reported , will go to him.
Old Settlers' Picnic.
The old settlers and soldiers' picnic
opens tomorrow at Riverside par ! ; for
a three days' event. The official pro
gram for the first day is : 9:00 : a. m.
to 2:30 : p. in. , going into camp ; 3:00 :
p. in. , address of welcome by Mayor
J. C. Jenkins1:00 ; : p. m. , short
speeches by old settlers and soldiers ;
7:30 : p. in. , address by Charles H.
Kelsey ; 8:00 : p. m. , ladles' quartet ;
cornert solo , Mrs. Shcnefeldt ; recita
tion , Miss Melick ; violin oslo , Miss
McDougal ; vocal solo , Mrs. Myrta
School Opens.
The Neligh public schools opened
today with the following teachers for
the ensuing year : W. N. Stevenson ,
superintendent ; Miss Ethelwyn Hand ,
assistant high school ; Miss Edith
Field , assistant high school ; Burt B.
Buttlei , grammar room ; Eunice Kiuh-
ardson , fourth room ; Edith Jones ,
third room ; Maud Johnson , second
room ; Ethel Burlew , kindergarten ;
Grace Warner , supply.
College Term Begins.
Gates academy opens Tuesday morn
ing upon the second quarter century
of the history with a strong purpose
to give to the people of this part of
the state all the advantages of the
Now Eagland Christian academy. The
following are the Instructors for 1900
and 1907 : J. E. Taylor , principal ;
Instructor In Greek and history , Miss
E. Sue Cooper , preceptress ; Instructor
in latin and normal training , Miss Ma
bel A. Ellis ; Instructor In English and
German , A. W. Medlar ; principal of
business department , and instructor
in mathematics and the sciences , Max
F. L. McCollough ; director of the
school of music , Miss Cora Morsch ;
Instructor in shorthand and typewrit
ing , Miss Mabel Ellis ; librarian , Mrs.
Cora Congdon , matron.
The applications granted by Judge
J. F , Boyd to become naturalized citi
zens of the United States wore : Gott
fried Whllnier , Fred Rlttor , August
Caratonson , Emanuel Bossard , Ernest
Bossard , Knut Mclby and Peter Nor-
den , all of Antelope county.
Real estate transfers for Madison
county for the week ending Sept. 1 ,
1900 , reported by Madison County Ab
stract Company , ofllco with Mapes &
Hazen , Norfolk , Neb. :
J. E. Cruin and wife to Fred Broch-
ler , W. D. Consideration $1400 ; lots
1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , block S , Battle Creek ,
Wllhelm Schwartz and wife to Got
tfried Klesel , W. D. Consideration.
$1500 ; lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and G , block 30 ,
Park addition to Norfolk.
Katerlna Vlazny and husband to
Paul Vrznl , W. D. , Consideration $ G50 ,
lot C , block 83 , N. W. Addition to
Sarah P. Beels and husband to
George N. and Cora A. Boeli , , W. Dr ,
Consideration $1000 , lot 8 nnd w o- '
feet of lot 7 block 2 , Mathowson's Ad
dition to Norfolk.
Gco , H. Onko and wlfo to Carl Ott ,
W. D. Consideration $3000 , lot 4 , block"
8 , Koenlgstoln's Addition to Norfolk.
Sarah F. Beols and husband to Ed'
ward E. Beds , W. D. Consideration1
$1.00 , sub lot 8 of lot 14 , block 1 ,
Pusowalk's Addition to Norfolk.
Sarah F. Beols and husband to Ed
ward E. Beels , Frank H. Bools and'
Clara M. Deols Hazen , W. D. , noM , of
Bw1/ ! and s'/A of no'/l of nwVi and s&
of swVi of no'/i and n % of soM , 10-24-
Harry Wetzler to Pearl M. Wetzlcr ,
W. D. Consideration $700 , o CG feet
of block 23 , F. W. Fritz Addition to
Carl Ott and wlfo to George R. Oako
W. D. Consideration $3000 , w of
nw'/i , 11-23-1.
W. P. Donnor nnd wlfo to O. D.
Hunter , W. D. Consideration ? 3GO , part
soVl of uwi4 , 27-24-1.
Nelllo M. Emery to N. A. Rnlnbolt ,
consideration $ fiOO , lot 12 , block 7 ,
Western Town Lot Co.'s Addition to
Norfolk Junction.
Llbblo S. Gow and husband to
Henry F. Barnhnrdt , W. D. Considera
tion $3100 , lot 3 , block 1 , Haaso's Sub.
lots to Norfolk.
. Ed Oshcn , Fred II. Davis and C. H.
Rood to Henry Peterson , Referee's
Deed. Consideration $4100 , part soVi ,
Samuel Hoyt to Charles Stoeber ,
W. D. Consideration $1500 , cV of
lot 7 , block 3 , Pasewalk's Addition to
E. G. Reeves and wife to Vaclav
Dvorak , W. D. Consideration $800 ,
tots 5 mid C , block 79 , N. W. Addition
to Madison.
Peter Rubendall and wife to Frank
Miolenz , W. D. Consideration $1500 ,
lots C and 7 , block 37 , Clark's Addition
to Madison.
Total consideration of real estate
transfers , $25,900.
Total amount of mortgages filed ,
Total amount of mortgages released ,
Member of Firm Decides That His
House Will Probably Establish
Branch Here Secretary Mathewson
Resigns From Commercial Club.
[ From Tuesday's Dally. ]
A wholesale grocery house will
probably be established in Norfolk
within the very near future. This was
the statemtnt of a representative of a
wholesale grocery house who vlslted-
Norfolk a few days ago for the pur
pose of insectlng the field and who
left town determined that it would be
to the advantage of his house to estab
lish a branch in this city. He will bo
back here the latter part of this week.
The repcresentatlve , whose name and
whose house have not been given out ,
made an Inspection of Norfolk in com
pany with D. Mathewson , secretary
of the Commercial club and It is the
belief of Mr. Mathowson that the
wholesale establishment will be
placed here.
The representative , while here , In
vestigated the freight rates under
which his house would have to oper
ate and he declared that , while the
rates arc not all that his house might
desire , yet the location of the town
more than offsets what disadvantages
there wore in this direction , and ho
believed that his flim would come.
Secretary Mathewjon Resigns.
Mr. Mathowson , who has acted
secretary of the Commercial club for
some time , handed his resignation to
the directors of the club some time
ago , because of outside work which
will keep him from Norfolk much of
the time , and his resignation is now
At the meeting of the club , there
fore , this evening the members
must come prepared to elect a now
secretary to take up the work. Mr.
Mathowson , who leaves for South Da
kota on business , will be unable to bo
present at this meeting.
Suggests a Public Park.
Ono Idea which Mr. Mathewson be
lieves ought to bo worked out by the
club Is the development of a public
park. Ho says that the M. & O. rail
road company 1ms five acres of land
north of their tracks and abutting on
the Nor'thfork river , which ho believes
the city might take stops to get for
park purposes.
The mooting this evening will beheld
hold at the city hall and a largo at
tendance Is desired by the directors.
Silo Was Struck , and It is Miracle
That the Fine Barn Did Not Bum.
The large silo at the rear of the
Rome Miller barn at the Junction was
struck by lightning nt about 4 o'clock
this morning. The cornice was torn
off and part of the roof shattered. The
bolt then entered the barn nnd tore a
largo hole on the roof and one side.
Luckily the hay In the barn did not
catch fire , and It Is a miracle that it
did not. but It Is supposed that the
rain stopped any spark that may have
entered the barn.
Try News want adn.